The Montgomery monitor. (Mt. Vernon, Montgomery County, Ga.) 1886-current, June 25, 1908, Image 4

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    **++*##****+#***+****+*+**-+****'*-******-**+++*%'+*****' ; **+*+*+*** ! *-** *+** **+**+****#*#
* I
I 4 Days Mid-Summer Clearance Sale! f
5 Kv(‘ry articlc* of Suiiiuht Mctclihikluw in our store will bo offered at Sacrificing .Prices. Our reasons for making J
* these reductions are many. YVe want to reduce our stock, we want to convert the surplus into CASH, we want to dis-
J pose of everything possible prior to our annual stock taking in August. We want to clean up and make ready tor the
* dawning prosperity. On this occasion we will sell at the following remarkably low prices: *
All Calicoes per yard 5 cents Novelty Organdies were 85c now -19 c yard Boys’Waists, sizes 5t012 at -22 c each TI T I \/
Y Checked Homespun, 25 inches wide, pr yard 5c Figured White Goods were 12Ac now 9c yard Mens’ Straw Hats at Cost, YJ Y
-3r Cheeked Homespun, 27 inches wide, pi yard 7c. Figured White Goods were 20c now yard 44 prs Ladies’ Slippers, sizes 2, 24, 8, >F
Bleaching, 20 inches wide, pr yard - 6e Figured White Goods were 26c now' 17c yard 84, 4, 44, original cost to . ;)£-
jk . (~,..(| Bhmehing, 80 in w ide, former price Figured White Goods were 40c*50c at 27c yard $2.20 per pair. These will be I cf" jjt
ISI 124 c pr yard, now * ' Madras and Gingham, good qunlity, »li\id.d into tlun h.i .ind
Z No. I Bull Sewing Thread, whole box for 20e worth 124* at - - - 0e yard R T ol l at ,„ M . * * <Bc, 980, & $1,2„
* F'ins from - - - 8e to 89c woitn i-sc, Bt _ > a,u 28 prs Ladies’Wlnte Canvass Slippers | *
* I |H inch l’lain Linen Toweling, Red Embroideries and Insertions, worth regular price $1,25, $l6O, and . 2G
* 2CI Border, per yard, - - IHe 8c and 10c, for-- Cic yard $2.25 per pair. Special in this _
-jji lh inch Blind Linen Toweling, worth 124 cat 9c Embroideries and Insertions, worth at * 98e, $1.2„ and $1.4 1
* , . <>l r-»c» »t Half til. I0c*l«c, - - - « <*" 3d *
* '2(l . I 'V'!, .* IM /, , „ t/ . Embroideries and Insertions, worth inis at - - $1.48. $1 77. $1 98
* Special lot ol Ladies Embroidered Collars l e 20c, .... 18 1-2 c yard Mens’Black and White Stripe Coats, Flannel £
* Primed Pawns' were pb'c it* 16c - t yard Ladies’Undervest, Mens’Underwear, Lace and Coats, and Blue Serge_ Coats sizes 84 to * #
* Ai \ A Printed Lawns! were 20c & 26c - 124eyard Drop-Stitch Hosiery for Women, Misses 87, regular |!.2d to will be *
* 4m printed Silk Mulls were 26c now -174 c yard and Children at 20 per cent. Discount. closed out at - -48 cto $3.98 “
| yy,. „in cool vour patriotic seiitiments with Ice Cold Lemonade, Absolutely Free. *
1 Alley, Oa. W. J. & T. A. PETERSON, Ail< * Ga I
* *
Jk ... .. „ w „ „ j, jl iL JL JL JL JL Jf.iL. JO. JS. AL. At- -id-
Many <•(' the heat mid most sue- i
rt'MHl ul cii izimih of Montgomery i
county (ittended tin* educational
mlly here Tuesday, and many of
them called at tlu* Monitor uMicu.
Oml of the most interest mu
talkers to visit us Tuesday was
Mr. M. M. Williamson of tin
north-west part of the county,
vho is uudouhtlv otic ot the most
successful farmers in this section
and is now enjoying the fruits ot
an active and progressive Jilt*,
and it is sale to say lie has earned
his portion of this world's goods
I» V hard and honest effort.
Mr. Williamson is vesy much
interested 111 the growth of a 1
prize Hold of six acres of corn anil
the same amount in cotton of a|
new variety. From the corn lie 1
is anticipating a yield of forty
bushels to the acre, while the
cotton bids fair to produce two
bales to the acre. He is a firm
believer in the plan of intensive
eultivat ion,and his work will go to
prove t be adv inability of t he plan.
Another theory that he advances
is that growing crops should be |
led with fartilixer during growth, i
He believes m the possibility of
raising forty bushels of corn to
the acre and likewise two hales ot i
of cotton to the acre, where tin
farmer form* rlv raised much less, j
W hile Mr. Willinnaou I,inns onj
«piite an extensive scale, his ex- :
peri men ts will doubtless prove ot !
n>noli and lasting benefit to him
s- If and those wiie interest them
selves 111 such a plan of farming
iiii •sjn.i»in| >.)»* ijjnsfr
Mr .1 J. Ibirkhalter of Towns
was ill to see The Monitor Tiles
day, and while here related tin
lindmg on his place a freak of nn- j
turc iu the shape of an egg. The
Inm laying this egg seemed t<
have had a presentment of sonu !
strange occurence, us indicuti is |
by her actions just previous t< :
furnishing the egg. It was lan
in a horse trough continuing wa
ter. aud when broken was fourul
to contain a medium sire egg
within the larger or original shell
The space between the shells con
tained the white matter, while tin
inner egg contained the usual con- j
tents, poth while and yolk.
Hon. George Wilcox of Mcßae j
was a visitor to Mt. Vernon Toes
day. j
(xlomvoori, I.
Hnccisl flurri'Hponiti'iMir. , • I
The protracted meeting nt Shi- j
loh is running on every day.
Miss Mamie Oil in was a pleas
ant caller in this section a few
days ago.
Miss Kva bridges was a welcome
visitor here .Saturday' and Sunday.
I>. 11. Browning made a pleas-j
ant call at Mr. Guin’s Saturday.
Miss Arsie Rountree made a
pleasant-call at Mr. Gum's, nearj
Glenwood, Sunday.
('. M Browning made a pleas
ant call at .1. Browning’s Sun
Miss Lizzie Turner was t lie guest
of her sister, Mrs. T. Wright, a
few days since.
Mrs. Gillia Walden es Porter-1
dale is visiting h«r father, Mr. A.
T. WrtgTnr.
Silas Browning was a pleasant
visitor in this section a few days)
Miss Heard's school is progress
ing nicely with a large enrollment
at Burton school house.
Mis-, s Kuthie Clark and Geneva
Benton were pleasant callers at
Bruce Sunday.
Our Sunday school is progress
ing nicelv under the management
iof M M, Rountree, superintend
ent. Allure invited to attend.
A. C. Browning visited at the
| home of Mr. Newton Sunday.
The (Ydartnwn Standard, one
of the brightest and best publics- ,
! t ions of North Georgia, trots out
the king-bee guesser on the late
gubernatorial contest. It savs:
"Mr. \V. W. Turner,our popular
jeweler, offered a $25 watch as a
j prize to the citizen of Polk who
i guessed the nearest to the major
j ity revived l\v the successful can
j didate for Governor in the pri
mary ,l\me Uh. Mr. Wilev All
ied was the fortunate guesser,
his estimate being 10,875 majority
tor Hon Jos. M. Brown. The ac
tual majority was 10,857, so that
Mr. Allred miss. il it onlv 18 votes.
This was so close that Mr. Turner
generously gave a handsome chain
1 w ith the watch.’’
| Talk the county fair.
Final arrangemets for the annu
al convention of the state asso- .
ciation of Rural Letter Carriers, j
to be held at Albany July 51 and j
1, have lieon announced by State
President George Debrosse, of
Statesboro. A large delegation
of carriers elected by counties and
districts will attend the conven- i
lion. All carriers who can take a j
vacation, with pay, any time aft-1
or .July 1 and it is expected that j
a good many will take advantage I
of this fact and be present at the j
convention when it opens at Al- :
bany on J illy 8.
Delegates will be selected to the
national convention of the asso
ciation, which meets in Omaha,;
Nebr., in October.
Although the National Associa
tion of Rural Letter Carriers is
yet. comparatively voung having
been organized at Chicago in Sep*
teinber, 1003, it has done a great j
work. Much of this lias been due
to the national president, Paul L.
Lindsay, of Tucker, Ga., who suc
oeeded Frank H. Cunningham, of
Neliraska, w ho served as president
. from 1903 to 1905, when the in
enmbent was elected at the con
vention held at Indianapolis. He
j lias been reflected twice and w ill
probably again be made the nn
! t ional iiresiilent.
The Georgia carriers are elated
j over the good feeling that exists
lietween the department and the
Georgia association as was evi
denced by the fact that the fourth
assistant postmaster genetal. P.
V. DcGraw made an exception to
the rule and came to Atlrnta and
addressed the national conven
tion on Goto be’ 1 9, 1907.
Notice to Debtors and Creditors.
All creditors of the estate of Jus.
L. Morrison, late of Montgomery,
county,deceased, are hereby notified
to render in their demand* to tli- un
dersigned according to law, and all
persons indebted to said estate are
required to make immediate pay
ment. J one 23d. lUntS.
s. F. Reynolds, Adni’r
, Estate ol Jn*. L. Mot rison, dec*d.
a-g*. aw i
Sheriff Sale. J
, (lenrifis— Montgomery County.
Will lin sold before the court house door in
! Mount. Vernon on the not Tuesday in July, j
j 1908, between the legnl hours of -ale, to the j
! highest bidder lor cash, certain property, of
1 which the following is a complete description:
All of Lots of Land Nos. 423 and
i 427, the same being in the 7th Land j
1 District of said county and state and
! containing 202>« acres more or less
each. Said land levied oil as the
property of L. F. Hinson to satisfy a
tax fl i'll issued by R. Newton Wood,
tax collector, against the said defen
ant for state and county taxes for
1907. Written notice of levy given as j
. required by law. This the 3rd day
jof June, 1908. A. J. Burch,
Sherifl Montgomery County, C4a. |
Sheriff Sale.
! Georgia —Montgomery Comity.
Will be Hold before the court house door in
i Mount Vernon on the Find Tuesds.v in July, 1
- 1908, between iko legal hours of sale, to the j
l highest bidder for cash, certain property, of
which the following is a complete desetiption:;
One hundred and one aud one-fourth acres '
of land, the samb ring a |>art of Lot of Land
No. 311 in the Eleventh Land District ol said i
county and stste, luting that part ot said lot '
whereon the defendant Welthy Ann Foshey ;
!no resides. Levied upon as the property of
i Welthy Ann Foskey to satisfy a mortgage fi
! ta issued from the Superior Court of Montgom- j
cry county in favor of Howard A Baker for
use Mrs. L. G Henry and The Dublin Kank
ing Co. vs Welthv Ann Foskey. Property;
pointed out by plaintiff and written notice;
given defendant in terms of the law. This
June 1, 1908. A. J. Burch, Hheiiff.
Ira N'. Chapped, Atty. for PUT.
i ;
Sheriff’s Sale.
Georgia -Montgomery Cooutv:
Will be sold before the court house door in
Mt. Vernon on the tlrst Tuesday in July,
1908, between the legal hours of sale, to the
highest bidder for cash, certain property, of
which the following is a complete description:
All of I.ot of Land No. One Hundred and
Forte Nine (14!*) in the Eleventh (11th) Land
District of Montgomery emuty sand land is
lev »ed ou to sttisfv the balance due on a li fa
issued Imm the Superior Court ot said county
m favor of Savannah Guano Co. vs H. L.
Sears. Property pointed out by defendant in
li fa and written notice givcu tenant in pos- |
session as required bv law 'This the 2nd day j ■
of Mav. 1908. A. J. BURCH, Sheriff. |
M. it Calhoun, Atty. for Ply.
Guardian Sale.
Georgia- Montgomery County.
By virtue of an order from the
court of Ordinary of Montgomery
county will be sold on the first Tues- '
day in July, 1908, at the court house
door in soiet county, between the le
gal hour* of sale, l s undivided inter
est in a tract of land in said county. I
and boutitled nflrrth by J.I. Fountain. '
ea-i by land* ol E .M. Rack Icy, south ;!
by estate of B. Hicks and west by
Mcßae, and containing 2 acres more
or le-s. ami lying aud being in 1343 d
Hist. 44. M.. ot said county. Sold as
the pi open v of Margaret Fountain.
Terms cash. M. J. THOMPSON.
Guardian for Margaret Fountain.
June 1. tyos.
For Sale—A good buggy and
harness. Price right for a quick i
sale. Curtis Coleman,
( if Mt. Vernon, Ga.
». Realizing the great importance of the slioe department in our 4
► business we have strengthened our stock and have decided to handle 4
£ exclusively the Brown Shoe Co.’s *s*specialties. These shoes are 4
► all made in St. Louis, the greatest shoe manufacturing city m the
► world, and in buying a full line from one house we are enabled to 4
£ offer various grades of merchandise at better prices than we could *
s possibly offer were our lines mixed. 4
► 1 ' 2
► Wo have recently received a We do not confine our busi- «
* new shipment of these shoes ness to men's or women’s trade 2
Z which embodies all the present ....
► season’s styles and shapes in cany lines ot Hoys and
► Oxfords or High Shoes. You Wills,Misses and children. Any a
£ should not fail to look at these member of the family can be 2
► lines before buying. supplied at our store. 3
t FOR WOMEN, show us the boy SUMMER OXFORDS, j
► Wr feel that we that does not get Our showinir'*of 4
► have the dressiest ' ll 1 enow mg oi m
t Hue of Womens more wear out of a Mens’ Summer Ox- 2
► Low Cuts and Ox- pair of these Buster fords is the snappi- J
£ fords that have ever Brown Shoes than est by far that we 3
► been shown in this he got out of the have ever marie. 'l’o A
» locality and we arc last pair lie had.and inspect the line 2
► anxious to have you we will give him a means to buy a
£ inspect them. new pair free. pail. 4
► If the new arrivals iu Mens’ “Attractive Style,” that is
► footwear pleases you as well as reallv the feature of the shoes 2
► thev do ns, you wilt own a pair . ‘ . , 2
► . * , . . which we have just put on onr
► before long There is a lug va- 1 2
► riety of styles in all leathers. selves for sale to women. 2
Sheriff’ Sale.
Georgia —Montg,linerv County i
Will lie sold twfore the court hon« door in
Mount Vcruou on the First Tuesday in July.
19e$, bctw.en tl»e legal hourc of »ale to the
highest bidder f,>r ea*h, ceitaiu property, ol
tyhich the following i>. a complete description: j
Fifty aero* ~f Irtng and bung iu the wear j
corner of Lor of Land No. 49-1 in lue Seventh ;
l.and dtaulct of said eonnty ami state. •Xii.l • i
tsaef of land levied on a« the property of X. !’>• ,
Gibb*. 4r. t>, satisfy an execution issued Itoni
the Superior Court of Montgomery County to ,
favor ot Gibbs .Vecliim rv Go. Gibb* A
Gibbs, ath m composed ~f N B. Oibba, Sr.,
and K. 11. Gibbs Jr. with H. .1 Gibbs security, j
said pi openv bring in the jaissetsion of said ,
X Is. Gibbs Jr. and pointed out by plaintiff in (,
ll fa. Wriiton notice of levy given as tequired •
IIT law Tins the 2d ua\ nf J one. 19i>s.
ArJ BLIIGH, Sheriff
M. B. Calhoun. Atty. for Tiff.
Send to the Monitor, Mt. > ernon, Ga., and
get the best at low prices.
Sheriff Sain.
Georgia—Montgomery Comity :
Win be sold before the eoui t house door in
Mt. Vernon on the fir-t Tuesday in July,
UKKj, between the iega! h.,nrs of sale, to the
highest bidder for cash, certain property, of
which the following i« a complete description:
One 25 horse power boiler, of the
Cole make, and one 25 horse power
engine of lhe Watertown make. Said
property levied o.i as the property of
H. L. Sears, to satisfy an execution
issued from the city court of Mt. Ve
rmin in favor of Aug. Schmidt <fc Co.
vs H. L. Sears. Written notice given
defendant, as required by law. This
3d day of March. 1808.
A. j. Bi rch. Sheriff C.C. Mt.V.
Jones Sparks, A ttys, for Plffs.