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A Card With
Mr. Editor: —In a recent issue
of your paper, in your comment
on the petition to disbar W. B.
Kent, you state that you are not
disposed to discuss the matter j
further, but your article is some
what misleading, and we therefore j
feel it due to all concerned to
make the following statement.
The petition was presented to
the Court on Monday, after the
jury wasempannelled in the Swain
case. We did not wish to present
it before then, for fear that it
might .prejudice this ease. The
Judge could have required Mr.
Kent to have answered the same
during that term of the Court and
was requested to pass an order to
such effect. Judge Martin stated
that he wished to give ample time
in which to answer the petition:
and in his discretion passed the
order allowing Mr, Kent until
next term of the Court to make
his answer.
Mr. Kent did not demand a
hearing in the case. He had the
petition for two days before the
Court adjourned and could have
filed an answer and asked for n
trial had he so desired, which ali
parties concerned would have been
ready to have given him.
It is not our intention to try
the ease in the press. However,
we will state that it is no answer
to the charges to say they are
based on politics or professional
jealousy. As we understand your
article, such statements were ob
tained from Mr. Kent and we
presume it was from him that yon
ascertained he claimed one half
the legal business of the county
and that he is recognized as one
of tiie most successful lawyers in
this section. Perhaps it was from
him also that you understood
that he moved for an immediate
bearing of the case. No such
move was made m court, neither
was it brought to tlie attention ol
the Judge or petitioner, or their'j
Attorneys that Mr. Kent wished j
any trial.
If lie wants an immediate trial,
Set him file an answer to the pe
tition and we will join with him
in a request to the Judge for a
special term of the Court to try
the case.
No, Mr. Editor, neither polities
jaor professional jealousy had any
thing to do with this proceeding.
It was not with any degree oi
pleasure that the petition was
brought. The matters complained
.of reached that state where in jus-;
Dice to the public and our pro-!
Cession, we considered it onr duty !
to file the complaint. We will be
glad to see Mr. Kent well repre
sented. It is our purpose to give
him a fair trial, the result of.
which .means little more to us!
than it will to the good of society,
and the people generally.
It. is stated that he is a high
Mason and stands high in this or
der as well as other secret orders, j
•Some of us happen to be Masons
and he and some of us are mem
ber* of the same church, all of
which made u» or,!y the more re
luctant to move against him. It
ts most unfortunate that the
ehurehes as well as the secret or
ders of the country are often ham
pered by unworthy persons who!
work their way into their councils.
To those familiar with or ac
quainted wrth the situation, the
“communication” of Dr. Hall in
your last issue needs no reply
from us, to those not acquainted
with them, it is a sufficient reply
to say that the “advertisement”
will ho answered in due time and
| in the proper forum.
J. B. Geiger,
W. M. Lewis,
A. C. SatVold,
Eugene Talmadge,
L. C. Underwood,
W. L. Wilson.
From the foregoing communi
cation it appears that my es
teemed friends have needlessly
concerned themselves in matters
of no direct bearing on the issues
involved. And while they do not
accept the public press es a forum
of justice for the disposition of
the case, they assume the liberty
granted them by this medium in
tiie publication of the above mat
ter, directed at a news item ap
pearing in this paper in its issue
of May 20, when an impartial re
cital of some phases of the disbar
ment proceedings instituted by
them against Mr. \V. B. Kent, of
this place were given the readers
of this paper by its owner and ed
While this item is not a discus
sion of the case, either legally or
socially, it is given solely for the
enlightenment of the above
brethern, or any other man who
may have been deceived by the
simple wording of the news item
of May 20, if such is unfortunate
ly the case.
First: There is not one thing
in the item misleading to any
faar-minded man familiar with
the case as they are, or should be,
based as it was, on special dis
patches dated from Mt. Vernon
and published almost simul
taneously m three or more of the
leading Georgia daily papers im
mediately after presentation ol
the disbarment petition to the
] superior court in session here at
the time, to which they are kindly
referred. The closing paragraph
of the item of May 20 is based on
facts cited by Mr. Kent in state
ments made tnrough the Savan
nah Press of May 14; and state
| ments made in my article were
I news items not intended to ad
vance the cause ol Mr. Kent or
any other party at interest —simp-
ly an impartial presentation of
the case as it had been freely stat
ed through the daily press of
| Georgia, it being the first infor-
I mation of the case received at
l this office.
Second : The presumption con
tained in the fourth paragraph of
the above communication is clan
destine and absurd, and the point
very poorly taken. Be it under
stood that the item was not writ
ten on the advice of Mr. Kent,
neither was anv information
j touching the article secured from
| Mr. Kent direct or any other
member of the Mt. Vernon bar,
but was based on current reports
and given the public for its worth,
and the idea advanced is not bas
ed on sound judgment and jus
i tice to the county paper.
: Third; Be it understood, fur
ther, that the policy of this pa
! per has not and will not be sub
; jected to the dictates of any man
: or clan, and we trust that this ex
planation is sufficient to clear the
i artful hut friendly insinuations
contained m the paragraphs refer
red to, over the signatures of my
worthy friends, and it is hoped
I that they will kindly relieve me
j of any part in the matter in which
] I am not concerned further than
the interest of a common citizen
of Montgomery county, having
• the welfare of her people at heart.
—Editor Monitor.
On last Thursday morning at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. 1.
Stanford of this place Mr. Robert
Kilcreaseof Sidney, Fla., and Miss
Navey Mcßae were united in mar
riage by Rev. Mr. Austin, ami the
happy pair left immediately for
their home in Florida, where the
former is in business.
The bride of this marriage is n
daughter of Mr. 1). N. Mcliae ol‘
the Glen wood section, a young
lady of admirable qualities. She
is a sister of Mrs. J. 1. Stanford of
Mt. Vernon.
Mr. Kilcreaso appears to be a
gentleman of character and manly
qualities, judging from our brief
acquaintance, and is to be con
gratulated on his choice of a com
Special CoircHpondcnce.
We are having some rainy wea
ther in our section now.
Mr. J. W. Moseley and daugh
ters, Misses Daisy and Lizzie, and
C. I*. Moseley made a business
trip to Lyons one day last week.
Mis 3 Florence Moseley is on our
sick list this week we are sorry to
say, but hope to see her out soon, i
Miss Georgia Daniels spent last
Saturday at her uncle’s Mr. W. A.
Mrs. Mary Morris and children
and Mrs. Irene Conner and chil
dren spent Saturday night with
Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Moseley.
Mr. Grover Conner and wife
spent Saturday night with their
sister, Mrs. Daisy Adams.
Mr. and Mrs.C.F. Gordon spent
Sunday with Mr. A- L. Moseley.
Misses Lizzie and Bertha Mose
ley were callers ut their uncle’s I
: Mr. C. P. Moseley, Monday after
j noon.
Mr. W. E. Moseley and family
of near Cedar Crossing spent one
night last week in our community.
The crops in our section were
looking fine, but the storm Sun
day afternoon was very damag
ing to them. —“Farmer’s Girl.”
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Prof. W. A. Wood, after teach
| ing several months in the western
part of the county, has returned
to his home at Lawerencevil!e,Ga.
He has proved himself an efficient
instructor and clever gentleman,
and it is hoped that he will again
return to the county.
Mr. John Manning of Soperton
was a visitor to this office Tues
day. Mr Manning appreciates his
S county paper and is one of its reg
ular readers.
County Treasurer C. D. Adams
was at his post Tuesday looking
after the county funds. He lias
been a citizen of the county over
three score years, and is one of
her best known citizens,
You know those white shirt
waists that we are selling for
$1.2*3? Well. I have decided to
let them go at UH cents—if taken
at once. Mrs. C. W. Fox.
Misses Ada and Maggie Lang-j
ford have returned home after
spending some time in Augusta j
and other points in Northeast
Georgia. Many friends welcome
| them back.
The Union Singing Convention
was re-organized at Longbrancli
Church Sunday, and the follow
i ing officers elected for the ensu
ing year:
Prof. J. C. Lendermnn, Pres.
It. R. Harrelson, Vice-Pres.
.T, F. McDuniol, Seo’y.
The president appointed 11. 11.
Grimes, R. It. Harrelson and N.
C. Wilkes a committee to arrange
program and enroll singers pres
ent. After song service, led by n
number, intermission was called
for an hour and a-half for dinner.
Singing was resumed and con
tinued through the afternoon.
Much credit is duo the people
of the Longbranch community for
the interest shown and the kindly
treatment of the visitors.
The president will appoint, the
next meeting place, and duo no
tice will bo given through The
Monitor. Next meeting to he
held bth Sunday in August.
J. F. McDaniel,
( r Mr. Tom Williams was hero last
week and informed us that a
Fiddlers Convention would he
hold at Union High School Build
ing near Erick on June lltli and
that a special invitation was ex
tended to all fiddlers from all this
section to be present and take
part in the convention. The Citi
zens Band of Mcßae will also be
present and furnish music during
the evening.
A great Union Rally will lie
held on that day, June lltli, and
dinner will be served on the
| ground. Tins will he a great day
and night at the Union school
place and fo.ks will look forward j
to this occasion with much inter- j
est. —TeHair Enterprise.
Money to loan at 6 and 7 pe !
cent, on improved farms.
A. B. Hutcheson,
Mr. Herbert. Bailey, a student, I
in Mercer, University, is home to
spend the summer with his moth
er, Mrs. C. W. Fox.
I have supplied many of the
good ladies with hats and milli
nery this season, but as an in
ducement to more sales, 1 am I
making some wonderful reduc
tions in the millinery line, and
invite all the ladies to call and
see the stock of splendid things
for the summer. Mrs. C. W. Fox ;
Sue the new ad. of the Mount!
Vernon Drug Co., in which that
make a specialty of summer neces- j
Mr. J. B. Adamson, superinten
dent of public roads, has been !
quite ill for several days.
Some of the citizens from the
Beulah section report that the!
sport of bull tights lias recently j
| oeen the pastime with them.
Miss Irene Haskins is visiting!
, friends in Mcßae this week.
Mrs. Sallie Brewton of Belle
ville is visiting friends and rela-j
lives in and around Mt. Vernon, j
Ailey Paragraphs.
( i Suomi Correspondence.
Miss Jessie Mae Peterson, who
| has been attending school at
Gainesville, Ga., lias returned
, home to the delight ot her many
I minds,
James Roberts, who has teen
visiting in Swainsboro ami other
points of interest, returned homo
Rev. Mr. Austin delivered an
impressive sermon at the Metho
dist church here Sunday evening.
Miss Rossie Williams of Leslie,
who has been the at,tractive guest
of Miss Pettio Fuqua for several
days, returned home Monday.
Mr. K. Marion Huneoek spent
Sunday in Macon, returning Mon
day morning.
Mr. and Mrs. McNutt were visi
tors in Savannah one day last
Charlton Burch,. Esq., visited
home folks in Helena the first, of
this week.
Dr. J. W. Palmer made a Hying
trip to Helena Monday.
Miss Jennie Thompson of Mt.
Vernon was a pleasant visitor
here Sunday afternoon.
Col. and Mrs. A. B. Hutcheson
ot Mt. Vernon were out driving in
town Sunday afternoon.
Mr. R. G. Strickland spent!
Sunday with home folks in Reids
Mr. E. J. Wells of Long Pond j
was here Tuesday.
w #■
! Summer I
?F >(fr
# m v #
I 1 alcum I
\ %L #-
?£ to Ease the Itching Caused by &
Tr Afr
*7? . *
| Heat |
jj[| Wo Have* ALL the Leading Brands
j * *
J All the Cheaper Varieties, together *
* with the Best Assortment of #■
JAS. K. CURRIK, Mr.n. jJ£
5 SOUTHERN BUILDERS’ ,„ /“"• ~ i!
I supply;co. (JLORUIA. i
\ >Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mantels, Paints, ||
|! Oils, Lime, Etc. i.
5 Agents For
J Harrison’s “Town and Country” Paints. ||
; j T as . L. Christian, SOUTHERN BUILDERS’
Manager SUPPLY CO.
g IRB-14G Barnard St. SAVANNAH, GA.
i $ w%wwwmiw%mwtuw%iwi%wu%i%iHwmww%»%»wi%w
To whom it may concern:
Vou nro hereby notified that,
on the Bth day of July, 1009, at
the court house of Montgomery
county, at ten o’clock a. in., if
no good cause is shown to the
contrary, we will pass an order
altering the “Shell Hoad,” at the
point of its intersection with the
located centre lino ot Georgia it
Florida Railway on the land of
Littleton Sharp, in the 275th Dis
trict G. M. ot said county, so that
said Shell Road shall cross said
Railway at a point 218 feet North
iof the present point of intersec
tion, and abandoning and discon
tinuing all that part of Hind Shell
Road lying between the point at
which the alteration begins and
point at which it ends, said part
so to be abandoned being 229 feet
East, of the present point of in
tersection and i!42 lent West
thereof, or a total length of 571
Witness our hands and seals,
t his Ist day of June, 1009.
.1. K. Sikes, J. J. Moses,
Elijah Miller, Win. Bland,
Board of Commissioners of
Ronds and Revenues of Mont
gomery County, Gn.
Timber Lands.
Wanted—To buy frorti owners,
yellow pine, poplar and cypress
timber lands in South. Give legal
j description, estimates, soil, dis
tance rail and water. Will not
ileal with agents. Address Look
j Box 505 Oshkosh, Win.
NO. 5