Newspaper Page Text
Glen wood, 1.
8 aerial CorrpHpnnrtf nee.
Miss Ruthie Gay is visiting Miss
Minnie Browning.
Miss Dora McDaniel is visiting
in this section for a few weeks.
Miss Minnie Browning is visit
ing near Dublin.
J. T. Sheppard is stepping aw
fully high these days—it’s a 10 lb
girl at his house.
Miss Ruthie Clark is visiting in
this section.
Silas Browning visited at the
home of B. R. Benton Sunday.
Mr. Lem Browning has returned
from Savannah where lie was un
der treatment df a specialist.
Miss McAllum is visiting
at the home of Mrs. Benton.
Miss Tinnie and Phinie Green
vssited at the Benton school house ■
Prof. J. T. Cooper's singing
school closes August 7. Every-1
body invitod.
Mr. C. M. Winham left for Sa
vannah Saturday. He will place!
himself under the treatment, of a |
specialist, and his friends hope I
for him permanent relief.
Mr. J. T. Wright and wife are
visiting at the home of J. li. Tur
ner t his week.
The sing at the home of IT. M. i
Clark was well attended, and en-;
joyed by all present.
Miss Minnie L. Browning was a
pleasant caller at Sardis church
Miss Fane Dixon and Mr.
Towns were pleasant callers in
this section Sunday.
Don’t forget the date of the J
singing school at Benton’s school i
house, August 10.
R. (). Browning made a pleas-;
ant call at Mr. McEachern’s Sun
day afternoon.
The Graham and Bruce ball
teams will play at Renton'Satur
day, August 8. Everybody invit
ed at 55 p. m.
Miss Ella McDaniel of Cordele
is visiting in this community for
a few days.
Miss Nannie Head’s school
closes Friday. We all congratu
late her. She will return this
fall and teach for us again.
W. T. Clark made a pleasant
call at Aiamo Sunday.
L. C. Webster visited at the
home of Mr. Sears Sunday p. m.
Blue Bikd.
We have never made it, h point
to criticise the work of die county
commissioners in'the matter of;
working the public roads of the
county, or any other official of the
county, as for that; but as a spec
ial request we give space to the 1
following letter from the lower!
part of the county, reads as
follow *!
Route 7-28-8.
Dear Editor: —Can you tell the'
people of this section through the;
Monitor w hat has. become of the i
road tax collector ? They are aIL
getting uneasy about him. He is
acting very queer by some means.
He is about BO days past due, and
they are afraid to spend their
money that they have saved to
pay road tax with. The iieople
are good tax payers down here.
You need not say anything almut
r*>ad working down here—we do
not care whether the roads are
worked or not. We have got used
to jumping gullies and ditches and
going through the woods. All we
want is to pay our road tax. The
children of Israel were forty years
in the wilderness. How long shall
we remain, gentlemen ? -
Very respect full v,
J. F. Mills.
(lit? Monitor.
Ailey Paragraphs.
Special OftrreaiMOdeiice.
Mrs. M. O. Gutter and chil
dren Rita Mae and Joe T. return
ed Saturday from two weeks visit
j in Laurens county.
H. P Will banks spent Sunday
! last in Savannah,
i . •
Mrs. Charlie Frizzell visited
1 Higgston last Saturday.
Several of the young folks from
■ Ailey attended church at Mount
: Vernon Sunday evening.
Misses Maudel Mcßae and
; Willie Lou Cochran two clmrm-
I ing young ladies of Mt. Vernon
j were out driving in Ailey Sunday
jp. m. Come again.
| Mrs. Charlie Jones of Claxton is
visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Jones
I this week.
Charlton Burch spent Sunday
with homo folks in Helena. •*
Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Palmer vis
ited doctor Palmer’s parents Sun
day near Soperton.
i Mrs. G. B. Allcorn and daught
er, Miss Mae, spent Sunday and
Monday in Glenwood.
We are sorry to note that
Mr. and Mrs. N.L - Williams i» to
leave this week, going to Vidalia
where Mr. Williams is engaged in
Mr. S. S. Fryer of Rochelle was
a visitor in Ailey one day last
Willie Calhoun of Long pond
was in Ailey on business one day
last week.
Bill and Wallace Moses passed
through here Monday eoroute to
Vidalia, Lyons and Savannah to
spend the week.
Miss Mamie Conner of the U.B.
I. returned homo Saturday from
Knoxville,Tenn.,and other points
in the north.
Col. L. C. Underwood of Mount
Vernon was here last week on
Mrs. Mattie Peterson returned
last week from Long Pond where
she has been on a two weeks visit,
guegt of her sisaer Mrs. Moses.
Arren Conner one of Montgom
ery’s hustling young men is now
with W. J. & T. A. Peterson.
Hon. W.J. Peterson came down
last Friday from Atlanta to spend
a few days with home folks re
turning back to his post of duty
Mrs. T. A. Peterson left Wed
nesday for Indian Springs where
she will spend a few days.
One of the most favorable
signs toward a time of plenty is
in the shape of seven ears of corn
growing from the same stem. This
peculiar freak was handed in by
Mr. Monroe Fountain, and was
grown on his place near here.
I This bunch of corn is unusually
well developed and fruited, ami is
the largest we have seen of its
kind; and white it seems to lie
but a freak of nature, we cannot
but believe that it lias some bear
ingon theapproachinggood times.
# __________
The Masonic funeral of the late
A. J. Bridges will be held at the
; Miller Old Field, near the home
[of Mr. Arthur B Davis on Wed*
• nesday, the 12th inst. All breth
■ ern of the craft are cordially m
< i ed to are id the last rites per
formed for a departed brother. A
good man and a worthy compan
ion is gone to hie reward in that
city not built w ith hands, eternal
in the Heavenij.
It is now Billy 8., Billy T , and
Billy B. D This is a day of Billies
j—police and political. Bain
b-idge Seaich Light.
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For a fall garden you want to
I get vour seed from the Mt. Vernon
Drug Co.
Miss Clyde Holme's of Vidalia
is visiting the family of Col. W.
1 L. Wilson.
All kinds of turnip and ruta
bags seed in hutk at the Mt. Ver
non Drug Co’s.
Dr. W. R. Wilson of Washing
ton county is visiting his son.
Col. W. L. Wilson.
Civil Engineer Goo. 11. Crafts
Ij of Dublin waa a pleasant visitor
at our office 'Tuesday.
Mrs. James Collins and chil
dren of Savannah are visiting the
family of Mr. T. E. Rogers this
Messers. Geo. Roberson of Erick
G. R. Mason of Kibbee, Clayton
Morris of Route No. 8 and J. W.
Hurn of Lumber City were among;
the good citizens who came m;
Tuesday to move their subscript
lions up in advance. Such men;
as these help to make the pat hway j
easier. 1
Alamo, Route 1.
Special Correspondence.
Ed. McMillen and wife spent, a
day last, week very pleasantly at i
! J. VV. Clark’s.
The book agents are meeting
with good sales ru this section.
J. W. Clark and son, Johnnie,
attended court at Mt. Vernon a
1 part of last, week.
Hite Gilder and J. F. Clarke of
this section made a Hying trip to
Mcßae Thursday.
J. A. Carroll’s mother of Blythe
spent part of lasi week in this«<•<•-
t ton.
Protracted meeting at Union
Springs was well at tended,and en
joyed. j
Fox hunting is indulged in by
lovers of the sport in this section,
and they are having good luck —
five have been caught recently. A
very fine one was caught Thurs
day night. Seventeeh hounds
were in the chase.
Elbert Clarke is considered to
be one of the best book agents in
this section.
J. A. Carroll and wife visited at
J. \V. Clark’s part of last week, j
J. E. Clark made a flying trip
i to Mcßae Friday.
Mrs. Renvia Clark visited her I
parents Friday.
Protracted meeting will start at
Oak Grove church Saturday be-j
! fore the fifth Sunday in August. ;
Neal T. Clarke made a pleasant j
trip to Glenwood Saturday.
Mrs. Georgia Anderson visited
at J. W. K. Clark’s Friday.
' Misses Clemmie and Bertha
' Clark spent Monday evening vis-1
iting relatives.
A. J. Carroll of North Georgia j
visited in this section Saturday;
and Sunday.
Preaching at Little Rock was
well attended and greatly enjoyed
by all present/- Rev. Thornton
did the preaching.
Pulling fodder is the order of:
the day in this section.
J. E. Clarke and wife attended
preaching at Little Rock Sunday.
Watson Humphrey visited at J.
, W Clark s Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. Jennie McMillen and Ma
ry Patton visited at J. \V. Clark's
i Foatx <fc Fu 38.
Mrs. J. W. Ogden of Adel ar
rived a few days age to visit her
| sister, Mrs. F. Lee Mcßae.
Mrs. J. B. Girndenu and chil
dren of Abbeville are visiting the
family of Mr. I). A. Mcßae this
Miss Luoile Jones returned
; yesterday to her home in Dublin
' spending a week with rel
atives in and around Mt. Vernon.
She is a charming young lady and
has many friend* in this county.
Mr. W. V’. Lanier, of Milieu,
| county school commissioner of t he
1 new county «f Jenkins, stopped
lover in Mt. Vernon this week with
:hi* uncle, (Jol. A. L. Lanier. He
is in this section in the interest of
BessioTift College.
Mr. and Mrs.J. A. Powelll and
children of St ill more left yester
day morning for their home,after
n week spent with relatives in this
[county. They were, accompanied
j by their little nieces, Misses Lyra
Thompson and Iris Simpson, who
i will bo with them for several days
* j
This is a season of revival meet- i
mgs. A series of meet ings was j
commenced at the Presbyterian]
church at this place Monday
evening, apd is now in progress,
to continue through the week.
'This meeting is lifting conducted
by Rev. It. A.Brown of Waycross,
assisted by the pastor, Rev. Chits.
Montgomery. The morning ser
vice is held at 0:80, and the eve-!
,niiig service at 8 o’clock, both of I
which are very well attended.
Revs. W. B. Denham of Me-1
line and Don F. Sheppard of Dai
sy were present, Tuesday evening ;
tore-install Mr. Montgomery as i
pastor of the church 'This wa«i
done Tuesday evcniu|*>*>ofnro tlie
regular service, and was witnessed
by a large congregat ion. Tins [
meet ing is ably and earnestly con
ducted, and is hoped that much |
good will be done
Rev. W .L. Pickard of Savannah ;
and Rev. Turner Smith of Dublin i
closed the meeting w hich has been
in progress in Lungpmid for tin
past week. This meeting was
hugely attended and enjoyed by j
all. Mr Pickard preached hi tln*[
county twentv-five years ago, and
was remembered by a great, mini- j
her of 4,he"older citizens. There
were about thirty-three accessions]
to the Baptist church, and a large
number received the ,rite of bap- j
tirtin at the McAllister pond 'Tues
Rev. W.C. Glenn at the Metho
dist church is t lad ding a glorious
meeting at Glenwood this week,
and many souls are liemg sav< <1
and members added to tbe church
at that place.
The News ha* always contended
that, Tom Watson is the worst
foe, the most malignant enemy of j
the Democratic party in the state i
of Georgia. It has always believed
that for empty honors and liras*
sounds of Watson would sacrifice
the party that freed us from Fred
Douglas and a negro lieutenant
governor in South Carolina. Yet.
in this dav of sound sense we hear
talk of the state of Georgia giv
ing this fad it ical t rickster its elec
[tonal vote. —Brunswick News.
Tom’s gall is second only to Ins
craftiness. He has been toadied
to entirely too much by the pol
iticians of the state, hut is no
longer taken seriously by the
Democrats who realize that, In- is
for anything and anybody that
will give him prestige. —Fitzger-
ald Enterprise.
Nptcitil Port <
Misses Lizzie and Mattie Pridg
en of Dublin are visiting relatives
here this week.
Marvin Gordon and Iteamer
• Todd of Vidalia spent Sunday
land Monday with friends and rel
jatives here.
0. P. and J. W. Moseley, C. F
!Gordon mid son made a busincß*
tripto day last week.
Mr*. La la Yeomans of Savannah
is visit ing her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Bill Gray.
Mr. Charlie .Rush and family of
; Vidalia spent Sunday with Mr
and Mr*. P. M. Moseley.
Mrs. Bessie Haves and ehildrou
from Fork. S. (’. are visiting rel
atives here.
Mi*s Willie I ,eo Ibisli is spend
ling the week with Miss Pearl Kern
Measles is raging in our com- :
miinity now, Mr R. K. Moseley’s
folk* are very sicl{ with them.
Fus*ami Fan.
In the city of Atlanta during
the present week the great fam
ily of Joneses will hold a reunion
at Grant’s Park, the exact, day)
and date being tomorrow ( Friday) 1
the 7th inst,
Everybody by t Ire name of Jones j
i* expected to he on hand and to
bring a lunch basket . Speeches |
will he made by prominent Joneses j
and there will be a great host of
little Joneees to frolic and pinv j
on tlie Greensward, while all tliej
Mrs. Joneses look on and smile.
The call for the reunion has j
been issued by .1. J. Jones, chair- 1
man of the committee of arrange-j
incuts, and Secretary W. P.Jones.
Ilji* said that the Browns and:
Smiths got so much prominence ;
during the last campaign for gov- |
ernnr in Georgia t hat the Joneses j
feel like getting together and!
showing their prominence and
*t rengtli in l lie State.
Raising good slock pays, hut
scrub stock cals up any farm.,
That is what they say in Ken
tucky. 'Tin* best sale of export j
cattle made in Central Kentucky'
this year was closed when Robert ,
C. Gatewood of Montgomery l
county sold to Stearns A Co., ol !
New York, 227 head for over #24,-j
000, or #0 80 per hundred. The;
cattle averaged 1,000, and will go
in September. It is the prize!
hiinsh in the Bluegras*. The price]
obtained tops the market, anti is,
the best figure in years. Mr. Gate-]
f |YVr
a p/ JbiXAxJk I
ij 7JIjC(Ax. I
'fy™**' a a
1/5 j
Glen wood, No. 2.
.Special Oom-aponiliMicc.
Fodder pulling is the order of
the day.
Kreemnn Gilder made a busi
ness trip to B. I. Lowry’s Tues
day. '
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh llnroie ore
proud over the arrival of a tine
girl huhy.
The school building is now
complete and anhool will open
Monday. We hope for success.
Hen I. Lowry has bought luiul
near our new school house and
has begun work on his residence
Ini i Idllig.
Jackson Lowry and sister at
tended preaching at White Spring
Sunday. They enjoyed the trip
and the sermon too.
A bouncing baby hoy lias engag
ed board and lodgment at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. It. K.Beck.
Mr. Paul Johnson and Miss
Katie Woodruff were ihiited in
holy bonds of wedloVk Sunday,
near Walker Creek. We wish for
them success and happiness. f’
Onr Sunday school is progress
ing nicely at Snow Hill.
Among the attendants at our
Sunday School Sunday afternoon
wo noticed Misses Sal lie and
Mamie Ureas, Christian and Ma
mie Lowry. All had a good time.
( 'lay Lord has opened his new
store at Alamo. We wish him
Mrs. Lizzie Spear of Tampa,
Fla., is visiting her mother, Mrs
Matt ie Jenkins this week.
Miss Dora McDaniel of Mount
Vernon, is visiting her cousin,
10 II Its, tills Week.
Sheldon Hock visited his brother
Hubert Sunday.
The Monitor is requested by
members of the Farmers’ Cnion
to announce the next meetings of
l lie Cnion will be held in Mount
Vernon on the second and fourth
Saturdays in this mouth. All
members of the order are request
ed to attend both meetings.
wood will clear f 11,000 on the
deal. Try for the best in stock,
I mil. or vegetables. The world is
willing to pay for it.—Home and
Farm. , *
The farmers and cattie raisers
right here in die “blue wiregrass”
section of Montgomery county
Georgia could raise big cuttle if
they would only but try—intro
duce a few of the Durham and
Holstein sires.
NO. i 2.