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Majority Over Twelve Thousand—Will of
People is Forcibly Expressed.
In Inst Thursday’s Primary Hon. Joseph M. Brown defeated Gov.
Hoke Smith by a majority reaching more than twelve thousand, and
carrying ninety counties in the state.
A very noticeable fact of the election is that Mr. Brown carried
Fulton county, including Mr. Smith’s home ward, while he also car
ried many of the smaller .counties. Chatham county went for Brown
by 8,000 majority. While more interest was centered in the govern
or’s race than in any other, wo cannot attempt to give the vote on
any of the State House officers. Neither can we discuss the why*
and wherefores of the gubernatorial situation just now'. It is safely
predicted that Mr. Brown’s election will be for the good and prosper
ity of the state.
The following statement, given out from Brown headquarters:
“Wc fought a oleau fight and won. The reasons for victory are
so pronounced that they would hardly admit of discussion. The
attitude of the administration toward invested capital is perhaps the
paramount issue. It was not an issue between men. but what they
represented. Today’s election shows that the prevailing opinion
among the people is that Mr. Brown’s election will go far toward
restoring confidence.”
One of the most remarkable
victories of last Thursday’s pri
mary in this state is that won l>3 r
Congressman Charles G. Edwards
of the Eirst District, who was
elected over two opponents to
succeed himself.
It will be remembered that Mr.
Edwards was elected in the dead
locked convention in which Hon.
Walter Shepard ot Chatham and
Hon. Lonnie Brannen made a tie,
holding the convention in session
for about a month.
In the campaign just closed Mr.
Edwards was opposed by Hon. E.
K. Overstreet of Screven county,
while Mr. Shepard was again be
fore the people as a candidate for
the place. It was an exciting
race and hotly contested through
out the district. Mr. Edwards
carried a majority of the counties
in the district as follies: Burke,
Bulloch, Chatham, Emanuel,
Toombs and his home county of
Tattnall. Shepard carried Bryan,
Liberty and Mclntosh. Over
street fell heir 10 Screven and
Jenkins, giving Edwards 24 votes
in the'convention.
While young, Mr. Edwards is
already giving unmistakable evi
dence of ability and promise of a
bright and useful career. Mr.
Edwards came out from Savannah
Friday afternoon, uud while re
ceiving the hearty congratulations
of many friends and admirers,
did not neglect to stop off at his
boyhood home in Daisy and em
brace his fond a prouud parents
who were waiting at the familiar
gate near the cars. Success to
£Hu' mnntiunnmj monitor.
On last Thursday morning at
7:80 o’clock the death bell rang
again in Bruce community, and
a loving husband bid his wife a
long and final farewell. Dear
children said, “goodbye mother,
we know you are gone, but you’ll
never be forgotten.” Grandchil
dren looked at Grandma Julia
Clarke alive their last time. Sis
ters and brothers bowed their
heads and said, “the Lord’s will
be done,” and thus ended the life
of grandma Julia Clarke, wife of
grandpa Joe Clark. She was 67
years, 4 months and 1 day old, and
she had lived a consecrated Chris
tian life—being a member of the
Methodist church for 86 years.
She lived so that when she saw
death entering her chamber it
gave her no alarm, for she was
ready t o go.
The funeral service was conduct
ed by J. W. Green, Sr., and the
remains were hud to rest in the
Clarke cemetery. A large con
course of friends and relatives
were present to pay tribute to the
good old lady whose soul had
crossed over the river.
Dear Grandma, we will ever re
member thee and thy life, and we
will try to imitate thy walk lie re
on earth so that we may walk with
thee on the golden streets in the
city of God.
We ask for our dear, good old
heart-1 Token Grandfather the pro
found sympathy of every one fn
his community. We also thank
the neighbors and friends for the
many ksndnesses shown and serv
ices rendered during the illness
and at the time of the death of
my dear old grandmother.
A Graxddacohter.
To all parties concerned: No
tice is hereby given that the June
Quarterly Term of the City Court
iof Mt. Vernon is adjourned from
i the 8d Monday in June to the 8d
Monday in July. 1908. All Jurors,
witnesses, and parties litigant are
required to lie present on the 8 !
Monday in July prepared for du
ty. The court will probably con
tinue during the two weeks follow
ing, it being the purpose of tl e
court to dispose of the pending
business. Continuances will in t
he granted except for strictly legal
j causes. June Bth, 1908.
J. B. Gkiokk, J. C. C.,
Mt. Vernon.
The County Executive Commit
-1 toe in session here Inst Friday ap
pointed delegates, ns follows:
To tin* Congressional Conven
-1 tion in Brunswick July Ith, W.H.
■ McQueen; D. W. Folsom, alter
-1 11 ate.
To tlif' Senatorial Convention
in Mcßae, L. C. Underwood, Dr.
W. A. Rivers and L. B. McLe
| more.
Chairman Jus. T. Geiger calls
| the committee to meet in Mt.Ver
; non June 18th, at 10 a. in.
Editok Monitor:
Please allow me space in The
I Monitor to call a meeting of the
j citizens of Montgomery county to
I meet at the court house m Mt.
j Vernon at 10 a. m., on the 22d
: inst., to discuss the subject and
plan of a county fair for Mont
! gomery county next November. We
[ask all, judges, lawyers, doctors,
j merchants and fanners to meet ou
j the 22d iwst., and see if we can
! arrange to have a county fair next
j November. Citizkn.
j Notice in hereby given that at too next ses
sic-ri of the Li-Kidaini'o of the* State of (<< or
| gi» there will be introduced k Bill to ornate
j mid incur pm ate the Orland School Uintt i<-,t :n
i Montgomery county, (la., to detinc the liomi
darien of the same; to regulate the inanafre
; moot ot schools in .“aid (Us I l ie(; to provide
i revenues and the distribmion of the game for
1 “aid school; to provide for the election of live
trtmtees aud confer on them curtain powers,
; and lor other purposes.
Also a Dill to ineorporato the town of Orland
I fix itn liournlaries, provide for a Mayor mid.
live Aldermon, ami define the powesof its'
Mayor and Aldermen, and for other purposes,
R. 1,. Davis, W. it Snow,
P. (J. Davis. '.V, T. Loud.
June 11. 100 s. H. 0. Davis.
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Col. A. C. Satfold has returned
from a business trip to Bainbridge
and other points in Georgia.
Mr. W. H. McQueen and fami
ly and Mrs. D. W. Folsom and
daughter, Miss Ciiffola, are visit
ing relatives in Liberty county.
Remember the ice cream supper
on the Mcßae lawn tomorrow eve
ning. Go around and help the
good ladies out,
New goods received each we< 1;
at Mrs. Adams’ millinery store.
Work has been commenced on
the home of A. M. Gates near the
Union Baptist institute.
Judge H. D. D. Twiggs has been
named to place in nomination
Hon. Joseph M. Brown at the gu
bernatorial convention to be held
in Atlanta June 2?>.
(Japs for the babies and straw
and braid bonnets for the little
girls at Mrs. Adams’.
Not having one in hand, we are
indebted to Editor Moore of the
Lyons Progress for the use of the
handsome cut of Hon. Joseph M
Fans, belts, hose and notions at
Mr« Adams’
' I
Into] I igenco wits received here i
early yeaterdav morning of the!
sudden death of Mr. .1. .1. Mobley
at his home near Lumber city nt
5 o’clock Tuesday afternoon. Mr.
Mobley was apparently in sound!
health, and had just returned from
Lumber City, where he had been '
talking with friends in his usual;
happy wav, and soon after reach- 1
ing home suddenly passed to his;
For many years Mr. Mobley was 1
a citizen of this county, a leading
and influential citizen and an j
upright and honorable man. He
ntoyed to his present, home sever* j
al months ago. 11«• is survived by i
Ins wife and two daughters, Miss,
Mamie Mobley of Atlanta and :
Mrs. It. B. Lilliott of Perry’s
Mills. He is a brother of Dr. J.l
E. Mobley, south of Mt. Vernon
A good man is gone, and many
friends throughout this section
will lie pained at bis sudden and
untimely death. We have known
Mr. Mobley for a number of yours j
and will ever remember his sunny |
face and pleasant manner.
The ladies of the Presbyterian j
church will give an ice cream
supper on the lawn of Mr. W. C.
Mcßae tomorrow (Friday) eve
ning, the proceeds of which will
go toward painting the manse at!
this place. Children will assem
ble at 6 o'clock.
Tins entertainment will bo in j
behalf of a worthy cause, and it
is hoped will be largely attended, j
especially by the younger set.
Cards have been received in Mt.
Vernon announcing the marriage
of Miss Alleno Anderson and Mr
William Conner McAllister, both
of Hawkinsville, the marriage (o
be June 16 at the home of Mrs. 0.
E. Brown, Hawkinsville. Mr. |
McAllister, a son of Mr. and Mrs
J. C. McAllister of Mt. Vernon, if
well and favorably known in the j
section, and many friends will
Congratulate him in winning a fair
bride. Their honeymoon will in !
elude a trip to Mt. Vernon.
The "Monitok office is beudquart-1
ers for the finest job print ing.
Mr. Emmet Hicks «>l Dublin
isßponding the week wit li re lat ives
in Mt. Vernon.
Miss Nell McA I lister left Mom
flay morning lor Ha wkinsvillo aim
will remain over until after the
Anderson-Me A Mister marriage.
Miss Isabelte Walker of Mcßae
came over yesterday morning to
visit friends in Mt. Vernon. It is
understood that Miss Walker will
form an art c n s here this sum
Miss Maude Smith has returned
to her fiorne at Swainsboro after
spending the past two weeks with
her friend, Miss Birdie Mason.
Miss Smith taught school near
Soperton during the spring.
The young folks enjoyed a pic
j uic at the Ferry lust Friday ufter
i noon, chape rotted hy Mr. and Mrs.
1.1. E. McKae.
State School Commissioner..fere
M. Pound, will be in Mt. Vernon
Tuesday, June 28, and will addles
the county school trustees, which
body will be in session here on
, that day. All others interested in
education are also inyited to hear
Mr. Pound.
* Mrs. Alex McArthur and Ihtle
Dorcas Mcßae have ret urned from
a visit to .McKae.
Sayings at Sadie.
j Sperm I Correspondence.
After a few week ft of delay vvei
* l
| will now let the Monitor renders j
* listen to the Mocking Bird n; s n. j
The farmers are very busy at I
i * - ,
this season, but they can work in
good hopes, as they have very!
! promising prospects before them.
i We had full attendance nt the
1 church on the tilth Sunday, and.
i services wore well conducted by
i Rev. T C. flick ley, and wo hope
to have him come again.
Rev. Sheppard tilled his regular;
j appointment at this place Sunday!
and he hud quite a large emigre-:
i gat ion, and we are always glad to
have Bio. Sheppard in our midst.!
I Some of our couples pro looking;
somewhat serious tliese days. Can.
! anyone guess why ?
We had a very swell little pie-;
j nic given in honor of Miss Lilly
j Httrsey and her school, ns the i
jtcnchcrnnd the pupils hmidonoj
well for eight and one-half j
months. The picnic was well at-!
tended, and the table was groan*!
ing under its heavy load, but,
j about 1 o’clock we just ly relieved j
Jit of its burden. All the people'
' in the community took an active
part tn school closing, and it wits j
i greatly appreciated by the teacher
land pupils. We hint with ub sev
| erni visitors, two of which were
i from Vidalia —Mr. Mcßride and
his friend Miss Wiley. We regret
very much to let Miss Horsey
leave us, and still hope she wilt j
yet decide to remain with us, as I<
think some of our young men!
would like timl bettor.
We were glad to see so many
! pleasant faces from Longpondntj
j our picnic Sat today.
Messrs. Rid Mclntyre and Joe
Knight with Misses llassie and
Mabel Currie ot Alloy attended
j the picnic Saturday.
Mrs. John Roberson of Atlanta
is visiting her mother Mrs. M. D. 1
Peterson, and she was gladly meet
ing old friends at the picnic.
Miss Estelle Still is visiting j
Mrs. Williams of Ailoy this week;
I and vve hope for her a pleasant
I t ime.
' Mrs. Elliott of Mb. Vernon was!
iglnply welcomed at our picnic j
! Saturday.
’ We missed two of our number
from Sunday school—Mr. Munnie
1 Milligan and Mias Nora Blocker.
They attended church at the Chap
Messrs. Pale Mclntyre and Neal!
Hughes, Misses Lillie Huisey and !
Kate (ialbremh attended the)
L< monnde” at Mr. W. M.Sharp’s j
Saturday night given in honor of!
Mr. Walker Morris of McGregor.!
T'VVr }
idctkl \
orr W/d” !
| sjxhtrr& Ca.
| |
X Ms XC \JbMr j
U |
Sunday morning about 1 o’clock
j 0. B. Carmichael, white, under
| sentence from May term of court
of H years, for forgery, mid a ne
,gro, Sam Ray, tried for tlte mtir
: tier of Parks Mcßae, inTGov.lo97,
both waiting for u new trial, de-
I eider! that perhaps a change of st
mosphere would tie beneficial, and
, made their escape from the coun
ty jail at this place.
The facts as best as run la? got
ten at are about as follows: ‘iiie
jold negro, Ray, claimed to l»e nn
: invalid,suffering awfully at times,
so much sous to require services
;of a physician, and now and then
Jailer Burch and others would be
called upon to assist fhe“invalid”
to his font—being helpless, so to
j speak. Being informed of the
! “invalid’s” condition Judge Mur
; tin instructed the jailer to allow
l Ray to stay out in the hallway and
I not lock him in a cell. Being
j tints favored Bay could he of val
uable service in the work of pick
ing brick out ol the wall, also lie
j could easily assist Carmichael in
! sawing the rods from Ins cell. It
|is claimed that a fine automatic
; pistol and five saws had been fur-
I nishod Carmichael, and with this
I outfit lie ami his negro helper hud
• little trouble in gaining theirfroe
' doin. Once he was out of the
•cell, blankets were tied together
| and reached from the second story
'to near the ground, and the men
slid down liml placed their feet on
the ground.
Tlu* men made the opening in
the wall at the same place where
the safe blowers and young Scar
boro went out ulong about the
first of the vonr.
No blame whatever is attached
! to Jailer Burch in the matter.
1 _
: Judge J. 11. Martin will again
serve as judge of the Oconee Judi
cial Circuit, having been sleeted
in last Thursday’* primary by nu
' overwhelming majority over four
1 \Vo cannot but feel that this is
n magnificent compliment wort hi
ly bestowed upon a noble geurto
i man, who for the several years
i past Inis gone in and out before
our people—u living monument
!to justice, truth and right. May
i the gentle bourns of many sum
| miners fall gladly across his path
; way and crown with continued
, success his noble efforts in behalf
j of right and honor, and spare him
for other years of usefulness.
The trustees of the schools of
Montgomery county arc hereby no*
l ifted to moot in Mt. Vernon on
Tuesday, the 2fi<l insfc., at 10
!o'clock, a. m. A full meeting is
requested, ns some very important
j matters pertaining to the schools
| for the next term are to be die
■ cussed. AB. Hutchkson,
| County School Commissioner.
M Qp
i 2?
NO. 4.