The Montgomery monitor. (Mt. Vernon, Montgomery County, Ga.) 1886-current, June 17, 1909, Image 4

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OoliunbiiH, On., June 10.—As- !
i. r tin jury had been out half u
(inv and all night, a mistrial was
declared unlay in the »:a«e of W.j
I). O'llslloran, charged with vio-*
luting the prohibition law. T. F.
Bush wart convicted of the name j
charge, but haw not yet been sen*
I,at> thirt afternoon, an Detec*
lives, Joe (Ireen, of Chnttanoogu,
and it. .1. McKnight, of Chicago,
who worked up tlieso and other
nisei for the Anti-Saloon League, j
ft.'i'p preparing to leave the city;
they were arrested on warrants
sworn out bv J.VV.Green and Dan i
Odom, clnirging them with doing |
tlie business of detectives without
state and county license, and were
placed in jail, bond is being ar
ranged for them by the Anti-Sa-'
loon league oflicers. esterday :
(iii-. n will arrested charged with
perjury on a warrant, sworn out
by \V. I). O’llulloran, luit. the
grand jury today returned a no
hill in Ids carte.
“Joe Or was commonly rn
ferred to y> -tcnlav aw being from
Atlanta, and lias been working
there for two or three months,but
it seems t hat Ins home is in Chat
anooga. lie was recommended by
the chief o| Atlanta detectives.
Three Atlanta m»n wvre introduc
ed to impeach his testimony.
S lvmin ih, (la., June 11 —ln
the r.■ i-order's court, this morn-1
ing. t lien- was held all investiga
tion <•: II c 1-e t h it has int eri‘sted
u urge numher n.’ Savanniihians.!
(1. S. Marol, Jr., was bi for*- the!
recorder charged w it h having shot
I*. I*. I‘atriyk, an insurance col
lector, in the arm. The shoot ing I
o('cured -i veral days ago, but I’al-,
rick lie just been able to appear;
Ilgams! I;, man who shot, him.
I; w.h ;a ini -’,l by M irul t but
I’atri 'k had made advances to
ward I:. w ill- This I’atrick de
nied. Tile recorder after listen- i
ing tilth" evidence decided to i
hold Marol for investigation by
the grand jury, b.itrick came |
v.-ry near losing Ins arm and in
court this morning he showed that,
lie had not recovered from the
effects of his wound.
Augusta, (bi., June ll—l'he
post mastership tight in this city
ha- taken a decidedly interesting
turn, T. (1. Murphy, managing
editor of the Chronicle, stole a
march on the Republicans and
now they are directing all their
forces against hirt candidacy.
Before any except a few close,
personal friends know that ho
even contemplated entering the
race, Mr. Murphy was off to
Washington, and a systematic
canvass was begun to secure
names on Ins petitions. Most of
the loading professional and bus
iness men of the city signed. They
wore forward to Washington with
ncai'h a thousand signatures.
Meanwhile the friends of Mr.
II ('. M a\w< 11, the acknowledged
loading Republican candidate,
rallied sit mgly to his support and
begun a movement intended to
block Mr. Murphy’s campaign at
every p-iisilde turn. As a result
tlie c 'tnjii tit in waxed exceeding
ly k-and lie outcome i> verv
i'o-; mis., r S 11. Vaughn is in
\\ . . lit lie lilt* 1 >t tit illrt ,
rail,ini.lev, ami what flieads lie
lefi at . in ue hard at work in ,
J>• r- st. Hut hi- strongest
i "ai t!. nattonal capitol
ami it ,rt sue rally the opinion !
locally t hat tie will lose out.
Mr. Mur;' ~ has n-> claim on j
t!.. i ’' y :; - s; reiigi a resting
* :i - ii ship that
s .w.,' m and Mr.
'j ;;t. M Miv* i! on tii* other.
La . !..n ,1 ,-:i debit of I
tb K .ii.' in Augusta anil j
w!i • „ ar a strong p-diti-1
cal in., c ins. *
Savannah, June It.—Mrs. Lau
ra Averitt who was divorced from
her husband Henry G. Averitt
here on Monday afternoon lost no
time in getting another husband.
Advices received from Philadel
phia today state that, she was mar
ried there this morning to Capt.
IC.A. Attains of the schooner John
K. Bilmilley.
Mrs. Averitt sued her husband
theee months ago for divorce al
lowing desertion. The jury disa-
Igreed and mistrial was declared,
The next day the case was heard
again and she was granted the
( lirst verdict. On Monday she ap
peared in court to ask for her sec
ond verdict and decree. It was
j granted after a short, considera
tion by the jury. She at once
went to the telegraph office and
wired Capt. Adams,“l am coming
wait for me.” The Captain, who
had been trading at Savannah
for several years where he unit
his vessels are both well-known,
had hirt ship all loaded at Phila
delphia and ready to sail for
Porto Rico, but he waited when
lie got the telegram. Mrs. Averitt
readied Philadelphia yesterday
afternoon and this morning the
knot was tied. She wired friends
in Savannah of the marriage they
have been sending their congratu
i lations.
After Mr. Averitt deserted his
wife the Captain begun to pay
| her at tention and friendship soon
ripened into something more tan
gible. He proposed that a divorce
; be secured and tiiat. they he mar
ried. Mrs. Averitt was willing
and sh'-lost no time in getting
! the pap'-rs prepared for filing in
i.ho court house. She went from
■the court house to the telegraph
i office alter hay ing secured her sec
ond verdict and decree and went,
; ij'nni the telegraph office to her
I home where sh<* packed her grips
I and left for Philadelphia on the
! first train.
Statesboro, Ga., June 14.
“Well, 1 have fooled you all for
t wenty years,” said R. H. Soar
boro, known in Bulloch county as
It. Baker for that period of time,
“and now 1 will introduce you
to my son, Mr. Scarboro.” This is
wlmt “Baker” told Will Akins,
an old friend, as he was about to
board a Central train at Jnnps.
Akins hud know n Scarboro as Bak
er for a score of years and was
greatly surprised to learn that lus
true name was Scarboro. Scar
i boro left his home in Btshnpvtlle,
S. C., thirty-three years ago,
spending thirteen years within IOC)
miles of his home without the
knowledge of his family. Leav
ing that place, he came to Bul
loch county. This was twenty
! years ago. He left home w hen
tlu* son that came after him was
II years old. Believing him to lie
dead, it is said his estate was ad
ministered upon. This son, how
ever, thinking perhaps his father
might still be living continued to
make inquiries about bis father,
and recently when an old ac
quaintance of the family came to
.Statesboro be saw Mr. “Baker”
on the streets and recognized him.
The acquaintance was a traveling
man, and it seems that lie made
it a point to go thru IJishopville
and fell the sou that lie hud seen
ii is fat lu*r.
To ■ n xt examination of teach
is w,|i 1... held on the ISth and
I'Jtli ol .1 lino I'.KH),
Iju--stions in till' examination
\iii be shap.-d, in a great part, bv
Dutton's “School Management”
and Dinsmore’s “Teaching of a
Dist net School. ”
Dull >u's “School Management”
nay >e had of the Southern School
book Depository, Atlanta, Ga.,
ui,| Dinsmore's “Teaching of a
Dist net School” of the American
Book t >.. Atlanta, Ga.
1f,.:1i i.f those books are tine,
lint tbi* latter is ‘specially full of
good things applicable to country
schools ami conditions.
A. B. Hutcheson,
if. G. S. C., M. C.
t j Hy virtue of a power to me given,
l as the assignee of Hie security deed
’J containing the power given by Neal
i S. Clark, on May lith, 1908, to Union
. Savings Hank of Augusta, Georgia.
, which deed is duly recorded in book
lu page 86, in the office of the Clerk
of Superior Court, of Montgomery
' j County. State of Georgia, I will sell
■ at public our cry, before the court
house door, in tiie town of Mt. Ver
non, county of Montgomery, State
of Georgia, between the legal hours
!of sale, to the highest bidder for
■ cash, on tli*' first Tuesday in July
lUOSt. the following described proper
ty: All that tract or parcel of land
lying, being and situated in the llfh
I Land District of Montgomery Coun
ty, State of Georgia. and better
) known and distinguished in the plan
of said District as lot of land No. 68,
containing 202!,. acres more or less,
• together with all the improvements
. thereon, and being the place on
which the said Neal S. Clark now
■; re-ides.
, Debt secured $500.00, besides in
terest since May Ist, 19UX and ex-
I ponses of this sale. Term cash,
, purchaser to pay for papers..
johanuaii ('. Burke,
> Atty. in Fact for Neal S. Clark.
II -
I Sheriff Sale.
i Georgia Montgomery County.
. i Will lie Hold before the court house door in
Mt. Vernon on the first 7'nimUa.v in July,
1 1009. between the hours of ssle, to the
J highest biihh-i f,,, cash, curtain properly. ol
1 which tlie following is a complete iliacriptimi:
t, All that tractor parcel of land in
. the 12215 t disti ict G. M. of said conn
( ty and state,containing two hundred
(200) acres more or less, carved out
• of a tract of land containing iiOu acres
' devised to J D. Miller under the will
■ of Thomas N. Miller, deceased, said
lands seised being a pari of the said
entire tract of ;tOS acres, and being
hounded on one side by other lands
of j, I).. Miller adjoining the tract
levied on. and also bounded hy lands
. of Mrs. K. H. Dukes and Walter
Dukes on one side, bv hums of Mrs.
I *
iM. K. Wilkes oil one side, and by
j lands of John Spivey on one side,as
• i is shown by the plat of a survey made
by B. E. Higgs, county surveyor of
Montgomery eounty. on April 10th,
{ 1895. Said property being in the
possession of the said.). D. Miller
and levied on as t he property of .) .1).
Miller to satisfy a City Court Fi fa
In favor Hunter-Bonn & Co. vs .me
I). Miller. Property pointed out by
plaintiff’s attorney and written no
tlee of levy given as required hy law.
This the 27ili day of May, 1909.
Janies i I ester.
Sheriff City Court Mt. V., Ga.
M. B. Calhoun, Atty. for i'ltf.
Sheriff’ Salo.
Gcorgls—Montgomery County.
Will bo sold before the court house door in
■ Ml. Vernon on the first Tussdav in July,
19.19, between the legal hours of stile, to tlie
• highest mid heat bidder for cash, certain prop
erty, of which the following is a complete dc
• script io)i:
, One twenty horse power engine of
the Skinner make, one bolting saw,
i iui;ety(9U)yards of one and a-qiiarter
inch piping n.ore or less, one shingle
I machine of the Treaver make; and
■ also two (2) DeLoach shingle press
-1 es. Levied on and will be sold as the
property of Kli/.a Fountain tosatis
-1 j fy an execution issued from the City
! Court of Mr. Vernon in favor of the
Southern Pirn-Company of Georgia
ivs Kliza Fountain. Property poun
ced out for levy by plaintiff in fi fa
j a id being in the possession of li. T.
• .Mcßride & Co. Written notice of
. ] levy given as required hy law. Levy
| made and returned to me hy T. j.
• ii ester,deputy sheriff. This the Hist
day of May, 1909.
James Hester,
’ Sheriff City Court. Mt. Vernon.
, M. B. Calhoun, Atty. for Plff.
Sheriff Sale.
, tlcoigiu -Montgomery County.
Will be sold before the court bruise door in
! Ml. Vernon on the fust Tuesday in July,
; 1909, between the legal hours >f sale, to the
i highest bidder for cash, certain property. <,f
, which the following is a complete description:
All that tractor parcel of land ly
■ 1 ing, situate, and being in the 1654th
district, G. M. of said county and
state, and hounded as follows: On
• the north by lands of Jacob Beck
worth, on tile east by lands of J. A.
’ Reckworth, on the south by lands of
, G. W. Minton and on the west hy
lands Marshal Flnndois. said to con
’. tain one hundred acres more or less,
I said property being in the possession
of Jacob R.-ckworth, defendant in
fi fa, and levied on as his property to
satisfy an execution is-uetl from the
City Court of >lt. Vernon in favor of
J The John Flannery Co. vs Jacob
. Reckworth. Levy made and returned
to me hy T. J.Hester,deputy sheriff,
and written notice of levy given as
i required hy law. This the (irst day of
June, 1909, James Hester,
Sheriff C. C. .V t. Vernon.
Hartridge & Wilson, Attys. for Plff.
Sheriff’ Sale.
Gturi'i* --M»»«il^oinerv Comity
\\ ill l»«* m»M bdorc tl»«* com t door in
, Ml. Wmoii on tlie first Tu« mUv iti July,
19*RI, belwtvii the legal hours of sale, to the
1 highest Hii'l l»cst luthier for cash, certain
iyopr«*ty, of which the following is a complete
All that parcel of land that lies in
the 12215 t district (J. M . of -ai i enmi
ty and slate.and bounded as follow-:
On the north hy lauds ot Missouri
Gillis.ou the east and south bv lands
of Rennet Ken and >n the w. -t by
Messrs Creek, and -aid to contain
two hundred rinoiaures more or h--..
Levied on as the property of Joint J.
Miller to satisfy an execution i-stied
from the City Court of Mt. Vernon in
favor Huuter-Benn A Co. v- John J.
Miller. Property pointed out l>\- i
plaintiff in fi fa and written notic'd
of levy given as required by law.
This t he olst day of May, 1909.'
James Hester,
Sheriff City Court Mr. Vernon.
M. R. Calhoun, Atty. for PBfs.
, * &
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What More Can a Body Ask? J
:i W.H.McQUEEN f
Rounds Tax Receiver.
L will Ik; at the various precincts
•' on the following dates for the
purpose of receiving state and
1 county tax returns for the year
j Erick, Monday, June 7th.
, Alamo, Tuesday, June 8, from 8
to 4 p. in.
i Stuckey, Tuesday, June, 8, 5 rOO p.
(ilenwood, Wednesday, June 9th,
J. W. Morrison’s residence, at
Landslnirg, Thursday, June 10th.
1 Lot hair, Friday, June 11th.
j Orland, Saturday, June 12, from
8 to 12 m.
Sopertcn, Monday, June 14.
| Zaidee, Monday, June 14. at night.
,l Tarrytovvn, Tuesday, June loth.
, Kibhee, Wednesday, .Tune 16th.
• Higgston, Thursday, June 17, J.
T. Langford’s residence at night
Longpond, Friday, -Inne 18th.
McArthur, Saturday, June 19.
Bruce, Monday, June 21, a. m.
, Springhill, (Camp Ground,) June
21. p. m.
'Springhill, (Court House,) June
22, from to 11 a in.
i C. 11. Wooten’s residence, June
22, from 2 to 4 p m.
1 Mt. Vernon. June !?lth, and 25th.
Books will close June 25th.
i Yours truly,
W. Hk.nky Clark.
T. IL, M. C.
i ’
Dawson, Ga., June 15. —While
standing on the running hoard of
l)r. Harris' speeding automobile
late last night. Dr. Login Thomas
wastlirown violently to tne ground
i one rih broken and badly bruised
otherwise. He was rendered un
conscious for a long time.
In falling Dr. Thomas pulled
Mrs. Thomas and Mrs. Harri- out
out of the machine, injuring them
Eugene TaLmadgc,
Attorney at Law,
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