Newspaper Page Text
vol. xxiu.
Possibly the best in the way of
a musical entertainment to be held
here this season will be the ap
pearance of the Robley Male
Quartet at the auditorium of the
Union Baptist Institute tins eve
This splendid company comes
as one of the most select numbers |
in the Alkahest System, and they
should receive a full house. Each
member of the company is a mas
ter and an artist, and their fame !
as musicians equals that of any
similar body in the country.
Much could be said of this mu
sical body in the matter of praise,
but the reputation borne by the
Robley company makes this un
Go out and hear them at the U.
B. I. this evening.
The following announcement of
a February wedding appears m the
Atlanta papers:
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Baker an
nounce the engagement of their
daughter, Anne, and Mr. Wilmer.
E. Currie, the wedding to take
place at the home of the bride
W J'.iesday evening, February 24.
This will be read with interest
by Mr. Currie’s many friends in
this county, where he was reared.
He is a son of Mr. John F. Currie
of the west side of the county,
and a brother of Mr. Jas. F. Cur
rie of this place, and is well and
favorably known throughout this
section. For the past two years
he lias been in Atlanta, where h ■
is secretary and treasurer of the
New South Mutual Insurance Co.
He is a young man of splendid
character and able business quali
fications. His bride-to-be is a
member of one of the best fami
lies in Atlanta, a graduate of the
Girls’ High School of that city,
and a young lady of refinement
and culture,
Friends will await with pleas
ure for the consummation of the
happy event.
A special from Messina, dated
January 28, gives the following!
account of the discovery of a
man’s lower limb in the stomach
of a very large whale recently
captured on Catania coast. It says :
“An enormous whale has been
captured on the coast of Catania,
and in its stomach was found the
leg of a man with a shoe on the
foot. The shoe indicated that it
had been worn by an Italian sailor,
who probably was a victim of the
great tidal wave following the
earthquake of December 28, last.
Sheriff Sale.
Geurgia Montgomery County.
Will l>e soul before the court house door in |
Mi Vernon on tin- flint Tiiemlay in .'lurch. 1
1909, between tin legal loon* or sale, to the
highebt bidder for caxh, certain i ropcrty, of I
whicli tilt following is a complete diHciipdon : j
An undivided 4-30tli interest in and
to all of that certain tr act or parcel
of land situate, lying and being in
the 275th . M district of said coun
ty and state and bounded as follow
On the north by lands of Francis H
Mcßride, east b, lands of T. (>. Pe
terson and Bolivar land', south ny
lands of Dees and i. s. A iliiains >ii
and on the west fry lands belonging
to the estate of S. W. Burch, aid
tract of laud containing 332 acres
more or less. Also, an undivided
4 30th interest in and to another i ract
of land containing 61Ja acres,more or
less, and heimr file land conveyed by
A L. Adams to M. J>. Peterson as
appears from record of deeds EE'
pages 408 and 404, and lyingandhe
xng in the 275th (i. M. district oi said
county. Property pointed out by
plaintiff in fi fa. and written notice
of levy given as required by law.
iSaid land levied on and to be sold as
the property of VV. D. Peterson to
satisfy an execution issued from the
cifs court of Mr. Vernon in favor of
W. P. Calhoun vs W. D. Peterson
anti T. P. Mcßride. This the 2d day
of February, 1909. James Hester,
Sheriff City Court Mt. Vernon.
M, B- Calhoun and Eschol Graham
Attvs forPltf.
Mmxtm .
Dublin, Gn., Jan.3l.—The Jack-J
son stores were completely de- j
stroved by fire last night. The;
flames were bursting through the
roof when the alarm was sent in.
It was impossible to save anything 1
belonging to the stores. Owing to
hard work Keen Brothers to the
south and \V. V. \Vestbrook to the
north were saved.
The heat broke the windows in
Kittrell’s store opposite, and fora
time the Four Seasons Department
| store, carrying a stock of goods
j valued at $120,000 to $130,000 was
' in danger.
Keen Bros., The Courier-Dis
patch, Tavlor-Coleman Pharmacy
and the old wooden hotel were in
direct line of the fire, but fire
walls prevented a further spread.
Sparks blew everywhere and it I
was feared at one time that many
buildings would be destroyed. Wa
ter froze on the street as it fell,
and firemen had a hard time put
ting out the fire. They did most
valiant service.
the Jackson stores carried a
stock of goods valued at $25,000
to $50,000 and probably had a
good hue of insurance. Just how
much cannot yet be learned.
The building belonged to F. G.
‘ Corker, Esq., and C. S Pope, and
was fully covered by insurance.
The building was not worth more
than $4,000 or SO,OOO.
Qute a party of young peoplt
were pleasantly entertained at tin
home of Mr. and Mrs. 11. B. Fol
som Monday evening in honor ol
their cousin, Miss Daisy Hughes,
of Ludowici.
The young people were received
in the front hall by Mrs. Folsom,
assisted by Mrs. F. Lee Mcßae,
with Miss Hughes as guest ol
honor, and soon the handsome
new home was alive with happy
voices. No harsh formality was
indulged in, and every one was
made to feel at ease and enter
into the pleasures of the evening.
A lengthy game of heart dice
was indulged in, amid mirth and
delight. Miss Maggie Brewton,
with Mr. Roberson, made the
highest score and was presented
| witli a box of choice candy.
Instrumental and vocal selec
tions by Miss Brewton, Miss
Snead, Miss Elizabeth Lee and
Miss Sadie McQueen and readings
by Miss Upshaw added greatly to
the occasion. A dainty luncheon I
was served by Misses Sadie Mc
j Queen, Vera Mason, Ina Burch I
and EthlePii Folsom.
Those present were Misses Flora
and Ala Peterson. Misses Eliza
beth and Lollie Belle Lee, Misses
Maggie Brewton, Eunice Upshaw,
! Helen Sharpe, Carrie Belle neud,
| Helen Daughtry. Misses Daisy
I Hughes, ClifT'ila Folsom Maggie
LaugL>rd. Myrtie Burch. Pearie
; Spooner. Mamie New. Bn de Ma
son, Bessie ."it no key. Mattie Mc-
Br de Mr. and M S Lea Vleßsie
aim Mt-sors J. P. Snooks, rt. J ,
R (hersuii J. B Brewton, T m ;
Conner, VV. F. McAllister, Mark ';
McLemore, Parker Hughes, Mark j
M Rae. T. J. Mcßae, C. Chop-'
man. Willie Fred China and Prof
Stray Cow.
Strayed from my lot in Soper-j
ton one Holstein-Jersey cow with
no marks. Information leading
to her recovery will be rewarded.
J. E. Ricks,
, 1124 t Soperton, Ua.
The following|is'the program of
an entertainment to ho given at
the school house in Tarry town
Saturday evening, oth inst., the
proceeds of which go toward the
purchase of an organ. Doors will,
open at 7:30, and admission will
be 25c and 15c. All are invited
to attend, enjoy the entertain
- m nt, and hell) 11 S 0 °d cause:
1 “Come Where the Lillies)
Bloom,” by the school.
2 Recitation, “The Switch- j
man’s Story,” by Myrtie Calhoun. 1
3 Song, “Rock-a-Bye Baby,”
Gladys Calhoun.
4 Tableau,‘/‘lf You Dare,” by
Jordan and Mollie Kemp and Mrs.
5 Recitation, “Thanksgiving”
bv May me Snow.
G Tableau, “Kissing at 0, 10,,
and 20,” by Gladys and Paul Cal
houn, Mercer and Lucile Walker,
Olovie Dickens and Naomi Brady.
7 Dialogue, “Quarrel Between
1 Girl and a Boy,” by lola Usry
and Duron Burns.
8 Song, “Three Blind Mice,”
by school.
9 Recitation,“The New Church
Organ,” by an old woman. I
10 Tableau, “Almost Persuad
: e,|,” by Mrs. H. VV. Warnock. Miss I
I 1 J
Allie Calhoun, Lonnie Calhoun,
j Neilous Beasley, Miss Augusta 1
Pybus. and Mr. C. Waters.
11 “Mock Wedding,” Officiat
ing minister, B. H. Overby;bride’s
father, N. A. Meeks; bride, Eu-1
nice Stanford; groom, Fred Cox-j
well; best man, C. VV. Beckworth ; j
first bridesmaid, Susie Calliouil;!
second attendants, Cap Warnock
and Leila Beatty, Eugene Allen j
and Addio Simons, Hilary
houn and Augusta Pybus. Flow
er girls, Mabel Burns and Jessie I
Beckworth. Organist, Travis Eb
12. Song, “Good-Bye,” by the
Stray Mule.
Strayed from my lot, one Black
Mare Mule, white mouth, weighs 1
about 1,000 pounds, scar on left
side of neck, and lias a long bushy
tail. Liberal reward will be paid
for information leading to her re
covery. Luther Strong,
Route 2. Lumber City, Ga.
‘ ~ i
Onion sets, the finest to be had,
at Palmer Drug Store, Ailey.
| 0
0000000. 'OOOOOO 0100000.00000.0,0
I ——
D. H. Phillips of Soperton, 1
Route 3, was here Tuesday and
took advantage of the matchless
offer we are making our friends on
The Monitor and the Semi-Week
ly Savannah News —both one year
for only $1.75.
Quite a number of leading citi
zens were here Tuesday, and The j
Monitor received many culls, all
of which we enjoyed.
Sat urduy, Sunday and Monday
were three of the coldest days ex
perienced here in many years.
R- v 11. T. Wright <-f the West
1 ide was over on business yester
' day.
I Mr. A. T. Miller" of Soperton
was a caller at this office yester
day afternoon.
; Valentines ! Valentines ! The
most beautiful to be found, at
Palmer Drug Store, Ailey.
Get in line for a prosperous
new year. If you are a farmer,
you need the best in Fertilizer.
It’s Armour’s, and it is sold in
this section by C. H. Smith,
Mcßae, Ga.
The Young People’s" Missionary
Society of the Methodist church
in Mt. Vernon will entertain the
Epworth League at the parsonage
next Monday evening, February!
!8t h, from 7 to 10 o’clock. Hie J
’main feature ol the program will!
be a trip through Cuba, the “Pearl j
of tbe Ant dies.”
1 A thank offering in silver com I
| will be greatfully received from;
' each one present and this will be,
j gratefully received from each one j
| present and this will be applied to;
'the “Missionary Special.” which I
this energetic young missionary |
society is raising.
The time for the monthly meet-j
ing of the Woman’s Home Mis-I
sionary Society of the Methodist;
church in Mt. Vernon lias boon
' changed from Monday afternoon j
aftpr the fourth Sunday to Tues
day afternoon after the fourth!
Sunday —one day later.
Mrs. Cko. F. Austin,
Special Con espoitilenco.
Miss Macy Gibbs who has been I
i very sick, is improving, we are
I glial to say.
j Miss Maudelle Gibbs visited 1
1 Mrs. J. C. Clifton Sunday.
R. M. Johnson made a business
trip to Alley Saturday.
Ninnie Gray was in our commit-j
nily Sunday afternoon.
A. T. Johnson made a business
| trip to Vidulia Saturduy.
Frank Gibbs visited at J. M. j
Byrd’s Sunday.
Miss Nell Sharpe of Caroline’s!
I Chapel spent last week with her
sister, Mrs. 11. J. Gibbs.
L. A. Crosby made a business
trip to Cedar Crossing Saturday.
Lkk and Mani>y.
To Stock Buyers :
I have a few firstcluss mules,
and a few cheap ones, on hand
which J will sell at reduced prices
to make quick sales. My business
at. home forces me to close out
■ hero. Come at once if you want
a bargain. J. M. 1 rooksher
i No better Fertilizer on the mar
I ket than Armour’s High-Grade,
and it is for sale by C. 11 Smith,
! Mcßae, Ga. See him now.
1 Judge McArthur is in receipt of
pension checks, and all on the list
will please cull and receive same.
Remember the entertainment at
the U. B. I tins evening. Go out
and hear something fine —the R ib
ley Male Quartet.
You can get a 50c box of fine
writing paper at tin- Palmer Drug
; Store. Alley, for 80c. To see this
splendid grade of paper is to buy
it —and it is going fust.
Call around and so.* the new
fashion Barrettes at Mrs Adams’.
Mrs. Godwin, who suffered a sc
, vere stroke of paralysis some days
ago, is still in a dangerous condi
Miss Mamie New of Dublin is
visiting Miss Birdie Mason
j Dost—A 86-inch drawn work
1 white center piece or table cover,
near residence. Finder will please
return to Mrs. II B. Folsom.
New elastic belts, combs and
handkerchiefs ut Mrs. Adams’. 1
When Governor Smith signed
j the warrant Thursday of last
! week for the payment of pensions ;
jto confederate soldiers and wid
! ows of Georgia, he drew from the !
jst ate treasury the largest amount
[overdrawn from that institution
| by a single signature.
This warrant called for $989,579;
which will pay all pensions duo
by l be state for 1909.
Comptroller General Wright
stated yesterday that this was the
j largest treasury warrant which ho
j Imd ever countersigned during his
long incumbency of the office,and
Iso far ns his knowledge went, it
! was t lie record warrant drawn up-
I on t Im treasury.
There have been public school
I warrants for almost half a million
dollars, but the public school J
; fund, though twice as large as the I
I pension fund, is paid out in 111-
j Htallmonts, and tho largest single
1 payments made are only about
half the size of the pension war
rant drawn a few days ago.
Under the old annual payment
plan, when tho counties were paid
at various times extending over a
period of six weeks, the pension
warrants were also drawn in in
stallments of several hundred
1 thousand dollars each
'l'liis warrant was presented at
the treasury by Pension Commis
sioner J. VV. Lindsey, and State
Treasurer Park prepared the
j checkstho next day.
It. was Commissioner Lindsey’s
hope to be able to mail out all tile
checks Friday night, anyway by
j Saturday at lutest,. Every Ordi
! nary m tho state will have the
! pension check for hie county,
therefore, by Monday, Feb’y Ist,
and will be able to promptly pay
tho pensioners.
Montgomery county’s pension
ers will receive out of this vasi
sum of money $7,895.
Sheriff Hale.
i aConr la Montgomery f ’otiuty«
' Will Di- Hold 10-loro Uni court liotiHO door in
Alt Vi 1 lion on tin’ flint Tui mliiv in .March,
11)09, In IWi nn tho h Kid bourn of Kale, to tlm
li.gliuHl lii ldoi tor cuhli, ciriahi property, of
which tho following in a ooninlotc (loHcripllnn:
One lot of laud, containing three
houses, m tin: town of Boperton.Oh.,
and bounded as follows: On the (
ninth hy lands of A. J. Williamson,
on the east by lands of A. Htawart N li. Oillis, south by right-of
way of the M. i>. A H. Ry., and on
I I ho west by lot of J. J. Mooring, (J.
1,. Holmes and .1. L. Morris, extend
ing feet on Railroad avenue and
exten dug feet back to an alley.
Said lot levied on as the property of
Dave S" inney to satisfy five execu
tions issued from the justice’s court
of the IKKUiIi district U. M. of said
county, four of which are in favor of
the People’*! Rank cf Soperton and
one in favor of (J. H. Peterson vs
Dave Hwinney. Levy made and re
turned 10 me by <J. ’l’. Hraddy, con
stable. Written notice of levy given
as required by law. This the 2d day
February, 1909. James Hester,
W. L. Wilson, A tty for I'llfs.
Sheriff Sale. !
Georgia Montgomery County.
Will III: hold before din court homo dnor ill
All Vernon on tho .mt itwday ill March,
J|)ilH between tic mgal bourn of Hale, In the
high hi Idddi 1 f<r■ cash, coilniii properly, of ,
which 1 lie following in a complete UUeriplion:
One drag saw of tho Finley make,
together with the shafting, pulleys,
belling, saws, fixtures, etc. Said
propeny levied on as the properly of
H. B. Sears to satisfy an execution!
issued from the s perior court of;
Montgomery county 10 favor of f. J. |
Fuller for the use of Mallory Mill
.Supply Co. vs H. Ij. Sears. Said
property being of a weighty nature,!
will not be exposed before the court i
hou-e door blit may be inspected by j
prospective buy ers at tho mill site of
the said defendant. Properly point
ed out by plaintiff and written no
tice of levy given as required by law.
Tills 2d day of February, 1909.
James Hester, Sheriff.
Davis & Hightower, A ttys for Pilfs.
For Year’s Support.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
The appraisers appointed upon the
application of Mrs. Elizabeth Joyce
for valuation and seating apart a
twelve months’ support for herself,
out of tlie estate of Henry A. Joyce,
having filed their return, all persons,
concerned are hereby notified to be !
and appear at the court of Ordinary
of said county to be held on the first
Monday in March 1909, and show
cause, if any they can, why said ap
plication should not be granted. This
the Ist day of February, 1909.
I Alex McArthur, Ordinary. '
Brunswick, Ga., Jan. 80.—Ttia
appointment of Health Officer Dr.
J. A. Butts By Gov. Smith on the
Board of Governors for the pro
posed tuberculosis sanitarium has
! given the movement to build on
.St. Simon’s, a decided boom. Be
cause of its superior climate Jekyl
Island was selected years ago as
I u winter homo by a score of
Eastern capitalists, the chief rea
son, it is claimed, being that in
j valids rapidly recover when
brought to Jekyl. St. Simon’s,
having all of the advantages of
Jekyl, it is held, is an ideal loca
tion for a sanitarium. If an is
land site is accepted by the board
I a large tract of land will proba-
I bly be given to the state by tbe
| present owners. The land is val
ued at several thousand dollars
and already has a building which
could be used to advantage for the
first year of the operation of the
Washington, Jan. 28.—Senate
lenders have drafted a bill for the
settlement of the Brownsville
question, which meets with the
approval of President Roosevelt
and Senator Foraker.
It provides for the appointment
of a commission of general offic
ers to consider all applications of
the discharged negro soldiers for
reculistment. The conclusions of
the commission are not to be final
but must be submitted to the war
department for review. In the
event the commission finds that
there is no evidence to connect
the applicant for reenlißtment
with tbe Brownsville affray, the
applicant, is to be restored to serv
ice in the army. The bill has not
yet been mude public.
The sum of $4,175 for the en
dowment of Emory college was
raised by ltev. Jus. E. Dickey,
president of the college and chair
man of the campaign committee,
to ruise the endowment to $500,-
000, in Macon Sunday the 2Hd.
Dr. Dickey preached at Mulberry
Street Methodist Church.
Dr. Dickey has raised SIO,OOO a
month since last October. On the
necessary $5100,000, $140,000 has
been raised, and for this the trus
tees raised $05,000 and the alum
Second crop early seed potatoes
for sule by I’almer Drug Store,
Ailey, Ga.
The most complete line of val
entines found at Palmer Drug
Store, Alley. Do not fail to see
them, even if you do not buy.
Her many friends will be pained
to learn of the illness of Mrs. S.
B. Morris.
The senson for buying fertilizer
is at band (for the wide-awake
farmer) and he can do no fietter
than write C. H. Smith, Mcßae.
He can supply von with Armour’s
High-Grade Fertilizers on short
1 notice. Write him.
Sheriff Sale.
GEOlin I A—Montgomery County:
Will be sold before the court house door in
Ml Vernon on the first fnesdav in Ua-rli,
1009. between tbe legal hours of sale, to the
highest bidder for cash, c< rtain proper!», of
which the following is a complete discriptiou :
All of ’hat tract cr lot of land situate, lying
and h ing In the town of Boperton, Ga., and
bounded ns follows: On the north by lauds of
li. I IV I I Isms, oil tbe east hr lands of Mrs.
Nellie Knadi, on the south bv Oak Street, amt
on the we«l bv lands of 0 H Jones, having a
frontage of ni ety leer on Oak street endet
teo dog hack I wo hundred ami eighty-six feet,
nod being in the shape of an oblong sq tare.
Said lot of and levied on as the properly of
Oeo. V. Corn-son to satisfy- an execuli u issue 1
front the citv court of Ml Vernon in favor of
the Hank of Boperton va Oeo. SI. Conrans.
Said property pointed out by attorney for
plaintifl and written notice of levy given as
rt-vuired bv law This the 2d dav or February,
1909. James Hester,
She- isl Citv Court Mt. Vernon,
i W. L. Wilson, Atty. for Pitta.
NO. 38