Newspaper Page Text
The -Montgomery Monitor.
Entered at (!»<• I'osndliee i>• Mi. Vernon. (mi. a- Sccond-t Iji-- Mull Matter.
H. H? FOLSOM, Editor nnd Prop 51 a Year, in Advance
as( H'lvil IjA inillf ' I*l I< ' t 111% Ml Mill A I'*' »*!• ’•! »>■ <’ 1* ht flu* it g«l Jill'l I"* t!l» L' tv
diicrtw; mml ui'iMt l»<* in liniul m»t luG*i flint. \Y> -'liimmlav u»r*i i*iuj4 «»f tic liiht MH*k <>\ imcition
Mt. Vernon, Georgia, Thursday Morning, Feb. i.s, 1908.
i >
Darien Gazette: —Brant l<*y o
Kilo over in tli" Klovciitli. Every*
lxxlv knows Brantley and every*
body want* Brunt ley.
Wildly Star: —And nmv liny
any Toni Wats >n wants to go in
nuibahKiitor to Franco. If lie will
have (lie berth no man could fill
)t better.
Dalton Oil izeii :—No (oivn can
b<* a dry (own in which i- located
an ofliec of the Southern Express
Co, —which in a find class barroom
without paying any license.
Bbieksheur Times;—Soma of
our exchanges say banks in New
York are paying out easli and that
the panic is a tiling of the past.
It’s I hat way down here.
Atlanta Journal: —It the old
ring ever does get luck into har
ness in this slate it will not know
what to do. Pinked mass meet
ings have been abolished.
Amoneus Tillies-Recorder :
ThoinitH W. Lawson offers to wag
er #IOO,OOO to that Roose
velt gets a third term. We might
take Jfo cants of a pool on the
short end ol the proposition,
Vtlanja Georgian;— A Massa
chusetts man digging for I>u i t
tuned upa coin worth +l,boo It
that was :i 11 a Georgia man found
lie would keep light oil digging.—
Washington lb raid Yes, he'd
have dug (ill he found a "worm."
Dublin Times; —If Thaw had
been a poor man, an electrie
shock would have ended Ins exist
ence a year ago. Hut ins riches
have saved him from death and
even his confinement in an insane
asylum is tint a temporary farce:
lie will lie out a free man in a few 1
Albany Herald:—The Brooklyn
Fugle has bolted in advance it the j
Democratic convention should
nominate Bryan. For our part we
Would lie glad to see all the New
York papers follow the Brooklyn
Fugle and ipot. claiming to be
Democratic newspapers. There is
not a Democrat in (he whole lot.
Waycross Herald :—Now th*\
say that lb'. Rum of (juitmau is
going to run against Brantley. We
are afraid "Hock "will have to
take some medicine after the run
ning."—Brunswick News. Well,
there is Ur. Sam Guuldcii, who
lives iii the same town: let him
say what the medicine shall lie.
Valdosta Tim - :—The prohiln- !
turn parly is arranging b make
the campaign this fall the most
vigorous since the part.x was or
ganized. Tons of literature will
be distributed broadcast and
speakers will be heard on the
stump in every part of the coun
try. The heaviest guns will bo
trained on those Southern states
that are believed to be already '
on the verge of mulcting prohiln- [
turn legislat <ui.
Arid Atlanta, Hnnielcs* Bruns
wick, Dry Dalton. Sombre Savan- '
nab, Mirthlc-s Macon, Cheerles*
Columbus, Gloomy ’Gustu, ami
Moodv Mcriouft might be tilting
alliterative to uttnch to some
Georgia cities since the reign of '
prohibition began,—T rib u n e '
.. . ILI 1
Iu ordei to perpetuate the me- >
morv of her husband, lien. George |
A. Duster, who was a victim of *
ihe Indian massacre at Little t
Fork in IS7B. Mr- Elizabeth Cus- t
ter has purchased Id lot' in Bronx- i
villc, N. A., on which she will :
build a memorial home for aged I
literary women. it
? “WHAT"'
9* Many a young man and woman
in the wor I d because of
some offensive persona! liab
- it unimportant in itself, but
which grated on the nerves of
those with whom they came into
Y contact Such a laid Imbit to which
- many people are addicted is sav
-1 ing "What? Without the excuse
I of having defect iv*- hearing. While
such "w hats" are due occasionally
i to the fact that the mind of the
I hearer does not work -quickly
- enough to grasp the meaning of
I t lie quest ion asked, the "wliut.”
in most instances is the result of
I a bud habit, which grows worse as j
one grows older.
A story told by a business man
ill list rat os t his tendency’. 11" lias
a son, a clever boy, who gnidti-!
ated from the high school last |
I year and did not desire to go to
J college, so to teach him busincs'
methods and soil reliance ho was
placed in a commercial house, t he I
leanl of which was a friend of the
father. The boy worked a month
■ and at home expressed himself as
• I perfect I v sut istied with his treat-;
• ment, bis associations and bis
work. < >ne night, how* came
home and told ins father that he
had been discharged and handed
him a note signed by the bead of
t lie concern w li ieh rend :
Dear ———: I have told James
thut we do not care for his servic
es any longer, lie is a good,
clever and w illing boy, but he has
a well developed ease of ‘‘What.’"
When In lias been cured send him
hack to ns because wo like him and
think la- w ill make good.
If you will stop for n minute i
and consider how many times you ,
-ay "what” unnecessarily when
you understand perfect ly what has
he n said •<> you you must realize
what a great waste of time and;
patience this involves and Imw es
pecially exilHpeiut ing it is because
so unnecessary. If you are the fa
ther of boys teach them to bo alert
and listen to what is said so they
will respond at once. If you are
a young man starting out in the t
.world accept this as n friendly
warning: there are plenty of oth- j -
or things that you want to guard I
against, but one at a time, Grant- I
itig that i his is a trifle, remember I
that a wise man once said that ■
ttitles make perfection—and per- I
lection is no trifle.—Boston Trav- I
■ der. I
Fitlior the quantity of tobacco I
I consumed by the individual lins I
been much enlarged or the amok- I
ing population is rapidly increas
ing. It apiu rrs that during the
year UK>7 Americans smoked 8.-
ot.Hi.tKht.tHHi cigars, mmv than a
billion cigarros, or litt.le cigars,
and not les' than 200.000.00 U
pounds of pipe tobacco More
over, in P.*o7 there were 080,001,-
bo I .* more cigarettes sold than dur
ing the preceding twelve months.
Whether the “smoking lady’' and 1
her new fad was concerned in this 1
v,i>t increase is not stated, but no
doubt share in rigatvtt • ernsump
lion -teadily enlarges.
These tigutvs mean that an 1
enormous** amount of money an- “
nuail "go* s up iu smoke,” but the j
public lias a riglit to spend its
own money in its ewu wav. and it £
a! the ways in which it is spent -x
were as comparatively innocent §
as this \\o should be a hotter pc >- -X
pi** than \v> ar>*. Smoking isaluis- K
• *l, but il has its list's, and one of
the*..' i- that it helps in *n lo bear §
their irritations, th**ir anxieties k
and • \*-n their sorrow-, ns sooth- S
ing effect leading to a more clioer* -x
fu! outlook on lit**—Macon Tele- &
graph. fi
THE .MONTGOMERY MUnI loß—GlH'Rap\\. Til;. U. <
Garden Seed.
Go to J. A. Rivers <fc Son for
your garden and field seeds. We
.have a complete line.sucli as Bli,s
I'uTntoes, Earlv Hose Potatoes,
Burtef .Seed Oats. Rust Proof Oats,
S**ed Peanuts. Onion S.*ts, Cab
bage Plants. Call or write for
piic* s on Cabbage Plants. AY*
liave the best plants on tie* mark
et. Mull orders solicited and
, prompt attention given. Call and
see us or write ami we will express
t hem to you.
Your*- fora prosperous new year,
.1. A RIVERS A- SON - ;
tilenwood, On.
l ; or Solicitor Cit) Court:
To tin* Voters of Montgomery Co.:
J hereby announce myself a can
didal*: for the office of Solicitor «>l
the City Court of Mt. VorYion,
subject to the primary election to
la* held on the 20th day of Febru
ary, JiH»K. A. C. Saffold.
For Salt*.
A No. 1 good Mill**, n good Milk
Cow mid Calf and a Two-Horse
Wagon. Apply at once to
ts Mt. Vernon, (Ja.
I hereby announce myself a
; candidate for flu* office of Sheriff
Montgomery County, subject to
the Democratic primary to lit*
1 held in February, HHIS. 1 tun an
old citizen *>f the county, have
\ lin *1 considerable experience in t he
duties of I he ofliec, and have never
before asked he (‘lection at tie*
* hands of tin* people of lie* county.
If elect* d, 1 promise a faithful
j and efficient discharge of the
duties of the ofliec. The support
ot llu* public generally is solicited
Nov. l‘.)th, 11)07. z’
J. J. ForxT.wx,
H. (’. Sharpe, M. I).
AILEY, OA., R. F. D.
General Practitioner. All ('ails
Answered Promptly.
All kinds Repair Work, Iron
and Wood. Fine line of Bicycle ]
Material on hand. High-Grade’
Repair Work on Jfieyclos, Sewing
Machines, Guns, Rovolvra and
Clocks. See me before placing
your work; I will save you money.
Work promptly and neatly dom*
AlI K'i , GA,
Hamilton Burch,
Attorney ami Coun
selor at Law,
ricRAE, GA.
Giimiurtl Law ant! CollccHonH, Including Bail
load Tort Cbmch, a Spf . ialty.
I ( ;ipit;il and Surplus S‘2 7,500.00.
• \Vc receive money on *l* posit subject to check. 'k'<• u
9 fun't do much business wiilioul aid of (his department.
•We pay interest at I per font, on eert ideate- •>f l>< j -
9 its for from three to twelve months.
• We pay interest at f> per cent. on certifient -.if I). p. -its
® for twelve months or longer.
\\ v pay interest at I per (t ut.
Compounded quarterly in our
Saving Department.
•W e lend money on approved security. Your hanking i
I business of whatever nature is solicited. Call or write us. ;
I J. H. MoARTHI’R. I’kks. \V. A. PETERSON, Cashier,
B ' Yice-Presidext. Assistant Cashier. | !;
Rvf,• o• f.c.sf. *»• oCi *.*l »i)*oJiChitCofon',*.* JViwiSf'*-«/*.*5•;.*,7c. *stikVT**s •• «*%•*.^
At Seven Per Cent Interest
g , . !;
i| On Improved Farms in Montgomery and adj 'i; ij 1;
5 counties m amounts of SI,OOO and over, and at S p>-r
6 cent, on loans of l< ->s than sl,Oott. NO COMMISSION % !>
Vj • j; t 1
i or brokerage charm'd. Expenses of lx>rrower for «l>- d|l
►trad and drawn.g papers are small. NO PEI.AY. C
§ Loans prompt ly secured. !•
» ' *5 j >
> (ieo. 11. Harris, Attorney, Mcßae, (»a. | ij
For ( 1 0. (onnnissioner
r Th“ imiji -rsignod .m- r.--j).*• -tfn 11 y
HllllOUllCfd !t< flttxl iljflt |;S for
- in iini »* • r-i i |> on ti i li ;i ii| of Com
, lllliMlMliCl'* m! Km.'lil.S II 11(1 li<;\M'UUl,*' ■
,oi Montgomery County, subji-i-t-to :
- the j»rini;i rv i'i(-i;t ion to bo held on;
r Foil. 20th. i9o>:
II.J. l’ri;>Kit.
T. P. Riiojik.s.
I hereby announce mysnif a
, candidate for the office of Countv
► I
| Treasurer, subject to the action
id the It- niMi-r it ic I'urty in t -
white primary to be In id in tin
: eouniy in February next. Isolie;
the suppoit of my fellow ritize*. .
and promise, if elected, to d
1 charge the duties of the oili
' faithfully and to file best- of
ability. Respectfully,
.1. W. Mouimson, Si.
A'l roKM.V AT LAW.
;• l*rac!ltloiu i in all (u n is, Slate
|. anil Federal.
j. Real Kslate Agent, Farm
band- a Specialty. . . .
/nr. VEKNOS, UA.
. . . : . . . . . .
If I*. I*. Canon W. (*. Jiurnwcll
| CANON & ' 1
j; Cotton Factors and
b <s
Merdnmts \{
12 JO Hay, b. SAVANNAH, OA. |
(Munilji-rft Savannah Cultnn Kxohangfc) 8
lis Handlers of Fplaud, Sea- .
jj Island and Florodorn Cotton >j
| & Special Attention Given to I
jj l ; . 0. 11. Cotton jv |
Q 1 Inndlets of I'planil anil Sea- j
vj Island Ragging, Ties x
« Twine «
W. N. CLARK, |
Mt. Vernon, (la.
iC4 !
zd i f . ;
(Ha *
wSJBBE £ i
$%70/v f'enP' &
if.iC Te. ’ W *' , }•' j J j lb
II. t Hi C He- r A.‘. Ape iu iW.:, - ./ |
i.,| . , , . , sf*
$C J
■ ■ ■■■■- ■■
j Don’t |
?i g
v? 2
v- g
v* g
We Have Already Satisfactorily |
■ P
Proven to Over Five Hundred Far- £
mers that the Celebrated \T hite |
Hickory Wagons are the BEST on |
* ' 9
the Market. |
We want YOUR Trade |
*•» '' §
| McRAE i
& 1
I ' BRO.j
-! J*3
l Mt. Vernon, Ga. <
> ' \
> ;
t We offer for Immediate Sale and Deliv- 4
t , i
ery the Following Ileal Estate: i
S> Two Dwellings and Six Lots in Ailoy, Ga. Come see this and
jj* mu kg ns a bid on it j
Farm, 229 acres in tract, S to 4 miles of Mt. Vernon. .4
Farm, 90 to 100 acres in tract, 1 milo of Soperton. 4
Farm, 082 acres in tract, 0 miles of Mt. Vernon. 4
Farm, 250 acres in tract, 12 miles of Mt. Vernon. 4
Farm, SOO acres in tract, near Cedar Crossing. 4
One lot of land near Erick, Ga. 4
k Farm, whole lot, near Alamo, Ga. 4
To to 100 acres of land 2 1-2 miles of Mt. Vernon. 4
58 acres of land, some improvements, 2 miles of Longpoud. <(
Farm, 122 acres in tract, 8 to 4 miles of Mt. Vernon. <j
Farm, 029 t acres in tract, in the Fork, near Lumber City. <|
Farm, IST acres in tract, 2$ miles of Mt. Vernon. 4
. Farm, 151 acres in tract, 7 miles of Vidalia. 4
Farm, 180 acres in tract, 2 miles of Mt. Vernon. 4
v i
Among the above are some bargains, i
some real sacrifices. See us at Mt. \
\ onion Bank for prices and terms. 1
feterson & McAllister. 5
■H ■ Wm. .Pi nice, Frank C. Buttey. jl
; 9 l!
| Cotton Factors, Naval Stores I
| Upland Cotton, Florodora
l Allen Silk & Other Extra Staples jj
Sea Island Cotton & Xaval Stores ii
•* 1 — < [
< One of the Largest Factorage Concerns in the South. Each ji
j Commodity handled in a Separate Department ji
Strictest Attention to Each. j!
| Sell L pland and Sea-Island Bagging ji
i Ties and Twine jj
Liberal Advances made on Consignments. Money Loaned ! j
j to Cotton and Naval Stores Shippers on Approved Security.
j 120 Bay Street, East. SAVANNAH, GA. jj