Newspaper Page Text
Atlanta, On. f June 21.—There
is considerable class to the looks
of Atlanta’s new postoffioe, and
it is looking more like a com
pleted government building every
All tin* stone work Ihih been
finished, including the carving,
and u force or workmen is now
engaged cleaning up the interim
of debris. The strike some time
ago of the atone cutters was of
short duration, and the balance
of the work they had to do was
rapidly finished.
Chutes have been built from the
ground to the top lloor of the
building, with openings at each
floor, and all debris on each lloor
is being dumped down these
chutes into waiting wagons and is
being hauled away. The use 01 ,
the sand blast on the exterior of
lie building bus left it looking as
clean as when the granite was
i|uarried, and work on the interi
or of tlm building is now being
pushed. The roof has almost been
completed and it is announced at
Ihe Atlanta office of the Charles
McOaul Company, contractors,
that t he work is progressing ahead
of schedule.
It, is gratifying to no m the re
vival of interest which the farm
ers of Georgia are beginning to
take in the cultivation of the
From time immemorial we
have devoted our best farming
lands to cotton; and, while the
soil of the South is peculiarly
adapted to the growth of the royal
staple, it is an expensive policy
to specialize upon this one partic
ular crop when we are forced
thereby to pay enormous tribute
to ot her sections for grain.
An object lesson in the folly of
this false principle of economics
is presented by the recent rise in
tile price of wheat.
Notwithstanding the skyward
tendencies which have charac
terized tin* market quotations for
months, our farmers have been
obliged to pay the price. It, has
been a ease of Hobson's elioice.
And in every instance they have
been compelled to relinquish the
hard cash.
Hut why’ continue to pay this
unnecessary toll?
i'.vmi if it be true that we can j
• 1
not compete with the gram-pro- i
diicing states of tile middle West, i
is there anv sound of valid reason
why we sin mid not raise of wheat.
and oats whatever we need for
home consuuiption?
Some of us have no intelligent
appreciation of the wealth of fer
tility which our soil really pos
sesses. We are simply the victims
of old fogyism. We need to avail
ourselves of the modern ideas
which are being taught in the
agricultural schools.
And, thanks to the change
which lias come over the spirit of;
our people within the past few
years, it is p, -slide for the next
generation to profit by the mis
takes o f the last.
Ihversifieatinn of crops is the
talismanie formula which spells
prosperity for the industrious
ot Dixie. —Atlanta Georgian.
Georgetown, Ga., June 21.
—An old n 'gro woman in .Mr. J.
J. Castelow s place was bitten yes
terday by a rattlesnake on the
hand and ilied m a short time.
Two physicians were telephoned
for to go out to see the woman
but when they got there they saw
there was no hope. She went out
to the potato patch and while
tucking out the potatoes from the,
stones and leaves the snake was
coiled up imder some rubbish and
becoming aroused struck her.
Macon, Ga., June 20.—The case |
d the negro chauffeur, Clifford ■
Butler, who was charged with j
knocking down and running over j
i negro boy named Joe Taylor, a
jicycle delivery boy tor the Clis
>y Shoe Store,and which has been
continued for several days be- 1
•uuse of the inability of Taylor to j
ippear was heard yesterday by
Recorder Urquhart.
Butler was coming down and |
Taylor was going up Washington
avenue. Butler was to turn in on
Grange street at the College Hill
IMiarmaev, and Taylor, not know
ing this, swerved his bicycle to.
left to get, out of the way. Butler
turned into Orange street at the
same time, and ins auto collided
vith the bicycle, knocking down
Taylor ami throwing him under
'the machine. He was badly hurt,
but managed to crawl out from
under the car and to sit on the
•urhstone, the blood streaming
from the gash in his head. Butler
looked back and said something!
ibmit sending somebody for him
and went on.
In court Butler said that lie
•ould not help running against
Taylor as he turned into Orange
street, and that, he was bleeding
lie did not want to take him up m
the auto and carry him to the
hospital,but intended to telephone
to the city hall that tho ambu
lance might be sent for lum.
Taylor, who limped badly into
;ourt could not raise iiis right
inn to bo sworn in the case, and
seemed to he suffering from many
It is more than probable that
A. D. Oliver, the famous bunco
master from goodness knows
where, will bo given a hearing in
tin* Superior Court of Decatur
county the twenty-six of this
month, at t he regular term of that
court. Judge Bark of that circuit
will probably hear the trial.
Ul ver, according to the code of '
the state is guilty of a felony, the
same being as the law states a
failure to respond to a demand
from depositors for their monev
placed in his private bank, after
tlm time for the demand hud!
elapsed. The crime is one that I
will send him to the penitedtinry i
if lie is found guilty.
'The Bankrupt Court will have a
hearing of the matter regarding, l
his estate and that of the South
jern Manufacturing Co., on the
j dOth of June in Bainbndge.'This
I will determine at that time what
Ibis estate is worth and what is
owing against it. It is the general
belief that his victims will get
nothing for their money and
pains.—The Thoiuasville Times-
To whom it may concern:
* •
You aro hereby notified that,
.on the fith day of July, 1000, at
the court house of Montgomery
county, at ten o’clock a. in., if
no good cause is shown to the i
contrary, wo will pass an order
altering the “Shell Road,” at the
point of its intersection with the |
located centre line ot Georgia
Florida Railway on the land of,
Littleton Sharp, in the 275th Dis- j
trict G. M. ot said county, so that
said Shell Road shall cross said
Railway at a point 21" feet North
loft he present point of intersec
tion, and abandoning and discon
tinuing all that part of said Shell
Road lying between the point at
which the alteration begins and
point at which it ends, said part
so to be abandoned being 229 feet 1
East of the present point of it),
t-erseetion and 242 leet West
thereof, or a total length of 571 ;
Witness our hands and seals,i
this Ist day of June, 1909.
J. F. Sikes, J. J. Moses,
Elijah Miller, Win. Bland,
Board of Commissioners ot
llo.ids and Revenues of Mont
i gomery County, Ga.
| By virtue of a power to me given.
; as the assignee of the security deed
| containing the power given by Neal
S. Clark, on May ltth, 1908, to Union
Savings Bank of Augusta. Georgia,,
! which deed is duly recorded in book
10 page 85, in the office of the • lerk
of Superior Court, of Montgomery,
County, State of Georgia, I will sell
lat public outcry, before the court
j house door, in the town of Mr. Ver
non. county of Montgomery, State
jof Georgia, between the legal hours
jof sale, to the highest bidder for j
cash, on the first Tuesday in July j
19U9. the following described proper- ;
ty : All that, tract or parcel of land*
lying, being and situated in the 11th
Land Distrh t of Montgomery Coun
ty, State of Georgia, and better
known and distinguished in the plan
i of said District as lot of land No. 58,
containing Sffrgi.j acres inure or less,
! together with all the improvements j
thereon, and being the place on
wlih-b tlie said Neal S. Clark now
Debt secured $500.00, besides in
terest, since May Ist, Ittos and ex- |
peases of this sale. Term cash, I
purchaser to pay for papers..
.loliunnab (Burke,
A tty. in Fact for Neal S. Clark.
Sheriff Sale.
, Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will be hoM before the court house *k»or in !
>li. Vernon on the first Tuesday in July, ]
1909, between the legal hours of wile, to the
: highest bidder for cash, oortahi property, ot
which the following Is » complete iliscriplion:
All that, fraot. or parcel of laud in
the 1 agist disti let (i. M. of said coun
ty and state,containing two hundred
(200 ) acres more or less, carved out
of a tract of laud containing3osacres
devised to J I). Miller under the will
of Thomas N. Miller, deceased,said
lands seized being a part of the said
entire tract of :105 acres, and being
bounded on one side by other lands
of.j. D. Miller adjoining the tract
levied on, and also bounded by lands
of Mrs. E. B. ‘Dukes and Walter
Dukes on one side, by lands of M rs.
M. F. Wilkes on one side, and by
lands of Jobn Spivey on one side,as
is shown by the plat of a survey made
by B. K. Higgs, county surveyor of
Montgomery county, on April 10th,
1895. Said property being in the
possession of the said J. 1). Miller
and levied on ns the property of .1.1).
Miller to satisfy a \City Court Fi fa
in favor Hunter-Bean it Co. vs .roe
I). Miller, p roperty pointed out by i
plaintiff's attorney and written mi-I
lice of levy given as required by law. ‘
Tills I lie 27th day of May, 1909.
James Hester,
Sheriff City Court Mt. V., Ga.
M. B. Calhoun. Ally, for I*lll.
Sheriff Salo.
Geoi-Bln— Muntgumerv County.
Will Im snhf hehire the court house door in i
Mt. Vernim on the first Tuvs-hiv in -July,
19,19, between the legal houiv. of sale, to the
highest ami best biiliter for cash, certain prop
ertv, of which the is u complete it-. -
script ion:
One twenty horse power engine of
the Skinner make, one bolting saw, |
ninety (90)yards of one and a-ijuarter j
I ins'll piping more or less, one slmigle j
I machine of die Trenver make; and ,
I also two (2) Debouch shingle press
es. Levied on and will lie sold ns the
I property of Kliga Fountain to satis
j fy an execution issued from the City
! Court of ML Vernon in favor of the
Southern Pint Company of Georgia
!vs Kliza Fountain. Property point
led out for levy by plaintiff in fi fa
and being in tin* possession of K. T.
Mcßride & Co. Writ ten notice of
levy given as required by law. Levy
made and returned to me by T. .i. |
Hestei .deputy sheriff. This Ihedlst
day of May, 1909.
James Hester,
Sheriff City Court Mt. Vernon.
M. B. Calhoun, Airy, for PUT.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia Montgomery County.
Will lie si»|il before the court house door ill !
Ml. Vernon on the lirst Tuesday in July,
1:109. between the legrtl hours if sub-, to the -
highest bidder for cash, certain property, of j
which the totiouiog is a complete description:
All that tract or parcel of land ly
ing, situate, and being in tlie 1651 th
district. G. M. of said county and
state, and hounded as follows: On
the north by lands of Jacob Beck
worth, on the east by lands ofJ.A.
Beekworth, on the south by lands of
G. W. Minton and on the west In
lands Marshal Flandets. said to con
; tain one hundred acres more or less,
j said property being in the possession
of Jacob Beekworth, defendant in
fi fa. anti levied on as tiis property to
satisfy an execution issued from the f
City Court of Mt. Vernon in favor of
! The John Flannery Co. vs Jacob
Beekworth. Levy made ami returned
to me by T. J.Hester, deputy sheriff.
! and w ritten notice of levy given as
' required by law. This tlie first day of
i June, 1909, James Hester.
Sheriff ( .C. yr. Vernon.
Hart ridge A Wilson, Attys. for Pltf.
Sheriff Sale.
Montgomery Conn tv
Will Im* Hold bfture the court house floor in
Mt. Vernon on the rtr»»t Tuesday id July,
HMD, h«*tw#h*ii the left*! hours of vale, to tin*
highest »n*l Ik**! bidder for cash, certain
pr<*(*♦*!> , of which the following i* a complete
; description;
All that parcel of land that lies in
the 12215 t district U. M. of sai ! coun
; ty anti stare,and bounded as follows:
Oh the north by lauds of Missouri
Glllis.oil the east and south bv lands
of lieunet Kea aim m the west by
Messrs Creek, and -aid to contain
two hundred (2tUiacres more or less.
Levied on as the property of John J.
Miller to satisfy an execution issued
j from the City Court of Mt. VeiSmn in
favor Hunier-Benn & Co. vs John J.
Milter. Property pointed out by
plaintiff in fi fa and written notice
of levy given as required by law.
This the Hist day of May. 19t»9.
James Hester,
Sheriff 'City Court Mt. Vernon.
M. H. Calhoun, Any. for Pitt*.
# 1_
* Ml "" — 1 " ' Bra*M«a«graras.iwuHiTM
■# AYhat More Can a-Body Ask?
* j
* 3
Rounds Tax Receiver.
[ will be at the various precincts
on the following dates for tin*
purpose of receiving state ami
county tax returns for the year
Krick, Monday, June 7th.
Alamo, Tuesday, June 8, from 8
to 1 p. 111.
Stuckey, Tuesday, June, 8, 5:30 p.
tileinvood, Wednesday, June 9th,
J. W. Morrison’s residence, at
Lundsburg, Thursday, June 10th.
Lothair, Friday, June lltli.
Orlnnd, Saturday, June 12, from
8 to 12 m.
Sopertcn, Monday, June 14.
Zaidee, Monday, June 14,at night.
Tarrytown, Tuesday, June 15th.
Kiblioe, Wednesday, June 16th.
Iliggston, Thursday, June 17, J.
T. Langford’s residence at night
Longpond, Friday, June 18th.
McArihur, Saturday. June 19.
Bruce, Monday, June 21, a. m.
Springhill, (Camp Ground.) June
21, p. m.
Springhill, (Court House,) June
22, from Bto 11 a m.
C. H. Wooten's resilience, June
22, from 2 to -1 p. m.
Mt. Vernon, June 21th. and 25th.
Books will dose June 25th.
Yours truly,
W. Hunky Ci.akk.
T. H., M. C.
Seed Peas For
100 bushels good
clean field pens, Speck
led and Fnknowns, at
si.4B, per bushel F.
1). F. Sopertoii, (in.
Apply at once to
Sopertoii, Ga.
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1 Spring and Summer I
I 1909 I
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' B. H. LEVY, BKO. & CO., ‘ (0
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Name •
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(jg • Below are names of two parties ui mv town whom I * (*)
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| B. H. LEVY, BRO. & CO., |
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