Newspaper Page Text
If the startling facts and figures
contained in some of the docu
ments which the Chicago Society
of Social Hygiene is disseminating
he not overdrawn, it is quite evi- j
dent that very few of us have any
intelligent idea of the rapid in
crease of the criminal classes in !
tlie United States within recent
Kor the purpose of better illus
trating the serious character of
this menece a comparison is made ;
between two periods of eight years
each—the first from 1872 to 1880 1
and the second from 1808 to 1900
According to the date compiled
bv this organization there were ap
proximately' thirty-two homicides
to every million inhabitants in
this country during the first period.
This was bad enough.
But for the second period the
tables show' an increase which is
'wholly out of proportion to the
gain in population ; for the num
ber of homicides, instead of de
creasing, under the rigid enforce
of the criminal statutes, rose to
We will not fully realize the evi)
eminence to which we are lifted
by reason of this deplorable status
of affairs without first looking
across the Atlantic.
In Spain the number of homi
cides to every' million inhabitants
is forty-five; in France, twelve;
in Germany, fivem England, five.
The only country in Europe
which disputes with us the right
to the murderous laurels is Italy
—the land of the stiletto.
What is the explanation?
In every state in the Union
courts of justice and maintained
at heavy expense to taxpayers.
Most of them are rigidly enforc
ing the penalties of the law. But
even more rapidly' than the cri
minal can be sentenced the tides
of pauper immigration are bring
ing to our shores the driftwood of
European ports and m every
bunch of such unwelcome arrivals
new criminals are unloosed upon
Despite the measure upon our
statute looks restricting immigra
tion of this type, it is neverthe- I
less an appalling lact that we have j
received into our body politic 1
within the past few years more of ’
this poisonous virus than ever be
fore; and today most of the im- 1
migrants who seek our shores!
come from the lands which bor- !
der the Mediterranean.
We covet from latly her best j
citizens, but not her vicious out
casts who come to this country
to propagate crime and to organ
ize underground societies of the
Black Hand.
There is still much to be done
m the way of perfecting our im
migration laws.
But in the meantime we might!
mitigate the evil to some extent
if we enforced with great rigid
ness the measures which we have 1
already enacted.
It will also aid in bringing,
obout better couditions to foster i
the institutions in this country:
which are organized tor socilolog-;
ical research and moral better-'
ment. We must not onfy bar the ;
door of admission to criminals;
from without, but we must seek
to reduce the crop of criminals;
from within. To this rapid in
crease of crime in this country
we cannot be indifferent without \
becoming ourselves criminals.—
Atlanta Georgian.
Stray Cow.
Strayed, from the residence of
.1. C. Browning near Bruce, on or
about the first of February, 1999, <
one red and white pided milch 1
cow. Marked swallow fork in one 1
ear and split in the other. In ;
good condition. Also one red and j
unmarked yearling. Any infer- |
mation leuding to recovery of j
same will be appreciated. Notify 1
Wm. H. Ci-yrk,
Route 1, box 32 Helena, Ga. j'
I A Splendid Showing. |
Better prepared than ever to sell goods at astonishingly low prices. Better location, with more
room, and a new and more complete line to offer the buying public. Byway of celebrating my ||
removal into a new location (the Higgs store on the court house square) 1 will give another grand
Fifteen Days Special Sale, |
| Beginning April 30,1909. |
: l
Great Reductions to be Made in
H Men’s Suits. jj
Men’s Suits worth $17.50 reduced to $11.50 !>
Men’s Suits worth 15.00 reduced to 9.95
Men’s Suits worth 12.50 reduced to 7.95 ;!
g? Men’s Suits worth 10.00 reduced to 048 |!
‘frj Men’s Suits worth 7.50 reduced to 4.45
py Men’s Suits worth GOO reduced to 3.15
f§ Youth’s, Boys and Children’s jj
H Suits. jj
f Youth’s Suits worth SB.OO given away for $1.98
Youth’s Suits worth 6.00 given away for 345 ;1
Boys’ Suits worth 4.50 cut down to 2.75 1;
Boys’ Suits worth 3.00 cut down to 1.50 5
Sjij Boys’ Suits worth 2.50 cut down to 1.25 ■j;
Sg i;
m Men’s Bants.
§5 !!
Men’s Pants worth $0 50 reduced to $1.25 |»
Men’s Pants worth 4.50 reduced to 2.78 j|
Men’s Pants worth 325 reduced to 1.98 <
Men’s Pants worth 250 reduced to 1.48 |
jjjjr Men’s Pants worth 1.75 reduced to .98 2
« Boys’ Knee Pants worth $1.25, 75c, 50
. cat down to 70c, 48c, 03c. |
|1 j
Umbrellas and Suit Cases.
Umbrellas worth $2.50, $2.00, $1.50, $1.25 re- I
duced to $1.78, $1.48, SI.OO, 98c. f
JOj Suit Cases worth $8.50, $3.00, $2.50, $2.00, $1.50 |
f-o reduced to $2.48, $2.12, SI.BB, $1.48, SI.OB.
U - £
Overalls worth SI.OO cut down \
| to 73c. j
u— \
Ladies Straw Sailors reduced |
from 75c, 60c, 50c to 48c, \
ii 43c, 39c. \
Ki I
|jj New goods coming in all the while. Stock sold before it gets old. Court visitors especially
2? invited to call and make my store headquarters while in Mount Vernon. Fair treatment to all. f?
j§s ' g
M Above prices are good for Only Fifteen Days. Will beat all past records.
h i
mmmvmvwm x*»w»*%**v>w»»vmww»wm%»»w»vi%wwt%wn%»wwvmw»w%vw*
8 The Higgs Old Store On /%/If UpmAfl Ho I
| Court House Square ITIL. V dTlOn, VJd. |
i Men’s and Ladies’Furnishings
[ Men’s Shirts and Underwear worth $1.25, SI.OO,
75c, 50c, 85c reduced to 89c, 74c, 40c, 38c, 23.
> Ties, four-in-hand, and bow ties worth 85c, 25c,
; 15c, 10c reduced to 23c, 19c, 9c. oc,
; Suspenders worth 75c, 50c, 85c, 25c, 15c, 10c
reduced to 48e, 82c, 28c, 19c, 9c, Bc.
1 Hunkerchiefs, Men’s and Ladies’, worth 10c,
5c reduced to oc, 3c.
I Black, Tan and Fancy Hose. Half Hose and
Children's Hosiery worth 85c, 25c, 15c, 10c
reduced to 21c, 17c, 9c, 7c.
; Men’s and Ladies’ Leather Gloves, also Silk El
; bow Gloves, Black, White and other colors
I worth $1 50, $1.25, SI.OO, 50c, 25c reduced to
j $1.12, 98c, 78c, 88, 18c.
; Men’s and Ladies’ Belts, also Ladies Elastic
worth 50c, 85c, 25*4 reduced to 89c, 24c, 10c.
I Silk llankerchiefs and Mufflers worth 75c, 50c
reduced to 43c, 89c.
Ladies Waists Silk and others worth $4 00,
; $3.00, $2.50, $ 1 50, $ 1.00,00 c reduced to $2.88,
$2.1 1, $1.98, 98c, 78c, 89c.
j Homespuns at 6c, 5c and 4 l-2c
j Men’s Shoes and Oxfords.
Black, Tan and Ox-blood
of Latest Styles.
| Shoes and Oxfords worth $4.00 cut down to $2.98
I Shoes and Oxfords worth B.6ocut down to 2.48
1 Siioes and Oxfords worth 8.25 cut down to 2.24
! Shoes and Oxfords worth 2.oocut down to 1.88
Ladies’ Shoes and Oxfords.
Black and Tan.
! Shoes and Oxfords worth $4.00 reduced to $2.98
; Shoes and Oxfords worth 8.00 reduced to 1.98 !
Shoes and Oxfords worth 2.soreduced to 1.48 j
Shoes and Oxfords worth 2.00 reduced to 1.24 ]
; Lirdics’ Special sl.7sshoes reduced to 95c.
All notions sold at greatly re
duced prices.
MONEY— At B,■gall's. I
Men’s Hats. |jj
(Men’s Huts worth $3 50 reduced to $2.12 w
Men’s Hats worth 8.00 reduced to 1.98 m
Men’s Huts worth 2.50 cut down to 1.48 ©J
Men’s Hats worth 2.00 cut, down to 1.28
I Men’s Hats worth 150 cut down to .98 £5
Men’s and Boy’s Cups worth 60c, 25c jSy
reduced to 28c, J9e, I Ic. §5
Men’s and Boy’s Straw Huts worth 500, 85, 25c XX
reduced to 39c, 28, 19c. fig
Dress Hoods. fe
|| Best grades and latest, colors dress goods re- 23
;! dtice from 76c, 00c, 60, 35c, 25c to 49c, 89c,
]! 23c, 18c. gg
! White goods, plain and figured, worth 85c, 25c, §3
20c, 15c, 100 reduced to 28c, 19c. 10c, I !<-, 7c. KX
! White and Colored Lawns reduced from 25c, 2()c, $5
. | 15c, 10c, 0c to 19c, 10c, 1 ic, 7c, Lie. 22
|! at
Great bargains in Laces and §j
jj Ginghams, Percales, Bleaching
1; Ginghams and Cham bray worth 12.Jc, 10c, Bc, 0c 22
!!> reduced to B|c, 74c’ 6c, 44c. 5g
Percales 80 in. worth 124 c, 10c, reduced to M
KJc, oc. g*
Cambric, Bleaching and sheeting worth 12.1 c,
11 10c, Bc, 6c reduced to 9|c, 7-.Jc,
: 8$
|i Extraordinary bargains and wf
I enormous reduction also in
Misses’, Boys’ and Children’s
Shoes and Oxfords.
j! — : 1
Calicoes, best grade at 5 l-2c ra
and se.