Newspaper Page Text
* ........ i
at the Institute .
The Union Baptist Institute has
arranged for the course of lectures I
and’other highclnss forms of enter
tainment which are under the ox-j
elusive management of tlie A1 ka- (
best Lyceum System, and the first j
entertainment of the season will j
be given at the auditorium Satur-1
day evening, 21th,,8 p. in. Thisj
series ot entertainments promises
of real merit, and should be well
attended during the entire season,'
Saturday evening’s entertain
ment will be under the direction
of Mr. Edward Elliott, and those;
who hear him are assured of an;
evening of pleasure and profit.
Ha stands'for the Lyceum as the
moral and intellectual substitute
for the theatre, and takes some
play that has been a great success
and credit to the stage and ar
ranges it into a concise story told
by the characters. These charac
ters are acted out, made real liv
ing people—no wigs, scenery or;
costumes employed—you are made
to see the play as vividly though
acted out by a full company. A
man capable of this is more than
a wonder.
Doors will boTrpen in time for
the entertainment, to begin at
eight o’clock. Admission very
reasonable. Do not miss it, and
be on time.
Mr Harley Johnson and Miss!
Mary Walker of Long pond were
married at the home of the bride
last Thursday, 15th inst.
The bride is a daughter of Mr.
J. A. Walker and the happy young
groom is a son of Mr. J. C. John
son, and a young man of sterling;
character and May they
live long and prosper.
Glen wood, No. 1.
Special Coi-reHpomtcnce.
Silas Browning and Miss Alma
were pleasant callers at Bruce
Lum McAllum and Miss Bessie.
Browning were visitors at Shiloh
J. A. Turner and Miss Susie
Browning were visitors in tins sec
tion Sunday afternoon.
•J. R. Turner made a business
trip to Scotland Saturday..
C. L. Clark and wife visited at
O. J. Clark’s Sunday.
G. P. Turner and wife visited
relatives near Jacksonville Tues
day and Wednesday last.
John Browning and wife visited
at Bastom Pittman’s Sunday.
Miss Maitdie Morrison of Glen
wood is visiting Miss Minnie
Browning this week.
Dosia Browning visited Miss
Arsie Rountree Sunday last, and a
good time is reported.
John Yarber visited at the home
of S. Browning Sunday.
Lonnie Bel! and Pauline Turner
visited their sister, Mrs. J. T.
Wright, Saturday.
All the young people had a nice
time at tiie cane boiling at W. A.
Browning's last week. Best wish
es to Mr. Browning and family.
J. T. Wright has returned from
Atlanta, where he has been some
time for treatment of his eyes.
Charlie Browning and Miss Ollie
were welcome visitors at Mcßea
Gordon Mimbs was a visitor in
this section Sunday.
Bute Jay.
®lt? iflxiut nnnu'nf itUntitnr-
Mt. Vernon Baptist church,Rev. J
J. I). Rabun, pastor. Services on
the first and third Sundays at 11
a, m. and 7p. rn. Sunday school
Bp, m. Services at Ailey Baptist
church second and fourth Sun-#
days 11 a. in. and 7 p. m. Sun
day school 8 p. m. Prayermeet
ing Wednesday 7 p. in.
Mt. Vernon Circuit, Rev. W. C.
Glenn, pastor. Services in Mt.
Vernon second Sunday, 11 a m
and o:3opm. Sunday school8:80
p in. ■ Prayerineeting Thursday |
evening, Epworth League Tues
day evening. Glenwood, fourth
Sunday and Saturday before, 11a
m Saturday, and 11 a m and 6:80
p m Sundays. Alamo, first Sun
day, 11 a m and 6:80 p m. Ailey,
third Sunday,ll a m and 6:80 pm. |
Presbyterian church, Rev. Chas.
Montgomery, pastor. Services in
Mt. Vernon first, Sunday, 11 a m
and 7 p ni. Second Sunday at
McGregor, 11 am, and Hack
Branch 3p m. Erick, third Sun
day. Hazelhurst, fourth Sunday.
Prayermeeting in Mt. Vernon ev-j
ery Wednesday evening.
Norman town.
•Special Cotrevpondence.
Our Sunday school is going on
nicely—SO on the roll.
Misses Susie Bell and Lula
Meeks passed through here Thurs
day on route to Still more,
A large crowd from this place
went up to Stillmore Thursday to
hear Hon. Thus. E. Watson speak
All report a fine speech, and a
general good tune.
Our day school will open the 2d
day of November. Miss Nettie
Durden of Vidalia will be our
S. J. D. Hall and family of
Route 1, Vidalia, visited the home
of Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Rocket at j
this place Saturday and Sunday.
Judge Rockett visited Vidal ia
R. L Tucker is hauling his bees j
from here to Vidalia for a while,
! then from there to Florida.
j H. L. Burk is locating in Vi-'
: dalia.
! The little girl of R. W. Page,
who has been quite sick, is able to
be out again, we are glad to say.
The farmers are having delight
ful weather for gathering and
i housing their crops.
J+itlge R. B. Rockett lias been
on the sick list, the past few days,
but is better now.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Smith of
near Harrison were visiting here
last week, guests of I. B. New and
Hon. C. S. Meadows was in Vi
dalia last week.
I. B. New of this place after vis
iting in Washington and Johnson
collies returned home Saturday.
Henry Smith of near Harrison
is visiting relatives at this place.
W. H. Morris and family of
Swift Creek visited ut the home of
Judge Rockett Saturday and Sun
A number of Vidalia people
came out hdre Sunday to attend
the funeral of the late Mr. Wil
liamson who was buried some days
Dr. Jas. Meadows of Vidalia
passed through here Saturday eve
ning last en route home after a
pleasant visit among relatives and
friends in Washington and John
son counties.
Best wishes to The Monitor,
i Goede> Hea&.
©©©;©/©©© e©©. © , ©:© ©s©©©©©© ©.©© © ©;
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( Rend the jury list in litis issue.
Your name may lie on the list.
Mr. T. W. Evans of Glenwood,
Route 8, was a pleasant visitor to
I our ofiiee Monday. Ih‘ is a rogu
; !ar reader of the home paper.
Among those attondilig the
meeting ol tin* Daniel Association
at Cedar Grossing this week from
| Mt. Vernon were Rev. J. D. Ra
bun. pastor, and Mr. 11. D. Lee.
Ministerial students attending
| from the 1. B. 1 wore Messrs. 11.
1). Johnson and H. L. Avery.
Col. W. B. Kent, who is quite
active 111 secret, order circles, has
been appointed chairman of the
i Committee on Relief of the Grand
Lodge of Georgia, F. A A. M., by
Thus. H. Jeffries, Grand Master.
I Mr. Kent lias also received the ap
pointment of Grand Representa
tive of the Grand Lodge of Maine.
Maintain your manly bearing by
wearing modern, up-to-date oloth
-1 ing. Fleisher-made clothing will
1 do this for you, and W. J. A T. A.
Peterson will supply you with the
! goods in the newest designs and
patterns. Their best suits run
from $12.50 to $25, and every suit
is well worth the money you pay
for it.
Ladies interested in coats of the
latest style will find splendid val
ues at Mrs. J. L. Adams .
Mr. F. It. Gilder of Alamo was
in Mt Vernon yesterday morning
en route to Cedar Crossing to at
tend the association.
Miss Josie Johnson -of Butts,
Gu., spent u part of lust, week
with her sister, Mrs. 'J’. J.Thomp
j soil.
Mr. Henry Graham and wife of
I near Alamo were among those seen
i here yesterday on route to the As
sociation at Cedar Crossing.
In a few days we will hog in
I mailing out subscription bills. Ii
! you are among the number to ro
joeive one, please make immediate
j response with the anrmnf you are
! due us on our year’s work.
Special ComHpondence.
We are sorry to learn that Mrs.
A. C. Gordon was called to the
1 bedside of Imr mother, Mrs. Hor
ton, near Ifazlelmrst last week.
P. M. Moselv and family spent
Sunday at homo of F. C. Ad
! unis.
Perry Adams and son of P< ar
son spent the latter part, ol the
week with bis brother, K. <5 Ad
t urns.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gray and
mother, Mrs. Eliza Gray, spent
| Sunday afternoon at J. R. Con
1 The many friends of Miss Julia
Moseley will be panted to learn
that she lias relapsed again.
Ed Mineey and family were the
guests of .1. R. Conner Sunday.
M iss Mattie Lou Smit h of Reids
ville is visiting Miss Myrtle Mo
ses this week.
Miss Daisy Adams spent Sun
day at her uncle’s, VV. I*. Connor.
1 Q. Coleman of Lyons spent a
part of last wool: with relatives
here. /
Mrs Mary Moss is on our sick
Mist tins week, wo are sorry to say,
but hope for her early restoration
to perfect health.
Miss Stella Morris of Mt. Ver
non came down Sunday to spend
a few days with her aunt, Miss
Lizzie Morris.
Mr. and Mrs. Grover Conner
and Mrs. Nettie Byrd spent la-t
! Friday in Mt. V-ernon and Ailev.
1 viiiiEr z O ICL.
Send .your orders to The Cas
sels Co., Savannah, Ga., for genu
ine Texas Rust Proof Seed Oats
and Georgia Grown Rye. Also
Hay, Grain, Apples, Potatoes,
jCahhnge and other produce.
lost f
In sine's and hats W. J. A T. A.
f Peterson of Ailev can fill the bill.
“No Name” Hats are recognized
as the standard in gentlemen’s;
hats. They run from $3 to $4.
Crossed and Royal Blue Shoes
run from $3.50 to $5, and every
pair guaranteed. Their fall and
i winter underwear is something
splend id.
Mr. J. W. Bridges, jr., was
over from the west side yesterday
to get a lunacy warrant for Jas.
L. Browning, who lias been sadly
j afflicted for some time, and seems
to be growing worse.
Mrs. .!. E. Hunt week
for a visit, to her parents at San
dersville. She was accompanied
iby Dr. Hunt, who returned to
I ‘‘bach” it a while.
Our young friend Julian Gray
of Blackshonr was in Mt Vernon
last, week, having ridden a horse
through for Prof. Carpenter rtf the
I . lb I. The distance covered on
horseback was about. 85 miles.
Col. Isaiah Beasley, one of the
j oldest and best, known lawyers of
! the Tattnall county bar, was a
business visitor to Mt. Vernon
‘ Mondav. He is well known to the
! people of Montgomery count y, ns
!a .practitioner at. this bar lor
i 111 ally years, and the father of the
late Reid Beasley of this place.
'l'llis is to inform the public
; that. 1 will seta table during court
week, and the public is invited to
call. Table well furnished, On
I court house square.
Mns. Jiiua Sumner.
Capt. M. I). Hughes of Mt. Ver
-1 non and Mr. Peter Johnson left
; Tuesday night for Atlanta, where
j they attend the Confederate re
| union. A pleasant trip for them.
1 Victorian Notes |
- i.
licms From the Girl* Society of the Jf|
Union Haptist Institute. f»'»
jT liv Mih« luma' no Admi n,
The Victorians are becoming
more interested in the work every
i week, and our society is doing
more debating than ever. Last
'Saturday the following program
i was rendered:
Recitation, Mary Coleman.
Conversation, Ethleen Folsom,
Mamie Higgs and Rita Outlet'.
Debate; Resolved, That Country
Life is More Enjoyable Than City
Life. Affirmative —Vera Mason,
1 Addle Burch and Ethel Womack;
negative—Kate Parker. Julia Ach
j orti and Lila Riddle. Matty strong
. points were brought out on both
sides. When the roll was called
. I for volunteers Elsa Cowart spoke
jon the affirmative and Imogen*
Achorn spoke on the negative side
of the question. The judges de
cided m favor ot the affirmative.
Thp entire program was well
1 rendered, mid the, conversation,
which was given by three of the
| youngest girls in the society, was
■ 1 especially enjoyed.
Four nice heifers with young
calves for sale. G. J. Thompson,
Alt V'-ioem, Ga.
The Indies and young folks of
th<> Hack Branch section have ar
ranged for an oyster supper, to be
given at the residence of Mr. and
Mrs. 1). N. Hughes tomorrow^Fri
day) evening, the 23d. The pro
ceeds of the entertainment will
go toward the Presbyterian church
at that is a worthy cause,
and it is imped that it will be well
attended. 'Wio young Indies arc
requested to prepare and carry
lunch boxes. All invited to go
o t and have a pleasant t ime wit h
the young folks.
Special CoiTcunondence.
Farmers aro nearly done gath
ering t heir 1008 crops.
L. A. Hattawav is visiting rela
tives near Wnghtsville.
Mrs. Josup has as her guest a
sister who resides in Buffalo, N.Y.
Mrs. T. J. Right, of Oklahoma
is visiting Mr. and Mrs. S, \V.
Right Imre this week.
Mrs. Dorn Smith of Kite is vis
iting liomefolk at this place.
W. A. Meeks and wife of McGi
rnr visited relatives here Sunday.
J. S. Young and wife returned
from Collins Monday.
1 Mrs. R. A. Morris visited her
son near Longpond Friday.
Mrs. W. T. Riwdiens is quite
ill, we are sorry to state.
Rev. L. Jesup preached at Snow
lull Sunday.
There was a very large crowd at
the sing at Mrs. L. A. Hattaway’s
Sunday afternoon.
A. W. Barlow is very busy now
u-days making syrup.
Mr. and Mrs. Leget of McGreg
or visited hero a few days ago.
llirschel Morris was at dinner
with Z, T. Hart Sunday.
(Man Barlow look his cousin to
Erick Sunday.
The delegates from Stuckey
Baptist, church to Daniel Associa
tion at Cedar Crossing are: J. S.
Morns, B. F. Hart, Rev. L. P.
Mrs. \V. E. Blaiikonship of
Stuckey is visiting liomefolk ut
Spann, Ga.
Mrs. J. T. Hattaway is visit
ing her son near Wrightsvilie.
Fishing is on 11 boom at Guifor
Creek. Burnt EVEH.
The next annual session ot the
Montgomery County Teachers’ In
stitute will be held in Mt. Vernon
| during the week beginning Goto-
I her 26. 1908. All teachers em
ployed to tench in the public
schools of the county will be re
quired to attend I bis institute. All
! other teachers of the count}’ are
cordially invited t,o at tend.
The trustees and patrons ot the
1 different schools of the county nr«-
urged to attend this institute as
much as possible during the ses.
sum —meet your teachers and get
in touch with what is being done
for the schools of the county.
This Institute will be conducted
by Prof. M. L. Brittain, Superin
tendent of the schools of Fulton
It is hoped t hat we will hay a
large attendance of trustees and
1 patrons during the entire session
A. B. Hutcheson,
Co. School Com’r M. C.
; 10-15-21.
Col. George Bright of Helei h
! was a business visitor to Mt. Ver
| non Tuesday morning.
■ S OF
I Insurance for
■ i
The Masses .
In the advertising columns of
j this paper appears the “ad” of
the. Mutual Life Industrial Insur
ance Assoeiat ion of Georgia, whose
home olliee is in Athens, while the
management of this district is
located in Dublin, with Mr. Tho
mas I’eters, Jr., as head of I Ins
olliee. This company Inis been
doing business in this section for
a number of years, and to say
that their business met.hods are
exact and pleasing to its patrons
does not express the situation.
This company all'ords possibly the
j safest, best and cheapest insur
ance to be had, since their rate is
extremely low and the method ab
solutely safe.
As oflicers of the Laurens comi
ty division wo note two of the
best known men in the city of
Dublin. Its president, Mr. \V. .1.
Hightower, is clerk of the superi
or court of Laurens county, while
its treasurer, Mr. A. W. Garrett,
is cashier of the First Nat ional
Dank. Mr. Peters, who built up
t he Laurens county divisions, was
reared in Atlanta, and from liih
youth up has been in active busi
ness life, with the advantages of
the best training to be had. Lau
rens county now has four full di
visions of members each.
| This means that if a member of
j either division dies liih beneficiary
receives the I'll 11 amount of $1 ,tMKI.
'l’llis company is well and favor
ably known in tins county, and
i some of our best citizens are
numbered among ifs members.
I luring I In* past four years one or
| two members from this comity
i have died, ami in each case their
benefieiarioß have received the full
' amount of the policy tinder which
i I lr»iy were insured. This form of
insurance is fur benefit, and not
! for investment, as will be seen
j from their “ad” in t his issie ,
j More definite information regard
ing I lie plan of the company can
Ibo had by conferring with Mr.
| Tims. Fetors, Jr., who is general
j manager of tin- Laurens county
j divisions, with headquarters m
| Dublin.
The Mutual Life Industrial of
fers many advantages to the man
S wishing insurance, and wo ask that
the people of this comity investi
gate the merits of this company
'before taking policies in other
companies. 'Phis company will
Intake contracts with hustling men
Ito represent thorn in this section,
and Mr. Peters will bo glad to cor
respond with responsible men in
regard to this. Write him at
once regarding insurance ih 0410 of
the best companies in the state.
It has $26,000 deposited with the
state t reasurer for the protection
, of its pol icy holders.
“good as wheat
As will hi*soon by report of D.
M. Currie and .Inn. M Hughes, a
, committee Irmn the Farmers I n
,! ion, our farmers are doing a real
,| practical tiling in Irving to intro
duce wheat growing here. Mr.
Alleorn of Ailey is putting in the
,*| mill to grind it, and it is urged
i Glut wheat be planted in Mnnt-
I j ginnery tbis year.
All parties are hereby waned
against crossing at Dell’s Ferry,
as tie* ferry is absolutely unsafe,
ami parties using same do so at
1 heir own peril. The Hat will be
1 repaired as early as possible, but
j must nut l»e used until further no
tice*. Dv order of the County
Commissioners, this the 12th day
of October, P.HtM.
J. C. Calhoun,
Clerk Superior Court,
NO, 23