The Montgomery monitor. (Mt. Vernon, Montgomery County, Ga.) 1886-current, June 17, 1909, Image 1

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    VOL. XXIV.
From the tax receiver's rounds
it will be seen that he will be in
Mt. Vernon in a few days, on his
last round,when the books will be
closed. When here a few weeks
ago Mr. Clark spoke very en
couragingly of the returns being
made this year. From a few fig
ures shown by him it can be seen
that the returns for this year show
an increase of more than twenty j
per cent, over those of last in the j
taxable values of the county. This j
it is sure can be accounted for to |
a great measure by the good work j
on the part of Mr. Clark as re-j
From County School Com mis-I
sionor Hutcheson snm • figures I
concerning theeducati m il status !
of the county are obtained. There |
is no reason why Montgomery j
should not have one of the best j
school systems in the'state.
In Montgomery county there
are 2104 white people returning
property for taxation. They re
turned m 1008 *2511(578, an aver
age ( f *1057.27 for each white tax
pa vim - .
There are in Montgomery coun
ty 8000 white children of school |
age—an average of about 1.1 pu- j
pits for each white person return
ing property for taxation.
The tax rate levied for school
purposes iti 1908 was *2.75 oil
each * 1000 returned for taxation, j
Multiply the *1057.27 (the
amount returned by the average
taxpayer)by rate leveid *2.75 and |
you get *2.90. This is the cost of j
sending all the pupils of the I
average family to school for
seven months. Is not that less j
than it cost to operate a live j
months term under the old plan? j
Rome, Ga , June i t.—The lit
tle town ot fcjeney, near here, has
declared a war on automobiles.
At. a meeting of the town counsel
recently, after a spirited discuss- j
sou, an ordinance was adopted j
prohibiting the use of automobiles ;
within the city limits and the j
town marshal was authorized to
arrest any one passing through
Seney with such “engines of de-j
st ruction.” ,
(fa, Jin an unguarded moment many a healthy, robust
man or woman have fallen victims to disease in
fa Borne form. True, you may Ik; enjoying u Hphu>- fa
fa! (lid income from your work; possibly vou may have caoilul 'fa
'fa invested, but in ease of sudden death, your in.eome ceases,
(fa and without your care and attention yonr estate way become fa
faj bankrupt. Every man needs life insurance-—and needs it. yt)
fa) NOW —for the protection of lim-e dependent upon him. (jj
fa. While deferring it —putting it otf from day to day—death
fa. may intervene, and the innocent and helpless made to auller.
§ The State Mutual Life |
1 Insurance Company %
Os iiouic, Ga. fjj
fa LAWSON E. BROWN. Special Agent fa
(*) During 1908 t’he surplus of this groat and grcpving (fa
concern indorsed 2(>X per cent During ti is same fa
fa period its gain in assets amounted to 55 per cent, fa
;■§) Oyer 840,000,000 of insurance in force
fa Last Annual Statement December 31s , 1908: fa
'f*j Net Assets » $l,fHI,Bll*OH
§ Net Surplus ... - 201. ’2M).-A> (g)
fji C- B. PORTER, President
rfa\ Home Office, Rome, Ga. fa
fa Lawson K. Brown, Special Agent fa
iHuntgomm; ifflonttur.
Special Coi reSimuclenct*.
Editor Monitor: —As there is
no correspondent for your paper
from this section of the county,
this scribe said unto himself. “Jt.j
must not be,” s.< taking pen and ;
paper, before the inspiration van-]
i.shes, 1 wish to give your readers
a little introductory sketch ot
our community.
hi this, one of the garden spots!
nf Montgomery county, is a little j
bunch of practical, progressive j
I farmers who are ever awake to the j
! upbuilding of the community. We!
j have two excellent churches m j
jour viemitv. Beulah under the;
j guidance of Rev. C. R. \\ ynham,
j has recently luiilt. n new house o!
I worship, and at Bethel the Ilev.j
i Barnett is giving his hearers some .
j earnest sermons.
We have a good grist mill and ;
j ginnery in our community.
Among the new buildings must
j lie mentioned the new school
| house, an up-to-date two room j
house, painted inside and out, i
furnished with patent desks and
all modern conveniences. Thisj
school has recently closed a most .
profitable session under the in
struetion of Prof R. 1!. Inman of i
mar Waycros.-, and Miss Emma;
Bishop of Eastman.
No need for our fanners to stop
the plow and “go to town every
i time they need a ping of tobacco ,
jor t heir wives a spool ot thread i
jlor Mr. A. B. Davis keeps a 1 i in* I
inf general merchandise equal to,;
or better than that found in the
I majority of country Stores.
; We have the daily mail brought j
‘out from Glenwond. The mail-j
carrier, Mr. Grover Barnhill, is
an efllcient and painstaking j
! transact or of Uncle .Sum’s biisl- 1
We have had a great deal of
j rain so that the farmers have had
jto rise early and stay till Into lie
j tween the plow handles getting
j rid of the grass, but the ma jority j
jot' them seem to have theil’ crops;
: pretty well under control by now. j
There was quite a largo crowd |
!attended the singing convention
and Beulah Sunday, some fine j
music was furnished and one of j
the important features of the day i
was the bountiful dinner served j
j on the grounds.
We are hearing of some brag j
j water-melon patches around, so j
iwe are counting on some Fourth 1
of .July melons, if not any earlier, j
Next, week. Mr. Editor, we hope ;
to send you some more dots from
j this neighborhood. ITik Ojssekveh. ;
• © ©
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Children’s day services will be
, held at the Methodist church in
jAiley next Sabbath at the Sun
day school hour, and an excellent
, program will be rendered.
The best thing in the world to
I kill Hies is the Daisy Fly Killer,
For stile by I‘aimer Drug Store*
j Misses Maudelle Mcßae and
Ruby Mason are at home from
Milledgeville, where they are stu
dents in the Georgia Normal and
1 ndwstrial. College.
Finest, line of post, cards this
side of Savannah, at Palmer Drug
Mr. W. 11. McQueen and fami
jly are spending some time with
relatives in Liberty county.
Mr. Howell Me Lemon*, of Alamo
j spent the Sabbath with relatives
in Mt. Vernon.
Miss im*-/ Mcßae has returned
home from Valdosta, where for I
the past two years 4ho has taught j
in the public schools, and will !
j spend the summer vacation with 1
l homcfolks here.
The best lemons 5 cents per
j dozen at, Palmer Drug Store.
Miss Ozy Johnson of Milieu is;
j visiting her sister, Mrs. T. .J
j Thompson, this week.
1 Tie* Palmer Drug Store still has
so:u<“ 10c crepe* paper for 5 cents.
Misses Lillian and Ruth Pea-j
cock of Vidalia spent a part of
the week with the family of their
uncle, Dr. .J. E. Hunt.
I , |
1 Mr. Horace McLomore, astu-,
j dent, of the State University at
j Athens, arrived home a few days
ago for his summer vacation, llej
is well pleased with the University j
j work and will doubtless make 11 :
j good record.
Mrs. A. J. Burch is visiting her
I daughter, Mrs. Mack Wooten, of
Cordele, this week.
Ailey Paragraphs.
I SiHTial Cori i rtpoiKU nue.
Mr. Willie .I. Peterson, Jr., spent 1
| Sunday in Savannah. He reports
i a nice time.
Mend times M. L. Skipper and I
Mattie Peterson were visitors in,
Lyons Saturday afternoon.
Miss PHI 10 Fuqua is visiting in ;
Cedar Crossing and Long Pond
this week.
Mr. D. M. Currie spent a few
days this week in Fitzgerald,where
he went to attend the County
1 HHcers Convention.
Mrs. M. D. Burch visib*<| home
folks m Dublin a lew days last!
week, returning Friday.
Miss Fannie McGuhee, one of j
Higgston’s most ul tractive young!
ladies, is visiting in town this |
week, the guest ot her sister, M rs. 1
Our old friend Lewis Burch of
Mt. Vernon was mingling among I
us Tuesday. Come again, Jollie.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. King are j
receiving congratulations this
week. It is a line girl,
Mr. D. S. Williamson of Long
Pond was in town Tuesday.
Mrs. G. W. Burch is visiting
home folks in Columbia, Ala.
, t his week.
Mr. L. R. Nease of Lumber City
was here Tuesday,
Mr, Willie Calhoun of J/mg
Pond was here Mommy.
To the Bret hern Who May be
Interested: The Mt. Vernon Lo
cal of flu* Farmers’ Union respect
fully invites you to meet with us
on Saturday, 1 fit h. at 2 o’clock,
for discussing the plan of a Union
picnic, to tie given by and for the
Union, at Mt. Vernon on July 8 1.
Please respond and take part in
; the arrangement. D. M. Currie,
Geo. J. Stanford,
• If your paper lias been slopped,
i and vou know that, it lias not
■ been paid for, do not liavo a now
■ I subscription soot in by your
mother-in-law or sonic odier mom- !
bor of the family—pay lip (lie* old
account first. Then send in m ■
j dollar for a now year’s sulmcrip
jtion. 'l’ll is is t lie square plan.
Cashier Julius Baskinski of the
Peoples’ Hank of Tonnillo was a
business visitor to Mt. Vernon
yesterday. Ho is nn« of tho solid
business men id' Washington ,
\V r ill l a falling river, many of J
tho fishermen will resume opera
Children’s dav services at. the
Methodist church at. this place i
last. Sabbath afternoon wore well]
attended and enjoyed by all. A
more interesting children’s ser
vice has not been held hero.
Sunday, Juno -7, will he Ep-j
| worth League educational day al
jClenwood. The sermon will be;
l preached by Itev. \V'. C. Lovett ,
l>. I)., editor of Ihe Wesleyan
Christian Advoeate,
Tho protracted meeting is still
! in progress here. Considerable in
t,crest is being shown, and the !
meeting may be continued for j
several days, j
Registered llerkshire pigs for
sale. Ready for delivery. Write
. Lawson E. Rrown. Bandersville,
During tho past, ten days we,
have received a great number o! I
I cotton blooms—in fact, the)’ are .
as plentiful as pig traciis.
i fc’upt. M. D. 1! uglies carrier ofj
| Route No 2 and Mr. .1. L. Adams!
!of Route N’o. 1 are oil’ on their
vacation this week. M.J. A. Me- 1
i Bride is carrying t he former route
and Mr. H. 11. McAllister t.he lat
ter. Both Capt. Hughes and Mr. \
j Adams are hard workers and do-;
! serve the rest they are now enjoy- 1
j Ulg<
In this issue is advertised tli<- 1
| New Era Refrigerator, which is to j
bo used without ice,and is intend
ed to supply a longfelt want on
the part of housekeepers who may )
'find it inconvenient, to keep ice.
The New Era. Co., of Mcßae. :
have put on the market the plan* ;
'and specifications for building
ithis ice box and claim that it. is j
so simple that, any one with ordi-i
narv mechanical ability can ruakc]
it satisfactorily and at a small ex-1
pense. They guarantee tlie plans j
and idea to be satisfactory or the)
money refunded, and it. is very i
probable that they will furnish ;
] plans for a great number t his sea- 1
! son. See the ad. and write them.
Valdosta, (la., June 12. —A suit
which bus been in the courts for ,
fifteen years,involving the collec
tion of taxes due the city by the
Atlantic Coast Line railway, was
! settled today by the railroad coin- j
puny paying to the oity the sum .
■of #1,500. in I V.)I the city coun
cil of Valdosta caused tax exeou
j tions to be issued against the rail
road company for taxes, which it
was claimed was due tie* city for]
the years 1892-Odd)L The railroad 1
company brought suit to enjoin '
tijo collection of the taxes, and ]
tie! matter mis been in the courts 1
ever since. Judge It G. Mitchell, j
of the superior court, decided the j
case against the city last Juaualy, j
and it was carried to the city’s at- j
tornevs, S. M. Varnedoe and IJ n- i
mark Griffin, to the superior !
court, where it was pending when I
the set t,lenient was effected.
Bair of spectacles found on
court house square—-to be had at,
tip* office, owner paying for ad. !
j Special OniTi'Xpomlenoc.
l iio crops in our section look
1 line, but the grass looks the
li lies! .
Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Gordon are
J all smiles over I le* arrival of a 9!
pound L,,y.
Mr. \\ . E. Moseley and family
were the guests <d Mr. and Mrs.
Li*tu Adams recently.
M iss Marainla Barlow, who has
j spent the past tour months with j
; relatives here, returned to her j
j home at Guysie a few days ago.
Messrs. R. K. and A. C. Mose- j
| lev were guests at tie* home of Mr. I
;F. ('. Adams Saturday.
Mr. P. M. Moseley and family
i spent Sunday with their sister,
M rs. (’. Morris.
Mr. Hiram Johnson and Misses
Maude Gibbs and Bert i<* Crosby
i were out riding in our eommnnity
Sunday afternoon.
Messrs. Angus Barlow, Ellis
Moseley and Misses Florence and
Lniiraitm Moseley spent Saturday
; and Sunday with relatives near S
I (1 lon wood ,n ud wli ile there attend
j ed tie* Singing Convent ion at lieu
lab Sunday.
Gainesville, Ga., June I I. —A
1 “Roine-to-Gainesville railroad” i
was the slogan of a parly of prom-!
! lent Romans who spent last, night j
and pan of today in 1 he city.
At I lie council chamber last
levelling a public meeting was,
held, at which the Romans out- 1
; lined I lie railroad pro posit ion t hey
have in mind and in which pro
ject. they desire the co-operation
;of the people of Gainesville.
Bnclly, it is in organize a com-'
j puny, secure a charter for the
j Rome and Gainesville railway,
I have surveys made and either;
I build the road themselves of se
cure t.lm co-operation of some of
1 the lug trunk lines or other in
terests t<> insure the railroad's
I being built The proposed route j
is thioiigli Hall, Forsyth or l)uw
soii, Cherokee, Bartow and Floyd
I int. o Rome.
House for Rent.
Good Five-Room House with 2 j
j acres of land attached, in Ailey.
j Sec at once 1). M. UuitliiK,
1211 Alley, Ga.
# *
| f Summer f
!! Talcum I
; # r *"
3c to Kiiso the I<< *S1 i1 ('unset I l>v S
I Heat |
* i
1 $? '&
& We Haw ALL 11 it* Loading brands S
II *
* r . . i
* All the Cheeper Varieties, together *
% with the I test Assortment of #•
| toilet articles |
! J J AS. F. CI RRUS, Mlik J
News reached Mt. Vernon last
Wednesday of the death of Mrs.
EL/.abeth MeLemore of near Vi
'dalia, her death having occurred
early in I he morning.
Mrs. MeLemore was about Hl»
vears of age, and tin* mother of ti
number of children, all of whom
j she lived to sec reach the full
estate of manhood and woman
; hood. Those children surviving
lu r are Messrs. W. M. Mcl.ein«.ru
«»f Vidalia, 1. T. McLmnore of
II iggßton"a nil Judge L. B. McLe
niore of i ffis place Olid Mrs. Joe
|\\ . Sharp, Mrs. A. A. Peterson,
Mrs. R. i,. Sharpe and Mrs. Arlui
!t' iiirwon of Vidalia. She leaves
besides these,three sisters mid one
brother—Mrs. Damn ot Homer
vi I In, Mrs. Odom of Orland, Mrs.
McLendon of Laurens comity and
Mr. Lucien Thigpen of this
This good lady was a devoted
member of the Presbyterian
church, and g faithful worker in
Hie vineyard. Remains were laid
away in i In* family cemetery. Rev.
Roach of the Presbyterian church
' officiating. She Inis gone to reap
I lie I'l' Ail I'd ol a life well spent
and her spirit is at rest. Many
I ri" lids aml leht'lves arc left to
mourn tin- departure of tins old
Col. M. B. Calhoun leaves this
week for Atlanta, where lie will
! serve as the senator from this dis
trict in the General Assembly, to
] convene on the 2Hrd inst. Mrs.
] Calhoun w ill accompany him,but
will spend the greater part of the
time with parents in Athens.
Montgomery country should be
proud of her young and able rep
] resent at fives, and we may lie sure
of good reports from them—Mr.
, Calhoun in the Senate and Mr.
McArthur in the House of Repre
sentatives. Both are active unjl
intelligent men.
Swift C’lwk.
Mrs. G. It. Mason of this sec
tion is visiting relatives and
friends in Ml. Vernon this week.
Mr. Charlie Palmer and Miss
Maggie Joiner were married last.
Sunday morning at the home of
! Mr. G. W. Palmer at Kihbee.
Mr. Turn Walker of Hack
branch was in this section Sunday
Mr J. W. Palmer made a. bus
iness trip to McGregor Saturday
Mr. Horace Mason and wife vis
j ited the home of Mr. W. H. Dar
lie Sunday last.
Mr. J. N. Palmer has a field of
cotton in full bloom.
NO. 7