Newspaper Page Text
The answer made by Commis
sioner McLendon to the reasons
given hy Governor Smith for his
suspension seem quite convincing.
Especially is this true as to the
charge that he betrayed the in
terests of the people in refusing
to vote for the reduced rates
favored hy the governor. In as
much as two other commission
ers voted the same way it is dif
ficult to appreciate the logic that
lead to the suspension of the one
and the retention of the other. He
that as it may, the statement
made hy Commissioner McLendon
more than ever serves to convince j
one that Governor Smith was
actuated hy a feeling of personal
bitterness against the commis
sioner, and perhaps equally as
much hy the conviction that it
would he a good political pluy to
suspend him. -
Cumin issioner M cLe n d on’s
■nteuients prove conclusively that
the petition that was turned ■
down hy him and the two coin-;
missionerH siding with him, was
solely intended in its practical
efleets to build up the interests
of a few Atlanta wholesale houses
at the expense of the business of
other jobbers at other Georgia
points. Back of the petition for
u reduction on the rutes from Sa
vannah t<> Atlanta was the pur
pose on the part of the Atlanta
jobbers to hog as much more of
the business of the state as pos
sible*. The two Atlanta commis
sioners sympathized with them
in this and voted for them. The
other throe, representing other
sections of the state, could not
convince themselves that it was
their duty to promote the in
terests of Atlanta at a sacrifice ot
the business interests ot other
cities, and they voted down the
proposition. This case illustrates
more than ever the danger of al
lowing any one city to have more
than one member of the Commis
sion. If the Commission is re
constructed one of the Atlanta
commissioners should he cut out
and given to some other im
portant point. Only in this way
••an there he a proper safeguard
of the interests of other cities, an
ns assurance that the commission
will not he worked for the benefit
of Atlunta alone.
Commissioner McLendon shows
that Gov. Smith never saw the
record in the case that was de
cided adversely to Atlanta’s hog
gish instincts. There are five
hundred pages to it, and the
record, he points out. clearly de
monstrates that seltish motives
alone lay at the foundation of the
request for a reduction in the
rates from Savannah to Atlanta.
The secretary and treasurer of
the Heck A’ Gregg Hardware Co.,
the petitioners for the reduced
rates, stated emphatically that
lie saw no reason why the reduced
rates should apply to other points
tlmn Atlanta, lie stated that if
the rates wen* reduced from Sa
vannah to Atlanta his concern j
would he better able to meet the
competition of other Georgia
points and could increase its bus
iness from $1,1)00,000 to $H,*
000,000 a year. This increase of j
$l,f)00,000 a year would naturally
come from inroads on the busi-1
ness of the hardware dealers of
Americas, Albany, Macon, Co
luinhus and other trading points, j
Hut a little thing like thut didn't
phase the cool effrontery of these
Atlanta pe t it i o ners.—Americus
U<-orgin Montgomery County.
Notice is hereby given to all credi
tors of the estate of Jim. A. Peterson. ]
Jr., late of r-Hill county, deceased to
render in an account of their de
mands to me within the time piv- j
scribed by law, properly made out. I
And all persons indebted to said j
deceased are hereby requested to 1
make immediate payment to the
undersigned. This 6th day of July, j
HAM). Mrs. Jno. A Peterson, Jr.
Administratiix of the es
tate of Jno. A. Peterson Jr. j
Eugene Talmadge,
Attv. lor administratrix.
Atlanta, Ga. July <L—Based j
ufton her testimony that 9he was i
drugged at the time of her mar-!
riage with Russell J. Thomas, her.
father’s chauffeur and did not
know what she was doing, Mrs.
Silvey Speer Thomas, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Speer, of
this city, granddaughter of the
late John Silvey and heiress to
more than a million, was granted
a first verdict for complete di-
I vorce in the Fulton superior
J court.
The jury, after hearing the
statement of young Mrs. Thomas,
gave her the verdict without leav
ing their seats. Russell Thomas,
who is said to he attending a
technological school in the east,
j did not appear to defend the suit.
The sensational marriage of
Silvey Speer and Russell Thomas,
who drove her father’s automo
| bile, took place September 28,
I'.JOH, following which they went
to Charlotte, N. C., where
they were overtaken hy Mrs.
Speer, who brought her daughter
home. She wuh then 17 years of
age. Attorney Reuben Arnold
said it would he shown that Miss
Speer had been drugged and
tricked into the marriage.
Rev. H. A. Atkinson, who per
formed the ceremony, stated he
did so upon the statement ot
Thomas’ father that the young
Indy’s parents had given their
I consent. William Speer testified
he had never given anyone au
thority over his doughter as
Mrs. Speer testified her daugh
ter was delighted to come hack
|to Atlanta with her and to leave
Thomas and said nil the next day
she was ill and in a dazed condi
The evidence of young Mrs.
Thomas was presented hy deposi
-1! tion.
Asked: “Did Thomas ever make
love to you?” she replied: “He
did attempt to toll me how much
he thought of inn, I did not know
what he was attempting to drive
at. ”
“Asked: “Did he over make a
proposal of marriage to you?”
she replied, “Yes,' ho made such
[ a propsition to me on one occa
sion while we were in the automo
bile. I told him I would not
marry him nml that he had bet
ter not let father know he had
made such a request, lie replied
that my father was in the way of
our marriage and that my father
had better look out.”
Further on she testified that
the elder Thomas, W. B- Thomas,
Russell’s father, had called her
up over the telephone several
days prior to the marriage and
told her she had better marry his
son or he would kill her fath-
Jer and ruin her. She said W. B.
Thomas again called her up and
told her to meet him and Russell
at. the Marietta car line, but
she diil not do so. On the morn
ing of September 28, after she
had declined to meet them, she
says the elder Thomas, accom
; pained by Russell, came to th°
point where she got ofl the car
; to g" to Washington Seminary,
in an automobile, and took her
I into it.
“I was frightened out of my
senses,” she said. “The elder
{Thomas said lie had a tonic with
1 him and gave me a tablet of some
thing. 1 did not know what, and 1
took it. Soon afterward 1 became
dizzy and did not recollect any
thing more. I had a vague re
membrance of being at a church
and getting on a fain. 1 did not,
come to myself until we were
several miles out of Atlanta. I
asked Russell where we were and
In* told me that we had been mar
ried. 1 never consented to marry i
him, and 1 did not want to marry
, him. At the time of the marriage
1 was so afflicted with fright and
{drugs that 1 did not know what 1
was doing.”
Thomas was not represented
(either in person or by attorney
and upon this evidence the decree
j of divorce was granted.
Sheriff Sale.
| o«‘>ri{i» -Montgomery County.
Villi l»e sold before tlie court bouse door in
• Hi. Vernon on the Hint Tuesday m Abgnst.
1 1HW, between the legal hours of »ale, to th<
1 hjgheat bidder lor canli, certain property, of
( Which the following j* a complete (lew-tipi ion:
A one-sixth undivided Interest in
(all of that certain tract or parcel of
! land situate, lying and being in the
| l-'WOfh district G. .VI, of said county
and state and bounded as follows:
On the north by lands of Ben Ham
ilton, on the east hy lands of Betsey
Dailey et al., on the south by lands
.of W. It. Adams and on the west by
lands of F. K. Calhoun., containing
two hundred acres more or less. Said
one-sixth undivided interest levied
on and will be sold as the property
of Mary J. Calhoun to satisfy an ex
ecution issued from the 'superior
court of said county in favor of A. A.
Peterson, Jr., vs Mary J. Calhoun.
Said property in the possession of the
said defendant, pointed out by tin
plaintiff and written notice of' levy
: given as required by law. This July
Ist, imi.
James Hester, Sheriff,
j W. L. Wilson. Atty. for Plff.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will be hoJiI before the court bouse door in
Ml. Vernou on the first Tuesday in August,
' 1909, between the legal hours of sale, to toe
highest bidder for cash, certain property, of
which the following is a complete description:
One certain lot of land situate, kind living
ill the town of Soperton, Ga., and hounded :i
--follows: on the north bv lots of A. J. Wil
liamson, on the cast lots of Ashley Htewari
and N. L. Gillis, on the south by tlie M. D. A
H Jlv. right of way and on the West hy lands
of 0. L. Holmes 0 Son and J. .1. Muring.
Said laud levied on us the property of Dave j
Swlnnev to satisfy *n execution issued from
the Justice Com t of the ISWith district G. .1/
of .aid county hi favor of ,I A Wade, Jr., vs
Dave Swinney. la.vicd bv O. T. Ilraddv, con-
I stable, and witten notice given an reunited by I
law. 'i'llis the i.tli day of July, 1909.
James Hester, i
Mliciili M. C.
Sheriff Sale.
1 Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will be sold before the court house door in
! Mt. Vernon on the first Tuesday in August,
. ! between the legal hours of sale, to the
j highest bidder for cash, certain property, of
which the following is a complete discriplion:
j One certain tract or parcel of land situate,
I lying and being in the 12215 t Liist. 0. M.
of said county and stale, containing Ulty (50)
1 acres, known as the T. A. Davis home place,
and bounded as follows: On the north by lands
of T. G. Gillis, on the east by lands ol V, ~.
ris and D. S. Barnhill, on the south by hinds
of W. D. Mai tie and on the west bv lands of
E. Miller and W. A. Odom, j.cvie'd ,m and
i will be Held as the property of T. A. Dims to
satisfy an execution issued from the .Superior
’ Court of said county in favor «r j. H. Thomas
vs A Davis Written notice of low given
■ as required by law. This the fitli day of July,
■Sheriff M. C. Ga.
. J. n. Geiger Atty. for riff.
Sheriff Sale.
‘ Georgia—Montgomery County.
, Will be sold before the court house door in
Mt. Vernon on the first 7'uesday m August,
I : 19(19, between the legal hours of sale, to the
highest bidder fur cash, certain property, ol
- j whioh the following is a complete (ijseriution:
l All of that tract of land situated in the
> l'J2lst district G. M. of said county and state,
containing five hundred and nmoty-six (390)
j acres more or less, nod bounded on the north
. by lands of A. Join s and W. 11. Fowler and
Henry Horne, on the east by lands of W. 11.
Fowler, 0. II Williams, Henry Horne rt ah,
on the south hy lands of W . O. MeCiimmon
and .J. 0. Williams and on the west by lands
of 11. A. .Voslev. Jennie Dan-hill and O. If.
Williams. Levied on as the property ofWil
. Hum Pritchett to satisfy an execution issued
j from the City Court of Dublin in favor ol tin
i City National Dank ol Dublin i s E. I*. Heinz.
William Pritchett, 1,. CJ Stubbs, Adr., and V.
■ L. Stffbha, Adx„ estate of J. .M. Stubbs Said
■ I property In the possession ol William Priteh
-1 j ett, and written notice of levy given as iv-
I quired by law. This the fith day of July, 1909.
Sheriff M. C.
! Williams .V Baldwiti, A ttys, for Pitts.
Sheriff Sale.
) |
: Georgia—Montgomery Countv.
■ i Will be sold before the court Louse door in
• | Mt. Vernon on the first Tuesday in August,
. j 1909, between the legal hours of sale, to the
I highest bidder for cash, certain property, of
I which the following is a complete description :
l I One certain red horse, about twelve years
| old, and fifteen bands high. Also one open
' j buggy, partly worn, together with one set c.f
harness. Maid property levied on and will be
sold as the property of Georgia M. Conrson to
i satisfy an execution issued Ivom the Cit.
I Court of Mount Vernon in favor of tin* Dank
,of Soperton is Qeo. M. Conrson. Levy mad
( and returned to me by T. J Hester, deputy
sheriff. I’ropeuy found in the possession of
said defendant, and written notice given as
i required bv law. This the f> dav of July, 1909.
Sheriff City Court.
1 W. L. Wilson, Atty. for Plff,.
Sheriff - Sale.
- Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will be sold before the court house door in
M*.(Vernon on the first Tuesday in August,
1909, between tile legal hours of sale, to tin
highest bidder for cash, certain property, of
which the following is a complete disi-ription :
l wocertain lots of land situated in the town
! of Soperton, Ga., and in the 12215 t district G
VI. of said county and state, containing on,
hundred and tliirtv-seven (l.t7‘and om-
Ibalf feet each, ami bounded as follows: On
the north hy lauds of J. F. Vlnllis, on the esst
hy first street, on tin- south by lands of Mrs
M. F. Durden ami on the bv an alb-v.
1 lx-vied on as tbe property of A. D. Holton,
’ anil in her possession, and pointed out for
levy hy attorney for plaintiff', the saini being 1
the land designated in tbe mortgage. Li-vv i
: made and returned to im- by C. T. Draddy.
constable, and written notice of b-vy given as
| required by law. Phis I lie stli of lull, 19u9.
Sheriff M. C.
,W . B. Kent, Atty. tor PIIY.
Libel for Divorce.
Hattie Patrick vs Van H. Patrick.
Libel for divorce in .Montgomery Superior 1
i Court, November term, 1007. The verdict tor
1 total divorce was granted tho t!h day of N<>-
1 v ember, PJO7
Notice is hereby given to sll eoneernid that
l on the Ist day of June 1999,1 filed with the
\ Clerk of tho Superior Court of said county my
petition addressed to said court, returnable to :
the next term thereof, to be held ou the Ist
day of November, 1909, for tho removal of the
j disabilities resting upon me under the verdict
j iu the above stated ease by reason of my in.
ternurriage with Ha’tie Patrick which ap
plication will lie heard at the November Term
of said court which commences on the Ist dav
of November, 1909. VAN H. PATRICK,
Win. U. Kent, Atty. tor Van H. Patrick, i
Dr. Masrow lias consented to visit Mt. Vernon because of the
urgent request of several prominent citizens of your county who,
having tried him temselves, wanted their friends to get the ad
vantage of his knowledge and skill.
Dr. Masrow’s success in Savannah has been phenomenal.
From time to time the Savannah Press and Morning News in
printing letters proved his patients testifying to his work in
cases where nil others had failed to benefit.
Well-Known Man
(* ives Testimony.
W hut Mr. John 11. Willink Had lu Say us Dr.
Mosrow’s Work.
Ono of (In* early Savannah pa
tients of Dr.Masrow was Mr,John !
11. W illink, who lives at No. S>lf»l
Huntingdon street, east. Mr. \Vil-!
link is a well-known citizen and j
his endorsement of Dr. Masrow i
has weight with a larger number
of persons. Dr. Masrow duly ap-1
predated 1 be following letter from j
. Mr. Willink. which was written |
1 under date of Fob. 12, 1908:
Dear Sir:—Having worn glasses ;
for eighteen years and having i
tried a good many places for the j
proper glasses without success, I
am happy to say that your glasses
suit my eyes under all conditions
and are t he best 1 have ever worn.
In fact, they are the only glasses
that have given me thorougu sa
: tisfaet inn. Wishing you success, I
, will not fail to recommend yon to
any who are troubled with their
I eyes.
Yours very truly,
i John 11. Willink.
Don’t Ha vc> to j
Use (j lassos Now.
Savannah. Ga., Nov. 14, 1908.
Dr. J. E. Masrow :
Dear Sir—After trying every
headache remedy prescribed with
out any result and at the repeat
ed requests of my friends to con
sult you in reference to my eyes,
I did so, and wish to thank you
for the most excellent profession
al services rendered.
Since my eVes were fitted with !
glasses 1 have not suffered with j
any headache, my nervous system j
is much improved, and 1 feel like j
• a new man altogether. After wear
ing the glasses for some time my)
condition was so much improved 1
that 1 could leave them oft' and
see perfectly without anv discom
fort. 1 am not wearing the glasses
now: have no headaches, and no
symptoms of nervousness are ap
parent. Yours very truly,
S. F. Cook.
Engineer Waterworks.
Misses Bessie Stuckey and Lucy
McAllister entertained a number
of young friends Monday evening,
and a royal good time was had by
the young folks fortunate to at
Tlie following were present:
Miss s Bertha Mcßae, Ruby Mc-
I Galiee, Lucy McAllister, Bessie,
Stuckey, Lyra and Jennie Thomp
son, Aildie and lan Burch, Lillie 1
Mae Calhoun, Jeddio (Jo x tie Id. j
Messrs. Arpad Ilicks, Xesbit Me-1
[,em >Te, Charles Uurloo, Tim and
Robert Coxfiold, Jim Ginbs, Jim !
A. McAllister, Charlie Morrison!
and Shelhv Stephens, of Tennille.
A. L. Lanier,
Attorney at Law,
Will Practice in all the Courts of I
the State. j'
A Letter from
a Bailroad Man.
Claims Adjuster Johnston of the Seaboard
Pleased with Dr.
Masrow’s Work.
i Mr. W. C. Johnston, claims ad
| jiistor for the Seaboard Air Line,
! a gentleman well known in Sav
annah and in every state travers
ed by the Seaboard, sent Pr. Mas
: row the following letter m regard
I to the result of Pr.Masrow’s work
! in perfecting his eyesight:
Union Station, Room No. 0.
Savannah, Ga.,Aug. lii, 1008.
Dr. J. E. Masrow, City:
Dear Sir —I take pleasure in
! saying to you that the glasses you
fitted to my eyes several months
ago have given me complete satis
faction and with it an ease and
comfort that I had sought for a
long time, but without result. My
| eyes had given me a great deal of
(trouble, and, notwithstanding the
i i act that I tried on several occa
sions to get the trouble remedied
with glasses. I got no real bene
fit. My eyes became worse. Many
headaches were the result,and the
glasses I secured after various ex
aminations did not stop them.
However, I finally went to you,
took an examination, secured the
j glasses, and since that time I have
I had no trouble with my evs, the
! headaches have gone, aud I am
thoroughly pleased with your
j work. In fact, I have sent sever
j al of my friends to your for glass
,es and every one of them has giv
en good reports of the work.
You are at liberty to use this
letter as you see fit and refer any-
I body to me you desire.
Yours truly,
W. C. Johnston,
S. A. L. Claims Adjuster.
The Montgomery Monitor and the Savannali
Semi-Weekly News, one year, $1.75.
These arrivals and departures published only as j;
; information, and are not guaranteed.
Schedule Effective January 3d, 1909. ij
Lv. Mr. YERXON all trains daily. j;
JO:2S a. m. For Helena, Abbeville, Cordele,
I’ 1 Americus, Columbus, j;
8:22 p. m. Montgomery, and all points west. \\
5:47 r.. m. For Lyons, Collins, Savannah, ;J
4:58 p. ra. and all points east. j|
For further information, reservations, rates, etc., see your ;[
I 1 nearest Seaboard Ticket Agent, or write ‘ ;
a. H. STAXSELL, A. G. P. A.,
Savannah, ... Georgia. ;!
V ******** *
- ■—i i - . - ■■ ■ ■
Benefit Manifest in
Half Hour’s Time.
Mr. Weitman of (lie Germania Bank a Grateful
A patient of Dr. Masrow was
Mr. George M. Weitman, who is
connected with the Germania
Bank. After many years’ use of
glasses lie got the best he ever had
from Dr. Masrow. His letter un
der date of June 4th, 1908, is as
Dear Sir—l had been using
glasses for a number of years,and
inasmuch as my eyes continued to
be inflamed and irritated and
headaches developed often, I de
cided to see you and see if I could
not get some relief. I am happy
to say the glasses you furnished
me proved beneficial the first half
hour I used them, and now, after
having worn them for several
weeks, I am glad to tell you that
they are satisfactory in every re
spect. My eyes now cause me no
discomfort, headaches have
vanished, and I am thoroughly
pleased with your very effective
I send you this statement with
permission for you to use it as
you see fit, and I’ll take pleasure
in recommending you to my
Yours very truly,
George W. Weitman.
Germauia Bank.
Will be given if any of these
testimonials can be proven un
Masrow while he is here.
Remember the Date.