Newspaper Page Text
$ g
Sheriff Searboro brought to Mt.
Vernon last Saturday night Eli
jab Boyd,charged with the killing
of Vesta Smith, a white girl of
Ohoopee, last Thursday. The boy
was immediately arrested and giv
en a preliminary trial in Toombs
county and is brought here on ac
count of the unfinished condition
of the new jail at Lyons.
The boy claims that the killing
was accidental, but has told a
number of conflicting tales con
cerning the tragedy. There is not
supposed to be a witness to the
killing, but a single-barrel shot
gun was used. One statement is
to the effect that the boy was
walking away from the girl, with
the gun on his shoulder, when it
was fired and on turning around
he saw the girl full. She died al
most instantly from the effects of
a full loud of shot.
Young Boyd has a brother who
married a sister of the girl. And
the dead girl has for more than a
pae figured in an ugly charge un
der which a man was kept m the
jail at this place for a year.
New York, Feb. I—“ Not guilty
on the grouftd of insanity.” This
was the verdict the jury gave
Thaw for the murder of Stanford
White. He was cheerful and hap
py as he said, after being commit
ted to Muttewan, the state asylum
for the criminally insane, thereto
remain until a lunacy commission
shall determine him sane enough
to be released: “I will be out of
here more quickly and easier than
I got out of the other place.”
Asked for an opinion concern
ing her impressions as to the
ing of the jury,Evelyn said •.“Con
sidering everything, the verdict
was very satisfactory, all we could
expect under the circumstances.
Further than that I must not sny
• anything, my lawyer having sos
- bidden mo to talk.
The verdict was arrived at on
the ground that Thaw was insane
when he committed the deed. And
so after all in fulfilment of thous
ands of prophecies, the gold ,of
Harry Thaw will eventually' pave
the way to his freedom and he will
come among us again with his
swagger and his strut, his milli
ons and his mania—steps are now
being taken to that end. Had ho
been a poor man he would have
been shocked to death, buried and
forgotten a year ago.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
The appraisers appointed upon
application of Abbio L. Mason,
administratrix of the estate of A.
J. Mason, for a twelve months
support out of estate of A. J. j
Mason for his seven iryimr child- |
ren, having filed their return, all j
persons concerned are hereby re-|
quired to show cause'if any they'
can at the next regular term of |
this court to be held on the first ]
Monday in March why said up-;
plication should not be granted.:
Tins 3d day of February, 1908.
Alex McArthur, Ord.
~ ’ " rTm i
Georgia—Montgomery Countv.
Whereas, John L>. Stafford repre
sent* to the court iinhis pefition.duly
filed and entered on record, that he
has fully discharged the duties of ad- j
ministrator on the estate of Georgia '
K. Stanford. This is to cite all per- j
sons, kindred ami creditors, tosjjow j
cau-e. if any they can. why said ad
ministrator should not be discharged j
from it is administration and receive j
letters of dismission o.i the first Mon- .
day in March, 1908. This 3d day ot 1
* February, 1908.
Ai.kx McAbthcb, Ordinary >l. C.
Col. P. W. Williams and Col.
C. UVSparks were visiting mem
bers of the Toombs county bar,
Tuesda v.
3b? iHmttijmnmi ffcmiior-
Washington, Feb, B—Four8 —Four hun
dred men most, of them nooompa
. nied by thoir wivek and children
. are beating on the doors of con
; gress today asking that somet h ing
r be done to secure the remstnto*
.' nient in thoir positions n& tne
ijchanics in the navv yard. There
.! were pitiful scenes enacted. Men
j desperate in the face of no work
jand no wages pleaded with their
representatives; women terrified
’ for thomßolvos and their husbands
! wept bitterly ft* they asked for
| relief.
j Last Saturday we had our regu
! lar business meeting. The Presi.
i 1
ident appointed a committee to
! order seed and plant n bed of the
j society flowers.
Then we had almost a complete
. program.
j We had a piano duet by Naomi
I Brew ton and Florence Hogan,
|rending by Maggie Mae Lee,
piano solo by Pearl Collins,
i Chorus by Naomi Brewton, Mary
•Coleman, Maggie OllifT, ElsnCow
isrt, Nettie Mosley, and Snilie Mae
| Radford.
; ..Debate—Resolved, Thai Spell
‘ ing Should be Studied nil Through
j School. Affirmative, 11a McLe
| more and Neta Mae Lane; Nega
tive, Pet Fugua and Ida Yeomans.
The Judges decided in lavor of
the Affirmative side.
(Imogens Achokn.)
Sslc of Morl(a(cd Property.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Under and by virtue of u power of i
sale contained in a mortgage exeent- !
pd by Mary Roberts to the Mount ]
Vernon Hank, dated the 27th day of j
December, 1905, and recorded in the i
office of the Clerk of the Superior
COftrtof Montgomery county in Hook
Y, folio 75. the undersigned will sell •
at public outcry at the court house |
door in said county, during the legal
hours of sale, to the highest bidder ,
for cash, on the flr-t Tuesday in
March, next, 1908,the following prop
erty, to-vvit: All that certain trad
or parcel of land situate, lying and I
being in the 15G7th district, G. M., of j
said county and state, and bounded
as follows: On the north by lands of t
.Jack Williamson; on the east by
lands of the Tony Mosoly estate; on
iffie south by lauds of Jaek William
fson and on the west by lands of La w- j
.son Moseley, containing twenty (20) j
acres, more or less, for the purpose
of paying certain promissory note for
the sum of $45.45. executed and de- 1
livered by Mary Roberts to the Mt. |
Vernon Hank, on the 27th day o{. Re- ;
comber, 1905,and due on the 20th day
of Dec. 1900, stipulating for interest
from maturity at rate of 8 per ct per
annum and 10 per ct a'torney’s fees,
the total ainout due on said note
being $45.45 principal, $0.50 interest
and $4.,54 attorney’s fees, together j
with the cost* of this proceeding, as
provided in said mortgage. A deed
to tlie purchaser will be made by the
undersigned. This February 4th,1906. |
The. Mt Vernon Bank, (
Atty. in Fact for Mary Roberts. \
W. M. Lmvia, Attorney.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomer; County:
Will be gold before die court bonne door in
Mt. Vernon on the first Tuesday in March,
1903, between the legal lionrs of Bale, to the
higtreet bidder for cish, certain property, of
which the following is a complete description:
Fifty acres of land more or loss of,
Los of land lying and being in said
county and.state und in the 1886th
I district G. M-, and, bounded as fol-
J lows: On the east b.v lands of Spen
j cev. Coleman, on the north by, lands
jof John Ciaxton, on the west by a
j tract of laud known as “Headache
' tract,” and on the south by lands of
: Jfaimon Willis. Said land levied
i orr as the property of R. W. Willis
!to satisfy an execution issued from
! the City Court of Mt. Vernon in favor
lof The Citizens Hank of Vidalia vs
;R. W. Willis, A. Gillie, J. F. IMul-
I lips and Wilder Phillip®. Written
j notice of levy given R. \V. Willi- a
required bv law. Tills 4th day of
! FCt>„ 1908. A. J. Burch,
j . Sheriff ('. <’.
t Jones & Sparks, Aliys.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgorocry County: z
Will be sold before the court home door in
I Mt. Vernon on the lirst fu rsrlsy in .'lurch,
[ 1908, between tlie leesl lionrs of sale, to 'lie
Digest bidder for e»xh, certain properly, of
ttiiicb'he following i» k complete <i< ecription:
! All that tract or parcel of land -ir
{ uated Bud being in the Seventh Land
• district of said county and known a
j Lot No. 462, containing 101 and t-2
, acres more or less. Said land levied
; on as the property of Sandy Jtyals to ,
satisfy an execution issued from riie
City Court of Mt. Vernon in favor
of Cowart Hro«. again** Sanely Uvula
‘and J, J. Kyats. Property being in
the possession of Sandy Ryu Is anei
pointed out by plaintiffs. This 4th
elay of Feb., 1908.
A. J. Burch, Shes. C. C.
| W. M. Levrß, Atty.
■| Only fifteen days remain lieforo
the primary in Montgomery coun
-1 j t-y, and much interest is shown by
‘ the candidates.
’! We are requested by mom bora
lof the Excuuve Commit toe to
state that the registration books
will close Saturday, Btli mst ~nnd
it is requested by them that all
I the books be sent in at once to
1 them, the next meeting of the
1 Committee to lie held in Ml. Wr
■ non Monday, lOt h in*t .
If there are any candidates wlm
have not paid in their fen for ex
penses t<> The Mt. Vernon Bank,
it is very necessary 1o d<> so at
j once, and if there is any voter
j who has not registered, it is also
j very necessary to do that at once.
; The books will close Saturday
next. Tickets will be issued next
week by the committee.
| Those who believe or are inelin-
I ed to believe in spiritualism have
; bad their fait h mater ial I y
j strengthened l*v tlie annoucement
I *
| within the past low day's that Sir
! Oliver Lodge, the distinguished
| scientist, has given his adhesion
jto the cause, as the result of a
number of experiments lie has
been making in psychic research.
Sir Oliver is recognized as one
of the stillest and soundest of
modern men of science. His ab
solute honesty and integrity place
him beyond the possible imputa
tion of deception, or oven of be-
J ing easily misled. lie lias been
| investigating scientific phenomena
jail his life, and as the head of the
j University of Birmingham, ho is
j on« of the great educators of his
i tlmo.
j He declares in clear terms that
those who have gone before and .
; those who are still on this bank
i and shoal of time are working to
wards one another like two squads
of men digging a 1 tinnel, who have j
! started from opposite ends, and
j while the tunnel of communion-!
: tion has not yet been completed,
j wu can hear tlie pickaxes of those
: on the other side.
To be more definite, lie claims:
Ito have held communication with
a number of departed men of
I science who we're particnlary in
terested in psychic phenomena
I and gave assurances before their
: death that if possible they would:
j communicate wit h the living and |
1 transmit messages from the other
I world.
It is easy enough to smile at the
! alleged instances of communica
t tons with Ihe spirits of the de
parted, but when men like Sir
Oliver Lodge bring their firm
testimony we are obliged to give
iwhnt he has to say at h ast, rcs
; pectful consideration.
The announcement has created
something of a sensation in the
• scientific world, and it is only
just to say that scientisiss as dis
tinguished as Sir Oliver Lodge
think that he has been honestly i
1 deceived by his own senses, but
nevertheless the full report, of his
experiments will be awaited with
interest. —Atlanta Journal.
{ Sheriff’s Sale.
(•rorgi* -Montgomery County:
Will bo H'.l't fit-foe rhe poin t house iloo£.in
Ml Vernon on tin* lir-i i’uesrlay in Mirr'-h.,
1908, bt-ivtr-en tin leß;tl hour* of <ule, to tlir
. liijpiesi bidder tor rrfHli, reitain pr nt
, wlticli the foltosinx is a oo’molete <1 .sfrivUou:
Oue certain tract or parcel of laid
lying and being in the Migg.-ton rlis
t’ricf G . M. d -aid county and bouiut
ed on tin- north by tlie McQueen
estate, on the east by lands of W. L.
Wilson, Rich Johnson and Robert
l.ic, 011 the south by me town of
Fiiggfoti and S. A I/. Ky. aid oil the
• wesi by lends of Conner and A. A.
| Peterson, and containing 475 acres
more ar"less. .Said properly levied
on a- the property of G. X. Mathews
<4* “afist; a tax fi fa i-suod by IC.
New toft Wood.''lax Collector, vs G.
X. Mathews for ->ate and comity
• taxes for the year fftttT.
I Ttiis 3d day of Feb.. 1808.
A J Burch, ishef. M.
I4iirge numbers of tbe colored
population from this and Toombs
.county have recently gone out to
Mississippi, whore they will be
1 j employed in ttfrpentine farms.
• i A cur or two passed here yester
j day, coming np from Vidnlia ami
'stopping at Alley, took <m a num-
I Iter of that ehunent. The day <d
; the tnrpentiue hand in ( Ins coun
ty is past and there may begreen
-ler pastures in Mississippi for
t hem.
Robert Ward, n wadi-to-do lnr
! mor of this township, though -ix
| ly-ninv years old, is as spt v us a
boy, notwithstanding the fact
• t hut lie has had more accidents
{than half a dozen structural iron
: workers. One of Ins legs ha- been
broken at the thigh, shin, and
! ankle. He has also suffered frae
tures of »>ne arm and nearly all
of our ribs. Ono of his feet was
crushed by a loaded wagon, and
he is now suffering from a broken
nose from a blow from a spring of
1 u farming emplement lie was re
pair otg.
j The last time Ward broke his
| leg his wife was horrified to find
him setting it himself. He de
jclares be could do so better than n
! doctor and had his way. The
! leg, unlike an arm sot by a physi
cian. is not crooked. Ward says
Ihe does not feel natural unless lie
! is nursing a broken bone.
He has been a resident, of the
j state more t han 10l ly years and
tins a SJflO-aere farm which is the
isliow place of tlie county. Then
; are live children —Mrs. Ira L.
L'»vejoy and Mrs. \V. 1.. Rowley,
1 0l Lenox; Mrs, J. Wakefield, -of
j Armada, and Robert and Joseph
: Ward, who live on the farm. —
j New York Herald.
“This skin,” said the furrier,
according to l lie N• ■ w York Press,
•’came from a young seal baeblor.
u youth ignorant of love and of
• life.”
I '* How do you know?” the wo
man asked.
“By its fineness, its perfection,”
he replied. “The pile, you note,
'is like close-cut velvet.. Only
bachelor sealskins have such 11
! P'!' 1 -
“The bachelor seal,” he went
on, “h;js a rather sad life. The
big bull seals in tire seal islands
have each n household of fifteen
:or twenty wives, but the young
j bachelor** must herd by them-
I selves. Let, one of tJmm attempt
ito marry, and straightway ft bull
slays him. Not till lie is, tug
enough t.> tight ami conquer a
bull —not till lie is fourteen or
filieen years old —can he know the
1 delight of settling down in u home
, ?
iof his own. He is not like the
human bachelor, the favorite o|
I the chorus girls, the reveler m all
1 sorts of club luxuries; but*' lie
leads a bard, ascetic, celibate life,
only 111 t hr. end, as like as not, t<>
make u woman a fine coat. All
the fine coats. I repeal , are made
from the unhappy bachelor Heals,”
We return thanks to Mr. W.
Ilyals for a dozen large Florida
I oranges, samples from a box sent
liifui hv a nephew.
Mr. George W. Peterson luo
■ been quite ill for several days and
is greatly missed nt his [»o«t of
duty as salesman for Mr. 'Me
een. Mr. Peterson is advanced
■ in years unrl has b'-en unwell for
some tune.
Mules, yes, M*»Us, Mcßae &
, Bro. have them for quick sale.
• .
jj Lisbon, Feb. 1— King t’arlos
, and the crown prince have been
, assassinated in the royal palace.
, : The three conspirators who com-
Im it ted the crimes wore killed on
J the spot before thev could effect
I an escape. Wildest excitement
J prevails throughout Portugal.
[•' The double murder tonight grew
[out of the attempt that tin- been
made to overthrow the republic.
Lisbon is in the grip of a reign of
' terror and revolution and a com
plete overthrow ot the existing
form of government, is feared.
That, which everyone has been ex
pected for months and which the
government vainly tried to pre
! vent by repressive measures has
come to pipss.
On the arrival ol tlw dowager
queen, Mann Pin. at the ar
' senal the doctors were bathing
the faces of the kino; and the
j crown prince and the queen threw
herself upon the body of her son
and had to bn removed by force.
Dist net Court of l lie I oiled
States, Eastern Division, South
ern District of Georgia. In Bank
Notice of Application for Dis
charge in Bankruptcy.
In the matter of W. I>. Peter
son, Bankrupt. Gounty of Mont
, gonicry, Georgia,
To tlie creditors of the above
named bankrupt :
Yon are hereby notified that t lie
above mentioned bankrupt has
• tiled his application tor a dis
charge from all the debts prova
ble in bankruptcy against the
said W. D. Peterson.
• The said application will be
Beard by l lie Hon. Emory Speer,
Judge of t!;o_ I 11 itcd Stall’s Dis
trict Court tor said division and
(district i:.t t.lm United Stales Court
.House, at Savannah on the 20 day
ot February 190*.
All creditors of said bankrupt
i iiro notified to appear at the time
land place stated, and show cause,
if any they can, why the prayer
contained m said petition should
not be granted.
Dated at Savannah, Georgia,
phis fid day of February I'.WtM.
T. F. Johnson, < lerk.
When we explain to you the
proposition to send The Atlanta 1
Tri- Weekly Constitution, The I
Montgomery Monitor and I hive i
high-class magazines, together
with a mammoth map of Georgia
• flowing all of the new counties
j with numerous features, all for,
TWO DOLLARS, you will not
'miss the opportunity of having it.
Come in at once and hear l In
pro posit ion.
Cotton Factors, Piaj»|»m<*- and 'l ies jj
* >•
' I 1
l plain!, Florodora and Sea-Island ( otton j;
: oo and mi Hay St. E., SAVANNA#, GA. jj
p ‘Lot)!' lie*- 'I ■ • I*• |»1 1 <ni<■ ~ : I• 11, I Mi. (icorgia. 71>>
it OF
t si.ho ff:r year
\ rffimhcr t’ I*l >in Montgomery
1 count v attended tin l divisioti of
the tllonnville I n vest incut Co.'s
property Inst Monday and ot'
1 course every until drew a lot in the
flourishing little city; and while
all could not draw brick htii,times
or other impfitved property, all ol’
the lots taken up in the division
wall increase in value as tin* town
• grows.
Allot l'lie unproved properfv ad
vert isod l»v Ihi inpanv or its
'etpiivalent was pul into the drawl
ing hy them and many were for
llimite enough to secure ralmdle
improved property in the division
.Monday, tlleunvillc has two rail
roads and other enterprises, ami
jin a few years will lie one of tlm
Imst towns in South tieorgui.
Committees front tin 1 purchas
ers were appointed to inspect the
hooks ol the company, t he land to
lie included in t he drnwine,and in
fact. take the matter in hand and
[conduct the division, which was
done in a fair and impartial man
ner,and indeed there was no room
for complaint at tin- hands of I lie
purchasers. However, there were
iiiuuv disappointed faces after the
drawing Monday evening and
.ma-uv were tln- jokes indulged in.
I’effect order prevailed during the
day, wit h no drunkenness find not
an arrest was made hy the town
a tit lioril ies.
Mortgage Sale.
( II!' >(J<II \ .Muiitj'iiiiinry Count x :
I'ihlit by virtue of u pnxxei of nuf* in :i
mot I'Xtriiii.l hy CollitM and l.uiiru
(’olliliM, dlitcd (111 Hilt (|.»\ III' I/.licit, IH'.MI, ;< M• I
iee it’ilf>i| in t|»r nll’icc «»t flic (’)• il» «d tin; hu
iH'li'M cmirt of 'l"tilK »iitri cutiiitx lit I*«»• »U
i>. J 17, 12"* uiitl i’» I'.t, ot* llt It dux ••t'
June, iHOI , the ti»i<l«*r ti'gimm| will ncll nt |»tii•-
li«’ outcry, at the court li mho dnot in h id
con t v oi \|ont'.o»m*'i v,tlurii»k( • In- !<’,,'<• I hour
•»! ’■ode to the InfrltfHt hid.h r for cimli, on the
lllHt r,|. duv in Mttrcli, l‘.MH,l|ic f'diowi its dc-
Hcrihctl jirop'U'ty i«»-vvi» One hundred acre*
i»f Jitml. ihoi »• or fh4H, Mitnati*, ly int; h. ink.*
in tlVc 12'lnt lh-.ii n i. o. >i . oi Kiiid c.unity m
Nhtutjonin iv. -;ti!*hiV<d Oenrj'iu, hoNiled
iioi'lit In land's ot JtMflpli William*, cunt hy
Mi-*. John K'Tmcv, »utli h\ J. K. IhcLxvnrth,
mid \\t ti iix f» \. J/oshv, hnoxvti us fhoplmc
wltcif tln .s.ud I'ollifis no.v rc*,idf, focitln i
with nil impi-oVi mciilH thereon, for flu pur
ihft of j»,ix in;; u cct iat i jno uitHHorv note for
t Ml 28, executed tind delivered ♦ » xVillhim uitri
T. •/ I'ritcln t. on tin Mill duv of .March, lM»h.
nti|>nlit i in*' for in t« 11 nf from miilm ir s at rut *
ot 8 j « i c nt per nt*mini «md ten p< r cent »t
--tnrm y*M !'• th. the toi 1 1 uitiotpil due on <uid
note nnxx hi inu >l7l 82, principal: •f*2OU..VI in
ter* -.1 ii 11 to in* tit -t duv «d' \l. relt, I'.tuH, uud
tin- turtle r hiiiii of *.17 Hi ii'torney'* h.m und
for Mich hiiiii ji*> ptu x lift nec< hh*u vto piix tin*
tjiv s llterCOU lioix •hi -, together With the
! eoHIH o! IItU proto c.liltM, u.h provided 111 Htitl
A dend tu the pnrctM»UM "ill he
made liv iln nmh i'lii*, the l*t day
of Oi’ttiitoi', 11107.
wii.maw a i. j. **i * i rcm.r.
11avih X Aimt*, Attunic>> foi IMuintift'H.
j to tlm primary election
to In* ludd for Montgouiery county
| on Keli. i'O. I am a eamlidatc for
the otliec of 'l’ax Receiver.* I am
lln >ii r nigh I v in touch with t lie
< people and feel capable of tultill
mg every duty tnciimiient itfs.n
t lie olliee. If lam IllVOl'ed with
■t he ollice. it shall he my whole
dulw to protect the interests of
the people. Yours in earnest,
Jxo. I i . Mon Ills.
NO. 38