The Montgomery monitor. (Mt. Vernon, Montgomery County, Ga.) 1886-current, May 06, 1909, Image 4
GORDON WAIVES A PRELIMINARY HEARING. Ilincsvillo, Oa., April 80.— Short ly after Judge S. B. Brew ton rapped for order yesterday, and as the preliminaries were be ing laid out for the hearing in the cane of Charles A.(Jordon, charged with the murder of W. \V. Fann ing, Jr.,Mr. B. A. Way,represent ing (}ord<>n, all non need that his client would waive the hearing and await the action of the grand jury. Mr. Way explained that the scope of a preliminary heating was so wide that lie had de termined on the course he an nounced after consultation with his client. Judge Brewton on this an nouncement ordered Shorifl Staf ford to return the prisoner to jail and this was done. The case drew a great cowd to the town, it being the one topic of conversation in this county. It is reported that'Gordon has mude a confession to his hall-brother, j Walter Gordon, who is a flagman j on the Coast. Line, and that he told the accused man that under oath lie will he compelled to ted 1 the truth. This report could not he verified here as all the parties interested refuse to discuss it. The case cannot he tried Indore September unless a special term of the court- is called. A petition asking that. Judge Seabrook call, an extra term of the court is lie-j ing circulated and it may be that j he will accede to the wishes of the people on account of the crowded | condition of the jail at this. time.! GILCHRIST TO SIGN PROHIBITION BILL. Tallahassee, Fla., April 80. — II is expected shat Governor Gll- 1 christ will, within the next tew | days, sign the resolution provid ing for the submission to the vo-j tt-rs of the question of amending tlm state constitution so as to provide for statewide prohibition, j Tin* senate yesterday concurred in j the house amendments, which were of minor importance. From now until November, 1010 when the election on the question is to In* hold, Florida, doubtless will he the scene of some hard! campaigning on behalf of both the opponents and those who fa-j vor prohibition. Florida being one i one of tin.) few remaining southern states yet in the “wet” column, | the real battleground of the pro-j liihition tight will he centered in j this state. In tlie senate yesterday there wore “ti votes for agreement to the house amendments to three j against. Senator Beard did not! vote. BOY BURGLARS ARE IN ATLANTA. Atlanta, April MO. —Local po- j lice are puzzled over a senes of burglaries believed to have been committed last night by boy cri* j initials. Two grocery stores and one j meat market were entered, anil a small amount of goods and cash carried away. Tracks about the scenes of the crime indicate that the perpetrators ur<* no more than twelve or fifteen years old. Tracks indicative of a toy-ex l>i> (-• w agon were found. It is* thought the boys used this with which to haul away their booty. THREE KILLED BY LIGHTNING* Monroe, Ga., April 80.—As the; result of an electric storm, which visit, d this section late this after hson, Mira beau B. Barrett, his wife and 17-ycar-ohl daughter are dead, w lule his little 10-year-old son lies in a m nous condition. The family were at their home four miles from Monroe whon the lightning -truck the house, inter-, tug through the chimney and hilling the tbroa almost instantly. Tie entire family of five was struck, but two will probably re cover. The sad atlair has shocked this entire sect ion. MAIL ORDER CATALOGUE | g and Summer | 1909 | 11 issued. If you desire a (*) j i copy, ciil out and mail this fi •*> coupon to us: 0 ‘ B. 11. LKVY, BIB) A CO., ' 0 _ Savannah, Ga. (Write with pencil) . • Please send me a copy of your Mail Order Catalogue • • for Spring and Summer, ISKK). • ® rjs . Town _ State . || (#) • Below are names of two parties in riiv town whom I * (j) ► • think would also be interested in your catalogue: • B. H, LEVY, BRO. & CO., 1 0 Savannah, Ga. ® p. YTVVYYffYYTYYTVYfYYVIYYYV•TTTTTFTTTTTTTTTTVTTTTTTTV* j THE SPRING IDEAS ] lii Millinery f inery were never 5 £ more Beautiful than the Styles I have 3 [ NOW ON DISPLAY j t Wise ladies w ill call at once to select 3 ► Hiits and Trimmings for Spring Wear. 3 ► Mrs. J. L. Adams, Mt. Vernon. < 1 ► ◄ •AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAM ! SOUTHERN BUILDERS 7 _ UK and NO Barnard Street e SUPPLY CO. UHOKQtA. MEAD9UARTRRS FOR ■ Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mantels, Paints, j Oils, Lime, Etc. Special Agents For || Harrison’s “Town and Country” Paints, ii |1 ! 1 COURKSI’OXDENCE SOLICITED. Jas. L, CIIU ISTIAN, SOUTHERN BUILDERS’ Manager SUPPLY CO. l»s-140 Barnard St, SAVANNAH, (JA. © © © Needles. Shuttles and Bobbins for © © - © © >© uae In All Makes of Sewing Machines. 0 © 0 W. J. & T, A. PETERSON, AILEY MONEY TO LEND | Loans of any amount from SBOO to $. r >o,ooo on farms in Mont- j § gotnery and adjoining counties. No delays for inspection. I Have lands examined by a man living near you.* I LOANS ON FIVE YEARS TIME, payable in easy installments to I g suit borrower. i CEO. H. HARRIS 1 ! £ Merchants Bank Building Mcßae, Ga. | * g If von use Hiuh-Olass Stationery, you ean • * * net it at The Monitor office—The Very Rost c %* to be Found. Buv at home and save delays * , • and delivery charges. THE MOXtOOMKRY MONTl’nib -TTlt'lisbAV. MAY 0, iflOt). PORTRAIT OF DAVIS MAKES SECTIONAL STRIFE. Washington, April ftO.w-Repre | jitative Hollingsworth, of Ohio, has prepared a resolution calling on the secretary of the navy Tor | information relative to the report that the Htute of Mississippi i* preparing to present to the battle ship Mississippi an ulaborate sil ver service, whose centerpiece bears an engraved portrait of Jef ferson Davis. Mr. Hollingsworth was dissuad ed from presenting the resolution 'today. The preamble declares; that * ‘the dignity and character ;of the United States government! iand its creditable standing at borne and abroad rerpiire that its battleships should be in command ofodicers iin lined with high Ameri can ideals, healthy loyalty and a j just pride in the history and in-j st it utions of the government they serve.” The resolution asks “by whom land on wlmt authority such gift! is to be accepted and what les son of loyalty or patriotism such; portrait engraving is intended to j teach, and with what ideals of government it is expected thereby, to inspire the ollicers and men now and hereafter to be in control ! of such battleships?” The secretary is asked “espec ially to ascertain and inform the I congress whether or not the pro-j posed gift of a silver service thus! decorated and such use of it are j agreeable or desirable by the of- ; licers nmv m command of then M is.s issippi.” In an interview, Mr. Hollings- j worth said his resolution followed :< the 1 ine, although in contrary di- j! recti on, of the one introduced by j j Senator Money, of Mississippi, | March in which Mr. Money { sought to revive war memories by ] requiring the attorney general to) I file in the supreme court proceed- | J ing to question the validity of the|| fourteenth amendment of the con f stit 11 1 ion of the United States. $ BAYS AND SWAMPS STILL DRY IN LOWNDES COUNTY, j Valdosta, Ga., April 550. —It i ha rt iy seems possible that the \ bays, swamps and wells of this I section are still dry, but that is | the fact. There have been good ; f seasons for the farmers, but the ( £! land has not gained back the mo is-; f tun w hich it lost during the long ! | drouth ufseveral months ago. The bays are nearly all dry as J chips. TIIO lakes that ran off dur- l ing the drouth are still dry and l water Ims to be hauled from 3 springs for clothes washing in - man vof the rural districts. Manv ! , wflls vere dug deeper some tilde | ago, hut even that did not do i much good in many places. | Tin* mill men and naval store f men found much diflieulty in get- I ting water tor their engines and i stock, and, though there has } been plenty of rain lately, there } has not been enough to lill lip ua- ? Ituro'ss reservoirs and make the ? I people feel independent on that i ! line again. i J If enough ruin wen*to come now c to till up tin* wells and Imams it « would ruin ihe crops, and tin* | I farmers great ly fear that nature ? will r -store her equilibrium bv ? too nun'll water before the crops i are gotten out of tlie way. • BIG ORCHARDS CONCERN ASKS FOR CHARTER. Americas, Ga., April —Ap- | plication was tiled this morning t] in Su inter superior superior court £ fora charter for the Raymond | j | Orchards company, capitalized at | one hundred and seventy-five thou- £ |: su ml dollars, and with the privilege I lof increasing the same to a quar- t ter us a million dollars. | I The petitioners are principally •! [ Ohioans whoalready possess gieat [ orchard interests near Americas i and propose to extensively m- jj j crease them. !j| I The principal business conduct- • ! od will be growing fruits vegeta bles and tobacco and manufacture jj tof produce therefrom. It will be <j .the largest enterprise of tlie kind ; lid Georgia, • l! *&*%# % & * ** f Buists’ ! \ Seedsf * Buists Seeds % J All the Leading Varieties of * * t B E A X S % I*PE A S * * C 0 11 X % * 15 E E T * % Cabbage, % * Cueuniber & % Melon t J Radish & $ Tomato ! IN BULK t | Always Fresh at J 5 MT, VERNON DRUG CO.’S f 4 & Mt. Vernon, Ga. & * ' #“ | % Yon Can Easily Operate | | This Typewriter Yourself. | V’ C ~hi) Don’t worn* von, Don't write him .nothin" *5 I hand that takes him time to make out— that may leave jg him in doubt—that lie can’t easily read, *g And don’tfill out-legal panels or card memos—or make out accounts or hotel 2 vj menus in your own handwriting. It looks had. relhcts on your standing, make* 3 st* people think you can’t afford a stenographer, and is sometimes ambiguous. #5 g Yon can write out vour letters— -5 make out an out an abstract—fill in 9 | jf an insurance policy enter vour card m a yi memos make out \ our accounts, or ij I I ■■ 3 g a hotel n.enn or do anv kind <»t ■ H mam m ~ writing you need, on any kitul, size B 6 or thickness of paper, and space any I - f any way yon want on ■ jf fJwwlf ■ The Standard Visible Writer s §t Yon can write any of these tilings yourself if you do not happen to have a >tenog- S ?t rapher l'or you can easily l«*arn, with a little practice, to write just as raoidiy and fp « as perfectly as an expert opeiator on the OLIVFdL Because the OIJVKU is the JJJ simplifie d typewrite. And you can see everv word vou write. About HU per cent Jjs c.) Mold'. Dl ItABKK than any other typewriter, because it has about 80 per cenvLESS S' WKARINk; POIN TS than ne»st other typewriters. SO per rent EASIER to write #5 with tiian thorn* otlier I’OM PLICATE I), INTRICATE .1/AC HINES that require “lin- fc 1; iiioring”— technical knowledge long practice ami special skill to operate. Than £*i niachiiH-s which cannot 1>«? adjusted to any-special space—with which if is itnpossihle t*S V* to write abstracts, insiiianee po icies, or o<ld-size iioenments except you luiv expens- vJ ive s PE( ’lAf < attachments requiring experts to operate. You can adjust the j* OLIVER to any Reasonable Space you can write on ANY reasonable size and thick yJJ mss of |»:ip.r. right out toy lie very edge, without- the aid of ANY EXPENSIVE AT- *5 TAOII.MEN Tor special skill, and vour work will be neat appearing, legible and elear. § For the OLIYr.K is the typewriter for the doctor, the lawyer, the insmance agent.die s \h merchant, the hotel proprietor or am- man who does his own writing. Write us $5 su now for our booklet on the SIMPLIFIED features of the OLIVER. m‘* i'tl | The Oliver Typewriter Company, ( 1.G,....... TIIEOLIVEFtTVHKWBrTF.It TIIIhaL, % •3 tincago, 11 ci bin no Illinois.^ S 0 •*' I Summers j| ! Buggies 1 * Brown 1 j Wagons | I I have a Full Line of* these Standard I | Vehicles on Hand, and in order to close | them out, am giving the Most ! REASONABLE TERMS! 1 Sc me at once if vou need or I . 1 , ‘ J: will need a Good Buggy or a Good Wagon. Terms right i A.A.PETERSON,JR. AILEY, GEORGIA 1