Newspaper Page Text
AA.At AA. Jk. A. A A.-A AMj
< -:- Notes Prorn t?\e U. B* 1.-:- \
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First Grade.
John Peterson Richard Wilson
Shuler Bland Unna Lewis
Dennis Currie Clt*• r**•' Mcßae
Robert Montgomery Guy Hughes ;
Grace Currie Mildred SafTold
Willie Stanford Walter Morris.n
Affine Stanford Mamie Rabun |
Helen Lee Hue Lee
Kthel Roberts
Second tirade.
Katharine Currie Inez Fountain
Theodosia Geiger Mildred Kent
Mat tele Lewis Avy McDaniel j
Janie McQueen hula Mcßae
llilrd tirade.
Berlin Lee Adams Hattie Burch
Mild roil Carpenter Sulie Cock field
Duncan Currie John Rabun
Joel T. Out lor Otis Buckley
Bello King Albert Simpson j
I mirth tirade.
Ray Ooursey Sarah McAllister!
Hurrv Lee Hugh Peterson
Jim McAllister
llflli tirade
Kloise Adams W illard Adams
Malltc Fountain Jennie Moseley
Marg. Montgomery Guy Stone
t1 Leo Elizabeth Carpenter
Marie Peterson Olive Stanford i
Sixth tirade.
Bessie Higgs A. J. Burch
(I. W. Watson Iris Simpson
Site Burnett Georg** Rabun
Max Segal I Douglas McGregor ,
MAY THE 15, AND 16,
Second Quarterly Conference, j
Ml. Vernon Circuit, will bo held
at. the Methodist Church m Mt.
Vernon Saturday, May 15th.
Preach mg by the Presiding Elder,
Rev. K. F. Morgan of Mcßuo, at
11 o’clock, and the business ses
sion at 2 :30 o’clock.
The following day, Sunday, the
presiding elder will preach both
morning and evening at Alley,
that being the regular appoint
ment at tliiit place.
These are the anouncem*fnts j
that 1 am instructed !>y the pre
siding elder to make.
Geo. F. Austin.
Statement o i the Condition ot
Thye Pa risers’ Ban*<>
Located at
At tin* close of business Apr. 28, 1909.
Loans mul discounts SUP,I*SiI IS
Banking house 2,800 00
Furniture and fixtures 812 50
Due ftoiu banks ami bankers
ill the stale g.tUIS 98
Due from Banks and Bankers
in other States 257 07
( 'urreney 1 20*2 no
t told 1 lit o*l
Silver, nickels and pennies IS7 85
( 'hecks and cash items (51 94
Interest paid 194 80
Total ♦;is.7-ut 92
Before me came \V. J. Kutral, cashier of The Farmers’ Itank. who be |
ingduiy sworn, says that thenbovi and foregoing statement is a true con
dition of said Bank, a*, shown In the books of til.* in said Bank.
W. J. Futrnl.
Sworn to ami subscribed before me this 4th day of May. 1909.
A. A. lialbraith, N. I*. and Kxo. J. P. |
Statement of the Condition of
I.oonhd at Soperton, Ga.« at the Close of Business Apr. 2Sth, 1909:1
Loans and discounts 82
Demand Loans 950 50
Overdrafts Kin 70
Banking house 1,951 05
Furniture and fixtures 1.514 12
Due from bank- and bankers
tn the state 1,109 51
Du«* from banks and bankers
In other states 4.MM 66
Currency 1.43000
(told 100 00
Silver, nickels niid pennies 207 37
('hecks and cash items ms 2s
Interest paid 252 77
Depositors’ Guarantee and
Insurance Fund i. 927 10
Total, ♦54.034 iii
KTaTK OF GCOKGIA tfontgoniorv Countv
Beforem*' cam*.- H. K 'Var.i, umu r»t i.i* P- 'pjr* Han* of Sopei lon, Ga., who beiup
duly sworn, mo 'list »;«.* UMW and f.n, aig »tat .mau m*tr io couduiou of Mid Rank. as
sboan by the liookx of tl'.r in Mid bank. K. 1.. WAiti). 1
£»oru vo and before uiv, tins ith lav o' Vu, HM9.
«; i; MoStEY, Coin K. f. <-f it. c„ Ga.
Seventh tirade.
Oscar Burnett Ernest, Courson
Handley Homo Chas. McAllister |
Carr McLcmore Willie McQueen
SotuMoLemore Pierce Walker
H. L. Avery A. L. Miller
Eij[hlh Qrade—B
Brantley Blitch Maggie Peterson
Marion Atlams Kate Parker
Maude Williams Anna Morrison
John McDaniel Rita Mae Outler I
Agnes Stubbs Bessie Leach
Lila Riddle Chalmers Chapman
S. W. Burch Hiiburn Williamson
Robert Smith Baynard Dilworth
Eighth tirade —A
Julian Peterson Lane Outler
.Mamie Higgs Grady McAllister
Fthleen Folsom W. A. China
Perry Parker Jim Peterson
Ilerschel McAllister Klhio Cowart
Pet Fitcpia Mary Coleman
Mattie Oliff Denton Greenway
Whitney Me Le mo re Edna Rogers
Frona Cowart
Ninth Grade.
Clifford Dukes Lowell Achorn
Dorothy Smith Julia Achorn
M. 1). Johnson Louise McArthur
Oshii Burnett Nita Mae Lane
Marvin Flanders Ida Yeomans
Sadie McQueen Ernest Rivers
Gordon Witherington
Teulh Qrade.
Imogen? Achorn Josie Cone
Addie Burch Pearl Collins
Jim Blitch Thos. Conner
Jas. Stacy Jas. McAllister
Georgia—Montgomery County.
T. B. Adams and others having
applied for the opening and es
tablishment of a new public road
at or near J. M. D. McGregor’s i
land about a mile and a-balf south j
of Ailey and running in the di
rection of the Oconee lirivor to
tin* residence of L. C. Mcßae.
Sai<l proposed road having been
reviewed by the proper authorities.
Application will be granted on the
first Tuesday in June, 1909, if no
good cause he shown to the con
trary. This the 4th day of May,
1909. J. F. Sikes,
Chr. Bd. Co. Coins.
M. C.
Capital stock paid in ♦15,000 00
Surplus Fund 5,918 93 j
ITuiivided profits less cur
rent ex. and taxes paid 1,880 01
Individual deposits subject
to cheek 11.128 28
Time certificates 2,285 SO
Cashier’s checks 125 85
Bills payable, including time
certificates, representing
borrowed money 5.000 00
Total $38,783 89
Capital stock trnid in $15,000 00'
Undivided profits, less cur
rent ex and taxes paid 617 81
Due to Banks and Bankers
in other states 20,500 00 .
Individual deposits subjett
to eh< ek 16,857 87 1
Time certificates 1,005 67 i
Cashier's checks 24 03 j
! ]
t i
i I !
Total. $54,084 88 !
Washington, May 3 —The Rev. j
Edward Everett Hale, chaplain of
the United States senate was at
tacked by serious illness on his
way from Washington to Boston
recently. Dr. Hale, preacher,pub-j
heist and man of letters, was born !
in Boston April 3, 1822. He was
educated at the Boston Latin
jehool and at the Harvard Uni
versity, graduating from the last
named institution in 1839. After
a course in theology he became
pastor of the Church of the Unity
at Worcester, where he remained
ten years, then for forty years Dr.
Hale was pastor of the famous
South Congregational Unitarian
church, of Boston. In 1900 he re
tired from active pulpit work, hut
still remained lively intersted in
church affairs. In 1903 lie was
unanimously chosen chaplain of
the United States senate.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Whereas, Mrs. Eugenia Martin,
administrator of the estate of Mrs.
Nancy Bullard, represents to the
court in her petition, duly filed and
entered on record, that she has fully
administered said estate; this is
therefore to cite all persons, kindred
and creditors, to show cause if any
they can, why said administrator
should not lie discharged from her
administration and receive letters of
disinisssion on the first Monday in
June, 1909.
Alex McArthur, Ordinary.
Spocial Correspondence
Mr. H. P. Ellenburger of
Nunez is visiting his family at
the home of Mr. M. L. Clark.
All the young people of this
place attended the Contest at
Vidalia last Friday night. Those
from here were: Misses Mattie Mae
Cox, Leona and Emma Page, Ellie
and Annie Pearl Rockett, Messrs.
Cliacel, Meadows, N. B Jarrett,
Charlie Rockett, Henry Bush, W.
J. Page, and Clarence Cox. All
had an enjoyable time.
Misß Elliott Williamson visited
her sister, Mrs. W. F. Blood worth,
near Lyons last week.
Mr. L. S. Cox has been on the
sick list for the past few days.
Hope he will soon recover.
The young men of this place have
organized a prayer meeting here,
every Sunday night at 7:30 o’clock,
which will be a great help to them.
Mrs. N. W. Williamson visited
her daughter, Mrs. W. F. Blood
worth, near Lyons last Wednes
A very large crowd attended
Sunday School here Sunday.
Mr. Wilson Mosley, of Vidalia,
was in our town Sunday.
Miss Rubie Williamson, of near
Peuhoopee, was in our town Sun
day on her way to Vidalia.
Mr W. 11. Morris and Family
of Swift Creek, were visitors here
Saturday and Sunday, the guests
of Mrs. R. B. Rockett.
Mr. Irwin Howell, of near Vidn
lnt, wa9 among his Normantown
friends Sunday afternoon.
Messrs. T. A. and R. H. Rockett
made a business trip to Stuckey
Mr. J. T. Brantley of Stuckey,
was in our city Sunday.
Mr. Harry Ellenburger and
daughter, Virginia, was shopping
in Vidalia Saturday.
Fishing is all the go these days.
Several of the Vidalia folks make
their regular trips as they have
such good luck.
Mr. M. L. Clark of this place
went to Stuckey Monday to move
his saw mill down south of this
We were glad to see so many
people at prayer meeting last Sun
day night. Hope it will continue
to grow.
Messrs. L. C. and Allen Hol
mes and N. Wrens of the Midway
section were in our town Satur
Mrs. R. B. Rockett- visited her
daughter last week, Mrs. S. W.
Smith of Higgstou.
Ten Doctors
Said He Would Die
“In 1903 we w rote you regard
ing my husband, who was suf
fering from heart trouble. He
was superanuated by the North
Georgian Conference. Ten doc
tors at different times said he
would die. You advised Dr.
Miles’ Heart Remedy and Re
t storative Nervine; we did as
advised, and improvement was
apparent from the very first. He
recovered and the Conference in
1904 gave him a charge. He
never felt better, although he
has very heavy work and does
a great deal of camp meeting
work. I am so glad we took
your advice and gave him the
medicine, and feel that I ought
to let you know of the wonder
ful good results from its use.”
Milner, Ga.
This proves what Dr. Miles’
Heart Remedy will do. Get a
bottle from your druggist and
take it according to directions.
It does not matter whether your
heart is merely weak, or you
have organic trouble, if it does
not benefit you take the empty
bottle to your druggist and get
your money back.
Columbus, Ga., May B.—Charg
ed with having committed murder
at Butler, Ga.,some five years ago,
Ren Garrett, a young white man,
j lias at last been captured in Okla
homa after a long search, and an
officer has just brought the prison
er from the west and placed him
m the Muscogee county jail at the
request of the Taylor county au
| thorities.
Garrett shot down a man nam
ed Wilcher on the streets, of But
! ler, the afliair creating a great
sensation there at the time.
Wilcher a witness against
Garrett and others in a distilling
case. The federal grand jury in
dicted Garrett and two meu nam
ed Peterman and Bateman on the
charge of conspiracy against the
life of a witness. Peterman was
discharged and Bateman is now
out on liis own bond.
Geo rg i a—M ontgomery Ceu n ty.
John A. Livingston has in pro
per form applied to the under
signed for letters of administra
tion on (he estate of Mrs. Mary
E. Livingston, late of said coun
ty deceased, this is to cite all
persons concerned to be and ap
pear at my office on the first Mon
day in June, 1909, and show cause
if any they can why said admin
istration should not he granted as
prayed for. Witness my hand
and official signature this is the
4th day ot May, 1900.
Alex McArthur,
Ordinary M. C.
Sheriff Sale.
Ocorcia—Mnntgomerv County.
Will ho sold before the emi t limine door in
V!t. Vernon on the first Tuttsdav in June,
1109, between the leu el home, of sale, to the
highest and beat bidder for cash, certain prop
erty, of which the following is a complete de
One certain harvesting machine of
; the international Harvester Coin
! pane's make, together with one rake.
Tn good condition. .Said property
1 levid upon as the property of J. S.
Frost to satisfy an execution issued
! from the City Court of Mt. Vernon
lin favor of tlie International Mar
i’ vester Company, suing for the use of
■ A. P. Stone, vs the saiil J. S. Frost.
Saul property in the possession of
ihe said defendant, and written no
tice of levy given as required by law.
j Levy made and returned to me by
1 F. K. Forrester, deputy sheriff. This
tiie 4th day of May, 1909.
James Hester,
Sheriff City Court Mt. V., Ga.
,\r. B. Calhoun. Attv. for Plff.
, Office over Mt. Vernon Drug Co.
Attv at Law,
1 Mt. Vernon, Georgia-
) > § < is the best thing we have to jl
5 ► i < offer. All other inducements ||
\ >t < are of secondary importance, it
kft j * .
•>? Upon this basis, and with the assurance of sg
■ ► •£•’s tg cordial and courteous attention, we solicit
) MM your patronage.
f LSJ Mt. Vernon, (ia. ®
Does it Pay?)
The above question is frequently jj
asked in regard to judicious advertising, jj
: The answer is always the same—OF i
We do not mean by this to say j
I all advertising pays, but we do say that s
pays handsomely. If you expect your |
“ads” to bring results you must get i
them before the people—place them in |
publications which are subscribed to and |
paid for by the best class of people in i
the territory where they circulate.
Belongs to this class, and besides, it is jj
an All-Home-Frint, and we are in po- ij
sition to guarantee our patrons results, ij
RATES reasonable, and will be jj
furnished on application, v .*. vjj
Statement of the Condition of
Located at Soperton, Ga., at the Close of Business April 28th, 1909.
Loam* and discounts $13,37!) 49
Demand Loans HOO 00
Overdrafts li3 08
I!ank i li ll k House 4,000 00
Furniture and Fixtures 3,809 81
Due from banks and bankers in
the Stale 2,790 13
Due from banks and B ukers in
other States 4,972 98
Currency 1,185 00
Gold .'25 00
Silver, Nickels and Pennies 1,151 29
Checks and Cash Items 92 75
Interest Paid 1,668 08
Total 893,298 61
STA E OF GEGRGlA—Montgomery County.
Before lie came J. E. Hall, Cashier of The Bank of Soperton, \* ho being duly sworn, says
that-the above and foregoing statement is a true condition of said Bank, as shown by tho
books of tile in said Bank. J. E. HALL.
Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 4th day of May, 11)00.
W. R. MOSLEY, Com. N. P., M. C., Ga.
TP\e Vernon Bar\k,
At the close of business, Apr. 28, 1909.
Loans and discounts, $08,903 02
Demand loans, . . • 2,021 22
Overdrafts, ... 39 24
| Hanking house, . . 1,400 00
i Furniture and fixtures, . 1,453 35
Due from banks and bank
ers in the state, . . 33,358 02
\ Due from banks and bank
ers in other states . . 4,292 62
Currency, . . . 3,522 00
Gold 427 50
Silver nickels and pennies 978 93
Profit and loss . . . 4 22
Interest paid, . . 417 58
Total, . . $116,917 70
Before me came VV. A. Peterson, cashier of The Mt. Vernon Bank,
i who being duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement is a
I true condition of said Bank, as shown by the books of file in said Hank.
W. A. Peterson.
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 3rd day of Mav 1909.
Jas. F. Cubbik, Com. X. P., M. C’o., Ga.
Hamilton Burch,
Attorney and Coun
selor at Law,
ricRAE, GA.
Criminal La* Collections, Including Bail
road Tort Cases, » Specialty.
[ Capital Stock Paid in $15,000 00
!; Surplus Fund 2,750 Oil
I Undivided Profits, less current ex
penses and taxes paid 4,958 03
Individual Deprsits Subject to Ch’k 15,019 29
I Time Certificates 34,842 29
Cashier’s Cheeks 124 1)0
t Bills payable, including time certif
, icates representing bor. money 20,000 00
Total $93,293 01
Capital stock paid in, . $15,000 00
Surplus fund, - . 15,000 (Hi
Undivided profits, less cur.
expenses and taxes paid 6,348 31
Individual deposits subject
to check, . . . 36,857 66
Time certificates, . . 32,056 56
Cashier’s checks. . 1,131 93
Savings department . 10,123 24
Total. . . . $116,817 70
A. L. Lanier,
Attorney at Law,
Will Practice iu all the Courts of
the State.