The Montgomery monitor. (Mt. Vernon, Montgomery County, Ga.) 1886-current, May 27, 1909, Image 4
1 Blasts’ I \ Seeds I * Buists Seeds t ■* T * All the FiCnding Varieties of 2 15 K A X s % * r r. as * * C <) It X * * 15 E E 'l' * J Cabbage, ■* Cucumber jf J Melon # * Radish £ * Tomato & * 11 BULK I * * * Always Fresh at * J MT. VERNON DRUG CO.’S ; * i * Mt. \ onion, (hi. ? *++**+**'* ft**************** | Von Can Easily Oporato | | •c,V’CThis Typewriter Yourself. | 8 ‘ J^'4’' f P.m't werrv yottr eommpnmloitt. Don't write him anything 5 h)> v by hand thfd Ul. » lam time t<» make out—that may leavo ft >Ji " him in doubt Hint he o*u’t easily mud, £ Anil don't nil out li'k'al pallor.or ra: I nomim 'or inako out ncroimta or hotel ft, manna ill V'litr ..writ Inunl'Vi iting . It Inuks, rrll’-ot on .Vour etatolinft, imikea 8 poopl. think afford a at.nuKraphnr, ami ia m.niatiinM ambiguoua. jjj g Von can write out your letter*— g make out no out an abatrarl HU in • A >r £ an uianrani e | S no moil .make out your *i !■ JO g 0 lintel n Hill oi do anr kind of ▼ r„ wriniiM von need, on ant kind, »l/o mam % . £ 8 111 lilt.'liio «H of I .|.. r,and .my I UOKIA/I'ITCI* S, O any way >ou want mi / | The Standard Visible Writer i| Y«*:ienn wiito miy «»f il»**m»* tilings vouri** 1 ' ! you do n<>t I'.nppen to hav« a m feting ruptu i l‘"i you t’tui *;i <ilv h'uin, with mI M< i»mctic*», to write juni :i* niyidlv and j *i< jn'tl. ily «•* «n exnert ator on tin* OI IVhit. Ihcmnui 1 1»«* OLI\ Kll ih tin* « X miu|»lilic(l tvpiovl ilt*. And \mi eitu k.m i Vfi v voi I YOU writv. About 80 per cent » J; MO la: Id'll\f*Ki: than any other tvp»«wr.t. r. ‘ <vau-*«' it hit about N) n*r rent LESS fa !V \Vl\lil \li fHiIS I's than nn»at other fvpt*a mi- s*> |m rent I.ASIKU to write K ! with than other COMPLICATED, INTIM YTE .l/ACHINKH that re.piiio “l»n- g H ttinriitg''- - technical long pi nit .. i spifinl mK ill to opeiah* Thau h$ 6 inn» tiiH t which t t’.ieit he ii l)u*h «l to auv -|m » d »»|Wf«* with which it m ini|w>sMihle W J t«» write iihKlia t**, n -uinnee |*o!ii'leH, or o«I«1«ni/.m oneumeiitM except you buy «*xpens- w S iv «• Sl’l.< I VI. at UchineutN if.plirinK expeitH hi V m enn adjust the g S 01.1 VKit t«i any lleioeuiablf Spare you ran wrltaon \N\ n-awnnhle m/e and tliieK- g «.f p ip. i. ndjht "Ut to t ln- vet y a itli 'tt the aid of ANY KYPRNHIVK \i - g K TAi'IIMI ST *r Mpeeial akill, ami v.»nr work will be mat appearing, hnihle and idem. M | i ihe OIJVj K m the typ«*wiiiei for the .inet.M, tlio |.i\n v« r, llio miMiianeeHyent.iho g, f*i iiiereliaiif. the li'itel proprietor ot hiiv iiihii w|io dot m hit own writing. Write mt now fur our booklet ou the SJMI'LIMKD le»itur* a of the OLI\KK. w | Tim Oliver Typewritei' l'oni]mny, Si I n.icnso, "rnroi.ivKjiTvrKvvniTKß Illinois. I: P & fTvi <ii */» */> ».*i ‘<. •'• *.» i# iw < *s* ♦.» »i« ci •»«w. k/* •Re 11.»• ?»dniY»/» • .*«,» I Summers [ ! Buggies S ! Brown i | j j Wagons I | I haM* a Full Line of these Standard | | Vehicles on Hand, and in order to close | them out, am giving the Most j REASONABLE TERMS 11 | .. i Si> me at once il vim need or • » will need a Good Buggy or a Good Wagon. 'Terms right A.A.PETERSON,JR. 1 AILEV, GEORGIA 1 S s THE MOVrOOMF.RY MONITOR—THURSDAY, MAY 27. 10-TO. ANNUAL PAYMENTS SATISFY VETERANS. Atlanta, May 20. —Because of the return to the minimi payment plan there has been nu increase of nearly $20,000 in the money paid Confederate veterans and their widows this year. This is due | to the fact that, many pension-! j er« who stay out of the state most of the time would not return home four times a year to collect their I installments. Annual payments! enabled them to collect liy a am ! isle visit, and an increase in the 1 amount dispensed has been the' renult. Pension Commissioner J. W. Lindsey has called on the treas-i urer for $l,lOO with which to make new payments on claims' ‘arising since the general distribu tion earlier in the year. Warrants for $944,244 have been I j drawn on the pension appropria tion, winch is $9b0,000 tor the present year. The sum of $5,241- j 05 has been turned back into the treasury as unclaimed, leaviugaj balance on had of $10,997 05. The amount distributed last year was approximately $27,000. So new claimants can draw on the balance from this year’s ap propriation. Ail claims filed now will l»o taken up next year. CASE AGAINST CALLOWAY DROPPED BY CONSENT. Mcßae, Ga., May 20.—Mr. G. \V. Callaway, of Telfair county, who started a near-beer saloon just, outside the city limits of Mc- Rae the first part of this year, some time ago, was indicted for violating the prohibition law. His case was called in the city court this morning. Ho hud summoned 125 witnesses to prove that the drinks he sold would not intox icate. The state had only four or five witnesses. Great interest was manifested in the case. Just aft er the case was called Col. Eschol Graham, his lawyer, offered to treat with the state, stating that Caliaway would discontinue the sale and not sell any more in Tel fair county nor in five miles of Mcltae, outside the county, on condition that the suit, be with drawn. After consultation of this offer the state decided to nol prosse the suit. Other cases are up. Among them one against Mr. Fleetwood, form erly of Macon, for soliciting and I securing orders for liquor. The people and the courts are after the violators of this law in earnest and radical reforms are .expected in tins county. AUGUSTA MAN KILLS HIS WIFE. Norfolk, Va., May 25.—1 n the presence of their little daughter, Eugene Robbies,a young iron mol- I tier, apparently insane, killed Ins wife here today in an East Main street boarding house kept by the victim’s twin sister. The weapon was an ax. Pel files was arrested. He catpe hero a week ago from Savunnab, Ga, lfis wife and chil dren preceded hint from Augusta, G a. Pebbles made no statement other ;' than Ut confess his crime and ex | press a desire to die. The young wife was killed while : in the act of writing a letter to her mother in Augusta, in which ; she told of her hard lot and Peb : Ides unjustified jealousy. Pebbles had been unable to ob tain work in Norfolk and his : sister-in-law had told hint that , his family could remain with her : until he was more fortunate. i I ~ NOTICE QF NOTE. : GEORGIA —Montgomery county. All persons are hereby warned { against trading for one certain J promissory note and mortgage v given to secure the same, given [ to J)r. J. H- Dees for S(VS.QS, and i dated about April JtO, 1909, con t sideration for which said note was ; given having failed utterly. This 5 17th day of May, l‘.K>9. ;; 5204 Toney Cray, 20 Years W i thHeartT rouble “Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy has i cured me of heart disease of | over 20 years’ standing. I was | so bad that 1 could not do my I work, and could scarcely draw | a full breath without fainting or | smothering. 'The doctor told me ; he could do no more for me; then I commenced taking the i Heart Remedy. I shall never j forget that night. I slept better i than f had before in months. 1 j kept right on getting better, un i til I was perfectly well.” MRS. LAURA RUSSELL, Logan, lowa. When the heart action is weak, it fails to pump the blood through the lungs with sufficient ( ! rapidity. Then the lungs do not absorb the proper amount of j I oxygen, although they may be , taking in a normal amount of 1 air. The result is shortness of breath, smothering spells, diffi- |: ; cult breathing, oppressed feeling : in chest. Dr. Miles' Heart Rem ; cd} strengthens the heart nerves | and muscles, and in this way increases the circulation. Get a bottle from your drug gist. 'l ake it according to direc tions, and if it does not benefit he will return your money. : ROAD NOTICE. j Georgia—Montgomery County. T. 15. Adams and others having ! | applied for the opening and es- ! t.ftblishmont of a new public road i at or near J. M. D. McGregor’s j land about a mile and a-half south ; of Ailey and running in the di- j ruction of the Oconee Rriver to j the residence of L. C. Mcßae. ! Said proposed road having been ; reviewed by the proper authorities. ; Application will be granted on the ! first Tuesday in June, 1909, if no ; good cause be shown to the con- ; trary. This the 4th day of May, ! 1909. J. F. Sikes, Chr. Bd. Co. Corns. -U. CITATION. Georgia—Montgomery County. John A. Livingston has in pro- : perform applied to the under signed for letters of administra tion on the estate of Mrs. Mary E. Livingston, late of said conn- ' ty deceased, this is to cite ullj persons concerned to he and ap pear at mv office on the first Mon day m June,l9o9, and show cause if any they can why said admin istration should not he granted as ; prayed for. Witness my hand , and official signature this is the ■ 4th day ot May, 1909. Alex McArthur, Ordinary M.JC. , Sheriff Sale. Oeersiiv—M«ntK»tnf > rv fio'intv. Will Hu *nkl liefon rlui ccim-t House iloor in Vt. Veniuu on llte Unit Tnesilav in .tune, 19 SI, between the legal Hoar- of sale, to the liillht st aiet heat Imhler W cash, certain prop erty, of which the following is a complete tlc j Hcii|itii>n: One certain harvesting machine of the international Harvester Com pany's make, together with one rake. [ In good condition. Said property j lev id upon as the property of J. S. i Frost to satisfy an execution issued ’ from the City Court of Xlt. Vernon; in favor of the International Hnr- > j venter Company, suing for the us. of A. P. Stone, \* tin* said .f . s . Frost. Saul property in the po si-simi of : the said defendant, and written no- : tice of levy given as required by law. : Levy made ami returned to me l>y ' K, K. Forrester, deputy sheriff. This the 4th day of May. t'.kf.). James Hester. Sheriff Cjtv Court Ml. V., (is. M. R. < ftlhoun, A try. for PltT. ’I" E. M. RAC K LEY Dentist Ofiioa over Mfc. Vernon Drug Co. MT. VERNON. GA. M. 15. CALHOUN, At tv at Law, Mt, Vernon, Georgia. I BLACKSMITH - SHOP. i , All kinds Repair Work. Iron! and Wood. Fine line of Bicycle j Material on hand. High-Grade Repair Work on Bicycles, Sewing I • Machines, Guns, Revoiv *rs and j Clocks. See me before placing j your work: 1 will save you money, j Work promptly and neatly done . J. SELLERS, : : AILEY, GA. j 1 ABSOLUTE SAFETY 1 (£) w^P'v'*'vvv'v rr J r '%rww'v^w >r a- < . g ® > • < i> tlu* best thinsr we have to ® f£) (♦)►-< offer. All other inducements g( - <g , . ,v > < are oi secondary importance. & (*) V " H , . , . , . , , r (*S C*' 5 ' ! ,on this basis, ana with the assurance ox so' - 4| cordial and courteous attention, we solicit (#) r 4 vour patronage. t JU <j THE UJ. VERNON BANK | 'f'\ Alt. Vernon, Qa. (*) H VT/VWmttWAWi %.•%/ ItUIUVAVWt wwww%wwvww% , w% , fc^i J Does it Pay ? I OF COURSE IT DOES! | The above' question is frequently jj ! asked in regard to judicious advertising, ij The answer is ahvavs the saint' —OF i COURSE IT DOES! I Wo do not mean by this to say | I all advertising pa vs, but wc* do sav that ij JUDICIOUS A L>V KRTISIKG pays and pays handsomely, It’ you expect your ij “ads” to bring results you must get ij them before the people—plaee them in ij publications which are subscribed to and ij paid for by the best class of people in | the territory whore they circulate. I ij TH E MONITOR Belongs to this class, and besides, it is ij lan All-Home-Print, and Me are in po- ij sit ion to guarantee our patrons results. | BATES reasonable, and will be j| furnished on application. v v jj S | SOUTHERN BUILDERS’ . I _ 13, S and NO Barnard Street 5 jj SUPFLY'CS. GEORGIA. | HEADQUARTERS FOR | j Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mantels, Paints, I jj Oils, Lime, Etc. | I Special Agents For «| Harrison’s “Town and Country” Paints, ij CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. j| ].\s.[an, SOUTHERN BUILDERS’ Manager SUPPLY 00. jj iij lHs-MO Uaruaru St. SAVANNAH, GA. IF ALL i I THROAT & LUNG | REMEDIES • QUICKEST, SAFEST, SUREST | g GOUGH and COLD I 1 CURE I 1 AN& HEALER OF ALL DISEASES OF LUNGS, THROAT AND CHEST * CURED BY HALF A BOTTLE ! 3? Ball * bottle of Dr. King’s Haw Discovery cured me of the I V worst cola and cough I ever had. J. R. Pitt, Rocky Mount, N. C. ■ PRICE OCc AND SI.OO 8522x325?: xaa sold awd guaranteed ey iniAiiin ■ ■ n” Mt. Vernon Drug Co. Rivers Drug Co. Palmer Drug Store, i