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77ie Masonic Installation;
Address by Judge Martin.
Ljjst Saturday evening's Mason
ic celebration in Mt. Vernon was
a brilliant success ami was attend
ed by a large number ot' visitors.
The installation of the officers for
this year was conducted by Col.
W. !>. Kent, acting as Grand
Master, and was a very attractive
feature of the evening.
In the absence of Worshipful
Master-K lent .). 0. McAllister,
Judge J. iT. Martin was presented
as a substitute and had the oath
of office read to him in honorary
style. The other officers were duly
installed, lion. -I. F. DeLacy of
Kastman act ing as Grand Senior
Deacon, and in this capacity his
work was very impressive.
Following tlie installat ion serv
ice, was the able and impressive
talk by Judge Martin, in which he
gave much of .Masonic history and
virtue. While the Judge is a pa
tron of the Holy Royal Arch and
News was received here last
Friday of the fatal burning of!'
Mrs. Catharine Taylor at her
home near Vidalia Thursday last.
Sim died Friday morning.
Her clothing caught lire and no j
one being present sin' ran out. intoj
the field and fell exhausted. Her 1
cries for help were le-anl bv
hors, who ran to her assistance,
She was o 1 years of ago amFleaves
six children. 1
She was a daughter of the late,
Duncan Hughes, who passed away j 1
July fth of last year, and leaves a j 1
host of relatives and friends to j
moitrs her sad deat h.
The Glennville 1 n vest ment Com
pany is making preparations tor
the division of their real estate in
Glennville otr February -lr*t. ac
cording to contract with purchas
ers of lots. Under the plan every
purchases of a share is entitled to
a lot, whether it be an improved
or unoccupied lot, and these will
be assigned in the division on the
first Monday in February.
Since the suspension of one of
the hanks in Glennville some
comment has arisen as to the
safety of the Giennville Invest- ;
'men Co. We learn directly that
this rumor is entirely unfounded,
and that the affairs of the com
pany are in proper shape, and
that all their contracts will be
carried out to the letter, and pur
chasers and prospect ive purchasers
of their property need have no
fear of irregular treatment at the
hands of the company.
Remember that the division of
the property will come off Febru
ary fird. Many will attend the
division from this county, and a
large crowd is expected to be tlTere
on that date. A few more lots
remain unsold, and if you have
not made contract for some of
the property you may miss a good
thing in the way of.a business
deal. Co.-ts but •f'-’o. to enter the
division, with alt the privileges
of securing some of the property
on most liberal terms. See the
contract at this office.
Montgomery county candidates
are putting in tlc*rr last licks, po
litically speaking, fur the primary
which is to decide their fate is less
than a month oil’.
As vet no candidates have an
nounced t•»r tiie office of coroner
and but on-- for the office of coun
ty commissioner, Imt it is proba
ble that both of these offices will
have candidates in the field with
in a few Js;, ,
uJltf fHmttiumun*;; monitor.
|u«student of Masonry, his talk
; j gave evidence of much study and i
•j it was well taken by both the i ;
craftsmen and visitors. It was
• | full of historic interest to they
visitors, while to the fraternity it ;
! enlivened the standard of excel- 1 !
• lonee set by Grand Master Hiram ; !
,of old and other patron saints of ;
the order.
Col. DcLncy gave a winning and ; !
spicy talk on the time-honored/
subject of Masonry and paid Loan- ;
tit ill tribute to the virtues of they
order, such as his oratory alone;
cun give. All were pleased with
• 1 1 i s tal k.
. After theoxereises came the oys- j
ter supper, which was enjoyed by
■ all present, Many visitors werej
present from the Glenwood Lodge,
besides visiting brethren from ;
other points, and every feature
combined h> make the occasion n
brilliant success.
We will begin a meeting at
Higgston M, K.Yhureh on tin* first
Sunday in February, to run for
several days,for the betterment of
spiritual conditions of all Christ
ians and the salvation of sinners.
Kvorybody is invited to attend.
Rev. F. 1,. Stokes of Wrights
ville will be with us to assist in j
the meeting. We will a! t-t * ho 111 i
our first quarterly conference on i
Tuesday, the 4th day of February, j
at Higgston, and as this is a new
work, just formed, we want every
official member present at our first
conference on the work. Come,
brethren, and be in your place at
t his conference.
C. T. IJicKr.Kv, Rust or.
Last Saturday the Victorians |
held their regular business meet -
ing and then proceeded to elect of- j
ficers. We elected IVarl Collins l
president, Florence Hogan secre
tary and Ida Yeomans treasurer. 1
I’eari Kdwards was appointed
censor, Marion Adams critic and
Bertha Mcßae door keeper.
We elected Naomi Brewton,
Florence Hogan and Jessie May
Peterson as debaters in the com
mencement debate. On account
of the absence of several of our
members, we had a very short pro
gram, but the following program
was rendered :
Vocal solo by Naomi Brewton.
School .Jokes, Camille Adams.
A Piny, by Annie Ingraham and
Anna .Morrison. This [day was
much enjoyed by all. Then we had
a piano solo by Elsa Cowart.
And debate —“Resolved, That
Women Should Vote/'—
Affirmative —Imogene Aohorn,j
Minnie A lit. Negative—Ruby
Mason, Marion See. The judges
decided in favor of the affirmative j
side. I .MOOEXK AcHOKX .
J wish to call the attention of!
all my friends, especially those!
who patronized my business at
Ailoy, that I am now located at
Vidalia, Ga., at the Odom drug
store building, situated near the!
depot, on Church street. 1 shall j
be more than delighted to havej
you Pall on me at my new place;
and will take pleasure In showing 1
i you my spring stock, whether you ,
wish to purchase or not.
Very truly yours,
(Miss) M. E. McNatt. !
Mrs. Smith of Ainericus camej
over to Mt. Vernon a few days I
ago to enter her son, Ray, in tier
U. B. I. Mrs. Smith will be ru
ne-m be red as Miss Beulah Ruy of
Blackshear, a visitor at the home
of Mrs Ifiggs u few year- ago. j
Doubtless most of our readers have seen something
of th<‘ new postal regulation which provides that nil |!
subscriptmns to any publication shall he paid I ;|
tain periods, else they will not lie counted as h innate
subscribers and will cause the payment of a higher rate |1
of postage by the publisher it -u*»h copi. are sent
through the mails. •;
This regulation applies to dailies and monthlies, |l
] as well as weekly papers, and name-a dale lor all. ;|
I The new law provides that a weekly paper cannot be e
sent at tin' regular rate of postage longer t loan one year lj
after the dale to wliieh the subscription 1- paid, and ;|
that all copies sent beyond this date will have to have e
stamps affixed at a rate o. four times a- high* as the e
rate now in effect. j!
Tills law is put into effect in order to protect the
government and llte public from illegal humis ol pub
linitions—that is. papers published oul ol the com- |l
mon 1 1 ny of ni'Wspaper- 11 nd magazines, and intended j|
fur advertismg and other purposes,and not eonloniiing n
to the common postal pitvilegsas intended by the gov- ;j
ornment. THis law is not to deny the publisher the b
rurht to extend credit tor his paper, but il il is sent
| beyond the limit prescribed w ithout lining pa id for as j|
b a bona fide subscription, the additional postage must
I be paid.
We trust this is plain enough. Plus law was to j|
have been put in effect January first, hut additional
time lias been granted, in order that all publishers may
have"! 1111 cto impart the information to their patrons ]!
!; and adjust their subscription books accordingly.
!> The regular subscript ion to this paper is one dol
|l lar per year, payable in advance, and in order to eon- ;!
form to the new postal regulation, we shall begin at
once marking off the names ol all subscribers who are
;! in arrears for inure t ban a year. It is enough to send
; | the paper on a credit, but when il comes to paying a !•
high rate of postage in order to keep up this charitable
e practice—well, we will simply not do it. Uncle ;|
|! Sam. we thank you. o
;! If t here is any feat ure of I his new law a subscriber e
cannot understand, please call at your postollice and jl
vimir [lost muster will be glad to explain lor your in- |j
| format ion and edification. j;
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Mules, yes Myles. Mcßae A’
Rro. have thorn for quick sale.
Hear Miss Tailing lecture, 2od
and 21 ill, Ailoy, Ml. Vernon and
llio I'. 15. I. Sin- is a t alon f oil
lady and will please you.
Mrs. George Gore visited at (lie
home of her undo, Mr. S. l’>. Mor
ris, last week.
See our Knihroiderios apd Laces.
Rogers-A da ms Millinery Go.
i Miss Norlai (Joloinan came down
from Mucon last week < u account
of ilii? ill ness of 1 1 <• r mother, Mrs.
,1. I>. MeGullough, who has reeov-
Ci'(d. Miss Norba returned Sun
! thing in slock to he sold cheap.
Mosel times Rogers it Adams.
Mr. C. It. Williams of Soperton
was a visitor t<r Mt. \ ernon yes
An election for school trustees
in ever” (list net in the county will
he held in each school district on
Friday, February 7th. The elec
j rion will he conducted by the t rm
-1 tees, whose terms expire on t hat
l ’
No matter if you foot is a little
large. Mel£ueou can lit it with a
j handsome shoe. He is showing a
i dice assortment of large size men’s
I-dioes and is selling some ot tie
finest' makes for one third price.
Many Montgomery county far
j mers have begun their plowing.
Indicat ions now point to an curly
Xeoed a Baby Cloak? See our-.;
i they are to he -old cheap.
Roger- A- Adams.
,J. A. River« «fc Son of Glen wood
have a large supply of fresh gar
den and field seed. See them also
for cabbage plants. /
i Judge 1), K. Palmer ol lliggs
j ton was in Mt. Vernon yesterday.
iHe will hold his first session ol
con rt 1 oiiioiTi (\v.
I lon. \V . A. Wooten ot Mcßae
: was a pleasant visitor to Mt, Ver
non Tuesday.
•’ i
Mr. Tny Parker, a sen of Mr.
.1. \\ . Parker of Liberty comity,
is now a student at the I . I>. I.
M rs. .1. 11. Morris and daughter,
, M iss'l'.mlelle. of i.oiigpond spent
Tuesday with tie- Ia mi ly ol Sheri It
A . .1. lilirell.
Judge .). B. Geiger let I tills
morning for a business trip to
Glenn villa. 111 e 1111 ville i- now an
interesting point. The properly
owned by tie- Gleimville Invest-'
lildit Co. i- to be dl-l l llnited to
the purchasers February Rd. It
you have not bought a lot do so
before the I- t.
i Gm ready for planting by pur
eha-ing your supply of fertilizer!
from K, T. Meßndc A' <!o., Aib-v.
They an* sell ing Armour's lligh
(irade Fert ili/a is to I In- larna-rs ol
; thi- sect ion.
Ho not lei the spring come upon
:u- without planting out a few
shade t fees.
Mr. L. M . G . St abb-of <ai tijdeii
■county was a visitor to Mt. Vcr-
I non ole day last week. lie is a
former oil tz n of this place and
lias here many friends.
I >r. Glia-. 11 ieks of I .'iiblin ea m<
(|own Tuesday and will spend a
: few dav wit il rehit lyes.
Col. K-ehol Graham of Meßa*
was over Tuesday in connection j
wit h th<'auditor's case, Kent v-
Callioim. which wa- settled, co-t
--ot court to b<- paid by plant ills.
Col. W. I*. Kent at landed l . S.
court in Savannah today.
News Paragraphs From
The Week of Events .
Wreck on A. B. & A. ,*
Tyrone, tia., Jan. —A tele
graph pule with one end project-:
iugover the rails and the butt se
curely anchored against a tree
stump near the track, derailed a
enlist met ion train on the A. B. A
A. railroad noar Stop, Ga., killing |
two men and injuring four more, j
Rockefeller to \\ inter in Aui>nsla.
Augusta, tia., -Jan. 17—One of j
the finest a tit ninoli i les ever seen
here arrived at the Hampton Tor- J
race today, consigned to John I*
Roekcfeliar, w lei will arrive in 1
week "f two to spend the greater
psrt of the winter. This is his
second season here and one of the
Ihi tigs which hrings him Icicle is
1 hCHine golf links at the Terrace
and Fountrv Club.
Oldest Atlanta Person Dead.
Atlanta fost her oldest person
out lie ITtli in t lie deal ll of M Is.
Phorme Alfred, who passed away
at the ripe old age of 98 years. !
leaving to mourn her loss chil
dren to the fifth generation She
was born in I’atihling county in
INK) and at the t ime of her deal li
lacked only t wo years of rounding
the century murk. When she
came In Atlanta it was known as
Mnrlhiisville, and I’euelitree and
Whitehall streets were rough I
country roads, and Georgia still i
lived in deadly fear ol o! attacks
frum Indians.
Attempt at Lynching in Alabama.
Dotluin, Ala., Jan. 'JO—Tin* ne
gro, Grover Franklin, who lipd
night was taken away from Sher
iff" But Id* and sw nog to » limb,
and as tin* mob thought, rid
dled wit h bullets, is again in I In*
hands of I lie law wit li a chance for
recovery. The mob was so close
ly followed by officers and luw-j
u biding eit i/.ens I hut they did not
have line* to get lie* negro out of
tie* corporate limits and hurriedly !
-t rung him up. A. (.. Faulk, see-:
i*i*iarv* and treasurer ol the oil
i company here, wjiom the negro!
' slo t. is not. seriously wounded.
Al :i congregational meeting "I
i,l l #-• members ul I lii‘ I ’resl»ylori.'il l
cli 11 r> •11 Itirti. Sa ill hi 1 1 1 morn i ngf, 11* •v.
I!. 10. Stnnl' 1 vul r. nn.sH.** wa*
imlliml to till I liii< |i;i si urn 1 1- uni il
i In* meeting ul tin- Fn-sbylery in
I In-spring. .
Mr, Si ii 11 1 <* y whs here some
weeks ago nii'l great Iv r pleased lll
hearers. Il is uni knnwii w1 1 <• 11 ><• r
In. will accept l In- <• ill. Fur Huv
-1 months i In- church ul i his
pin'-'-, ;is \vi-ll ns ilii- ui iii-r clinreh
i-s us I Ins group, have Ih-i-ii with
• till ;i
in Sal(‘.
\V<- have bought mil Mrs. .!. \\ .
Murrisiiii’s stuck us Millinery ami
;ir** going lu sell ill H great reilu*--
t ion, in order l<> eel ready fur our
!new goods. Kv-ryl hing at a b«r
igiiin fur i lie next fifteen days.
Mi;.s|»a>ll-:s ItooMts A- Adam-.
M I . Vi-I Ill'll, < ill .
An elect inn will In- held at each
school house in Muuignmery coun
ty on Friday, February 7th, frum
I o’clock t<> I o'clock p. in.,fur l lie
purpose of el*-**4ing a t ruster- lor
each schnol ru succeed the trustee
; whose term will expire at that
lime. Th is elect ion will he con
ducted by tie- trustees of the re
spective schools.
Ity* rof the Hoard us Kdu'-a
tion of Montgomery county, <>n.
<'. I’.. 111 T* IIK SOX,
i t'. s. t:. M. >
1)0 nut pill "If the purchase ul
fertilizers ton late, tin and s**e K
f. MrHride *v Co., Aiiey, al mice.
They will make von tlie best price*,
uli high-class fertilizers.
Married in (he "Middle of the Bi* Road."
Slntoshom, .fan. L'tt—A unique
weddiuy; look place yesterday near
f'uluski, w hen Bev, .1. B. l)i\on,
accordin'*: to appoint ment.met Mr.
SumptiM' Johnson and Mihh Kthel.
Akins in the road in a bugey and
married them. This is said in lie
llie first- “middle of t lie road"
wedding that has ever happened
in this county.
Dead Easy i» (iel a Wife.
Montgomery, Ala,,.lan. I'O —lie-
cause la* advertised lor a wile,
Samuel Ming of Bullock county,
an a,ned hul well to do farmer, is
receiving more letters than lie
knows vvliat todowitli—more than
dud. The old man is deeply in
earnest ahonl a rih and now that
he has a chance to fret one, he is
at loss how |ii proceed and has
called in his triends to assist him
in making a selection.
How il Works iu Itiroiin^liuoi.
Birmingham, Ala., .lan. 2<>—
Prohibit ion cont inues to knock
out lln- police court. For the past
week the total of cases was Its,
against an ay-race of I'dll, and on
ly six were lor 'The
'street [jiinj; is disappearing and the
revenues of t he court a re
almost nil. lieesseincr and Kns
-1 ley and oilier towns in industrial
Alabama, nil of which went dry
on Jan. Ist. report the same de
crease in crime and conceal com
pliance wit ll t lie 111 w .
Wife Horsewhips Another Woman.
Wavoross, Jan. I'd—This after
noon Mrs. .1. <l. Harbin of Augiift
ta, w lie of J. ('. Harbin, a line
| man employed by the Southern
Bell Telephone II Dll To log I'll pll ( Jo.,
caught Miss Kiln I'alLerson out
driving with her husband and se
' vain ly horsewhipped her. .Miss
Tatiersnn is from Savannah, has
been here about a year and holds
>u position as n |c|i l <■r a I the
i exchange. Mrs. Harbin has inst i
• tilled divorce proceedings against.
| In r husliand.
The Al i. Vernon Hank is distril -
using to its natrons one us the
'handsomest, and must useful sun
vein I s w e )I;| \’.. ye| seen ,
11 In 111 the nlui [»e Ilf il scillsk ill
purse, well made and e-nilains the
i names of I In- liank’s oflicers. It is
a most appropriate gift.
The Ml. Vernon Ifank is one of
i In- must, nourishing institutions
in I bis pari of I he slate and its af
fairs ar*- in most excellent shape.
Illiiring lie- money panic, wlm-ii
many oi l In- country hanks fell
| flie strain, I lie Ml. Vernon Hank
| had more cash than all the hanks
in this .seei jon combined, as was
readily shown by its bint <piarter-
Iysi al emi-nl, issin-d in Ifeccmbcr.
(isirdcii Seed.
I (io lo A . .1. Iti v-rs «v Son for
Vonr garden and licit! seeds. \\ e
have a complele line,such as Bliss
Hot al' a-s, l-.arl v !!<*„'• H-itatoes,
Hurler Se<‘*| (la ts. It list Hr-iol tlals,
Seed H*-a llll ls, Union Sets, < nl.-
huge Fluids, t ill or write tor
prices on t'abloige iMaiits. \\ e
have th'- b'-«t plants on tin- mark
et. Mail orders solicited and
prompt attention given, (’all and
sen tin or write and we will express
them to yon.
Your* torn prosperous new year,
tiled wood, (ia.
For Sail*.
A No. I good Muh-r a gout I Milk
ji!*»w and ('all and a Two-Horse
\Vagun. Applv at once to
ts Mt. Vernon, Ga,
Z ‘ 5
£ OF >S
i. Sl.oo PER YEAR 4
ft 4
NO. 36