The Montgomery monitor. (Mt. Vernon, Montgomery County, Ga.) 1886-current, August 13, 1908, Image 1
I BEST QRADES i OF COMMERCIAL | STATIONERY. | »?«•#* »«#>«#» VOL. XXIII. TO HAVE NEW QUARTERS. For several months The Moni tor has had under'.course of con stmotion a magnificent new office building—possibly tit*- best in this section of the state —built es pecially for the needs of a modern printing office. The finishing touches are being put on t he build ing, and this week we I ogin mov ing in; however, it will be several weeks before we have everything properly adjusted for work, and during this time we ask that our patrons bear with us. Moving printing material and machinery is a tedious and slow task, mid while we trust that every-citizon in the county will be interested in the new building, we trust that we may not be censured for any neglect in business until we art fully quartered in the now office. Another fact, too, which \ve trust will Ik- kept, in tile minds of our patrons, is the tremendous outlay necessary to secure the plant we will soon have in opera tion. W'b have labored long lor the upbuilding of our business ami the welfare of the people of Montgomery county, and will appreciate the continued support of the good people of the eoflnty 7 . If you are indebted to this busi ness, and several hundred are, we ask that the little amounts be handed in as early as possible. Come in by and by and see the new office. In his remarks on a late broth er of the fold, Brother Dickey said t“By de blessin er Providence he less money null' ter bury him hiuUJ hear tell dat dar’ll he a margin over v* hojp bis sulYenn widder ter git a -blaek dress to mourn for him in, He died Tinp py, though lie wuz married six t i nies! ” From Alamo. Kperl.-U i'orrcfipomleiine. Services at Little Hock Sunday night were conducted by Rev. Thornton. A large crowd was present. Mrs. S. A. E. Clark spent Fri day night with her mother. Her daughter A lice was wit h her, and the time was pleasantly spent. Miss Alice'Clark spent Sunday afternoon with Miss ET*iza Clark. Prayermeeting at Little Reck every Wednesday night, and all arc invited. Alice Clark spent Sunday night with Eliza Clark. W. A. Clark and family and mother spent Saturday with Mrs. S. A. E. Clark. Quite a large crowd of our young folk attended preaching at Mt. Olivette Sunday. Campmeeting starts the 4th of September, Everybody invited. It. N. Clark while fishing out at Long Brandi Slough Lnkeonedav recently he found a man’s new iiiack hat, which had been under wafer a short time, and it looks as if small bits of the bat had been pinched out from the edge of the brim, otherwise the hat looks like 4 new one. If any one cun throw any light on the matter please do so through file Monitor. LARGEST BABY EVER BORN. The largest new-horn babv on record came to the ’ mne of Mr. and Mrs. Will Tlionl near Se noiaTa few davs ago. It measured 28 inches in height, and weighed m pounds. Around the muscles of the arms it measured C> inches, and around its chest 18 indies. The baby was larger than many 8-year-old children. Coffee Co. News. Contractor J. L. Bouchiilnn spent Tuesday in Savannah on business. His son, Belton, is located m that city. t £lmtlruunm} Mmtilmv Ailey Paragraphs. v special Ooneii>on<tenoo. H. P. Willlianks who is now located at Vidalm spent Sunday in Alley. Miss Ala Peterson returned last week from Brooklet. I I)r. J. VV. Palmer made a busi ness trip to Savannah one day last week. Miss Mary Alex Peterson of Wrens is visiting in town, the guest, of Hbn t and Mrs. W. J. .Peterson. T. A. Peterson and J. B. Brew ton made a business trip to Sa vannah one day last week. Cleave Allcorn spent Sunday p. in. in Vidalia. Mesdames M. O. Outler ami B. L. Strickland went down to Sa vannah Saturday, returning Mon day. Miss Eva Mann left last week for Statesboro and Washington D. C., where she will spend some time with relatives and friends Charlton Burch and Miss Mae Allcorn were out driving Sunday ip- i». i Several of the young folks from I here attended services at Mount J Vernon Sunday. Howell McLemore and Miss Pet Fuqua were out driving Sun day p. m. Ch«B. D. Peterson visited Long l ; Pond last week. j' Miss Pearl Mcßride of Long; : Pond was n pleasant visitor here ! n few davs last week. Alien Conner spout Sunday in Higgs ton^ Misses Louella and Nora Walk ler of Long Pond were the guests of Mrs. M.’U. Outler one day last week. . J. B. Snooks and Miss Flora Peterson were among those out driving Sunday p. in. Leslie and Lane Outler and sister Rita Mae spent Sunday in ] | Long Pond. Victor Coursoy of Lyons was | up here Sunday. Mrs. .T. A. Coursey and son Ray, is spending some time at Indian Springs. Mrs. C. L. Bussey of Live OaK Fla., is visiting her sister Mrs. Mattie Peterson, Lewiß Robinson and Miss Ala Peterson, J. B. Snooks and Miss F'lo'ii Peterson were among those who attended the picnic on the river Tuesday evening. All report a nice time. Miss Blanch Crosby of Savan nah is visiting in Alley this week the guest of Mr. and Mrs. B. L. j Strickland. Clifford Dukes is back home for a short time. j Misses Davis of Vidalia and Evans of Savannah were tin- guests of Miss Lillie Mae Allcorn one 1 day last w*< k. Misses Sailer and McArthur two very attractive young ladies are visiting on College Hill this week guest of the Misses Lee. ONE BY, ONE THE "ROSES” FALL ft Tifton, (1 h,, early Sunday morning Charlie Lokie, a negro bov about eighteen years of age, was lynched for making insulting remarks to a prominent young white woman of that place. The lynching was a v°rv quiet one. The negro was a most desperate character, and the police had had their eyes on him for several days. No excitement was raided over the lynching. Several hundred negroes and white people were out viewing the corpse during the day. , Pay for your paper, and prosper MT. VERNON, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, AUG i.*, 1908. ©©©©&©© :©.© ©©©:©: ©©:©;©©:© ©;■©.©©;©:©'p; | LOCAL. PERSONAL f ©' :® ©.©■:©;© ©©©.© ©©;©©.©. © © ©..©;© ©©© © ©©© © Sheriff' A. J. Burch made a j business tripto Atlanta tins weak. I Mrs. John K. Mcßae and eltil jdren are spending a lew weeks at ! White Springs, Fla. ! Mr. W. II MoQueen left MOll - day for a combined business and ! pleasure trip to North Georgia. Messers. W. F. McAllister and Mark McLemore left Monday for |an outing at White Springs, Fla. i Mr. and Mrs. F. P. (irifl'eth of . Athens spent a part of last week j with their daughter, Mrs. M. B. i Calhoun. | 1 Mrs. .las. F. Currie and cliil idren are visiting relatives in j Stewart county, and will he nwnv weeks. Mrs. W. A. Peterson and cliil 'dren left last week for a stay at Indian Springs, where they go for i the benefit of little John Powell’s health. Miss Maggie Langford has suf i flciently recovered to he able to ' drive out. She had a most t ry ing illness, lasting about, eight weeks. Mrs. Clara White and children have nfoved to t heir old home m ! the lower part of the county. Mrs. White will continue the photo graph work conducted by her late husband, and will appreciate the patronage of all who desire photo graphs. Alamo, Route 1. K|ieeial Correspondence. Farmers are busy gathering fod der and housing it. J. A. Carroll and wife spent- Sunday at J. W. Clark’s. Mr. J. E. Clark’s little daught er is quite sick, but hope she will recover soon. I Hunters nre making it very in- Iteresting for the fox. Several fine j ones have been caught recent iy. J. A. Carroll caught a nice lot of fish. J. W. Clark made a business trip to Mt. Vernon Wednesday. B. J. Guest passed through tins section a few days since. Elbert and M iss Alice Clark,also Neal, Bertha and Eliza Clark at tended preaching at Mt. Olivette Sunday. Quite a crowd of young folks visited at 11. O. Harralson’s Sun day. Miss Alice Clark spent Sunday night with Miss Elr/.a Clark, and a good time was had. J. E. (Mark and wife visiled at J. VV. K. Clark’s Sunday. Mrs. Martha Gilder and little grand-daughter spent Sunday and Monday at Mrs. W. 11. Gilder’s. | Mrs. N. S. Clark and Miss An nie visited near Erick Monday and Tuesday. ! J. W. K. Clark spent Sunday at Irons Haralson s. J. T. Burch and .1. C. Holder | i and Mauldin Burns spent Sunday j at N. S. Clark’s. t S. K. Tompkins and son visited IntJ.A. Carroll’s Sunday morn-! ! *!>«- J. A. Carroll and wife spent it ! portion of Sunday at the home of j ,Mrs. Ellen While. Bi.t'K limit. THE PROTRACTED MEETING. The week’s services at the ! Presbyterian church was brought ito a close Sunday evening at the . Methodist church, that day's ser j vices having been held th»*re by invitation. Rev. R. A. Brewn of Waycross did the preaching, and his earnest work resulted in a strong spiritual uplift for the un usually large audiences hearing him. Mr. Brown left Monday for Montreat, N. C., whe lie will be engaged in another meeting. ll< was accompanied by Rev. Charles Montgomery, who will later visit his mother tu South Carolina. Mrs. T. E. Rogers is ill at her ' home on Washington street. Miss Birdie Mason is visiting relatives in Dublin this week. i • ! Baseball has been on this week between Gleiiwood and Seville. Mcßae & Thompson are prepar ing to begin ginning for the sen-j Hull. Mr. C. W. Fox is having an ar-] t ifieial stone residence built, in I Vidalia. Miss Watt of Worth county' spent the past week with her sis-j ter, Mrs. C. A Mason. • j Advices from Macon state that Mrs. (Mias. Hicks is last improv-! mg, and w ill be able to return to J her home in Dublin in a few days.] Miss Inez Mcßae is visiting rel atives in North Carolina. She! will return in time to take up her work as teacher in the public schools of Valdosta this fall. Miss Saddler of Florida is visit ing llie family of Mr. 11. I). Leo near the U. B. I. A number of the young peonlo attended a picnic at the Ferry in her honor Monday evening. Advices .from Bulloch county state the arrival of a girl baby at ] the home of Mr. and Mrs, ,1. H.j Daniel. Mrs. Daniel will be re-j membored as Miss Janette Fol som of MI. Vernon. THE MANUFACTURERS' RECORD ON THE BUSINESS OUTLOOK “A thing well begun is already half done” may be accepted as to] tin-present crop prospectsof the | country. Taking the whole conn-j try, from the Atlantic to the Pa cific, from the lakes to the gulf, the crops were put into the ground under more favorable con ditions of weather and of cultiva tion than ever before. An mit. supply of labor title to indus trial depression made it possible; to thoroughly prepare the soil ! for planting anil to thoroughly cultivat.e it. since. ‘‘With tlie exception of limited 1 areas weather conditions have] been remarkably favorable, and as a whole I lie outlook indicates tin- most abundant yield which our land has ever known. The fruit trees everywhere an- break ing beneath their toadßlie wheat and corn nod oat crops promise! to he equal to the largest eve 1 gathered or if they fall short at all, only to the extent of a few million bushels, while through-] out the south tin- cotton and corn are held in splendid condition. | freer from grass than for ninny j years, and Ihe sugar plantations of Louisiana indicate an excep tionally favorable outturn in* compared with last year. “Everywhere the song of pros porit v is heard in the agriciiltti 1 regions, and once more, with i i work well begun, the farmer lias already much more than hall passed the danger point, and can now almost, with safety count on a continuation of the splendid pros perity of the last four or five years. “Under such conditions, and with reviving industrial activity, evidences of which nr*; seen in many directions, the time is near at hand when every idle car will tie in demand, and when once again there will tie a scramble for trans|iortatioii facilities greater than has been the scramble ol the railroads for freight during tin last six months We have turned the corner, and ahead ot us is the long si might road of business prosperity.” Hustle for your home town. Shiloh Homs. Special Oorn-iiioaiti-noi-. Rev. Embry tilled Ins regular appointment ill Shiloh Sunday. J E. I’adgett spent the dnv very pleasantly at the home of W. W. Tompkins Thursday. J. (’. Miudis and son, Hobson, visited McArthur one day lasi week. Bertie and Viola Sikes visited Bessie anil Willie Tompkins Tues day last. Quite a large crowd visited the home of .1. .1. Vaughn Saturday. (lordan Mimlis and Enoch Spivey was in Lumber Lily Satur < I a v. Geo. J. MeEachern killed a large rattle-snake near his saw null Friday having 12 rattles ;nnd also one killed at McArthur hav ing 10 rat t les. Mr. W. V. Vaughan happened to a painful accident hy shooting] himself through his right hand last Thursday. .. . I Ruel Livingston visited his sis-! ter Mrs. N. J. Vaughn Sunday.] John Vaughn of near Alamo was in this community one day recently. Mr and Mrs. W. 11 .\ehordof| Hazichurst visited Bill Tompkins Sundav. Bill (Mi-Hireth and Ounnie l)nr-i den were out visiting Sunday. .1. Tom Wright and son, Aus tin, wore in Lumber Uity Friday. (Miarlton Miudis and Amanda Sears were at preaching Sunday. Miss Henrietta McKacherii spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. R. L. Story. L. B. Stanford was a pleasant calh-r near Shiloh Sunday. Mr. Jessie Hearn and sister, Miss Kate, were pleasant callers! at. Mr. Moses’ Sunday. Abe Wright, visited .1.0. Mimhsj Sat nrday. ,|. W. < Moments visit cd Ihe Vanglm home one day lasi week Hoar (’rook. ty|Q9‘iul ()«»l Mr. and Mrs. B. Hudson and children are visiling Mrs. Isaac Hudson. Mrs 0. S. Oalhouii of' is visit mg M is. I. Ladcon. Mrs. F. M. Warnoek visited in 11'-lena one da v recent IV. Mrs. Calhoun and Miss bin Hudson spent a few hours in Kih bee one day first of the week. Mrs. George West and sister of | I w~~ m n 1 J|WJ/ cnxt V£&£fi | j tsMx]C j | fyl/Out/ YUrt AtfJLW j <s£a/rfiLcl/ —i%Sj£ti. — i QTQvnronsL <YriX!b, jjJJ. % ( Wumlr o I . l/i/mori/ worMt- 1 £ tAvsss* jw c swssrcw**? ??s«w *«-«« g I 3 OFFICIAL ORGAN % ft OF St MONTOO.HF.RV 2 COUNTY. | SI.OO PER YEAR g INO FAVOR ASKED BY GEN. EVANS. i | General Clement A. Evnns a member of the prison commission says t hat he wishes no favors shown him on account of his age, ' bis connection with the ministry i or his services to the confederacy, jHe savs lie wishes ul) the light ! t urned on and a full invest igotiou Inf every act of the commission | which has been called in question, j lie was in the eommitbc room yesterday hut was not called In i lie stand. In a statement to the press he sa id : ‘•| am the only resident eom -1 missioner. I “A number of my friends live in At lanta }»nd my neighbors know lof t lie charges against the com mission, and know that they in* j volvo me. I am anxious to lie j oleared. “I am To years young and am | perfect I y responsible for my ac tions. 1 want no exemption on I account of my age. ! “Ami I want no exemption for i any other reason sentimental or (otherwise. I want these gentle | men to investigate not only my o (lie ml character,inv personal life. I do not want my connection with t.lto ministry to receive any con siderut ton. I do not want the fact that I am n confederate vet eran or commander of the United Confederate Veterans to have any weight. 1 want to ho investigated without any favor whatever and I will so state before the com mit lee.” Meltae A. Bro. have just teeeiv cd a new line of the famous W lute Hickory wagons. Got one while they last. h'loiida will visit their father, Mr. Sikes (’idlins, lit Kibbee this week. W. II Connell and wife visited i Mrs. Sikes Collins Sunday. Willie Moore s|>ent Saturday ' night hi Ailey. Bnzil l.adson and Miss Nila Smith were ill Mt.l'isgah Sunday. Wiley l.adson was o most wel comed visitor at the Hern home Sunday afternoon. Misses Mattie and Halite War nock are visiting Mrs. Alex Cona way up on Tiger Creek. Archie Hester and Miss Ida ; l.adson were at Mt. I’isgah Sun* • day. There will be an ice cream sup per in our neighborhood Friday j night. Willie Moore and Miss Ola Cooper attended Sunday school at Ih ar (’reek Sunday afternoon. Bi.UK Eybh. NO. 13.