Newspaper Page Text
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_o, Ta The Voters of Montoomkhy Covntv : -
When 1 made my formal announcement as a candidate for tlio Legislature from this comity, 1 did 4^
not indulge in any time-worn phrases; neither did I rolled my own vanity by assuring the people that the T
■sr . .
county’s intcrosts would he better protected in my hands than in any of the > tiler prospective candidates at
■?r that time. I feel that the people are the sole judges of a man’s competency in this line, and that they will 4^
... ;(£
3T elect the candidate whom they believe w ill render the most effective serviee to their county, wulumt consider- Z
* *
ing his personality, age or other maudlin sentimentalities. -
* I do not believe that any man should be elected to a legislative position w ithout first commit- 4^
sjk ... . .
'■* ting himself on all issues before the people at the time of his election. Os course no one knows at this .
V *F
time what questions will be before the Legislature of 1009, the same being the lirst session in which the
nominee in this election will serve. We all know that questions of vital importance will confront the 4&
Legislature of 1908, but whether remedial legislation will be enacted into law, no one can imw tell. 1
T *
jto candidly believe that the next session of the Legislature will hardly be long enough in which t-o more than Jjfc
* make salutary progress, therefore it will devolve on the session of 1909 to ennet into law all m the correct i\e 4^
' ;lt
legislation left over from the session ot 1008.
W l am in favor of the strict enforcement of the state prohibition lmv; and, if the present law is
ineffective, then 1 am in favor of the enactment of such necessary amendments thereto ns will make it 4^
effective, lam in favor of the extension of tlie State Road to the sea; and 1 claim that in this manner
only can just and equitable freight rates be always assured to our people. lam in favor of memorializing $
Congress to pass rigid prohibatory laws against the landing in this country of undesirable immigrants. v
I am in favor of placing both solicitors of the Superior and City Courts on a salary <>l a sunn-ient size to L
always attract the best legal talent. By doing this the county will save practically enough in insolvent ;|£
costs alone to pay its proportionate part, of the salaries of these two officials. 4^
jl, If elected, 1 shall seek to secure an appropriation to care for the grave of that illustrious statesman,
George M. Troup, whose remains rest in our county. services to the State as Governor and to the jjf
Nat ion as a I’nited States Senator should justify an appropriation of sufficient size to beautify and maintain
his grave in keeping with the last resting places of other statesmen of his type. _
In conclusion, lot me assure you that if lam elected to the Georgia Legislature the interests of my
native county shall be carefully watched, and the best that is in me shall he exerted always fur its «d
---yr ' ' V
w vancemont. and welfare. Sincerely and respectfully, jv
Z ' portilas s. MeAimn it. Z
* £
•# ' *
—.■ -v —I ——— •
Senator MeLaurin, of Mississip
pi, has intreduced a I>i 11 which
] >r<tvi les, anions other things for
th" deposit of cotton in Govern
ment warehouses and the issuance
thereon of treasury notes to tho
amount of 70 per cent of its value
Jn casting about for a means to
relieve the recent financial strin
gency the Treasury department
searched for securities against
J .
which lawful money might be is
sued. Different classes of bonds
were admitted, but cotton was en
tirely ignoreuuntil until forced
upon the attention by the loud
protests of Southern congreessmen
and business men. Even then
nothing practicable was done.
Yet cotton is a great staple of
the I'nited States upon which the
country depends for its favorable
tTfiide balance witii foreign nu
'tions. Stocks and bonds can be
raised in every country, but cot
ton is a 1 mast exclusively the pro
duct of the Southern States and
is in demand the world over at all
Its superiority over any form of
security for banking or busis cur
rency, except Government bonds,
ought to be evident. Not only is
cotton saleable mthis country all
the year, but as already stated,
foroignenrs are also waiting and
ancious to put up gold in exchange
for the fleecy staple. It would
not lie an exaggeration tosav that,
cotton is the foundation of the
nation’s prosperiiy, in the sense
that it turns un unfavorable bal
ance into a favorai le one and
draws money to this country, in
stead of leaving debts to be paid
During the civil war cotton was
<x Lmgable for gold abroad,
w. i<‘h was more than could be
s i «if any paper security. The
i, ‘ild’s consumption has increased
«i "i inotisly since that time and
•■" 'on is still the alchemist who
is :able to extract gold from an
otherwise possioly barren market.
j No form ot security could bej
. 1 found which would he so surely j
i j exchangeable for gold, and that
• j without much delay. The ability j
.| of the fanner to draw 70 per cent
►\ of the value of his cotton would !
, tend to make him more indepen- j
dent, and would enable him to re-;
jeeive a more equitable price.
.'This would in turn increase the
amount of gold to be brought to j
this country when the cotton was [
There is no element of specula-1
lion in advancing treasury notes:
on deposits of ratten. The money !
| would be turned into circulation j
j instead of being hoarded by banks, |
ius is dime when the Government 1
places its surplus money on depo
■ sit with Wall street ;rmt allied in
stitutions. Its time fora now ;
• ! deal, and one in which the mass
‘ of the people would benefit instead ;
jof the money changers. The is- j
■: suance of notes based on cotton ns
: security offers u most favorublop
l i port-unity for beginning a new re
i gime in the handling of Govern
ment funds. Senator McLaurin
• . it on tin* right track.
This to notify all parties having i:
| demands against the estate of ;
Willie Gillis, deceased, to present j;
them, properly made out, to the ;
undersigned, or to I). I). Gillis at i;
Sop> rton, Ga. Tins Jan. 1, Ihoß. ;
Ada L. Gillis,
Onl v heir at law.
For Solicitor City Court:
To th" Voters of Montgomery Co.:
1 hereby announce myself a can- !
‘ didate for the office of .Solicitor of j
, the City Court of Ml. Vernon, lj
subject to the primary election to!
I).- held on the 20th day of Febru
ary, 11*1*. A. C. Safi-old.
— ; ——
11. C. Sharpe, M. I).
AILBY, GA., R. F. D.
General Practitioner. All Calls
Answered Promptly.
iii Glemvood, (*a. 11. F. I). No. I. j:
jl (At Benton's Turpentine Still.) ]|
I’’ Highest Market Prices Paid for All WintiT Hides, W• II Cased : j;
Otter, according to size, color and quality. $1 to $S
Bear, - • - - - I to H
Beaver, - - - - 2 tn'ti ]j
Mink, .... 7*>c (<> if 1.2 b ■ lj
Skunk, or Polecat, - - - 20 <■ to 7oc
Raccoon, ----- pie to bite Jl
Opossum, - be to 21 le |!
Fox, 20c t-o 6()o Wildcat, 20" to 10c lj
Correspondence solicited wit h prospect ive hunters and lra ppers. j;
:|: WITH or It i|
1 Hats and Furnishings. i
I ■ I
| Orders by Mail are Carefully
and Promptly Filled.
A complete Catalogue, covering all our ft
Lines, sent free upon request. |
B. H. Levy Bro. & Co.,
t*ts**-******4**t4 ********** * *•* ****** ****** t ************* t *.**** 4 * * ot*** * J
• * **4 ** 4*4V* *4 44 *44* **4** ** * A* *4*4**4*****444*«* 44t4f*44 4 *4 * i 4 * / / J|
© :©. ©. e '©.©•©; ©©© ©© © ©©©©©©© ©©© © © ©
I :\\\<>r\(T;\iK\Tß I
© J J J ' J ©'
0 Candidates l or Office in Montgomery County
'© ©©©©©© ©©© © © © ©©©© ©© © :©:© © ©;;© ©;
For County Treasurer.
1 ht ivltv annoinire to tin- uhifi* \f*ti -r< <•!
M ohtypnm Ty comit v llmt I am a candidate m
tin* omiihK <*tin ll .<i_nm tor the "rtiiv tit t’oiinti
Treasurer, subject tfi tiny mlcs and regula
tions that ninv he ado, ted'hy the white voters,
tin- I'cinociutir parly, ami nuimslly mdirii
tin* support of every *\liii «* void in ’ln
county. \ i i n n sp> cthilly,
•1AM1 8 .Mi lt MI I 1..
Me Arthur, tia.. Apt . T 2, I'.Hi?.
For County Treasurer:
To Ihe Vol 1 ■ i?* of Monljpmieiy ('nillit> :
I lid eby aliimuiift myself a candidate t«*i
ilu- ollit. t*l I’rt asiirt v «*f miitl • iu 11 1\ *t tin
, Mi-Nl IMTill elect it.ii. Hllhjeel to tlir lu-li-m <t|
! a white primal \. I lie support of tVm oiu*
1 is kindly solirih <1 anil will lu- appreei
atetl, .1/ 1 1 spt ft 1 1 111 \.
.1. \\,
KOK TllKAsrillOK.
This ii'.m•miei s m\ candidacy for llu «»lli«•«
•>l TieasiU’d nl Montgomery onmils', sul j.t i
to any rule* and regulation- that may he pro.
\i• h* l l h\ the l'.\t t-olivt » itumiittt *4«*\< 1111 i»l;
lilt eleelittii. 1 promise, il t lecfed. In ftl I ill
-11111 > ;*lll hnlu-slis pfll'UlU all lilt ill! ti« H ill
etlio I *<itl Upon lilt as sileh nllicei.
IJ e> I tee I till! s .
I. I' \l.l,.MtiM>
Kor Tivusiiror:
Itv I In* st»l J eil»i ion ttf hit mis I limbs an
■ loiniet II ii euudidat* l*r lie nlhe. ol
■ County I’l'eil HU' el , KUbjert I* • lilt aelit'll t'l lilt
1 trill- *el'll It* pi N "I Mnlllx III* I N eoinitN,
pl'elllisi ll I h t-leii I" HCI'N • lilt' people h» lie
iteal tis my ability. No\. .till, I'.miV.
C. I>. An \ MS.
F(>|{ Si I KIM I- I .
I leit hv iniiminiiM it* ion friends anil tie
ni/<its nt M outcome in county licit I am a
• .iulithih I*»r llie elViee •t| Slienil Ms radii
tlaey is suhjeet In Mleli Miles a* t| le^llhltion,-
•- limy I**: adopt* «l hy lie- r* pilar primary I
tVaut lie • lli/o ami will hm- all hncotabh
•neaiia to li«* t leeletl, ami piara ih-* a lai'hflt!
of tie diil l« k I** l* •p i I*trim *I, iI
mvi*|'«ml \n l(h tie- ••lllt'e. .la - A l'.arlnsv.
Fok Siiicuii i'.
I hereby nil lii «li 114*< - my eaieliihe v I’.n the
•lli.i t*f Sle rill *t| Meet Mtieei.N C..1111'- .tile
it NI eleelittii. subject lu whatever aelion may
*t* taken hy ihe In-uiot iai it i-.N* t uin i • ’ *in
• lilltf of the founts./ I have icel s*\.|.»l
t ill rt * Npe. i lief v, 1 1 Ii I lie a tV. 11 * t.| lie ulllee,
*'tn illj_* s; i vi'• II• • r Home him .tH«h pu*> "le i
11. ami will, il i lethal, perform lie 'line a..1
lit other hi tie la si nl ms alt filly I'm -up
tell til lie people fele 1 t||\ l Hollritfd
• line I’.MIV. Ilaoi* I V Morriaon.
i or Sheriff:
I In reby unnmimt m\ til a candidate fm
he I dl'cr t.f Sle liM "I I/-*llloin I S Cmiiiil v,
ilhj* el I• i lie ;e‘li"li»tl lie I><im"l a I It Ivor
alls. Cnmmillee, ami pruioise a fai'liliil p i
I'm mil 111 e 111 lie «11111 1 4 n| He- ..lie t ill hfleil.
Vein Vt i s II Ills .
S. A. Csi l|t»l
I or Sheriff:
I'e llie Voleraof Mniil; ‘tillerv ('oiliilv
t his is it filial alinttuOffineoi <•!' ms fainli
lacy for lie- ollice of s'ln-rilV <*! Ihia fouels, e*
on rtilhsci vieiit hi He rill* h Hell ma s l>* pin
ch H |>\ lilt executive (*< lilt 111 i t I el lie cotiuly.
IMe itllt-i inj4 ter He p!, • fei linj' lltal ms
Np* lit life in |ln sst.rh ipialilie-t lie lm hie
lilt I. rt el lie e||i<-t svhleli I I* Hpei.'l fully .• I* ill
Hit hall Ih es ms ft Hess eili/a im M s el.t le net
lit .Inl y is all ' els pit t|;;t 11. aiel vs title I appn
i.iit-iiidhl earni-K*ls lie upp'*rl atr< ails Miesvn
iic .| r. speeds a-k a eenl mill t| nippm I Mllii
H itt Itt illHlire 111 ' e|ee| jell.
Vi ill’s I rill s,
.1 SMI s 111 I I I!
For Sheriff:
I’e (lie Vet fIH e| Hlf (’oillll,V *>f M • >1 1 1"< Mil' »S'
I am a eaiclnlate lei r* ' ieelieli h* He elliet
I>l sliei ill es I mil j'eiie i\ f * ll . l l y. I-• liie,' dial
ins pa a* e-r. if justifies ICS lliee. Hid Hill It
I i- not. iiflsiuu ion nilieli al Hie liaml-* el He
j (.tuple SV hern I have nt l Veil I■ ■ lit* If *1 *<l CIS
! ll.lilts . M sv.i l. has tvt r l»e#-n «l hy a
I -teiine el *lii v y. svhi ii I a«ain preniis* il I inn
faVOl *• I sm Ih Ihe oflire.
Voill’ ehetlielll m l V 11111,
A. J I>i in if.
For Slim-irr.
I’e He Veters es v i Nniiity:
1 herehy aiineillle*- mynelf a . amliflate fm
IC nllif of Sliei ill es sanl ee.ioly, Milhj. fi i.
Ho -action of He Ih Ilnurs . led on. l ie >op
purl of the Sul. i at in kindly H .le-i ■ il.
till will hi highly nppl’eeia h'l. ll elect* *l. I
sill m-rs«- iln i»t o,»h with diligence him I c|--edit
I t the ollit f.
Veins truly,
Am s O All is i ri .
Kor Sin rifV :
|t» lit* l*f"ph t.f 1/ . ihpuie i s Ce'iots :
Ana candidate' lei He oilier of .Him i If, I
n spt ftliiUy aHi tin siippei’t es Hie peoph -
. »ally. Willi many yea i s’of puhlie m*>i 1., Il* « I
fitpa l*le nl euiiflml ll»K • lie al|air« es Ihe ofjiee
if I mo favored sviih it.
lit spec (fully.
W. 11. Ks I’elll.MK.
FOlt TAX 11 1-;< ’KIVKU.
le aceei dale* ■ sviih vein il-Uill dlHtoni es
reps«•» iiollit-« feu He m ont| I. nn, fam a
.•a'lillHalf for the ollit ■ es Iterrj; »r el lax
: Ih till im at He elcflien, promisine He
i a tlie rare ami «111i*4*•!»/'#■ svjiieh have ehara* h*l
i/t d uiy past work in H < efiii-. kindly piv. u
im-. musHii*' thiil I may liav« your
s .lined ailppert, I fin
Vein «ihe<lieet hi i s aid,
\\ , M. Oi i i.v .s.
Jt, tlo voters es Hmilfonm -y count; :
U the nt dc 1 1 a tied Imy f»en*U. I her*-hy
uimoii:»'■<■. my ealidi lai-v fei the *»lfit •* <»f |V\
j lleecivei es Al t >f< typ mu |'y county, Mllhjtef h»
Hie aelieil of Ihe IkiiMM iati- I' . I'i-uni
-1 ill# it elected, so nerve ill* peoph- le Ihe l»# *
■<f my ahilily.
W. Hi s'hi Ci.viik.
/ or Ref)resento tiee.
I an imilirr im a i-andid/ite lor l»« eiast eta
' live in the fieneral AxHelnhly fieiil thih*o>inls
ill tile next I’l hours'.
j>or<»i,\s s. \umi i:
For Solicitor City Court:
Wlnh many fiends are asvare that lama
call tldate lei th*' S'.ll ll'ts lop es ihe • * l l *
Cmirt of Moillil V* IT' Ml a' tie appu.a Ini ;/
I election, this car*l m to fully iof**rm my st,|
perh-i h and Hm- v*ii( i s • ♦,* rally **l M
tiv <r«»Miify that 1 am art i v-H\ m Hit* ia* • f m
lie- plait f' take occasion j<* Hi aok I li*»-e \s h
in advance have tendered then uep/»t; *»ed
while Holinfieji tie fill Hii'* ailpjieit of lie
pi .id* of M<*nte<»tini v fount s , I ..--nr • ms
full t lint and attention to th o|Jr < ii I atu
favored with it, Mvt .neli !ac> «..hjt•••» t** ««uc|i
rules ;ti< m.iv he adopt ("I hy tie- Ik lieiei.illf
I'lxi cniive OoinriiiMt c.
k, C. I
For (Inlinurv :
Ms *• in«l it lacy lor re-(-h*di»iii ttj thoofiiceof
4 rdniais i" herehy* innieum ed to the voters of
is«mmiii ts . With foil sipprcei H ion
ol past his t»rs, and r*‘Npi (‘lfully Rftkln*' further
int* r. si in ms I*, half timing iln* I
am Very truly,
Ai.f.x MeAirnn i:.
h’l h* lsc|»r»*.scntnt iv<*:
T«* M \ I Vos Citi/tns mid Votcra of Meiit-
This is 1.. niaki mined .ninoiinccineiit of my
caiitlitla.-y ter l!**nn-scntntivi- ol rv
relicts iii sh te iu-ral \rtst < iuidy, find te asl*
tie support of nil. Ii lil M eh clftl, the hesi
int* h -is i*l tin- people »)t my mitivc county
snail hr lei t most i,i the line **t duty.
1. W. (i.i si j;.vr.s.
For State Senator:
I herehy mmmiiiiT' my si It a raudidate for
•ni Seicii-' In ni tins Ho ritteeiith .s‘cnut*»i ial
I ‘isl lift, suhjeet It* Kin'll iielieli as tic lhims*
•in ti * * party may I like with r< l« mice to the
'leiuinatieo id n s(mUm. I « mncHtly Hoheif
file Mipcoi t .*1 the peoph-. and il elected 1
j remise to discharge the duties ofthcoOice
ie tin St i s heHt of my* iihility*.
Uckpert t 01l s.
M slu r s I;. ( scuoi v .
For Judge of City Court:
I" Ih* Voters e| Mi nt;-, iy (’entity:
I herehy ainiiiiiiKT myself u cnndldftte for
, •Itiu-.-e ol th* t ity t.'oiiri of Ml. Vernon Hithj. c(
lollmaclieii td lie l)emeiviitit l'liniHiy. 1
promist, it i locted, to the duties of
| ilict*llh'ote tie hirtt of in y ability.
\V. L. W
lor Clerk of Superior Court.
i I o the W lute Vet. ih of Mont joinery Ceiicfv:
, l his auiiouuctv my candidrtcy Im* tho idtice
el < Clk .»! Hie .*'llpe| iel* t 'mn I es BT oil I IV
Ulity . Kllhjcct le »s hiltevcr I til* n ii d repjilr
line - mas I*. |>i ■»\ i• 1•. ihv lie* Kxeeittise (V»m*
mitt• *, .a ■ inc. tiie electt.*l». As n native
of iiie coiiidy, ssdh mi amhiimn to Hervc her
people il Hit ahevo Cllplicits , I .isklln Up}* it
el all s- ti>. *i faithful tlir. of
dutieH iiicuiiiiiciit upon the oi ic<*.
Yours v. iy »i uls.
T. W. Mor.ciH.
For Clerk Softer lor Court:
. With tl>i i -to es Ho- .Monitor, I iinncii re
insh• It a nnitliHati- jer r* t lec n»n l*» ihe ollo*o
ol i Hell* "| He sm t urn ('mu'' ni Moid£om* iy
counts :11 j».-t I.* lip l union of the Im-iiio*
tia Hr l*rimnrs, I«• he le Id ii i neh lino* hh Hid
ptils il. . i.i h. H. Has leiwlel"!*' filhd
Hu «»Hi«■«■, lam iii »i«*»i:• lily u< ipmiiiUd ssiili
all Ih. 111111« -*iifll •> 11 m lit opt it I tin f«lar* I
iiiuintl.i t| ;; rate In I to my likcil. for their
pa -1 -iipp. a l Mini pi* till IHe, it fa sored ssjth a
• «ilit milliner I»| lie -licir, le »11 -«* inti all I hi)
«111 11 •-M el lie "(In le the hew! "f icy ahility.
lit Spit I lulls Vt 111 | .
Jell \ ( ' ( 'll.Mill N.
Fn:* (-h’H; <»1 S111>• < -niirt:
1 'l'e ill! \'et» I * es Moiit'eliP I'. < 'ell 111 s ;
I in I* hs auneilli't mss* II a e imlidlite for
I ('ll ik el Hit .'llpiliel (Mint, silly cl to llio
net mn e| tto In mot rain prillllirs. Iprefni%n
II t-let-l t-d i< i til -• hi i. * lie tlmir-H of tin* o|li‘*d
le lie ie ( e| cis ability. TI. Hiking liese vs |»0
ssiil snppei t nit-, vsilli HMsiiiHnei Hint tip* huiilO
will In appreriiited, It. 11. Husuvai.
lor County Surveyor:
I aipiin eiV* i my rt i s it*. - it* th* 1 people of y
mil is *• ft. Hill N Cl He- tapie-ils et (amnfvSn •
\f ,s or, tin- posit ion I am new filling, lr»- pit
h*ii • Hi it ms "kill ain I ix p< 11< nr*- in Hu* Work
will ssnitiuit ins r* (pc- t lei it iliction. nml
He iiiiinner in *shieh I Imvc tlisclia the
dull's ol the el lift nu-rll tie- support of led
p'ttph-ef 31 on tm - iiiM'i s tennis. I hacking all
I'll past. H'lppel C ami .-kin: the MUIIP al Hm
Hppr'our eh-fiinii, I am
VtmiH unly,
I**. It. MoitniM.
- - -
Fur Ti.x Col Ircfor:
i‘ti Mectpein* ry (’eiiidy Vofeis:
W’liil. ms f .tcdclacs le- ic • n known t»» the.
people |.»i seine line . till- Is to (nils phe-c
ms -*♦ •11 l*t f**i< in*- voters of Ho* county imi
uuidnliii■ I*.i He «*dif»• es Tii\ Hollr*.*u.r. I
dcsii • Hie ettife and if lien st • ffe» i will ((aill
ii. I am hefeit He voters, ssitli iiut re upprt -
fl Itnn. of par I fav• *i s hisl'ivSid. tin;
cu'iipa past and the * ie* n**sv on.-
Vt i s r* s, ret fully,
J ss. \V. AI»VMM.
F* »r IH \ (»1 Iff lor:
To the 1 iti/criH of Montgomery Hoijuty:
I InK'hV UliMMincc in,* candc'.e * for f'c
t-let Htm to the efii• *• el lax Tnlbcfnr, sid*jo*-f
•t* tie Htriiefmle- oiimais, pieiuisin- if
• Irrit t| |e faithfiiliv my duty.
Ii Vi \ pin Wot i*
Fi.rTi.x Uct-t’iv. r:
f . n-spec toitipo it fit*m many s*»urccs,
I li.i' by phe t ins ♦if hi fei* the vetd* es
cut'/olio is f mity a■> a 'andidute f»t /'ax
Itereiver, a• oniii'4 th*m **l my n[*preciati**n
of a n-i Mi i i **fti ■* . svhim* I promise P• fill w iih
• aril* -ho ami ami racy, if | uni pci nilttcd I**
set s* in hITHi a rmmeify. As a lift citiz* n
t*l lln - ftinety, I eul*ni-Mtly ilrk (lie stlppei I e|
all. Voiii s liuJy,
<i Al. < hriikiisi il it.
I or Sheriff:
I’e He Vet* I’M of Moutgone i v (' *mds ;
I In-leh .ini'oii'ii • ms *-ll a candht'iff) l*»r
III" * *llif • <»t Slo •dV es H>< ill relicts, r.tlbj*-rtto
llitatlleii el He liiiciiy Th**ti**U, Hcd I es
peetfully a-l. th* snppoi l es Ho v<*tcM **f the
> only If tam »-lt ct« t( 1 pr*» to till all of
III* doll*' of He -Ml* ritt s (iftiro us the lu W
tin* is. Yoiirn truly v
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