Newspaper Page Text
Wavcross, Chi.. June 8. —Eight, i
school districts in Ware county
have voted within the past eight,
months in favor of a local tax
for school purposes. The eight:
progressive districts are Moore,:
Jamestown, Millwood, Manor,
Cirifßn, I’ine Valley, Ruskinandj
Pine View.
This movement m fjfvor of
longer school terms and better,
school facilities for the rural dis- j
tncts is largely due to tin 1 excel
lent. work done by County School j
Commissioner J. M. Markey, who]
resigned the first, of the week on j
account of private business affairs j
which required his attention. His j
work has been progressn 'and has:
done mui'li to advance the cause J
of educat ion in this county. At. j
tnis rate it will be only a year ;
and a half before every district in ]
the county will have voted in
favor of a local tax for school •
The eight districts mentioned |
contain about a fourth "I the j
school population and a fourth o( :
the wealth of tlie county, outside
of Wayeross.
Elbert on, On., June B.—Tester- j
day was a great day for the future
of El her ton, for the fact that Mm 1
leading capitalists or moneyed!
men of the city got together and :
organized a SIOO,OOO cotton mill,!
the name of the corporation to be
selected later.
.At a meeting held in the office,
t.l W. O. Jones the necessary j
money was subscribed to launch |
<lie enterprise, every dollar of it j
being home capital.
Application for charter will be]
made immediately, and other de-1
.tails gone into.
The following well-known gen
tlemen were named as the hoard j
of directors: E. I>. Tate, /. W .
Copeland, T. <>. Tabor, W. T, j
Arnold, .). B. Mattox.
The following officers were elect- j
ed: W. O. Jones, president.; 1.-G-!
Swift, vice president ; P. M. flaw-;
secretary and treasurer;Robert
‘Moraiig, superintendent: /-• B.
(Rogers, attorney.
Savannah, Ga..’ June 8. I he.
board of trustees of the First Dis
trict Agricultural school at Statea-
Jioro, in a meeting in Savannah,;
reached the conclusion that the
rumors of scandal in connection i
with the school were not based
on anything that could be con-;
st-rued as the fault of the trustees
.or management.
Mayor Strang'' of Statesboro,;
Editor Miller, who was recent ly
jitablied because of the rumors;
Ordinary 8. J.- Moore, E. L. j
Smith, J. G. BlilHi, Dr. D. E.
McEaeh'-rn and t'rofesLor .T. \\ .
Hendricks, v.ho were witnesaesf at
ss. recent hearing of the matter,
o.vnfe heard through their written;
testimony, and the hoard then i
Heelareil the regulation of the j
nciiool that could be desired.
The fact that a girl student on-J
to red the school in January, and
m May gave birth t>* a • seven
month's infant, caused the trou
Charley Smith, a negro charged
with the killing of an unknown
Ucgro at the camps of the new
railroad south of hear Sunday
jbgiit, was brought up here and
placed in jail Monday.
Jt is said that there were two
j> ( .f j negroes implicated in the
killing, but they have not been
arrested as yet. The low is sup
posed to have been over a negr,.
iioiiiau. smith is a power!ui
itegro of a mean disposition and
dangerous ebaracted.
The Montgomery Monitor.
In tiio office of the Judge of tin* l
j City Court of Mt. Vernon, Mont
gomery county ail'd m the City
Court of Mr. Vernon.
Numerous farmers and working!
| people having requested me toad-;
iouru the June Quarterly Term to
| the 3rd Monday in July on ac
| count of the condition of their
farms and their work, and dosir
! ing very mu.di to nceommo
jdate the farmers and the' working
i class, is considered, ordered
j and ad judged by the Court
that the June Quarterly Term.
11909, of the City Court ol‘ Mt.Ver-j
1 non be and the same is hereby ad
journed until the ill'll Monday in
j July, 1909, without prejudice to;
| any part ies lit igant. All pleas and
! defenses of any kind can be filed !
jon the dial Monday in July the j
same as if filed the s>rd Monday
I in June, and all jurors, witnesses, i
land parties litigant, are hereby .
I excused until 9 o’clock on the |
j morning of tlie Brd Monday in j
j July, at which time they are here
;by required to appear.
Done in open court this 21st!
da v of June, 1909.
Will. B. Kent,
i Judge City Court Ml . Vernon (la.
i Atlanta, .June 8. —The post ol
keeper of public buildings anil
; grounds, which pays $1,500 a year,
! appears to be the most popular
('minor office about the Capitol
| building, it is one, at any rate, !
: which is going to give Gov.-elect
j Joseph M. Brown more trouble, j
I perhaps, than all others.
Already Gov. Brown has up-!
! wards of 100 applications for this i
p.vsiton, and they are pouring in!
I from all sections of Georgia by al-i
most every mail. It is a safe pro- j
; diction that tins appointment will ;
be about, one of the last the new \
I Governor will make. He will want
| time to think over it well, for j
i there must porforce be something!
; like ninety-nine or more disap-!
■ pointed men but of the lot.
The keeper of public buildings
and grounds has charge of the
i state Capitol building, the exe
cutive mansion, and in away, of
j other public buildings in the;
! state, though his principal duties
l arc in connect ion only with Ihe j
two buildings named, lie em
ployes all the help, looks after;
jthe furnishing of all Capitol of-i
j flees and ha. charge of the ex
penditure of a fund amounting to
about $20,000 annually.
It is reported that the Cover-1
; nor elect will revive anot her Cap- j
itol office which lias ie>t been in
use' for some tame. It is that of
; executive messenger, which pays
a salary of S9OO a year. Go*/ Ter-;
roll revived this office, whose his
tory extends way hack for nearly;
a cent ury, and appointed Benton
Odum of Baker county to fill it.
Finally the legislature came to.
the conclusion tout there was no.
i need for an executive messenger
[and declined Lo make an appro
; print ion to pay his salary. lliii
j terminated the career of the exe
|outive messenger for a time, and
it seems to rest witii the Legisla
ture as to whether the position ;
will be revived. On account of in
creased work in the executive offi
ce jt may be that the (lovemor
!elect will suecceii in inducing the
Legislature to renew this appro
priation that .it nmy be devoted
to the employment of a stenogra
The first cottnil bloom sent to
this office this season was received
from Mr. D. G. McAllum of Glen
wood, Route number one.
Indications point to a very:
.good crop this season, and we
trust that prices will prevail ac
cordingly ::> the fall. Our farmers
deserve more titan they receive
for their product.
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Col. W. A. Wooten of Mcßae j
was a Imsiness visitor to Mt. Ver-j
non yesterday.
If you do not believe the Pal-1
mer Drug Store sells the finest j
Stationery for the least money, j
see their line and prices.
Miss Jennie Thompson visited!
the family of her uncle, Rov. G. j
.1. Thompson, last week.
If you want u square deal see j
my hats before buying. Mrs. J.
L. Adams.
The regular June term of the!
Cit y Court ot Mt. Vernon has I
been adjourned until the third j
'Monday in July. This appears to j
meet the ent ire approval of the j
| farmers.
Palmer Drug Store has just re-]
j ceived its full line of Summer!
1 Drug Sundries. See t heir line lie-j
fore buying. j
Mrs. A. L. Yeomans and Miss I
Xezzie Newton of Vulalia spent aj
I part of last week with the family |
of Mr. T. J. Thompson.
Millinery finery. Not the cost- j
ly kind, but the stylish and ser-;
viewable kind, to be had at |
reasonable prices. Mrs. C. \V.
Mr. F. E. Forrester of Glen
wood was a business visitor toj
this place yesterday.
Five Thousand Post Cards on
! display at Palmer Drug Store,
Ailey, (la.
Bend the ad. of the Stufn Mu
tual Life Insurance Co. If you
! have no insurance, communicate I
with Mr. Brown, the special agent,
of this splendid company. He ,
; will again !>•* 111 Mt. Vernon in I
! the near future.
The Palmer Drug Store sells the;
best Lemons for lb cents per 1
dozen. <iet your lemons there.
• - I
Mrs, Charles Hicks is visiting
relatives in Mcßae this week. j
On account of the revival meet
ing being in progress at the Met,h-|
| odist church this week, the fol
lowing places of business have
agreed to close for one hour in
the afternoon from •> BJO to 4 :S!0.
The Mt. Vernon Bank, Mcßae
A Brother, W. 11. McQueen, A.
Segal 1, B. L. Smith, M. H. Foun
tain, Mrs. C. W. Fox, J. W. Mor
rison, Mt. Vernon Drug Co.,J. M
Parkinson, Jus. P. Duffle and
Montgomery Monitor. (The latter
effect ive 1 his afternoon.)
Thin indicates more than usual
interest on the part of the busi
ness men, of tlie place, with but
tew exceptions their places of bus
, mess being closed for tiles pace
!of ope hour in the fifternoon
for the service at the Methodist
j church. The meeting will prob
able last for some days yet, and
and it is imped that renewed in
j tcrest will be shown by the people
of the place.
The weakness of the average j
. \
member of the colored population
for sleep caused the arrest of a
member of that tribe last Sab- j
' bath afternoon, when sheriff lies- j
ter apprehendoi} Charley Wigea, I
For some tune this darkey, J
according to reports, had been a |
fugitive from justice, with a num- j
her of warrants awaiting him. ll'- ,
was located'in the neighborhood j
of Ailey, and by the arrest of j
another negro supposed to be fa
miliar with the whereabouts of]
WTggs, he was found to be hid
ing in a certain grass patch. When i
the sheriff approached he found
Wiggs asleep, with bis faithful
razor by his side, but with little
<»r no ceremony placed him in
custody, and he is now awaiting
jtriai. j
Having opened an ice house in
j Ailey, wo purpose to supply Ml.
, Vernon patrons also. Wagon de
ll ivers ice in Mt. Vernon daily,
j See the wagon, and get full
weights. Prompt delivery, and
! eit her retail or wholesale.
Bobersou A Out ler.
1 Stringent times will not prevent
Olio ladies from having the best in
I millinery. 1 can supply and
I please them nil al reasonable lig-
I tires. See the summer goods.
Mrs. ('. W. Fox. |
Mr. 11. M. Kirke of Dublin was
j a visitor here this week.
Palmer Drug Store sells 10 cents
1 Crepe Paper for 5 cents.
Mr. W. C. Bvals is eniiteniplat
ling a trip to Atlanta. Perhaps
others from this place will attend'
j the inauguration of Governor:
! Brow n.
j Remember t hat a pleased cus
| tenner is the best, advertiser—
I that's why 1 t ry to make each lint
j just what you want. Mrs. J. L.
1 Adams.
Pair of spectacles found on
j court house square—to be had at
j this office, owner paying for ad.
Mrs. W .A, Peterson and clul-!
(Iron are expected home today
from Cairo, where they have been
j for tlie past three weeks.
j Little boys leather hats and*
nips, Joe. to 7 ne. at Mrs. J. L.
Mr. L. M. I). Nobles of th«*
Erick section came over on busi
ness Tuesday afternoon, returning!
jon the westbound train, lie is an
-1 gaged in the growing of melons!
land cantaloupes and reports this
!year’s crop as very good, with the!
1 prospect of fail* prices. The fa 1-
! mors of this sect,ion, many of
whom are.also growing cantalou
pes, hope to have some of t he crop
ready for market in ten or twelve
i days.
j Valdosta (Ja., June 8. Mar
shall Lewis, the negro who killed:
Clifford Butheford, ar. I/uiix on
the L’fi of April, and who was hur
ried to this city and then to Sav-
I annul) to prevent a lynching, will
be hanged on Friday, July 9 I'm
the crime. His trial at Nashville!
yesterday cons 11 mail the entire;
day, the verdict being reached!
about midnight last, night.
There were eight witnesses in
the case. Two of them eye-wit
nesses to tho tragedy. They tes
tified to the fact that BuMiefm'd
was shot dead us he struck a male!'!
to see who was in the waiting |
room of the d"pot. Four good law
yers defended the negro.
Alter the sentence of death the
negro stated that, it, was expected.
He has admitted tlie killing, al*!
leging even to the fact that it was;
brutal and cold-blooded. There j
will be no motion for a new trial, \
so Lewis will probably dangle at
! the appointed t ime.
Field Peas For Sale.
Any ((mint it v, fr»>in two bushel-.
!to one hundred bushels, in good
(sacks. First-class slock tor plant
ing. Kind 1 Running, Speckled,
[Unknown and Mixed. sl.2op«*r|
buslnd F. O. B. TVnniMo, Gu. Send !
money with order. Reference :j
Farmer ifc Merchants Bank and;
People Exchange Bank, Tetmille,
Ga. If. M. Fkankus,
j q 204 Tennille, (ig.;
The congregation at the Metho
dist church :n Alamo last Sunday
morning was said to have been
the largi st ever assembled in th;-
chnrcli for regular public worship, j
Extra se:rts were brought into use.)
If the eoiigivgat i* * n emit inucs tu i
increase it, will be necessary to on- j
large the building. The large j
crowd that assembled in the after-j
noon to attend Children's Day]
service was st ill larger. This ser- ’
vice was one ol'the most, interest
ing ever bad 111 Ala mo.
The program for Children’s Day ;
was carried out m full. The ex 'i'- !
1 rises were not only a mark of the
[excellent character of the Sunday j
School scholarship of this pros-j
, porous Church, but was also an!
indication ot the wise leadership j
of Superintendent Flkins and his;
teachers, Mrs. T. 11. Nelson, Mrs.]
jCalder. .Mr. and Mrs. Patterson,!
M iss Sears and ot hers.
Tim Fnimi revival meeting,
j conducted by 100 s. Clias. Mont
; gomery of 1 lie Presbyterian church
j and <l. F. Aust in of the Metho
dist church, is si ill in progress,
;to continue throughout, the week.'
The singing is under the leader
ship of Mi\ M.J. Barrett, and his ;
| earnest and powerful work is add-:
] ing much to the, meeting, lie isj
; a singer of splemlid talent.
Services are being held at iiffiO
in the afternoon and 7 :•iO at, night
and very good congregations are
, responding to the cfforls on the
j part of the ministers and laymen
I to revive the spiritual interests of
II lie town and community. Every
| body is cordially invited to go!
lout, and take part in the meeting,
I nt the Mi 1 liodisl, church.
j Georgia—Montgomery Count y. ;
VVlieroHs, D. .1. Me Ban, a<lmmi-i
strut or "( the estate of Sieve!
: Clements, IVpresent s to I lie eon rr
111 Ins |x I it,ion, duly till'd and en- ]
lered on record, that, lie has I’ullvj
, administered said estate, this i- 1
(therefore to rite all person con- i
eerii d, kindred and creditors, to
; show cause if any t hey can why
said administrator should not be 1
! discliarged from Ins n<l llll n ist ra
tion and receive h'l.iers of dismis-(
simi on the first, Monday in July, i
1909. Aiex McArthur,
Ordinary, j
& '4 & & # & & # -k- # #
* V '
;! ’ Talcum I
% *
* to Hnso tin* itching Caused t)V J
f Heat |
We Have ALL tlie Lending brands J
1 * %
! * *
* All Hi!' (.'lieaper Varieties, together *
y. wilh the Host Assortment of *
% PIT. mm DRUG CO. i
(g£k. jl,
* 1 JAS. F. CURRIE, Mob J
S, A. & N, MUST
Miicon, tin., June ‘J. — Wiietlmf
j llm United Slates court Will sell
|i he property of t in* Savannah,
■ Augustii :iml Northern railway is
now n mutter of much concern to
[ people along | lie line and nhout
| Stuteslmro, where the general of
j lines are mu interned. The officers
jof the road have until June 1) to
raise the fund with which to pay
' t Jonl rector SV. J. Oliver whose-
Inured a decree last week before
! Judge Kmory Speer, in the court
Oliver Iniilt. about, seventy
| miles of the road, and claimed
i that lie was not paid, lie was to
have the actual material costs of
construction and 7 A per cent,
profit for his own labor. Under
j t iiis unusual agreement the mad
j soon owed him a sum which has
been lixyd by Standing Master.l.
N. Talley at s2Sl),ol(i. This fund
must lie paid to Oliver by Wed
nesday, or, under the rilling of
the court, the contractor will have
a right to sell t h*> property.
Judge James K. Hines, repre
senting tlm new road officials,
tried to take an appeal when the
master’s report was returned to
court, hut- lie found that by form
er agreement when plans were
made not to have a receiver ap
poinfed, this right had been abro
-1 gated and tlm decree of the court
here is absolute. Things had been
i worked out. to such a line point
when tlm case came bedore Judge
Speer last week that, within fif
teen minutes the rase was dis
posed of, and the new mad officials
realized that they must pay or let,
the property sell.
Members of that mystormis so
ciety known as the l.usy liees held
I their annual picnic at Oohwal
! kee last. Thursday.
The day was somewhat inch«-
iii nt, but, it, did not take away
. from the pleasure oft hose attend
| mg, according to their reports.
At n seasonable hour lunch was
: spread to tlm the young
I folks present mid it received full
justice at their hands They do say
that the I Ins v Ifees must get busy
j and have aunt her out ing of this
j el ass.
NO. 6