The Montgomery monitor. (Mt. Vernon, Montgomery County, Ga.) 1886-current, February 13, 1908, Image 4

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Senile, \Va#h., Jan. 23. — H<*
ruliltcil in\ cache and I allot Inm. *
Such m l lie startling inscription
on the headstone of a newly-made
grave at Purgatory, on tin- banka
of the Yukou, KM union la*low
Foil Yukon.
Recent arrivals from Gibson
brin)'tln; news of tin* foregoing
grim wav that lliu leading citizen
of Purgatory took of announcing
that In* had murdered a man and
had burned him in front of bin
residence, A party was on its
way to the boat, and some of the
women swooned when they read
tin* uncanny sign over tin* grave
of the victim of the man who had
<}ari*d to take tlie law into his own
hands and then had dared to an
nounce boldly tln* tact in simple,
broad italics.
Kven to t lu ni t lie weird method
of raising a moral over the bonus
of a slaiigtered t respusser sent a
oh til up and down tin* back.
When Yannert of Purgatory saw
tin- party In* stoppl'd forward
from his cabin with smiles, <x
t.-tided Ins baud, the hand guilty
of t!ie grim propotrution. Yan
nert smiled, and those who had
been used to reading thrilling
tales of how there is a gleam in a
murderer's eye and a cynical or
haughty smile nil the man's face
believed they could see all this in
Yannert,'s make-up. They even
believed t hat there may have been
something of the demon in his
composition, parth*iilary when lie
pointed to the grave and said:
“Yep, 1 did it, with mv little
gun. I enn not toll a lie.”
Then Yannert smiled, “And,”
lie added, “while lie’s probably
in the hot place, ’’ pointing to the
grave, “I’m in Purgatory. Hut
lam also on earth. Purgatory is
mv home, but there are some
cache thieves who have gone
where no tii" (jiienehes, and there
may la* more if the uuwriten laws
of Yukon are not more carefully
obson od. ’
N|h rial (’on t
Our little village of LucienvilL*
continues t> prosper. Several new
dwellings near by are being erect
ed which will necessitate changes
and new comers in the vicinity.
We understand that Mr. John Yar
brough and family of Helena are
soon to move in our midst.
The farmers are very busy pul
verizing the soil and making ready
for the spring planting. Some
have already received their crates
for packing cantaloupes and mel
.Mr. A. T. Rhodes and little son,
T. L., are very ill at tins writing.
The touchers of this place, Miss
is Julia Edwards and Cornelia
Walker, were entertained Satur
day night and Sunday at the homo
of Ml. and Mrs. .). J. Hinson.
Messrs. James mid Henry Kemp
left on Monday to visit their pa
rents in South Carolina,
It seems that Gordon Elkins is
making his business trips to Ailoy
quite often : he went again Sun
day, aocompied by Ins brother,
Eeon. Strange that these trips an*
made so often and always on Sun
Notwithstanding the cold wind
of the first Sunday in this month,
quite a number were present at
Hay Springs to hear the able dis
course delivered by Rev. Hines.
Several ol'the young people of
this place attended the singing at
J«mig branch Sunday afternoon.
The school here continues to
prosper, the enrollment is 107 with
more expected.
Thirty new books were added to
the library this week. —V.
An exchange says: We know a
remarkable woman who is teach
ing a little country school. Some
day she will marry a little old
ten-cent man and sjietul the rest
of her life in retirement. If that
woman were a man, her ability
and strength of character would
bring her to the front. No man
of ability is neglected : many wo
men of ability spend their lives in
Chicago, Feb. B—A 'woman's
scheme of gngging And binding
herself, bands and set-u, to the legs
of a sewing machine and table,
after scattering the contents of
bureau drawers over the floor, all
for the' purpose ot winning the
sympathy of her husband who
went to chinch meetings instead
of staying home of nights, was
brought to tiie attention of the
■police last night.
Mi*. Christina Koesing, a bride
ot a few months, was the woman.
She is the wife of Albert bossing,
i butterine maker.
Mr. bossing left bouse lust even
ing to attend a churli meeting
and when ho returned two hours
later, lie found Ins wife in the
I predicament described übove.
Alter sin* had been revived by a
| physician she said two burglars
1 had entered the house and bound
! her.
| bossing notified the polico and
three detectives were sent to in*
! vesMgate. To them tho woman
ropeutep the story she had told
her hhshuml, adding u toogruphic
description of the two men. It
was t his minute description that
led to Huspiotion. After u little
questioning, sue said:
“I was not robbed at nil. I
just pretended it to win the sym
pathy of inv husband und get him
to stay home witn me at night.”
St. Haul, Minn., Fob. 8. —As
tin* climax of an exceptionally
heavy run of hogs which has been
pouring into the big South St.
Haul market for nearly a month,
tin* Swift plant has broken all re
cords by establishing a new high
li*v<*l of 0,100 hogs killed, dressed
and sent to tin* colling rooms in
ten hours, and a new record of 81,
000 hogs killed and dressed in a
single week.
Throughout the record day
Adolf /inert, a slender, pale-faced
German, stood on his platform
| just m front of the huge death
wheel that picks up the swine
and sends them to their death,
killing slightly more than ten of
tin* animals each minute.
/inert, who has followed his
gruesome occupation tor ten years,
is just comploteing a personal re
cord of 5,000,000 hogs dead under
the stroke of his thiti, keen knife,
lie is a man of mild anil agrceublc
j manner, of considerable educa
t ion, and during Ins leisure hours,
devotes himself with rare enthus
iasm to tin* skillful care of mi ex- j
ce**dingly productive tiftoen-acre I
fgrin near the plant.
riu* end of true culture is jK*ace ,
with one's self: to have establish
ed u modus vivemli; not to be j
blown about between good imp
bad, but to have a practicable
path through the mystery of
\Vo begin lib* ns little animals;
we should end as great souls.
All inward unhappiness can be
i definitely traced to selfishness; no
unselfish person can be thorough
ly unhappy.
The sellish man is pitied against |
Ja selfish world, infinitely stronger i
iluin he, and against which he has
, no hope of success.
When a selfish man succeeds in j
becoming happy, it is only at the
price of the unhappiness of others, i
Life is too short and the prices j
of selfishness too close and t«K> al- !
luring; you cannot hope to attain i
nobility without belief in heuveu
anil God.
There is no happiness so long as ;
w»* are impatient.
There is an element of vulgarity
ill anv jewelry.
The savage Indian in his tent
of skins, and the multi-million-
Him in his mess of bric-a-brac, j
are equally removed from true;
culture. Nobility lies m the diffi
cult middle wav.
To read books that require no ]
i mental effort is time lost.
Rf*v. VV\ C. Glenn began u revi
val service at the Methodist
church at Alley last evening. In
this meeting he is assisted by Rev.
J. W. Domingoes of the Method
ist church at Mcßae, who is one
of the best known ministers in
the South Georgia Conference.
This meeting will continue
through the coming week, und
much good spirtuully is expected
through the la (sirs of these able
and consecrated ministers. Let
the meeting have a good attend
ance. All invited to go out.
One cow with brown hack;
white spots on flanks; mark, crop
in right ear, two splits in left ear;
lends of horns sawed oft'. When
last heard from was at Thomas
Hardeman's,two miles from Alley,
Gu. Any information lending to
her whereabouts w ill be thankful
ly received.
Mrs. V. F. Merritt,
18 2t liuslmell, Coffee Co.,Ga.
Although the trump hud seen a
great deal of life, he was no judge
of character, otherwise he would
not have suid what he did to Miss
(Jorncliu Hawkins, says the
Youth’s Companion. When she
said that she would give him a
good dinner if he would saw* und
split enough wood to pay her for
it, he attempted to appeal to her
“Madam,” he replied sadly,
“I’d lieglud to buw and split the
wood—l’d be glad to do anything,
but I am not physically strong. I
have a weak heart. You see, 1
carry my life in my huuds, as it
were,” he said, with whut was
mount for a wan, pathetic smile.
“Indeed 1” and Miss Hawkins
gave an incredulous sniff ns she
glanced ut palms outstretched for
aid. “I suppose that’s the reason
I you won’t wash ’em—for fear of
getting drowned?”
Mortgage Sale.
OEOItOLU Montgomery Count-.v:
Under und liy virtue of » pow.-r of sal* in a
nioilgiige executed l>y Josh Collin* and Laura
Colima, dated the Sill day of .Varch, 1890, und
recorded in the otlice of the Clerk of the Ku
nei ior court of Montgonuu'v county, in Hook
1), folioH 3,)7, 338 and 339, on the 20lli day of
■lun*, tstll, the tincloi limned will soil ut pub
lic outcry, at the court h nan door in h id
county of .Montgomery,during the legal tioura
of t-ale to the litglieHt bidder for card), on the
that Tnerday in March, 1908, the following de
scribed properly tn-wit: One hundred acre*
of Und, more or le**, nituate, lying and tniug
in the 1221*t Diulrict, (I. M , oi aaid county of
Montgomery, aaid state of Georgia, hounded
north hy l&uaa ol Jnxeph Willmiua, boat hy
Mrs. John Kersey, south bv J. K. llcckwonli,
und weal by 11. A. Voslcy, known as the place
where the said Collins now reside, together
! witli all improvement* thereon, for the pur
pose nf pay jug a certain promissory note for
tiUJ.'Jfi,executed and delivered to William and
T. •/. Pritcliet, on the Slh dav of March, 181)0,
sUpuUtiikK for interest from maturity at rate
I of S per cent per annum anil ten per cent at
! tornev'a the total annum due on .aid
I note now thing (174.82, principal; (208.5:1 iu-
I terest up to me th at dav of March. 1008. and
| the lurilter sum of (37.86 attorney’s fen* and
I f>r such aunt as may be necessary to pay the
' taxes thereon now due. together with the
j costa of this proceeding, a* provided in a:itd
mortgage. A deed to the purchaser will he
made bv the undersigued. This, the Ist day
of October, 1907.
I'avix Jt Adams, Attorney* for I‘htmlifV*.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia - Montgomery County:
Will he wold before the court house door in
Mi. Vernon on the tir»t Tuesday in March,
11*08, between the legal hours of aalo, to the
Highest bidder for cash, certain property, of
which 'he following i* a complete description: !
Fifty acres of laud more or less of
Lot of Imltd lying and being in said
county ami stare and in the L'Wrtth
district <i. M.. ami bounded as fol-j
lows: On the east by lands of Spen
cer Coleman, on t tie north by lands
of Joint t'laxton. on the west by a
tract of bind known as "Headache I
tract” and on the south by lands of
Harmon Willis. Said land levied
on as the property of R. W. Willis
to satisfy an execution issued from
the City Cottr' of Mt. Vernon in favor
of The Cittxens Hunk of Vidalia vs
K. W. Willis. A. Gilli*. J. F. Phil
lips and Wilder Phillips. Written
notice of levy given K. W. Willis as
required by law. This 4th day of
Feb., IMN. ' A. J. Hutch,
Sheriff C. C.
Jones A Sparks, Aliys.
Sheriff Sale.
(tonight—Mentg.mtrrv County:
Witt he sold before the court Itnttm* door in
Mt. VertHMl on the first i'uswLy in March,
1308, b< tween the legal hours of sale, to 'he
liigeet bidder for cash, certain pn>|s*riy, of
which the tol.owing ia a complete description: ,
Ail that tract or parcel of land sit
uated and being in the Seventh lumd
district of said county and known us
i«ot No. 4t&, containing tol and 1-2
acres more or less. Said land levied
on hs the ptrqrert c of Sandy Rials to
satisfy an execution issued from the
t'ity Court of Mt. Vernon in favor
of Cowart Bros, against Sandy R.vals j
and J. J. Rials. Property twur.g in
the possession of Sandy R.vals and
(Hunted out by plaintiffs. This 4rh
day of Feb., 1908.
A. J. Burch, Shes. C. t*.
W. At. Lewis, Attv,
* *■
* *
| A Prosperous f
f New Year! I
* i
* %
| 1908 j
% *
* ~ *
J Is going to be a Banner year and will be espcially profitable
* %
j to you if you are a regular customer of J
* *
Ml #■
!W. H. McQUEEN,!
* *
# Jr
* *
* *
* *■
J (The Store Where You Get Full Value for Your Money Twelve Months iu the Year.)
# imm mu am ts* me mm mmmamm^^mmmm
# *
Sheriff ’s Sale.
Georgia -Montgomery County:
Will lie tmld before the court house door in
>ll Vernon on the first Tuesday iu Mareli, !
1908, between the legal hour* of sale, to the
highest bidder for easli, certain property, of j
which the following is a complete description::
One certain tract or parcel of land
lying and being in the Higgston <1 is- j
trict G. M. of said county and bound
ed on tiie north by tiie McQueen
estate, on the east by lands of \V r . L.
Wilson, Rich Johnson and Robert
Leo, on the south by the town of i
Higgton and S. A L. Ry. and on the
west by lands of Conner and A. A.
Peterson, and containing 475 acres
more ar less. Said property levied
on as the property of G. N. Mathews
to satisfy a tax li fa issued by R.
Newton Wood, Tax Collector. vs(i.
N. Mathew* for state and county
taxes for the year 1907.
This 3d day of Feb.. ISOS.
A. J Burch, rtlief. M. C.
Sale of Mortgaged Property.
Georgia—Montgomery < 'entity.
Under ami by virtue of a power of
sale contained in a mortgage execut
ed by Mary Roberts to tin* Mount
Vernon Rank, dated the 27rh day of
December, 1905, and recorded in the
office of the Clerk of the Superior
Court of Montgomery county in Rook
Y. folio 75. the undersigned will sell
at public outcry at the court bouse'
door in said county, during the legal j
hours of safe, to tiie highest bidder
for cash, on the first Tuesday in
March, next,lßON.the following prop
erty, 10-wit: All that certain tract
or parcel of land situate, lying and
being in the 1567th district, G. M., of
said county and state, and hounded
as follows: t)n the north by lands of
Jack Williamson; on the east by
lands of the Tony Mosely estate; on
the south by lands of Jack William
son and on the west by lands of Law
sou Moseley, containing twenty (20)
acres, more or less, for the purpose
of paying certain promissory note for
tiie sum of $45.46, executed and de
livered by Mary Roberts to the Mt.
Vernon Rank, yn the :17th day of De
cember, 19G5,uud due '>ll the 20th day
of Dec. lUikt. stipulating for interest
from maturity at rate of 8 per ot per
annum and 10 per ct attorney’s fees,
the total amout due on -aid note
being $45.45 principal. $0.50 interest
and $4.54 attorney’s fees, together
with the costs of this proceeding, a
provided in said mortgage. A deed
to the purchaser will be made by the
undersigned. This February 4th,t9os.
The. Mr Vernon Bank. *
Attv. in Fact for Mary Roberts.!
VV. M. Lewis. Attorney.
Once more I ask the office of
Tax Collector of Montgomery
county ; and if elected, will do uiy
best to give satisfaction for one
term. Leaving myself in the
hands of my friends, und thank
iug the people for past favors , and
earnestly asktug the support of all,
voters. lam Yours truly,
Georgia—M 011 t,go me ry Cou n ty.
The appraisers appointed upon
application of Abbie L. Mason,
administratrix of the estate of A.
J. Mason, for a twelve months
support out of the estate of A. J.
Mason for his seven minor child
ren, having tiled their return, all
persons concerned are hereby’ re
quired to show cause if any they
can at the next regular term of
this court to be held on the first
Monday in March why said ap
plication should not be granted.
This 3d day of February, 1908.
Alex McArthur, Ord.
• fMTTTTftT ▼ •tttttttTtttTTtttTTTtTTtT
l (The Best on the Market)
► The Home Fertilizer and
[ Chemical Company
t Manufacturers High-Grade Fertilizers
► Chemicals and all Fertilizing Materials
► For Every Purpose
t “(Jeuecilite Top Ducssipg"
l “tjoipe Feutilizeu”
t Are Still Favorites Among the Farmers
\ Special Agent, MT. VERNON, GA.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Whereas, John D. Stanford repre
sents to the court in his petition.duly
filed anil entered on record! that lie
has fully discharged the duties of ad
ministrator on the estate of Georgia
E. Stanford. This is to cite all per
sons, kindred and creditors, to show
cause, if any they can, why said ad
ministrator should not be discharged
from bis administration and receive
letters of dismission 0.1 the first. Mon
day in March, 1908. This 3d day of
February, 1908.
Alex McAbthub, Ordinary M. C.
Atty at Law,
Mt. Vernon, Georgia.