Newspaper Page Text
Speaking of the removal of the j
shops of the Atlantic Coast Line ;
from Savannah to Wayeross,*the j
Savannah Nows of Tuesday says :
“Savannah will make no furth
er protest to the removal of the
Coast Line shops to Wayeross.
The matter was decided yester
day at a meeting of the original
committee appointed by the may
or to represent Savannah in the
matter. In addition there were
present, Major \V. W.Williamson,
president of the chamber of com
merce, and Mr. John Parker, pres
ident of the Retail Merchants'
Mr. Leopold Adler presided,and
called for the individual express
ions of all present. That “change
had come o’er the spirit of the
dream,” became at once apparent.
The membeVs stated that since
thinking the matter over they had
come to the conclusion that there
would be no profit in opposing the
removal of the shops to Wayeross
since the removal was practically
The committee passed a resolu
tion to the effect that the Coast
Line should be notified of the ac
tion of the committee, taking care
to remind Vice President Kenly
of his promise that the Coast
Line should do all in its power j
for the upbuilding of Savannah j
in the future and that it would be j
held up as a mark to which the!
road would be expected to live.
All members of the committee
will sign the letter to Mr. Kenly,
and Ins promises to the commit
tee will be recited therein. The
committee expresses appreciation
of the business sense which die- j
tated the concentration of the j
shops at a central location on the |
system of the Coast Line, and in !
short doesn't purpose to lose any
ammunition by shooting m the i
8p( cial CorrcH|!ondenco.
Miss Mary Moss, who lias been :
very sick for the past three works, j
is improving we are glad to say.
F. C. Adams, wife and children !
spent Sunday at P. M. Moseley’s, j
John C. Morris, a popular young i
man of Hack Branch, was among
friends here Sunday’.
Miss Florence Moseley is visit
ing friends in Appling county’.
Miss Pearl Johnson was the'
guest of Miss Thetus Gray Sun
Mrs. Nettie Byrd spent last
week with her brother, Mr. Grover
Ellis Moseley and sister, Miss'
Louranie, were visitors at the
home of M. 11. Godwin Sunday
Miss Esther Parish of Hack
Branch spent last week with her
aunt, Mrs. It. L. Hall.
C. P. Moseley, who lias been sick
for the past week, is up again we
are glad to say.
Prof. Dane of Fairview spent
Sunday at J. \V. Moseley’s, guest
of Prof. Tomlinson.
Mrs. Nettie Bvrd and Miss Lou
raine Moseley were the guests of
Mrs. J. B. Conner Monday after
Mr. and Mrs. McDaniel and
children of Cedar Crossing spent
Sunday at Mr. W. K. Conner’s.
Farmkk’s Gnu-
Judge Tatt, the president-elect,
in addressing the future teachers
at the State Normal School at
Athens told them that success
oould he attained in other wavs
than marrying. He takes a differ
ent view of it than the declining
Teddy, who has always advocated
home life and condemned race su
icide. —Dublin Times.
t Hwornta.
Athens, Cut., Jan. 25 —The good
roads school of the State College
of Agriculture opened this after
noon. The opening address was
made bv Hon, John N. Holder of
* /
Jefferson tonight. M. O. Eldredge
of the I'nited States govern
ment service spoke of the economy
| of road building.
At the meeting twenty-five l
| counties in different section of the I
state were represented and tomor
row it is expected that twenty-live
more will he represented.
The entire week will be taken
up by tiro sessions of the school.
Mobile, Ala., Jan. 21*. —A mob
of a few men early this morning]
took Douglas Roberson, the negro
who, on Thursday, killed Deputy
Sheriff Fateh in a pistol tight
herefrom the county jail and
hanged him to a tree on a resi
dence street just outside of the
business section of the city.
While trying to arrest Rober
son on Thursday afternoon Depu
ty Sheriff's Fateh and McCarron
were tired upon at close rangri the
first bullet from Roberson’s re
volver striking Fateh in the ab
domen and the second hitting
McCaron in the ankle. Fateh
died Thursday night,
j The mob had intended to take
I Roberson to the scene of his crime
j hut on account ot his cries,in spite
of an effort t/> gag him his captors
hanged him to a tree on the south
east corner of St. Emanuel and !
Chureh-sts., just one block from
Government, Mobile’s most prom
inent residence street, According
jto one authority two men walked
into the jail and covered Deputy
| Sheriff' Hugh Gillisaiul 1. Krouse
| with revolvers and commanded
| them to throw up their hands,
j accompanying their command
| with a demand that they open the
| door. The deputies, powerless
I and caught unawares, obeyed.
Wayeross, Ga., January 215. —
Judge T. A. Parker, acting in the]
| place of Judge Robert G. Mitch
ell, of Thomasville, who was dis
qualified in the case, passed an
,TTder today enjoining Mrs. C. C.
| Atkinson, 11. I). Atkinson, their
I agents and employees from furtii
-ler trespass upon certain Thomas
ville property of Miss Linton,
who was abducted a few months
ago, and for which VV. M. Mitch
ell, a prominent citizen, was tried
: and sentenced to one year.
Miss Linton was represented at
Ihe hearing by Col. W. J. Ham
The petition states that Mrs.
Atkinson, through her agent, H.
i 1). Atkinson, entered upon her
property, destroying a portion of
the fencing and is threatening to
continue to trespass by destroying
; fencing and tearing down build
■ mgs. iShe alleges on belief that
I their intention is to continue said
destruction in order to disposess
her, and seize possession of the
Seven years ago, C. C. Atkin
| son, now deceased, sold John L.
Linton land on Jefferson street,
Thomasville, who later sold it to
Miss Linton.
Statesboro, Ga., January 24.
R. R. Tucker, of Clito, Ga., has
been put under SIOO bond for
stabbing Dan Groover in a near
bu r saloon Saturday night. Tucker
is said to have tried to raise a
disturbance, and was ordered out
of the bar Il3'Groover who had
charge of the place. A fight eu-
will serve in
Atlanta, Jan. 25. Attoruey-
General Hart says there will he
no difficulty about Representa
tive-elect R. C. Norman ot Wilkes
I county taking his seat in the Leg
islature, provided lie resigns his
office as solicitor of the city court
of Washington before lie takes
I the oath as a member of the
Mr. Norman recently tendered
his resignation to the Governor,
thinking 110 was ineligible because
ho folds a commission ns city
court solicitor. Judge Hart says
that this applies not to the matter
of election hut to the actual lidd
ing of the two offices. Under this
view of the case it. is likely Mr.
] Norman will withdraw his resigna
Fifth Sunday services will he
held at the Methodist church 111
Mt. Vernon next Sunday morning
and evening, January 551st.
Each fifth Sunday service this
year, wherever held by the pastor
of Mt. Vernon Circuit, will liavo
a special feature of interest and,
attraction. Services 11 a. m. to j
12 m., Bp. 111. A wel- j
come awaits every one.
Special Correspondence.
1 We are sorry to note the illness
of Mrs. Mary Gibbs, hut hope she
may soon recover.
Misses Annie Sharpe and Janie
Crosby attended preaching at Oo-
I dar Crossing Sunday.
Misses Bertie Crosby, Maudelle]
Gibbs visited Miss Collins Sunday
Mrs, 11. J. Gibbs and little ones
spent Sunday with Iter parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Sharpe.
11. L. and J. L. Gibbs visited at
1 the home of W. E. Daniels Sun-
day afternoon.
Miss Bettie Byrd is spending a
\ while with her sister, Mrs. 11. L. '
Mrs. John Byrd visited Mrs. E.
S. Gibbs Monday afternoon.
Blue Bell.
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Mrs. Sullie Calhoun of Vidaliaj
is visiting the family of her son,
Col. M. B. Calhoun, and other!
relatives in Mt. Vernon.
Mr. Jas. McGregor, of Lumber'
City, spent a part of last week \
■ with relatives here.
Mr. 11. E. Acliord of Erick was
; a business visitor to Mt. Vernon |
| Tuesday morning. He is one of i
the Gray, and has many friends
in the county.
Judge W. B. Kent was in Haw-,
kinsvilie on business before Judge |
Martin Saturday last.
Onion sets, the finest to he had,
1 at Palmer Drug Store, Ailey.
Mr. W. D. Burke of Tonnille is
visiting his sister, Mrs. E. M.
Rack ley. Mr. Burke is still in
the railway mail service, with
headquarters in Atlanta. He will !
be remembered as a former visitor
to Mt. Vernon, and has here many
warm friends.
Second crop early seed potatoes
for sale by Palmer Drug Stole,
Ailey, Ga.
The most complete line of val
entines found at Palmer Drug
Store, Alley. Do not fail to see
1 them, even if you do not buy.
Atlanta, Jan. 27. —Mrs. Ethel
1 Joy Lamar today bought 21 feet
of land on the Peachtree viaduct
trom J. W. Goldsmith, paying for
, it $155,000.
, Siie contemplates I lie early pur
ichase of two other small lots,
which will give a frontage from
I the Kimball entrance to l)eea
j tur street, and 011 this site she
! will, in the near i 11111 re, erect, a
20-story skyscraper.
The First Quarterly Conference
will he held at G ten wood Monday,
February 15. Preaching at II a,
in. by the Presiding Elder, F. F.
Morgan. Conference in the after
noon. I ndirnt ions point, to a
large attendance and good reports
from the churches.
St uckcy.
Special (3orrnß|mi»<l<Tc*e.
The sing at Mr. Z. T. Hart’s
was well attended Sunday night.
Those present at the pound sup
per at Mr. Leonard Sterling’s had
1 a nice tune.
1 Mrs. Mamie Right visited Mrs.
| It. A. Morris Sunday.
Will Smith lias returned from a,
trip up in Washington county.
Mrs. Beanlah Meeks left Sunday
for her new home. We hope she ;
will meet ns many friends and j
loved ones as she left here.
Miss Carrie McDaniel left Molt-]
day morning to take a school at
the Adams school house. We j
hope she will have a line school,
and have the hearty support o|
all patrons.
Those attending preaching at!
Glen wood, from this place, Sun-1
, day were: 11. L. Morris, W. 11.
Sightler, Mr. and Mrs. M. Jenk-
I ins, llarvio Morrison and Miss'
Beulah Stuckey,
J. S. Morris and wife visited at,'
W. T. K Inchon’s Sunday.
Mesdames C. E. and S. M Eight
visited Mrs. M. M. Rountree Sat
Miss Leola Kight, spent, Satur
day with Miss Mario Smith.
Black Eves.
I Mrs. F. Lee MeKno visited rela
tives in Mcßae this week,
j Mr. and Mrs. Seward Hicks ot
Roche Ile came over for a I '■ v i 1011 rs
; with parents Sunday afternoon,
returning on the next train.
Miss Ruby McGaliee of Augusta
has been here several weeks as
i stenographer in the olli e of Col.
i Kent.
Mesdames J'. A. and M. A. Me
j Queen of Vidalia spent Tuesday
] with relatives at this place.
Remember the next attraction
of the Lyceum Course at the- I .
B. I. will be on the evening of
February 4th. It is a male quar
tet, and m excellence will eclipse
all former numbers. Hear it.
Dr. Clias. Hicks arrived from
] Dublin a few days ago to join his
family here.
•List received, genuine Burt 00-
day Seed Oats, Onion Sets and
Seed Potatoes, Prices made on
application. The Casscls Compa
ny, Savannah, Ga.
No better Fertilizer on the mar
ket than Armour’s High-Grade,
and it is for sale- by C. 11. Smith,
Mcßae, Ga. S< e him now.
The prayer meeting attendance
lat the Methodist church here last
Thursday evening was especially
large—double the usual size. The
| Epworth League and church have
united their services during the
week, using the League topic for
subject. The services are only 45
; minutes short—not a dull moment
j throughout. A welcome to every
1 one.
Amorieus, Ga., Jan. 27. —An-
other unexpected reduction in op
erating expenditures was made
1 this afternoon by the Seaboard
Air Line Railway in the operation
of t lie A mericus shops. All work
ing time was reduced to eight
1 hours,the cut affecting machinists,
repairers, boilermakers, cop
persmiths, and other departments.
The reduction came as a distinct
t surprise, in view of promises made
1 recently by the Seaboard officials
| that, the Americas shops would ho
| increased rather than continuous
ly sapped as during the past year,
j the employes here are being sent
! to the Jacksonville shops.
Shiloh Items.
HjMM’iill Com-HpoiuluiKMß
We urn having very pleasant.
] weather for the season.
The Sunday school was well at
il ended last Sabbath.
Mrs. L. Joiner visited li 0 r
i daughter, Mrs. Moye, Friday.
Gol. L. B. Stanford was among
' the visitors near Sardis Sunday
j afternoon, and reported an enor
, iiious good time.
j Carl Kyals and Preston Mitch
ell spent Sunday at the Tompkins
1 N. .J. Vaughan lias accepted a
posit ion near Hazel burst.
Uuei Livingston made a flying
I trip to Mr. Jack Vaughan’s Satur
j day afternoon.
Mrs. Victoria McArthur attend
ed preaching in Lumber City Sun
-1 day last.
I Messrs. Lem McAlluni and Si-
I las Browning were visitors 111 this
[ section a few days ago.
Mrs. Maude Vaughan and sist« r
Miss Lizzie, made a trip to
ber City Friday.
Lee Stanford visited near Shi
loh Sunday ufternoon.
Gordon Mimhs was a pleasant
visitor at Mr. Cocksie’s one day
recently. Billie.
Mr. T. K. Rogers was here this
week packing up his household
goods, preparatory to moving to
Elcho, Ga. He was accompanied
Iby Mrs. Brown, mother of Mrs.
Rogers, who is slowly improving
from a severe illness. Mr. and
Mrs. Rogers will make their home
in Elcho.
The family of Mr. D. E. Mcßae
i have moved to Mt. Vernon.
, Recently our mailing list has
! been revised, and a large number
have been dropped. Many,through
carelessness, have omitted tore
new for the new year. Please look
into the matter at once.
Not too late to plant a few more
I shade trees. It will improve your
1 property in appearance and value.
Try it this season.
. To Stock Buveiis :
I have a few fi rate lass mules,
diind few cheap ones, on hand
I which I will sell at reduced prices
to make quick sales. My business
]at home forces me to close out
here. Come at once if you want
a bargain. J. M. lie oksheii.
After having been in Mt. Ver
non for almost a year, Mr. R. El
> j lertsen leaves this week for Inver
) ness, on tlie coast, where he will
■! continue his work as a painter.
. 1 During his stay here Mr.Ellertsoii
has made many friends by bis gen
tlemanly manner and strict atten
tion to business. It is not neces
’ sary to say that he is a master
workman in his line, since his
work hero will testily to that. Ho
has painted a number of dwellings
( in t his place, as well as others thut
we have had opportunity ot seeing,
and if he has ever failed to give
satisfaction with a piece of work,
‘ | it is more than we have learned.
Mr. Ellectsen has just, finished
, the painting of the beautiful
home of Mr. J. K. Mcßae, one of
the handsomest, and most palatial
{in this section, and other work
1 here bespeak of bis superior skill
- in bis line, lie was formerly in
the employment of the Govern
inent on the coast, and it is prob
able that his present employment,
and for some time, will bo with
i lie Government, Mr. Ellerteeu
is a native Norwegian, and has the
characteristics of that splendid
people. He is a clever and relia
ble man, and we trust thut he will
again return for work in our sec
tion. Our business relations with
him have been very pleasant and
I satisfactory. Those desiring to
j communicate with him in the
near future, should address him
at Inverness, (la., South Atlantic
Quarantine Station.
The death angel visited the
homo of Mr. and Mrs. W. 1).
Lord and took from them their
darling little baby on January 10,
1000. It, was only nine days old.
Surely the providence of Gcd is
mysterious. Why death should
come to it so easily. We only
know that God’s ways are the
best., and knowing this we only
submit to His will, therefore be it
that we bow ourselves in humble
submission to the Divine will of
our Saviour. Itut oh how hard it
is to take the parting hand with
our precious little durling. A
place in our home has been made
vacant which never can lie filled,
but our losses the sweet little one’s
’ eternal gain, and may God, the
giver of all things, shed charity
and love upon us, and comfort our
broken hearts; and may He he'p
us to live such lives that when the
summons conies to call us one by
lone to that better world, we may
f j
be ready to cross over and be with
our sweet little baby, where siek
i ness,' sorrow, nor death nev r
I comes.
Thou art. gone, our precious dur
Never more canst thou return,
Thou shult sleep a peaceful slum
Till the resurrection morning.
We shall meet to part no more
in that home beyond the sky.
Mrs. Nancy Cleary, of Brewers,
I N. C. sullen! as if struck by light
ning. She says: “I was ulmost
paralyzed from waist down an l
j my back hurt me constantly from
! j female troubles. 1 hail headache
' seemed always tired, and felt ns
|if 1 was dying. I took Wine
ofCurdui which cured me, and
! now I feel like a newpe sm.”
Cardui relieves periodical pi n\
land makes sick women
, at drug stores.
, J Get in line for u prosperot s
( new year. If you are a farmer,
, you need the best in Fertilizer.
' It’s Armour’s, and it is sold in
' this section by C. H. Smith,
Mcßae, Ga.
NO. 37