Newspaper Page Text
Following in the program for
t h««S. S. Convention, Daniel A»*o
nation, to l»e held with Tarry
town church, atTurrytown. Mont
gomery county, Align*! 28-1)0 :
10 am, Devotional nervioe, H.
T. Wright.
10:20, Organi/niioti.
10:00, The object of the S, S.
Convention, K. 1,. Kay and K. L.
11 a in, Convention sermon, R.
K. Lee, 0. K. Kight alternate.
I :H0 p m, I'rogreaa and achieve
ment of tin* Sunday School, i'. A.
Jeaiip and K. (). J. Dickens.
2:00, Is indifference to Sunday
School and to Missions the fruit
of the same spirit, .1. C. Brewton
and .1. T. Itoberts.
0:110, The teacher Ist before tin*
2d During Recitation, K. L. liny
and .1. T. Roberts.
7 :80, Bible Heading conducted
by I*. A. Jesup.
9:110 a in. Devotional, (i. F.
10:00, The S. S. ns a power in
Evangelizing the World, .1. T.
Roberts, J. T. Cobb.
II am, Annual address by Pres
ident of Convention.
i :110 p in. In what period of a
Child’s Liss is Training most Im
portant, .1. C. Brewton and E. L.
2:110, The Comparative Import
ance of the trainer, the training
place, and the ones to be trained,
a -cording to 2 Tim. 2:16; 1 Cor.
20:2 and Proy. 22:0, P. A. Jesup,
K. C. J. Dickens and J. T. Rob
7:W*. Preaching, J. C. Brewton.
10 a in, The work of 1 lie S. S.
Board, K. L. Ray.
10;l)0, The work of the Mission
Boards, P. A. Jesup,
11 am, Sermon by B. o.Smith.
Subject, “Does the Bible teach
that there are degrees in reward
and honor in the future seats of
the good?”
We lovingly urge each Sunday
school to send messengers,
and each speaker on the pr igram
to read and obey 2 Tim. 2:16, and
be on hand at the appointed hour
under penalty of being called a
slothful servant.
M. K. Burns,
Chin’ll Com.
Shiloh Items.
Hpcrial GorrevpondciioH.
W. 11. Aehord of lia/.elhurst
was in Lumber City Tuesday.
Geo. J. McKachern sjient Sun
day afternoon with N. J. Vaughn.
Rev. Kite tilled his regular ap
]mintnieut at Sardis Sunday.
Miss Amanda Sears upent last
week with her sister, Mrs. Georgia
Miml s,
John and Jim Tompkins and
t'annie Durden made h living trip
to Ha/elhurst Sunday.
Oliii Windham of near Bruce
attended Sunday school at Shiloh
Miss Bessie Tompkins spent
Saturday night with Mrs. Victoria
Mr. and Mrs. D. p. McArthur
of Lumber City visited Mrs. J. T.
\\ right one day recently.
We are glad to state that Col.
B. B. Cheney Is improving after a
severe illness.
Mr. Ashley Clements and wife
of Alamo visited the former’s
parents, Mr. and Mra.J.J.Vaughn,
Saturday and Sunday.
Misses Bessie and Willie Tomp
kins were in Lutnlier City Tues
Mrs. J. J Vaughan and daugh
ter, Victoria, visited in Spring
tlill Thursday.
Messers. Gordon Mitubs and
Enoch Spivey were pleasant call
ers al the Vaughn home Suiuluv.
N.J. Vaughn and W. F.Kitchen
were in Lumber City Saturday.
Tom Spivey aud Grovtr Miller
visited in this section Sunday.
Messrs, liee Stanford and Geo.
Clements were out visiting Sun
day. Billie.
A few months ago tlie world was
(shocked when one hundred and
sixty-four children were burned
| to death in a school house in Col
lingwood, a suburb of Cincinnati,
’ says the Daw son News.
Recently the (Jttllingwood bo
of education let a contract for the
erection of a new school building
mi the site of the one which was
destroyed with such a frightful]
loss of life. Parents, especially
| mothers, of tin* little ones who
j perished jietitioned the court.]
1 pleading that they could not bear]
to see (fl her children playing where ;
their Own little ones perished so
j miserably. Judge Keeler granted |
an injunction against the school i
board, and declines to dissolve it.
The situation is a peculiar one.
The sit<- belongs to the board for
school purposes, and it has a nat
ural right to erect u new building
there. But the court says: ‘‘lts
proceedings were in legal form,but
it violated the discretion reposed
in a board acting for the public
! benefit. It was indiscreet in chons- i
' mg the old site in the face of vio
] lout objection.”
jin this case the board whs legal
ly right in its action, but the
judge puts sentiment in the oppo
site balance, and finds it outweighs
the law.
The board is lacking in good
{sense when it deliberately tramp-
I loh on the sore hearts of a commu
nity so recently and so terribly
i tortured.—D u b 1 i n Courier-Dis
j patch.
If there is any doubt in the
| mind of any fair man that the
i railroads of the South have been
in very hard lines financially for
the past year he should read the
full account of the evidence
given before the Georgia Kail
road Commission at the hearing
last Saturday. The rail roads
propose to increase freight rates
and from the evidence given it
seems that an increase is abso
lutely essentials.—Ocilln Star.
On Tuesday night, July 21, tlx*
soul of little Joe Byrd was tnken
to heaven where there will be no
more sad parting. Little Joe had
! been sick three weeks—the family,
i Dr. Mobley and friends did all
lhey could to relieve the little suf
ferer, but all to no avail —noth-
ing could stay tlx* work of the dis
ease which had a firm hold on his
j const it ut ion. For several days Joe
hung between life and death, and
the fond parents hoped against
hop.* that he would finally recover.
His little !*ody was laid to rest
in the family cemetery Wednes
day afternoon at I) o’clock.
It would seem that nature should
exempt little children from sick
ness, suffering and death, but
“Impartial fate which with equal
Knocks at the palace as at tlx*
cottage gate,”
is no respecter of age, and thus it
is the young and old are called
upon to pay the penalty. We
would extend to the heartbroken
parents sincere condolence and
sympathy. May the Christ in His
tender, loving mercy minister to
their broken hearts, and so heal
tlx-wounds which this I’rovidence,
always kind, but often mysteri
ous, has indicted.
Sweet and beautiful grow the
dowers over the tomb of tlx* bright
little fellow who had only a
glimpse of life. Little Jim* had
looked upon the l*eaulies of this
world 1 year, 0 months and 27
days, but during that time lie had
entwined tlx* cords of affection
about the hearts of his family,
rix* little one is gone but not for
gotten—in memory still he lives;
fain would we recall him hither,
tho’ the parting sadly grieves.
“Gone, gone, my friend ot early
Gone to reap the great, reward;
Where lie’ll sing in loud hosannas
The praises of our risen I^ord.”
A Friend.
The Monitor office is jieadquart
,*-rs for the finest job
The Seaboard Air Line on Aug
ust I4tli will run their eighth an
nual excursion. The rates being
from Savtfnnah to Washmgton
and return #17.76; Norfolk and
return $10.05 and Wilmington.
N. C., and return #6.50. Tickets
good returning until September
Extra through sleepers and
coaches will be provided from Sa
vannah to Norfolk also to Wash
ington on train leaving Savannah
1 :40 p. in. August 14. nil meals
route w ill be served on dining cars.
This is the best and cheapest
opportunity of tlx* season to go
East, and parties desiring further
information should communicate
with Charles F. Stewart, A. G. I*.
A., S. A. L. Ry, Savannah, Ga.
We have the Bifist seed,the very
best for fall gardens. Get them
in bulk at The Mt. Vernon Drug
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will be sold in said county on
the 28tii day of July, 1908, be
tween the hours of 10 o’clock a.
m. and 4 o’clock p. in. at public
outcry at tho late residence of
Henry A. Joyce, Sr., to the high
est bidder for cash, all of »lie
perishable property of said Henry
A. Joyce, Sr., embracing his stock
of horses, cattle, hogs, etc. Also
the following: One buggy, one
ox cart, one sew ing inacnuie, one
cotton gin and one boiler, one pair
of scales and one bale of upland
cotton. Said sale will be con
tinued from day to day until com
pleted. VV. It. Mosi.ev,
Xdr. Estate Henry A Joyce, Sr.
Guardian Sale.
GEORGIA- .Vontgnmcry County :
By virtue nt i.n urrlei granted on Hie l»
|of July, 1907, bv the Court of Ordinary of
! nai<l ((minty, will lie Bold nt pulilic outcry on
the firm Tuesday in Sr pi mil her, 1908, a! the
ifilirt lioiiho door in sui I county between t lo
b-gill hour* of aiife to tin liiglust and heat
I hinder, all that certain parrel of I mil spuate
| m the 275 i li Dial. (I. .11. ot wud conn tv, Imniid-
I nil north bv J. VV. Mosley, aontli and east b_,
! I'. Dixon and went by W. E Gray, containing
192 acrea, more or lean. Sold as tile properly
lof Fred, 1 1 in Ilewwie, Ava Lou and Margaret
Godwin Terms easli. This the 3d day of
August, XMIB. M. H. GODWIN, Guardian
for Fled, Iris. Iteaaie, Avu Loo ami .Margate)
Administrator's Sale.
! GEORGIA— Montgomery Count v :
| Under and by virtue of an order granted by
j the Conn of Ordinary of said enmity, will lie
| sold before (he court house in Ml. Vernon, on
; the first Tuesday in September next, between
i the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for easli, certain properly, ol which the fol
i lowing is a complete description :
Two lots of land in the lltli land district of
said county, lot No. 2:m, containing 202}J'Cres
and a portion of lot No. 851, containing 101‘ 4
acres, more or less. For the purpose of din
-1 tiilmtioii. Sold us the piopiTtv of the estate
of Sieve Clements, bite of slid county, de
ceased. Sale will continue from day to day
until sold. Terms casli Duncan J. Nlcltac,
Ailim Estate Steve Clements.
Sheriff’s Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County:
Will be sold before the court bouse door in
lit Vernon on the first Tuesday in September,
1908, between the legal hours of sale, to the
highest bidder for easli, certain property, of
which the following is a complete description:
One eereain tract or parcel of land situate,
lying and being in the itlfrttlv district, G. .it.,
ot said e unity ai d state, containing 100 sores
more or less, and hounded as follows : On the
north by lands of Elizabeth Dailey, on the
rlist by lands of C. S. Hamilton, on the west
bv lauds of F. 11. and Mary .1. Calhoun sod mi
the -truth by lands of J. 11. O'Conner. Said
laud levied on ns the property of Mary J. Cal
houn to satisfy an execution issued by R.
Ncwron Wins!, Tux Collector, for state and
county taxes for tile year 1907. Property
pointed out by F. 11. Calhoun, and kvy made
and returned to me hy C. T. Braddv. consta
ble This the tith dav of July, 1908.
A. J UL'KCH, Sheriff
Sealed proposals or bids for the oonstruc
ttmi of tile Walks to each entrance of the
County Court House In Mt Vernon, and
sfumiil one side and half aioitud two ends
from the street, tor laying curb stones around
said court house square, and* foi iron fencing
to be placed around said couit house sipure
on said curb stones, are invited, tire same to
be delivered to tlie undersigned coinuussiou
.■ i* not later than Tuesday, Dept, 1. 1908, ai
noon. The curb stones are to be laid on hull
sub s of raid rountv court bouse tor a distance
I of 2541 feet on each aide. The curb stones shall
i consist of pie ces t! inches by 12 inches, with
[ oils idol top and shall lie cement stone made
; and cured in an cement atone
| plant, ami of three In otic mixture. Three
j tile walks are to bo laid lu feet wide from the
] curb stones to each of the three entrances to
] the court house. For tlii« purpose hexagon
l tile 19 in. in hamrter and 1% in thick made
1 in an established plant of ai least three yi-ais'
| cxpeiience shall be used. Walks 9 feet wide
j shall be constructed of .tie same class of um
-1 lerial from each •>! said wßks immediately
around said court house on the west side to
the inlt rseetuin of another walk. An iron
1 lence is to tie placed around >md court house
square ou top of and snehond to theddsne
described curbing. It is to Im 3t in. high
and set 3 ill. above curb and anchored lo It
tbutll i-VoA 8 leet. There shall Im* double
gates at each entrance. Fence and gales In
be )>aiuted Ida. k. one coat in simp and one
Viter ereetiota. The long pickets in the iron
tencing are to be ,V 8 in. square and the short
ones 1-2 in, square with •'W" iron s.-rdU and
nmheabh' ir ui speai s according to the design
on tile with plans and specifications. Said
work to be completes! by Dec. 1, 1908, and P>
lu- paid hu Dec. 1. I‘> 8. Minute plans and
specitloaUon* of the pro|sis*sl work, Itow it is
to Ik-d. rtn , and the material to be ustsl, ate
on tile in tbe office of C 'tnmissioncis of li.
and li. of aaid county.ami may be inspected at
any lime by any party iote eeied. separate
and dtstuict bi t' rue invited—one ttrxi' tile
curbing and walks, and aiwilber for the iron
fencing. Oontractivra will be required to give
Uurd as t-equtred by law in snclr cases. Julv
57, 1908.
VV VV. I'ojee. C. H. W<stien,
David Grills. Wui Bland,
J.C. CotitP-r,
I C tat * ft. aud hi il-uiijpisnsty Couuiy, Ga.
* *
* and *
* • • • UllVft • • • *r
\ Real Estate For Sale!
■* *
* +
* &
* We h ave money to loan in any amount front &
j s3oo to $5o,ooo! I
* #
J If you need any come to see- 11s. Time, 5 years ; J
J Interest, T per cent. We also have some of the J
* *
J If you wish to buy or sell anything write to us or %
* come to our office, where you Mill be welcome at any time. &
# *
* T. H. JOHNSON, Pres. J. WADE JOHNSON, Sw-Tmts. £
W ' W
Sheriff Sale.
Will lipholil l.efore the court house door in
Ml. Vernon on the Firm Tuesday in August;
. I'.toM, between the legal home of mile to the
I highest bidder for cash, certain property, of
1 which the following in a complete description:
j Gim certain tract or parcel of land
: -ittmie, lying and being in the 1067th
district, G M., of said county and
■ state, and bounded as follows. On
I the north by lands of Mrs. John
| Smith and A, Morris, on the east by
lands of Duncan Morris, on the south
j by land tof 8. D. Morris and on the j
west by lands of 1,. 1). Morris, said j
tract containing 100 acres more or
1 less, and being in possession of Ken
i Mot t is. Said property levied on as
l the property of Ben Morris to satisfy
a ft fa issued b,v 11. Newton Wood,:
tax collector, against the said Ben
Morris for state and county taxes for
the year 1907. Written notice given
defendant in possession as required
by law. I.evy made anil returned to
me by J. W. Gibbs, deputy sheriff,
this the 3d day of July, 1908.
A. J. Burch, Sheriff
Montgomery county, Ga.
Sheriff SnU^
Will he sold before the court house door in j
Mount Vernon on the Hint Tuesday in August |
1908, between the legal liottra of mile, to the
highest bidder for cash, certain property, of
which the following is a complete description: j
One certain tract or parcel of land
lying and being in the land dis
trict of said county and slate, and j
known as one-half of lot of land No.
i 172. being the west half of said lot'
“’and containing 10l* 4 acres, more or
less. Said land levied on as the prop
erty of M. S. Jenkins *o satisfy an
execution issued from the City four!
of Mt. Vernon in favor of S. I Bul
lard vs M. S. Jenkins. Saul proper
ty being in the possession of M• S.
Jenkins and pointed out by attorney
for plaintiff and written notiacgiven;
as required by law. This the9th day!
' of June, I9HB. A. J . Burch.
W. H. Kent, Sheriff O.C.,Mr.V.
A tty for Bit ’ff.
Notice to Debtors ami Creditors.
All creditors of the estate of Jas.
Morrison, late of Montgomery
county, deceased are hereby notified
to render in their demands to the tin-,
dersijpned according to law, and all
persons indebted to said estate are
required to make immediate pay
ment. June sid, I9OH.
S. F. KKV.vol.ns, Atlm'r
Estate of Jas. L. Morrison, dec'd.
i D-2,v(i»',
Georgia -Montgomery County
Notice is hereby given that the un
i del-signed lias applied to the OrditiM
j r\ of said c sunty for leave to sell all
lof the real estate belonging to the
i estate of Steve Clements, late of said
! county, deceased, ami said applica
tion will be hehrd at the regular term
of the court of Ordinary to be held
on th- first Monday in August, 19<18.
I>. J . Mcßae,
Atlm'r Eat. Steve Clements,
i Fay for your [taper, ami prosper
► Realizing the great importance of the shoe department in our 2
► business we have strengthened our shock and have decided to hahdle d
Z exclusively the Brown Shoe Co.’s *s* specialties. These shoes are 2
► nil made in St. .Louis, the greatest, shoe manufacturing city lit the 2
► world, and in buying a full line from one house we are enabled to 3
Z offer various grades of merchandise ah better prices than we could 2
► possibly offer were our lines mixed. , 2
► We have recently received a We do not confine our busi- •
► nevy shipment of these shoes ness trt nif . n ’ s or women’s trade 2
a- which embodies all the present ... ,2
► season’s styles and shapes in f cany lines of Boys and d
► Oxfords or High Shoes. You Girls, Misses and thi Id ten. Any -4
Z siiould not fail to look at these member of the family can be •*
► lines before buying. supplied at our store. 2
r i <
t FOR WOMEN. show us the boy SUMMER OXFORDS. 3
£ " e Jlf " e tiiat does not. get ou •• showina of 3
T have the dressiest , ! ” 11 ‘ snowing 2
Z line of Women’s rnole weftr ouf ol a Mens’ Summer Ox- 2
► Low Cuts and Ox- pair of these Buster fords is the snappi- 2
£ fords that ha ve ever Brown Shoes than est bv far that we 2
► been sJiown in this he got out of the ha ve'ever made. To 4
► locality and we are last pair he had.and inspect the line 2
► anxious to have you we will give him a means to buy a 2
Z inspect them. new pair free. pair. A
£ If the new arrivals in Mens’ “Attractive Stvle,” that is
t footwear pleases you as well as reßllv rhe feature‘of ri... shoes 2
tll%y (tons, you will own a pair .... 2
» r .. » . . . which wo have just put on our 2
► There i* a bi£ vn- J 1 J
£ riery of styles in all leathers. selves for sab* to women. 5
[ M C RAE & BRO. Mt. VERNON. j
!! During the Summer Month* my Entire Stock -of Millinery is ]|
j! offered at greatly reduced prices. All goods ol late pattern and ]|
i Strictly First-Class in Every Particular, ji
;; : : j:
; My line will appeal particularly to file Particular Clas- of ]|
Bnvers wlio do not have opportunity of visiting tlie forger Cities,
; and should be seen before purchasing. Julies and t hildren in\ited !>
to call. |!