Newspaper Page Text
For Relief of
the Teachers .;
One of the most important and l
far-reaching suggestions yet made
by Governor-elect Joseph M.|
Brown, involving a feasible plan
for the relief of the state school
fund and provision for'the prompt
payment of the Georgia teachers,
was presented yesterday in his El
berton speech.
it must he admitted that in
creased taxation for the purpose
of raising the necessary amount:
in one, or even two years, is prac
tically out of the question.
The suggesstion of closing the
schools for a year in order to j
catch up would scarcely find a j
corporal s guard <>t supporters.
Not only would it involve untold j
hardship upon Georgia’s army of!
teachers who would be forced tem
porarily to turn to other pursuits,
perhaps difficult to find, hut the
result would he a vast and unfort
unate addition to the accumula
tion of ignorance.
Georgia’s schools must not and
will not he closed !
And yet. the state cannot go on
indefinitely upon the present!
basis, months behind every year
in meeting its obligation to
the teachers, who are patient and
long suffering, and to whom jus
tice and humanity demand pay
ment for services rendered shall
be made immediately if it is due.
That there is away out of this
difficulty, and one which should
meet the commendation and sup
port of every Georgian, Governor
elect Brown has admirably point
ed out in his Elberton speech.
The governor-elect proposes a
state bond issue of approximately
S(>OO, (XX), it. being estimated t hat
this sum, together with its avail-1
able income, would enable the
*tate to meet promptly every ob
ligation to the common school
This bond issue, which can on
ly bo authorized by amendment 1
to the state constitution, voted
by the people, he proposes shall
be made a permanent loan fund,
which shall be used solely for the
purpose of supplementing the j
common school fund in the spring j
and summer, when the money is
needed, the loan fund to bo reim
bursed m the fall when taxes arc
)Such a bond issue, it is not. !
dowVttod, can be floated at 1! per
cent, and by placing the money j
in the state depositories whan pot
m use for the purpose stated,from
which institutions the state re
ceives 2 per cent, the interest
charge would be rocijeed material-,
Jy. probably one-third.
The state can easily make pro
vision for the gradual retirement.
~f this loan in such a manner as j
wiH create »o burden and will
make unncceessary tiny increase
of taxation.
The loan fund would then re
(Hiain intact and the state would
have made permanent provision ;
for meeting the obligations to its
teachers when they are due.
ft i-> t Un announced purpose of
Govecuar-eloat Brown to embody
this suggestion in his first mes
sage to the general assembly, and ,
to urge the prompt submissions
to the people of a constitutional
amendment. providing for a
bond issue to meet tins emergency
in the manner stated.
it is difficult. to see how a sim
pler or more satisfactory plan for
relieving this distressing condi
tion can be devised.
ft involves nothing more than
the us*- of the state’s credit at tlie
lowest possible interest rate, with
provision for repayment made in
eu'-lt manner as to create not the
iiliahtest noticeable burden.
Georgia must arrange to meet
the obligations to b«r teachers.
If any owe can suggest a bettvr j
plan than this, there is no ques-
tion that it will receive prompt
and careful consideration,both by
the new governor and the Legisla
! turn.
: Just at present this proposal np
! pears to fit the case better than
i any vet suggested or which can be
In the interests of the Georgia
teachers, who are entitled to this
1 measure of relief, it can scarcely
! be questioned that will it receive
j cordial and practically unanimous
support from the people of the
entire state*. —Atlanta Constitu
To whom it may concern :
You are hereby notified that,
jon t-lle lit.h day of July, 190*9, at
jt he court, house of Montgomery
I county, at ten o’clock a. in., it
I no good cause is shown to the
contrary, wo will pass an order
altering the “Shell Bond,’’at the
point of its intersection with the
located centre line of Georgia it
Florida Railway on tin* land of
Littleton Sharp, in the “Toth Dis
trict G. M. ot said county, so that
said Shell Road shall cross said
Rail way at a point L’lS feet Xortli
of the present point of intersec
tion, and abandoning and discon
tinuing all that part of said Shell
Road lying between the point at
which the alteration begins and
point at which it ends, said part
so to he abandoned being 229 feet
East of the present point of m-
I tersectiou and 842 leet West
j thereof, or a total length of 571
Witness our bands and seals,
! tli ib Ist day of June, 1900.
.1. F. Sikes, J. J. Moses,
Elijah Miller, Win. Bland,
Board of Commissioners of
Roads and Revenues of Mont
gomery County, Ga.
An act to repeal and act entitl
ed “An act to establish the City
i Court of Mt. Vernon, in the city
.>f Mt. Vernon,Montgomery Coun
ty, Georgia; to define its juns
j diction and powers; to .provide for
the election of a judge and sol Un
itor thereof; to define their powers
j and duties and lix their com pen
jsation* to provide for a clerk and
I and sheriff thereof; to prescribe
j their duties and fees; to prescribe
I for pleading and practice and new
! trials therein ; for the carrying of
leases therefrom to the Supreme
j Court direct by bill of exceptions
.on writ, of error, a,,d for o|her
purposes. Approved August.,loth
1900.” To provide for the dis
position or the business pending
‘therein and the court papers and
to provide when Una not shall go
j into elTect.and for other purposes.
Washington, J). C., June lb. —
Seventeen men, eligible fi>r till*
position of secretary of legation
;in the diplomatic, service, a ma
jority of whom probably will b«
appointed, gre to lx* schooled here
in the class of work they will cull
ed upon to perform.
Fourteen of them are tlio for
tunate ones of the twenty-six from
various parts of the country, in
cluding the South and far West,
who presented themselves for ex
amination a month ago and who
were put through a severe written
i and oral ordeal.
The “school” course will last
thirty days, the class being in
charge of John 11. Gregory, Jr.,
secretary of the legislation at
Nicaragua and lectures will be
given by all the responsible heads
of the State Department and of
bureaus of other branches of the
government having eo-rolatcd
work in charge, and the depart
j ment routine will be explained
i luliy.
Bd. Education.
Mt. Vernon, Ga., June 2, 190*9. ;
' The County Board of Educa
» !
: tion met today m regular session, j
, T. A. Peterson, W. A. Peterson, j
i , M. Jenkins and Daniel l’opo were
>' ! present.
The meeting was called to order
hv T. A. Peterson, President, of
the Board.
The minutes ol the last regular
meeting and a call meeting held
on the the Mb day cf May were
read and approved.
, Certificates were issued to the
following pupils who successfully
• : passed the examination given Till
f i grade pupils by the St ate of j
■ Georgia on the 21th day of last !
r March.
* Hack-Branch School. —Walter j;
* Morris and Miss Rosa Sharp.
bong Pond School.—Miss Nora !
, Walker.
Tarrvtown.—o. W. Beck worth, 1
.Miss Lula Beatty, Miss Susie Cal- 1
houn and lb H. ()verby.
I j The school term of the next. 1
i School Year was then discussed to r
. some extent, but final action was J
deferred until a later meeting. <
I Upon motion the Board adjourned 5
until the first Wednesday in July. 5
A. B. Hutcheson T. A. Peterson, <
I C. S. C. Pres.
JacKsonville, Fla., June li>— j
Otis I). Smith was executed short- t
ly after 10 o’clock Friday morn- V
, mg for the murder of his sister, ?
Cora B. Smith, several months t
ago. He went bravely to his death 5
and told the officers and those
present good by. I [is neck was S
. broken by the fall. |>
Smith is the first white man ?
hanged here in t hirty years. Inn ?
letter written just befor the exe- »
. eution ho declared two Atlanta
• men were responsible for his sis- .
tor’s ruin. He vigorously attack
. od them. Os late he had been
.j seemingly very religious.
A. L. Lanier,
Attorney at Law,
■ Will Practice in nil the Courts of
the State.
Hamilton Burch,
Attorney and Coun
selor at Law,
flcßAfi, GA.
Criminal Law and CoHeotionw, laclmlinff Kmi 1-
roar I Tort Cuhch, :i Specialty.
j Office over Mt. Vernon Drug Co.
Anfono Kenning it sketch ami description may
qnldDy itroriiu i fun opinion free whether *n
Invention lspn>b*t>li
t ion* hi rtctlrconfidential. HANDBOOK on patents
*«*nt free. Oldeat agency for securing patent*.
Untentrt . nit on through Minin A Co. recelri
ipecinl notice, nit bout charge, In the
Scientific American.
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| Wo JIIO now in position to Inmillo FARM AND CITY LOANS I
jjg in Mnntgoincn cimnt v von promptly, securing lummy in »
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Tim Weekly Constitution contain all there ;peeial features and the difference between it
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* MONTGOMERY MONITOR, Mount Vernon, Ga. |
our if ffflTmin -mt trrvrmmr— -aa. Maw nww.twr hmmmm—NßWM nnwwnr <+M