The Montgomery monitor. (Mt. Vernon, Montgomery County, Ga.) 1886-current, July 22, 1909, Image 1
®lj t iMmttgflmrnj iKonitor. VOL. XXIV. Negro Strung Up to a Tree . Eastman, On., July 20.—King Gref*n, a negro was lynched and Ins body riddled witli bullets at Gum Branch this morning. Tin- Misses Nicholson, daugh ters of Sam Nicholson, one of Eastman’s prominent citizens, while four miles out from East man were met in the road by the negro who caught their horse l>\ the rein and told them to get out, that it was his horse and he was going to have it. The young la .dies whipped up their horse and itriod to got awav from him, but the held on until frightened by their screams. |>ogs were sent from t lie county convict camp, and placed on his trail and after a run of several hours the ifegro was captured. The slierdV and his deputies while on their way to town were met at Gum swamp by a posse ol 17f> men who took him away from the officers and strung him up to a sapling, idler which the crowd quietly dispersed. WOMAN ENTERS-SUIT AGAINST SOUTHERN RAILWAY COMPANY. .Jonesboro, Ga., July Hl.—Suit was filed here today in the su perior court by Mrs. Clora Hill against the Southern Railway company and J. N. Biddy, road master of the Southern Railway company', alleging that she ha* been injured and damaged in the sum of $50,000 on account, of the death of her luishand. Atkinson & Born, of Atlanta, represents 11n* plaint ill . It is alleged that last June ,VJrs. Mill’s husband, Waller 10. HBI, was a brakeinan on one of < lie fast freight trains of tin- Southern Bail way company, on tns run from Atlanta to Macon, and that while the train was pass ing: through Ellenwood, in this comdv, her husband was knocked from the top of the train by an overhanging water spout and in stantly lulled. j GOVERNOR WILL HAVE NO SUSPENSION POWER. Atlanta, July 20. —In future the Governor of Georgia will not have the right to suspend or dis charge a member of the Railroad Cominitnunn, and the finish of tie- AlcLendun case, whichever way it goes, will see the last, of its Kind in this state. Hereafter impeachment. pro ceedings will he necessary to su*- pend or remove a commissioner from office. The attitude of the Senate on this question was conclusively shown today when Senator Irwin's toil taking the power of suspen sion from the Governor came up for passage. Vigorous speeches advocating the biH were made by Senators Harrell, Burwell and Slater, and the hill was passed by a vote of 20 to 0. WANT SPEEDY TRIAL . FOR HENRY PATTERSON. Americas, Ga., July JO. Hum dreds of citizens this afternoon readily sigiud a petition nddre-sr cd to. Judge /,, A. |,it.t lej.ilui re - qti sting tlie convening of Sumter superior eoMrt in special session to try Jl enry But lerson, enjoyed, who killed Captain \V. (■’. Mcßae lie re last week. Unless the special session is convened, J'atterson, who freely confesses the homicide, cannot be tried before tin* regular December term. Ail classes of citizens, including several clergy man, signed Hie petition fur im mediats trial. CITV COURT IN SESSION The .1 uue term of t lie City Court of Mt. Vernon, whieji was ad journed until this month. is in -session, to continue, in all pro liability, through the entire week. Many important cases have been disposed of l>v Judge Win. It, Kent, and Solicitor E. C. I'll - More than the usual am milt of business Inis be.-n <lis posed of at this term of the court., while tin* interest lIILS Im-i-h shown by t he usual at tendance. MRS. ARMOUR TO BE AT SOPERTON TOMORROW. The ladies of the Woman's Christian Temperance I'nion of Soperton announce that Mrs. Armour, president of that organi zation, will deliver a -lecture at that place tomorrow evening (Fri- 1 i day) 221, beginning at seven o’clock. No admission (eo will i he charged, and the public is cor dially invited to attend. Thi*| will he a rare opportunity of hear ing this gifted lady mi a very im portant subject. A SUDDEN DEATH ; BY FLYING TIMBER. News reaeln-d Mt. Vernon last week of the tragic death of Mr. K. |*. Horne by a flying piece of, : timber at a sawmill near tin- home I of Mr. C. D. Williams on W.-dnes-. j day of last, vyc-ek, about, the noon i hour. It seems that Mr. Horne was sawing and that a piece ol j limber was picked up fly the saw. ! and t liriist against him wit h such force as to produce death, and j aft it lingering for a few hours lie ! I passed away. Mr. Horne was a brother ol'i M ess I’m. J. K. nud Henry Horne, both living north of this place,! and ins untimely death is regret led by a large circle of friends! and acquaintances. Ilis remains j were laid away the day following,! : in the cemetery near Eotliair. GAINESVILLE MAN i : HANGS HIMSELF. I Gifitiesvill< V , Ga., Julv It). —M r. j Edward Jf. Jewel committed sui-i eide t his morning about 7 o'clock ! by hanging. j He had been in bad heall Li Jdr ■ some weeks, and had attempted; suicide once before, taking st ryeli- i i nine. Being missed from his home, his wife went to his uptown olficc to find him. While she was gone., the little non,nine years old found tl)o father hanging from a beams in I lie barn. Two neighbors quickly cut him j: down, but detit-l) had ensued. Mr. Jewell was for twenty yealV ■ 111 tlie fpi’l ilizer business In-re. i (*-*' was prominent socially, a in“ii|her' of the Baptist, church, Masonic and Pythian orders, lie is sur vived by Ins wife ami several small children. No cause is known for tin- deed j ,op-ept, mental unbalancing cans- 1 ed by illness. FOR CONGRESSIONAL HONORS, Jlagan, Ga., July Hi. —Friends of the Hon. John )|. |Vrl< ms are | after him to make the race lor! congress. Mr. )'• iTin.s is a strong I man, a native of Burke, which he' represented in t lie general assein- | lily, and besides he is very pope-1 Jar. Mr. I’erkins is -living nolh-T' I ing. but if would not be surplus- j mg if In- entered the race. Swamsboro, (fa., July If). — Friends of lion. Alf Herrington state positively that lie will he in tlie race tor congress. They soy this with assurance that lie wili make announcement in the re-xt ■ day or two declaring himself a candidate ami briefly giving Ins reasons for entering the race. Mr. It ■ rriogton s friends gre s-mplia-j 1 LjC UH Ili tns Hotel. liOn*. MT. VERNON, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, |I L A 2J, 11 )<>(). i ;©; ©©© ©© © .©;© ©:© :©; © ©©©.©©©© ©©© © © © ©; (•: !| LOCAL. - PERSONAL « ,i © 0 © © © .©. © © © .©. ©. ©'© © :©. ©:©.• ©©.©:©.©©©© ©©©. ©. © Mr. Milton Bailey of JOriek was in the city Tuesday. Mrs. S. B. Morris returned 1 home 'Tuesday from the Springs, where she has been for the last week or two. Mr. Nosbit McEoninro spent 1 Sunday ami Monday very plesanl ly in Alamo. Mr. Tim (lockfield spent Sun day and Monday with friends and relat i ves m Erick. Haile a crowd of young folks spent Tuesday very pleasantly down on the river picnicking. Remember, drugs—fresh drugs —an-going at cost at J. A. Bid dle’s. Mr. John Hinson of Erick spent Monday afternoon here with ivla tives. Miss Addie Biifeh entertained quite n number of lu-r friends at Imr home last Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. I). A. Meßae have i'ei iirued from Savannah, w here i lu-y went for treatment for their liahy, The lit t li> one seeips to have been improved by the trip to Ihe seaside. The infant of Mr. and Mrs. .1. K. Hunt, has been quite wok for! i , l I several da vs, I During I lie past wia-k the NI«»n i - lor has been presented with a dim melon each hv Messrs. Jas. W. 1 - Glams, J. A. Barlow and 11. I> ! Hoe. These good men were not. j competing for any prize, and ten dered tlu'se line melons si inply as in matter of oniirlcsy in I lie i.kuih* tv paper, and it is appreciated ! very much. f | • i Mrs. \V. B. Langford lias re-, turned from a I rip to Augusta and other points in North East Geor gia. ! i Gnl. E. C. Underwood spent , I part of last week in Savannah, where Mrs. Underwood is receiv ing treatment. She is improving, ! and will hr- home in a few days. | Mr. A. J. Burch nod family! have moved to Ailey, their old j home. Many Iriends in Mt. Vern-i mi regret to haye tli<-m leave. HIT BY STRAY SHOT. Washington, (4u.,July MV-* I{'• I»- ert S. Smith, vice presided! of I i In* brokerage linn ol I!. M. &■ It. S. Smith, of this city may lose j the sight, of/his left cv<- as the re. suit of an accident. |n company with his younger’ brother, Marion Smith, ho was hunting near Washingt m. The’ gnu which young Marion Smith carried was accidentally disohargsi ml, and t lie load of shot struck I Mr. Smith, who was 100 yards away.* lue shot entered N| r.Smil h’s eye, and it is leafed that he will lose i he I he sight, of that member. I lie was taken to Atlanta forex* lamination and treatment by an ■ oculist. * | PLAY FAIR—IT PAYS, No matter how much money te man lias lie does not like In he de frauded. If lie buys a coat In* ! wants the cloth to he jn*l what j i t lie merchant says, it i*;il he buys \i earrd ot apples he is indignant, j 1 if lie discovers that the big apples I have been put in t lie ends of tin barrel and small or unsound ones between, and he decides not to deal again with tin* man from whom In* bought them. No man wins permanent success who does not deal fairly with Ins customers. Hut h-t i|s not he honest simply because it. pays financially, for there is a bet ter reason—*it pays *u peace of mind afforded and the j t rue welfare of tin? soul. —-Farm J'/Srutil. s' Mis- AI ice Me I ,'*od of V ida lii j.spent a few days of last week hen ■ t with her cousin, Miss Addii ! Burch. , I i Miss Young h|' Yidolia lias ac cepted a position with (’ol. .1. li. I J Geiger as stenographer. - j Drug burg,i ins at .1. A . Biddle - : Three packages of Black Draught, three packages of St. Joseph s I l.iver Regulator or thi Sim . inons' for 15 cent s ; seven bottles of Medicament urn 25 cents: three I I hot t ies of Blue Seal Vaseline for 10 cents: Darby’s Fluid 215 cents , Liquid Yel slle SlZ.e2i.x-: Itlels i size, 5 cents; Walker’s Dead Shot < Colic Cure, SI.OO size 1)0 cent-, . and ot her bargains. j ('arl Geiger spent Saturday ami : Sunday wit Ii p lat ives in t ilen \ wood. I Sheriff James Hester Weill Up so Mt-Bae Sunday to get a negro, 1 re*timing on tlie afternoon tr.iin. Deputy SlierilV Tom Hester spent Monday in Savannah on business. ’ Begislered Berkshire pigs lor {sale. Ready for delivery. Write ! Lawson hi. Brown. Smidersville Rememlier, shoes lire gi lug .'ll ! cost at J A. Biddle’s, Alley, tin. MIS. J. E. (lock field spell! a few days of this week iii Erick, I In* guest, of friends and relatives. , Dr. J. F. Hall ami family have removed to I heir old home m Ai ley, after having spent 11 1 ■ * past two years in Ml. Vernon. We re | grid to have I heiu leave t Ins place-, but, wish for I lu-ir happiness and welfare in I lie sister town. Mrs. M. D. Mev'UT ami family ( have removed to tin home recent,, ly occupied by Dr. 11 1 1). Mr. It. A. Bovvi-of Si>perlon was !ft business visitor to this oilice , Tuesday, placing an order for some lngh-elass station"!')’. ! Mrs. D. W. Folsom was talon ;to the Dark View Sanitarum in j Savannah bird week for I real -1 ino 1 1 1. She is improving. Her I daiigliler, Mrs, W. 11. Metjiieen, j went down yesterday morning to ! spend a few days with her. j CAUGHT RUNAWAY NEGRO. (In 'J'lK'N'iii ,V |>!■•(»*r-i ivd (’1Irri• • ! iirri ved from lia iiibridgo wit Ii .1 i m * , rmntmtl, who escaped from tin* I county in December of 1007. I»**n- J, il somii|'-<|. been fried nml convicted and sentenced to n ! term of fij months in kite gang,' . tint mndn !n« escape before I >(<iiiu put into servinn. Mr. (hirrin received Ihe rnwurd of >l*7/1 offered liy f ho count V' colli* missioimis of this comity for tin* nil jit lire of Rennet t , j OEAD UMBRELLA MENDER WAS SON OF MILLIONAIRE, t Lexington, Ky., July Sd).—Tim body of nn it iimrnnt umbrella mender found in Stoner creek. ■ I'aris, Ky., Imd Kridnv, has been , ident isled iih t hut of lln rry J f01d,., j whose fill her i>. nml to In' u mil j lioiiinre. Word was sent to f,l,<> ' father a* Dorchester. \la.-s, fie I ordered the liody funded here and I full particulars of the death sent to him. Tim uuihrcllu mender, wlm iv e known fmi'euliouth ns- Ihirrv Mur tin, was ahoiit H'2 years old. House l or Snle. House and lot, and lot with j stables and outhouse. S.-e m< d finer. \V It Langford, 7lG4t Mt. V’fcrncdi, Ga. 5 FIRST BOLL OF FLEECY STAPLR. •) Col. A. L. Lanier presented at ■) th" Tuesday the first ■) open boll of cotton we luive seen • ! this season, and the indications a are t hut lie wi 11 ha v a hale or so on v the market at an early date. The e cotton crop ol Montgomery enmi ty is except iona 11 v tine, according ! to reports, and we trust that tlie price will lx* agreeable to our fa riners. : SERVICES BY ADVENTIST MINISTER, The Molii'or is leipiestod to an nouiiee that Rev. D. I - '. I’almerof Vidalia will deliver two sermons in Mt,. Vernon on t lie fourt h Snn r day m this month. Ile rcprcsenl s . Hie (h-nomination of Second Ad vent ist s, ami Ins sermons will In | heard with interest. Services will lie held at I I o’clock in the morning and 7 did in the evening, and unless other wise arranged for, will be In Id in theeniil'l The public is: 1 cordially invited to hear him, j , .1 illy 251 h. MUSICAL CONCERT AT BEULAH. i The Monitor is reipje.slcd I• > 11 11 - nouiiee that there will In- a nniHi-j |. cal concert at Beulah ehurch t<•- j ..morrow (Friday) evening, begin ning a I I did o’clock. To l his cutert aiiiim-nt I In* puh lic is cord in 11 y invited, and it is Imped | hill It w ill lie at tended I This ell (ert a 111 lllelil is to he given , by I ‘in I. .1. (!. Leml'Tinan, who is | dwell known as a miisieal director, 1 . and is held in high esleein hv a large number of friends in tins county. RALPH SEDYLMEYER BURNED TO DEATH, Fitzgi-rald, Ga., Julv It)—While in l lie net of lil t ing a primary I 'circuit win- off a chimney where! it had caught on a house lining moved here this morning, Ralph!, Sedylmover was instantly killed. He 1 1 a 1 1 succeeded iii removing | one of the wires which, as if left i , l lie bricks Hi ruck him across the! , legs just above the knees and ini- x mediately set his clothing afire, 1 ( , and began burning into the flesh. lie threw away the stack he had 1 | been using to handle t In- wire and ,| grabbed ii with both hands and ~ I lie whole J,L ,k -t) volts carried j pa-sed through his hoily. lie (| .eo 11 1 1 1 not release his hold until ~ tin- wire hurtled itself in two, and I lien he fell across the parallel: wire and before In* could be taken j Ii oil Ins body was praelu-aly burned) in two. J|e is the only son ol Jacob Si-dylmeyi r, a prominent • . i i Gent ml avenue merchant, and is survived by his lat her, mol her and one Sister, FALLS ON JOIST AND SUFFERS SERIOUS INJURY, Savannah, Ga., July l'.» —Los- ing In- foothold and fa 11 ing Ima vi- i Iv on a joist in the building at ! Fort y-Hccohd aml Barnard streets,; where he was engaged inputting; iii the plumbing work, <•. G. Morn- was seriously injured about I o'clock yesterday after-! noon. IB- was taken to his home at No. 12 Thirty-third street,’ : east, and nmde-al attention given him. lie was resting well at night. Mr. Morriii only fell about three feet, a- he was working on 1 1 lie (ground floor, but. le- weighs I‘.HI pounds. II- struck til'- joist : with, his left tliiali, and his physi cians ii po i) examination an noiiiiOi (| that Ik- was suffering from a 1.,—-rated kidney. Mr. I Moms was walking across tin joists from one suit* ol Iho build- 1 to tin-other. H«- made n misstep, and struck tin- joist in falling. Several of the workmen in tliej building saw him lull aud rushed , i to his >iid. ■ j \ Resolutions by F.E.&C.LJ. i i Montgomery Monitor: The following resolui ions ivcru adopted hy tln> Montgomery Co. I>ivision of tlir K. K. iV (', I'. of Anu'iica at a recent session 1 1 >-1«1 wit li l In- Sa id is hoc aI. | Placed in form, the preamble , and resol tit ion should rand : | Whereas, We have learned that our honorable enunty comniissioii ers have rented a farm for the jpurpose of working our county eon viol s this year, and expect to buy a farm to continue working j I hem on : t hereforo, be it licsolved, Ist, That this the Montgomery County Division of i lie K. K »V <'. I oi Vnicricu now ,in session do iinaniiiioiisly con* deinti such acts of our ('mini v '(e on in iss loners, and we do hereby ask our honorable commissioners to have said county convicts ~n I mir piild ic reads. And Whereas, There is a great ; deal of talk at | ire sen t a bout lm i Id ling public highways for automo biles, he it Ifesolved, I*||, l>V the Moiltg' ll erv (’on 11 1 v division of the 1> IC. A- C. I . of America that we enter our protest against said roads' be ing lillill by I axut ion. Ilesolveil, fid, That the Mont gomery (’minty Division of Ibe K. IC. it (I . ol America is ui lavor o| an agricull ural commis sioner, and we ask our senator and represent all ve to vote lor same. T. (huger, Secret irrv. WHITE WUMAN AND NEGRO MAN PUNISHED, Macon, (bi., July lb. A while woman giving her name as Jennie O'Neill, who came here fro in Nmv York, eaine near bringing serious trouble upon herself aml a negro whom she openly claimed as her sweetheart, ami when she said he was as good as any Soul hern white man, Patrol nflicciv closely guard ed lur when she and the negro were put under 11 rrest . Ih cordi r liipiliarl gave i lie woman ten days in flm barracks and cummifte.d her to the stale court. The negro was committed likewse and w ill a’.so serve ninety days on the public works. An angry crowd of white men hear ing t lie assertion of the woman made desperate I Ifol’ts to get hold d’ her before the arrest. RESUME HEARING IN OLIVER CASE. Hainlindge, (la., July lb.—Thu hearing before Ueferce \Vilifr>-<| Lam*, in the hankrnptey proceed ings of the* alleged millionaire, O. I). Oliver, the (’linwix hank, t Im Soul hern Mannfaet urine < 'mii panv, and his other interests was resumed here today. Tlmre were no development!; of 1 a sensat iona i n il ure. Tim e.\aiiiination of many wit nesses was made in the endeavor ito plane additional assets in the | hand* of t lie custodian. .Inst be fore court tool; a re-ess ijntil It o’clock tomorrow morning. Judge I,aim lli<|ilir< d of Oliver if lie lllnl ever oper;df.*d in Alabama; i! lie had one'- operated ill Florida, and ’lntd business relations with soiiih of tlm most prominent men of tfie state, the present governor being one m ipicsl ion, as wre f-x-l iev erti'.i'H Jennings and Itrnward. Me (juest mimd Oliver about his opera tions in Ohio and Missinsippi.tHi* ver posit Ivefy denied, under out h, that Im ever operated in nnv id' these places, ami denied having been in any of tin* stales, except Ohm, admit tmg lie had been to Oincinnat i. ' llis wife and mother in-law were I I at th-.- hearing. » NO. ii