Newspaper Page Text
vol. xxin.
Adviceffrcm Lyons state that
a negro, Alonzo Williams, was
taken from the county jail at that
place Tuesday and put through
the usual process of lynching.
* While we are not able to give the
particulars, it is understood that
only a small party of took
part in the work of putting the
tiend out of the way. The jail
was broken into by force, en
trance being made through the
south wall of the building, and
the negro removed to an ad joining
swamp for the operation, which
was swift and well done.
- William was placed in jail early
Saturday morning. The crime
was committed near Ohoopee, on
the public road and within a mile
of the home of the victim v Miss
C'lara Bowen is the napie of the
unfortunate and she is a white
girl about 16 or 17 vears of age.
She had been to Ohoopee shop
ping and was returning home
when the negro jumped out of the
bushes in front of her, catching
her around the throat and choking
her. She was able to get home
afterward and told her people.
Quickly a crowd was after the cul
prit. and he was caught a short
time after the crime was commit-i
The negro stoutly denied the i
—'charge at first, and it was seem
ingly hard for the girl to recognize
him. He was not turned loose,
however, and some time during
the night lie confessed to his cap
tors and they immediately hurried
lum to Lyons.
Alley Paragraphs.
Spccitil L!<incHpi indence.
Miss Manta Brown of Vidalia
spent a part of week with
Miss Lila Riddle.
Miss Lottie Fryer of Rochelle
visited Mrs. Skipper last week.
Mrs. .las. McNatt entertained
several of her friends Tuesday ev-,
ening last in honor of Mr. Odom
McNatt and sister, Miss Vickie,
of Cedar Crossing.
Mr. Louis Robison and
Ala Peterson were among those!
who attended services at Long
pond Sunday.
Several young folks spent Thurs
day on a fishing irolic and report
a nice time.
Miss Fannie Mcßride is on an
exteasive visit to Lyons.
Miss J’ettie Fuqua is visiting
lriends at Longpond this week.
Chas. D. Peterson of Ailey and
Miss McLemore of Mt. Vernon at
tended services at Longpond Sun
H. P. Wilbanks returned from
his home in North Georgia last
Miss Lila Riddle entertained
several triends Wednesday even
ing in honor of Miss Brown of
Curtis Coleman, a young doctor
of Mt'. Vernon, was here Monday
on business.
Miss Ala Peterson left Tuesday
to visit friends at Brooklet, Ga.
B. L. Strickland spent Sunday,
in Savannah.
We are glad to note that the
children of Mr. and Mrs. E. T.
Mcßride are still improving after
being sick several days.
James Palmer visited home folk
near SopertoH Sunday.
v Mrs. Mattie Belle Ford from
Alabama is visiting her many
friends here this week.
Miss Effie Jones visited Higgs
ton Monday afternoon.
Mr. Bartow Snooks and Miss
Eva Mann attended services at
Longpond Sunday. .
Willie Peterson, Jr., and Miss
Brew ton of the L’. 8..1. were out
driving Sunday p. m.
For a fall garden you want to
get your seed from the Mt. Vernou
Lrug Co.
Wi\t iHmttiwmmj Monitor*
A very pretty and 'impressive
home wedding was that of Miss
Nell McAllister and Mr. Seward
! Hicks last Thursday evening at
7 :80 at the home of the bride in
Mt. Vernon. The ceremony,beauti
jful in its simplicity, was read by
! Rev. Charles Montgomery of the
I . n J
i Presbyterian church, and was
witnessed by only members of the
j family of the bride and grootn,
j the sitting room lieing well filled.
| The ceremony was preceded by
! Mendelssohn’s march rendered by
I Miss Birdie Mason, who continued
jat the instrument with an appro
, priate selection during the ser
| vice.
The bride,a daughter of Mr. and
1 Mrs. J. C. McAllister, is loved by
i a large number of friends and ad
mirers, and is a most popular
| member of the social Bet. Mr.
Hicks is a son of Dr. and Mrs.
I Charles Hicks of Dublin, b\it for
; the past year manager for the
j Hilton & Dodge Lumber Co. at
lOchwalkee, and is held in high
esteem by many warm friends
i who will be able to congatulate
him on having won one of our;
fairept daughters. That their home
will be made in Mt. Vernon will !
give pleasure to many % friends. |
Immediately after marriage the
! happy young cobple left for a trip
ito the resorts of North Georgia.
These young people are deservedly
popular, and their marriage is
another link between two of the
oldest and strongest families in
South Georgia. May prosperity
and happiness be with them.
The Monitor is requested by
Judge Alex McArthur to announce
that, he is in receipt of pensioners’ |
checks for the third quarter, and
those entitled to same will please
call at His office or respond
through order.
This will be welcome news to
those who are beneficiaries of this
; fund.
Glen wood, 1.
| Hiif-cial Cormspondence.
R. W. McAllister and C. M.
Browning were pleasant callers at
Mr. Allgond's Sunday.
Dosia Browning was a welcomed
guest at J. C. Browning’s Sunday.
The sing at the home of B. R.
Benton’s Sunday was largely at- I
* | - j
- Lem McAllum visited Mrs. Ad- !
die Bridges Sunday afternoon.
Tom Lowery was a pleasant’
caller at the home' of Mr. Pope
Miss Ruthie Clark was n visitor
in this section Sunday.
A. C. Browning was a visitor at
Mr. Newton’s Sunday.
G. P. Turner made a business
' trip to Lumber City Tuesday.
! J. It. Turner and wife made a
’ yleasant call at Mr. Wright’s Sat
in rday.
Miss Geneva Benton was visit
, mg here a few days since.
Miss Cullie Newton made a
j pleasant call at J. C. Browning’s
Miss Minnie Browning way one
of the pleasant callers at Mr. Ad
ams’ last Sunday,
Miss Nancy Heard visited at
Mr. Scars’ Sunday.
I Singing school will start at Ben
! ton’s school house August 10t h.
Everybody invited to come and
j take part in it.
Miss Ada McAllum is visiting 1
at tbe home of Mr. Benton’s tins
Silas Browning visited Miss
Pearl Dixon Sunday last.'
Talmadge Clark visited at Mr.
G. C. Clements Bunday.
A large crowd was in attendance
at the bathing club down on the
creek one day recently.
Rain is plentiful in this sec
|tidn. Blce Biro.
Beginning with Sunday, Aug. 2
! the regular appointment at tliej
| Presbyterian church, a wcck’s pro
tracted meeting will bo conduct*
jed at. that church. The pastor,
! Rev. Montgomery, will fill bis
' regular appointments on the Sab
-1 hath, after which services will he
! 111 charge of Rev. R. A. Brown of
’ Valdosta. Mr. Brown is 1111 able
man, and the services will he
pleasant and profitable to all who
attend them. Go out and take
part in the meetings, beginning
j Sunday morning.
For some days we have been re-
Iceiving open bolls of new cotton
‘ raised by farmers in this county.
The first was banded in by Mr.
J. W. Mclntyre of Ailey, and was
open before the 21st. The second
was sent in by Mr. Pliinesy Ren
ton of Mt. Vernon Route No. 4.
While the tbird was sent in by
Mr. Henry White, from the farm
of Prof. J. M. Davis on the west
of the county. We trust that this
is an indication of an unusually
large crop this season. The farmers
of Montgomery county have the
best, crops to be found in this;
section of the state.
When Dawson reached town the
otjicr day he was suddenly seized
with a terrific toothache, and In
repaired at once to u dentist. In- ;
vestigation showed t hat the toot h
was in such a condition that the
only way to extract it comforta
bly was to put the sufferer under
the influence of gas. Consequent
ly Dawson threw himself back in
the chair and the tube was ap-j
plied. lie did not. siietyimb any j
too readily, but in the course of!
time ho was sleeping peacefully, |
and the offending molar was re-j
“How much, doctor?” asked j
the patient after the ordeal was
“Ten dollars,” said t he dent ist,
business being dull.
“Ten dollars ?” roared Dawson. I
“Yes sir,” said t lie dent ist. “11 1
was an unusually bard job getting ’
that tooth out, ami you required
twice the ordinary amount of gas.”
“Humph!” ejaculated Dawson,
ns lie paid up. “Here’s your l
money, but I tell you right now j
the next time I take gas from you .
you’ve got to put a meter on me.” J
—Harper’s Weekly.
1— 0
Mrs. J. D. McCullough and son,
James, arc spending the summer
in Florida.
Miss Pink Ryals has heen ipiite
ill for several days.
The second"*week of Cit y Court
began Monday, and will probably
continue through the week.
If you have any visitors, give us
their names and addresses.
After spending a few days in Mt.
Vernon, Miss Eva Mcßae left
Tuesday morning for her home at
Mrs. Alex McArthur went oyer
to Mcßae Tuesday to join lief*
sister, Mrs. I). J. Mcßae, who will
go to Macon at once to be with
their sister,Mrs. CRas. Hicks, who
will be in the hospital at that
place for a few days.
i We have the Ruist seed,the very
best, for fall gardens. Cot them
in bulk at The Mt. Vernon Drug
Seri the new coxd of Dr. J. R.
Watson of goperton, and if you
are hi reach of him, give him a
Mr. and Mrs. S. V. Hicks return
ed yesterday from a trip to North
Georgia, and are now at home to
their friends in Mt. Vernon,
His ninny friends throughout
the county will be pained to learn
of tlu» death of Mr. A. J. Bridges
of the west side of the county.
Mr. Bridges has been in tailing
health lor a number of years, and
bis dentil was not unexpected,
when it came Monday night.
For more than fifty years he
was a citizen of tins county, an
honorable mid upright man, be
loved by all with ivKoni lie was
1 acquainted. He was married twice
j and t-o the first union a number
of children were born, and sur
vive him, together with the second
Mr. Bridges was a member of
the Masonic fraternity, a member
of Whiteford Lodge, by which
organization lie was laid to rest in
the Smith Old Field Cemetery
Wednesday. As a lifelong citizen
of this county, ho will be grateful
missed. The condolence of many
friends is extended.
Siici'iiil Cori-MipoiiiltMice.
Protracted meeting at Smyrna
will begin Saturday, August Ist.
Everybody invited to attend.
We sympathize very much with
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Byrd in the
loss of their little son Joe.
Albert NeSinitli spent Sunday
with C. P. Moseley.
Mr. and Mrs. Boss Lowery and
sisters, Misses Nellie and Mattie
of near Dublin spent iw latter
part of last week with their broth
er, I. J. Lowery.
Hurdy NeSmitli spent Saturday
night with Fred Gordon.
Lewis Adams und wife spent a
pari of last week in Laurens coun
ty visiting relatives.
Mrs. J. VV. Gordon and daught
er, Miss Lizzie, spent Sunday
with Mrs. F. C. Adams.
Mrs. A. M. Byrd spent. Friday
night with Misses Susie and Geor
gia Daniels.
There was not 11 very large at
tendance at Sunday school Sun
day on account of the rain. Hope
for a full attendance next. Sub
bat b.
Mrs. Vidella Gray spout Satur
day with her sister, Mrs. J. It.
Mrs. W. J. Barlow and sen, Mr
Ivy and little daughter Alice from
Guysie spent last week with rela
tives here und at Gleuwood. •
Mrs. Ada NeSimth and children
spent Sunday with Mrs. A. C.
Gordon. Fuss anu Fitn.
Mrs C. O. Shepard left yester
day, after spending some turn
with her aunt, Mrs. S. B. Morris,
on Washington st reet.
Mr. George Rogers of Florida is
visiting relatives in Mt. Vernon
this week.
Miss Maggie Langford continu
es to improve, and her friends
hope soon in have her out among
All kinds of turnip and rnta
Buga s<*ed in hiwk at the Mt. Ver
non Drug Co’s.
Dr. J. M. O. McAllister of Ro
elielle, Mr. VV. C McAllister of
Hawkinsvitle and Mr. Apnd Hicks
of Helfaot. were among the visit
ing relatives to attend the Mr-
All inter-Hicks marriuge in Mt .
Vernon last Thursday evening.
We appreciate very much the
interest being taken by the vari
ous correspondents throughout the
county. With the co-operation
of tlie good people of the county,
especially the young folks, we
will be able to give a much better
paper. Let them continue to send
in the news from their res|>ective
neighborhoods each week. Sta
tionery will be furnished from
this office to those who write reg
Shiloh Items,
Hpt‘ci«l Com-niMiiilt-iice.
Wo arc having plenty of rain.
VV. M. Tompkins was in Lum
ber City Wednesday on business.
Ruel Livingston has been very
Mr. and Mrs. Jus. Mitchell are
all smiles over the arrival of a
Messrs. Thus. Spivey and Kelly
Scars visited Mr.-Ivey Mimbsone
day recently.
Quito n large crowd of the young
people of McArthur attended
preaching at Sardis Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Towns of
Towns, Ga., were visitors in this
section one day recently.
Ashley Browning visited at the
home of J. J. Vaughan Sunday.
J. VV’. Clements and sister, Miss
Myra, of near Alamo, are visiting
their futlier.
Misses Victoria and Sadie
Vaughn spent Sunday afternoon
pleasantly with Miss Bessie romp
Lee Stanford returned Sunday
from Tarrytown where lie had
been visiting bis father, J. I).
Jus. Finch was in Lumber City
Sunday afternoon.
Geo. Clements anil John Tomp
kins wfcrn pleasant callers at Mr.
Vaughn’s Sunday.
Sunday school at Shiloh was
well attended Sunday. Everybody
invited to attend.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Thompson
of Lumber City visited their mint
Mrs. I). F. Roland Sunday last.
Col. B. B. Cheney is vorysssick
at this writing, but we hope for
an early recovery,
About the only way to deal
with “near beer” successful ly
where there is an inclination to
get. something too near beer, is to
follow the example of a number
of towns we have observed and
that is for the city fathers to pro
hibit the sale of all near beers.
The Rest 5-Cents Cigar on
Earth. Mount Vernon Drug Co.,
Sole Agents.
Soperton, Georgia.
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Tin* second weeek of City Court
opened up Monday, and/the null
id' just ice is at iII grinding. In ad
jdition to those mentioned last
j week, the following eases huve
heen disposed of:,
State vs Jno. Fofkey, assault and
battery; not guilty.
M. Foskey, assault; not guilty,
i Jacob Heck wort h, assault and
! battery ; not guilty.
(Jeo. Miller, Andrew Miller and
Charlie Graham, riot; not gltv.
It. K. Heck, carrying concealed
pistol; not guilt >.
Joe Graham, unlawful drunken
ness ; led pr<msed.
laicien Baker, tresspass; not git> v .
Josh Collins, misdemeanor; not
] guilty.
J. K. Palmer, assault and battery;
not guilty.
J. A. t'oursey, aiding prisoner;
nol pressed.
j P. H. Willis A Co. v J A Stinson,
suit on acct; verdict for pi IT.
|C M Guinn v Milton Ac Dodge |,
Co., lien foreclosure; verdict
for defendant
i.lnol) Brown vs Jno D Shepard,
slid on acct; settled
W K Fountain, Adr vs Williams
A Yeomans, suit on note; witli
< I raw n
1 Mallory Bros. Machinery Co. vs
■ P.l Davis, suit on note; verdict
for plaintiff
! Swift. 1004 Clothes Washer Co. vs
J M Dees, Mallard Dees, Flour*
j hoy Dees and N A Dees, suit oil
note; withdrawn
Sipple Bros, vs Eliza Fountain,
1 M II Fountain clt,, levy and
elaim; claim withdrawn
I N AG W Dickens vs J W Jack
son, deft., Mallory Bros. Ma
chinery Co. clt.; levy withdr’n.
W 'l' Dickens v J W Jackson, def,
! Mallory Bros. Machinery Co.
clt..; claim willidrawn
Hattie Harris vs.IT Wurnoeknnd
, C T Braddy,trover; ver fordeft.
W 1) Simpkins A Co. v J I) John
son, suit on acct; ver for pill.
T F Collins, next friend, vs J B
O’Conner suit on note; withd’n
j Geo L Adams v» Win Mackey et
nl, suit on note; ver fcf pi IT.
|C M Tripp v I) S Jenkins, com
plaint in City Ct; wildrawn
J O Sumner v Eliza and W W
Dailey, suit on note; ver pi IT.
Evie Grillin v John Clark, trover;
verdict for nlaintitV.
_ .
The Farmers Ciiinn rally held
at Beulah on the loth mst., ac
cording to a number who attended
was one of the best ever held in
the county. It had an unusually
large attendance, and was greatly
I en joyed by ail present, the crowd
numbering between six and seven
, hundred people. A royal good
j time was had, and dinner was
spread in abundance. This was
! saul to have been a very profit
: able meet ing to the members of
| the I’uion.
NO. It.