The Montgomery monitor. (Mt. Vernon, Montgomery County, Ga.) 1886-current, July 01, 1909, Image 1
fttanitniL VOL. XXIV. Notice To Debtors And Creditors. GEORGIA —Montgomery County. Notice is hereby given to nil parties having demands against the estate of Chas. S. Hamilton, deceased, to present same, pro perly made out, within the time ' prescribed by law, and all parties indebted to said estate are hereby ( notified to make immediate pay ment to the undersigned. This the 7th day.of June, 1909. G. VV. Hamilton, C. \V. Hamilton, Exs. Will of C. S. Hamilton, De ceased. Citation. Georgia—Montgomery County. Whereas, D. J. Mcßae, admini strator ot the estate of Steve Clements, represents to the court in his petition, duly filed and en tered on record, that lie lias fully administered said estate, this is therefore to cite all person con cerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause if any they can why said administrator should not he discharged from his administra tion and receive letters of dismis sion on the first Monday in .Inly, 1909. Alex McArthur, , Ordinary. Citation. Georgia—Montgomery County. To whom it may concern: Mrs. John A. Peterson, .tr., having made application to ine in due form to be appointed permanent adminis tratrix upon the estate of Jim. a. Peterson, .tr., late of said county, notice is hereby given that said ap plication will be heard at the regular term of the Court of Ordinary for said county, to be held on the first Monday in July, 11)09. Witness my hand and official signature this the 7th day of June, 1909. Alex McArthur, Ordinary. Sheriff Sale. Georgia—-Montgomery County. Will Ik> wild before tlie court house door in Mt. Vernon on the Hint TuMday iu July,! 111,19, between the legal hours of Kale, to the highewt and host bidder for cash, certain prop erty, of which the following is a complete de scription: One twenty horse power engine of the Skinner’make, one bolting saw, niuety(9o)yards of one and a-quarter inch piping more or less, one shingle machine of the Treaver make; and also two (2) DeLoaeh shingle press es. Levied on and will be sold as the property of Eli/.a Fountain to satis fy an execution issued from the City Court of Mr. Vernon in favor of the Southern Pine Company of Georgia <rs Eliza Fountain. Property point ed out for levy by plaintiff in fl fa and being in the possession of E. T. Mcßride <fc Co. Written notice of levy given as required by law. Levy made and returned to me by T. .i. Hester,deputy sheriff. This tlieSlst. day of May, 1909. James Hester, Sheriff City Court Mt. Vernon. M- H. Calhoun, A tty. for Plff. For Leave To Sell, Georgia—Montgomery County. John A. Livingston, administrator of t lie estate ot Mary E. Livingston, ] deceased, lias in due form applied to - the undersigned for leave to sell all j Hie lands belonging to said estate, jind til is is to cite all persons con-! Aserijeu that said application will lie j beard and passed upon on the lirst Monday in July, next. This the 7th dav of J une. 1909. Alex McArthur, Ordinary. Sheriff Sale. OEOftOIA Montgomery County: Will he sold before the court house (loot In I Mt. Vernon on the iirst I'liosd&v in July, - tyoO, between the legal hours of Hale, to the liiijtlient i,ithler for oioih, certain property, of | *vhU-ir the following ih it complete iliHcription : j Twenty-live acres of hot of lain! Number! (Eight la the Tenth baud District of slid j .county and slate, said tract lining located on Gio southwest lino of said lot and being in the aliaim of a square, the west corner of said j tract being located a distance of four acres from the west corner of sail) lot. B«id laud levied on and will he sold as tb« property of J>miM Homo to satisfy an execution issued from the City Court of Mt. Vernon in favor of j A, Sapp, O. H. Ponder and It. K. Ponder. , Written police of levy given as required by j raw. Property pointed out by attorney for ,;daiiiti». TuU Lite 9th (lav of June. 1909. * JAMES MENTER. Sheriff City Court. W. A. Wooten, *Uy. for Biffs. Sheriff Sale. .Georgia -Montgomery County. IViH be sold before the court house door in ! tSv Vernon on the lirst Tuesday in July. {9OS. between the legal hours of sain, hi the ■ (highest bidder for cash, certain property, of which the following is a complete description: Jfifxiy-tive of land more or less, situate, Iving and being the l.Tkith district G. M. of said county and tgybs, and hounded as fol lows: On the north by fa#de of Joe Williams smj Wm. Pritchett, ou thecytt hv lands of Nil s, John Kersey, on the soiuh by (end i ot Jacob Heck worth aid on the west by labde of IJ..l J .. V Moafev, it ,using the place wliereou losi, (GoUitis no* tem hie*. Levied on a, the property (,f Josh C-Jlins to satisfy Iwo eieeniou issued | fiorn the City Conn of ML Ve uon. One in * favor of T. J. James v* J, C. Collins and one fn favor of fames A Ped-iv vs J.C. Colims. (Original lev.’ made hvA.J. Burch, sheriff, and written notice of lew served on tenant «n poaeeasion. Property pointed out by plain aid's attorney. This the Bili day of June. 1909. JAMEs HESTER. I Sheriff City Court. »'-E. Jieut, Atty fogPl#, I ROAD NOTICE. i To whom it may concern ; You are hereby notified that, on the Oth day of July, 1909, at the court house of Montgomery county, at ten o’clock a. in., if j no good cause is shown to the 1 contrary, wt» will pass an order | altering the “Shell Hoad,” at the point of its intersection with the | located centre line ot Georgia & Florida Railway on the land of ; Littleton Sharp, in the 275th Dis trict G. M. ot said county, so that said Shell Road shall cross said Railway at a point 218 feet North of the present point of intersec- 1 tion, and abandoning and disoon-] tinning all that part of said Shell j ' Road lying between the point at which the alteration begins and j point, at which it ends, said part so to he abandoned being 229 feet j East of the present point of in tersection and 5142 leet, West! thereof, or a total length of 571 : feet. Witness our hands and seals, ] this Ist day of June, 1909. J. F. Sikes, J. J. Moses, I Elijah Miller, Wm. Bland, | Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues ot Mont gomery County, Ga. i MONEY TO LOAN. Money to loan at 0 and 7 pe cent, on improved farms. A. B. Hutcheson, Sheriff Sale. : Georg:*.—Montgomery County. Will lie wild before the court house ilnor in M*. Vt’iimn on the lirst Tuesday in Jill , 1909, between the legal linura of sale, to Ihe highest bidder for cash, oertain property, of which the following is a complete discript ion : One certain drag saw of the Finley make, together with the shafting, I pulleys belting, saws, fixtures, etc. Said property levied oil as the pro perty of H. L- Sears to satisfy an ex ecution Issued from the City Court of Montgomery enmity in favor of 1,. J. Fuller for the use of Mallory Mill Supply co. vs H. L. Hears. Hold property being of of a bulky nature, will not be exposed for sale before the court, house, but may be inspect ed by prospective buyers at the mill site of the said H. L. Sears In Lau rens county. Property pointed out by plaintiff and written notice of levy given its required by law. Levy made and returned by F. K. Forrest er, deputy sheriff. This the Ist day of June, 1909. James Hester, Sheriff M. o. Davis & Hightower, AHys. for Fill's. Sheriff Sale. Georgia—Montgomery County. Will he sold before the court house door in Ml, Vernon on the lirst Tuesday in July, 1909, between the legal hours of sale, to toe ] highest bidder for cash, pertain property, of ; which the following is a complete description: , All that certain tract or parcel of land lying, situate and being In the] J 51s district <L M. of said county and i state, and bounded as follows: On ; the north by lands of Wilder Philips and Pendleton Greek, ou the east by lands of Mrs. Minnie Wil liamson and Pendleton Greek, on the ! south by lands belonging to the es tate of Joseph )’liili| s and on the j west, by lauds of Wilder philips and : containing 100 acres more <n‘ Im*. Levied on and will be sold as Hie property of the said Wilder Philips I so satisfy an execution issued from | j the Superior Gourtof said Go. in Fa ] vor of the Commercial and Savings i Hank of Macon, Ga., vs J. A. Thig pen and Wilder Philips, property : pointed out-by plaintiff’* AHinna.y. j ' being In the possession of the said Wilder Philips and Written notice ! of levy given as required bylaw.) ; This the 20th day of May, 1909. James Hester. Sheriff Git.v Court. M. B. Gallmun. Att.y. for Pitt's. Sheriff Sale. ! Georgia.—MonlgniA'dy Cnjpitv. Will he wild bet,re the point fount’ <)por ip Mt. Vernon on die first Tuesday in Jab’, j I 1909, between tile legal hours of sale, to the ( highest bidder for cash, certain property, of which the following is a complete description : All that certain tract or parcel of land situ- j ! str, lying and Ix-ing in the HoOtli district G. M. of said cuHWty »i|<l state, the tamo being j Lot of land number three hundred am} thirty- > Tour (384) in the Tenth (10) UnrJ (lUuF’l of .l/ontgnmery county, Ga , and containing two hundred, two and one-lialf (202%) acre* i more or less with the exception of one acre j carved ont of the aouth-wcat portion of said lot where the Lmigbrauch school stands. Said land levied on as the property of J. E. 1 co to satisfy at: execution issued from the City Com tofM t. Vernon in favor of the Mt. ; Vernon Bank vs J. F. Voomans and S. IV. ' Hughes, arid traimfered by Mt. Vernon Bank | to 11. L. Wilson, transferee Ori inal levy made by A. J. Bareli, sheriff. October, 1908, i property being in the possession of J. F. I Yeomans, pointed ontby plaintiff,and written ' notice of levy given as required by law. This , the Ist dav (if Jur e, 1909. JAMF.M HF.STEII, Hlieriff City Court, i | Hi. t. CiUioUu, Alty. tor Plff. MT. VERNON, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, JULY i, 1909. Sheriff Sale. J Georgia —Montgomery County. Will be sold before the court house door in Mt. Vernon on the lirst Tuesday iu July, | 1909, between the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder fin cash, ,’ei taiii property. >d 1 which the following is a complete inscription: All that tract or pitiful of laml in I tin* 12215 t distiict G. M. of said oouii ! fy ami state,containing two hundred 1 (200) acres more or less, carved out ' of it tract of laud containing dod acre* devised to J I>. Miller under the will of Thomas N. Miller, deceased, said lands seized being a part, of the said I entire tract, of .’lO5 acres, and being 1 bounded on one side by other lauds lofj.D. Miller adjoining the tract levied on, ami also bounded by land* of Mrs. FL B. Dukes and Walter Dukes on one side, by hums of Mrs. M. F. Wilkes on one side, and by lands of John Spivey on one side,as ! is shown by the plat, of a survey made by B. E. Higgs, county surveyor of Montgomery county, on April Hltii, j iS9f>. Said property bring iu the possession of tile said .1. I>. Miller ; and levied on ns tlie property of J.D. Miller to satisfy a City Gourt, Fl fa ]in favor Hunter-Bonn & Go. vs .toe I). Miller. Property pointed out. by plaintiff's attorney and written no ! lice of levy given as required by law. This til*- 2711 1 day of May, 1909. James Hester, Sheriff City Court Mt. V., Ga. 1 M. B. Calhoun, At,tv, for Pitt'. I Sheriff’ Sale. j Oecirgin—Montgomery County, i Will lie Hold before the court house door in ! Mt. Vernon ou the lirst, Tuesday in July, i 1909, between the legal hours of sale, to the i highest bidder for cash, certain property, of I which the following is a complete disruption: One certain large black homo, named Jim. Said horse levied on and will he sold a* the property of W. 11. Adams to satisfy un execu tion issued from the Montgomery Superior Court in favor of tlurluterstatu Land A Im provement Company vs W. It. Adams, hsid property In the postHCHHioii of tho said W. It. Adams, and written notice of levy given as required hv law. Property pointed ont In plaintiff's attorney. This Urn 9th (lav of March, 1909. ' JAMES HESTER, Sheriff fit v Court Jit. V. Mlnter Wimberly, Ally, for I'lffs. Sheriff Suit). Georgia -Montgomery County. Will he sold before the court house door in Mt. Vernon on the first 'Tuesday in July. 1909, between the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, certain property, of which the following is a complete description: All that, tract or parcel of land ly ing, situate, and being in tho Kl'dili district,, O. M- of said county and j state, and bounded a* follows; i)u | the north by lands of Jacob Heck- I worth, ou the east by lands of J. A. j Beck worth, on the suutli by lands of G. W. Minion and on tho west, by I lands Marshal Flanders. said to eon- ; tain one hundred acres more or less, sa id property being in I lie possession of Jacob Beckworth, defendant in fi fa, and levied on as hi* property to satisfy an execution issued from (lie City Gourt of Mt. Vernon in favor of Tjin John Flannery Go. vs Jacob Reck wort l|. Levy iqude nm| returned to trie l»y T. J. Hester, deputy slp i'iff, and written notice of levy given as required by law. This the first day of Jiltm, 1909, James Hester, Sheriff G. G. Mi . Vernon, i Hartrjdge <fc Wilson, Att.y*. for I*l IT- Sheriff Sale, , Oftorgia -•Monttfwnftry County Will lin mo|i| Inforo flit: umirt limine door in Mt. Winmi on tin* liipt Tiifnwlity in July, 190JI, h«*tw< Di) tint liotil'H of nalr, to Hid IdtflieHt and Ih mI IddiUr for cawli, certain nroprrtv, of which tho following a. complete description: All that parcel of laud that lies in the 1221*t district (J. M. of said conn- i ly and state,and ixuinded as follow*: ()i| tio- north by lands of Missouri ; Hijll*,on the and south bv lauds j of Bemiftt Rea ami it) tl|o west by | .Messrs Greek, and said to (innlain j two hundred (2dO)a<:res more or less. ] Levied on as tip; pniperty (<f .J<«liti J. Miller to satisfy an ex»’eotion issipui i ! from lip’ City < <miit of M 1 - Vernon in ! favor Huiiter-Bonn A. Go. vs John .1. | i.VJillcr. Pi’o|if)i’ty iiojnle<| qqt liy j I plaintiff in fi fa and written notion i lof levy given ns required by law. I This the Hist day of May, 1909. James Hester, Sheriff City Gourt Mt. Vernon. M. B. Calhoun, Atfy. for Biffs. I Notice. Notice is hereby given of the in- 1 ' tentiqi) tn apply at tl)e session of t||e j Legislature of Georgia convening in 1909 for an act. in corporating the town of Alamo iu the county of, i Montgomery, Siate of Georgia, said ] .act to be entitled as follows: An act, to incorporate the town of j Alamo iii the county of Montgomery, l .Btate Os Georgia; to deflno the cor i porate limits of said town; to pro-| ] vide for a Mayor and A Iderinen and Other officers for said town; to pre scribe their powers and duties; to confer upon flic Mayor and Alder-i i men of said town trie power to enact j i tiijmicipal ordinances for said town,' | and to provide for the enforcement! lof said ordinances, and for penalties for the violation of the same: to pro-; j vide for all mat ters of rriuri jeipal cor|- j j pern of said town, and for other pur- j (poses. This June 2lst. BSjP. NO REGULAR PAPER FOR WEEK OF FOURTH. From the appearance of this . week’s Monitor it, will lx* soon that it is not the regular issue in ' | size. This is a holiday week, and for I several days our force will take a I little rest, as is usual the ease at l this season, whet her we have much 1 of a celebrat ion or not—we need the rest, for a few hours—and we l feel that, it is duo and will be i granted I• v t in* regular readers. News matter intended for this issue will be carried over to next week, as far as possible, and cor , respondents who favored us with ■i matter will understand the reason ! for its not appearing. lie ready with a good, newsy letter nexl | week. “BUSY BEE” SOCIAL. On Friday evening, July ‘.Hit, at S o’clock the “Busy lines” will entertain at the home id' Mr. and Mrs. C. \V. Fox. The following program will be rendered: Prayer by president,,* Welcome address, Urania Mc ; line. Piano Duet, Addio Burch and Camille Adams. liecitation, Minnie Abt. Piano solo, Anna Morrison. Vocal duet, Ina Burch and Alleon Mcßae. Jokes, Jennie Thompson. Piano duet, Lucy McAllister ! and Bessie Stuckey. Original Conversation, Ruby McGnheo, Joddie Cookfleld, Irene Haskins and Mamie Jliggs. Piano duet, Bertha Mcßae and | Margaret Langford. I Reading, Lyra Thompson. Piano solo, Sadie McQueen. Pantoniine, Bertlui Mcßae. Piano solo, Mattie Mcßride. Recitation, Ktlileoii Folsom. Vocal solo, Margaret Langford. Chorus, by the ‘‘Busy” Bees. The Palmer Drug Store st ill liiik sonic 10e ere pc paper for f> cents. AN UPJINKS PARTY. One of the enjoyable entertain ments of the past week in Mount Vernon was the Up-Jinks party given by Miss Maggie Brewton, Thursday evening, oomplinientary to the “N. P. K’s.” Mrs. A. M. ami Mr. Bartow Snooks wore awarded the prize for making the highest score. Delicious refresh ments were served during the evening. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Gates, Misses Kloht mid Jessie Peterson, Mamie Conner, Lollie Belle Leo, Eliza betli Lei), Genevieve Lanier, Ma rion Clifton, Emma Hull, Etta Varnadoe and Inez Meßae and Messrs. T. J. Me Run, VV. !«’. Me- Allistnr, T. M. Moses, Eugene Talmadge, Tom Conner, Bartow Snooks and Will Peterson. GETS HIS PLACE BACK, AT HANDS OF l‘Jl BROWN. ’ Atlanta, Ga., June 22. \V. B. Wilson, of Atlanta, will bn up- j 1 pointed engineer at the cupitnl by I Governor-elect-Brown. Mr. Wil- i | son is widely known in labor or- j Jcles Ihroughout the state and re- j : eeived the endorsement of the tin | ions. Another appointment tlinr. will j meet with general approval is,that) | of J. B. Allen, of Fayette county, as superintendent of the guards i about the capitol, : Mr. Alien is u confederate vet |eran, with one arm and is well | known to old habitues of the state house. lie was first appointed to his present position by Governor Gordon, and served without in terruption until two years ago. Now he gets his old place back at j the hands of Mr. Brown. Liquid Veneer for cleaning ami, ' renewing all furniture ut 2oe. and jaU. Mt. Vernon Drug Co. I HEALTHY TODAY I IAN INVALID TOMORROW I '• <g> <*) i QO Li an unguarded moment many a healthy, robust (&) man or woman have fallen victims to disease in (¥) , rtA some form. True, yon may be enjoying a splei*- 1 biooine Ironi your work: possibly you may have cuoital invested, but in case of sudden death, your income ceases, 'j sx nod wit hunt, your enre and uttent lonyour estate may become 'i Qp bankrupt. Every man needs life insurance —and needs it (&) (£) NOW—f or the protection of those dependent upon him. (#} J /j*) While (Inferring it.—putting it off Irom day to dav—death Aft may intervene, and the innocent, and helpless made to suffer. I The State Mutual Life| $ Insurance Company <§ (#) Os Home, (jI.'I. i ® T.AWSON K. 15ROWN, Special Agent jg sis SANDERSVI LLE, GA. Jg (*) During iqoS tint surplus o( this jjreat and growing (¥) I concern incrciscd 2()S per cent Durino tl is same Qy period ils t>ain in assets amounted to 55 per cent. Over $40,000,000 of insurance in force || Last Annual Statement, December 3is'., 1908: Jg Net Assets .... #l,lksl,B-11.08 Oft Net. Surplus .... 201,209.n0 STATE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. | j C. R. DORTER, President Jg j ilonie (illice, Rome, Ga. Lawson K. Brown, Special Agent jf) SANDFRSVILLK, GA. jg * & t Slimmer t HI *<■ 4*" Talcum t * * I & 1o Ease tlie Itching (Rinsed hv & ; # J ft !| Heat | # & J We Have ALL 1 lie Lending Brands & | MENNEN’S VIOLETTE % % COLGATE’S VIOLET % % COLGATE’S CASHMEAE BOUQUET % * * * All tlie Cheaper Varieties, together * ijt with the best, Assortment of I TOILET ARTICLES t % Ml. VERNON DRUG CO. \ < 'Me r JAS. F. CURRIE, Mult J. I % * -ft * **a,* ** * K * l SOUTHERN BUILDERS’ SAVASNAH ' 1 ■ ibiii. WUII.WI.I.IV UHandllU /laniard Street 5 | SUPPLY CO. unouaiA. j HEADOUAKTERS FOR j|: Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mantels, Paints, | Oils, Lime, Etc. j ftV'Hpcciul Agents For j Harrison’s “T own and Country” Paints. \ COURESI’ONDENGE SOLICITED. ; \ tas. l. c.ikistiax, SOUTHERN BUILDERS’j \ Manager SUPPLY CO. \ > USB-no Barnard St. SAVANNAH, GA. The Montgomery Monitor and the Savannah Semi-Weekly News, one year, $1.75. NO. 9