The Montgomery monitor. (Mt. Vernon, Montgomery County, Ga.) 1886-current, July 01, 1909, Image 2

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Makes Long Voyage* at Sts o » the
Buck* of Turtles.
Among the many curious crabs j
there is perhaps none more inter
esting than the sailor crab, a name
applied to it because it go*** to sea j
on long vovages, which it makes on ;
the hacks of big green turtles and j
giant loggerheads.
The sailor crab is a little fellow j
•with a body three-quarters of an j
inch or an inch in length. With it .
claws extended it might measure an |
inch and a half. It is a very pretty i
crab indeed, with color markings j
that are various. It may he found |
with a shell all yellow or with a j
shell of dark colors with lighter j
shadings like those of finished tor
toise shell, or it may have a mot
tied shell or a shell w hose coloring |
resemble* that, of veined marble;.
It seem* all the prettier seen amid
its rough surroundings on the big
loggerhead’s dingy brown shell.
'l'he hi" loggerhead, with a top
shell six «>r seven feet ir length,
iji.-iv afford » flouting home for va
rious other living things. Harnu
< !e- attach to it and there live their
lives, traveling with it wherever it
goes, n- do barnacles that attueli to
yi.4s(.]<i. Marine vegetation that
lod.'e- on its hack may there stick
and thrive just as it would attached
to rocks, gathering in clumps or
streaming hack from it when the
big turtle is in motion just as it 1
might from roek* washed by n flow
ing tide, and in this vegetation
mav he found various minute forms
of animal life. Some duv when the
big turtle, with all this life on its
hack, swims into shallower waters |
to feed or works it« wav through
some floating mass of seaweed one
or two sailor crabs may come j
aboard, shipping thus for a long
v o v age.
To the sailor crab thus embarked
the big turtle may not seem like aj
sea washed moving continent, but it
might easily seem like a sizable is
land with many places to roam.
(When the turtle is asleep, lying
still upon the waters, the little
sailor crab may wander out to the
end of one of its long extended
flippers as it might to the end of
some peninsula, and then it may
come back to find its way among
the meadows or the forests of veg
etation ou the turtle’s back, and if
it is liungrv, why, while the barna
cles in their fixed places are reach
ing out with their delicate lingers
and sweeping the adjacent waters
as with a net to draw in their sus
tenance the sailor crab can move
about in the vegetation and find
Or the sailor crab may find food
in the sernfw that come to it from !
the turtle’s table. The loggerhead j
is both a vegetable and a flesh feed j
er. It will eat sea grass or what- I
ever crustaceans it can catch or
It might seem that the big log
gerhead couldn’t catch lish. But it
is a great swimmer, and it will
smash into a school of fish and snap
up what it wants, and scraps from
this float buck to the lodge on the
turtle’s back and there furnish food
for the sailor. So the sailor crab
at sou on the turtle’s back is likely
to get enough to eat, but it has to
be always on the lookout not to he
swept off the ship’s deck to be lost
in the ocean or there devoured by j
some bigger creature.
When the turtle is under way or
there is a heavy sea running it must
hold on tight with its sharp claws, j
and it may find a refuge somewhere
in the vegetation, but it is more
likelv to go elenn aft and creep
over the edge of the shell at the
lmse of the turtle’s back to where
it can find a shelter and a lee. It
is there the sailor crabs have often-j
cst lw*en found on loggerheads
which have come from the tropic
in summer and been taken in local
waters - New York Sun.
No Cat*.
Man (to lawyer I—l’ve1 —I’ve been badly
bitten by a dog. t’an 1 get damages
front its master?
lawyer—Did you do anything to •
irritate the dog?
Man—No; 1 did not.
Lawyer—Were vou on its owner's
♦.* _ *
lawyer—ln what capacity? As a
friend or—
Man—Of course this is strictly
Lawyer—C ertainly.
Man—Well. I was tr v ing to break
into his house.—London Pick-Me
Caught In Har Ov«n Trap.
‘Tt’s real mean!” the young wo
man exclaimed.
“What’s the matter?" her mothci
“Before I married Herbert 1
made him promise to pan* even
eTcaing at home with me, and r.ow !
he says he’s sorry, Intt he can’t laki |
me to the theater without breaking
Jiis word.”—Philadelphia Inquirer.
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0 v o ' r ;|ln I 0 %
I |
© © ©
0 ,©, 0 Needles, Shuttles end Bobbins for 0/ 0. 0, j
0 0 j® use In All Makes of Sewing Machines. © 0 0
1— ———-———j * -
§ - . %
l&vjnt You Can Easily Operate if
| This Typewriter Yourself. §
""A, Don't worry your corre*|>on<U;iit. Don't write him anythinf* S|
i yrZCJ by hand that tul < s him time lo make out—that um.\ leave S'
5! >&' J^ - ** hilo in doubt- that he can’t easily read, <8 |
And don I till put lesral papers nr caul memo* or make out account* or hotel
ft in uni; in y>nir own handwriting. Il looks bad, reflect* on your *Uiiiling, make* 2’
j| |i. <i|i|c tliluk von c in't afford a atenoKranlo r and ia a.inietiine* ambiguous. »j
j" Vou can write out yom letters |
g! make nut an out an sbxtrnel till In •
V* an insnraoco |>olic enter v>»nr eard I ■ %
iiu iiiob make nut your account*,or I\W ■■ I J i?.
Sj a hotel menu 01 do anv kind of
writing von need, on any kind, aize ms - . . __ Jr
?■ or till.kin -,r |iii|mi , and apac any T \iD£lA/riT£f .v*
any way .vou want on Jr —— ■ * £
The Standard Visible Writer
0* $*
Voti r an writ* any of tli**<* yourself if yon do not l.upprn to have a iitenog- g
I’Hpla r. For you <an easily learn, with a little practice, to write just as rauidlyand g
v* a- perh -tly us an expert. opetator on the OLIVKR. Uccamie the OLIVKIt in the
Himplitie*! typewrite. And you can him- evet v word vou write. About 80 per cent,
z!t MOltK 1)1 ItAFiKK than anv other typewriter, because it has about 80 per cent LESS 2
I ‘* WFUJI \fJ POINTS limn ui mI other tvpewriteiM. 80 per rent EASIER to write, fee
with tluin thone other (;O\IPLICATEIt, INTRICATE MACHINES that require “hu- g
moriiiK”—teehuical knowledge lung practice and special ttkill to opeiate Than S
mncliiiMx which car.not be adjusted to any apocial apacf with which it in impoaaible g
vi to writ* -thatractH, insmauce policies, or odd-«i/ • tiocmnentH except you buy expenn- g
ive spl’t IAL Httiichnienta requiring expertn to operate. Vou can adjust the 2
v* OLIVER to ant Keiumnablo Space yon can write on ANV reaKotnihle Hize and thick- 2
)?• im'mm of sinpi r. right out to the very edge, without the aid of ANY EXPENSIVE AT- •£
)rj t TACIIVIENT or Hpeeial nkill, and your work will he neat appearing, legible and clear. § j
r. t For the ih the typewriter fi»r the doctor, the lawyer, the innutanceagent.che S :
{■, metcluiiit, tin- hotel proprietor or anv man who his own writing. Write ua r 5 j
fi now for our booklet on the SIMPLIFIED features of the OLIVER.
' vi 9 . m js
The Oliver T'ypewriter Company, |
| Chicago, TnEOMVERTYPK'YRITKR ] Uj 110 i 8 . |
»C sell the Reliable Icecream Freez
er, which is the most Popular on the Mar
ked and makes the finest Icecream with
one half the ice in one quarter the time and
out* eight the labor. A five-year old child j
can make the best icecream in live min
• j
utes. Quarts, 7«> cents; half gallons, SI.OO.
MeliAE & RUO.
| Spring: and Summer 1
1 ‘9°9 |
p lias h( k en issued. If you desire a ®
j|v copy, cut out and mail this 0
coupon to us: jjl
W ' H. 11. LKYY, liUtL & CO., - ®;
W . Suvniuiah, Gn. (Writo with pencil) .
• Plrase st>iul inn n copy of your Mail Order Catalogue • fjfv
AX • for Spring and Summer, 1009. *
• Nairn* •
(#j ' Ibdow arc mime* nf two parties in my town whom 1 *
pfj • think would also be interested m your catalogue: • (#}
| B. H. LEVY, BRO. £ CO., |
Savannah, Ga. g
We have this sum (SKX>,OOO.OO) to lend on Montgomery
County Farina. Property must be improved and occupied by «
o owner. Have loaned throught Georgia and South Carolina for
16 years. Write at once if you need funds. ;i
| J as. Frank & Soil, Augusta, Ga. I
Athens. Ga.,Juue 28—James F.
Booth, a well-known farmer liv
‘ ing three miles from Statham, was
shot and killed Weduesduy morn
ing at 6 o'clock by It. A. Boyd,
another farmer living a short dis
tance from him.
The two men had been at outs
| for some time and had not spoken.
Monday they had some words
j over Boyd's cows getting in
1 Booth’s crops. That morning the
two men met in front of Booth’s
| house and Ahe difficulty was re-;
j tie wed.
Each side has a different ver-'
I sion as to who was tbe aggressor,
land ns to the number of shots !
! fired. Several shots were fired by;
i both tnen. Only one took effect'
and that one passed through the]
i bowels of Booth, who fell in his !
I •
Boyd’s little son and Booth’s
] young daughter were nearby at
the time of the shooting. Booth
! lingered until 0 o’clock this after
noon, when he passed away. He ]
leaves a w ife and several children.
Boyd made na attempt to get]
away, but remained at his home.
He has retained counsel to repre- |
sent him in the courts.
The best lemons L 5 cents per
dozen at Palmer Drug Store.
Colgate’s Violet Talc for 17c. at]
Mt. Vernon Drug Co.
A party composed of Mrs. C. j
j W. Fox, Misses Pink Uyals, Lucy
McAllister, Bessie Stuckey, Marie
, Sutton and Maggie Fussed and
Messrs. W. F. McAllister, L. M.j
McLemore.E. 11. Bailey and A.G. J
Hicks, had a delightful time on
the banks of the Oconee last eve
ning. The weather was ideal and
the party had more fish and other
eatables than can be imagined.
Finest line of post cards this
side of Savannah, at Palmer Drug
Store. _ ____
Atlanta, Ga., June 19. —Hon.
John L. Holder, of Jackson, will
I have no opposition in his race for
] speaker of the next house of rep
resentatives, and will probably
be elected. It will be ’•ecalled
that Hon. J. Randolph Anderson
of Chatham, withdrew from the
race in favor of Hon. Roland El
lis, representative-elect from
! Bibb, and nmv since Mr. Ellis has
| withdrawn, the field is left open
to Mr. Holder. Mr. Holder has
served his county in the house
for several terms. Mr. Ellis will
take a prominent part in the com
ing session of the legislature, al
though he will not fie speaker.
Registered Berkshire pigs for
sale. Ready for delivery. Write
Lawson E. Brown. Sandersville,
GEO RGI A—Montgomery county,
j All persons are hereby warned
i i against trading for one certain
m promissory note and mortgage
[given to secure the same, given
]to Dr. J. H. Dees for $68.95, ami
1 J dated about April 80, 1909, c<(h
--1 j side rat ion for which said note was
i; given having failed utterly. This
, ; 17th day of May, t 909.
j 5204 Toney Cray.
i Libel for Divorce.
| ' Usui* r»tricW v* Van H. Patrick,
i I.ibel for .liruiv* In AArmtgoincry Ho|>crior
1 j Court, November term, 1907. The ver.lict lor
i i total divorce was gryuted the 4Ui tlayofXo
| vember, 1907
I Notice U hereby given to all concerned that
1 on the l*t day or June 19..9, I tiled with the
* Clerk of the Superior Conrt of *»i 1 county my
i petition addressed to sai l conrt, returnable t"
. the next term thereof, to he held on tno Ist
dav of November, 190:1, for the removal of Itie
disabilities restins upon me under the verdict
in the above stated case by reason of my in
termarriage with Ha'tie Patrick which ap
-1 ! plication «vi 9 be beard at the November Term
! of said court which commence* on the Ist day
jof November, 1909. VAN H. PATRICK,
| ft'm. R. Kc:il. Ally, for Van H. Patrick.
House for Rent.
Good Five-Room House with 2
; acres of land attached, in Ailey.
; See at ones D. M. Citrbie.
| 214 Ailey. Ga.
i .'“J
]» : "~
Ask for this or other styles
For .M«*n, wßfgyK For Women,
8:1.50,84, $5 &80 BfP& 80.50, Si,& 85
|» t&j
►▼▼▼▼▼▼YTTTTWTYWWTWWTTTTTTs ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼*▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼•
► In Millinery Finery were never «
► more Beautiful than the Styles I have 3
► . -N
S: Wise ladies will call at once to select 1
t Hats and Trimmings for Spring Wear. 3
► Mrs. J. L. Adams, Mt. Vernon. 3
Summers j
Buggies I
j Brown j
. Wagons |
1 * ' /I
;ji I have a Full Line of these Standard |
I Vehicles on Hand, and in order to close |
them out, am giving the Most
>Z W
Se me at once if you need or
! ill will need a Good Buggy or a
Good Wagon. Terms right
1 i
• i\ Loans of any amount from S3OO to $50,000 on farms in Mont- J
. ! ! gomerj' and adjoining counties. No delays sos inspection. |
Have lauds examined by a man living near you.
j LOANS ON FIVE YEARS TIME, P«ya» )le in easy installments to |
suit borrower. k
j Merchants Bank Building MeliUC, Ga. ;j
mwwhwwwwmi *mwaaMmmMmmmßmmmmtmtitie'M