Newspaper Page Text
Victorian Notes.
Lnsi Saturday reports were heard
from several' committees. The
reflsurer reported the collection of
80 cents on dues during the week.
After all business had been at
tended to the following program
was rendered:
Piano duet by Nettie Mosley
and Naomi Brew bon.
Recitation by Mary Coleman.
Prophecy by Ruby Mason. Hav
ing been excused to go to Mount
Vernon, her prophecy was read by
Florence Hogan.
Piano solo by Ellen Harris.
Life of Emerson, by Imogene
There were several other num
bers on the program, but they
were not given on account of thos<-
who were to give- them being ab- 1
sent. I. A.
Special t ,'orrr *pom!once.
Miss P.essie Tompkins is visit
ing her aunt, Mrs. \V. H. Aehord,
this week.
N. J. Vaughan made a business '
trip to Hazlehurst Thursday.
' Tlios. Spivey and Miss Lou an a
Mimbs attended Sunday school
at Bruce Sunday last.
Mr. Willie MeEaciiern visited i
in Lumber City Saturday.
The sing at Shiloh was well at
tended. All invited to attend
the next meeting.
Mr. Canine Durden made a fly- j
ing trip to Douglas - Saturday
Miss Sadie Vi.mghan was the
guest of Miss Pearle Mimbs or:
Sunday p. in.
The Atlanta Journal snys“Littb
,Toe Brown’s son led the crowd ;
which hooted the Governor m
Marietta. The Journal would ,
probably have accused the old
man of it if it had not known
that he was in Atlanta. —Valdosta
Profoundly grateful for having,
boea honored with the judgeship!
of the Oconee Circuit, 1 respect
fully solicit from the voters of the
circuit a recognition of the time- 1
honored Democratic rule of alien-1
dorsemont for a second term. The
experience of my first term the;
better equips and qualifies me for!
the discharge of the duties of the
second term.
I invite investigation and com-}
parison of my record in theSu-!
preme Court and in the amount
of business transacted in the Su-1
perior Courts of the circuit, as,
shown by the minutes and dock
ets, with that of my predecessors j
and other judges ot the state*, i j
have marked off the dockets fori
all causes over 4,500 cases, in my j
opinion a greater number than ev
er before in the history of the cir
cuit in the same length of time.
Ilad it not been for tearing down :
old and building new court houses }
the death and sickness of attor-i
neys and parties, the number j
would have been greatly increased
and the dockets cleared up t o date, I
for more than dnee have I called
for trial every case on the several'
dockets and discharged juries for!
lack of business. No court has!
ever been delayed or adjourned on
account of my inability to hold it.
nor have I ever been late for open
ing court when juries were empan
Sincerely thanking the many
who have so generously and vol
untarily assured me of their sup
port, I confidently submit my can
didney to the arbitrament of the j
voters at the ballot box on June
4th, 1908. Respectfully,
J. H. Martin.
To Whom It May Concern.
We the undersigned citizens resid-,
ing in the county »! Montgomery |
hereby give notice in terms of the ;
statute that we have filed in the of
fice of the Ordinary of Montgomery
county a p;-i b ion seeking n vitange ol
she lines between the county of
Montgomery and the county <>f
- Toombs, and that after due notice
had. we will at the next May term of
the Superior Court oi Vontgoim- y
countv. present our petition to the
Grand Jury of said county praying
for a change of the lines a- set forth
in said petition.
C. 8. Meadows. Isaac B. Xew. .
X. M. Williamson, if. J New,
C. F. Nunn, L M. Joyner,
JI. P. Holmes. Petitioners.
This, gut day <»f February, isn*
To the Voters of the Oconee Judicial Circuit.
Having an ambition to serve
my state in the capacity of Solie
j itor-Genera! ol the Oconee Judic
ial Circuit, and after careful de
liberation with my friends
throughout the Circuit, 1 hereby
formally announce my candidacy
I for this position, 1 make no
i promises, in the event of this}
important official station, except j
an honest, faithful and conscien- ;
lions discharge of the duties inei- '
dent thereupon, and success at i
the hands of the voters through-!
out the circuit for this responsi
ble position will gratify an ambi
tion naturally harbored by one
l who iias been actively engaged in
;iho practice of criminal law for
twenty-five years. My candidacy
is subject to the primary of June
4th, 1908. H. P. How Aim.
1 am a candidate for tho judge
ship of the Superior Courts of
l.his circuit. I have had an expe
rience of more than twenty-five
years in netive practice, and I be
lieve that I possess the necessary
|qualifications to fill tho office,
jlf 1 am elected, I will bring to
the discharge of tho duties of the
I office a mind and a purpose fun
j trammeled by business, profes
sional or social relations) to ad-
I minister the public justice wit h
!economy, promptness and impar
itiality. My candidacy will con
tinue until th<* result of the pri
! mary is declared. L have every
assurance that my election will bo
I satisfactory to the bar and to the
people. If 1 did not believe this
jto be true, 1 would not be a can
didate. John F. DkLacy.
For Judge Superior Court.
To the Voters oe the Oconee
j Judicial. Circuit : I beg leave to
| announce to you that L am a can
didate for Judge of the Superior
Court of the Oconee Circuit, sub
ject to the state primary, June 4.
j I earnestly solicit your support
and if elected I pledge to you my }
• very best efforts to faithfully dis-i
charge the duties of that iinpor-l
iant position. Respectfully,
G. 11. Williams.
Dublin, (5a., Feb. 24, 1908.
To Voters of Oconee Circuit :
1 am a candidate for the Judge
j ship of the Oconee J udicial Cir
cuit, subject to the primary to bo
; held June 4th next.
Walter M. Clements.
Eastman, Ga., March 21, 1908.
I To Voters of Oconee Circuit :
lam a candidate for Judge of i
j the Superior Court, subject to the-;
1 primary of June 4th. and respect-1
; fully solicit your support.
Warren Grice.
• ;
bankrupt sale.
Under and by virtue of two orders
j granted by the Hon. A. H. MacDon
iell. Referee in Bankruptcy, March
luist, IWM, jn the case ol Brandon &
’ Oreyerr, el. al, vs. I>. S. Barnhill
j bankrupt , I will set, up and expose
| ror sale at public outcry at Soperton,
on the sth day of May. IRON, a-t
ill o’clock, a in. two store lots and
lone storehouse located at Lorhair,
j Ga., and bounded as follows: On the
j north by lands ol Mary Bar wick, on
! the east by public road, on rhe south
!by b. W. Barwiek, on the west and
i northwest by lands of Mary Warwick
! and containing two lots six by one
! hundred feet and thirty by six feet.
Both lots bounded in rhe above de
i script ion. Also, at the same time
and place, I will set, np and offer for ;
sale all of tin* uncollected notes and j
accounts of 'he above named Bank-*
j nipt estate. E. A. Oiitlaw.Trnslee. j
j Georgia—Montgomery County.
Jane Fleming having made appli- ;
j cation for twelve month-support out !
of the estate of ( alvin Fleming, and |
(appraisers duly appointed to sot
apart tin* .attic having filed their re
j turn, all persons concerned arc here
• by required to -how cause before the
! Court of Ordinary of said county on
' the first Monday in May, 1908, why
said application should not be grant
ed. Tills tjtii clay of April, 1908.
Alex McArthur, Ordinry.
Mortgage* Sale.
OEO I’O lA—Mon tgom cry County:
Under ;uul by virtue of n pr,w*-r of sat-in a ,
1 morigagr cxccutc.l by J >sb C,>Hins and Laura .
I Collins, dated tin: Hrh" day of IMrcli, 1890. and '
1 rcooreUd in dir office of the Cl' rk of tin* Su
j iterior court of Montgomery c.mnty, in ftook
U, f./liou 397, 338 and 339, on tliA* ll l l day ,’t I
Inne, 1891. tbe mulct'vigued will Bi*U lit jwilr- !
: lie outcry, at tin* court h usn door in s if I I
coil’ity ,/f M'ceg .nru-t v.during the legal hour. |
' ~r sal." t , tbe Ingle st bidder for cash, on die !
lil-t Tue.-day ir> Mr v, 1908,'he following dc
.-■-•ribed {jrrrjy r:y 10-wit: One bund,. . acre*
I of land, nuoic <• i 1 as, situate, i.viug and being
,nr the 12215 i PistricG U, ol fsiid county of
| Montgomery, .-aid s'a'f-.f He,rgia, bounded
1 north 111 land-of Joseph Williams, t.aat by
j .ii“. Julio Kf-rs<y, south b\ J. K. ISeckwortb,
and west by I!. .1. Wot-wv, known as the place
ihcrc the i, Collins un.v reside, together
■ id> ail improvements ihereo for the pui
p meot p.,;. a eertsiu propiisaon note for
t-iiv ‘Jtifi-y ''fitted slid dobvetvd , .Viliiam and
T. •/. I’r t *het. on rhe Stb rlav of March, 189(1. i
sdpnhuuig for in: to **t born maturity at rat.
of 8 | < r e. nt per annum and ten per cent at
••rtnei’a fee*. thetotl annum* die on said;
note now briny ilTt 82, principa'; 5.87 in- i
o rest up to the riot ,1a;. of May, 19(|8, and (
die fnr* b<-r nurn of *37 3R a' tori icy's f*''s and 1
for such sum as may i>e neecasai i to [ 'ft. the
j taxes thereon now due, together with the j
•-•o»l» of tHi, proc< eiin”, provided In nidi
I mortgage. A deed to the purchaacr will he
made L>v the uodersignCfl. This, the Cili Jay
of April. 1908.
Pavia A Ai»axi», Attorney* h r f'laintift*.
j State of Georgia Montgomery County.
To tin Superior Court ot said Conntv:
The petition of II I’. Anderson ol l.iim'ens
county* On., K. W. Anderson, O. I- Waters
and W. L. Sitow ol Montgomery county, (la .
| and M. A. Z-dglerof -county. On ,
i, spectfulh -turns the following Mots:
First.—That they desire for themselves,
their associates, successors and assigns to be
come incorporated under die name and style
jot The 7’aiTjtntvn Trading Co mnaov, for a
j period of twenty years.
I (Second —The principal office and plat*" of
| business of said company shall be in the town
’ of Tarry town in said county ol .Wonigoinei i.
| state of Georgia: but petitioners desire Hie
! right to establish branch offices or lie con
nected with branch offices in ibis slate or
elsewhere whenever the holders ol Ho major
ity ot the stock may so determine.
Third—The capitol slock of the corporation
is to b. Five Thousand Dollars, divided into
shares of One Hundied Dollars ,-aeh T,at
om rs however ask the privilege of inei casing
said capitol stock from tine* to time as shall
ho determined by a majority of the slock
holders 10 an amount not exceeding Ten
'Thousand Dollars in the aggregate.
Fourth-That of the live thousand dollar
stock there has been three thousand dollars
actually prid-iu.
Fifth Tho object ol the proposed corpora
tion is pecuniary profit and gain to its stock
holders. Petition! tv propose to carry on a
retail grocery and dry goods business nnb
deal in dry goods, groceries, notions, etc., at
retail, buying and selling for cash or credit
all such articles as are usually in the retail
dry goods and grocery business, and all sneh
articles a id tilings as may b> protitably han
dled and sold in connection In rcvvilh, acting
as general or special agents for other persons
or companies hr selling or handling an . at*- '
tide or class of articles apprnprint > to tin
dry goods or grocery business m usually or
col,vent, ntlv connectcillhcrovriHi and to make
contracts to act as such agem.'i. unit exercisi
the usual powers and P do all usual, neces
sary and proper acts which pertain root* may
be connected with llic business of retail deal
ers in the articles and things intnicd, inclu
ding dressmaking m anv tiling necessary to
entry on a successful business legitimately as
above set out.
Sixth—Petitioners desire the right to sm
and he sued, to plead and lie itn|'/eaderl, in
have and use a common stall, to no,to- all nec
essary by-laws and regulations and to do all
other tilings nocessarr for tbe carry inn on of
said business, including tin* ri lit to bnv. bold l
and sell real estate and personal property
suitable for Hie purposes of the corporatioii
and to execute notes and bonds ns > videoee
ol indebtedness incurred, or which may In
incurred, in the conduct of the affairs ot the
corporation and to secure the same by mort
gage, eocuritv deed or other form of lien un- I
(iet* existing laws if they see lit, and to accept ;
security in the same manner,
.Seventh—They desire for said incorporation
the power and authority to apply for and ac
cept amendments to its.'charter,of eitherforni
jor sitlistaiice In a vote *it a ma.i'irity m its
I stock outstanding at the time. They also nsl:
authority for said incorporation to wind up;
its iiflhirM, liquidate and discontinue iis lutsi- ;
! ness at any time it may determine to do so in |
a vote of tivo-tliirds of its stock at the time
Eighth -They deair** for said eorpetnlioti I
the right of renewal when and as provided by ;
the laws of Gpor- in, and that it have all s'ucii
other right*, powers, pi ivileges and iinmmii- |
lies rs are incident to corpoi ntions, or per- j
misstble under the laws of Georgia.
"Ticreforc, petitioners pray to In incorpo
rated under the name and style aforesaid,
with the powers, privileges and umnnnili -
heroin sot forth, and its me now, or may hi re
after be allowed a corpora ion of similar ehai
iieter under Hie laws of Georgia.
L. * . r’Nnj'U'vooi),
Atty. for I’efiiioin rs.
Georgia —Montgomery County:
I, i. C. Calhoun. Clerk ol Superior Court ot
said county, do hereby certify tiiat the within
and foregoing type written matter is a true j
and co reel copy of a petition for incorporation :
j for the Tarry town Trading IJonipiuiv. (liven |
! under my hand and seal of office this April Id.
11908. ’ J. C. Calhoun, Clerk. -
Sheriff S.-ilo.
j Georgia—Montgomery Comity :
Will hti sol 1 before the court house door in
Mt. Vernon on the fust Tuesday in tiny.
1908, between the legal hours of sale, to the
highest bidder for cash, certain property, of
which tho follow,ng is a coni pin, description
25 acres more or less of pine Itiinl
situate, lying and being in lh«H7sili
District G. M. of said county and
stale and bounded as follow-: On
the north by lands of James Harris,
east by lands of It. Baker, south It;,
lands of Bill Johnson and west by
lands of J. \V. Sharpe. Levied on
the property of Amos John-on to
satisfy an execution issued from iln
justice's court of rhe 275th disirie;
of said county in favor of Wib-y
Sharpe. \*s Amos Johnson. Written
not ice tfiveil tenant in possession a**
required by law. levy made by •
Morris, .constable. This April, Till
1!»08. A. J. Burch. Sheri IT.
Sheriff Sale.
j Georgia Montgomery County,
j Wilt be gold before the court house door in
I Mount Vcrimu on the first 7‘nesday in May
i 19U8, between the legal hour* ol -ale, to tin
highest, bidder for cash, certain property, of
; which the following ia a com pic le di-K.-ripiin:
! All that tract or parcel of land tying in
! 1221 »t Idi* G M ot said county and state and
j bounded tin follow* On the north by la nets of
j Dock frown, on the eaat by land* of I
! Hobbs and \V C .VcCrimmon, and soutli and
west by of W CMc' rinnnon. containing
150 acres more nr less. Levied on a* tin
propel tyof C 0 Conner to satisfy an execu
tion issued Irom the city court d ill Verii'Ui
in favor of tlie* People* batik of .Soperton v
0 C Conner, principal, W vli*be. , secmiiy.
Property pointed out by plaintiff and written
notice given defendant in j»oet>» sr-ion ** /, -
nHired by law. Thi* 7th day of April; lisi-.
a. i. Bereft sin r ii
Sherifi Sal*'.
, Georgia—Montgomery (,’outity.
Will he tstldbefurc the eonrt bouse dmn in
Mount Vernon on the first Tuesday in May
1908, between the legal limns of sale, to Ho
j highest bidder for earli, certain property, ot
I which the following i* a complete description:
I One certain tract or parcel of land nutate,
i lying and being in the 1221 sr in* < ■ M o rid
! eoniiiy and statr, and bounded as follows: to
not th by the Dublin and Lnfhair public road
on the east by lands <d Mrs Charley McCrtm-
Hio-» and on the *oulii and '■ e»I by land* of I
l> Mtlh.r, being all that trad lving between*
Mrs .i/eCrimm'jn’s fence aJid .1. D. Mile i Van ■
the public road and the branch, containing Jo
acres more nr less. le vied on as the propei tv
of .1 D .Villi t known a* a pat tof Hu Tie-* M
Miller lands; to satisfy a li fa i-sned by R New -
ton Wes>d. tax cnllei-tor. v • ./ D ,vt iU< r for st to
and county taxe* foi tit* y* at 1907. Lev;, r.i .di
anil letulne'l mine by le-t is I Key. constable,
] This Aoril 7, 1998.
A. J. Lurch, Sheriff M. 0.
The firm of linger* A Adam* l«a- 'hi* d;.y
; be«ii dissolved by mutual Cue-eni, Mrs. Rogei*
i tetiring. Mr. Adams will continue tne buai
j nt-HH, paying all deb*« and collecting a*l
eeomita due *»i,l tinn.
J'tiis April 14. U*'B.
Mr* T. K. Roper-
Ati- J. i„ Adams.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia Montgomerv County.
'VIH-*e -old befnie (lie court house door in !
Mono! Veriuni on the First Tuesday in May , i
HkiH, between the legal home ol sale to the !
; highest bidder fur cadi, certain property, of |
wliieli tin- following is a eompletv ileaet ipiioti;
Ono cortnin lot of laud simai*'. ly
■ ingnnd boitio- in t(u: 122 Is I district!
(■'. M.ofsaid county and stale ami |
htiundod a-follows■ On the north- j
west by la.ids ol Farby tiregory, on |
i In* north cast by Janies si reel and]
on t ln* south hv the Sonerfon and j
l.olhair public road and known ns I
Foi No. I in Block No. I. Devil it !
|on t»> tlti-property of i,. f:. Chestnut
i to satisfy an i-xecnfion issuc-4 from !
j iho justice - conn of the 12215 t (list- j
I i'iet in favor of F. A. Outlaw against
iL. o. i hosinni. I.ovy made and re
lumed tome by ('. T. Bratldy. eon
stable. This . \ jit*. 7,190 S
A. .1. Burch, Sheriff.
Sheriff Su le.
! Georgia—Montgomery Uonntv.
Will he dulli Id I'u rc tin* court liousc iloi.r n
Vloui't Vernon on Iho First Tumilft.v in M?«v %
hot .y(»cii iiic hours <»t ssilo, to tho
hitlili r tor cafili, oo 1 tain |*ro|)ci iv. ol
! which Mo i* n comph to iption:
, All th:u lull ior pared ot liviOt lving .ini he
! iiir io the 7th land •lisn iei ot s:u«l slatn atol
j eoimrv, hoinir hi aeres in tho north corner ol
j lot ol lami N • M : h and butter known as the
<'hai In-('li rk place; also t) ae.n s ot land in
the cast* coiner of i«*t »»! land No lU, and |
hotter known as (he *aek Cinrke place, both
of tin said tract 4 - j
trier of saiil enunty mid siaio. f,evied on as !
the propu riy of .1 (Hayion iliemonts to naiisfy
.in execution isHiicd Troin the city court of Ml j ■
Vernon in invt»r of \V. tl. Hrowniuji vs .» 1,
f«i ml« r and .1 Mlay i u (’lcineiitß. Written no- jj;
lice given defenfiant in poM«< Hf»ien a« »np»ir»‘<! j *
hylnw*. I'his7ili lay of April, 1008.
A .1. Unit*' l , Sherio‘. | 1
Slieriir Salt*.
Will 1»« sold boson the court liouhc floor in -
Mount V. i luiii on Mm tlrui Tu<*Mda\ in May. (
hi t vuTii the h ;;al lioiii’h ot Hah . Io th*
iiipliesi hidder fnr c.ish, ccrlain properly, ol
airici, Mic is n complete deseri|niitn:
All licit ret Inin iru«*l or pare* I of hind nitn
ate, ami being in the 27 >ih I>in <l. M, «>1
said eon lily nn«l Hiate,and bonndert as foll-.wM
Mm- north l»y lands <»! K. Dasher, on Mh
east bv lands of M. F. on th* sonlh
and west hy lands of .I. .I Mbhor, saiil tnn*i
containing An aeivH more nr lohh. Levied on
as ilie prop* rty <»t Matiie Mayo, M is. J. M.
.Vail, agent, for stab and c unity taxes for *hr
yehl* 1907. In vy made in lavoi* of I . Newiou
! Wood, tax c dh-efor ol said eniuity. Writtc
mdiec given leuant in ponsi ssion an reuni red
bv law. Levy mmeby I. \V. OihlM, oepnix
nherift This April i, lOU.S.
A. .1. bureh. Shorin' M. C.
.Sheriff Stile.
i Deorgia -MontgoiiM ry (.'minty.
Oil! he -old before the court house floor in
Mount Vernon on the » i*Ht Tuesday in May.
tltuH, hetwi en tin legal hours of sale, to rhe
i highest bidder mi* cash, certain property, of
| wnieli tin - following is a complete description:
Due eeriain tract parcel «»l land, lying
j and being in Mt*- Idilili Misti •{ <»| miidconn
jiy an I sbi ll . ai.d bmind<‘ l follows : On Mn
1 Liasi by l.iinls ol t *-S liitm llon, on tho south
|hy lands of W bAd huh and nlhc’H on Mo .
' -Acs? by land;*, ol At Uamiboi , and on tin
j north In lands ol LePirr ('alh'Uin and others, j
j '•oiilaioiug 95 u<* es more «)»' lesw. Saiil ialid I
J oil as tin properly fit Mary f CuUmim j
i<• Mitinfy a tix it fa issued by U Newbm Wood
I lux collectfii v 4 Mary .1 Oidlinun tor state an-,
c .inly taxes lor tin- year hn»7. Levy nmd*
and return* fl to no- hy (' T Ih'suldy, efuiaird/l* .
I bis 7mi I i v t.l April.
A. L Muroli, Hlfetifl’ M. (J. •
(yil;il ion.
! (ieor;,i.i, Mooigono i v (!f»nidy :
'1 o wlifmi ii may eo lecm . Notice i> hereby
| given licit appiic.iilion will be made to tlo
eonrf of Ordioaiv «*f k:i»«l eomity and wtaie at
| the next regular term io Mav. 1908, after the
! f'Xpirution <ft four weekw irorn this notiee so»
I .* ave to sj ll the lanuH bi lni giog to tho * Kiat(
jof Mary ilorris in naid eomity. IJiis the Btn
day of April. lib H. Di nc n Alouuih,
\dm’r F.strif Mrs. Mary Aloi'iis.
(/It;it inn.
: iourgm"-Montgomery County:
To wlifim i ! may eoueeru : Notice is Inrehy
j oiveo that application will be undo to tin i
j e »iirt fit Ordinary of sod comity snid stale at I
the next term in May, 1(K)8, after Mo ,
expiiation fd lo:;i Vfadv > from tbix notice for j
i'< iiv’r* to .-.ell tlo lands r.» Alai*f;ai«d |
j F' »iuitain in sael county. Thin tho Htli day ot
| April. 1908. Mt*. '1 .1 Tjc'Mihson,
(iiMrrlian A l . 11 ui* r • r fonniain
dux K(‘e(‘iY( k rsßounds
I I will Ik: til i in* I'ollmvmg |ilitccß
lor the purpose of reueivinj' htat,<‘ j
.Hid con til y tit x rr*tili'iiß for the,
yi-tir 19<>8 on llu* following d,iters : .
n m pm ]
Ml. Vci'itoii, Ajtril 0, I*l to 11
] Longpivnr! “ 7, 8 “ f j
iliggHton “ 8, 8 “ 1
N'ormtiiildwn “ 9, 8 “ I
Kihltec “ 10, 8 I
' Tflrrviowii “ 11, 8 “ 4
! SoperOut “ l‘», 8 “ I
i Lot hitir “ 14, 8 *• 4 j
L;ii:drilturg “ 10. 8 “ 1
< i teit wood *' 10, 8 *• 4
Ala mo “ 1 7, 8 l * I
Erirtk •* 18, 8 “ 1
•Spring Hill CII “ 20, 8 “ 2
Spring 11 ill f■ G ‘ 20, 2 “ 1
McArthur “ 21, 8 “ 4
Bruce “ 22. 8 12
W M. Outlaw. T. R., M. (L
Hamilton Burch,
AtiortH‘y and Coun
sol or at Law,
ricRAFi, GA
Mijmimtl'.v and I:i*'l Rail
i <»;td iffit r«n»cn, » Hpeeialtv;
M. i;. CAi/HOUN,
Atty at Law,
Mt. Vernon, Georgia.
iiorsF roil sale.
A 0-rootn )ioiiß‘*. itew ttiid wdl 1
! painted. Hood Irjirti. (**e. >
AI HO, oi :IC I*l*B ot laud ill Ml.
Veftioii. All tiding ;G a Bargain.
For |t' i<*es arid term** mcc
H. J. OiHi’.K *r
A. IL«Hi:t*tikßon.
8-5-ts Mt. \ eriton, On. *
I Don’t
« 4
I w *
1 Speculate! J
I ' I
it 1
■a 4
V* Os
\\e Have Alread\ Satisfaetoril v |
•.'j • « v*
v* »'*
||' Proven loOvri' Hive Hundred Kill*- l :
inns 11 lilt the Celebrated White £
v< ||
Hickory Wagons arc the B KST on S?
yt • •
1 the Market.
I f
•s $
g * V
IWe want YOUR Trade 1
w *
» 1
vt fit
K? $
:jt . ... . ($
St *>
•v At Sown l*oi LYnt Interest 3
8 ;5
On 1 1 n| »r<>vr*«I Fnnns in Muniynmiei'v jiiul nrljoitrni'
i-onnl ins 111 iimoiin!- u! Mid <>Vt• r. ;nnl nt 8 |>cr
•*.s (’('ill. on Inn ns of l< 1 1 1;i n $1.00(1 NO l '<),\| M ISSION 4
g nr ln'ukci':i”u I'lml'ti'i'd. K\|iun.'i > ut Wnrrmver for nit
ij, struct find paper-' .1 ri■ sm;ill. \<> |)|\I,AN .
g I.nuns prompt I v scoured.
| (ieo. 11. Harris, Attorney, Me line, (*a. |
v* *|i
i >
Tin sc urriviils iiikl • 1 1 ■ | rlnr* - |>iililislidi only ns |l
I 1 inl’ornnil ion, nod are not innn 111 01. ]|
Schedule Kffeetive January Ath, I DOS. i|
i • w
i> Lv. Mr. VKIINON am jiiaivs h.mi.v.
— ! !
10:28 it. ms For 11<• I• • n.• i, AWWev tile. Cordele,
A m rleu-. ( nlii iiduis, ] [
S:2B p. in. M llll l o' > ■» 11 *r y, und nil points want. ||
t'i ;17 a. in. Kor I.V'ins. Collini-. S i\:i nno 11, j
I :ol p. in. and fill point* cast.. ]
]! K"f fut't Imr inf'ornnit ion. i —r\ it ion- nit(-s. itr.. xs* your
nearest Sen Won rd Ticket Agent. or write j!
( IIA I! I,KS K. STKWAI: I , \ <i I' V. i |
!! Savannah, - - - - - - (Jkoroia. ;!
(jltirdcn Seed.
(jo to J. A. H'ivmn A' Son for
your garden ami (i*dd seed*. \\ <•
have ii I’omplel r* Ii i ic. -ui'di hi 11 i i
iVit.ntooft, Kn I*l v l!o-<’ I'ot.iloos.
I>iirr* r Seed i hit*. J;nst I’roof < >.ll -.
Seed I'enilllla. Onion SO*. <' <o-
l > l)inljt. ('.ill or writ.** lor
prices rni (1 1 1 1 »«ijjj*• Plants. \V *■
have tin; heat plants on t In- in .irk*
ft. .Mm! order* solieited and
prompt attention given. ('nil nod
uh or write and we will oxpre«*
i hem lo you.
VourH for ii proHpor oiwnow vonr,
J lon Wood , < »:i.
All kind* Hepair Work. Iron
and Wood. Kmo lino of P>irye|e
Mu tor in I “ii hund. II igli-Grade
Uepair Work on jtioy«d*--, S<-wino
M:i*dlilio«. (inns, li'-volv r* and
XllorU. See lll*' li(*loro plae’lli
vour work; I will save yon mom
Work promptly and n*-atlvdone
Ml IK*— Wo IlilVo jli-l I'ocoivod
: i oirload of nioo fresh mule* and
hoiKoH and 111*V»; them on -ale it
our Biabli'n in Alloy. All y
broke and good si/*-, See m*.
K. T. Motti id*- .v 1 o.
I; I’ ('mi..n W. <l. lSarn*'ill p
if ('otlon I’m torsand iji
Mt rHiiints
1230 Huv t h. SAVANNAH , QA.
(1.-in o "ts. .Miittli ( *»ffull <f»
Handler* of I plaiid, Seal- :p
l-)and ami I-lorodoni (lotion !;!
Special Attention (iiven to
sc F. 0. It. Cotton
$ Handler* ol I pktnd and Sea- ;j|
Inland Kaggi ng, Ti*-h
j« Twine
...•.. • , • , • •
• Piaei il inner in all ( mil l*, Siam ’*
amt l'’*'il»;ral. .
I *1
It.ail ISiiiic Agem, Karin .1
I .and- :i Spenally.
rl T. VfcV.VO.V, UA.
. ■ . . . .. ti-’ *4* -4/
I lii'ilo for thy le«t. man.