Newspaper Page Text
The Agreement, between the
United States and England, by
which the postal letter rate be
tween the two countries is reduced
limn five to two cents an ounce,
went into effect Thursday last,
October Ist, and Postmaster-den
im I Meyer, who brought about
this agreement under the “re
stricted union” clause of the pos
tal union, is awaiting with mter
esl what effect, il any, thmrcduc
-1 ion in the letter rate will have
upon tlie postal intercourse be-
the two countries. He
does not, however, apprehend that
the cut in the rate will cause a se
rious decrease in the postal re
ceipts hut is confident, that the
lower rate will so greatly stimu-
J <te commercial and private cor
respondence between t lie t Wo collll
tries, tliiii it w ill more than com
pensate for the difference in the
|n tsl a I rat e.
s i:\va it i).
Bi> fittl ('out
Rev. (ins A. Davis filled Ins reg
ular appointment at Smyrna Sun
day and preached a very able ser
mon. ,
Those on the sick list in our
community are, wo are glad to
say, improving.
I.onnie Mincey and sister, Mrs.
Stella drav, spent. Sunday with
their brother. .Mr. Eli dray.
The pinder boiling at Mr. Lewis
Adams' Saturday night, was great
ly enjoyed by all those present.
1»r. and Mrs. Wallace Morris of
dlenville came up last week to
spend the month with their sisters
Misses Lizzie and Emma Morris.
Miss DeLoaeh accompanied Dr.
and Mrs. Morris.
I*. L. Gordon and sister, Miss
Amanda, were visitors at Mr. Eli
M ineey's Sunday.
I. .1. Lowery and wife spoilt Sun
day witli their uncle, K. L. Hall
(' S. Johnson spent Saturday
night u it b .1.1.. Adams.
W. E. Moseley and family spent
Sunday at L. N. Harlow’s.
Mrs W A. ('minor spent Sun
day at Miss Lizzie Morris’.
Teddy Hear.
“I am not (lilted, either by
temperament or, taste, for the
Presidential office,” says Can
didate Debs. Delis should not
let that worry him. Some who
who have occupied the oftloo were
similarly alllicted, and Debs is in
ii.i danger of ever undergoing this
ordeal. —The MAeon Telegraph.
Sheriff Sale.
fl. mgt* Mmtlgomeiy Futility.
Will l.i. milil helmthe emtrt house door in
Ml on Hu. Aral Tuesday in Nmi iitlsr.
I'll IS, bat ween Ihi' legal hours n| sale, In the
highest bidder tor cash, iii'i lnin property. nl
which ilir loll'm mg i- « complete discripunti:
\ll oi that certain parcel of land
situate, lying and lielng in the 111li
land district of said comity and -late
In inti lot No line hundred uud forty
nine 114 HI. Said tract of land levied
on a- tin* property of 11 L Sears to
satisfy an execution issued from the
superiorcoiirt of said county in favoi
ot the Savannah Oitann Co vs II I.
[s. ais. Property pointed out hy de
ft iitLi it t in li fa and written notice of
levy given tenant in possession as re- j
ipiired hy taw. This the 6th day of
Oeiohei lllusi A.J.Ht'KCII,
sheriff Montgomery County.
M. B. Calhoun, A tty for PltV*.
Sheriff's Sale.
«!■ ugta Montgomery Futility:
Will be »"lil Is t.nv the court house dour in
M t.Ycnion nn the liml Tuesday in Niivemher,
I'.ms, Is isceil the legal hour* ut-ale, in the I
li :he»l tiidder tin caah, certain
which the following is » cnmplele d( sonption:
Oik ci'llain litil m panel ut land, situate,
li Illy and Ill'll IS iu the 12:11*1 Pi- li V nl -ud i
cnuttly and -Isle, and hnundi das follows: On .
11.. north to lands of John Johnson and l’,u
(Wi smith! mi the weal by lands ot W VI.
11. . slid Arnold Spivey on the south by lie
is lids ot W A Odom and 0. M. Itai-ariek. and
on tin 1 west by lands ot VV. 11. Marnu, coh
-1.. ' iii , litunhi l and sixty (llZI) acre*
- the prop
•i n of John K. Olllis In satiate an execution |
e-m I ili. cii> omul of Wt Vonion in Is
\m ~| i' 11. IVt.iaon A 15m. >• J F. Oilli-.
nisi., r. and it. M. I'um and 0. T. Waller ru- ’
•1 .1 -s«rs IVopeitv being 111 the posacushm of
J im l (iiltia and iHttnlid mu hy F. T. Wal
iii Written mni'v of levy giteti In terms ot
1 . lan J'lna the Alh day of Ootobcr, l'
A. J 15vt. u. sheriff F. C..
M. JS. Calhoun, Atty for Tiff*. Ml Vernon.
Georgia Montgomery County.
T" all w hom it may concern :
8. I Meadow* ot said state, having 111 pop
er loim applied to me as creditor of benjamin
Y. Inman for |>etniatictit letters of aduiiuis
tialion on the estate ot said Inman tale ill as),l
eouuty. deceased, uiis is to cile all aud singu
lar the creditors and heirs of -aid benjamin
> Inman to lie and apj>oar at my ofbee at the
next November term ot the eourl of Ordinaly
ol -ai<! county, and show eallae. if any they
can why peimaueni letter* of administration
should n,,t be granted to said 5 J. Meadow
on th» estate of said benjamin F. Inman. Wit
he*- my hand and official signature till/ bib
day ot October, 1908. Arxx McAhthvb.
Oidiuary of Mouik'iuiery County.
Shorifl Sale.
- Montgomery rountv.
Will I>#* «ftld tli#* a ifirt hon«w» <lo#\i in
Mniinl V<*rnou «»n the tilHt TiU*h#lm in N»*v.
J9OH, l>#*tw#*#*n the legal lioiith of Hal#*, to the
high# nt bidder for caeli, rertnin property, of
uliicti tin* following i* a eonriplete deHoription:
All that tract or parcel ot land witnntc lying
and being in tb« '27"»tb lii* (i M of M(*ntgr»nnrv
i county, containing four bundl ed (floct> acre*,
untie or b mm. bounded north bv laujs of Sam
, iVarn l and Iten livid, #•*»*! by Peter .VcfSridc
tod I tiOM .lotiDHoii. hoiiili by A a lVfen*oii,.lr.
and went b\ M I A/oaea, known an the li li
MclJride |»iac#-.
Alao oik other tract or patcel of land
! xituatc. Iving and being in the 275th Ihatrict
(# M i>t aaid county containing two bun
, died and twenty-tour Keren inure ot 1 #*hb,
iffuinded north by I«ik)m ot It B )tcHiide and
Abe Pinch, cant by Jo#* Sharpe and Abe
IJurcb, Houih by M T Moh#*m and VV VV Comii't
Hitl weal by VV VV (,'omu r and li )'• Mcliiidc
and known at the John H Conner place.
Alaifoncotbci tract or f>arce| ol land situate,
lying and being in the 275 I>ik (* M.aaid county
containing one tnindreil and wixtv-foiir ac.riM
I dioii*or Ichm txniiidcd north bv Unds of vita
Victoria McArthur, cad by hula Prantby,
Moult) by Mim A 1.4 Mdfiidc, and whi by l> c
VV illiamaoti and P McUaboc, known tin- M« -
hougal place.
AUo anoiliei tract or pared <»f b»nd ait
uale, lying and being in tin '27- r »ib Diatrief,
i# M #»f Mflid count?, »*#»ritnining nixty-f »nr
j Hcrea more or Icmh boun b «1 imrth by luudM of
Hum in Sharp#-ami Henry McLean, cant bv Hi
ram slini |># mill M K Gray, hmtli bv VV !’ Mr
Arthur, mid weal by I-itah Collium and VV 1'
Me.lrttnir. known ua tlm linneati l5«*ll place.
Also one other tract oi oared ol land alluau
lving and being iii th#- bti-M IhaO M of aaid '
i-mtniv. containing .'»! aci« v a. more or h*aa.
hound# d m*rili by landa <•! VV .1 pel# rMon, #-aal
!»y Hiram Sharp# , aoilth by A A Pt t«Taoii, and
imh! by VV J P« t#*rhoii, known aa the Henry
Mcboaii pla* #-. \
AUo, (#m- otlii-r tract. «n* par# 1 #! of land Mitii
a!<\ lying and being m I In* 27.’»1h lbs (# #it
aid countv, coiiln iiing 7.7 a< itn more or lesa.
bounded north by lan la of .M II Mclni >re,# iim
by (>(•# »n«;e in-«*k, aotuli by Mamie Me oka, and
w# at by Mra Wary Hugbea, known rs tlm
Not i Item place.
AUo, on* #*ili# r trairt or t»areel of land. Hitu
ali*, lying and h« mg in tn#* 27ntii Dia (i Mos
-oinl county, containing .122 acre* more or lean,
hound# d north by lamia of the catate <»f Mra
(diantv Hicka, caHt by VV A .bihnaon ot al,
ho utli l»y Mi ili 11 I .V/cAitlnir, and wait by Mim
\V II Me Artlinr, known a a tlm old Lot pla#*#*.
Alao, anoiliei t-act or parci-l of land aituatc,
jving and being in tin* i ll'l l lb# O M of aaid
f ountv, containing 2M»
! Uminicd north liy Mia P I I li**mp »n. hy
! f' J Tbonipa#>ii, el al V#' Wi 1’ Ji Adaina
i and i-iiml by ,1/m T VV It od,, I .own an the.
i (Ico I. Adama place
j Alao, hiiol|i#*i tract or parcel of land, aitu
-11««. lying and l»# ing in the I t l;i IDU 0 M of
| said county, in tlm town of Alley, containing
! IWQtlty-tivc acn-H, more ol leaa, bniindt*d II O 111
: hv Gordon at, eaat by hii allfcy and Proa#l hi,
I Honfli bv J M D Me s iregor, ami went bv .1 A
AU#i, th#* toll..wing lota of land in the town
j id Ailev, »in., in tin- Plbld l>ia <i M of aaid
f.oiintyy known and diatinguialied on tb# man
of aaiil town hh lota No* 1.2, Jl, I, f>, It, 10, 11,
I*2, Id, 11, 15, and 10, in liinck No. ‘24
Alao, hPa No 0, 10. 11 ami 12 of Plo# U No *2O,
each lot fronting fifty foot on Green at, ami
extending back to <n ailev 190 fuel.
AUo, lot No (111 on block No 19, fronting !#«*#•
at .A0 fe#o and extending hack cant 190 feet. All
the above lota being in tie town ot Ailev, Ga.
Alao, another fraet oi pmv«*l ot land rfimate,
lying mol being inthe ‘2701h Dia 0 M of aai#i
county, coutniiiing H 5 acrea more or lean.
Inmmie#i imrili bv lamia #»f V P M< Bride, enat
bv t/»" S A Porch, a.iuth b\ 1' .1 Well* and I)
K Williamaon, and weal by W A lohnaon
Lev i<*# lon aa the pr«»porfo of A A Pcternoti,
Jr., to Hiitiafy a 0 fa inaned from t!i»* eitv court
of Mi V# rimn In favor ot Willie T McArthur.
Tlda Hi# ‘2d day of October, 190 H.
A. .1. PriieH, SlmrilV.
Slii-ritV Snlo.
ilis.i ui* Montnnm.'i \ c'minty.
Will tin 51.1.1' I lie ciiiiilimisr ilnor in
Mmint Vernon on tlie* lirst Voewliiy in Nor.
I'.NIH, In i ween tile legnl limn s ot snle, to tii«
liillhest Imliler lor essli, eerluin iiro|n.rty, ol
w lii.-li the lollolviiiK is a Ooni|ilete ilesei iption:
All that (rant nr parcel ol laid situate, Iv
■ l.i; anil lieinj in H soli lh- (I M ol sal.l coun
ty anil stale, the same h.'illU lot ol lan.l lium
ei Ilu( r 11timir» it ami !hi r t v-foiir t :Kll ) in llio
tenth iaiul ili-ti 141 ol sai l coiinTv, ami OOU
laininK iw.i linintreil ami two an.l oiio-liair
ii.'iis mole to less with tin exception
■ I one (1) acre carveil out ol ihe smith we-tern
pm lion oT aaiil lot, where the Ismj; Hranch
school house now stands. Sai 1 tract of laid
levied mi as the property ol .1. K. Voemans
to sniisfv a l ily Court II fa in favor of The
Mount Ver Itank vs .1, F. Yeomans, princi
pal, S. W. IliiKlu s, endorse-. Property in tile
possession of d. felldanl, hut pointed out by
plainlill, and written notice ot levy jjiven as
nspiireii liy law. 'Fills tin- fitli day of October,
I'.HiH, A. .1, linrdii,
slo riff Citv Court, Jit. Vermin.
M. I*. Calhoun, Ally lor l'lfl.
Administrator’s Sale.
li. oi'Kia —Montpoim rv t'miol v.
Will he sold le tore the court house door in
said county on the lir-t Tuesday m Nov. P>W.
within theh'Kal limit's of sale. In the hi heat
i.nldei lot cash the followinj; described prop
erly 'j’hi'ee trai ls or par. els of land tyilij;
and being iii the l’-11-l Ins li M ol sai I coun
ty aid beitii; iMo imns ol lot of land No‘.-so in
nib laud district of said county, and bettor
known as the lhtnicl Morriaou old place. One
tract eoiitaiaiiiK 1 1 , acres more or less,hound
ed oil the nerth hy lands of l>anioi l'opo and
|>r. ilivers; on the east liv the old Dublin pub
lic road; on the south by lain! bciongiu)' to J.
I, Morrison, dis’ea-ed, and the Methodist
■ ehureli lot. and mi the west by the graveyard
■ 1.0 and tlie Methodist church lot.
Also one oilier lot containing J acres more
or leas bounded on the north by the lot dc
-etlin'd above: '>n the east by the old Dublin
| public road; on the smith h,v land ot W. I\
M. aid on tlie weal by laud of Frank
! Mmnson,
Also on. other tract of land containing <>l
1 sore- more or h-s- and hounded on the north
I hy the Ml Vernon public road; on the east by
kinds of Tom M'lnison aid S F. lte> Holds, on
iln -mult by land-ot .v F Reynolds; and on
the W'< si by the old Dublin public road.
All ot said tract* of land will he sold as th.'
property of .1 I. Morrison, deceased, in i ur
' -nance ot an orilci grsnied to*raigne.t
:ss administrator hu lh" purpose of selling
i -aid property k> f>a> the of the deceased
j .ml tor ,ti-tiil'ution among bis lieiis. Fliis
i Knot-1 ii, I'.aifi s F. Itk\ n, Admr.,
Os J. L. Morn- D>. ea—i.
Koitl Notice.
deot'oin—Montpuuery I'oitntv.
M It (iillis iiiiit oilier* having np
plieil for tlie ..polling nn,) estnlili-h
--incnt of n now ron.l ooinntonoiiitf at
that point on tlie I.oiii-villo pulilio
ion.l uneie a titivate (tive|-j>e- to the
L ast in rite lane of M li utelieson and
following the >rene ra l it i fee lion of
1 -ttiil private roail to the bri.lire on
I'* ton ereek known as tlu Neill
tiilli- In i.lire, -fiivi road hnvino Ih*.>h
!■ v iewed by |iii>|M>l anthotitie-. N«>-
tice is hereby given that said appli
cation will lie granted on the ;ui day
ol Nov. Mher. I!MS. if o,„k| aityl siil
tici.nt reason is pot shown to the
| contrary. This the 6th day of th'to
tie|. Itais. \\’. W. PoI*K,
Chni'n t onnty ( nmi’s.
Gcorgi*—Montgomery Fount v ;
S. J. Meadow*, a resident of *»id s.ste, nw
-1 nig duly applied Is. be *pjs> Kusixhan ot
die prison and |MOi*.rtjr .*1 Mary Inman s
minor under 14 year* .if and also Willie
and Maude Inman, also minors, all reaideula
ot amid county, n >fie»< if hereby soeti that
said aptdieation will be passed »u at the next
Court of Ordinary lor **id is.unly to be held
on the first Monday in November,
Al I X M. Akiuch,
Ordiuaiy of Montfimuer) County,
I Sheriff Sale.
OF.ORG I A—Montgomery County:
Will be sold In Imc th. - i.urt house dim in
Ml Vernon on the lirst fin's day in November.
I'.KW, between the b(;al limn of sale, to tin
' highest bidder for ciotli, certain proper!v, of
, whieti the follow inn is a complet. diset iplioii :
25 netrm unite fir li-.-s ut pine land
situate, lying and In ing in the gT'.fli
District <L M. of Haiti county and
-late find bounded as follows: (to
the north h,v lands of .lames Harris,
east by lands of U. Baker, south In
lands of Bill .Johnson anti west l>\
1 lands of .1. \V. .Sharpe. Levied on
(lie property of A inns John.-on to
| satisfy jin execution issued from the
justice's court of the 275th district
i of said county iu favor of \V. B. and
.1. K. Jones, transfi tees, vs Atno-
I Johnson. Property pointed iiy plain
-1 tiff in fi fa ami written notice of levy
given defendant in legal terms.
This the Dili day -il October, P.Nl.s.
A. .1. Burch, Hheritl.
.Sheriff Sale.
! Gcurgia—MontKomery County.
Will lie sold tlie emu t I nttsi door ill
I Mt Vernon on thu Mist Tuesday in Novemhei
' I'.MIM, lielweell tin lek'sl hours of sale, to lie
highest bidder for cash, eerluin property. "I
winch the following I-II complete description
That tract or parcel of land situat
ed in the lllTlii Dis (i M of saitl
■county, the same being sixty-nine
dill) acres carved out of lot No 271 in
the lltli land district of said county
and hounded mirth by Mary ( (iei;;-
| era ud W J. (leiger, east hy \V |,
lOcigeraml Mary Scruggs, soutli liy
lands of John II I’ow.ll and estate
of Mrs P B Ityulsaml Mary Wright.
West liy lands of Mnrv Wright. Said
property levied on its (lie property of
J T Cooper to satisfy an execution
issu'd from the city court of Mt Ver
non, said county, iu favor of (InvMt
Vernon Bank against J TCooper and
\V L Currie principals ami J (! Pow
ell endorser. This the sth day ol'Oc
toiler. BIOS. A J. Ilpmn, Slifi ill.
W. M . Lewis. Atty.
Sheriff Sale.
(lcot'Ria— Yloiitgmnery ('minty.
Will be w ild before the court, house door iu
Mt Vernon Oil the first I'uesday in November,
P.ltlK. le'tween the legid In.ui- of -ute. to tie
highest bidder for cutdi, ee taiu property, ol
w hich the following is :i complete de-eriptimi:
Fifty acres <if land more or le-- of
it certain tract or parcel of land situ
ate, lying and lo illg ill t lie l.'iNtit it Di
li M of -aid county and stale, and
hounded a* follows: On the east by
lands of Spencer Coleman, on the
north hy lands of Joint t 'laxton, on
tlie west liy a tract of land known as
tjie "Headache tract." and on the
south by lands of Hannon Willis.
Said land being in the possession of
Harmon AVillis. Levied on as the
property of Harmon Willis to satis
fy an execution issued from I tie City
Court <-d Ml Vernon iu favor of Hie
Citizens Bank of Vidalia ■ • I! W
Willis, A (Hills,F Phillips aud
Wilder Phillips. Written notice of
levy given defendant in terms of the
law. This (lie titli day ot October,
; iiHiM. A. J Bfhfii.
SheritT City Court. Mt Vernon.
Jones ,v Sparks, Att.vs lor I’ltT.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia Montgomery County.
Will tie sold brfm n tin■ etitti'l house dool ill
\lt Vernon on tlie llr-t. Tuesday in November,
I'.MIH, helweon the legal hours of hnl< , to l!ie
tiighcst hiddi r for, cci'lit-in pi’op.rty, of
wtiii li tlm followim, is a complete ilesm iption:
One 25-horse power steam htVtler ol
the Cole make, Al»i one 25-hor-<-
power engine of t lie Wat ci town make.
Saitt property can be seen at the mill
Inf 11 I, Sears ami inspecfetljiy pros
pective hnytus Indore day of sale.
: Said property levied on a- the prop
i erty of It L Seat's to satisfy an exe
cution issued front the city court of
Mt Vermin in favor jot' Aug Schmidt
ACo vs li I, Sears. Written notice
of levy given defendant in terms of
i the law. Tli is tit 1 1 day of October. Ilk W.
A. J. Brut'll.
SheritT City Court Mt Vernon.
Jones ik Sparks, A ttys for PI tT
C F.OBt 11 \ —Montgomery t minty.
Will tie s.d'l hi dm e the .'mirt limi-t d'im in
Mt Vermin on the lirst I’uesday in N.ivamber,
ldfiS, betyv. en the legal limn -of -ale, to the
iiiglieit bidder for . ash, em tain pt ipri tv, nl
w'liielt the following is a eomplrte d. si i iption:
One certain hay mare mule, about
lllteen (15) liamls high aud about
| nine r.i) years old,ami named Hltndy.
i Saiil animal lev ietl on as the proper
ty of M L Phillips by virtue of a
i mortgage forechisnre issued from the
! citv court of Mt Vernon in favor of
illHSmlthvsM I. Phillip*. Wiir
letl notice of levy given def. ml.lilt
as required by law. This the (lilt day
of Oetobei. Ilk IS. A .1 . Bl UFII .
SheritT City Court Mt Vernon.
M. B. Calhoun, Atty for I*l IV.
Georgia M ntgmiu rv County.
• Will be sold Is'fuv ihe court hmis< d"m in
Mt Vn ium oil the first Tuesday in N o i-ml'. i.
l!ttlS, betw.-eii tlie legal hours "t sale, to tlie
| highest tudd' l f.n cash, certain property. ot
j (Vhli'h I lie following 1- a complete nisei iption:
One certain tract ot .ot of land sit
uate, lying and being m the l.'iSUth
Dis (J M of -aid county and state,
ami cMtilatuing 54 acres more o> less,
and I ton tided as follow s:(In the itort It
iliy lands of J l) t allmuu, on the east
liy lands of Dll Phil I iti'.on t ite sout h
by land* of YV M Phillips and <qt tlie
west by land* ot Clarissa J Adam-,
Levied on a* tlie property of I) II
Phillip* to sati-fy an exeetfiin is
sued from the city court of Mt Wr
i non in favor of the Farmers' Bank
of Adrian vs It VV Phillips and D II
Phillips. Property out liy
plaintiff’s attorney, aud written no
tice of levy given defendant a* re
quired by law. This the *!tlt day of
October." IRDS. A. J. Bl Ki ll
Sheriff C.C Mt Vernon.
: A. K. Smith, Atty tor PI IT.
Georgia—Montgomery < 'onjity :
I'o all whom it may concern :
P. J. Davis having made applicu
i tion to me in due form to in- appoint
ed permanent administrator upon tin
estate of Mary A. Davis. lai< of said
I county, notice is hereby given that
!*aid application will he heard at tin
regular term of the court of Ordi
nary for said county to be In-Id on
, the first Monday in November. t:»>s.
Witness my hand tint official signa
i tute this the ot li day of October.
' At.EX McArtiii k Ordinary.
*#+* *+**+***+*.*.+**++*****#+*+'*.++**•******•
* %
I Your Every Need!
* t
j/ mg?
* Will be ably cared for at my place, and in prompt manner #
* My line of Staple Goods is Always Complete, but at present
* a Spring Freshness pervades the entire establishment, and &
* the Season's Specialties are on Display, hut Going- Rapidly J
* m mmrnmmmmmm'mm am mm mmm mi m»%
* ,s>© PM %
O (The Best Made Garment for Men) 00
0 ©' (The*Standard of the World) <©©'
0© (Too Well Known For Comment) © 0
0© (Good Enough to Go Into An.y Home) ©0
0© (Latest in Dry Goods —Best in Groceries) 00
jjk O© (Still Supplying the Farmers of this Section) ©0
j w. h. mcqueen, |
* • *
$ #
-jjs (Tin- Stole \\ here You Get Full Value for Your Money Twelve Months in the Year.)
Money to loan at G and 7 per
rent, on improved farms.
A. I>. Hutcheson,
Mt. Vernon. Ga.
For Root.
My place at Alley, Ga., consist
ing of five-room house, garden,
one and half acre patch, barn,*fcc.,
good condition. Address
J. F. Ham., M. 1).,
*.l-8 It Box Go, Mt, Vernon, Ga.
I piilii cards 1
, . ;
. . •;» *r * • *ot* * •;> o* •;<
V* * * *” * * “ * * *”*
•’* 1. I*. I’mlvrwood Kiigctn* Tahnadge m;
Attorneys at Law.
y* Practitioners in all the Courts. §
I’uitiuM-liip T.imiU'il u> Civil Matters. J 5
Rent Estate Agents. Farm ja
Lands a Specialty.
V*.‘i c.i'*r. is. .-...".'1. *i.
M. It. ( A I.HOI N.
At tv at Law,
Mt. Vernon, Georgia.
Soporton, Ccorgia.
A. L. Lanier,
Attorney at Law,
Will Practice in all the Courts of
the State.
Hamilton Burch,
Vttorney and Coun
selor at Law,
ncRAE, GA.
CiimU*! Law Mid C«*llec*i<>o a, la eluding Rad*
# N luiul Vail OuiWfiU, a Spniftity.
Will Save Money and Time by by
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Oils, Lime, Plaster, Cement, etc.
iwith Savannah’s Newest and and Estimates 1;
Cheerfully |
Nost Enterprising Supply House ; Furnished j!
j| Jas. L. Christian* SOUTHERN BUILDERS’ !
jl Manager SUPPLY CO. \
jl 188-140 Barnard St. SAVANNAH. GA.
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1 1 High-Class Stationery for ■
FULL I School Work and Social jf
LINE Correspondence
I PfICT Tablets Box Papers |
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CARDS Comp. Books |
\% Pencils Pens Inks |
i All School Books Required by both |
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1 Mt. Vernon Drug Co. |
5 Jas. F. Currie, Mgr. Mt. Vkkv.n, Ga. §
X 1-