Newspaper Page Text
Sheriff Hester returned last
week from Monroe, La., where lie
was called to return home with
Jordan Swain, accused of the
murder of W. C. Beasley in the
upper part of the county October
2, 1908.
Swain wa9 detained by officers
in Louisiana, and Sheriff Hester
was wired to come for him.
Swain was placed in the county
jail at this place to await his trial
at the May term of the superior
court, but on yesterday morning,
for reasons best known to the au
thorities, Mr. Hester took him to
Savannah, for keeping in the
Chatham county jail. Gov. Smith
had offered a reward of s* 100 for
liis arrest with proof to convict.
The prisoner seemed willing to re
turn to this county when captured
in Louisiana.
Savannah, Ga., Jan. 18. —To
fight any effort to remove the
shop forces of the Atlantic Coast
Line from Savannah to Waycross
a committee that will represent
the entire city went to Wilming
ton, N. C., this afternoon to urge
the claims of this city upon the
officials of the road. The com
mittee includes Alderman M.J.i
Kavanaugh, Leopold Adler and
J. Ferris Cann, chamber of com
merce, and J. Ward Motte, board
of trade and county commiss
Mayor Tiedemun and Harvey
Granger and J. A. G. Carson will
seek an interview in New York
With the principal owner of the
the road and take up the fight
with him.
Special Correspondence.
Our school is moving along at
rapid strides—about 95 schollars
are enrolled, and more will come
in a little later on.
Mrs. Brantley and children of
Vidalia visited her parents, Mr.
find Mrs. Hart, last week and re
turned home Sunday.
. We were shocked to hear of the
drowning of Mr. S. L. Fulford’s
baby. The sad accident happened
~ H. L. Morris of this place vis
ited homefolks Saturday.
The Stuckey Sunday school is
progressing nicely regular at
tendance about one hundred.
Among those from here at
tending preaching at Erick Sun-!
day wers : Olin Barlow, Horace |
Goff, Mrs. M. A. Barlow, Millie |
and Effie Goff.
Mrs. Della Joiner, Misses Vel
ma and Nina Joiner visited their
mother and father, Mr. and Mrs.
Prayer meeting is in a prosper
ous condition, and continues to
grow in interest.
Mr. John B. McDaniel of the
U. B. I. visited his uncle, Mr. J.
D. McDaniel, at this place a few j
days ago.
Mr. Albert Jordan of Wrights-!
ville visited the family of Mr. P. j
A. Hart a few days since. He left
Thursday for Helena.
L. A. Hattaway is visiting rela- j
tives near Dublin.
J. M. Hattaway is now attend-’
ing school in Atlanta.
The farmers and business men |
are all quite busy getting ready
for the duties of the new' year.
Black Eves. j
Clerk of Court J. C. Calhoun isj
qu-ite ill this week, having been
threatened with pneumonia.
(Tin* fHnntrimtmT, Iftmtitiir.
i A telegram received by The
t J Monitor yesterday announces the
J sudden death of Editor George
,! Folsom of the Tattnall Journal,
,i published at lieidsville.
, J While Mr. Folsom has not been ;
r strong for many years, the illness J
which brought his death was of
5 but a few hours duration, and his
„ life was brought to a sudden close j
Tuesday evening, heart failure
r being attributed as the immediate
I cause of Ins death.
Mr. Folsom was about fifty J
years of age, and followed the,
i newspaper business since early,
boyhood, having commenced the j
. printing business under Major
i Hancock at Columbus, and later
’I lived at Albany, Americus, East
man and Brunswick, having lived
about eighteen years in Brunswick.
On account of declining health he
moved with his family to Iteids
ville, November, 1896, since which
time lias conducted the Tattnall
Journal, one of the most success
ful weekly papers in the state.
Possibly no newspaper man in
the state was better known and
claimed a larger circle of friends j
than this jovial, kind hearted
member of the Georgia weekly
press, whose presence was sun
slime and good cheer to bis fel
low man. He leaves a devoted
wife, (nee Miss Cotney of Ameri
cas) two sons and two daughters,
the elder of the bys, Russell, hav
ing been connected with his fath
er’s business for several years.
Mr. Folsom was an official mem
ber of the Presbyterian church
and a member of the Masonic
The editor of tins paper was very
closely associated with Mr. Fol
som for many years, and later we
hope to pay a more fitting tribute
to bis memory.
Shiloh Items.
Special Correspondence.
The candy pulling at the home
of W. W. Tompkins Monday night
was enjoyed by all present.
N. J. Vaughan lias returned
from a several days’ visit to lluz
elh urst.
Mrs. Maud Vaughan and Mrs.
Eva Clarke visited McArthur Fri
O. J. Clarke visited Mr, J. J.
Vaughan Thursday.
Bill Gulbreth of Florida was a
visitor in this section a few days
! recently.
Miss Sadie Vaughan returned
j Sunday from Laurens county
where she spent several weeks.
The Misses Coursons of Spring
lull spent Sunday very pleasantly
with Miss Bessie Tompkins.
Miss Myra Clements of Alamo,
is spending the week with her sis- j
ter, Mrs. Mary June Adams.
Carl Ryals was among Lite many
! visitors to Towns Sunday.
L The entertainment given by
Miss Olive Mitchell Friday night
| was enjoyed by all who attended.
Lee Stanford of Darby square:
j made a flying trip to Tarrytown j
Misses Vic Vaughan and Myra
{Clements visited the Tompkins j
I home Sunday. Billie.
Stray Mule.
| Strayed from my lot, one Black j
Mare Mule, white mouth, weighs j
| about 1,000 pounds, scar on left |
| side of neck, and has a long busby j
tail. Liberal reward will be paid i
for information leading to her re- (
covery. Luther Strong,
j Route 2. Lumber City, Ga. J
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Mr. J. N. Price of near Vidalia
; was a business visitor to this of
j lice Monday. He lias faith in the
j county paper, and it goes regular*
, ly to Ins home.
See the new ad of the Mt. Ver
! non Drug Co, They sell garden
and field seeds in bulk, and carry
j a full line at all seasons.
j Mr. J. M. Fordham and .Tudgo
j Joe Purvis of Alamo were in to
see us Monday afternoon.
There will be services hi the
Methodist church at this place on
the fifth Sunday, morning and
evening, Blab mat.
Onion sets, the finest to be had,
at Palmer Drug Store, Ailey.
Don’t keep your child out of
school any longer.
The regular service will be held
at the Methodist church in Glen
wood on Saturday and Sunday
next. The good people in touch
with this house of worship are
cordially invited to attend the
! services.
Second crop early seed potatoes
for sale by Palmer Drug Store, i
Ailey, Ga.
Ruching, single and double,will
be found at Mrs. Adams’.
Having received the office of
sheriff at the hands of the citizens
of Montgomery county, and hav
ing entered upon the duties there
of, it, is my desire to execute the
business of the office in a manner
acceptable and pleasing to the j
people of the county; and to this
end J ask the aid of the law-abid
ing citizens. J ask no privilege
beyond that conferred by law and
common courtesy; neither will I,
grant favors not 111 keeping witli |
law as regards the duties of the
It is my purpose to administer
the obligations of the office in a
systematic and regular manner,
and in this is especially asked the |
assistance of the legal fraternity j
practicing at the county bar. 1 111
this connection I wish to state)
that the matter of receiving and |
serving legal papers coining I
through this office must have my
personal attention, as directed by
law, and not be consigned toother
parties without the proper author-1
ity. In this manner only can a
proper record be kept of legal pa
pers and the transactions involved.
Promptness, too, will greatly fa
cilitate the work of the office and
the courts of the county,and mat-!
ters intended for execution
through this office must be placed |
directly in my hands in ample|
time for correct service. Where
I settlements demand the attention
I of this office, I insist that same he
j ...
‘ made through this office as fur as
! the law directs, thus saving great
! disorder with the records of the)
j office. Wliile I have the highest
regards for the members of the
! county bar, and those who prac
tice in our bounds, I must insist
I that they comply with the above I
requests, thereby assisting me
with the duties incumbent upcn j
me. Very respect) ully,
James Hester,
j Sheriff Montgomery County, Ga.
Stray Cow.
Strayed from my lot in Soper
-1 ton one Ilolstein-Jersey cow with
no marks. Information leading
to her recovery will be rewarded.
J. E. Kicks,
I 1124 t Soperton, Ga.
i The most complete lino of val
• entines found at Palmer Drug
» Store, Alley. Do not fail to see
• them, even if you do not buy.
Hear Rev. E. L. St. Claire in
Mt. Vernon next Wednesday eve
ning, 27tli inst.
No better Fertilizer on the mar
ket than Armour’s High-Grade,
, and it is for sale by C. H. Smith,
Mcßae, Ga. See him now.
Lawrence Conner, one of the
best young farmers of the Iliggs
ston section, was hero Tuesday.
Prof. F. C. Dane of Glenwood.
and It is cousin, R. B. Dane, who
is teaching near Longpond, spent
Saturday in Mt. Vernon. While
here the Monitor’s Bwnctum was
graced by their presence.
New ehißt.ic belts, combs and
hnndkerchiets at Mrs. Adams’.
Just received, gomiino Burt 90
day Seed Oats, 0111011 Sets and
Seed Potatoes. Prices made on
application. The Cassels Compa
ny, Savannah, Ga.
Miss Daisy Hughes of Ludowici
is visiting relatives in Mt. Vernon.
She will bo remembered by many
friends here as a former visitor.
Call around and see the new
fashion Barrettes at Mrs. Adams’.
111 the last issue of The Monitor
it was mentioned in a local that
Mrs. L. A. Montgomery wascriti-j
cally ill, but before the paper was 1
fully before the public, death bad!
relieved tins saint ly old Indy from !
the intense pum with which she!
suffered for several days.
About three weeks ugo Mrs. 1
I Montgomery, whose home is in
j Sumter, S. 0., came out to visit
; her son, Rev. Charles Montgom
ery of the Presbyterian church,
and before she bad been here a
week was taken ill; and while she
| suffered for some days, it was
j thought that she would soon re
j cover, until Wednesday morning
| last she was stricken with pnrnly
j sis, from which she died in the
j afternoon about five o’clock, not
! having gained consciousness from
the morning attack. She was at-j
tended by her soil, Dr. R. M.|
| Montgomery, and other physiei
niis, but seemed to have passed
beyond human effort.
Her da lighter,M rs. W itherspoon,
of South Carolina, was with her'
also. During the ministry of about
twelye years of her son at tins
i place, Mrs. Montgomery has vis
-1 ited here a number of times, and
I was bold in high esteem by a large!
' circle of friends, and her recent
return to Mt. Vernon was bulb'd
with delight.
The remains were taken to her j
home in Sumter for burial in Cnn-j
j cord cemetery, and were accomjm-1
1 nied by Rev. Clms. Montgomery,
Dr. Montgomery and Mrs. With
spoon. She leaves other sons be
sides these, whose names we do
not know. Sho wus 77 years of
uge. The death of Mrs. Mont
gomery brought tears to many
! who have learned to love her, and
j the deepest sympathy is tendered
the family.
Mrs. W. A. Peterson and chil
dren left yesterday morning for a
| trip to Atlanta.
The family of Dr. Chas. Hicks
of Dublin are moving down this
week. Mrs. Hicks lias been at
Mcßae for several days. Many
friends in Mt. Vernon welcome
Friday morning, 15th inst., the
sweet little baby of Mr. and Mrs.
8. L. Full ford was snatched by
Iho cruel hand of death from its
devoted parents without a mo
ment's notice, and consequently
1 many relatives and friends mingle
their tears with tho heart-crushed
Little Hindis, while playing on
tho hack porch, happened to full
into n tuh of water, and wus
It is only those who have passed
through the trying ordeal of giv
ing up their loved ones who can
1 rll ly sympathize with the parents,
but we would say, weep not, for
dour little Gladis is now sweetly
resting—folded in the arms of
Jesus, who lias'said, “Os Such is
tho Kingdom of Heaven.”
Little Gladis was 1 year, one
and a half mouths old, and un
usually bright for one of her age,
and wo feel a vacancy lias been
made in the homo which can never
I be filled, yet we must, bow to
God’s will—Ho knows best.
May wo all live so us to clasp
bands with Gladis and other loved
ones when wo meet “on the other
shore,” is the wish of her
Glenwood, Ga., Jun'y 19, ’O9.
Get 111 line "or a prosperous
now year. If you are a farmer,
you need the best in Fertilizer.
It’s Armour’s, and it is sold Hi
this section by C. 11. Smith,
Mcßae, Ga.
If CjJo Where You Can Ahvay (jet Them
We Imvo mi liivnd a Full, Wall Selected Stock of
Fresh Garden Hoed. They arc; Guaranteed to bo
Fresh, iih wo liavo not carried seed until now j
§< The Most Complete Line of Stationery to he Found Anywhere.
I 5 Ise Sure to see our Special Offer on High-Grade Bex Papers.
Everything used in Home and School for Writing to he Found
V< Here, together with a Complete Line of Sundries.
p ! :
We Carry a Full Line of Public School Hooks, and can supply
p Pupils on Short Notice. We make Specialties of
£1) . .
% Perfumes, Soaps, Toilet Articles, etc.
New Line High-Grade Candies.
Come to Alley and See Our Lino Before You Buy.
| Palmer Drug Store
I am located at Mt. Vernon w ith ||
i: a Car Load of
All well broke. Owing to scare- j
ity of money I can give you big bar- i;
gains in this stock.
The County Commissioners ora
still looking to the improvement
1 of tho court house square, their
latest effort being the erection of
splendid watering hasin on the
north-west corner of the square.
This is very convenient to the
public, as pure drinking water
, may also bo had at this point.
Formerly the only access to tho
water was at a single spigot near
the jail or at tho county woll du
ring pumping hours, outside of
tho court house.
Having been cleared up, graded
and laid with tile walks ami sur
rounded with a low brick wall, the
public square now presents «,
splendid appearance, and is in
j keeping with the demands of the
times and the development of the
For Sale.
NE| of SE.i of tract BO of Tlios,
Cooper’s land grant. Make me an
offer. GEO. GIEGOLD, 708 U
Centre Avenue, Chicago, 111.
House For Kent.
Good 7-room house in fine re
pair, with conveniences. Also ‘J
acres good land with same. Con
veniently located. Possession giv
en immediately. This property
is also offered for sale. Reasonable
price. Easy terms.
T. E. Roushs,
l-7-Bt. Mt. Vernon, Ga.
NO. 3 6