Newspaper Page Text
Under the head,‘‘Laid to Rest,”
the Savannah Press pays the fol
lowing tribute to ex-President
Grover Cleveland has been laid
to rest. The man who was gener
ally praised for his Americanism,
his unaffected simplicity, his hon
esty, was interred Friday in
l’riuceton cemetery, which al
ready contains striking monu
ments marking the graves of emi
nent scholars of the university.
It is known to the students as the
Westminster Abbey of America.
There are the graves of Edward
Park Oust is Lewis, of Paul Til
lane, of Lawrence Hutton. L
t ins quiet spot the statesman who
has filled a large niche in Ameri
can history, the kindly, genial,
unostentatious citizen, was interr
ed Friday afternoon. The mili
tary forts of the country fired na
tional salutes and sounded funer
al guns every hour during the day 1 ,
while the standards and the
swords are draped in honor of the
distinguished dead. Tributes from
every part of the world, from King
Edward of England, from the
President of the United States,
from the governor of Georgia,who
was a member of tlie Cleveland
cabinet in 180 H, have been receiv
ed by the afflicted family.
There is a tiny chapel a couple
of hundred feet, from the entrance
and the Cleveland plot is directly
by j its side and shaded by it du
ring part of the day. It, is on a
side path and its boundaries are
marked by two clumps of shrubs.
There is a thick patch ot ivy
"rowing on the mound that, covers
the body of Ruth, long noted as
the baby of the White House.
There is no living ex-president.
General Grant died of cancer over
twenty years ago ;President Hayes
was never a strog man and suc
cumbed shortly after he left the
White House ; General Garfield
was killed; Chester A. Arthur
died comparatively a young man.
Benjamin Harrison did not live
to be very old; Major McKinley
was assassinated, and now Grover
Cleveland, stalwart, equable and
easy-going lias answered the last
summons. The strain of the pres
idency is very great. As a rule
the men who emerge from that
position gue greatly in the White
House and survive but a few years.
Graver Cleveland has lived eleven
years since the expiration of his
last term. Theodore Roosevelt is
still a young man, about fifty, of
immense vitality', an athlete and
an all round sport-.He has strength
enough to hunt lions in South
Africa and to plan a tour of the
world. The problem, what to do
with our ex-presidents, has never
been ft pressing one. They do not
live long enough to make the
question practical.
Folnd —The place so buy those
crossbar handkerchiefs that you
need, at Mrs. J. L. Adams’.
Mr, O. O. Hamilton and little
son, Bruce, of Vidalia were here
| IN
During the Summer Montha my Kntire Stock of Millinery is
offered at greatly reduced juice*. All good* of late pat'ern and
i Strictly First-Class in Every Particular.
sly line will apjieal panicularly to the particular ( la.** of j
Boyer* who do not have opportunity of visiting the Larger < 'ftiett, i
; aid should be s'-< n before pmcnaslng. laidies and < hildren in\ itr-cl ]
to call
»v»vwwww>\*vt»wtww*»»iwm»»WW*vo****< , **waww4v
•* > \
Zht Iflmifcunttmj ißmritur.
Glen wood, 1.
itoreial Correspondence.
Lem McAlluin was a pleasant
caller at the home of J. R. Tur
ner Sunday afternoon.
The all day sing as Burton
school house Sunday was largely
Miss Eva Mae Bridges is visit-
I ing her mother, Mrs. Addio Bridg
es, this week.
The sing at tho home of Mr.
Cox’s Sunday p. m. was enjoyed
by a large attendance.
Miss Ella McDaniel visited Miss
Pauline Turner Sunday.
Miss Minnie and Silas Browning
attended Sunday school at Bruce
| Sunday.
R. O. Browning made a pleas
ant call ut H. Sears’ Sunday.
A large crowd attended Sabbath
J school at Bruce Sunday. All are
invited to come again.
Clarence Lowery made a pleas
ant, call at Mr. Benton’s Sunday.
John Sears, Sr., made a flying
trip to Savannah Sunday.
Mr. J. T. Wright and wife vis
ited in this section Saturday last.
I. V. Pittman ntul wife made a
plonsant, enll at Mr. Evans' Sun
| Everybody invited to attend the
i rally at the Adams school house
1 Friday. Bring well filled baskets.
Louis Turner returned to Linn
j her City Sunday.
F. M. Turner will come the 4th
if for nothing more than to shake
| hands with old friends.
G. P. Turner and D. H. Brown
jingmadea pleasant call at the
! Cross Roads Saturday last,.
Dozier Browning and Miss Mil
i mie Gain made a pleasant call at
(Greenwood Sunday.
Misses Myra and Ruthie Clarke
j visited at the home of Mr. John
! Morrison Saturday.
Oak Grove.
Spec ial UoiTCNpoiKlence.
1 Quite a goodly number visited
Miss Francis Watson Sunday and
the day was most pleasantly spent.
Miss All ice Clarke spent Friday
night and Saturday with Miss
Eliza Clark, and her visit was
greatly enjoyed.
Services at Mr. W. R. Watson’s
Friday night was grently enjoyed.
Rev. Thornton conducted the ser-
I vices.
Miss Eliza Clarke spent Satur
day night and Sunday at J. W.
i K. Clarke’s, and her visit was one
greatly enjoyek.
j A few of our girls enjoyed a
horseback ride Sunday.
I. E. Clark and wife spent Sun
day evening at J. VV. K. Clarke’s.
I The school at Oak Grove is
progressing nicely,
j Services fit Little Rock next
I Sunday will be conducted by Rev.
I A large croud attended Sabbath
school Sunday.
Services at, Oak Grove the first
! Sunday afternoon at 4 o’clock,
will be conducted by Rev. Scrubs.
"Sheep hunting and shearing is
1 most over for this season. —A. C.
T. J. Pritchett of J)ublin came
down Sunday morning, making
the trip in his new automobile in
about two hours. Mrs. Pritchett
and children ure visititg at the
home of Messers. Everett and
! Angus McLeod soutli of Mount
Vernon, and Mr. Pritchett come
down to spend the day with them
and returning in ther afternoon.
Alamo, Route 1.
Special Correspondence.
Rev. James Bush tilled his reg
ular appointment at Bethel Sun-
I day.
The Children’s Day at Bethel
i Saturday was Well attended —quite
1 a crowd from Laurens and Wilk
! insoii counties I eing present.
We are glad to state that after
| suffering many days with n dis
abled leg and foot little Johnnie
j Gurrett is improving. The hit In
fellow is under the skilled treat
ment of Dr. Pago of Dublin.
Quite a large crowd of our peo
| pie attended prayermeeting at
j Lundsburg Saturday night.
I We learn that there will be n
picnic at Oclikie Bluff on Satur
-1 day, July 4th. Everybody invited
ito come ami bring well tilled
! baskets.
j Messrs J. H. Sutton and W. 11.
| Bright of Bethel were pleasant
callers at R. L. Avery’s Sunday,
i .1, M. Simpson and wife of Wil
kinson county are spending a few
days in our community the guests
iof their daughter, Mrs. J. E.
j Mrs. E A. Wynn and children
lof near Rock lege are spending a
j few days with her daughter, Mrs.
11. L. Avery.
G. B. Avery and J. C. Tlionip
; son left Saturday for Irwin county
| to spend a few days with relatives
i and friends.
G. W. Garrett spent last Satur
day night at L. I*. Avery’s.
, Walter Watson spent Saturday
i night with Ashley Clarke.
J. A. Carroll and wife and
Mrs. Ellen White and daughter
spent Sunday at, J. W. Clarke’s.
•J. W. Clarke and family and
Jesse Rogers and family, Ashley
and Eliza Clark spent Sunday at
W. R. Watson’s, and all report a
most pleasant time. Besides a
good dinner several tine watermel
ons were butchered.
Eliza Clarke spent Saturday and
Sunday with the family of J. W.
K. Clark.
Several of our young folks en
joyed a horseback ride Sunday.
Miss Alice Clarke spent Satur
day and Sunday with Miss Eliza
Clark, auda most enjoyable time
was had.
Clarence Holder and Miss Susie
Clarke were out riding Sunday.
Neal T. Clarke and Frank Gil
jdor attended preaching at Lowry's
| church Sunday,
j Frank Gilder spent, Saturday
I night with Joe Coney.
I J. E. and N. S. Clarke made n
(flying trip to Alamo Monday,
j Miss Myrtle Clarke spent, Sun
day night with Miss Eliza Clarke.
Frank Gilder and Clarence Per
due enjoyed themselves very much
at J. W. Clarke’s Sunday after
noon. Walter Gilder was also in
the crowd.
J. E Clarke and wife visited J.
W. K. Clarke and wife Sunday.
The school at Oak Grove is do
ing nicely.
Jesse Rogers and wife visited
the former’s parents near Helena
Saturday and Sunday.
Neal A. White visited his uncle
Sunday afternoon,
j The fish fry at McLeod’s lake
1 Wednesday was greatly enjoyed.
I Eliza Clark spent Monday night
(with Mrs. J. E. Clarke.
, Preaching at W, R. Watson’s
! was well attended Friday night.
| Services were conducted by Rev.
| Thornton.
R. N. Clarke spent Sunday eye
i ning very pleasantly at J. W, K.
jcierke’s. Happy Sam.
Side Combs at lf>o and 20c, and
! fluffy-ruffle back combs at 2')e and
20c, at Mrs. J. L. Adams’.
Rev. 11. Turner Smith preached
jto a large congregation at Long
{ pond last Sunday. He protracts
(there on his next round beginning
j Saturday before the 4th Sunday
lin this month —July. He has
j written Dr. W. L. Pickard of Sa
j vannali to aid him in the meeting.
Dr. W. F. Peacock, one of Vi*
dalia's best physicians and most
progressive citizens, was in Ml.
Vernou Friday of last week, the
guest of his brother-in-law, Dr.
I Ed. Hunt.
| Shiloh Items.
j Special CoiTespimilcnoe.
The rain Thursday was taecded
I and greatly appreciated.
J. F. Kitchens and wife spent
; Sunday very pleasantly with W.
W. Tompkins and w ife.
Willie MoEachern and Ruel
Livingston visited Glenwood Sun
Horace Mimbs and wife visited
McArt hur one day recently.
Miss Myrn Clements of Alamo
is visiting her tat her, Mr. G. C.
Lee Stunford and Miss Bessie
Tompkins visited Spring Hill lust
third Sunday.
Our Sunday school is progress
ing nicely under the management
of Mr. Woslov Stunner.
] Mrs. N. J. Vaughan visited Mrs.,
j .1. C. M imbs Sunday.
Mrs. J. J. Vaughan nnd daught
er, Victoria, visited at Mr. Me-
Eaehern s Friday last..
Tom and .Mark Moses, Lloyd
and Frank Darby visited Long
! pond one day recently.
Misses Bessie and Willie Tomp* j
kins visited Lumber City Friday,
having some dental work done
over there.
Cnnnie Durden and Geo. Clem
ents were visitors at Bruce Sun
Misses Lounnna and Pearl j
i Mimbs and Tom Spivey and John j
Padgett were out driving Sunday j
N J. & J. I). Vaughan, D. S. !
j McArthur and Tom Day went to i
i Brunswick on a pleasure trip last,;
Mrs. J. D. Thigpen and Miss
Henrietta McEacheru visited at
! Lumber City Friday.
Mrs. X. J. Vaughan and her'
daughter, Victoria, visited Lum-,
her City Monday.
Lloyd Darby of Vidalia is vis
iting ins brother, Frank, of Lum
! her Citv.
i Jas. Finch and John Tompkins
j were pleasant onllors near Shiloh l
(Sunday night.
Gordon Mimbs and Miss Bessie
I To m rik ms visited Bruce last sec
j ond Sunday.
The sing at J. C. Mimbs’ Sun
! day night was attended by a large
| crowd.
i Gordon Mimbs and Peacock
: Hearn visited Bruce one afternoon
I *
Misses Bessie and Willie Tomp
kins visited Miss Sadi© Vaughan
Sunday. —
Col. Suftold is now quartered
in the office btulding with Judge
Special rowsnondenoo.
Horry to say the attendance ut
Sabbath school wns small Sunday
and we suppose this was on ac
count of sickness in the neighbor
! hood.
Brooks Minoey and family were
guests of their father, E. Dixon,
M. 1,. Purcell and wife came
flown from Kibbce lasi week t<>
attend the funeral of their grand
father, Mr. C. T. Moseley.
Mrs. C. F. (Jordon is on the sick
! list we are sorry to sav, but w>*
hope noon to see her out, again.
A. T. Gordon and wife wore the
guests of A. C. Gordon und fam
ily Sunday,
j * i
Miss Maggie Carpenter spent a
few days recently with Miss Lota
Niunic and Rabun Gray attend
ed services at Cellar Crossing Sun
C. P. and J. W. Moseley were
in Longpond Saturday.
J. C. Thorbnrg and wife of Hel
ena were pleasant callers at .1. \V.
Moseley’s Sunday afternoon.
Lawrence Ryals ot Mcßae is
j visiting in this section.
We are glad to say thut Dr.
Harry Moses from Virginia is
buok at home to his many friends.
Lewis Adams and wife were in
Mt. Vernon one day last week
Frank and Grover Conner went
over in Jeff Davis County Sunday
ito see the new railroad. They re
port. tin- work moving along nice
ly, and the iron horse will soon
be heatd running through this
sect ion.
Misses Lizzie and Emma Morris
*f>ent Si nday night with Mrs. L.
C. Adan #. Fcss and Few.
1 Ailey Paragraphs.
j Special Oommncndenee.
( Th© voting folks of this place
i enjoyed a picnic on Lott’s creek
I Monday, chaperoned by Mrs. Mitt
! Peteraon. All report a fin© time.
[ Misses Fonett and Volina Me-
J Arthur of Longpond have boon
I the guests of Mrs. A. A. Peterson
I tor several days.
Mrs. Fulton Smith of Lyons is
visiting Mrs. Gutter this week.
Lamar Holmes of Soperton was
in town a few hours one day re
Mr. and Mrs. (Jhas. F •iz"lle vis
ited homefolk at Higgston Sun
We are sorry to snv that H. P.
Wilbanks will leave our town after
July Ist. He goes to Vidal in where
j he and Mr. Timmerman of Mcßto
I will establish a business firm. Mr.
j Wilbanks has been here for about
j six years, in which t ime lu> Inis
j made many warm friends who arej
J sorry to see him leave. Hu is an
i excellent, young man, a fine salt's ;
| man, and wo hope and predict foi I
; him a bright and prosperous fu-1
tu re.
Luther Outlet - made n business
trip to Vidalia Saturday.
We are glad to note that Mis-
Eva Maun returned home Fridas
night from Rook ledge.
Miss Fannie Mcßride left yes
terday afternoon tor Lyons where
“he will visit her sister, Mrs. Mc-
We arc sorry to state that Mrs.
Noah Williams is on the sick list
this week, but we hope for her
early recovery.
Best wishes for the Monitor.
One-folirtli on all trimmed imt
iit Mis. J. L. Adams’.
For many years The Monitor
has been offered free to those who
bring to this office the first mel
ons of the season, six months (• >i
the first melon and a year tor tie
largest melon brought in.
The first melon this year wit
brought in by Jim Hamilton,
fanning for Mr. T. J. Thompson I
June lit. Other melons wer© sent j
in ns follows: S. 11. Harrell,
June Hi; H.J. Gibbs, June IB;
W. H. Colield, Dei I la, June 20:
K. K Gilder, June 2H.
Jim Hamiltoi ’s melon reach- j
ing this office first, he will gel j
the paper for the next six months I
f'ee. The largest and lust melon (
sent in during the season will get j
the paper for the next year tree.
Rev. Clias. Montgomery con
ducted a week’s meeting at Erick j
last week.
The new court house is being 1
fitted throughout with Venetian |
blinds, which add something t<>
the emu fort and appearance of
the building.
Work is progressing nicely on
the new hollies of Messers. A. M
Gates and F. Lee Mcßae, while 1
material is being rapidly plac< d
outlie ground for the Folsom
residence on the lull. j
[ \tMs\ tju JiuU- |
Y€aA 4/tUKr or
° aA< i
\%L%xnAfrfC o I
j VVtVWbWCVMt' j
Z «
£ of
£ Sl.oo PER YEAR.
S k
Don’t forget tlint the 4tlj of
July comes but, once a your, ami
j people generally fool like celebrnt-
I ing—fumin' u big time, etc. At,
; Ailoy tho celebration this year
| nt ti rto«l yesterday nttho mum mot li
■ dry goods, not ioiih nml clothing
t>m pori ti in of W. J. & T. A. IV
loruon, anil will oontinuo through
out the ronmimlor of tlto wook,
Suturda.v being the biggest ami
boat ot all. Itaitolm of ioo cold
lemonade, absolutely from (Jo and
ioo tlto tremendous stock of sum
mor goods that is being sold with
a view to rod non stock before tak
ing 1 limr annual inventory, price
but of little cotHYidoration.
Remember—July 1.2, 8,4. Join
tlto multitude at too Peterson’s
stores, examine their bargains,
and whet.her or not you buy a
penny’s worth the ice cold lemon
ade will be there Saturday, pre
pared especially for all visitors,
white and colored. Separate stand
lor t he colored.
Mrs.RaoKloy and grand-daugld
'T, Miss Buckley, of Waynesboro,
irrived last week to spend a few
lays visiting Mr. and Mrs W. 1,.
I). Uiicklev and other relatives in
mil near Mt. Vernon.
Price's Arc (.’lit
To Reduce Stock.
Being somewhat overstocked at
present, it becomes necessary to
place on sale a large amount of
stylish and high-class goods at
and beloiv manufacturers cost in
order to reduce stock. This must
bo done at mice.
For instance, the tint rimmed
lints that tormerly sold from bO
7b cents have been cut down to
P.) cents. Hats that usually sell
from Bb cents la SIOO have been
reduced to 10 cents.
beautiful silk flowers, priced at
2b to 7b cents have been placed on
sale at 19 cents. And still better,
when you buy these hats and
flowers of us ivo do the trimming
absolutely FRKK—such an idea
never before thought of by the
ladies. We have a lot of them,
including foliage for 10 Cents per
bunch. Beautiful ribbons from
10 to 10 cents per yard.
Ready-to-wear Imts, usual price
2bc, bOc, 7b cents and sl.Sound
$ 1 .nO, all going at 10 ami 49 cents.
Beautiful embroidery of lovely
quality and desirable widths, at
10 cents a yard. Ladies's good
black hose, regularly 10 cents,
now three pairs for 2b cents.
We do not expect to min our
business by selling at the low
prices mentioned, for we may be
able to make a small profit even
at these reduced prices. These
goods were bought while the large
wholesale houses were closing out,
and to sell them at once is tlm
chief object in view.
MRS. 0. W. FOX.
NO. 7 .