Newspaper Page Text
®h' ftimttnmnm; monitor.
To Abolish j 1
City Court.
From the general presentments
of the late grand jury, it will he
seen that two of the count y well |
known institutions —that ever
present City Court anil the office ;
of county treasurer —will soon go
out of business, if their recoin-i
mendations are put into effect at
ithe appointed time.
For a number of years the City
Court has been a bone of conten
tion to the people of the county,
and its various phases —ups and ;
downs —have not only been before ;
the people of this county, but
lliavo been aired in legislative
halls on several occasions; yet, j
Phoenix-like, it has arisen from
its ashes, and up the present is
stall doing business.
However, this court has not |
proven satisfactory, according to |
the reports, and for some, tune
petitions have been in circulation
airgiug its abolition, lienee the
recommendation of the grand
jury to this effect.
Among the strongest reasons:
asserted for the abolition of this
court is the fact that it is not on
a paying basis —that it is an un
necessary expense to the taxpayers
of the county, and as such should
not be continued. Good or bad,
it seems to be a fact that this
court has to a great measure re-J
Jieved the superior court of a great j
volume of litigation ; and with its i
abolition, it is said by conserva-j
tive men that the higher court;
will not be able to take care of
the business, as was the ease be
fore the re-establishment of thisi
court and before its origin.
We have been of tiie opinion
that an inferior court of this class, j
properly rim, would add to the
county's interests and welfare, 1 ;
but if the people want this court I
put off the Stage of action, let it
ifo• for indeed sentiment to
he ut) favorable toward its contin- j
uance, VVo have before stated,
and it is still our opinion, that
we have more courts and law than
jve have enforcement, and at this
we do not wish to be under- ;
mtoo.d as favoring the continuance
of the City Court of Mt. Vernon
if the majority ot the conserva
tive taxpayers of the county Aemn j
fi mu unnecessary expense and
burden totho county and its legal
dignity and welfare; but we are j
informed that with present vol-;
lime of business on doefeet, which
is increasing, that it is impossible!
for the superior court to handle it, j
jand that us a consequence it will ,
he necessary to resort to some j
other form of dispatching it.
Tie W "York, A Jay 17.—1 t became
known here today that the reor-j
gauization plan of the inboard
Air Line Hallway, wbjch now is
jn the hands receivers, is about
completed and will be issued
within ft short time. It is under
stood that no assessment will be
made on the stoefc, of which there
l» outstanding $37,019,400 com
mon stocks and $28,804.1Q0 pre
ferred stock. The $12,775,000
first mortgage four per cent bonds*
jvill be exchanged for new four
per emit refunding bonds, while}
other «sis-sing bonds will be ex-;
changed for a new form of bonds.
ft is expected that S. Davies
Warfield, of Baltimore one of the !
receivers, will be president of the j
reorganized company.
Will Durden, a .negro well known
here, was arrested here Sunday on
the charge of heating his wife,
and on being searched by Sheriff'
Hester before, jailing was found
;to have in his possession a col
lection of burlgar’s skeleton keys.
It was found that seme of the
keys would fit two or more of the
stores here, making it possible
for the negro to enter them at
Durden was tried before Judge
Kent of the City Court Monday
morning and drew a sentence
!of 12 months or $75. On
Tuesday morning, not being
'supplied with the necessary funds,
Durden was consigned to the!
i county gang, and is now lifting
■sand. Another case against him,
j that, of carrying a pistol, was not !
Office Treasurer
The recommendation for the
| abolition of the office of county
treasurer seems to be based pure
ly upon civic economy, and cer- i
tiiinly has no personality attend-j
ing it. This part of the conn- j
ty’s business is now in as good j
hands as it has ever been, ns firr!
as the safety of the funds and
the accuracy of their fondling is
is concerned; but it is thought
that the county’s money can bo
handled in a more economical
manner, by awarding its manage- :
ment to the banking institution
affording the highest percent, on
balances of county funds, togoth- j
er with the necessary safeguards
attending its keeping.
Os late years this system has
j been H) use in several ol the Geor
'gia counties, and yjewed from a
; standpoint of economy it seems
to be a wise solution of the mat
ter. In other days, when there
! was not a bftnk in the county, and
no fireproof and luuglarproof
vaults in which to store the coun
ty’s funds, it was well enough to
haye a regular and trusted cus
todian of the public money; but
with the present banking fa
; cilities in Montgomery county it.
no longer seems necessary to
i maintain the office of county |
j treasurer, any* according to the;
! recommendation of the grand jury i
it will be discontinued after thej
jeloseofthe present term, expir
ing December 81, 1010.
This matter is too plain to need
i furttiur djscussion, and in the
; mam the adoption of the plan
| suggested will doubtless prove;
! satisfactory to the entire people i
' of the county.
Plans have been made for a mis
sionary institute to begin at Cedar
Cpogsing Friday evening, 28th inst.
Tho pasfof, H f, v. H. D. Lee, will;
be assisted by itevs. i«. T. pafford
land G. H. Walker, and some
i strong preaching and spiritual |
good is anticipated by the people j
of that section.
Tfta missionary work will con
tinue through the week, and then
twill begin a week’s revival Sv>n-;
day, 30th inst. This promises of
much good, and it is hoped that
i thos« ip touch with the communi
ty will attend the entire series of
! meetings.
- ■
Shipment of binding twine just
' just ra-'aiyedj McQneen. 1
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Commencement, exercises of the
Union Baptist Institute will begin
j tommorow evening, eight 1 ’clock.
Mr. W. E. Currie of Atlanta
; was a business visitor to Mt.. Ver
non Tuesday. He is secretary and
> j J
j treasurer of the Interstate Home
| Loan Co., of Atlanta, and in the
near future expects to do con
siderable business in this liis
! home county. Watch for their
announcement in this paper.
The new home of Col. A. 15. |
Hutcheson is nearing completion, j
l lt may be said that Contractor!
j Simmons has made a record on j
this work, having been on the;
job less than a month.
A number of visitors are here}
tins week to attend the commence-1
I exercises of the I'. 15. 1. now in!
Mr. W. A. Peterson left Tues
day morning for Cairo, where he
will visit, for a few days, his fa
mily having been there for the
paßt week.
j Lost Spectacles—Owner can
j find same at this office by paying
1 for this advertisement. Found on
j court house square during court,
Apr cial Oorrc-HpoiuJoncft.
Mr. oiicj Mrs, JjJlma Davis and
little son of near Hazolhurst spent !
Saturday and Sunday with sis-1
: ter, jVf rs. A. C. Gordon.
Messrs. Elbert and Felton Bar-j
low of Glen wood spent the latter j,
| pa-t of last week with relatives. 1
Mr. Fred Gordon was mingling;
among friends in Jeff Davis coun-
Saturday and Sunday.
Messrs. Everette and Ellis Mob
ley made a business trjp to Mt, I
Vernon one day last week.
Mr. W. I’. Calhoun anil Miss
Abbie Mobley were out riding
: Sunday afternoon.
A inoiig those from Waxhill who
attended our school closing Satur- j
Mary and Algie Wolfe and Mr. j
Willie Wolfe.
Mr. C.P. Moseley spent Sunday j
afternoon with Dr. J. E. Mobley.!
Mr. Felton Barlow and Miss
1 . .
j Lizzie Gordon were out riding
! Saturday afternoon, also Mr.
Ninnie Gray and Misses Maude
Gibbs and Bertie Crosby.
Mr. Albert Smith and daughter
spent Sunday with Mr. G. W.
j Overstreet.
Mr. Henry Overstreet and sis-;
| ter, Miss Lizzie, attended the j
j school closing here Saturday.
Mr. Angus Barlow and Misses !
Florence and Louramc Moseley |
attended services at Long Pond ;
'Sunday night. “Farmer’s Girl.” j
Georgia—Montgomery Comity.
Judge AI«-x McArthur, Ordinary of;
; said county, will pass upon the pe-j
| tition of Charley Stnbbs for appren- j
tieeship of ins four minor hoys to j
wit: Lawyer Stubbs, age I f;( liar-j
ley Stubbs,age II; Reuben Stubbs, J
age 6; and Willie Stubbs, age 4. to j
Ktigepe Talniiulge on the dlst day of :
May at 10 q'clock a. in. in the Qrilj- |
nary’s office of said county. Tips is j
,to notify all relatives of the minor;
children or all parties interested to >
■ appeal at the Ordinary V office on th<- i
said day to show cause, if any, why (
the apprenticeship of the four minor j
|children should not be made to the
said EugCne i’aliriadge.
Ja.mkh Hks.’kr,
' Sheriff and Guardian Ad Litem, j
The grand jury presentments,
published in this issue, form in-,
teresting reading for every citizen
of the county.
Mr. R. I<\ Garrett of Eman
uel county is visiting bis sons, |
Messrs. Aden and G. F. Garrett, j
of near Ailey. Mr. Garrett is a i
former citizen of this county, and
is a clever gent lemun.
Mr. Tim Cocklield went over to
Erick Tuesday to check in t he now
j postmaster, Mr. Bailey, who is
j now in charge of the office at that I
j place, Mr. .1. E. Cock field resigned. !
j The part nership heretofore ox- j
istingns Underwood & Talimnlgcj
) has by mutual consent been dig-j
1 solved, and each member of the
J firm will continue the practice of
I law, but not as a partnership.
Both are capable young men, and
we bespeak for them continued
! success,
Misses ,loddio Cock field and Ad
din Eaddv returned yesterday
from a week’s visit, to Erick.
Lost, brooch—Orescent with
leaf in center. Near Baptist church
and Institute. Finder will please
return to Miss Lollio Belle Lee,
Mt. Vernon.
j , A news item in one of the
' dailies has the following suggest,-
I ion regarding Bishop Galloway’s
I < >wing to the fact that five hi- 1
(shops have died since the last
mooting of the general conference,
I two are now ill and another is very 1 is thought that when the
general conference meets next
year, seven or eight new bishops
will have to lie elected. This Inis
revived the suggestion that Dr. j 1
I Wm. N. Ainsworth, formerly of j
Macon, but now of Savannah, '
be offered for the bishopric.
it is the belief of his friends
that Dr. Ainsworth will some day
be elected bishop. If, may be that I
Ills friends will decide next year ! 1
to urge his claims at once. lie is j 1
considered by ail odds the strong-1 1
jest young man in the Georgia 1
! ministry, lie is eloquent, force- '
j |uljtact.lijl apij brilliant,
Dr. Ainsworth is older than I
i Bishop Galloway was when lie 1
was elected bishop. He is now i 1
pastor of Wesleyan Monumental 1
church of Savannah, serving his , 1
last year at that church according 1
to the rules of iliii ohiiroh. He is 1
frequently mentioned as the next! 1
president of Wesleyan Female
1 GEOtIG lA Montgomery county, i
All persons are Itereby warned '
| against trading for one certain i
| promissory note and mortgage !
given to secure the same, given I
|to Dr. J. 11. Dees for $88.95, and 1
; dated aiioiit April 80, 1909, con- 1
j sideration for which said note was 1
j given having failed utterly. Thisji
j 17th day of May, 1909.
5201 'J’onuy Gray, j
Field lYas For Sale.
Any quantity, from two bushels
!to one hundred bushels, in good
; sacks First-class stock tor plant- 1
;mg. Kind; Running, Kpeukh-d,
Unknown and Mixed. $1.25 per.
I bushel F. O. 15. Tennille, (sa. Bend
j money with order. Reference;
! Farmer & Merchants Bunk and
, People Exchange Bank, Tennille,
:Gip H. M. Fka.nkmn,
5201. Tennille, (la.
» f
; Next Sunday, May 23rd, will lx
!Children’s Day at the Methodist
j church m Glen wood. A special
I program, arranged by the Sunday
School editors of the Methodist
church, will be curried nut. Chil
dren's Day m ali branches ol
Methodism is an annual occasion
| of unusual profit and interest.
Recital ions, addresses and special
1 music are the mam feat tires of t lie
program ;and the special free will
offering itself will devoted to a
wise and thoroughly profitable
line of work in t he interest of the
Sunday School at large.
The superintendent of the Stni
!day School, Mr. J. W. Morrison,
j and the commit,to on arrangements j
arc making extraordinary efforts!
jto entertain the largo crowd who
j will attend. The entire day will
he devoted to this occasion. At
the 11 o’clock service prominent
mention will he given to morel
t han one feature of Sunday School 1
work and Children’s Day by the
pastor. But tlie regular program
for Children’s Day will bo render
ed at, the Sunday School hour in
the afternoon. The occasion will
conclude at the night service with
another sermon by t he pastor.
in Progress.
The program for I lie commence
ment, exercises of the Union Bap
tist Institute having been defi
nitely arranged,attention is again
called to features for each day
as follows:
Kridav, 21st, Hp, 111. —Oratori-
cal contest.
Saturday, 22d. 10:550 a. m. —
CliiHsduy exercises. 8 p. in. —
Champion debate,
Sunday, 28(1, 1.l a. in. —Com-
meiice'mont sermon by A. Chain- j
lee of Forsyth, Ga. 8 p. m.—
Missionary Sermon, also by Rev.
Chain lee.
Monday. 24th, 10:80 a. in. Bac
calaureate address hy Governor
I loke Sm it h of At lanta.
Detailed programs have been
issued for each exercise, and the
public is cordially invited to aj
teiul. Many interesting and at
tractive features have been plan
ned for tin* occasion, and it will
doubtless prove a brilliant sue
cess. Preparations for such oc
casions mean much additional ex
pense, and I lie management, has
decided it proper to ask the small
admission fee of 10 cents to defray
incidental expenses ; and it is sure
that none will romain away on i
account (ts this little it,cm. Open
ing exercises begin tomorrow
night, H p. in,
News of the death of Mrs. P. j
A- MeQueen of Yiduliu was re-1
oeivod by relatives in Mt. Vernon I
Tuesday morning. Mrs. Motpioen
is a (laughter of Judge A. J. Mc-
Intyre of Vidulut, and besides a
husband and a number ot child-1
ren, leaves many other relatives
and friends to mourn her depart
ure. A number of ;,St. Vernon
relatives attend'd the funeral ser- j
Vices in Vidalta yesterday.
Ailcy, Ga.
1 have opened 1 d* ntal office in
the Montgomery County Bunk
B.uildmg, Alley, <in., and will he
111 my office there 011 May 17, in,
19 and 20, and will give you some
higholass dental work at a roas m
ablc price. Don’t forget Hi.- place
and dates. Yours to servo,
Dr. M. D. Cowart,
LB) Bull Ht, • Savannah, Ga.
i The recent term of Montgomery
■ j Superior Court Drought forth ti
iiumhor of sensations, among
which was tli" disbarment, proceed
ings against Judge \\’. |{. Knot of
I tli.) City Court .Tli i s action, it would
; seem, had been in procoH/i of for
i matiou for Homo time. I>ut was
not. presented to the court until
the Hoeoinl week. t The petition,
hearing the endorsement, of Cols,
.1. It. Geiger, VV . M Lewis, A. C.
SulVold, Kugono Tnlinndge, J,. C.
I nderwood and W. L. Wilson,
is a document of some twenty-live
or thirty pages, in winch more
I than twenty counts are entered
j against Mr. Kent. Sonin of the
j ollVnscH alleged nro those doceiv-
I ing and delaying tlin courts, niis
: conduct in his profession, remov
ing papers fnim t lie cilice of the
clerk es the superior court, chang
ing records, making false entries,
false swearing, defrauding, etc.
rpnn reading the petition on
J I lie li'lli Judge Martin of the Su
perior Court Het its Imaging for
the Ist day of November 1001),
wlmn some interesting develop
ments lirolight before the
j No case in years Inis excited the
interest shown in this matter. It,
is understood that Mr. Kent mov
ed for an immediate hearing, winch
was not, granted, and tine matter
ill not lie hoard until November
court. Judge Kent is a nnitvo of
this county mid no man in the
comity better know n than lie. lie
i>as been practicing law in Ml.
Vernon since ISDN. 110 is one of
the host known Masons in the
state, standing high in this us
.veil ah other secret, orders, and
the charges brought against him
by liin follow practitioners came
is u shock to huntircdH of his ac
quaint uncos throiignout t,hebetate.
Judge Kent is recognized as one
|of the nioHl. successful lawyers in
I this section, and last year was
I -leetoil judge es the City Court by
in overwhelming majority. While
lie h discussing tho matter hut
little, it, is evident that ho will
submit, a defense calculated to
bring surprise to parties at in
terest as well public. lie
pronounces the charges us false,
and based on prol'csauuml jealousy
and count y politics, in which the
majority of the pet if i imrs have
been concerned for it period cov
ering several years, and it, seems
to be a regret on his part, tli iff. the
hearing in this ease will not he
had until November. Mr. Kent
claims one lmlf of the legal prac
tice of the county, und the propo
sition to bar him from practice
will doubtless develop into an
exciting ease, which will be look
ed forward to with no little con
cern on the part of the petitioners
or friends of Mr. Kent.
The six petitioners lire repre
sented by (lots. Kseliol Urn bn m,
\ K. 11. Suffold, Knoeh J. Giles und
W. C. Davis. Immediately after
; the charges were read in court the
item appeared in many of the
Georgia dailies, but which it is
not thought, were sent directly
I from Mt, Vernon. This wide
spread publication at once
brought offers of assistance vol
untarily made by hooivs of M .
I Kent’s friends in different par s
[of the state, in lettors and tel*-
grams. It i* not' supposed that
lie bus yet selected his representa
tive* in lull, but it w ill probnbtv
include (tola. Uh(ford Walker of
Monroe. A. S. Anderson of Mdlen,
0, I'. Thompson of Atlanta and
jMinter Wimberly of Macon.
! While the affair is to he regret
ted, it is hoped that it will l>«
amicably settled. C< nsidering the
county paper the friend of all
parties at interest, it is not dis
posed to discuss the matter fur
ther, aside from stat ing the easy
as above.
NO. 3