Newspaper Page Text
Mr. .1. .1. Pridgen of tins place'
mentioned to the Enterprise this
w• <-k that he and Mr. A. G. Pat
ti rson of Alamo wanted to g»*t
the farmers of this section inter
ested in the cultivation of tobac-
He slated that if fifty farm- -1
i-rs could ho induced to agree to
plant one acre each in tobuccoi
that Mr. Patterson would make
arrarigements about getting the
t>. r-1 seed for them, would build
the necessary houses tor curing
mi me, a ml that all I he expense t he
fanners would lie put to would be
t lie net mtl cost of seed , t lie fei I il
i/.er, cultivating and gathering.
The soil in this section is easily
adapted to the growth of any pro
duct and we see no reason why to
baeco could not be placed in the
iikt of money making crops. This
Here growth would be largely in
the nature of an experiment, and
il i'am be done at no very consul-1
ei able cost, and nil those interest
ed can consult Mr. .1. .1. Pridgen,
<ii tins place or Mr. A. (5. Pntter
roii of Alamo iih to plans and def
initi- purposes they have in view
in making tins suggestion.
The Enterprise would lieglad to
see the test made. Many of the
older settlers here made tobacco a j
number of years ago, and it was
pronounced by good judges as be-;
ing as line qualit y as t hey had ev- !
er seen. While a trial now would
be an experiment to many, the
fact that this land w ill produce i
good tobacco, lias already been!
sufficient I v tested. —'Peifair Knfer
The New York Sun fears “if
I• rv.-in is idei'ted” Roosevelt will
not go to Africa. That would be
a calamity, but the people will
semi hint into Coventry, all the
sane.— Telegraph.
A eoiTespondent in thai match
less ngrii'iilt lira I guide, Home and
Earm, speaks .d the article, “'l'en
Acres Enough,“ which Home ami
Farm published during the .sum
mer mont Its, and says :
“Twice within a few months —
June lf>, July If)—we have not iced
in Home ami Farm the caption
“Ten Acres Enough. ■' It is high
ly suggestive. A good many years
ago we read the book yvitli this ti
tle, and the suggestion it convey
ed Inis stuck by u« till now. Ten
acres, even live acres, are enough
for hundreds of men, ami there
are hundreds who can. and do,
make good livings on Hindi small
areas as t heso.
Tin* suggestions contained in
the said articles are worthy of at
tention even limy. The first is
from Cooper, La., in which the
writer tells how he made his little
estate a veritable garden-farm,
where grows everything that is
raised in his section, and, of
course, he has need to Imv but
very little. He grows yvhat the
manual labor mail of tin* towns
1 ,ive to buy, yvhat tin* man might
grow for himself, il he would only
try hard enough. Doubtless this
man has a good deni of several
tiling' to sell. We will lie hound
that the family live well, and that
they enjoy good health. And the
owner is a flee man, and he en
joys to the full the rich blessings
of rural life, pure air, sunshine,
good water, retirement, peace.
The second article is from Fair
y **w. (la., and even the name of
the place is stimulating—fair
l»|os| >e«*ls. sweet birds, and syvoet
fiowers, elevated views and e\-
tended horizons. The writer of
tins is making a good living, en
joying life, though his farm is
small, and would hardly exchange
hi- home for the best stone front
in tow n. This writer advises ev
eryone who can. to go at once and
buy a little country borne."
“Since hearing Goveruortlughea
speak," declared Governor Hoke
Smith at Lincoln, Neb,, “1 am
positive we must elect Bryan."
And still Judge Taft and bis man
agers allow Gov. Hughes to run at
large making yvhat he calls Tan
speeches. Macon Telegraph.
At Dublin, Sunday night the
11th inst.,Mr. John Adkins,night
watchman at the Eastman Cotton
Mill, was assaulted, overpowered
and drugged. Five men, whose
laces were disfigured by colors,
' rushed in on him, overpowering
him and forcing a bottle into his
i mouth, caused him to swallow
some preparation, which left him
ma precarious condition. They
said their mission was to l< t. the
mill owners know that the mill
would he burned if it did not stop
lint tile prevailing opinion of those
most iot imulcly acquainted with
tin* incident don’t think il yvas
anything against the mill compa
ny, but that it. was parties on the
mill ground with ill-will tor the
n ight watch mail.
Do not keep any males with the
hens during fall and winter. This
to many may seem strange advice,
as some have an idea that the
hens will not lay if they have no
male with them. Nevertheless
t hey do lay, and lay more eggs.
They are more contented ami cost
less to keep than yvlien the noisy,
quarrelsome males are wit h them.
The males will emisumo more
lood than the liens They are la
zy and, as a_ ru I**, an the first to
have mites, as they do not dust
t hemsolves.
They an* quarrelsome mid gen
eral disturbers of the peace of the
(lock, and as the liens lay more
eggs wiilimit them, there is no
reason why they should be kept.
Those not wanted for next sea
son should lie sent to the market,
and those we need should he kept
in a yard as far from the hens ns
possible. Infertile eggs keep longer
than fertile eggs, and if vve send
them to market our customers
will soon note the difference.
All tin* profit during winter
time must come from eggs, and
yve cannot afford !•> neglect a sin
gle thing that should bo done. —
From the Poultry Yard in Home
and Farm.
The above rule, m> doubt,would
work admirably up in the colder
sections, but down here people
generally yvant to use the fall and
winter eggs for sitting hens so as
avoid the mites and other insects
which are so had here in spring
and summer months.
The Financial Age, in its week
ly review, effectively disposes of a
foolish Republican claim, which
is an unconscious slap at the pres
ent head of the Republican party.
Says the Age; “The idea that a
rising stock market indicates the
election of Mr. Taft is absurd. The
market is wholly in the bands of
speculators and riggers who can
manipulate it with perfect ease
unless some concrete vital fact
like this heavy foreign selling of
stock drops among them to upset
their (dans. Their idea yvas to
hire the public into buying on a
rising market that tln*y themselves
might get out just liefore or im
mediately after election. Prices
are too high now as compared
v\ it li uetual industrial eondi
i ions. “ —Macon Telegraph.
Keep up with news and happen-j
mgs of the county by reading tin*
Monitor. #1 a year, in advance.!
liorsi: FOR SALK.
A tbroom bouse, new and well
painted. Good barn, garden, etc.
(Iso, it.V acres ot land in Mt.
Vernon. All going at a Baiuiain.
For prices and terms see
H J. limits or
A. B. Hi'tchkson,
R-.Vtf Mt. Vernon, Ga.
All kinds Repair Work. Iron
and Wood. Fine line of Bicycle
Material on hand. High-Grade
Repair Work on Bicycles, Sewing
Mach lues, Guns. Revolv**!** and
Clocks. See me before -placing
your work: 1 will save you money.
Work promptly and neatly done
Georgia— Montgomery < 'minty,
j After four weeks notice pursuant
to section 254 Uof ih<- civil code of
Georgia a petition of which a true
and correct copy is subjoin, d, will bo
presented to the Honorable .1. H.
Martin of the superior court, at the
court house in said county on the 12th
day of November, I9OH.
A . M. Stkwak r.
Georgia—Montgomery < minty.
ITo the Hmi. .1. H. Martin, Judge of
the tsu pei ioi Con rl of said county.
The petition of A M Stewart slimv
!<-th; First: That he is guardian of
Lillie Adel Stewart, a girl twelve
| years of age, and Rabun R Stewart,
a boy ten years of age, heretofore
, duly appointed as such guardian in
| said comity.
Second. That he desires to sell for
I rein vestment at private sale to .las
McNutt for cash il e following prop
erty; the sumo being all of the real
! estate of Ins said wards, tmvit: Fifty
acres of land, lying anil being in I In*
; IBIHd Militia District of saiil county
j and hounded as follows: North by
laiuls 4>f M I. ('llrrie, east by lands of
I, I. I land!ton. south by lands ot I.
jA Nubhnnd w4-st l>y lands .>1 Jas
1 McNutt, for the sum of Four Hun
dred ($100) Dollars.
Third. Said bind is unimproved,
inconvenient, to churel) and school,
and lies off of the public road with
no way of Ingress and egress and
brings no revenue, not even enough
to pay taxes on same.
Fourth. Petitioner desires to invest
I fcne proceeds of such sale in certain
! farming lands of D Q Sellars, towit:
Sixty-six acres, more or less, of irn
proved land lying anil being within
n quarter of a mile of church ami
school and mi the Yidalia and Dull
lie public road In tin- htl-'t Georgia
Militia District, said county, bound
ed-ns follows . North by lands of
Nancy Rullard, easl ljy lai.ds of Pin
key l.adson,south hy lands L A Lahh
and west |>y land- of Jno N ('mini-11
at and for lln* sum of Five Hundred
Ilollars cash.
Fifth. Petitioner proposes to pay
the dificl'cnce between llie purchase
price 4>f the two tracts of land afore
said out of his own pocket and do
nate the same t.» his- said wards who
are Ids children.
Sixth. Petitioner shows that no
tice of Ids intention to make this ap
plication has been published once
a week for four weeks as required by
law, in the Montgomery Monitor
newspaper, being the newspaper in
which county advertisements are
usually published.
A. M. Stewart.
(ieorgin - Montgomery ('minty.
Sworn to and subscribed t.> before
me this the 7th day of October, lis is.
Ai>KX MiAktii i’ll, Ordinary.
Sheriff Sale.
(icniuiH -Montgomery (.'•■wily.
Will be sulci before die court Itoimo -lonr in
lit Vernon on tin I'nxt, Tuesday in Kovemls r,
t'.IOM, betwee n tin* legal bums of sale, to the
bicln-st biilib-i f"i- easli, .-t--tain property, ot
w bioh die following is a complete description:
Fifty acres of land more or less of
a certain tract or parcel ot land situ
ate. lying and being in tin* li!B6tli Ills
li \| of said county and state, ami
bmimh-d as follows: Oil tin* east by
lands of Spencer Coleman. on the
north by lands of John ('laxtoii, on
the west by a tract of land known as
the "Headache tract” and mi the
south by lands of Harmon Willis.
Said laud being in the possession of
R. W. Willis, and levied on as flu
property of It. \Y Willis t.o satis
fy an execution issued from the (Tty
Court of Ml Vernon in favor of the
Citizens Rank of Yidalia vs It W
Willis, A Gillis, J F Phillips and
| Wilder Phillips. Written notue of
| levy given defendant in terms of the
I law. This tin* (itli day of October,
' l!IOK. A. J .' Itl KCll.
Sheriff City Court, Mt Vernon.
Jones & Sparks, A ttys for Plff.
Sheriff Sale.
deni-gin Montgomery Comity.
Will bo sold before tin ennrt house floor ill
Mt Vernon on tbe first Tuesday iu November,
' I inis, between the legal hours of aide, to tbe
highest hiddi r foi oahli, eertaiu property, ol
which the following is a complete uiacriplimi:
One certain tract or .of of land sit
uate, lying and being in tin* l.'iStith
DUG M of said county and state,
and containing ;(4 acres more or h-ss.
and bounded as follows :<>n flu* north
j hy lands of J l> Calhoun, on the east
by lands of Dlt Phillips,on flu* south
hy lands of \Y M Phillips and on the
west by lands of Clarissa J Adams.
Levied on as the property of D H
Phillips to satisfy an execu'im is
sued from the city court of Mr Ver
j non in favor of the Farmers’ Rank
| of Adrian vs R W Phillips ami 1) H
Phillips. Property pointed out by
plaintiff's attorney, and written no
tice of lew giviui defendant as re
quired by law. This the Oth day of
October," UWS. A.J. Bi rch
Sheriff ('. < ’.. Mt Vernon.
A. K. Smith, A tty for Plff.
GEORGIA Nl out ginnery County.
Will be uoM b fore ilu* court liousu door ia
Mt V t inen on the t'u-e I’m sdav in N.-u-mli, r.
PICS, between the legal hewin <*l Mir, to tie
highest bidder for eieib, certain propiity.of
which the following is a complete ib-siTiption:
One certain hay man* niuh*. about
fifteen (to) hands high and about
nine (it) years old,and named Itliody.
.■'.•liil animal levied on a- tin* proper
ty of M L Phillips hy virtue of a
mortgage foreclosure issued front the
city court of Mt Vernon in favor of
It il Smith vs M i, Phillips. Writ
ten notice of levy given defendant
•is required by law. This the fith day
of October, lifcfeh a .1 Burch.
Sheriff City Court Mt Vernon.
M. H. Calhoun, Airy for Plff.
Oc-rgir Montgomery County.
To all whom u way concern :
S I Meadow* ot said »i*t<. having in prop
er foim »l*pii«st to me a* creflilor of Benjamin
K. Inman for permanent letters of aflmiiiie
nation on the estate of said Inman latent tai l
comity, hi'-eH'-'l. min is t-> cite all and singu
lar ihe credit-«> and heirs of sai l benjamin
K Inman to be and an|sar at my office at the
»xi November term ot the court >-t Or-tinaiy
ot said count', ami show cans. , if any they
ian why permanent le ier> of administration
siioold ii-'l he grant- -t n> sai-i > ,1. Mt ad-'.''
on the estate -I mud Benjamin F. Inman. Wiu
m<»' n'v hand amt . ffi.-iat signature thi- tith
day of October, IMS. Aixx McAktiivh.
Ordinary of Montgomery County
# **,*********************+***************
| ... and... 1
\ Real Estate For Sale I
* £
vr ■—■■■■ ——■ - t r i*
jjtz . Wo have money to Loan in an} 7 amount from *(B
# It you need any come to see us. Time, 4£
S r> Years; I n^oros t per cent. We J
# isgli| also have some of the Finest Farms %
i toombs county for sale |
# #•
# £
come to our office, where you will be welcome at any time. &
| T. 11. JOHNSON, Pres. J. WADE JOHN SON, Soc-Tmis. %
* 4^
Farm for Sale.
My home place, four miles from
Tarry town and a mile and a-iialf
from river. 2RO acres, with Ob in
cultivat ion and under good fence.
New 0-room house, complete with
barns and outhouses. To he sold
at a bargain. See me at once.
L. 11. Miller,
92441. Tarry town, Ga.
Having bought all notes and ac
counts which were accepted by the
receiver for I). S. Barnhill, I here
by notify all parties owing any
thing—note or account —to come
forward and arrange the matter at
once, and thereby save further
cost and trouble. Geo. IL. Tyler,
Soperton, Ga. 9-28-4 t.
The Monitor office is headquart
ers for the finest, job printing.
Georgia—Montgomery <'entity:
To ail whom if may concern :
P. .1. Davis having made appliea
-1 tion to me in due form to In* appoint
i i'il permanent administrator upon the
i estate of Mary A. Davis, late of said
j county, notice is hereby given that
saiil application will lie heard at the
• regular term of the court of Ordi
j miry for said county to lie held on
idle first Monday in November, IROH.
Witness my hand and official sigua
! lure this the sth day of October.l9oß.
Ai.iix McArthi r. Ordinary.
{ \ H. I*. v \NON W. ti. BAIIMViLL ][
j! CANON &
i; Cotton Factors mid jj
220 Ha\ E SAVASNAH, QA. j|
J ; Miml-.'rs Savannah (' -non Exchange) i ]
]I Hamilcrs of Upland. Sc-
Island Florodora Cotton j]
Special Attemion Ql>eo to
F. 0. B. Cotton
Handlers of Upland and Sea- lj
Island Bagging, Ties
and Twine
...... -
► May 20th, out of a Possible Order of
t S I OO,OOO From U. S. Government
► For Shoes, the BROWN SHOE CO. was awarded
£ the contract for 4
t $42,000 Worth of "5 Shoes. <
This wae per cent, of the entire order, the i
balance of the order being divided am mg several <
£ concerns. J
£ The contracts were not given to the lowest bidder, but to
► those who offered the best quality nt the most reasonable price, <
£ and this is the reason why the Brown Shoe Co. was fortunate 4
£ in landing the greatest part of this order. *
► Merit and service count most with the government experts.
£ The Brown Shoe Co. has been successful during the past three
£ years in obtaining a large number of contracts similar to the
► present 0110, and it. is greatly through the experience of the
£ Government in having these Shoes prove Satisfactory that the
► present contract was received.
► We have 500 more pairs due 111 a few days. By keeping up
£ our stock with good goods at right priees, we are able to dem-
P onstrate that we handle more shoes and better shoes than any
► other concern. The Brown Shoe Co. make the goods, and we *
£ sell them siniplv because they are the best and cheapest. *
\ M C RAE & BRO. Mt. VERNON, i
: 3
p Loans of any amount from S3OO to $50,000 on farms in Mont- a
;v; gomery and adjoining counties. No delays for inspection, g
p Have lands examined by a man living near you.
§ LOANS ON FIVE YEARSJIME, payable in easy installments to g
p suit borrower.
5* s
p Merchants Bank Building Mcßae, Ga. |
V* g
The Montgomery Monitor and the Savannah
Semi-Weekly News, one year, 81.75.