Newspaper Page Text
News Paragraphs From
The Week of Events.
Grieving Itself to Death.
Augusta, Feb. 7—Already
mourning the loss of a SS(XX) ele
phant which died last night the
manager of a circus which is now
spending the w inter here now fears
the denth of a second Inigo beast
which cannot be comforted since
the death of its mate.
Mitchell Gets Life Sfntnck.
Rome, Feb. 7 —This lnurmng
Judge Wright sentenced It M
Mitchell, a musician, to lifo im
prisonment. Mitchell took the
sentence calmly.
70 Acres at 5c Per Acre.
Five and a half cents per acre
is the price at which S K Helves-!
ton of Camden county secured 7<‘>
acres of good land in that county
secured under the lead right
laws of the state, he having made
application to tho ordinary of
Camden county as required by
law asking that the land be set
apart to him. The facts in the |
case were sent to the secretary of
state through the ordinary and
Governor Smith signed the deed.
The fees in the caso amounted to
$4 25.
Badly I’eatkn With Pine Knot.
Columbus, Ga., Feb. B—Mrs.
Lula Brooks,wife of L. 1!. Brooks,
while distributing literature for a
business college on Rose Hill to
day, was badly beaten by a 17-
year-old boy. She had called at
the home of Mrs. S. Bass on bus
iness and while talking to her
Mrs. Bass fainted. As Mrs. Brooks
was bending over her to revive
her, Granville Bass, who is parti
ally blind, thinking his mother
was being assaulted, beat Mrs.
Brooks over the head with a piim
knot. He is out on bond.
In his Monthly Talk in the Wo
man’s Home Companion Dr. Ed
ward Everett Hale says;
“Will you please to remember
that the bottom rock of American
success is the habit or determa
tion that every place, village,
town, neighborhood, or whatever
you call it, shall have home rule.
If I and Mr. Gcodchild want to
have a road and a bridge which
shall go back to the rhododendron
swamp, we build the road and we
build the bridge with such help as
we can get from Mrs. Tucker or
from Mr. Ohamplin, and we do
not write to a sub-perfect who
writes to a perfect who writes to
an assistant commandant who
writes to another commandant
who writes to an intendent who
writes to a secretary of engmew
who sends word to us from the
scat of government whether we
may build the bridge and how we
may build it. Lift where you
stand expresses the foundatimi
principle, the subsoil, the hard
pan, the bed rock of American
“Now, a very queer thing has
developed in the evolution of this
principle. It has proved that
where the men of the country
have been too busy, or have
thought they were, to attend l<>
their own affairs, the women have
been ahle to attend to them bet
ter than the men do.
“Take this business which 1
have referred to, of a neighbor
hood library, feeding a regi-n of
not more than four or five thou
sand people. The affairs of that
library, if they ar'e well conducted,
are conducted by the women of
the neighborhood. They know
what their children want, tln-y
know what their husbands need.
And it is very fortunate for the
neighborhood and the library
that they can harness the hor<--- -
and can drive themselves to tier
meetings of trustees and seh-et
the books and tell Mis- Dorca
hnw manv she may buy."
Fo rme i! Tennessee Woman
“1 could not bring a single hope
into my life or joy to my heart, so
wherefore tlie struggle; all whom
,1 have ever loved have passed on
I before. 1 should like you to feel
i that it is a surrender of a strong,
proud soul.’’ Thus wrote Mrs. 0.
A. Walton,formerly of Flat Creek,
j Tenn , to a friend before swnllow
-5 ing poison". I jioti the death of her
: husband she opeifed a millinery
j establishment in San Fiaiciseo
and prospered until the earth
quake impoverished her.
Man Shot in Quarrel.
Marietta, Fob. B—C. I’. Ilames,
!n contractor, shot Gordon Worley
at Worley’s home near Marietta
] this afternoon, dangerously
! wounding him. Worley’s*dog bit
Haines, who started outto kill the
dog, a fight ensuing with the
above results.
Lumpkin’s Mayor Dead.
Lumpkin, Ga., Feb. B—lion.
John B. Richardson,mayor, and a
i prominent'man, is dead. Ht> held
the office 30 years. At one time
lie was gj’und master of the Order
of Odd Fe.lows of Georgia.
Accidentally Killed Father.
Commerce, Feb. B—As8 —As a result
of trouble over a horse trade at
, 11 in, near here in Madison conn
tv, a light was precipitated, re
sulting in the death of one man
with another desperately wound
ed. Nat Bone and son, Lem met
J. 11. E. Martin at a country
'store. It is said that Marvin struck
Bone with an iron wedge, where
upon Lem Bone came to the res
cue of his lather, drew Ins pistol
| and fired at Mart in, missing him
land hitting his father in the head
he dying in a few hours. At seo
j ond fire Bone shot Martin in the
j back from which he is paralyzed.
■j Many find themselves unable to
•j sleep until the whole household is
: accounted for and the house lock
■ ed for the night, until certain
news is received, and the like.
.The same tendency postpones
sleep till all affairs are straighten
ed out in the mind, as well as in
reality. A little retlectin shows
; how indefinite must be the post
ijponemenfc of sleep under such
( conditions.
1 No training is more important
I for the victim of compulsive tend
leucies than the practice of trust
’! ing something to luck and to the
' morrow, and reconciling himself
t to the fact that at no time, in this
j world will all things be finally ad
,:-justed to his satisfaction.
| Next comes the insistent desire
to sleep in a certain bed, with a
certain degree of light or dark
| ness, heat or cold, air or absence
lof air. This is in line with the
j desire to eat certain foods only, at
-'a certain table and at a certain
| time. The man who loses his up
petite if dinner is half an hour
I late is unable to sleep again if
j once waked up. This individual
' must say to himself. “Anyone
lean stand what lie likes; it takes
j.a philosopher so stand what he
j does not like,’’and try at being
‘ a philosopher instead of a sensi
|live plant.
Inability, to sleep while certain
noises are continued must besiin
ilary combated. If one goes from
| place to place in search of the
quiet spot of slcpcp. lie may final
i iy fiiiiNquiet itr.Jl oppressive, or,
worse yet, may lie kept awake by
hearing his own circulation, from
which escape is out of the ques
, tion.
He who finds himself persistent
• Iv out of joint with his surround
ings will do well to ponder the
language of the Chinese philoso
“The itrg* of the stork are long,
'the legs of the duck are short;
i you cannot make the legs of the
j stork short, neither can you make
I the legs of the duck long. Why
*iiik Montgomery monitor— I Thursday, feb. <k hk>s
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I '\\\(>r\V>K\[K\T‘S ®
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Candidates For Office In Montgomcn County q
©. ©©©©©'© ©©•;©©©© ©©©.©©©© ©©®; © © ©
For County Treasurer.
I lieivle nnnuuiicp to tho wliito \.>t.n **t
M imtgomery coiuitv Unit I am a eiutdiihiti* in
tht l cumin,campaign for the* oilier of County
Tri-asuri-i*. subject to any ml. H ami regula
tions Unit may be adopted hr the white vo'ers,
tin. Pemociutic Rally, anil innn Mly solicit
! the support of every •vhiit* voter in the
county. Very respectfully,
Jams* Mrr. inu..
McArthur, Ga , Apr. ‘32, 1907.
For County 'Treasurer:
To the Voter* of Montgomery County:
I I hereby aiinuunee myself a eamlithilo for
! tlm ofliee of Treasurer of sat*l e.Minli «1 the
next gt neral clectini!. subject to the notion of
, a while primary. Thu support of every one
I is kindly solicited and will tie liiglilv appreei
! uted. .Vost respect tolly,
.1. W. Mi Mii.i.vx. •
This announces my candidacy for the oitice
of Troasuroi of Montgomery county, suhjtct
j to any rules and icgltl's linns that nmv he pro-
I videii by (ho Exeeiitive Committee gun nung
j the oleetioo. 1 promise, if elected, to faith*
! fully and honestly perform all the duties iti
\ eumbetu upon me as such ollicer.
E. P. Ai.i.mond.
For Ti'cnsurcr:
ltv the solicitation of friends I hereby an
umineo mysoll a candidate f*»r lln* ullieo of
County Treasurer, anhjeef to llic itelitm of iho
PemoeraUc primarv of Montgomery eonnly,
promising if elected to serve llie people to tliu
best of my ability. Nov. sth, 1907.
C- D. Aim ms.
I hereby announce to my friends and the
citizens of Montgomery county tlinl 1 am a
candidate for the ofliee of Siu riif. My candi
dacy is subject to such rules and regulation*
a* iluiy he adopled by the regular primarv. 1
I wunt the > llice and vvill use all honorable
| means to be elecied. and gnsraiitee a faithful
j discharge of the. duties to b * performed, il
j favored witlt tlie olllco. Jas A. I’iulii<v.
For Sheriff.
i hereby announce my candidacy for the
ofliee of Sheriff of Montgomery County at the
next election, subject to whatever action may
betaken by the Democratic Executive Com
mittee of "the county, i have bad sev.itil
years expot ienee ttitb tin- HtlVirs of the ofliee,
having served for simie time as deputy sher
iff, am! will, if elected, perform tin duties of
the ofliee to the best of an ability Tlie sup
port of the people generally is solicited.
Juue2(i, 19117. Daniel A. Mdurison.
For Sheriff: v
I hereby announce myself a candidate for
■ the ofliee of Slu ritV of ,1/outgomery I,‘onnty,
subject lo the aelioii of the Demoeralie Exee
! nlivo Committee, and promise a fni'lifnl per
! formauee of the duties of the oilier* it elected.
Yours very truly,
K. A. Caliioitn.
For Sheriff:
To the Voters el Montgomery County:
This is regular aiuumhi'cmcut of my eandi
| dacy for the ofliee of .S'heritV of tliis fcounty, to
I be subservient to the rules that may he pi j
| vided bv the executive commit >i- of the county,
iI am ntt'eritiK for tin* place lecliiiK Cnit my
| experience in the work qualities me for the
; duties of the ofliee which I n■ sportfully ask at
| tin hands of my fellow citizens. My obedience
j to duty is already pledged, and while I anpre
| (ditto most earnestly the support already shown
j mo, 1 respeotlv ask a continued support suflli
j eiem to insure my election.
Yours truly,
Jam is Hi,
For Sheriff:
\ To the Voters of the County of Montgomery:
I am a candidate lor ic-elccliou to Hie ofliee
| of filterin' of .'•lontKomoj y county, feeling that
my pasi -.eryicc justifies my race, and that il
is not asking too much at tlie hands of tin*
people whom 1 have served to llie best of my
ability. My wm k lias ever been guid* dby a
sense of doty, which I again promise if lam
favored with the ofliee.
Your obedient servant,
A. J. lirni'ii.
For Sheriff.
To the Voters of Montgomery County:
I hereby announce myself a candidate for
j He* ofliee ofKlierifl of said county, subject to
! tin* action of the Primary elect on. fin* snp
| port of the voters at largo is kindly soliciied,
an t will he highly appreciated. It elected. I
| will servo the people with diligence ami credit
] to tile ofliee.
Yours truly,
Am.s (lAintrrr.
For Sheriff:
l To tin People of .'/ontgom* ry County:
As a candidate for tlie ofliee of fflieriff, 1
n xpectfully ask tho supp'trt of the people gen.
i i.raliy. With many years of public wm k, 1 feel
} camibla of coudncting the afluirs of iho ofliee
\ if I am favored with it.
//espect fully.
W. 11. Kitciikvh.
To County Votfi'n:
li. with your ukiui! ciintom nt
fioiih-n ollito for tin- hocoihl C< i u», 1 rim il
•aoilidut* l -i' tlie oliict of i{f r< iv< i of'lT: x
Ih.t Hl’fMi lit till romillff election, tho
hxiiio (ran* iiii‘l ililigoiico which lirvo l -Imraotoi*-
i/cd my p.thl work in t l j<- olhct vi kindly n
•m*. ■ TUrfUri" that 1 may again Ji&vu your
vulued Hiipport, I Rill
Voiir obodh'iit rvant,
\V. M. Ot riAw.
To t[n- voU i ** of \font“oriu ry county:
At the Hoiii itation • f iov lididlh, I lnifT>.v
j imioniico my canriidacv for (Ihi ollicc of iT»x
I J{m-civ(i of Mont^«>in*jy county, nulijcct to
•In* actum of tho iJi iiioci jifi • Far tv. Cioiiiim
inj> if dr en d, in HCi vctiu pcojih to tU*‘ hent
of my ability.
W. Hixiii Clark.
For He presen fa five.
I .ot lotmee as a candidate for R* pt< scuta
♦ iv- in tho Gem ra! Awrtcinhly from thin county
in tin* next Pi iniurv.
IJOCGLAS H. M- Ahl lllTi.
For Solicitor City Court:
While many friends :*r< aw,re that lama
candidate (or tic Holb itorship of the City
II iitriof 'fount Vernon at lb* appioaching
elei tior,. this card is to fully infornt mv snp
porif i* and the voters genet ally ot Muntg* m
,-r> iviunty that lam a -tively m tie rat*- for
the pile *.* I take occasion to thank tlios* who
'in advance havi t( rule-red their support; and
while soileiting He fmtlu r Sllpuort of the
j people of Montgtimery county, J u-sur * toy
' roll time sod attention to tie* *.fltec it l am
i r,( .oli d with if. My canth lacy subject to such
| i I -a-ioay be adopted by tlie ttiuioeratte
i Executive Committee.
I L. ('. ranßEwoom
i To the Vote-rs of Moiilgonn ty County:
I have had a laudable ambition to serve its
‘judge from early boyhood- I hereby announce
myself a candidate lor Judge •>!' the City Court
jofMt Vernon, subject t*> tin* rules and te
; ijuiremerts of the ib inoeintii* l-rimary to lie
i held I’chrnury 20. IIMIS. I solicit the snppoti
j of all voters, and promise a lair ami impartial
; ailmillistt utioreof tlm oftlc, ll elected
Wm. D. lit Nr.
For (Inlinni v:
Mv candidacy IT»r rc-ch «di'»n t«» the oOice of
f’ntinaiy i* hen hv announced lt» ihe voters til
A/outgoineiy counts. W i 11» full appieeiuiiou J
id past lavois, and i'*H|>cet Inlly asking furtlu i
inrereat in my In halt tin* 1 ,
am Very trul>,
A i i n M» Arniu is.
For Rt*|)ivsi“iit;it ivt*:
To M.V IV,low Citi/euw and Voids of Mont
r\ Countv:
This is to nmke form 1 1 amiounei nn*nt of mv
; candidacy for Kepivaditative of Moii»fj;oiuei v |
| couniv in the (ivm ral Ahs« inhly, ami to ask
the HU|>|)ort (»f all. Ilia’ll ohvicd, tll« bent
interests ol llu pooplc at my mni\o eonnly
shall ho loreiiioa( hi the lino ol duty
UeHpcelfull v,
j. W. ('l.t vIKN l’s.
For Representative:
so the Voh®a of N (’oiudv:
l li« r*hy announce nijaelf a t ;iudi«lafc fm ,
; Iteprtentative of Montgomery county in the
, next (lenei ;d k \hnembly, snl\j«ct t< * tin* action
I of tho Democratic Km-cuu\ • Committue.
lie apcci fully,
(’ll \S. S. fl.\ MiI.ION.
For State Senator:
1 hereby announce myself a candivtalc t o
! ttic Sour i'li'in t hiH (In KilTooiith .Senatorin I
DiHlriot. Kubject to such action a* lie D« nm
cnatic party may fake ssitli nTYii ice to lie
noiiiinatiou of a -nnatot. I ianu stl\ solicit
the HU|ii)oi*t* ot thi" peoph , and il fleeted I
) roinise to «lisehai“' the dutii’H of the ofliee
to the very heal of my ability.
Kc.-pei tlllll\.
.M a act s \\. (' vi. inn \
For Judge of City Court:
To tin Voters of Montgomery Comity:
I liercljy aiiuoiiuce myself a candidate for
.luitLie of lln* City Court of Mt. Vernon. Huhjcet
to the action of the Democratic l'rimary. I
promisi , if elected, to distduirge the duties ol
tho office to the be.-d of mv ability.
W. 1.. \V1 I.son.
For Clerk of Superior Court.
To the White Voters of Monlxomory (’oiudv:
j This announce-' my eandidacy lor the oilier
J ot‘CUiU ol the Superior Court of i\
tmunty, subject to whatever ml's iiml retful.e
j tiona mav he provided by tin" .iCXeeutj've (Join
| mitt e« , “overniu“ tho election. As anntiw
jof the county, with an ambition to hi-i vc her
i people it tlie above Capacity, I ask thesnpp it
,of all v> t«i h, pr'''ini ~i no a fait Id id disthai‘“e ol
I duties ini iiml/ent upon the orice.
Ymil'h V< l \ il ulv,
, * T. VV. Morris.
. f -- .
for Clerk Superior Court:
With tiiia issue of the Monitor, 1 announce
myHeJr a candi’late for i e-elec.t ion to the ollid
of Clerk of the Hupei ior Court ol Moutp'oim i \
county, subject to the action of tlie Demo
cratic i*rimar\, to be held at sucli time as th
I party deem best, llavitm heretofore lille-l
j this office. I am thoroughly u, <pt.unfed with
all the duties encumbent upon the place. I
Miiundeed “liih lul to m> fin nd i for tlndi
past support, iiml promiio , if favored «itl» a
rootinuniice of flic same, to discharge all tin
duties of llie Olliee to tlm best of luy ability.
In spect fully your*.,
\ John C. Cm.iioi .n,
;-- / -
For Clerk ol Snj >r*ri• • r Court :
I*o the Vot* is of ry County:
1 her* by amiouiii-e myself a candidate for
Clerk of lb* Superior Coil'd, sublet t>> 11»#
action ol tin Democratic primary. I pioini-e
if elected to discharge tin- dutl**s *>f tln* oltiei
to tin b**st ot mv ability. TiiAidtiim those who
will support me, with assurance that tin* saun
| will he appreciated, D. li. Guaiia.m.
l or Comity Surveyor:
1 iifCaiu offer my SCI vices to the peon!** ofm\
' iiattv* county in (In* capacity of ('oiudv Hm
ve\or« tin* position 1 am u*»w tilling, I***- mv.
Mii> licit in . skill and expei i#*neo in tin work
: \'ill warrant mv request for no h etion, and
1 tin* ruai»ner in svhieti I liave >tis* iia“p* *1 tin
I didi' sos tlie oflie* in* iit tin siipp-ulol tin- *
J neople of Mont“oiin i\ eolliity. i hankiicj all
| lot pa.d support i* ml asking fln- # same at t|o
1 appi oiM'ldriy e|« « tion T 1 am
Yours i.inly,
IS. ji. MotlßlK.
For Tax (ini lector:
To Montgomery (!ountv Voters:
! While my cumiidiicy has lx known to tin
peoph* for moiTl** time, this is to fully plac*
'mys< If before tne v*d* rs *>f tin eonnly as a
i <andiiUfe for tin* offir* of Ta\ Colle**i*>r. i
desire tlmoffi* * . and if lioucsi * If *it will
; if, l am h* hue tin voters, with -im ' »'** rtppr* -
eiation of past favors m-towed, during tin*
campaign past ami tin? race now on.
\Yi> n s, * if lolly,
Jas. W. Ai**.ms.
F<»r Titx ('ollector :
To the (uli/eus of Montgomery Coiiiiln :
1 In-reby »iiM*or,fi*'<* my eatididaey for r«
i el* **t loti t*» th«' ofll' *' of f.i X ( oil* dor, siihjp-ei |
! to ihe (hiuocratie piimaiv, if
< h*"ted to ITlltJlfllli \ dise||.i»;o f|| y<f 11» % .
I: .Vi rion VV«.« n
Fur Tax R.*«:<*iv<*r:
In r*"Mp**fis* loreipu'd"* fiom many source'
I Inl'by pla**e mvsi-lf b«*fol«- the Votei* *»t
Mf'id J4*»nieiy county as a eandidate f*u /ax
Ueeeiver, tin hi of if * y appr*'ciat ion
I of a term in office, whndi I promise so tilt with
| • ai ih'slomss ainl accuracy, if 1 hoi periuitte*!
j sei V* in Htieh a * apfleity. As a Ilf* citi/* n
lof this county, I earnestly a-k the support of
| .ill. Yours truly,
(i 31. C l*« RKIf AI.'J Ell.
For Sheriff:
I l’o tin* Vot* is of i v C*MHity:
l hereby atiiuofinee niys<-lf n camlidate for
fb' office **f Hln.l itfof H-'ld eotinfv, subject t«.
the actum of the I rimaty Kh - ti*»u. at»d T#*s.
juct 'oily a-k th* support *>t the votei s *.f tin
<■ polity. If I *>m *-h <-t* d I pr*< owe to till idl of
: *he duties of ihe Hfn riff * ofii**«* as tin, law
directs. Yours truly,
( i.wrox Morris.
.Minify 1.0 loan a< >’> iiiid 7 p<-r
f<-ut. on imj,rov‘*«l farnif*.
A. B. 11 1 I - fIK.-ON,
Mi . Vi-rnoii. <ia.
1 CURE 1
Half a bottle of I)r. King's New Discovt rv cured me of the
p worst cold and cough I pver had. J. li. Pitt, Rocky Mount, N. C. ,i\
Ml. Vernon l)nin('o. Aitov Pharmacy.
Any Quantity of Air-Dried Dressed
Flooring and (Vilint*. All (trades, at
Kiml l l 1 rices. See or address
11. F. I). No. ‘2. Ml. Vernon, (»a.
j 57W. PAUL, I
l (Gen w ood, (ji:i. IF In D. No. I. \
< (At ID• 11 (.<>i'i‘- Tiir|)(‘iil i 11 <• Si ill.) |
\ Fi ll WIDFS WAYi'FD.
£ 11 i g 11 1 •h l Mni'ki'l I’riri I’i id I'nr Ai I Winl i i 11 idr-<, VV< 11 < kisi'd ; |
i (Mfi r, m-cnidiiig: to -i/", rnlur aii<l <|ii.tiil v, j|t I i< > .+S |
l, - - - I'"* |
£ Ih'iivi r, - - - - - I"
£ Mink, .... , -><■ 1 «. .fI I
5 Skunk, or I'<»I«• <•; 1 1-, ... -H l ' to 7-><- j
lllireooli, - - - • * 1 ,,| ‘ to oil r
£ < )|>o-s ll 111, - - - - oo 1 o "Jl)r
£ l*’oX, -Dr 100 llr Uildrill, -()'' lo |()r
} ( 'cUT' -> |)' >ll<l •■ 1 1 <■< soliritr 1.1 11l I" i\. kllllt I - 1111 d I 111 |>| K'l’H. *
I with oi it— 1
I _ I
Hats and Furnishings. §
| Orders by Mali are ( Oreaiilv j|
| and Promptly Filled. |
| A complete Catalogue, covering all our |
Lines, sent free upon request.
j B. H. Levy Bao. & Co., j
I 7/
/ ////// / / ''//..0 / / y/ / / / / / " t t * / / t J rr / / O/'/////// / 11/)