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Parrners Union
| Department
fa©'©'©.©'©©'©© ©,:©-©©►©©© ©
Sllll Kedui in* Acreage.
Members of the Furinors’ I’nion
planted considerably less land to
the plow in cotton tins year than j
usual in the hope of checking the
tendency towards overproduction.
The planting season over now and
the matter of reducing t he acreage j
everybody thought was over too.!
Not so, however. The papers stntei
that in various sections members
of the I'nion are plowing tip in
some instances as much ns ten perl
cent, of the cotton already plant-j
This land that is being plowed j
Up is now being planted in food |
crops. This is a move in the right
direction —as long as there is hay 1
in the born, corn in tin* crib and i
meat m the smoke house there is
nothing to fear. There will then
be plenty of cotton made to pay
all necessary debts that may stare ;
the farmer in autumn and cotton
seed oil enough to grouse the
wheels ol commerce, So let the!
good work goon. Tune will bring ;
n rich reward,
l.ivlng or Sullcrlni, Which ?
Many have away of living that,
makes it diflicult to determine
whether they are living or Buffer
ing. Strange to say many farm
ers may be included with this
class of people Notice their tu-
I le, and from their bill of fare!
they fare, if would seem, not very j
pleasantly. In many instances j
then 1 is no cow to furnish nnlk |
lnd butter for the family, nor
•even a garden to furnish vegeta- j
bios. From all appearances at ,
the table it would seem that the ,
husband had either “retired from j
business” or had become a promi
nent member of that ancient or
ganization known by the familiar
name of “sons of rest,”
Something is wrong somewhere,
and they know it. They feel like ,
that at least a part of the blame
must be laid upon their shoulders.
A guilty conscience writes its ver-!
diet upon the countenance. They
cannot look their wives mid eliil- ,
dren straight in the face for feat |
of its detection.
Yes, brother farmer, something
i* wrong, and the trouble is you've
got tilings out of joint. You work
hard enough—too hard—but you i
are wasting a good deal of your
time and work in the ovorproduc- :
t ion of cotton when you could
plant loss cotton, realise a bettei
price for it, and have time then to j
look after the forage crops, corn,
oats, potatoes, ground pens, and a 1
garden which w ill pay you bettei
t han any other part of your farm i
of the same size. You would
quite likely then be able to have a
few hours to spare occasionally I
|o king after the cattle and hog!,
on the farm and the word funnel
would not seem so much like an ,
exclamation |>oiiit to you.
Prullt in gallic kaislaj.
If von don't believe there 1-
prottt in cattle raising as a sid<
issue on Georgia farms Mr. 1. A.
Johnson in the Snow Mill commit
mtv on the west side of our coun
ty can give you ligtires. Ho has a '
C' w which has brought five calves
within about three yea is having
brought twins twice. The lirst
pair of tw ins now each has a calf
This puls* e. total increase of sev
en head from tins one cow within
about three years. It is mu known
of what breed of cattle this cow
is but we suggest that tlx naiin
Roosevelt ine could be very appro- j
priateiy applied. Mr, Johnson is
a wide-awake farmer and an en- '
tiauiastic member of the Farm
ers' I'nion.
“Lillie Joe" Brown
Is nominated for governor after
perhaps the hottest political cam
paign ever waged on Georgia soil
The Anti-Saloon League lost its
self poise and took a hand and in
some instances even pastors made
the mistake—“political ialks''l
from the pulpit, and thereby be- j
catneThe victims of adverse ertt-
>©';© ©©'©:':@ :©:©©;
By %
Prof J. M DAVIS r.
• ©:©. ©'©©,©'©';©©
icism. If tlie campaign had last
ed longer just how many other
mistakes and how much more
I strife and contention would have
j been engendered is hardly to be
even conjectured.
The Farmers’ I'nion is however
to be congratulated upon its com
plete self-control throughout the
jeampaigii. The eyes <,f the world
has been upon us. That we have
so demonstrated to the world the
| fact that wo take no hand m par
! t in»n politics must call for in
!creased confidence and admira
; tiou.
(Ron wood, 1.
1 Hdis ihl Corn *f>on<li noe.
Miss Arsie Rountree made a
pl< asatit call at Mr. Gum’s Sun
The Sunday School at Benton
school house is progressing nicely
| under the management of W. P.
Mead, siiperintendant. Largo en
rollment. All are invited to at
; tend.
Miss Minnie Sellars is visiting
nenr Dublin. We hope her a good
The measles and mumps are on
the go in this section at present.
Mr. and Mrs. John it. Turner
visited at the home of Mr. Lot
! Browning Sunday.
i Miss Ada MeAlltim has return
lid from Atlanta whore she had
i been engaged in the millinery Ims
| I nows.
Mr. John Ynrbor of Florida is
1 visiting his brother Mr. Newton.
Jno. W. Adams is visiting in
this sect inn t his week.
Miss Vinnie Browning is visit
ing her uncle this week.
Gordon Mimbs was a flying vis
itor here Sunday.
We would be glad to read an
announcement of a picnic some
where. We want to attend a real
i good picnic where both young and
old could meet and have a good
i t ime and plenty good things to
j cat'.
S. Browning, Sr., is visiting in
this section for a few days.
Miss Maggie Williams is visit
ing near McArthur tins week.
Ashley Browning was a visitor
at Mr. t’nx's Sunday.
G. P. Turner will leave soon for
Milledgeville, (In., where he is go
j mg to take two. courses in the col
! lege.
Dr. Hull of Towns was a visitor
I here Sunday.
Miss t'ullie Newton was a pleas
ant caller at Mr. Dixon's Sunday.
There will be a picnic at Jay
Bird Springs June 18th. Kvery
iody invited to attend.
Miss Mamie Guin was a pleas
ant visitor to tin- Vila ms School
Sunday last.
The farmers in this section are
busy lighting “general green.”
Messrs J. \Y. Bridges and J. I.
Day wore pleasant callers at R. L. '
Avery's home Sunday.
G. \V Garrett spent last Satur
day night at L I*. Avery’s.
Misses Addie Mae and Alice
Garrett returned home a few days
- l iio' froin a visit to near Long
pond. A good time is reported.
Rev H. T Wright filled his ap
pointment at Poplar Springs m
Laurens county Sunday and Sat
urday before.
Mr. Horace Davis of tins com
munil) made a visit to Laurens
county Saturday.
The Saturday night pravor meet
ing at lamdsberg is progressing
nicely and everybody is invited t
come out and take part in this j
great work, for its principles are
founded upon the Scriptures and '
Christ is our chief organizer
Alamo, Route 1.
Spcrisl Correspondence.
|.M rs. Ellon White spent two
days lust week at the home of her
brother, N. S. Claike.
J. W. Claike made a business
trip to Scotland one day recently.
Mrs. Laura Roberson spent last
week with Mrs. J. A. Carroll.
Mrs. J. W. Clarke and daughter
visited at the home of Mrs. Carrol
last Friday.
Neal S. Clarke, wife, daughter
and son, made a trip to Eastman
last week, and report a most en
joyable time.
School at Oak Grove is progress
ing nicely under the management
• of Mr. J. I{. Ait Id.
Mrs. J. W. Clarke and children
visited her mother Saturday and
Mrs. J. E. Clarke spent Sunday
evening at J. W. Clarke’s.
Dan and Chess Browning spent
Sunday afternoon at the home of
, N. 8. Clarke.
W. H. Gilder and children spent
a few hours very pleasantly at J.
• W. Clarke’s Sunday morning.
J. E. Clai ke made a flying trip
to Saturday.
John T. Burch of Mullis spent
two days last week at N. S.Clark’s.
Mauldin Burns spent Sunday
morning at J. K. darkens.
I Sunday school Sunday after
-1 noon 8 o’clock. Everybody in
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Clarke vis
ited the former’s parents one day
I last week.
Harlow Currie was visiting at
J, \V. Clarke’s one day last week.
B. J. Guest was up at J. W.
Ciarke’s Wednesday. He brings
lun with him, and is all timelive-
I ' ly.
Misses Mary and Martha Patton
and Mary McMillen spent Sunday
with Miss Eliza Clarke.
Quite a crowd attended services
at. Oak Grove Sunday evening.
N. S. Clarke and family went
i over to Little Rock to preaching
Sunday, and also Mr. J. W. K.
Clarke’s daughters accompanied
them. All report a very pleasant
I trip.
Mr. Nonce White and Dock Gay
| spent Sunday afternoon at J. \V.
Clarke’s. E. C.
Special OorrcHpoiutonco.
Rov. Davis filled his regular ap
pointment at Smyrna Saturday
and Sunday.
Mr. Quince Barlow from Gnvsie
!is spending a few days with his
uncle, 0. P. Moseley.
C. F. Gordon and wife spent the
latter part of last week with their
j daughter, Mrs. Mrs. M. L. Purcell
! at Kibliee. v
Mrs. Eliza Barlow passed this
! way a few days since en route to
' Guvsie, where she will spend the
month with relatives.
Misses Lola Dixon and Thitus
j Gray were the guests of Florence
and Louraino Moseley Sunday.
Messrs. R. L Lewis, Leonard
Currie and Charlie Johnson at
tended Sabbath school here Sun
Tim Misses McSwain were guests
of Mrs. J. C. Clifton Sunday.
We are glad to state that Mr.
Hrrschel Conner is recovering
• from his illness.
N. E. Barlow of Glen wood is
visiting relatives in this section.
Willie Mincey spent the latter
part of last week with relatives in
this section, and was accompanied
by Misses Alice and Mae Garret of
Glenwood. Fuss Fin.
Hon. Dudley M. Hughes wins
over Hon. E. B. Lewis for congress
from the 4lh district.
Mr. Lewis has held the place for
twelve years and asked to be sent
back for but one more term. But
evidently the voters of the district
j thongnt that he had beeu there
long enough. The result came as a
great surprise to the Lewis follow
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Wiii be »old before the court housp door in
Mount Vernon on the lim Tuesday in July,
I9eß, between the legal hour* of *»ie, to tile
highest bidder lor c**b, certain property, ot
wnjet, the following i» a complete description:
All of Lots of Land N<»s. 423 and
427, the same being in the 7th Land
District of said county and state anti
containing 202% acres more or less
cacti. Said land levied on as the
property of L. F. Hinson to satisfy a
tax fifa issued by It. Newton Wood,
tax collector, against the said defen
nnt for state and county taxes for
1907. Written notice of levy given as
required by law. This the 3rd day
of June, 1908. A. J. Burch,
Sheriff Montgomery County, Ga.
Sheriff Sale.
G corgia—Montgomtry County.
Will he sild before the court house door ; u
Mount Vernon on the First Tuesday in July,
1908, between the legal hours of sale, to the
hisheat bidder for cash, certain property, of
which the following i* a complete desciiptiou:
One hundred and one and ouc-fourth acres
of land, the satuh eing a part of Lot of Laud
No. 311 in the Eleventh Land District ol said
connty a.. i state, being tbat part ol said lot
whereon the defendant Welthy Ann Foakey
no redden. Levied upon m the property of
Welthy Ann Fowkev to satisfy a mortgage fi
fa mulled from theSupurior Court of Montgom
ery comity iu favor of Howard A Laker for
us) 'lr* L. G Henry and The Dublin Bank
ing Co. v* Welthy Ann Fo*key. Property
pointed out by plaintiff and wrht'ii notice
given defendant in lerma of the law. This
June 1, 1908. A. J. Burch, Hlieiiff.
Ira S. Cliappul, Atty. for PUT.
Sheriff's Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery Connty:
Will be sold before the efturt house door in
Mt Vernon on the tirst Tuesday in July,
1908, between the legal hours of sale, to the
highest bidder for cash, certain property, of
which the following is a complete description:
All of Lot ol' Land No. ne Hundred and
Fortr Nine (149) iu the Eleventh (llth) Land
District of Montgomery county Maid land is
levied on to satisfy the balance due on a fi fa
issued from the .Superior Court of said county
in favor of Savannah Guano Co. vs H. L.
Sears. Property pointed out by defendant in
ti fa and wrf'tcn notice given tenant in pos
session as required bv law This the 2nd dav
of May, 1908. ‘ A. J. BURCH, Sheriff.
M. 1! Calhoun, Atty. for Ply.
Ouardian Sale.-
Georgia—Montgomery County.
By virtue of an order from the
court of Ordinary of Montgomery
county will be sold on the first Tues
day iii July, 1908, at tfie-court house
eloor in said county, between the le
gnl hours of sale, % undivided inter
est in a tract of land in said county,
and bounded north by .1.1. Fountain,
east by lands of K.M. Buckley,soulh
by estate of O. 15. Hicks and west by
Mcßae, and containing 2 acres more
or less, and lying and being in 1843 d
Dist. G. M., ot said county. Hold as
I tie property of Margaret Fountain.
Terms cash'. M. .). THOMPSON,
Guardian for Margaret Fountain.
.1 ime 1, 1908.
Fob Sale—A good buggy and
harness. Price right for a quick
sale. Curtis Coleman,
ts Mt. Vernon, Ga.
* ■***•*•**•*■*•****a-**-**-)**.**.*.*# #■**#**■*■***•****
I w ml Honey to You! f
*- #
*- In order to give our readers more for their money •*»
than they have ever heretofore received, we have made
arrangements with other publishers which enable us to
J make the following clubbing offers : J
v . #
* The Monitor and Farmers Union News, both 1 vr, 81.75
j The Farmers’ Union News is just what most ail the
* farmers like to read, and it is a real good paper. i
* *
J The Monitor and Semi-Weekly Savannah News, J
# both one year for-- - - 1.75 *■
J The News is one of the most popular papers among
# the farmers of South Georgia. It is newsy, ably ed- &
Cv 4/7 %/ 4^
J ited, and strictly a high class publication. £
J With the Tri-Weekly Constitution you get the Mag- %
J nificent'Map, which pleased so many readers last year.
This combination also includes some of the leading Maga-
J zines. -When taken with the Monitor you get all for 2.15
& The Monitor and Semi-Weekly Atlanta Journal 1 yr 1.75
J The Journal is recognized as a leading- Southern pa-
* per, and the regular price is 81.00 per year.
#■ #
J In Clubs of Five or More we Give J
J 25c O// so Eac/i Subscriber *
♦ *
J Orders by mail receive prompt attention. Address *
| THE HONITOR, - Mt. Vernon, Ga. f
Realizing the great importance of rhe shoe department incur .
► business we liave strengthened our stoek and have decided to handle <
r exclusively the Brown Siioe Co.’s *s* specialties. These shoes are J
► all made in St. Louis, the greatest shoe manufacturing city in the 4
► world, and in buying a full line from one house we are enabled to <
£ offer various grades of merchandise at better prices than we could
► possibly offer were our lines mixed. 4
We have recently received a We do not confine our busi- •
£ new shipment of these shoes ness to men’s or women’s trade *
► which embodies all the present but carry lines of Boys and <
► season’s styles and shapes m . . 4
► Oxfords or High .Shoes. You (urls,Misses and l hildren.Any 4
£ should not fail to look at these member of the family can be <
► lines before buying. supplied at our store. <
' - ■«
► FOR W.OMEN. Show us the boy SUMMER OXFORDS. <
t », Wm /, eel ! ,I!ir Wf ' fl >at c10,,s * lot Ou r showing of 4
l line of Women’s ,nnre weal of a Mens’ Summer Ox- :
► Low Cuts and Ox- l >tt,r ot these Buster fords is the snappi- *
£ fords that have ever Brown Shoes than est by far that we *
s been shown in this he got out of the have ever made. To 4
► locality and we are last pair he had, and inspect the line *
► anxious to haveyou we will give him a means to buy a 4
£ inspect them. new pair free. pair. 4
t 3
» *
► If the new arrivals in Mens’ “Attractive Style,” that is *
► footwear pleases you as well as really the featuie of the shoes *
► tiiev do ns. vou will own a pair . . 4
► , ■ *„„ . ~ 1 which we have just put on our *
► belore long. There is a big va- *
► riety of styles in all leathers. selves for sale to women. *
\ M C RAE £ BRO. Mi. VERNON, i
► +
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia Montgomery Comity.
Will lx-sold heforo the court ho;iso door in
Mount Vernon on the first Tuesday in July,
191)8, between the legal hours of sale to the
highest bidder for east., certain property, of
which the following is a complete description:
Fifty acres <>( lying and being in the west
corner of Lot of Land No. 494 in the Heventl.
Land district of said county slid state. .Said
tsaet of land levied on as the property of N. B.
Gibbs, Jr. to satisfy an execution issued from
the Superior Court of Montgomery County in
favor r ot Gibbs Jfechinery Co. vs Gibbs k
Gibbs, a (inn composed of N. B, Gibbs, Sr.,
and N. B. Gibbs Jr. with H. J. Gibbs security.
ns id property being 111 the possession of said
N. B. Gibbs Jr. and pointed out by plaintiff in
li fa. Writ ton notice of levy given ns tequired
by law. This the 2d ciav of June, 1908.
A.' J BURCH, Sheriff
M. B. Calhoun, Ally, for Plft.
Send to the Monitor, Mt. Yernon, Ga., and
get the best at low prices.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery Conntv:
Will be golf before the court house door in
Mt. Vernon on the first Tuesday iu July,
1908, between the legal hours of sale, to the
highest bidder for cash, certain property, of
which the following is a complete description:
One 25 horse power boiler, of the
Cole make, and »ne 25 horse power
engine of llio Watertown make. Said
property levied 0.1 as the property of
H. L. Sears, to satisfy an execution
issued from the city courbet' Mt. Ve
rnon in favor of Aug. Schmidt & Co.
vs H . L. Sears. Written notice given
defendant, as required by law. This
fid day of March, 1908,
A. J. JJurch. Sheriff C. C. Mf.V.
Jones <fc Sparks. A ttys, for Plffs.