Newspaper Page Text
Mitchell, Ga., June IC.—A neg- 1
im boy on the lands of Dr. J. \V.!
Rhodes, eight milt-9 west of
Mitchell, killed a hoopsnake, or
hornsnake, which was spotted like j
a rattlesnake.
When this snake moves it j
catches the end of its tail in its
mouth and rolls like a hoop. It
has a horn fin the end of its tail
like a needle, one and one-hall'
inches inn", and it is said to he
the most poisonous suako known.
it is said that if it rolls against |
a tree it will horn the tree, the.
leaves will wither in thirty
minutes and the tree will die!
from poison.
Very few of those snakes have
lieen seen by the present venera
tion, as they are almost extinct.!
There was one found on this;
place in the year 1870 or 187-7.
Hoopsnake —A small snake of ,
the South Atlantic states, 1001-,
ishiv feared by the ni.inv, who j
say it will put its t •;;; ill its j
mouth, stitTen its body, and rol
ling along like a hoop, aiming to;
let go of its stinging tail and dart j
it into the first person it meets I
Similar stories are told of a close- '
ly related species, the wampum-j
snake, common m swampy ground
in the South, and both are railed
“ hornsnake.ln fact, both
species are perfectly harmless,
and spend most of their time
beneath the ground, burrowing
deeply into the soil. Tlu* former
is blue-black above, marked with j
three red lines, and flesh-colored j
below, with black spots, while j
the latter is uniform bluish-black j
above and banded with red on the j
abdomen lnternational Lneyclo-!
Atlanta, June 10. —Argument
before the state railroad cominis- I
oion in the so-called port rate j
cases was concluded this morning j
with the speech of W. A, YVim-j
bish, attorney for the complain- j
ants, who were heard yesterday. !
Mr. W’imbish declared, that !
while he represented his clients j
alone m the cases,he believed that j
the effect of a reduction or rates*,
to Atlanta would be a proportion-'
m! lowering of tariffs from tin*
ports to the other interior cities
of Georgia and that the public at;
large would ben fit.
He urged that the rates in j
question were entirely of ail in-j
tersfate character and deeaaredj
that no reputable lawyer would j
curry these cases, which were mi-.
*irely within the jurisdiction ol'j
the state, to the
nicrce com m iss ion.
At the conclusion of Mr. Wine
hish's argument briefs were taken
by the commission. Owing to
Hie bulk of the record, it will;
probably be some time before a .
decision can be announced.
Bainbridge, Ga., June 11.—A.
D. Oliver, whose business opera
tions in South Georgia have land
ed him in jail, has not yet obtain- j
~<! H)e consent of his creditors to !
his freedom in order that “he J
might obtain enough money *o
square up everything.’'
Apparently there is no disposi
tion on the part of the local au
thorities t'» give up their claim on
Oliver to Mississippi officers or
others. In tbs cell Oliver talks
f iv.d v, but sticks to the one
then*, edict} v of wealth that he
declares he has somewhere, it lie
could on ly g *t to it.
j- :s .-lured that Oliver was
c mvincmg'y ide.itifi *d today as
Maj. Mil]-, who in 19 J 2in De
mop. dis, Alt., organized banks,
lij mi her companies, and bought up
mill properties, gave away dia
mond rings, horses, automobiles,
Macon, Ga., dune 14. —A decree
of sale was signed bv Judge Speer
at noon today, in the case of W.J.
Oliver vs the Savannah, Augusta
I and Northern railroad in States
boro. Ga., on August, o, 1009.
Mr. J. N. Talley, who acted as
master in the case, was appointed
commissioner to conduct the sale.
Attorney Hinton Boot It of States
: boro filed objections to the decree
and stated in open court, that he
would take legal steps to appeal
;t he case at once. The decree of
the eourl will allow tkmtractor
Oliver the sum ofs2Sß,»7ir>.S4, to
gether with interest and costs.
Ho will receive this sum for the
construction of the railroad from
■ Statesboro to Louisville. Should
! the sale price not amount to what
he is given bv fin* court he will
I get a deficiency decree,Before any
j bid is made for the railroad pro
! party the sum of $20,01*0 must ho
I deposited with the commissioner
to show the good faith of the pro
-1 sped ive purchaser. G. Henry Co-1
j lien and.l. R. Lamar of Augusta i
represented Mr. Oliver. The road
i was to have paid Mr. Oliver by
yesterday for his work and its
j failure to do so brought, about
t oday’s decree.
Atlanta, June 11. lnformation
comes from Maridln, where Gov
ernor-elect Joseph M. Brown is
i preparing his inagural address and
| first message to the (tenoral As
| semhlv, that, the address will be!
i brief and to the point, occupying
i not more than twenty minutes.
His first messiig * on the other
hand it is understood, will be a
lengthy document, prepared with
great care as to literary style as
| r*
i well as contents.
It. is reportod 1 hat in his first
! message I lie new Governor will j
recommend the reduction of the |
j j
. membership of the Railroad (Join- j
i mission from five to three.
Albany, Ga., June Jf>. —Throe!
I convicts of a squad of fourteen, i
j who were working on one of the •
| roads of Dougherty county, two j
! miles below Albany, made a break !
for liberty late Wednesday alter- ;
j noon, and escaped.
! Alfred Hoipplnll, tlieguard who j
was in charge of the squad, states]
[that lie was overpowered while!
j fixing a lantern. One of the three ;
| secured his revolver before lleemg
: into I be river swamp.
Two of t In* convicts in the gang,
j who did not participate in the es
j cape, attempted to stop the fngi
; tives, but the convict who had the
i "inird’s revolver, opened fire ami
! drove oil' the pursuers.
Macon, (fa.,.lune 11. —Ex-Gov-
ornor Terrell, forty
or more Georgia, am) lflorida
lumber producers, and particular
ly the Garbutt Lumber Company,
i filed exceptions to the report of
; Standing Master.!. N. Talley on
t.l;.* f. o. b. shipiij 'iits in the Tift
lumber rate case.
The master's report showed a
finding against the producers awl
threw them nip of about, $100,(XtO.
In the except ion taken the claim
is made that, since the producers
received such a price for their
1 uipbe r as could be given with fpe
high freight considered, the ii|ill
ijien, and not the commission
merchants, are entitled to the re
turn overcharge from the roads.
The cage will he heard by Judge
Speer within the next thirty days,
probably ut Mount Airy.
Pair of spectacles found on
court house square—to be had at
: this office, owner paying for ad.
Washington, D. C. June 14. —
The Icug-deterred presentation of
the gold medals to Wilbur and
Orville Wright on behalf of the
A»*ro Club of America was made
this afternoon. The ceremony
look place in the East Room of
the* White House where President
l’aft, members of the Congress,
signal corps, officers, and a dele
gation of aeronauts representing
the Aero Club, assembled. Prrsi
dent Taft made the presentat ion
and Representative Herbert Par
sons of Xew York delivered the
address on behalf of the Aero
j Club of America. In a few words
da* two brothers who have become
world famous for their successful
! aeroplane flights expressed t he up- j
preciation of the honor conferred !
upon them.
J in* medals were designed by
! Victor D. Brenner and cost. #I,OOO |
leach. They are three inches in
; diameter and of gold. • m the
face of the medals are profile por
traits of the Wright brothers m
has relief, and on the reverse all
accurate representation of the I
Wright aeroplane in full flight, :
with t lie seal of the Aero C 'lub of
(leorgia—Montgomery (founty.
Whereas, D. .). Mcßae, admini
strator ol the estate of Steve
Clements, represents to the court
jin his petition, duly filed and en
tered on record, that lie has fully
administered said estate, tins is
therefore to cite all person con
cerned, kindred and creditors, to
show cause if any they can why ;
said administrator should not be
discharged from Ills mlmuiistra-
Ltion and receive letters of dismis
sion on the first Monday in July,
! 1909. Alex McArthur,
GEORGlA —Montgomery county.
All persons are hereby warned
'against trading for one certain
! promissory note and mortgage
i given to secure the saute, given
jto Dr. ,1. IL Dees for fjiOH.tlu, and
dated about April 80, 1909, con
sideration for which said note was!
! given having failed utterly. This,
I7t.h day of May, 1909.
.7201 Toney Cray.
For Leave To Sell,
Georgia—Montgomery ('oimly.
John A. Livingston, administrator
Sos tin* estate of Mary K. Livingston,
deceased. Ids ill due form applied In
! the undersigned for leave to sell all
the lands belonging to said estate,
and this is to cite all persons eon-,
! uerne.u Hup said application will le*
| heard amt passed upon on the firs!
.Monday in .1 illv, next. This tie* Till
day of June, I HOP.
Alex Me A rtliur. Ordinary. !
i 1
Sheriff Sale,
! GKOl’Cif.l Montgomery Ooipitv;
Will I,*- sold tjio roup lions'* <|onr in ;
Mi. Vernon oi| tlj> lost TiO'HiUv in Jnlv,
■ lOtl'J. l>ehvet*o tin* icoiil Lours o t sale, to lie- j
i hi::to -,i bidder for m-h, ceiiain jiropcrlv, of
' woieli <lk- lollowtm: is a complete ilixcniiti'iM ;
, Twenty-live aeie* of Lot of lurid Niltill,e, -
Ri"lti in llie Tent it I.iohl UisOj.-r of safl
; I'onntv ami mice, -H(d tract lining |oiiali.*l mi
tile Southwest line ol aniil lot no 1 111-lug ill I
! Mo- shape of u sijonre, do* went, eurnei of sn*d ,
trne* 1' io* * I* n illStSHee ~f full' ... I‘ *.
! Itojo the west corner of snid jot, S,, I. i hti.d j
levied on and will he sofl ~s file |ii'o(iei'ty of
Uouisa Hume lo sandy an exeentem issued -
friini the City Coilfl of ill. Verrem in favor of
I). A. Sapp. O. ft. Ponder Kiel li. ]■) lvmdiy.
W| itten noijc: of l'-vy given as 10-pinel by ■
law i |'o|ji rty* p linted out bv alloriu-y f*>r ;
til.ti .still. This llip Mill iliiv of June. I'.ir.i,
Slierill City 1 toiirt. I
W. A. Wooten, Att,v. for Pin's.
yiioriff tight.
(iti. - County.
Will |>»* foie t|ie coqrt lioiihi floor in
Ut. VfTiiou on tl*»* lit'Mt 1 iß'wlay in Jiilj*
i VMM. l»f t i-n the liour** of nale, lo the
bitldi'r for gahli, ct-itaiii p»-ojifity. of
• vvliidi Hm; following ii< a complete ih H<*ription:
. Six’V-tivi: acres of land inn* <»r lean, rtitnaU*,
, ’ lying and being in to** It district I/.
of-«>i l oountv ami itatfe. ami ay
I iiiv.-s. Un tt:f; »*«M tlj by laidtj of .Jo*' Wiitiain
ancj Win. iTntcliott, on fin* ea*jt by Ihidlk of
| Mi*. .T >!iii Im -xm y. on tljo Hoiph bv 14110 * of
1 Jacob BcrksVortli and on tip; by Innda of
15. A. alohlov, it i»*;ii»g tb*j place wlmreou fo»*U
CollinH now leijidcH. \t< vie<i oil astride property
of Jonh Collin* to natitify two exec uino iMnned
from the City Court of Mt. V*r non. One pi
favor of T. J. Jan'Cr v- J, (' and Mic
in fa or .1 «V l 4 cd-iy \* (:oib»f>.
Original i«»v * made bv A. J. Bareli, aheriff,
1 dinl wiitleo notice of lew nerved on renaui
ifi fioHnewMioti. |*rop*rly wiiu\ out \>y plain*
till * aOoriitv. Thin the Bth day of .fiine. 1 iff9l9.
rthcriff cny Court.
j W. U. Kent, A tty. for Plff.
' j The Monitor office laheadquark
’ers f<>r the finest job printing.
Notice To Debtors And Creditors.
| GEORG I A—Montgomery Count \.
1 Not tee is hereby given to till :
■ parties having demands against
the estate c.f (’has. S. Hamilton,
deceased, to present same, pro
perly made out, within the time
prescribed by law, and all parties!
| indebted to said estate are hereby
! notified to make immediate pay-'
j ment to the undersigned. This
j the 7t h day of J tine, •
(!. \V Hamilton,
C. W. Hamilton,
Exs. Will of C. S. Hamilton, I»>■-
l ,
Sheri tV Sale.
I Georgia—Montgonh-n ('•unity.
Will lie sold befotv tile court liotlat' iluor in
■ M>. Vernon ot, the litM I’liemluv in Inly.
I tIHKI. lietweeii (lie lef'iil le ills ol sub. In tin
! bight-M hi-hh-r for rush, eert'iiu ] fop,Tty, of J
j \v I ill'll lie following is il eolli|ilete «lis. l ipi ion
One cerlu in 1 1 rug saw of the h’inley ,
! make, I oo'el tier with the slmf, illg,
pulleys liell illg, sil ws, lixlines. ole.
Said property levied onasihc pro
perty of H. Io Sears losaiisfy an ox
ciMiliun issued from theCily Court
of Montgomery comity in favor of |„
• .1. Fuller for ihe use of Mnllon
Mill Supply co. vs li. li. Seals. Said
! properly being of of a bulky nature, |
will lml lie exposed for sale before !
j tin' euiirt house, but may be inspect
ed by prospectivo buyers at tin- mill
| site of the said IT. In Sears in I,au
reus county. Properly poinleil out
by plaim ilf and ui il leu not I
levy given as reipiired by law. Levy
made and reinriied by I’. 10. l-'orresi
<• r. deputy shei iIT.
This tlio Isi day of June, l‘.)i) , .i.
James | tester,
Sheri It M c.
Davis it Hightower, Aliys, for Pills.
" - l
Sherill Sale.
*.<eo|nin Montooiili ry County.
\Viit hr sola lieforo I lie r-mrl house dool Hi ,
V|t. Vernon on the I'uesdny in .Inly, ;
11),III, between do* h;:'d hours ul side, to i.h
liiglo si hiihh r lor eivsli, <t<-rlniu propt-t tv, of
wlliell I lie follow ill g is il .-nlliplbt •- lli-sei'iptloli: .
All tlial ceil!till liae.l or parcel of ;
la nil lying, sit uate and being In Die .
•Is illsi riel (I. M of said eoniil.v a nil ■
stale, and hounded as follows: On ]
the non li by lands of W ilder
Philips and Pendleton ('reek, on Du-! ;
easi by lands of Mrs. Minnie W il- I;
lin m sui i and Pend b*l on ('reek, on the
soul li by lands belonging lo Die is- :
rate of'Joseph I‘liilii s anil on Die :
west by lands of Wilder Philips and !
eonlainlng I<H) acres more or less. .
Devied on and will In-sold as the
properly of I lie said Wilder Philips j
hosalisi'v anexecuiion issued from
ii he Superior <'ourf of said < o. in Fn- I
vor of the Commercial tnul Having-d
Hunk of Macon, <in.. vs .1. A. Tljlg- ; I
pen and Wilder Philips. Properly j
pointed out by plaint in's Attorney, j j
being ill Die possession of Die sold I
Wilder Philips and Written noDee I
of levy given as required by law. J
This i lie uni 1 1 day of May. I mm.
James I [ester.
She; ill' ( ii v < ’onrt.
M. I>. Calhoun, Ally, for Pill's.
Sheriff Sale.
fjtiM'tfia'—Montgomery Countv.
Will be Bold ImT.iro the court lon so door in
Mt. Vernon on flic first Tiundav in July,
Unit), between tile hj'fil Ip'lir* of sale, to the
liiglu.Kt |ii(li|< I fur cat'll, I'.i'i tnin prop<-rty, of 1
wit jc|t l|ic following i«a oomplcte (Inwilptiun : i |
All tl|at uerniin Ine't or pir<*el ulTuiul nln
ute, lying unit being m (lie ltnhlll <li tl ief (I. ; I
M. of sjihl uoi|l|l, t v iiird rtulf, lie- hhiio In ing ; j
hot of |and nmilthir lJ• r*o liilildi'-d and tliiriy
fonr Cta-t) in Mo- ’iv-ntli (10) land illhiilt of!
1 ,1/iitilgono ry county, ft.i., and containing two
i hundred, two and one-half {202! .1 aere.- ,
j more or less vvi.h the exception of mo am !
J enrved out. of the xonth-vvest, portion of «ui d 1
' lot whom tin.- bongliraucli school staiuls. Smd
land levied on as the property of J. K. Veo-
I mans lo satisfy an exnoutiou i.< in (I from tic
City Court of Ms. Vernon in favor cf die VII.
Vernon bank vi .i 1 . Veomaii- eel S W
Uuglo s, mid h-anafered l>y ,*il. Vmiioli Hank
lo 11. I. Wi! -Ml, |. an.-1- I- c (hi null lev
l |,a-h Ij v V I - lilireh, slicnlf Oi-lolmt, IIIIIS,
I proper I v lieing hi tin- possession of .1 «■
Veouians. poiuied out. by pin nil If. urn I -.vriuen
! notice of lew given as rerptired In la v. J'uis j
the Isl das of .bn , I ill'll,
.iamkk iikhtki:, i
Kiiei ill' (lily 1 'onrt. ■
M. P. Calliomi, Ally, for PI If.
W(ict'llf Sait-.,
1 Oporgitt i'* foipdy.
Will U<* Hold before the I'-'-url lioii»-.e door in
Mt. Vernon on the first Tw >dny in July,
I'.KKJ, l»H ween the b'Miiv. ol hml< , loth*
hitfliont I*id4«r for eiifcji, <s rti»nt property, ot
which the following is h eornpb te diseiiptmu
One certain Urue IdaeU hor«-e, named .lini
' Said lioyne levied nji hi id will he sold ;»h flo
property of W, b. Adiiu- lo Hdtixfy an < v< «.,n
j tipu iH.-md from Hie cy :^»j>*♦»*• »
J ('oiirt in knot of the fn,M * Fattd e In*
Irl/»v ( jli(*llt (‘omi / ( U.V • • W iV \ditllM. he 1
i ptojienv di tin* jviskc)-, i<n ot the h*u{ \V. j!
;ind Wi if ten notice 0,l levy J4»v**n fi.<
reiiiiired h,v l*w. I'roperiv |»■ m i»I *• • I out l»
iilain'titV's attornev. rhis the iuh *1 * of
Warn!i, l!¥kh HJWJ Kl: f
Khe» *fi < 'iiy Omi» -Ht. V.
Minter Wimh/ ilv. Atfy. i o- I'ifVs.
<ieorgia—Mmitgomory < ounly.
To whom if may concern:
Mrs. John A. Peterson, .ir., lias igg
made tip[dicalion lo me t*i due form
to be appointed poiouvucm adminis
npo.ii tie.: cutufe of Jim. a.
PylersitH. i la l e of said county,
notice is lie re by given that said ap
plication will be beard at Die if
term of Die Cmirt of (fHltuary for
said ;oimty. ti, Ip- lp-ld on Du first
Monday pi July. UMI. Witnos;, my
baidt and olbcial sjgtiature this Du
Till day of June. p.rr.).
Ale; McArthur,
Money to loan at (5 apt} r ( pc
;cent, on improved t'^tuis.
' ‘-V- ii- Hutchk.hon’,
Wi' soli tho UoliahU* looi ream J ; i'('(7-
jor, which is t!u‘ most Ponular on the Mar
kef and makes the finest Icecream with
one half (lie ice in one <|iiiirtcHhc time and
one eii>!d the labor. A five-year old child
can make tho hesl icoercam in li\t* min
utt's. (Quarts, 7 d (‘tails; half t» a I lons, SSI.OO.
' *v t fv?
\’nil (’an Kasily Operate %
§ V 'This 'l’vnewriter \Oursidf. »
*M 4 —.. ' L I , -Jf ,• \
vi \ • Mon'i worry y<»iir eorrcHpotMient. Ihm’f wriie him .inythinpf
Ni “ \ h\ hand that talt- him lime to in the out mat iuua leave *A
**i ' . him in doubt that he eaii’t **nsily rend.
i f t And don't id. «»ut h tral papers or eard memos or mnl<e out aceonnts or hotel it
JJJ mt ims in ymr own h:i;u|tvrimi^. It looks Imd, i t ll- etK mi your Mtamlina. makes
r,; peopliv tliinSi you eaud alldn) a stenograph* l and is soimdimt H atulti^uouH.
§* Vou can write out your let tei's 11*?* *f's
*v| malic out im out an ahstrael- till in w*/ v , ~ Au—
Hit uisuranee |.oln‘\ eiih i ymireard xfl . m n • # #< -
memos In ;i ko Ollt n oil r aeeoillit -, ol 11 J I i,\
'it a hotel n.ejm do a ll v ld.i-1 ol mßtw wm Ml
l', 1 writjiii’. \ou in mI, on a ll \ hind, d/d m m jJc
| ain'w;?;'-;^ 1 |
| The Standard A’isible Writer |
}{, Vo*i enn \\ l it* any fit i linse t hin?;s yoiu>o>|f il yon do nori nppmi In have a strung
iu rapher l*'< r yon (an ea ily learn, *vitli ,i little praetii e, to writ*’ just jik ranidlv and
vi as per feel ly it san e\i "-rt opr • a tor *»n 110 01-IV’ll;. I.eeinme the uLIVKIt is Hie \
Vs tmnlHii «M vp» M i i-e. Aml you rail sec even word von write. About so per cent
•'? MoIH: 01't! A I’K 11 than :in\ other typewritc-i hcean it tins iihonl su p.*r cent LMHS
Vs WK\l!l \i% |'( »I NIN i hi. nmo*>otht ii \ pew ri b*rs. HU pi i pent Iv ASI.KII to wriie
VI wit li tititti Hiohc orlor t't»\| I'l.O 'A IKl>, I \ I'itl ATK l/.\t,’ll I NKrt that mpiire “liu- ».•
fj) in ot ini' teehniea! Know led:: • Ion;; praetiee aim >peeial .Kih to openite Than
A] nutei.ine* which he aojii-led to ai>' ipeeial space with which it is impossible ’•>
JN to write :• list i';i'*l s, iosltl .tliei* jioiieieK, or odd-size oociniieiils except you |*ll> expenn- f'l
r*i i\c >l’l!t 'I AI, atlitelimetil rt tpdi ini; e\} .: ts lo operate Von can adjust the -'i
Vs <) I,| \ r.Ji to ait \ lb iS' ilia I'h Ap.ict yt)i| ejiti wide on WV reli son m i ih* si/»• ahd th iek-
Vs m * ol' paper, l edit •■lit t>» tin vet \ ed;;» , wilhmp the aid of \NV KKPI’ASIVI-! AT-
Vj TVt 'll M I’.NT drspe- nl ►•Kill, amt your woih will he mat appnn ill-/, uni eleat.
f i the l >tJ V • I.' i .lie Iy\ ie will er |mi I lie tloe tor, the la w vertin t nsio line*- nir ,, nt .1 h<*
f.' t iin-relianl. tin- li •!< | prop) i* bn m ;rm man who die s In-* n« u n riling. Write us *$
vi IKON Ini' oip booh !el on Hu- ‘I M I'ldl 1 1 Id >h at uns of 1 lie Ol ,1 V KK. * u l
:•* V-:
I ho Oliver ’V) pewriler Conijmny,
I Chicago, 'nikouvkdtvpkw.mtdu Illinois. |
j f ;5
•irt.«•*•*#iit«iiliv»'(bttiii•*»ti»»*.-*»•* !a#t , »('«iifil«ti*"itHi*' , 7* , <iifa*(*''l*lbaJ(t,ii»it7ti*iij(lfitiiifi(fi"*lfS
|j Croup, Whooping; Cour?h, Bronchitis, La Grippe,
Quinsy, Itoarsaeness, Hemorrhage of the Lungs,
Weakness of the Lungs, Asthma and
ail diseases of
Eleven years ago Er. King’s Tiow Discovery permanently cared :
‘j, me of a severe and dangerous throat and lung trouble, and I’ve
been a well man ever wncc.-G. O. Eloyd, Merchant, Kershaw, S. C. V
'ihzWßr.'jmeessuS solo and guarantled by wm&iwms&m
Ml, Vernon ( ’o. Uiver-j C‘>.
IhiliiPH' Store.
i&'jViVS.V.WAVia'A 'S.’A'.V.'. V.'.'i', C 'A'S.V.V.-', I'D*
We fiit v<- I Iti-, -tiut lsiuu iimo ItOj D> Iron! »ui Moiitgcm.-ry
« (kiiiiti v I*': ll* him. I’r<t|>t*rtv must, tin iiitprovud mid «>»•<• 1 11 »»-•»! )>y ft
« tuviM i'. Have ini.!, il tbrmtglit tii-urgm mul South L'an-limi for »
II) yi'iit'K. Write at. tuitu* tl you tu-ud luiklh. S
| Jus. Frank tk Son, Augusta, (*a. I
S-w»wiVvwwi'»w*»vww«v»*»vm*vwvma»m*»vM*wv»»»*iv%m»w f
\ IIEADOUAtm-R5 t OR |
Susli, Illinds, Doors, Mjtnlcls, Paints, |
Oils, lame, hdc. |
Agent s For f
Harrison’s "Town imd (Vmntry” Paints, i
com>\ i> ]•: xc 15 so ja r jtei>. I
I Manager SUPPLY CO.
5 ISiB-140 Barnard Sfc. SAVANNAH. GA. |