The Montgomery monitor. (Mt. Vernon, Montgomery County, Ga.) 1886-current, October 08, 1908, Image 2
PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY. OFFICIAL ORIisN MONTOOMF.RV COUNTY. I ’< !,■<[ H tt,» I'o-rofTio ii. Mr. Vernon. Oh. a* Second-Class Mail Matter. M B. FOLSOM, Editor and Prop. $i a Year, in Advance »* L» v-l »<Keriis< meiitu must Invariably In- pud in advance, at the local rate, and *» the l»« il t- anti uni*! I>e in hand n»t later Ilian We<liii*tMl»i morning of tl»e tit»t week nt insertion Mt. Vernon, Georgia, Thursday Morning, Oct. 8, 1908. JNO, SHARP WILLIAMS VISITS THE GATE CITY. .1 .-.1-. 11 Sharp William*, congress -1: lrorn M 1 kkjhh tp|>i and Demo emtio |»fui<i in tic* ho 11 nr: of r<*p r< -• i»titt 1 \»*h, visited Atlanta and il \*,*rnor Hoke Smith Friday. 11 <• armed in Atlanta Friday morn ing t i lin hi* homo and stopjied on iiih wuv north to take the; Hump for Bryan. Hi went to the executive innn »■ on, met the governor at the gate 1 >ming out and drove to the capi -1<• i with him, where lie remained lor Home time and held an inform al 1•< ■ ■ | .t I* in I,ater In- and <lov • liior Smith look a drive over the t ily in an automobile. not desiring to he in ti i vn'.M il on the political cam pi gor. Mr. William* wuh optimis tie a- lo Democratic success at the pul I* t hi- lal I and seemed to think Hi' Democrat* hud tin* Beat chance of winning since 1892. 11* is Booked to make campaign speeches lor Bryan and Kern in Michigan, Nebraska and other stated, and while here he conferred with tin* governor on the cum-i paign. Governor Smith will { pi ' have Atlanta some time on or before October 12 to make campaign s|s»ech<** for the Demo cratic nominees, and this was also | discussed at tin* meeting Friday morning. (iov. Smith lias not yet decided j ju-1 when In* will leave on his campaign trip, as there arc sever al engagement s which he must 1111. ll* wants to he at home to vote in il ge|n*i' at elect ion and ho iiiiihl Be present m New York at 11 moot- i ii :: oi the I’eaßody educational Board. YANCEY CARTER TRIES TO EXPLAIN REASON WHY. At \ aldosla Wednesday night oi la-t week Eu plain Yancey Car-j ter delivered a speech in the court '• lioiihi m advocacy of his race for 1 Iv‘ rll or. A largo crowd was pi* sent, drawn apparent ly hy cu-| n*>Mty, though a number of Gov ernor Smith's supporters in the .lone primary applauded the speak- j er liberally. A consideraße portion of Car- 1 tei - speech was devoted to an ar raignment of Tom Watson and the deal which he alleged had 1" n made Between Joseph M. Brown's followers and Watson to. d' liver the elect oral vote of Geor- i giu to Watson. He attempted to! justify a bolt from tho Juno pri- i maty But it was a lamentably w tk effort, charging that Mr. Brown'* election was not fairly secured. 1 inner Lecturer Davis of the I- armers' Union accompanied Cap-1 t:i n Carter and preceded the f«>r ni*T with :i short speech. HITS ROOSEVELT HARD. Taft's “whirlwind tour” is so t|iii'*t in its results tha* his god lather in the White House is not content with filling several news paper columns a day but longs to l ush forth Inins- It and stir things up, Indeed, it is said the Presi d< 11 1 i> about to yield t<» “strong pressure and go out on a whirl wind tour of Ins own. Having al n.idy Bung dignity to the winds, there would seem to he no good I'-ason why ho should not now take the stump in person and stoop to all the methods of the. ward politician who never hesi tatos to consign those who disagree w it It him to the place prepared for the brother* of Ananias.— Macon Telegraph. Editor Pendleton goes at ’em wfth gloves off, and he hits the president some hard je.'is. Mr. Pendleton is one of tb most forceful and aid *id IBs paper is ono of * \ e state. \ t " e s **J f SAID IN GEORGIA SANCTUMS. % ij •■} Ilawkiusville News-Dispatch : The Kastman Hustler hands out a warm roust to a local merchant w ho sends his orders for job print- j mg to out-of-town concerns. The Tnerclmnt who won’t patronize his home printer when he can have j his work done 11s cheap and as well! there as elsewhere—well, he is a] mighty poor citizen—and it is gratifying to know that there are so few of his kind. Telfair Enterprise:—Editor Sea !y of the Georgian came out in a strong article in last Saturday’s paper m w hich he stated that the j charge was false that he hud sent a detective to the home of Repre sentative John Holder to spy out his past record. He snid ho sent 11 reporter of the paper t" look up some court records. In liiis state ment he said if the papers that published the charge did not give his version of it he would proceed against them by law. His article was u sane and sensible one and hud all the ear marks of sincerity. ! Atlanta Georgian:—And what does the country think of the des perate methods that would stoop to desecrate the memory cf a dead president? With the exposure of j the so-called Cleveland letter, fa vorable to Taft, ns a fake pure and simple, what does the coun try, irrespective of party iitliliu-i tions, think ot methods that sill-; lied the name of u man no longer! hero to defend Ins name? Savannah News: —The South African diamond mines are to be Kturted up on full time*today. They have been working on short time for many months. Improved finnneinl conditions in Europeand j America are given as the reason ; for the production of more dia monds. That would seem to in dicate th" passing of hard t imes. |The diamond market responds promptly when money becomes| more plentiful. The Atlanta Journal: —Atlanta must he prepared to entertain the 'Confederate veterans as they de serve and to that end a substanti al entertainment fund must be raised without delay. Fitzgerald Enterprise :—The I drunkenness and debauchery of the women and men who have in herited the Gould and Namier- I hilt millions should he an object j * . lesson to an intelligent people. Among the greatest heniiicuries of these large estates are the divorce court lawyers. Mayoress Herald :—Governor' Smith Inis informed chairman man Hall that the democratic! put v of Georgia should abandon j the white primary and go back to! the democratic primary system. In view of the fact that Mr. Smith is the daddy of the white primary, this statement from him w ill come as « surprise. Wad ley Star :—Really,who is run ning for President on the Repub lican ticket? Wo heard that Tuft was the nominee, but Roosevelt seems to he doing the running. , It doesn’t S'vin that either is run ning fast enough to get there with both feet. Macon Telegraph :—The United States und our own mother coun try are getting together again. Two cents postage will now carry a letter to England the same as to any point in this country. 1 Nashville Herald:—A hugolog ist at Dublin, tin,, who has been t figuring ou tho schedule of the I boll wevil says that bug is coming . .eastward at the rate of half a ‘hundred mi lea a year. TDK MONTGOMERY MONITOR—THURSDAY, Ot T. 8. Bhw. REPUBLICANS FINANCE WATSON. Under the above head line tlm Macon Telegraph a few days ago said : “Former Senator S. R.Pettigrew publicly announced in South Da kota that in Hsi-1 lie hud been of fered SIO,OOO for ten speeches- in behalf of Thomas E. Watson, the Populist candidate*, by a Republi can Senator friend acting for ami in Behalf of the Republican Na tional Committee. Senator Pet tigrew also said that while declin ing the offer he “conducted an in j vestigat ion with the result that tie* Republican party financed m a large manner Mr. Watson's cum paign.” In reply to this, after some pn*- ! liminary digs at Pettigrew und Bryan, Mr. Watson says: “Whether Roosevelt managers gave financial aid to those who | managed the Populist campaign, I neither know nor care. Every body who knows u thing about it is well aware of the fact that the campaign funds of both lie* "id parties come from practically the j same source." Conceding the last sentence of the above to be true, for argu ment’s sake, the Democratic par ty at, least had its own financial organization in 1904, and used its | own money wilh a sincere view to i defeat mg the opposition party or parties. It is net. amenable to the charge of conducting a cam paign w ith the secret financial as sistance of an alleged opposition party and presumably with a view to assisting that opposition party to defeat another opposition par ty. Mr. Watson did not expect to ho elected President 111 1904 any more than he expects to b<* elected President in 1908. The only possible appreciable result I his race could have on tho elect ion i would be to weaken the Demo cratic party in the interest of the Republican party. Mr. Watson ; does not directly deny Senutor ! Pettigrew’s direct statement of fact.' “Whether thi* - Roosevelt managers gave financial aid to those who managed the Populist campaign, I neither know nor care,” he says. Tins is not a de nial, such as his friends would doubtless wish to see. The disclosure will have a dam aging effect on Mr. Watson’s po litical ambitions unless lie can make before his friends a better j show mg t han t h is.'' If seems from the above that Editor Pendleton is keeping an eagle eye on the Populist leader now-a-days. In our opinion there are more than one party being run in the interest of Mr. Taft’s j elect ion. Runaway Colored Boy. Titos. Greer, a minor, lias left ! home without my knowledge or !consent, and I hereby notify all ! persons not to employ or shelter him lb G. Gkkkr. Mt. Vernon, Ga., S* pt. >. 'OB. 9-10- It. $ ' ' '* * £ :? ®c/j\ You Can Easily Operate 1 J This Typewriter Yourself. | I! * £>l* . ■ * 9 ; | ; j J» Z'~ i‘<ii»’l wgriy your «ncrwpotnlea*. IVou't write Mm anythin* <1 : : i } In h.ui,l Him lal ik him tun •to make out that may leave J j _** " him in ih.uht that It* can't • asily read, j; j Atul don't fill nut legal po t . >i .at I mruiis >r main out account* 01 hotel ; munb ill your own ha.i.iwi mil ; ll looks had, lethsda mi yoiir standing, make* { . pi-ipli* think yon can't srt’nrd a stein,grat>h- r. and ik sometimes ambiguous. ». You can write out\om h it, ’' 1 r _ Jj (make out an out an ab-tra 1 ti.. u * J an inanrance | 01,, i f . m a m t memo* nnrkf out join »o r 11 I I\/ f* a hold menu m do any load ■ W i writing V<JU n« id, on am kind, * Ji lypeiArrrter | The Standuril Visible Writer | j* Vo.i can w i iti any ■frJi. -. t| - i iti-, If if ymi d i not l.upfx nto have a -tenon. Si 1 rapliei Fot you «an e.v- ,\ I ... . with ■ i.iil ■ • luau tin .to writ, juat e» raoidlv and § V a* |>< iled 1\ a* an i\i■ • n o' in tii OLIVER. lh cause flu OLIVER is tile : S Mmnlltied »y|n write And y,. an *• iTerv wn I von write. About Nil per cent 3 J‘ MORE Dl'itAiihK than njicwi ■. i, Imisi-i it h - als'Ut-I (wr i-ciit LESS 3 ” WE Alii Mi 1\»I\ ISi, ,n i ■ nr. i * 1 i c’ll i ASIEU to writ, at [with than thos. other iMAU Lh ATI'.P. INTI!! ATE .1/ At 'll INES tliat require "hu- * mounts — kii wilds* u; uisdi i* , i »p,. itl .Kill i,, opi-iate. Than 9 ma.dniH « which h, . 1t• am -|«< il sj,, ■, with which it i> impossible S i to writi ahstia-ts, n.« to, i. s . ■ it.-mmols except yon buy expcil*- 9 i«e SI'ECI VL attachment- i. qai t s event- in .q.iiati Vmi can adjust the 3 OLIVER t • any Reas, oa v a can nut- in \\V rei-s malil-*i/« and thick- 3 ms- ~f |»a|n i. right 1 ■ i , ~ - is,. .*it a .' tlnsi I I ANY EXPENSIVE A i'- 3 J* TAFILMEN ror ;al rk .1, and v. nr w ,k wiii h, mat a|q>< artuc. ligihie and clear. S & Fur the OLIVER t-the tiry. wrt*m hi th.- .!■« • »r. tin lawyer, the tnmttanee ag<mt.ihe 9 £ meichant, th, ! •••el |>r- mi .. is man win - hi- ~wn writing. Write u* 5 £ uow for *ui booklet mi tin SIMPLIFIED featur, *of the OLIVER. rile Oliver Typewriter Company, I Chieugo, ieWWSsSStfyWSi NEAR-BEER DEALERS WILL TEST THE LAW. The* authorities of Richmond county who arc taxed with the re* sponsibilitv of collecting «j>eciftl taxes from near-heer dealers, haye been authorized by Comptroller-1 lienernl W. A, Wright and Attor iny-General John 0. Hart to de posit the amount of the tax with , the ordinary subject to withdraw al in case one test case which is to l>« brought ia won. E. Dunbar lias been employ ed to represent dealers in the test to be made of the law. He is counsel f>r about fifty,all of whom i have deposited the amount of the] license. A case will bo brought' jin the name of one of them in tlie superior court of Richmond i county,on injunction proceedings, j The authors of the license bill i thought the state treasury would 1 lx swollen by the addition of be- 1 tw- en s3*lQ.tH')o and S4OO,(XX), but, up to date the pitiful sum of S2OO lias been paid the state for near-j ! beer license. j One of two things is very plain ; —there are very few near-heer sa- i I loons, or a great number of blind ! 1 tigers. “Those who dance should J pay the fiddler,” and all those j selling tli.: “slop” ought to have Ito pay for the privilege. Make no distinction, but treat all alike. GEORGIA W. C. T. U. MEETING AT ALBANY. All parts of the state were rep resented among the delegates who I arrived in Albany last week for | the twenty-sixth annual conven tion of the Georgia Woman’s ! Temperance Union. Theconven-, f t i-*u was in session from Thursday' j t hroughout the remainder of the j week. The large attendance, the j interesting program and the per- j lection of the local arrangements made it one of the most success ful conventions in the history of the Georgia organization. Among the notable speakers heard were i .Mrs. Edith Smith Davis of Mil wan bee, national superintendent; |of scientific temperance instruc- I t ion ; Mrs. K. (J. Atkins, a prom- 1 incut temperance lecturer of Nash- j ville, and Dr. T. D. Kllis, presi dent of the Georgia Anti-Saloon] t l.eague. not si: for sale.! A 0-room house, new and well painted. Good barn, garden, etc. Also, 51 \ acres ot land in Ml. Vernon. All going at a Baku a in. F<»r prices and terms see 11. J. Gibus or A. 15. Hitchkson, 3-5-ts Mt. Vernon, Ga. BLACKSMITH - SHOP. All kinds Repair Work, Iron] and Wood. Fine line of Bicycle Material on hand. High-Grade Repair Work on Bit-voles, Sewing Machines, Guns, Revolvers and Clocks. See me before placing vour work : 1 will save you money. Work promptly and neatly done J !J. SELLERS, : : AILEY, GA. I /. MID-SUMMER SPECIALSjj jj IN jj Inillinery! I I During the Summer Months iny Entire Stock «>f Millinery is offered at greatly reduced prices. All goods of late pattern and j. Strictly First-Class in Every Pnrticular. jj My line will appeal particularly to the Particular \> Buyers "who do not have opportunity of visiting tie- Barger( itie.s, i> and sliotild t>e seen before purenasing. I.atlies and ( hildn-n invited ,> to call. .... <; MRS. J. L. ADAMS MT. VERNON ii j "“FALLSWINTER*| I Our Fall and Winter lines of ready- | to-wear Clothing and Furnishings for | Mon, Women and Children are now | ready. j We have a large mail order depart- | ment, in the hands of competent repre- | sentatives, who will make your interests | their own. I A complete catalogue, covering our | various departments, will soon be ready I I and will be mailed upon request, free of | | charge Write for samples and self-measurement Blanks. j; j B. H. Levy Bro. & Co, j I SAVANNAH. GA. J II * Jnliii 11. limiter, Wm. K. Pearce, Fnmk 0. liattey. J HUNTER, PEARCE & BATTEY, 1 Cotton Factors Naval Stores jj EXPERIENCED Pnrtorc «! HANDLERS OK rtILIUI & jj Upland Cotton, Florodora, || Allen Silk & Other Extra Staples, jj llt Sea-Island Cotton & Naval Stores, jj OVER THIRTY YEARS IN BUSINESS One of the Largest Factorage Concerns in the South. Each lj Commodity handled in a Separate Department. * Strictest Attention to Each. j; Nitrate of Soda and Otlier Fertilizers, jj Upland and Sea-Island Bagging, jj Ties and Twine. jj I Liberal Advances made on Consignments. Money Loaned jl to Cotton and Naval Stores Shippers on Approved Security. SHIPMENTS RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. 120 Bay Street, East. SAVANNAH, GA. jj tmWWIWMWWWWWWWMWWWWWIWVMWWtWWWWWWVtW I SEABOARD ii AIR LINE R’Y. j| These arrivals and departures published only as information, and are not guaranteed. ji Schedule Effective September U 5, 1908. jj jj I.v. Mt. VERNON aia trains daily. 10:28 a. m. For Helena, Abbeville, Cordele, Americus, Columbus, jj ; 9:23 p. m. Montgomery, and all points west, j] 5:47 a. m. For Lyons, Collins, Savannah, 1 1 4:53 p. m. and all points east, jj For further information, reservations, rates, etc., see vour j j nearest Seaboard Ticket Agent, or write CHARLES F. STEWART, A. G. P. A., ijj Savannah, .... ... Groroia. jj