Newspaper Page Text
kjV *1 I*l Gi•#* g* G • <*» *7l Gl *
VOL. Will.
The Montgomery County Teach- j
_ ors’ Institute, with Prof. M. L. |
tirittain as expert, began its cn-j
liual session here Monday morn- j
ing, to continue until tomorrow]
evening. This session is being
well attended, and much interest !
is shown on the part of the teach- ]
ers present. A very pleasing fea
ture of the week is the lectures]
given by Prof. Brittain, the first j
of the series having been given at I
the Union Baptist Institute Mon
day evening. During the week
these lectures will be given in the
court house, and the public is cor
dially invited to attend. Mr. Brit
tain is county school commission
er of Fulton county, and a man
of splendid ability.
On account of lack of space,we
cannot give at this time n full re- j
port of the meeting, but in the
next issue will give a more com
plete account of the work done by
the teachers.
Cattle Wanted.
Parties wanting to sell cattle
will do well to see or address
Mt. Vernon, Ga.
1 Victorian Notes |
— i*
5; Items From the Girls Society of the yV
«! Union Baptist Institute. :•*
y!j By Miss Imogene Achom.
The Victorian Society held its !
regular meeting last Saturday, j
both the literary and business de- j
partments being well attended.
As all of the pupils who take
piano lessons were obliged to be
absent, from this meeting, we de
cided to postpone our program
until next Saturday’s meeting,
when both programs will he ren
dered .
Most of the girls are doing bet
ter work in t lie society this year
than they have ever done.
Dr. M. D Cowart, the dentist of
Savannah, will be in Mt. Vernon
Monday and Tuesday, Nov. 2d and
84, to meet his old patrons. If
in need of high-class dental work,
see Dr. Cowart here on Monday
and Tuesday next, Mt. Vernon.
Keep up with news and happen
ings of the county by reading the
Monitor. a year, in advance.
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Superior Court convenes here
Monduy morning.
Mrs, Chas. Hicks of Dublin ar
rived a few days ago to visit rela
tives in and near Sit. Vernon.
Save your orders for jewelry for.
Wood & Son. They will be at the !
Mt. Vernon Drug Co’s place du
ring court with a very fine line to;
select from. High-class repairing
done by them also.
We nan show by five hundred
farmers in Montgomery county i
that the White Hickory Wagon is
the best on the market.
Mcßae & Bro.
While you are here during court;
week you will have ail opporttini*j
ty of buying the best in High-,
Class Jewelry, Watches and Din-|
monds. Do not fail to call. Wood j
<fc Son, Mt. Vernon Drug Co.
Ask the man who has a White
Hickory Wagon how he likes it, i
you will then want one. ]
J Mcßae & Bro. ,
Mrs. F. Lee Mcßae is visiting
relatives in Grays, Ga.
We are now giving a special dis
count on Shoes in lots from two
pairs up. Mcßae & Bro.
See the ladies at the court house,
for oysters nest veek.
jSljr iMmttgnmvrg tttmutm -
Ailoy Paragraphs. !
I Suomi Correspondency.
; Miss Mary Skipper of South
: Carolina is the guest, this week of
Mrs. M. L. Skipper.
Miss Pattie Fuqua and Mr. R.
i B. Snooks were out driving Sun-)
day afternoon. |
j * * I
j* J. B. Jones and son Willie have)
j returned from Atlanta where they]
j attended both the fair and the old
I soldiers’ reunion.
j Drs. .1. \V. Palmer and J. IT.
Dees are attending the annual as-!
sociation of Seaboard Air Line!
! Railway surgeons which is in ses
sion this week at. Columbia, S. C.
Rev. J. B. Rabun filled his reg
ular appointment here Sunday.
X. A. McNutt, and family of
Lyons visited at the home of Jas.
McNutt Sunday,
W. T. Mcßride and sister Miss
Clyde attended Sunday school
here Sunday afternoon.
The entertainment at the hotel
given Monday evening in honor of
Miss Skipper was enjoyed by all
who attended.
Miss Flora C. Peterson is visit
ing friends in Mcßae this week,
j Mrs. M. L. Skipper and sistor,
j M iss Mary, made a flying trip to
j Lyons Tuesday.
Dr. Crowder attended the fair
in Atlanta last week, returning
; home Sunday.
i j Miss Louise McArthur was the
] | guest <rf Mrs. A. A. Peterson Sun
il da r-
M Mrs. A. A. Peterson visited
1 friends in Vidalia Monday.
J John M. 1). McGregor and wife
• attended the fair in Atlanta last.]
| week.
F. M. Hancock of Abbeville, |
j has accepted a position with thej
firm of W. J. &T. A. Peterson. 1
District Court, of the United States
Eastern Division, Southern Dis
trict, of Georgia. In Bankruptcy.
Notice of application for Dis
charge in Bankruptcy.
In the matter of Murray Rob
inson, bankrupt,county of Toombs,
Georgia. To the creditors of the
above named bankrupt: You are
hereby notified that the above
mentioned bankrupt has filed his
application for a discharge from
jail the debts provable in bank
ruptcy against the said Murray
Robinson. The said application
will be heard by the Hon. Emory
Speer, Judge of the United States
District Court for said division
and district, at the United States
court house, at Savannah, on the
81st day of October, 1908. All
creditors of said bankrupt are no
tified to appear at the time and
place stated, and show cause, if
ony they can, why the prayer con
tained in said petition should not
be granted. Dated at Savannah,
Ga., this 20th day of October,
1908. T. F. Johnson, Clerk.
W. G. Wood & Son of Lyons
will be in Mt. Vernon during
court week mith an excellent line
of Watches, Diamonds and Jewei
,ry, and it will pay you to see
I them. At Mt. Vernon Drug Co’s.
| We shall fie glad to have visi-,
tors call and see the new office
j when attending court here next
j week—especially those who are
indebted to the paper, and who
make it a point to pay up during
court week.
, Mrs. J. F. HaH has been ill for
several days.
A new girl baby at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McCullough.
See J. M. D. McGregor of Ailey
for rust-proof seed oats He has
j them in any quantity,at best price.
If you have any cattle for sale,
see Mr. Felix Williamson, Route
1, Mt. Vernon. He is in the
market for them.
Mrs. J. I. Fountain has return
ed from Atlanta, and is improved
1 in health.
How about your next suit of
I Clothes? We have a line that 1
will interest you in price and;
quality. Mcßae & Bro.
A new and np-to-date hue of
• Ladies’and Children’s Coats just
received. Mcßae & Bro.
A,company to corner tme
Sun, attach meters to
each ray, and sell sun
beams at so much per
foot, lias not yet been
Tell your wife she is the
ligiitning hug’of your
dark existanco. A smile
dispels trouble.
Groans a d d nothing to
growth Make 1908 the
best year of your life.
Get the work habit ;
plant somelning—pota
toes, poultry, pigs, any
thing—and you will har
vest a crop of prosperity.
“1 am afraid your wife
will lose her voice.” ‘‘l
wish 1 could share your
fears, doctor.”
A gentleman is one who
keeps his promises to
those who cannot en
force them.
Don’t sigh for the good
old days.” Wo didn't
have any telephone, ru
ral mail delivery nor
appendicituß then. Keop
It is easy for a married
man to rejoice over the
birth of twins next
By remembering disagree
able things, one’s mind
becomes a hatchery of
discontent. In oiling up
your Forgettnry, don’t
forget, the good things
to be found in this store.
Dry Goods Ribbons
Laco Curtains ( orsets
Dress (joods Ibuscs
Handkerchiefs Not ions
Shirt Waists Hats
Underwear Shoes
Suspenders Candies
Yes! 1908, we know you are a busy chap You
have only a short time to live, but vou must carry
our message to all the people in this section. Whis
per in their ear that the t hings t lies' need —whet her
to furnish the home, clothe the back or feed the
stomach—can be bought in this store (on an aver
age), at a percentage* in their favor over any and all
competition. What is bought here is bucked up and
guaranteed bv men who can be met every day. lace
o face.
“Well, let her panic.” Cellar full of
potatoes, bins full of wheat, cribs full ot
corn, plenty of fat bogs and good cattle,
wood pile as liigb as the house, and money
in the bank. Guess it’s about time for
those Wall Street fellows, who have been
poking fun at us fanners, to sit, up and
take notice.
The Monitor is requested to an
nounce that the ladies of the
, Methodist church will serve j
oysters at the court house during;
court house during superior court. :
The tables will probably be j
'spread in the Justice Court room j
at the noon hour each day of court i
land the yisitors are asked to pat
ronize them. The proceeds will
for a worthy 'unc.
The Family Motto a Safe One .
Wc arc at home. Wo arc here to stay.
We like the count it. We like each other,
and we are all boosters for this section.
Handing you an article in exchange for cash
is not the whole thing. The salt of success is
loyally, friendship and helpfulness. We —you
and ourselves —xx ill turn to each other as we
would for desired information.
W o will help to spread your table with good
things, and wo will supply you with durable
and comfortable wearing apparel. You will
get big* values for your money. This is a store
of quality. The best in the beginning is al
ways the cheapest in the end.
We want every hoy and girl in this section
from one to ninety years young* to make this
store a meeting* place—a council chamber—a
school room for studying quality, prices, things
that lit and ast and suit.
Mrs. Jus. 11. Daniel and little
daughter returned to Belleville
i Sunday afternoon after spending
some time with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. D. W. Folsom, Mr. Dan-!
id having corne up for them. In j
| a few weeks they will remove to
I tin •ir former home in Bulloch |
county, where Mr. Daniel will op
erate his saw mill for another
year, after which Belleville will be
t heir permanent home.
Shoe Talk.
Right. now Shoes iiro our
long-suit, nn (I everybody
11 <■<•<Ih ii pair of coinfortablo
uni] serviceable shoos and
overshoes. I'KM KM BKR
‘‘Knowledge is power,
Keonoiny is wealth,
And to keep well shod
Improves one’s health.”
We can supply tho entire
family. We have a complete
line, from infant’s soft-sole
to warm easy-wearing felt
lined shoes for Grandmother.
A splendid line of heavy
SOLID LEA 111 10It Shoes for
every-day and school wear,
and dress shoes in all styles,
prices and leathers, for Gliil
dren, Misses, Boys, Ladies
and Men. Also a line of
High-Topped Boots fbr men,
We have special bargains
in a lot of accumulations, in
assorted sizes that we will
sell for about half the origi
nal price. We will show you
the largest assortment of
good shoes ever seen in this
section to select from, and
will guarantee to save you
money on every purchase,
and will absolutely guaran
tee perfect satisfaction on
any shoe you bay.
It will cost you nothing to
see what we have, and got our
prices. It may mean money
for both of us.
Special Corn Hpof)rt'*uc«-.
C. F. Gordon and wife attended
the funeral of Mrs. Joe Horton a!
Philadelphia church in Jeff Davis
county last Friday.
Ellis Moseley who has spent, the
past three months at his uncle’s;
in Guysie is back home to the de- j
light of his many friends.
Charlie and Chap Johnson spent
Saturday night ut Mr. Lem Ad- j
To be a Permanent Member
of Our
Window Sliudcs Collars
Cliinuwurc Cloves
C roekc ‘ry N (*c k wou r
Oil Cloth Hosiery
lilies, (‘to. Umltiellus
Furnishings Luces
Lumps Shirts
Don’t, have tin* fooling that, yon iniiHt, buy when
you eomo into lliiH store. Take it cany—look aroudd
—get posted—inspect, our goods. Clothes don’t
make the man —unither do prom, sos make the mer
chant, hilt, a liberal inspection of the goods piled up
and scattered around in this more will tell you
whether or not tlnn in the right place to get the right
goods at the right priceH. Come in and nee tin.
Do you ladieve t hat m ding your hus
iiiess to t he mail order houses in t.lieeit ies
helps to reduce your taxes, or add* to the
value of your farm, or helps to build a
good road from your place to town ? Sup
pose one or alI of us merchants were to
quit, business; would it increase the value
of your farm? Read this again and think
it over.
f a
g SI.OO t»ER YEAR, f
* a
The man or woman who
buys, wants facts, not
Almost any sort of an old
hen is willing to swap
eggs for good feeding.
If you are too lazy to
open the f r o n t. door
when fortune rings the
hell, don’t expect her to
go to tho hack door and
Bravery Blackens the eyes
of bad luck.
Tale l a day oil to tight the
implement and vehicle
trust by painting up
your vehicles and farm
ing tools.
A man’s head is like his
pocket book ; it’s not
hmv it. looks, hut what
it. contains t hat counts.
The man who doubts him*
self, is like tho chap
who rowed all night with
liih boat t ied to a stake.
Railroads are planting
trees to raise cross-ties
for future use. A good
investment. Try it.. Plant
a tree every time you
gel a chance.
Go ii rage a n d enthusiasm
are twin children of
Don’t be so unfair to you r
sclf as to buy before
looking over our stock.
Remember the bank will
not accept excuses to be
deposited to your credit.
I*. M , M use ley and family spent
Sunday at his brother’s.
.1 M Davis of near Glenwood
is visit ing at the home of C. K.
Mrs. Eliza Barlow spent Tues
day night with her daughter, Mrs.
C. P. Moseley.
Ed Barlow spent a few days of
last week with relatives here.
J. M. Davis and Miss Amanda
Gordon were out riding Sunday
day afternoon. Farmer’s Girl.
NO. 2*