Newspaper Page Text
StiTtSt:?. Z\r.. .r.. rUri'.?. Si'll
The regular June term of the
City Court of Montgomery county
was called off at that time, and
convened here Monday morning
last, with 11 is Honor. Judge J. B.
Geiger on the bench. Monday
morning saw a good number pres
ent, and the attendance has been
very good during the entire week.
While the docket for this term
is unusually heavy, but few cases
have been disposed of as yet. The
following cases have been disposed
of up to the noon hour yesterday:
State vs Sam Groover, carrying
concealed pistol. Plea of guilty:
SSO or six months
State vs Dennis Young, carry
ing concealed pistol. Consent ver
dict; not guilty. e
State vs Sam Conner, unlawful
drunkenness; settlement allowed.
State vs M. H. Mclntyre, tress
pass; verdict, of not guilty.
State vs Alf. Rowland, shooting
on public highway; verdict of not
Civil docket will be taken up
One of the new but flourishing
institutions of this section is the
Vidalia Loan and Realty Co.,
whose home office is at Vidalia.
This company was organized only
a few months ago, but is now on a
firm and substantial basis.
While they buy and sell real es
tate, they make a specialty of
farm loans at a low rate of inter
est, giving 5 years in which to re
turn a loan. Mr. T. 11. Johnson
* I
I - Wm ■ -'' : S
president, and Mr. J. Wade John
son secretary and treasurer, are
former citizens of this county,and
are well and favorably known *fb
our people. If you need money,
call on them, or write them at Vi*
dalia, and they will make you a
good proposition in the matter of
a loan. Lending money is their
chief business, and if you need it,
see them at once. Bee their ail.
in our advertising columns.
The ladies of the Hack Branch
community will give an icecream
supper at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. D. N. Hughes on Friday
night, July 81, for the purpose of
purchasing an organ for the Pres
byterian church. Everybody is
invited to come and help in a
good cause.
Til" Best 5-Cerits Cigar on
Earth. Mount Vernon Drug Co.,
Sole Agents.
Sit? iflmttiutmm; Mmxtm.
This week the House will act
upon the bill by Mr. Huie, of
Clayton which will redistrict the
State into 59 Senatorial districts
instead of 44 ns is now the ease.
Under the new scheme the big
five counties of Fulton, Chatham
Richmond, Bibb and Floyd are
each created into independent
Senatorial districts. Then two
large counties are to be made in
to districts and then three coun
ties to a district. The hill was
introduced last session by Mr.
Huie and attracted interest at
once. It was recently favorably
reported by the committee on con
stitutional amendments and has
been rend the second time in the
It will in all probability be
passed this week.
This act, if passed, will put
Montgomery in w hat will be
known as the Eighteenth District,
composed of Jeff Davis, Toombs
and Montgomery counties. Thus
Montgomery will he lined up with
two of the new counties made in
0' 0
:©:©:■©:©:;e£© ©©. ©
Quite a number took in the ex
cursion to Savannah Monday.
Mr. D. 11. Burney of Blackshear,
I representing the Blackshear Man
ufacturing Co., was a visitor to
Mt. Vernon yesterday. He is one
of the pioneer citizens of Pierce
county, and has done much to
ward the welfare of that county
and people.
For a fall garden you want to
get your seed from the Mt. Vernon
Drug Co.
The ladies have been serving
icecream on the court house square
daily this week, and have been
liberally patroized.
Mrs. W. H. McQueen and chil
dren spent yesterday with rela
tives and friends in Vidalia.
After having been very ill for
j two months, Miss Maggie Lang
ford is now improving, and many
friends look forward to her recov
ery. She is one of the most pop
ular members of the young set.
City Court has been very well
attended during the week, consid
ering the busy season with most
of the farmers.
Col. G. C. Jones of Lyons came
up Tuesday to attend City Court.
Mrs. J. A. Mcßride is visiting
j relatives at Longpond this week.
Many good melons have been
i brought to this place this season.
Miss Pearle Spooner visited rel
atives in Dublin this week.
Prof. Carpenter of Blackshear,
a member of the facnlty of the
U. B. I for the fall term, has ar
rived in Mt. Vernon, and seems
pleased with the situation.
; We have the Buist seed,the very
best for fall gardens. Get them
in bulk at The Mt. Vernon Drug
' Co’s.
Mr. W. H. H. Stephens of the
Kibbee section was among the vis
itors here yesterday, and reports
i insufficient rain in his neighbor
hood. Almost every part of the
county have been supplied, and
the crops are the finest in several
Valdosta, July 21. —The good
roads movement is going to take
on a great deal of life in Lowndes
County. The action of the “15,000
Club”in recently asking the conn
tv commissioners to submit the
matter to the voters of the county
and the response which lias come
from the movement in all parts
of the county has resulted in mak
ing the commission! rs get busy
on that subject. It is but just
| to them to say however, that they
already had progressive ideas on
that subject.
The commissioners have visited
several sections where good roads
are being made and they had
another meeting here today to
outline plans and see about, Inly
ing new machinery. The com
missioners have been in communi
cation with the government ex
perts in regard to good roads and
' they are getting all the informa
tion they can.
I In a few years at most there
will not he a road in Lowndes
, County over which one mule can
not, easily pull live bales of cotton.
The people have had a taste of
good roads and that usually calls
(for more.
Mr. R. E. 1.. Tim merman, for
merly of this count, but a fit izen
of Mcßae lor the past few years,
was a visitor to this place yester
day. He is now locating in Vida
lia, where he will he engaged in
business. He is a clever gentle
man, and we wish him success.
Col. Lightfoot of Adrian, a well
known attorney, is attending the
session of City Court this week.
He has been attending court in
Mt. Vernon tor a number of years.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. McAllister
have gone to housekeeping in their
new home out on Rawls street. —
Hawkinsville Dispatch.
Uncle David Wilkes, one of the
oldest citizens of Toombs (form
erly Montgomery) county, was in
this place among his old friends a
part of last week, and was remem
bered by a Inrge number.
Mr. Jos. Copps, representing W.
D Simpkins & Co., of Savannah,
was a business visitor to this
place yesterday. He is one of the
most clever men on the road.
The family of Rev. Turner
Smith of Dublin spent a part of
the past week with Col. and Mrs.
A. L. Lanier.
Mrs. 11. B. Folsom returned
last evening from a visit to Mcßae.
She was accompliined by her cous
in, Miss Eva Mcßae, who will
spend a few days in Mt. Vernon.
The town authorities continue
to place clay on the sidewalks.
This makes a durable walk when
properly mixed with sand. Con
siderable improvement has been
made in the streets and walks du
ring the past two years, and the
good workjshould be kept up.
Do not worry about what is in
the letter Gov. Smith received
from Mr. Brown last summer.
Just write a good long letter to
your county paper each week. You
will get more good out of it, since
it will be intended for publication.
IDo this thing.
Taj lor Springs.
Sppcinl OoupMpomlcnor.
Rev. B. G. Forten filled Ins reg
ular appointment at this place
Sunday, and n large crowd was
I present to attend services.
, Misses Belle and Janie Morrison,
j and Lizzie Rawlings attended
pleaching here Sunday.
Misses Marie and Hattie Phil
lips, and Minnie Willis of Zadee
: attended preaching hero Sunday.
Mr. Cone Willis and family vis
ited Mr. M. Hutcheson and fami
ly Friday.
Rev. Billie Online filled his reg
ular appointment at Blocker’s
mill Suudav.
Charlie Mclntyre from below
Vidalia attended services here
Mr. and Mrs. George Blocker of
Vidalia attended church services
here Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Mack Davis of
Vidalia were among those who at
tended services here Sunday.
F. M. Stewart and wife of near
Covena attended church here last
Charlie Willis of near Bridge
was among the many visitors here
Miss Eulah Todd and Mr. Joe
Carter were united in marriage
Mr. Bob Page, two daughters
and two sons of near Tiger Bridge
were attendants at church here
Hicks and Twiggs Willis and
SethTapleyof Zadee were hero
Miss Teenie Willis of near
Bridge attended services here Sun
Mr. and Mrs. Phillips of near
Normantown were visitors here
N.G. Nunn and wife of near
Normantown attended preaching
here Sunday.
Mr. Jim Stewart of near Cove
na was attending church here last
Miss Millie Williamson of near
Bridge attended services at this
place Sunday.
Mr. Richard Roche of near Nor
inantnwn was here Sunday.
Reiner Todd and Livie Phillips
of near Vidalia were among the
numerous visitors here Sunday.
Misses Patrick and Ruble Block
er were pleasant callers at I In-
Springs Sunday.
Mr. Sherod Willis and children
visited his brother, Jacob Willis,
last Saturday.
Among those who attended ser
vices here Sunday we -noticed the
Misses Hilton and Mr. Grudy
Wilkes of Higgston.
Mr. Olie Joiner made a pleas
ant cull at the home of E. Willis
Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hightower
visiten their brother and mother
Mr. and Mrs. Milledge Wilkes
Monday last.
Our school is progressing nicely
under the management of Prot. A.
8. Howell.
Messrs. Austin Willis and J. W.
Wickstrom [mid Vidaliu a visit
W. H. Phillips attended preach
ing here Sunday.
Sunday was a big day here—RtO
or more people attended the all
day services here Sunday. Dinner
was on the ground in super-abund
ance, and everybody seomed to en
joy themselves. Rose Bod
The Southern Female College
at LaGrunge was destroyed by fire
Sunday morning about 4 o’clock.
Only one building was left, and
there was no insurance on those
destroyed. Loss is estimated at
about *40,000.
The Southern Female college
was the second oldest college for
women in America, having been
established in 1842. The burning
will be a source of regret to hun
dreds of pupils and alumni all
over this and ad joining states.
It is not known what arrange
ments will be made for the fall
The supposition is Hie building
was fired by an electric w ire which
was out of order.
.Special OotTcvpniKicncc.
Crops are fine. Fodder [lulling
will soon be the order of the day.
J. S. Sutton and family spent
Sunday at R. L. Avery’s.
O. A. Wynn of Laurens county
spent Sunday night at M. E. Gar
ret t’s.
M. M. Day and G. W, Phillips
have returned from a visit among
friends and relatives in Wilkinson
Horace Davis left a few days
ago for Wilkinson county where
lie will spend a few days with his
cousin, Rufus Deasou.
The Farmer’s Union picnie at
Beulah on last Wednesday was
well attended —quite a crowd of
Laurens county [ample were pres
ent. ,
G. VV. Garret! and J. I). I'sry
have returned from a visit, to
friends and relatives iu Laurens
Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Lord and
children and L P. Avery and wife
are now visiting home folks in
Wilkinson county.
R. L. Avery is wearing a broad
smile now-a-days—it’s a hoy this
t ime.
Rev. G. W. Garrett preached to
a large congregation at Evergreen
church in Laurens county Sunday
evening and Saturday night be
Well, hoys, there will he no new
counties created this summer, so
let the matter drop for the pres
ent. They are too expensive.
I Gu JboAbLr c& O/rttLiX j
kJtj- os cm*ads <&ru/YLSK
(Qp*sns I
I cK/ris oiccoM/rw>YwH ji
t/Jy ojruds SL/Jjxit^
fcJL 1
%( %£TWI& o
lGwmcm/y>am>p |
>7 ',"{?•KlltiWW«<■ x;tw«l f r<m
$1.09 PER YEAR |
At Innt, July 21.—With one
fell swoop the committee on con
stitutional amendments yesterday
afternoon reported “unfavorahlv”
the three hills pending which pro
vided for the creation ofnewenun
ties in south Ueorgia. Kach
of these measures provided that
enough territory should lie taken
from Johnson, Emanuel. Laurens,
and Montgomery to make up a
count y. If one county had la-en
created it would have been n geo
graphical impossibility to create
the ot her two.
The three counties desiring cre
ation were “Millodge”, whose cre
ation was opposed by Laurens,
Montgomery, Jeff Davis and John
son, anil the two other new coun
ties proposed. “Cleveland” and
“Blackshear.” In the same way
when “Blnckshear” made a bid,
this proposed county was opposed
by the other six and so on.
One after the other the bills
were tabled. It, was very evident
from the vote that the commit tee
and for that matter the house, is
opposed to the creation of any
more new counties until away is
provided for the people in the in
terested counties to vote on the
quest ion.
< Jeorgis—Montgomery County.
Will be sold in said county on
the 2Kth day of July, IIHtH, be
tween the hours of JO o’clock a.
m and 4 o’clock p. m. at public
outcry at. the late residence of
Henry A. Joyce, Sr., to the high
est. bidder for cash, all of the
perishable property of said Henry
A. Joyce, Sr., embracing his stock
of horses, cattle, hogs, etc. Also
the following: One boggy, one
ox cart, one sewing machine, one
cot ton gin and one boiler, one pair
of seales and one bale of upland
Cotton. Said sale will he con
tinued from day to day until com
pleted. YV. It. Mohi.kv,
Adr. Estate Henry A. Joyce, Sr.
Many have called in this week
to pay on their subscription, but
the thing is not quite regular
Do not think that because times
are a little tight, that you are the
only sufl'erer—there are others.
NO. to.