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■© WOMI&WM ;©<
I announcements 1
'© J J J K J 'O.
'q 5 Candidates For Office lit Montgomery County
-• :©::©; © ismaMUMM IMMMNMIM
For County Treasurer.
I hereby aim niiii i.t the liitr* voter-* ol ,
Mto 1 county that lam :i Oil .liil.ti* in i
Hit* coming «\ ion for tin* office* ot County
Treasurer, subject to any itiles and Tabula
tions that may be- adopted by the white voters,
tin tii-niocratic party, and earnestly solicit
the support of every white voter in the
county. Very respectfully,
McArthur, Ga , Apr. 22, 1907.
For County Treasurer:
To tho Voteis of Montgomery County:
I hereby atinni*m-e myself u candidate for
the office of Tie., stiri r of said conn tv at t:ii*
next bem m! ifeetii.n. subject to the action of
a white primal y. 'J lie -upport of every one
is Uiudiy solicited and will be highly appreci
ated, .1/oat respecttully,
J. W. McMillan.
This announces my candidacy for the office
of Trcaauror of Montgomery county, subject
to any rules and regulations that may be pro
vidi if lii the F.xretiii\ t Oommitti e governing
the election. 1 promiae, if elected, to faith
fully and honestly perform all the duties in
cumbent upon me as such officer.
K. F. Allhond.
. .
For Treasurer:
)?y the aolioila'ioi, of tiiciids I hereby an- )
Itounee myselt a lanibdate for lie' oiliee ot
County Treasurer, sllhjeet in till. Belioll lit llte
Di iii'u ra in primary of Moti’fpuin-ry enmity,
pnimiai gif elected to aerve the people to tile
best of my ability. Nov. nth, 1997.
0-b. Adams.
I htreby aiinounci io my friends and the .
citizens oi Montgomery eon ity Unit 1 am ii
candidate for lie office id Sheriff. My eiunli- •
daey is subject to nneli rules a d regulation*
a- may be adopted by the regular primary. 1
want the fii't* and w ill use ail honorable
means to be elected, and guarantee a faithful
ilisuh.trgo of the duties to bn performed, il
favored with the office. Jas A. Fallow.
For Sheriff.
1 hereby amioiimv my uamliJauv for the
oftj-'t* of iSi'iorii] '*t \l«int;<o!m*rv iVmiit vat the
m*xr election, subject to whatever fiction may !
b. taken by the Democratic Kxeeutivc Coin
mittee of the county. I have l»H«l weverul
yeiiik (experience wiiii the aftVii'K of the oftlco,
ietvinpf hi i veil for Koine rime nM deputy slier
ill*, and will, ii elected, perforin the dutioH «»f
the office to the b* si of m> ability The Hup
pin t of the people generally in nniicited.
Juiif 20, IPO7. Daniel A. Mormon.
For Sheriff:
I hereby announce myself a candidate for j
the .ifiice of iStieriif of .l/oiitgomerv County,
subject to the action <>l tin Deiuoemtic Ex«»>
ulive Committee, and (n<»inim> a fai’hlul per
formauce of the duties of the oflieo if elected.
Yours very truly,
s. A. Calhoun.
For Sheriff:
To the Voters of Montgomery County:
rilirf in l jiunoiineemeiit of my randl
dai*\ for the office of Nhei iiV of tliiw county, to
h, sibservient to the rules that limy be pro
vided bv the t \eciitivc comnute ofilie county. I
lam oilering tor tie place feeling that my j
experience in the work qualities rue for the !
duties of the oflice which I respectfully ask at
tin* bate<h of my fellow citi/* us. My obedience
to duty is already pledg* d. and while 1 nopr* -
ci He moat earneßtly tin- siippnrf already hiiowii
Die, f ivHpeetlv ii contium-d support nuiUi*
oieni to iiibtne in v e|e, tion.
XtKMii truly,
Ja M i:n Ulster.
For Sheriff:
To the Voters of the County of Montgomery: \
J ,iiri a l andidiHe lor i« -(deetiotl to the Oiliee
ot *>iu i ill ol lontqoirery county, b iding that
my past seryic- juKtilicK my nice, and that it !
is not. asking too much at the hands of tin*, j
people whom i have served to the best of. my
ability. M work ban tv. r boon guid* d !»v a
biiihc of duty, which I again promise* it lain
favored with the «»tii< e.
Your obedient servant,
A. J Dt arif.
For Sheriff.
To the Voters of Montgomery County:
I hereby announce myselt u. candidate fol’ I
the ottiee of hlu iill ol said county, subject to 1
the action of tin* Primary elect on. I'lie sup
per: of tie* voters at large is kindly solicited,
an I will be highly appicri Ped. Ii elected, 1
will serve* the people with diligence aud credit
to tile office.
Vo ill's truly,
For Sheriff:
To the People of .'/outgone i v County:
Asa candidate fur t lie oiliee of .Sheriff, I
res: tidily ask the support ot thepeonli gel •
erally. With many yeat sos public wot k, I fuel
capable of conducting the attain* of tile office
if ! am favored with it.
7iV spectrally.
W. H. Kitchens.
To Montgomery County Voters:
It, : eeordane'e with your ii-na! custom of
conferring office for the second b rm, I ain a
candidate for the offic* of Reei iv. r of Tax
lb torus at. tin * "iming election, proioismg the
sal 11 e cs re and diligence which hs v*- dial lie ter- !
ized my past won. m t''c offices', kindly given
no . i usttng that 1 may again have your
Tallied support, I am
You; obedient servant,
VV. M. Outlaw.
To the ' ot< aof Montgomery county;
At tt.e Hohettati'.ii f lily trend.*, I liepehy
announ. r my eandi biev for the ollic** of tax
Jtbceivei of Montgomery county, subject to
tin action ..f the Democratic Part . Piotuis
ing if e|< cu d. to servo the people to the host
of inv ability.
W. Hf.vkv C'i.vrk.
For Representative.
I .motin. e as a candidate for KepresC'lita*
tiv* in ill- Gem nil Assembly from riiiacotinty !
in the li-vt I'liiilarv. I
For Solicitor City Court :
While in.'i..l- f 1 i* Is an* aware that I sin a
can ;i l,t ih Soli itoisbip * f ilo* City
C u of Uo iii! V* riei.i at li.e appi..aching
(■:, -I. ,r,, tiii , 1 1- so fully my sip.-
" js.r ... an 1 the * .lei s generally of Montgoin
cl . :nt e ill ■i I ,"ii in-' , *•!v in lie la. * for
the . • I t.’ a-i "ii l ■ thank thus, who
ic ad', e: iv. ,*. udei* I theii suoport: »e*l
S|, - • In. f.tllii.r of the
i>. noiitz-. iery e.,.,nty. 1 assor irty
full 'i ,n an! a t* t|o*i to :b- office it i am
fa . or-*1 w ■ il. 1| v * nrh js -y s.ibji*ctfo sueli
riilis a it.av I. i l ee.c l by the Dctiiociatic
Elec.i;i\v * om .
ii* spci-tfnlly.
L. C. L’sdeu.vood.
1 To the Voters of Montgomery County*.
1 have had a laudable uiilultlon to servo hs
judge from early boyhood* 1 hereby announce
myself s candid.-.te for Jniige of the City Court
of Mt Vernon, subject to Hio Miles aud :o
quiramc. Is of the Democratic Primary to he
hold February 20, 1995. I solicit the support
of all voters, and promise u lair and impart ini
administration of the utile.* it elected
Wm. It. Kent.
For Ordinary:
My candidacy for re-election to the* office ..f
I'rdiuaiyis hereby announced io the voters of
A/.iitgoineiyc .uutv With full appreciation
ot post favors, and respectiully asking further
, interest in my behalf dining the campaign, 1
am Very truly,
Alcu Mc.Vtnim;.
For Roprcsputiitivo:
: To M.v Fc.loiv Citizens and Voters of Mont
gomery County:
Tins is to unike nnuimnccnieiit of my
1 candidacy for llepresoutatii'o of Moiiigonu rv
j county iii the General Ass. inbly, and to ask
! the support of all. Dram elected, the best
! interests of the people ol my native county
i snail bo iorciuost io. the line ..I duty
i. W. Clements.
| •
For Rcprescntalivc:
To the Votes of Montgomery County:
[ I hereby announce myself a candidate tin
I liepn son tali vc of Montgomery county in the
! next General Assembly, sul.j et to lhe net ion
| of the Democratic Executive ('oiiimittm .
CMOS, S. 11 AM 11 TON.
For State Senator:
| I hereby uni.oimee inys. li a eamlidiite for
i tin Seiuiie from this the Fiitoenth .N'emitorial
| L'isiriet. subject lo such action as the Di nio
; srntie party may take with referen.-e t., il.,
noiuination ot a senator. 1 earnestly solicit
the support of the people, and if elected 1
1 remise to discharge the duties of the oiliee
to tlie very hi st of my ability,
M viicph It. Caliioux
For Judge of City Court:
To the Voters of Montgomery County:
I hereby announce myself a candidate for
Judge ol the City Court of Mt. Vernon subject
to the action of tho Democratic Primary. 1
promise, if elected, to dtseharge the duties ot
the office to the best of my ability.
W\ L. Wilson.
For Clerk ot Superior Court.
To the White Voton* of Montgomery County:
This announces my candidacy lor the oiliee
of Clerk n| the Superior Court of Montgomery
county, subject to whatever rules a.:d regola*
i (ions ranv be provided by the Executive Com-
J mittee, governing the election. As a unlive
j of tin* comity, with tin ambition to serve her
people it the above capacity, I ssk the
of all voters, promising a faithful discharge ol
duties incumbent upon the m ice.
Yours very truly,
T. W. Mounts,
For Clerk Superior Court:
With lliin inHuoof fiu* Monitor, I itnnouwr
iiiyeHf a cuiuli late* for ! <■-< U » u<*n to t|i«j ollic*.
of Clerk of Mio Kupcrim* Court of Montgouici v
comity, Hutijcct to the n/Ti<»n of tlie Dciuo
, uratic* Prinmry, to bo luM at such firm* tli*
.pm t v <h‘t in bent. Having )«<-1 winl.ti tllie*l
j tliiM nliift*. I am thoroughly a*-ijtc«int• <! with
I all tli*- clulH K ( iiiMiiiibeiit upon iho plaei*. I
j amiiulcod grateful to my friend* for flu ii
‘pant Niippoit, and promiKi-, if favon-d with a
j cootintißtiFc of ihv to discharge all lit
i datiuH of tin olfirt* to flic Im-hI of my nbility.
1U HpeeUuUy vour*’,
John C. Calhoijn.
I For dork ol SiiiKtrior Court:
To the Voters of Montgomery County;
1 hereby announce myself a candidate for
• Ch ilt of tin- .Superior Court, subject to the
J action ot the Democratic primary. 1 i*niini-.*
if elected to discharge the duties ot the office
; to the best ot mv ability. Thanking those who
| will support me, with assurance that the same
j will be appreciated, D. It. Guajia.m.
For Comity Surveyor:
I again offer my services to the people of my
native county in the capacity ol County Sni
vel or. the position I ant nmv tilling,
sun* that my skill and ixpurieoce in the work
I will warrant my request for re-election, nod
| the maiinor in which I have discharged the
duties of the office merit the support of the
i people of Montgomery comity. Thanking all
; for past support and i.itjri:; "the same at tln
approuching election, I am
Vouis t.iuly,
is. 11. Mounts.
For Tux Col loot or:
To Montgomery County Voters:
j While my Candidacy has been known lo the
people for some time, this is to fully place
myself before t tie voters of the county ass
candidate-for the office of Tax Colleen r. I
| desire the office, and if honest < tl-nt will gain
j it, l too bcfoie the voters, with sincere appr< -
‘ chit ire. of past favors bestowed, during tin*
campaign past and the nice now on.
Vcty rtai ectlnlly,
Jas. W. Adams
For Tax Cnl lector :
To the Citizens of Monlgnmci y (anility:
I hr-reliy aioioiinee my candidacy lor r<-
: election to the ofii- t* of lax Collector, slihjcet
jto tin* Democratic oiimoiy, pioiniHiug if
I elected to faithfnllv discharge toy duty.
Il .Vewion Wood.
For Tax Rr*c<*iv<*r:
In response to requests ttmii many sources
I hereby place myself before tho voters of
Montgomery county u« u candidate- for fax
Receiver, assuring tin in ot mv tippi ecmtiou
of a term i*i office, which I promise to till with
i earnest tics*- and accuracy, if I am pci rnitt* <1 to
| serve io such a capacity. As a lifedung eitix >,
of this county, I < arnestly a.-k the support ot
all. Yours truly,
G M. t;.
For Sheriff:
! I'rj the Voters of Montgomery County:
j I hereby announce myself a candidate foi
tin* office of Sheriff ot said conntv, subject to
tlie action ol the I’rimary Eh etioii. and ics
pi-ctroily ,:-k tho support ot tip- voters of th»
c .'ality. If I sill elected 1 promise to liil nil of
the duties of the Sheriff s offico as the las
directs. Your* trnlv,
( LAVTOJt Monius.
Money to loan nt G and 7 }K*r
cent, on improved farm?.
A. ii. Ilrrr RL.-oN,
Mt. Vernon, Ga. ]
For Solicitor Cltv Court:
To th»T Voters of Montgomery Co.:
1 heiv'iv nniiuuiu'o mysoll n cati *
diilate for llte oiliee ol' Solicitor of
the City Oourl of Mt. Vernon,
subject to the primary election to
he held on tho SOtli day of Fchru
. ary, lUOK. A. 0. Haffold.
For Di«i*hnrgo.
<lr.Mfflu —Montgomery (.ouoiy.
Whereas, J. R. Uclgnr unit
Wilkes, executors of tho osi ato oft
i Solomon Wilkes, ropmuni! to th«H
; court in tholi peiilhm duly lJletl and |
! entered on record, that they hove)
P fully discharged the dilfies of -aid I
e\eoiuor-hlp and pray to tie dl.»*j
charged from -aid set s ice o,i the .
Monday in Felit imry noxr. ThlsOfhl
day ol Jaimuiy, l'.sts.
Alex McArthur. On.l.
1! i
< ieoi'gla Montgomery < ,'oimty.
Whereas, 1,. It Mci.elllore and VV.
11. Sharpe, executors »>f llie last will
and testament ol t ' ('. ( otlin. tepie
seni ui i hi- couri in llicir p«»i il inn du- ;
ly tiled and entered on record, that :
iln -y ha ve fully disc I target 1 1 lie dudes
incumbent upon them during ,-ucli ‘
executor- hip. I 111- is ! hereferp to ci;<* j
nil pa rl ios concerned to show cause j
1 i within l he lime allowed by law why !
-aid npplii a'ion should not he grant-j
| eil on iln* first Monday In February (
next. This January (ith, links.
A leX MeArl lull', Old.
For Discharge.
<i FO ROIA —Montgomery' ('utility:
The pel ii ion otH 11. Women, ad- 1
' lii'pii-iraior of the estate of Parks j
■ Mcßae, late of said county, deceits- j
eil, duly filed and entered on record, i
represents io i in* eonri dial he litis J
fully adminisieied said e-iaie and I
| prays lo he discharged from said ad
ministration and receive let tors of
dismission. Haul application will he
l heard til the regular term of the
( oun of Ordinary io be held in and
j for said county , on the llrst. Monday
j in February, next. This, .Inn. t'fih.
1 ; 190 M. Ai.kx McAuthpu, Old.
Sheriff S«let.
Georgia Montgomery County:
Will l>». s. lid hdiiie the eetli't I Mills e iloer io
Mt. Vriiiou on Pie first Tiiea.lay in I'd'.,
P.KiM, !m tivuen the legal houra of to the;
j higlM-m bid.h r for •••toll, uertnin pioperly, u; j
| which the following is a complete .Ire.s'iiitiiui: '
One Mallary saw mill, complete, i
' i .Said machinery being levied on its |
do* property of 11. !,. Soars, to salt-- ,
j fy an execution issued from Ihe city j
court of Mt. Vernon against the said
j 11. L. Httars, in favor Mallary Brotlt
; ers .Machinery ('o. Wiiiteii notice of)
levy given dcfendimi. tt- rtajuireil by j
law. This, January Tib. Ithis.
! A. .1. Jitirch. Sheriff (J. C. Mt. V.
J*: I*. Mallary. i
IM. it. < nlhotm. » Aliys, for I’llff.
Sheriff’s Sale.
t Georgia -Montgomery County:
Will 1.. sol I befon the com t houao (loot* in j
Mt ViT mi tin* til si l uosihty ill Fob., |
190 S, bet ween tlo legal hours of aalo, .0 tie 1 ;
liiglicst bid.l. r tot cnsli, ctnain property, ol* t
wliieh the following is a i oinplcte ■!< -elipiioti*. !
All that or parcel of land lying t
j situate and hong in the IdStJih IM-- •
nid <l. M. of -ai<i county and hound - j
.■il as follows : ()nt lie norl h by lands
ol Yimughlond. east Ity lauds of \\ il- ,
; del* Phillips, south by lands of .1. K. |
Phillip- and d'hompsoii, containing |
one hundred and forty-throe and W- .
100 acres mote or le-s, and known a
ja part, of the Joe Phillips homestead |
1,, vi.-d on it- the proiieity of Wilder •
| Phillips to satisfy a II fa Issued from j
( the s ii pci ior court of said < hr. in fa v or t
oi Tin- Rank of Vidalia and agiiiust j
| the siiid Wilder Phillips and others. ;
! Property pointed out hy plaitdiff in
\ li fa and wrliten notice of levy given
defeudani. This the 7th day of.lini.,,
I'.tUH. A . .1. Burch.
W. F. Wilson, Sheriff M. i'*
Alloruey for Plaintiff.
Sheriff Sale.
ieorgbi—Mmiigmu‘*iy Comity:
Will be sold before 111* eoill t liOllßl* .lotvr il*
! Mt. Vereoii on i|i» first furaday in Fell.,
j I'.MIH, bi two.-ii the legal lioura of aale, to the :
l.igest bidilis fur cash, certain pruper'y, ot J
whivh 'ln foliowiter in n complete <l> tu*ri|rtiou: ■
All of I*ot of I/amt No. .'ll.'l situnte,
lying and hejiig in tip* 1 1 1 h lit n<l tils
) iViet of said county mid -into. Levied
on a- lo* properly ol 11. I*. t«ay, to .
saiisfy ,*i superior court ff fa in favor)
of ihe F'anners' Rank of Clenwood
! vs !!. f*. (jay, H. A. Peace and X. FJ.
Harlow. Said property being now in
j tlo* [ o-~essu)ii of Joe <• rnliaiii. Writ
i ten not ice of levy v* n defendant ,n •*
retpiire**d by law. Till-, Ttlt tiny of
Jaiiiiarv, 1 w. A-J* Hi'itcrt,
Sb:o iff M.
Sheriff - Sale.
i ..*.,iyi.t —Montgomery t ounly:
Will lit noi l »*. r.. 1- ill! eoiii i boils*, door id
VI.. V'Tiiom on il.. lost Tie *• lay io Fet.ruai},
P.ltJh, iiclw eeii thv legal lemin of »ttl< . lo Hit
! Ingle at billilei for . .-**» tutu |U*o|M I ty, of
wiueli the following is ti Complete d*,*cripliou: )
One 2.T hot se jiowftt boiler, of (lie:
Fob make, and one 2o horse power.,
.engine of ihe Watertown make. Haiti 1
■ property levied on its the properly of j
II I*. Sears, to satisfy an execution
is-ped from thc.-hy eoutl of Ml. Ve
rnon, in favor of Vug. Schmidt A: l‘b.
v*. 11. 1,. Sears. Written notice given' required by law. This,
Tib day of .lam ary, li)0H.
A. .1. Rrj.CH, .Sheriff * . Mi. V. ,
Jones «k npaiks, Aliys, for Plffs.
Gt-otgi — Montgomery Comity:
Will In* moUI helot .* Ihe court lioilufl door it*
'.lt. V.Tttonou tla- iir*t* j'm-d.o lit Felimaiy
p>.«, 1,.-’ . . m till: i**g.d liollrs ot M ill*, to tie*
ingles' bid.lei for ea-li, Cert.i in pi .piily.i.f
.hi-li tie* folioiiiag i- i eianplei* .li-e i'iptioii: '
■ tin.' No. ; Fir k *-..«* Mill ami fixim- i* nail f
Or. 20 11. I*. Frick engine and le-iler. Hm.i*l *
j :i»prity levied on hs tlm |»top‘*rt.v of J. A. I
I*rtx ... I*, .. uiortgage* hfa i#»iit*l iroiit '
the Git*.* Court of Mr. Vernon iti favor of J. IV,
.1/ *ilit. oi ngati.Mi ilie *-*i*l J. A* I'wV'.n. Haiti
property h-ii.g iiuietiinery ami ol th t eb»;ae
i t thatTnak.s ii expcimive and difficult to;
tranapoi't . ill not l*e . xpone*! at the court j
, ii.oise toi mm!.*, but will !>< m'»l<! by the *loxe*i|.- :
I t|.»i> ah <v • <..t out, mid punbisols to«y io-F
I »p.** ! 'll* ~llll* .1 a.. y lime l»ef..r<* acl* in tb<
) place Mfli. ic the in#; in loealetl. 10-wit:at ihe .
'mouth f Line «um Gi i. i. on the premi«e» ..f .
I VV. I. I*. 1 ... Kiev near M'. Verio* i. On.
A. J. i‘i it -'ll, <
I L. G. L'N'DLhWOOD, Hheriff.
An* rt*e. . 1
Ot couw, u good nnmrt-- come*
lir.<t oji the list of desiruMw/umt
we will say ot the start tlukt frvnry
parent owes us « hoondeu duty to
| their offspring on honest, upright.
) eharaetor as the hssie sfoitft, for it
iis a lamentable pity for children
| when they uiust glow up without
; reapeet for fat bar or mother anil
i with real reason to he a*ln*iiied of
}cith«r of them. , „
An lioii“st name any man can
: leave to his offspring, if lie lui
any regard for himself or them.
|The Bible tells as a good nainr
: lias exceedingly value above riches.
Next to the good u«uie, the
; child should It- nisdt- to work, d>>
; regular task*, u* u preparation for
1 the fur ure. Indolent ri»h people*
are truly demoralizing, and a •
! child without hit hits of industry 1
l is u standing menace to the pub- j
lie wealth.
“Au idle hraiu is the devil’s)
i workshop,” and there was noth-,
: iug truer ever writtou as a proverb.
Os comae, chihlren are not horn
• tola; fond ot work —it. i* not
i amusing to thr ill, hut they must
• ho disciplined to obey and to per
fonn t heir nihil ted tasks eachtliiv. !
These tasks are not obliged to he
heavy, hut they should lie regu
larly required and pel formed with
alacrity. Perhaps l might have
stated my second proposition
clearer, it' 1 had said the nest host
legacy is the habit of obedience
oinong the children of a family,
and with the Word obey associate
the word work as proper family
It is permissible, l suppose, (.••
; allow a small child to domiuoor
over its elders before if acquires
; the faculty of speech, but exper
ience proves to a demonstration
thin the happiest children arc the
most, obedient. Early learned
submission will he the most heip
ful paid, of any child’s training for
usefuiiices. Therefore, sensible
parents are apprised of the nece-- ,
»it.y for oliedienee m their chil-!
dren because their future hap.'*'
ness depends upon it.
The lather who succeeds in
truining Ids hoys to obey and to |
work has done for them t wo things
t lull money cannot buy or which
high position cannot ohtnio for
.Such habits of obedience and
industry sre as necessir.v »» t.hev ,
are invaluable to the possessor for
limy corns in [day every day of
their Jive? as a restraint on pas
sion or carnal appetite*. A late
writer in discussing thi-t •nbjer.T
declares that money i* a deadly
gift, to descendant#.that il destroy*
energy and etlectt|rtlly weakens, if j
n doe* not entirely emaciate the,
growing man. A legacy of wealth
lo an undisciplined youth is
almost cer ain ruin, but i see no :
reason why a well trained, oh - ;
dieut -on cannot carry on th
plan* and purpose of a rich, «.-n- |
sild<- parent.. It is tJi* neglect of
noportunity and the abuse of
privileges which work diaujiter I"
heirs of inheriv>d fortune. It is
irue that honest, well-meaning
men, good fathers and upright
ciiizens sometime* make p .or
iinnnciero, and iladr money will
s|»p away like j< thief in the dark,
hut if the honest man and consien*
t ions father l.ii* instilled into his
son a respect for integrity of
character with induutnoas habits,
the lose of the elder man’s money
will not >vork harm to the young
er beee.uwe hi* hoiioc i* built on a
rock and can withstand the storm*
and financial panics. To sum it
all up, the he»< legacy that cun go
to oucV children i* a good name
and good principle*, combined
with energy and industry-
Mrs. \V. 11. Felton.
AcclßcwUlly kUk4.
Herijhroko, <h»., Jan 11—Harry
Logan, a well known young bus
iness mini, wm* accidentally shot
w hile taking hi* gun from the bug
gy, dying in two hours, lit* wan
n Mason, also member of the Jun
i« r Order l/inted American Me
dia me*, and leave* a mother and
u half brother. j
|~DRT KBfiSO ? S 1
1 regard Dr. King's New Discovery as the grandest medicine of
modern times. One bottle completely cured me of a very bail
cough, which was steadily growing worse under other treatments.
Mt. Vernon I)nii' ('o. Ailov IMumiiiiev.
« 1 * •
(Jenrgia --M mil got mu y ( i muty.
To all whom it may coiuuu n .
Frniik Muri is«nii having in pr.ipcr
1 toil)i applied io me Ini Uu Id ..I ail
iiiinlsi.tatioii on ilie i■ - till.- nl .1.1..
Moni-mi, Lite of said i-oimiy. 1 1.■
censed, ihls is to cite Jill and ingulai
ihi- credDar* and nexi "I Ui ll ol -aid
deccn-cil lo lie ami appear ai my of
lice within llir lime allowed hy law eaii.-c if any ilu-y can, why
-•aid adminiMnr ion should mu lo
gran Iml a*, prayed for. Witness my
hand and ofl'mial signaluro ildsi'.ili
day of Jan.. I'.ms.
Alex McArthur, Ordinary.
Atl in inis Ir a tor’s Sale.
(leonrin- Moidgoinery I'ounty.
H\ vjn lie of an order of ilie ('.mil
of Ordinary nf Hit id eouniy. will lie
j-old u' pnldie noiei y on 1 1 1.- Mrsi
; Tuesday in Fcbrtinry. 1 '.ais. at the
ieoiirl house in said comity lid wen
Ihe usual IIOUI- of sale (lie folio illg
real esiaie silualc in tin- 'an and
enmity aforesaid: All ilia' trad or
pared of lano siiuioe, lying.and In
mg in iiii* ISnmli disiriei (!. M. of
said eouniy, lioiiiided m.rili hy lands
of Fd Love, (-asi ttv .1 • i n I ,.>ve. -.mi h
by Walter Me( rimmoli and W'e-f hy
•lolni Love. e. ml ain log In tide-
or less. Terms endi. Till- .Inn. li,
: ItHW. It. I' - . Me line.
Ad. Kst. .)..lin It. 11.
HH%%Vi%H%%%iUUH%uuuvu viunv-mtuiu vuuvu vmuu vvmui
| B. W. PAUL, \
1 («l( l ll\VOO<l, < «!l. U. I'. D. N <». I. \
| (Ai l!<'iiion ’« Tu i"| h * 11 1 i in* Si i I L) |
I Pi'll WILLS \\ ANTKI).
1 f 11 iirlK'xt M uiket I’ririM I’ il l I'nr \ll \V inl■ rll ul< ,\V -II •' is< •> I : j
: j (tl I cr, j»in il 11 ijj 1 11 - 1 /'■, ci ilni .i nil <|mi iil v. $M • > s^'S
| Hour, - • - - ll«»H l
| Iti'uv r, - - - - - I," ( >
| Mink, .... V-'.c in $1 2n
j Skunk, nr 1 '<>l<•<•!! I, - - - tn i•><■
ll.U'Cn pll, - - - - - I 1 *!* In .)'!<•
: * o|>nhrilim, - - - ■>'' In 'J lie |
■ | ].’| >x, tn nOc \\ 1 1 ’l<* <ll , I'’ t'» ll I’’
< '|||Tl'“| H 1111 i<•| ■t * • •>< il If 11 1' I’All ll I >l'* •- 1 11 ■< *II\ 1 1l 11 11 1 1 I . I till I I \l |!|>i'l'rl, J
‘ >
with oi i: I
.OK 1
Hats and Furnishings, j
I Orders liy .Midi nre Onreliilly |
J Mild Prompllv Filled.
i .
i; A complete Catalogue, <*o\< k riiit** all our |
Linos, soul fret* upon request.
B. H. Levy Bro. & Co,
I (i K() 1>( iI A -Mopt gouptv count v.
Nolico l s hcl'chy given to till
creditors ol the cstllle o| A. .1 .
Mason. I,lie ot said county, de
ceased. to render in an account ol
their demnnds to me within the
* time prescribed bv law, properly
j made mil. And all persons in
(leliled to said deceased are fe
ll lie. led lo make immediate pay
ment l o |||e undersigned.
1 Tills lhe 121 h day o| |)ee. |<M>7.
A niiii' 1 .. M Asnv,
Ads I'. slate A. .1 M as. ui.
(ieoigia M old gninei'y ('mill I\ .
Nl O ice is Ia i. hy gi veil In all d'eil I -
• lol's of 111 e-t,'He of ('.('.( oltill Itllc
i of -ai.l comity deceased lo lender In
;■ till acconiil of I heir d inn ml-, lo us
within III.' lime prescribed hy law,
propd'f.' load.' mil; Mil l all poisons
Hide'll cd I o . a ill (lece |• ed il l e Ie
! i| lies 1 cd lo make j 1 11 1 1 led 111 I e pay iiO'lll
lo II I e II inlet signed . Tills Ilie mil
i day of .Inn 'ui ry. I mis.
1,. 11. M c 1,. no n e and \V. 11. Sharpe,
I ,M's. ..I W ill of ( .( '.('..liin
Buy a (ihumville 1.0 l right now.