The Montgomery monitor. (Mt. Vernon, Montgomery County, Ga.) 1886-current, May 20, 1909, Image 6

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    Grand Jury
Presentments .
(Continued from fifth I'iiK*')
• - - ■ •
KVKIItIT B Kcporl ot Counl) School
To the Grand Jury, Montgomery
County, Georgia, May Term,
At thin term of the Superior
Court it become# my duty to
report to your honorable body
the condition and management
ot the Public School# of Montgom
ery county for the year BIOS.
During tint year the schools of
the county were operated a term
of seven months.
During the yeur there were 45
white schools taught employing
til teachers and twenty colored
school# employing 20 teachers.
During the vojir we enrolled
ySW! white pupils and and 1012
colored pupils noticing a total en
rollment of 8925 pupils. This
shows an increase over the roll
of 1007 of 111 white pupil# and
it] colored pupils making a total
increase of 585 pupils over the
year before
During the year there enrolled
in the Ist., 2nd.,and !ird., (trades
17*1 white pupils; 805 in the Ith
and sth (trade# 102 in the oth
nnd 7tli (trade# and To in the High
School (Iriides.
There were 857 colored pupils
enrolled in the first, three grades.
ISO in flic till and sth Grades, 7
in the Otlt and 7th Grade# Imt
none in the High School Grades.
Os the 01 white teachers em
ployed during tin* year more than
Ho'/i held first grade licenses and
the ot her 15'/ were most ly second
grade teachers. We are making
every effort that cun reasonably
he made to raise tlie standard id
tile teneliers employed in the
schools of the county. We give
no encouragement to any but
what we believe to he the best
teachers available.
Last fall just before tlm open
ing of the schools of the county
we employed I’rof.M. 1,. Brittain,!
Supt. of the schools of Pulton |
county to conduct a teachers' In
stitute five days and required all
the teachers employed to teach
in tins comity to attend said in
wt it nt •*. Ity tioing this the touchers
employed were taught how to
touch and went direct from thr
1 nst it ute to i he school room where
they could put into practice the
methods, theories etc. taught
them during these five days.
In order to operate the schools
of the county seven months the
Hoard of Education found it
necessary to levy a tax of $2.75
on each SI(KH> worth of property
returned for taxati m in the coun
Below is a statement of the re
ceipts and disbursements for the
year IVKKS.
Hal. on hand Jan 1,1908$ 5,400.52
Stan* Tr< ns. Checks, in
cluding convict hire 1f1.5ti1.7t 1
Tax Col. Mont. County (5.8211.17
Haul White Teachers $19,020,511
Hit id Col. Teachers 1,988.50
Haiti on buildings, re
pairs. etc. 11,020.115
Hind Hd. ol Education I it>.oti
Vuid Co. School Com. 900.00
Hd. Eiiums. school oen. 201.82!
Hd. (kind, of Institute HO.(Mi
Haiti wagon hire 85.00
Pd. Mrs. .1 L Adams,rent 24.1171
Haiti postage, printing,
stationery, me 95.81
Hal. on hand Jan 1,1909 2 712.t>1
Asking your careful considera
tion <it tins report and your most
hearty eo-ojmrat ion in the school
affair- of Montgomery county, I
am Yours most respectfully,
A. It. Hi tciiksox,
C. 8. ( ~ M C.|
(NOTE —f>n account of the ,
tune inquired to place it in type,
the report of the auditing com- i
loittet! and the report of the coiiu-l
tv treasurer has been deferred, 1
until next week. This class of j,
matter is of interest, but calls!
for much extra work, and it is!]
unavoidably omitted this issue ] (
To Ibc (jrand Jury, Miy Term, 19#9:
We the Commissioners of Hoads'
and Revenues of Montgomery
County, beg leave to submit the
following report:
Orders drawn from the differ-'
cut funds:
From Building Fund $7,055 25
From Sheriff Fund 7,029 81
From Bridge Knud 4,4115 11 j
From Pauper Fund 1,979 80
From Bond Fund 2,400 78
Received Hoad Fund Computation I
Tax from May 1, ltM)8, to May/
I, $5,124 501
Reed’ Ad Valorem Tax 11,127 04 j
Rcc’d Fines and Forf’es 80108
$9,1 111 28
Huid < bit from May 1, j
1908, to May 1, 1909 8.918 87/
Balance on hand $ 199 11
Respectfully submitted,
i Wm. Hi.and, Clerk.
May Bth, 1909.
Special Report ol Tax Collector.
I ;
Georgia —Montgomery County.
1 To the Honorable Grand Jury of
the May Term Superior Court, I
I Bt09: Gentlemen:
; I beg leave to submit the fol
lowing statement of special taxes
collected by mo since last report:
(Amt. on lift ml last report $125.00
* Mr. White (ArtiHt) 10.00
I Rowel Electric Show 5.00
Sopcrtoii Bottling Works 25.00 i
Cole »V Cooper (Mid. Car.) 10.00 j
King <1: Turkey (Mid. Car.) 10. GO
i Commission on same $ 18.50
! I’uid to It. E. Park 100.50
V $185.00
i Respectfully submitted, this
.! May Brel, 1909.
R. Newton Wood,
1 T. C., M. C.
Meat From the
Mill of Justice .
The following is a complete list
of cases disposed of at the recent
1 term of Montgomery Superior!
\V A Odom vs J P Gillis et ill;
verdict for defendants.
Annie Davis vs Will Davis; 1 ver.
Rosa Bee Wade vs Willis Wade;
2d verdict.
S. F. Bcckwnrtli vs Angelo Heck- 1
wort li; levy distiussed.
Wiley Sharpe vs A. Johnson, W. |
J. PeteiiHon, Jr., clt.; levy dis. j
j First Nat ional Bank vs James Clii-1
ton, Addie Clifton clt.; claim |
| Duncan Morrison vs J. W. Harden, !
Aug Sclimidt it Co. clt.; verdict 1
for pill".
R. Newton Wood vs Way it Co.,
A. A Peterson, clt; levy dis.
Home Ferliliscer it Chemical Co.
vs L. W. Harwich; ver. for pit!'.
John Carroll vs Ida O’Neal at nl; |
verdict for plff.
John 11. Palmer vs Hell Palmer:
Ist verdict.
Wing, Elliott A Crums Shoe Co. vs
A. B. Conner; verdict for nltfs. |
I. 1,. Anderson vs Henry McAllis
ter ; verdict for plff.
Hank of Vulalia vs Delilah Phil- j
lips, I* J Smith clt.; ver., pill's.
A. Hanley it Co. vs (r. b. Adams;
j verdict for plff.
J. M. Meyers it Co. vs 0. 11. Peter
son ; verdict for plff. for costs. j
W. P. Calhoun vs W. D. Peterson,!
C M Peterson clt.; ver. for plff. 1
W. P. Calhoun vs W. 1) Peterson,!
Nancv Petersen clt. ver. for plff. ■
*l. Bullard vs M. S. Jenkins, H. :
11. Ivey clt.; levy dismissed,
lame-A- Peddy vs j. C. Collin#,:;
('. H. Peterson, clt.; claim dis.
Farmois Hank vs R. W. Willis et '
a!.. .1 M Phillips, clt.; levy dis.
K. E. rheums vs T. A. Davis; ver- I
diet for plff. for S2OO.
Columbia Brewer vs W. R. Wilson, i
Adr.: verdict for plff.
Macon, Dublin it Savannah Hail -
road, vs Iron Palmer: ver. deft. ,
li. R. Kersey vs Geo. D. Daniels, (
C. 11. Wooten, clt.; levy dis.
interstate I.Bml it Improvement I
Co. vs W. li. Adams, Mrs. Geor
gia Ada ms, clt.; verdict for plff. 1
Wilcox, Ives it Co. vs M. R. Phil
lips : judgment for plff, .1
Savannah Guano Co. vs M. J. and
H. 0. Webster: certiorari sus. }
/. J. Under vsJ. Clayton Cle
ments ; settled. 1
Duncan Morris vs Goo Morris: set.
r. J. James vs J. C. Collins, C. H. J
Peterson, clt; claim dismissed.
Lizzie Green vs Willie Green; Ist J
Hence Ooojier vs Pearle Coopor; s
2d verdict.
To ho Jordan vs Mae Lizzie Jordan ; J
Ist verdict.
Council it Calhoun vs Anderson it 5
Waters: settled.
Officers ot court vs J. K. Phillips;
levev dismissed.
M Morrison vs Heard Grocery
€<>.: certiorari sustained. ii
Peoples Bank of Soperton vs Chas b
C Conner et al.; settled. ia
1 ' (
THft MONHKf hi;By MO.VfTOtt—TltrilSlMV. ITAV TC>.
' H " nt , * Is VS D. C. Phillips
Rnlder I ai clt.; claim dis
|R. J. hull' . r vs j{ i Sears
Beacbaia > elt.; claim dismissed
A - C- M<wr ley V(j j \ Holtivt-ang
es; cert j orar j sustained.
John Or ,|j B v # W. (;. Browning
i certir ,rari sustained.
D. <fc S. Ry. vs A. R. Wilke#
ceD iorari sustained.
M-ts Jenkins vs A. W. Barlow:
i ce rtiorari dismissed.
] annah Wooden ware Co. vs J
i Wade, Jr., certiorari #us.
IA. A. Peterson vs Gilbert McLean ;
! certiorari dismissed.
V . D. <t. 8. Ry. vs C. R Blacks
ton; judgement for plff'.
Criminal cases for first two days
j’ court published first, week.
State vs Jordan Swain ; mistrial.
State vr Kid Henry; giilty of
shooting at another; $75 or U
I State vs Abraham Boykin; inces
tuous fornication; guilty; two
Mack Davis; guilty; $25 or H mos.
! bill Smith; guilty of gaming ;floo
or 12 months.
Geo. and Clarence Kelley; guilty
as to Geo. Kelley; $75 or 12
: | inos. Clarence Kelley acquitted.
1 Hen Greer; larceny after trust;
! not guilty.
John Rainhee assault to murder;
guilty ; $125 or 12 mos.
j D. N. Chalker; assault-with intent
to murder; not guilty.
Tom Greer; concealed pistol: $75
or 12 months.
F. J. Kelley; plea of guilty for
for assault; SSO or six mos.
Duncan May; furnishing pistol to
minor; not guilty.
Josh Collins; discharged on de
D. W. Chalker; shooting at an
j other; not guilty.
Joanna Swinuey; discharged on
j Charley Stubbs; incestuous adul
tery ; 2 years.
J. A Coursoy misdemeanor; plea
of guilty; SIOO or 12 mos. As
sault to murder; plea of guilty;
SIOO or 12 mos. Misdemeanor
I (2) not guilty.
Coote Boykin; incestuous fornica
tion; $1(X) or 12 inos.
j Charley Stubbs; rape; not guilty.
The next examination of t.each
, ers will ho held on the 18th and
19th of Juno 1009.
Questions in this examination
i will lie shaped, in a great part, by
| Dutton s “School Management’’
and Dinsinorn's "Teaching of u
District School.”
Dutton’s “School Ma alignment”
may be had of the Southern School
book Depository, Atlanta, (la.,
and Dinsmore’s “Teaching of a
District School” of the American
Book Co., Atlanta, Ga.
Both of these books are fine, j
but. the latter is especially full of
I sood things applicable to country
schools and conditions.
A. B. Hutcheson,
ts. C. S. C., M. C. 1
— .
Rounds Tux Receiver.
1 will be at the various precincts
on the following dates for the
purpose of receiving state and
county tax returns for the year i
Higgston, Friday, May 14, from
5:80 to 7p. in.
Superton, Saturday, May 15, from
8 to 10 a. in.
Ktbbee, Saturday, May 15, from
11 to 1 p. m. •
Tarrytown, Saturday, May 15,from
2 to 5 p. in.
Erick. Monday, May 17, from 9
to 11 a. in.
Alamo. Monday, Mav, 17, from 2
to 4 p, m.
A. J. Fowler’s, Monday, May 17,at
G leu wood, Tuesday, May 18, from
10 to 1 p. til.
I-nndsburg, Tuesday, Mav ]>,
from 8 to 5 p. m.
Lothair, Wednesday, May 19, from
11 to 1 p. 111.
J. E. Horn's residence, May 19. at 1
Mt. Vernon, Thursday, May 20, i
from 10 to 4 p m.
Longpond, Friday, May 21, from
10 to 1 p. m.
Moseley’a store, Friday, May 21,
4 to H p. m.
McArthur, Saturday, May 22, from
10 tn 1 p. in.
Springhill (Camp Ground), Sat
urday, May 22, from 8 to 5 p. m.,
J. A. Browning's residence, Mon
day, May, 24, from Bto 1U a. m.
Springhill (Club House), Monday,
May 2R 11 to Ip. ni.
W. Henry Clark,
R. T. R. M. C.
P. S.—Do not mail returns to rue ,
if possible to meet me, as I prefer
to take them personally, so as to*
avoid mistakes as far as possible. 1
1 ' 1
' I ■* ■ r 580 na ms sm ssi am sis bod ssu ma res am at
2 gj • §5
| We arc now in position to handle FARM AND CITY LOANS 1
»jg §§
g in Moiitgoni(‘ry county very promptly, securing money in sg
2 ; i g
: i TERHS: 6 to 8 per ct. five years time 1
| |
i p 11 yon jh;c(l money, come see us at once. g
M ■ 0 a h n kv m uaaftswnrnßjirßall
| I
IVidaHa Loan &j
I Realty Co. |
J. WADE JOHNSON, W-r- ot Loans lllllAl IA PA a
I W. J. DE LOACH, Attorney ¥IIMl!A, (]A. |
House for Rent. !
Good Five-Room House with 2
acres of land attached, in Ailey. !
See at once 1). M. Ci:i:iuk,
•214 Ailey, Ga.
Velvet Beans.
For salo at $2.00 per bushel. !
Call on or write me at once.
J. W. Cai.iiot-x,
Route ‘J, Mt. Vernon, Ga.
| 825tt
Hamilton Bukcii,
Attorney and Conn
selor at Law,
ricRAE, GA.
Criminal Law and CollecfionN, Xnelnding
ioad l oi t Cases, a Specialty.
Eugene Talmndge,
At tori lev at Law,
Will Practice in all the Courts of
the State.
Celebrated fi>r style, perfect fit. simplicity and
reliability neariv 4t) yen;-. Sold in nearly
every city and town in the United States and
Canada, or by mail direct. More sold than
any other make. Send ior tree catalogue.
More subscribers than nrv other fashion
inagaaine million a month. 'lnvaluable. Lit
e-t styles, patterns, dressmaking, millinery, "
plain sewing, fancy need lew ork. Jairdressir.-,
etiquette, runij stories, etc. Or.’v 50 cents a
year (worth double), including a free pattern,
babscribe today, or send for sample copy, p,
to Agents, Postal brings premium catalogue
and new cash prize orters. Address ►
IHt Met ALL (01. 238 to 24S W :?lh St. NEW VOSS J
'rS&fi Designs
Anriine sending a tdcetch nnd dmcrlptloß ma*
quickly aacertJttn onr epnnen free whether an
tneenuon is probably patent able. t. •unmnnicn- T
thms#tr«ctly ror.iMeiitlal. HANOSOOK on Patents J*
sent tree. *»hle*t agency for seennng patent!!. ►
Pato.ti. thn uch Maim A Co. receiTt ►
•fvrtol adue, wnhout charge, m the g#
Scientific American, x
A lllnstrated weektr. I wreost cir- FT
cuiation of anr scteutibo lournak Terms. 93 a i
y ear: lour nront ha. |L Sold by ail rewiijealem.
WUNN £ Co. 36tBro«imy. New fork
Braucb OWce. 6» F tfU. WaabiLtft ji*. IK C- ,
(IN | lllllliii ipi! i
i i *>-•■**' \
■ : V XgAJkd
1 V s> «'- ? "- ; - : * > V T TAFT WEARS ?
,; THE BROWN SHOE CO. St. Lo lis 11 j
Ask so •IV■-, r" r. 1 ': - styles
1 ° '*‘ :: ' I'or Women,
• v • - ;:,i •’ ; 1 > sr » &• ■' S3.r»o, S 4, & sr>
MIkNS quality
' '■■: . . . *
Kr'»>Tm»vtTT»UTTVTT»mT.n?TirFmffTTn»TmTm : r7
[ Tffi SPttffi IDEAS |
hi Millinery Finery were never 3
: mure lieautiful than the* Styles I have 3
: Vhe hulies will call at once to select 3
: Hats and Trimmings for Spring Wear. 3
; Mrs. J. L. Adams, Mt. Vernon. 5
Hit' Montgomery Monitor and the Savannah
Semi-Weekly Mows, one year, 51.75.