Newspaper Page Text
!! *t port of Examining Committee.
; | Attic . :■* md f iming i | >•»rt of th<* General Presentments J
! of May, 1909, Grand Jury.| |
I Georgia—Montgomery County. |
'loth" Ibinnrable Grand Jury of -aid Gountv: We. the ;
; coin mitt< r appointed at tin* November Term, HX)B, of said ,
county, to cxunmio Iho ri rords of tin; various county offices, I
]! beg leave to Mihinit tin following report: ;
We ha\• evamlned the records of the offices of the Ordi- ;
narv. Clerk of the Superior and City t’ourts, Sheriff, Treasurer ;
; and Couutv flotnniissioners, and find they are correctly kept. I
! \\ ■ hav< examined the book, of tlie County Treasurer, and find '
j! that In Inis received and paid out as follows: ;
|| Received #1(588 5,18 Overdrawn al Inst report# 88 23 j
! I By vouchers paid 1018 50 ;
Treasurer’* Gomtni-sion 49 41 \
y Balance on hand 488 <HI I
\\ Total #1(588 88 Total #1(588 88 i
;: Bui on hand lust By vouchers paid 8887 08 '
]! report 990 05 Tre; .-urcr'h eouunission 227 97 '
1 F{e< cived 8K515 07 Balance on hand 5041 In <
Total #916(5 12 Total #915)5 12 ;
; Hal. on hand last By vouchers paid 1174 00 ;
report 71 21 Treasurer’s commission J 152 70 !
2 Received 1.899 0(5 Balance on hand 654 11 j
Total #1970 87 Total #4970 87 i
| Received 1088 21 Overdrawn 45 I
S By vouchers paid 1517 54 1
i Treasurer’s commission 55 88 ;
Balance* on hand 59 41 ;
T.da.l #IOBB 21 Total #IOBB 21 j
| I'.al. on hand 78 27 By vouchers puid 8091 19 J
J Ri ;v< d 11 ('id 88 Ti'.-:i-iii'l''h commission 145 80 j
$ Baliince on hand 090 81 ]
1 ot. 11 .# 1.1.54 00 iota 1 # 1.1.1*5 00 ]
* Ivl :,.d I* *I 8 s By vciud r- paid 8980 (50 j
| R. *, 4 iH8!; u.S T iiiv r’s commission 1 1 1 88 J
ilii in ■ hi band 115 18 I
To*al #;;s7 .• T ill #4187 40 j
i It;; 871 9* i' lout 8(5108 ;
i i i 1 . comini sion 10 tM> |
lot a I #87198 I
e ' :,\ ■\T-MKNT. !
i 'J'* 'i ndit arcs 1(5278 78 j|
la; 1 ■ o ualid 7028 58 |>
* Tot a r !;
T To' il #28807 81 \
■ | ( "ii |
] Tofu * omn* la 4 report #17591 48 j
I Jury i * •' ~ iuni Court, 1210 (HI ;
j; Jury r< port,, City Court 808 (X) j
;: Cutst 6075 87 I
; ! Cutst,in. 32 00 |
c i .no uni. Road Ucolint. |
1: G'lmnn: ,i\ : .., | 4.5 By vouchers paid #889(5 (55 j;
!' Borrow *' . v ••o i>o j \
lAdvuloi', ,x 85‘4* 1 4,il Balance mi hand 19941 !
Fines A I i.! ie- B■l Os |
Total >,,,'.14)01 Total #859(5 04 j[
County 11 , die borrowed money, #1(51 57 ;!
I halers Oil! '.! l!(li t|; 100 00 J |
Tli' iv . a . .-a no ettlemi nt, made between the County ]
( ‘in in i - i- and ihe Tax Collector, we have not examined I j
I! th Tu\ G'di.■!• tor s book. '
11 County SJiool Commissioner. j!
:! hand Jan, 1, Paid li achers #21210 86 j
1908, #51(50 52 Paid Bd. Eduea. 140 00 j!
;! Ree. State Trees. 14>4t>| 70 School Com. Sal. 900 00 |!
;! Re - , lax (A. Wood (58 10 8 7 Inst. Tea. and Inc’s 2155 IS !’
j! Ree. Sale struv cow svs School Sups. 8(520 85
j | Bal. on hand Jan. I'o9 271199 ;;
Total #28848 87 Total #28848 87 jj
All of which is respectfully submitted. May 8, 1909. ||
L. B. MeiiKMoitK, S. 11. Mounts, ;!
J. M. D. McGhkooh, Committee. Jl
Cured without Operation. Here is Positive Sworn Proof
Stats ok Minnesota, >
I. Ku haul J.ibrriM. el Om»tonr», Minn . t>eing first duly tn-nm, do H 8
•av that I am thf petion named m hiu! who fuinm tibeti the totlowiug
Statement and the same U true of my own kue« ledge in c\ try partu ulat tS9hJL
• I had severe paina mmy lightside, )Ust above die appendix. 1 wont £ »JIT
to the doctor and he ptonounct-d my case appendicitis «uui adviseil an 8
opetation InMrad I went to ZambOCi tluw ' drua store and Ikius lit a G
belilr ol Adler i-ka Trealinrnt. After taking it die leanlt was indeed
wonderful. 1 tie pains stopped and 1 felt like a new man. I heartily /8*
recommend Adler- 1 k.i 1 reaimcm in anyone troubled with append*ins
a» 1 know it baa cured me. ' rl J
*(Si|tnedl Ku-hart> It. Jahkkisa i
Seal Subseribeii and swuru to (>efore me June 29. liH)X. * _
J. Xkwdalt, Notary Public,Steele County.
' Adlerd kanot only cures Appendicitis, Uit onk dosk a wkkk will positively pri
vest THIS TKKACHKKOI-S msKAM We o*e si' Uik away a Very valuable, fully illus
liated Ws'k, show ink picture* of the append!>, and describing bow appendicitis is caused,
bow it , ,n be ireated medically and how to yaurd against it. Kveryoue should tead tbia
book and be prepared in time.
Aili*y, (*a.
i\ tru '.s'.W* »V. *> Ve". .. '■ XV.,t,* ;.. •; CivVthlAUcC'
■; Ice cii farms in Mont- «
«• 4 . N ii' lays for inspection. |
• m. 4. living m ar you. »
£ LOANS < .. 7.3 !»:■;• :t *stsy installments to »
*c- suit «
I ii HO. 11. HARRIS I
v Me re i Mcßbo, Ga. I
ft 7 VS
k ji
Ww44#;v...4,, c...v.v;«v,..w.vv..u, •■y > ANA-.yrv.• > yra.v^tA.4v»A<a>.'sd;dw>ijfi<diMig«
Will be held on the sth Sunday
j in May, Friday and Saturday he
el before. Following program:
! Friday morning, 10 o’clock, devo
!| tioLial service ly D. M. Cum*.
! 11 o’clock introductory sermon
by Rev. C. E. Kite.
! Fr'day afternoon, 1:80 o’clock
; 1 Resolved :That Christians ought
; to pray more earnestly for ihe
1 Lord to call more men into the
! gospel ministry, led by Rev. A.
! J.Johnson
| 2 Resolved: That pastors and
churches should be ever on the
; alert to discover young nem
; impressed of the I.ord to enter
! the ministry, led by Rev G. B.
! Watson.
! 8 Resolved: That our churches
! should exert every effort possi
ble to enable young men called
; into the ministry,to f.tlly equip
themselves for the work, led by
! Bro. Avery.
![ 1 Resolved: That hasty and un
! | wise ordination of men to the
ministry is hurtful to both the
individual and the cause, led by
B. M. Pack.
| Saturday morning 8:80 o’clock
; devotional service led by J. T.
; Geiger. 9 o’clock: lias there
been a declension in the fam
! ily worship? llow can we cor-
I rect it? Led by liev. T. J. Cobh.
10 o’clock ; Is Christian educa
; tion an important factor in our
! church work? What should be
the attitude of our churches
! and pastors toward it? Led by
I). M. Currie and Rev. M. ().
; Carpenter. 11 o’clock sermon
by Rev. .1. W. Green.
Saturday, 1:30 o’clock, 4. Is
religious literature an important
! asset in our churches? llow can
; wo encourage our people to supply
their homes with wholesome re
ligious literature? Led by J. T.
; Geiger and W.A. Rivers.
; f». How can we best, cultivate j
the missionary spirit m our
; homes? Can our churches improve
; in this work until we get the
homes right? Led by Rev. A. J.
; Johnson.
; Saturday Night, Sermon by T. |
1 B. Winham.
! Sunday Morning, 9:80 o’clock, i
; Devotional Services led by J. F.
I Currie; 10:00o’clock, som * phase
i of the Sunday school work, dis
; cussed by Rov. T. J. Stallworth;
; 11:00 o’clock, Missionary Sermon
! by Rev. T. J. Cobb.
! All parties coining by the rail
; road will please notify R. K. Cur
| no what day and what train your
will come on. Address R. E. Cur
' rie, R. D. No. 4, Glenwood. Ga.
I Committee : Rev. C. It. Winham,
Rev. H. T. Wright, J. G. Snell
[grove and R. E. Currie.
I’.istor's and Deacon’s Con
ference to be held with Claxton
Baptist church Wednesday night
and Thursday, June 9th and 10th,
I I'M*.
Wkdxksday Nnhit.
The Purpose of God in Election,
Sermon by J. I). Rabun.
Thursday Monxixo.
1. Can our churches obey God
ir render profitable service w ith
out a knowledge of the Bible? If
not, how can we secure tins esseu-
I t-ial knowledge? J. C. Brew ton
and T. J. Cobb.
j 2. To what extent is the Holy
G Spirit to direct the working of
j iour churches now? J. D. Rabun
J and J. W. Witherington,
L 8. The Holy Spirit in the prep-
I aration and delivery of sermons.
L 5. F. Hogan and C. B. Jones.
[ 1
t 4. The Mercer System; it’s
; scope, aim and importance to tlie
denomination and state at large.
\ Dr. P. A. Jessup, Dr. W. L. Pick
[ ard and Dr. J. C. Brewton.
L J. D. Rajbux, Sec.
I 5
MACON, fiA. \\
Capital Stock, $300,000. Surplus, $150,000. ?
W e are offering, without com- <
mission charges, small blocks of i j
1 the original capital to property!]
1 holders in tins state. The Com- ;
puny is backed and will be linanc- <
‘ |ed by all the banking interests in ; j
Macon and officered by the best j
‘; business men. ! i
We expect to have a local agent <
in each tow n and an adviser clios-j j
jen from our stockholders.
'; Stock in fire insurance compan- ! 3
‘ ! ies has always paid good dividends I ]
w here consf-rvai ivly managed.
Stock payable 20% June lstj]
and 6% a mouth thereafter, ij
Acldre.-s J. Clay Murphy or Jno. ! ]
’ J. McKay. Macon, Ga. ]
) )
Ailoy, Ga.
1 have opened a dental office in j
4 ;
j the Montgomery County Bank 1
Building, Alley, Ga., and will be i
1 111 my office there on June 2d \
3d and 4th and will give you some X
high class dental work at a reason- 5
able price. Don’t forget tho place J
an 1 dates. Yours to serve,
Dr. M. 1). Cowart,
Savannah, Ga. <
Velvet Keans.
For sale at #2.00 per bushel. <
Gall on or write me at once.
J. W. (jAi.IIIiUN, ]
Route 2, Mt. Vernon, Ga.
325 tt
Retrial of the OUndard Oil Crse. * s
Jial. o Albert B. Audersnu of the ]
railed States court for the district ol 1
! ludiaua, before whom the Standard $
i Oil case Is l.ein„ r retri >d in t'hleago, 1
siiruns a surprise by tiiiashing the >
I panel of jurymen summ 'l.ed beeau.-ie ]
It coutainrd too many far. H-rs. <
It was a so called “fnrr.xrs'” jury j
I which brought. In the verdi tv making >
I Judge Landis’ tine of #2D,’_ T,(K)O in j ]
1 the original case possible, and the de i <
feuse was prompt in calling the court's | s
attention to the fact that the panel |>
i present for the new trial continued I'<
1 only three Chicagoans, although CO per ; |
j cent of the population within the jjn-Ss-
diction of the court live in Cook county. J
"1 don’t want to start in with this' j j
hearing feeling that there is something | £
| unfair,” said the judge. “We ought j
Jp? f
! ‘V- -
to st;;it fair and keep fair. I will in- j
; struct the jury commissi n to put in j
! 150 names of men. a ; *«>d prnjiortion
jof whom shall be good business men
| from t’hiengo and fork county, it so
happens that this case is tried In a
district composed of an enormous
I commercial iity and several rural
counties. The country may have
purer air, a higher moral stand, rd
and greater intelligence than the city,
hut lhai is an open question. How
ever. lam not going on; .e the issue
when 1 say that it the jury were c>**n- >
j posed partly of business men who J
would realize a great industrial and
,commercial phase of the ease a more
satisfactory and just verdict may be _
Judge Andersen is a native of In- ;;
diaua and is fifty-two years old. lie 75
is a graduate of NValatsli is-liege. |
where 110 distiiiguishiHl himself as an >'
! orator and scholar. Before his ele- k
vatien to the federal bench he was 8
proseeating attorney for Montgomery o*
county. He was appointed a federal
lodge iu P. 102. ’<
A. la. Lanu‘l%
Attorney at Law,
Will Practice in al! the Courts of ;
the'Stats. i
Report of County Treasurer.
To the Grand Jury, Superior Court, May Term, 1909: :
« exhibit c. :j;
Gentlemen of the Grand Jury : —I beg to submit this my ;j|
» report of the receipts and expenditures of public funds as
« shown by the books of ray office since the last report iu No- <|>
>2 vena her, 1908. ' !
Pauper Fnod. o
J R c’d. from Tax Collector since last report $1,038.28 :j;
li By Amt. overdrawn at last report $ 88.23
?2 By Amt. paid out as per vouchers 1,013.50 ;j;
§ Bv Amt. paid Treas. in Commissions 49.41 $1,15114 !:•:
» Balance on hand April 19th. 1909 $ 482.09 ji;
Sheriff's Fund.
0 Balance on hand at last report $ 990.05 «
« To Amt. rec’d from Tax Collector since last report 8,100.07 :i
By Amt. paid out as per vouchers $3,887.02 <|
« By Amt. paid out in Commission 227 97 4,114.99 ;;
Balance on hand April 19th 1909 $5,041.18 ;j
Jury Fund. ;!
a To Bal. on hand at last report $ 71 21
To Amt. rec’d from Tax Collector since last report 4.899 06 $
d $4,970.87 |
To Amt. paid out as per vouchers $4,174.00 «
« To Amt. paid out in Commissions 102.70 4.380.70
3 Balance on hand April 19th 1909 $ 634.11 2Z
Bridge Fund. 52
z? To Amt. rec’d. from Tax Collector since last report $1,083.21 fj
?? Overdrawn at last report $ .48 «
By Amt. paid out as per vouchers 1,517.54 »
>} By Amt. paid out in commission 55.88 1,573.80 is
Balance on hand April 19th 1909 $ 59.41 «
Building Fund.
8 To Balance on hand at last report $ 73.27 |
» To Amt. rec’d from Tax Col. since last report 4,400.88 «
« 4,533.00 |
IS By Amt. paid out as per vouchers $3,091.49 S
2 By Amt. paid out in Commissions 145.80 8,837 29
j To Balance on hand April 19th 1909 $ 090.81 jj
4 Road Fund. «
It To Balance on hand at last report $ 104.88 x
S To Amt. rec’d from Tax Col. since lust report 4.083.08
5 |
> By Amt. paid out as per vouchers $8,980.00 «
» By Amt. paid out in Commissiens 141.38 4.071.98 |
•j Balance on hand April 19th 1909 $ 115.48 |
Fines and Furfeitures. 2!
To Balance on hand at last report $ 871.98 |
By Amt. paid out as per vouchers $ 801.08 |
x By Amt. paid out in Commissions 10.90 871.98 >;
;l ' ~ 000.00 I
<4 General Statement. J
To Balance on hand at last report $ 2,022.23 |
•i To Amt. rec’tl. from Tax Col. since last, report 24,796.48 |
£ To Amt. rec’d. from Co. Com. (It. R. Claim paid) 17,75 S
8 To Amt. rec’d. from Co. Com. (1907 taxes paid) 28.52 |
i To Amt. rec’d. from Co. Com. (Lime and Cement) 25.38 |
8 i'o Amt. rec’d. from Co. Com. (Gasolene sold) 1.50 ?
& To Amt. rec’d. from Co. Com. (Cement sold) 0.00 |
| $20,897.81 |
By Amt. paid out on Pauper Fund $1,013.50 »
$ By Amt. paid out on Sheriff Fund 8,887.02 «
» By Amt. paid out on Jury Fund 4,174.00 52
x By Amt. paid out on Bridge Fund 1,517.54
$ By Amt. paid out on Puli. Bid. Fund 3.091 49 jj
By Amt. paid out on Road Fund 3,930.00 «
s> By Amt. i>aid out on Fines Forfeitures 861.08 jj
x By Amt. paid Treas. in Commissions 794.05 19,809.28 <5
To Balance in Treasury April 19th 1909 $ 7,028.58 «
» Respectfully submitted, >2
C. I). Adams, Treas. |
[drT king’s!
I regard Dr. King’s New Discovery as the grandest medicine of
modern times. One bottle completely cured me of a very bad
cough, which was steadily gro ving worse under other treatments.
Alt. Vernon Drug Co. Rivers Drug Co.
Palmer Drug* Store.
K «
We have this sum ($100,000.00) to lend on Montgomery £
£ County Farms. Property must he improved and occupied hy 8
F owner. Have loaned throught Georgia and South Carolina for 22
d 10 years. Write at once if you need funds. <5
I Jas. Frank & Son, Augusta, Ga. |
The Montgomery Monitor and the Savannah
Semi-Weekly News, one year, $1.75.