The Montgomery monitor. (Mt. Vernon, Montgomery County, Ga.) 1886-current, July 22, 1909, Image 4

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    Prochecy on
King Cotton.
Precariou* is prophecy, with
uncertainty emphasized when the
subject dealt with is that of cot
ton, since on more than one oc
casion the white king has not |
scrupled to disappoint the expec-j
tations of his followers.
Discounting, however, the ele
ments of hazard and conditions
yet to he unfolded, the southern
farmer has ground for buoyant
optimism in the present auspi
cious trend of the markets for
spot* ami options.
Throughout the country, the
former is ranging well up toward
1H cents a pound ;while those who
regurd quotations on futures as
the shadow of coming events
point to an approximately heal
thy altitude in this aspect.
Should the present prices, or
prices of comparative dimensions,
prevail throughout the selling sea
son, there is ample reason to be
lieve that the farmers of the south
will enjoy an era of prosperity
splendidly compensating them
for the relative lean yeur that has
just gone into history.
And this means, hy inevitable
sequence <>f logic, that every oth
er industrial and commercial ave
nue in the southern states will
will flourish in proportionate ra
Cotton is the umpire to a great
extent, of things commercial in
the territory south of Mason and
Dixon’s line. If the while fiber j
brings u continuously fuir price j
in the imirkets of the world, the |
benefit is reflected upon every
factor in southern business.
The farmer is able to pay his
debts, to make needed improve- i
inents upon his home and planta
tion, to better clothe and educate
his children, and to lay hy a nest
egg against the proverbial rainy
Conimensurately,the prosperity
of the small country town takes
on new liorizons.The effect spreads j
to the city, stimulating trade and
giving a new impetus to individ
ual wealth and to the upward ten
dency of iddustrial development.
In the face of these promising
conditions, it is not inappropriate
to point out two phases which
have un instructive bearing on
the subject.
The first is that of diversification
a doctrine preached energetically
for virtually a quarter of a cen
tury hy The Constitution. The
higher the price the southern
farmer gets for his cotton, the
greater, necessarily, will he the
sums sent out of the south to oth
er sections for the sheer essentials
of life, such as beef and grain and
wheat, and bewildering variety of
lesser food products.
Practically all of these commo
dities could be produced on south
ern soil, without diminishing the
financial return from the south’s j
great money crop. Such proce
dure would romove or mitigate
ttie unbusinesslike practice ot an
nually placing wliut is tantamount '
to a tiio'tgage upon the cotton
crop. Tin* other phase is the par
amount one of organization and
cooperation. In the lust few years
tin* Farmers* 1 ni in, with its more
than two million houa fide pro
ducers scattered throughout the
cotton belt, and its warehousing
system, has taken a decisive role
in movements looking to placing
tin* marketing of the crop upon a
business and a remunerative ba
This year the organization will
be more thnn ever prepared to
discharge its important functions.
If cotton is the umpire ot pros
perity in the south, then the or
ganized farmers are largely the
custodians of the umpire. It is
their loyalty to organization that
will largely determine the propor
tions of the south's business the
coming fall and winter. And evi
dence that they appreciate the na
ture of their responsibilities is
ample. —Atlanta Constitution. |,
Kylvania, Ga., July 17. —Doe
dead and eight badly burned is
the result of an automobile acci
dent which occured Wednesday
evening at a picnic about five]
j miles from this place.
Hewlett Hill is dead. His
! father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. I
I George X. liiil, are expected to]
die, and Master George X. Hill,!
Jr., Reuben Thomas, Lurrine
Cooper, Fannie Mi I Is, George Hil
ton and Howie Saxon, all child-]
ren, mostly in their ’teens, were]
severely burned. The automo
bile backed against a bridge and '
the railing tore a hole in tin tank
filled with compressed gasoline |
and an explosion and fire followed, j
“I have never seen better ftlid
cleaner crops and a more wide
spread spirit of optimism among
I lie farmers of South Georgia,”
said local Superintendent of Hrad
street’s Commercial Agency, Mr,
K. C. Myers, this morning, upon
his return from a trip of several
days spent in Tiftoii, Valdosta,
Waycross and other places in that
section of the state.
“The cotton in that section
looks like it is high enough now
Ito hide a horse, and the corn is
likewise in the finest shape and
growing rapidly. And what does
me so much good is to see that a
j feeling of good times ahead is in ]
j the air.
‘Another encouraging sign is to
see how the farmers of that sec
tion are diversifying their crops
and are getting away from the all
cotton-und corn idea. One farmer
in Tilton has just realized $1,600
j from eight acres planted in can
taloupes, and he estimates that he
will have an additional three hun
dred crates, all of which should
amount to $1,000.80, or a net pro
lit of $1,200. lie is preparing now
for a hay crop, which will bring
still further returns.
“Another farmer and truck
grower, whom I met, has sold
more than a half million tomato
plants from a plot of ground fif
teen square yards in area, yield
ing a net profit of S2OO. This is
the kind of diversified farming
that cannot he stressed too much,
because it helps as nothing else
does to make the farmer indepen
dent and successful.
“The wholesale dealers nil along
the line of roads which I traveled
on my trip are making good sales,
and their collections are improv
ing every day. And they expect
still better times in the fall.
Though the crops are not yet made
j as the weather of the next 00 days
I will have great effect upon them,
nevertheless they nro so well ad
vanced now as to insure the farm
mers of that section a banner
lty virtue of a power to me given,
as Hu* assignee of the sot tu lly deed j
containing the power given by Jacob !
Heckwortli oil May llth, HkW, to I
luilon Savings Hank of Augusta.
Georgia, which deed is duly record- j
ed ill book in, page I, ill tile Office of I
the ( lei k <>f the Superior Court, of
Montgomery county. State of Geor
'gin. I will sell ni public out cry!
before the Court House door ill the 1
I'owa of Mt. Vernon. County of
Montgomery, State of Georgia, be
tween file legal hours of sale, to the
highest bidder fi»r cash, on the first
Tuesday in August, liMr.l, the follow
ing described property:
All that certain tract or parcel of!
laud situated, tying and being in the ]
county of Montgomery, State of
Georgia and bounded on the North
by lands of Jacob Heck worth, Hast
by Jacob Heck worth.South by George
Minion, and on tie West by Martha ]
Wheeler, containing seven hundred
(Toni acres and known as tin* Jacob !
Heckwortli Home Place. j,
Debt secured $1,300.00, besides ill- 1
lete-t since June Ist, likis and expen
ses of this sale. Terms cash. Pur- i]
chaser to pay for papers. ;.
George J. Rabsou,
Any. in fact,for Jacob Heckwortli. i
Georgia—Montgomery County.
By virtue of ;i 11 older of the court
jof Ordinary of said county, will be
j sold before the court bouse door of
said county, as public outcry, on the
j first Tuesday in August, 1909,between
the usual hours of sale, the following
, real estate tow it: A one-sixth undi
vided interest in Lots. Nos. Nine and
(Ten in Lloek No. 35 in the Town of
; Glen wood, Georgia, said lots front
j ing on Sixth Avenue 50feet each and
j running back to an alley. The sa’e
, will continue from day to day be
tween the same hours’ until all of
!said property issold. Terms cash.
! Tins the noth day of June, l«i»9.
Douglas S. McArthur,
Executor of Will A. G. McArthur.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia -Montgomery County.
Will be sold before the court house door in
Mi. Vernon on the first Tuesday in August,
j 1(109, between the legal hours j sub-, lo the
[ highest bidder for c»»h, certain properly, of
i which the following is w complete description:
i A one-sixth undivided interest in
all of that certain tract or parcel of
land situate, lying and being in the
1380th district G. M. of said county
land stale and bounded as follows:
jOn the north by lands of Hen Ham-j
; ilton, on the east by lands of Betsey ]
j Darley et al., on the south by lands
of W. fi. Adams and on the west b,v
lands of F. B. Calhoun,, containing
two hundred acres more or less. Said
one-sixth undivided interest levied
mi and will be sold as the property
of Mary J. Calhoun to satisfy an ex
ecution issued from the superior
j court of said county in favor of A. A.
Peterson, Jr., vs Mary J. Calhoun.
Said property la the possession of the
said defendant, pointed out by the
plaliditf and written notice of Hjvy
given as required by law. This July
Ist, liNIU.
Janies Hester, Sheriff.
VV. L. Wilson. Ally, for PI If.
Sheriff Sale.
Montgomery County.
Will b<* i*old before tin* court bonne door in
Mt. Vernon on the flint Tiienday in AugiiHt,
19fK), between the le#al hours of sale, to the
highest bidder for cash, certain of
which the following in a complete description:
One certain lot of land situate, lyind twin#
in the town of Sopei tou, Ur., and bounded its
follows: On the north hv iota of A. J. Wil
liamson, on the oftxt lots <tf Ashley Stewart
and X, L. <iillim, on the south by the M. I*. A
s lty. right of way and oil the wont hy lands
of L. Holmes it* Son and J. J. Muring.
Said laud levied on mh the property o! Dave
Hwinney to satisfy ad execution issued from
j the Justice Coin t of the lHHfith district O. M.
| of»aid county in favor of J. A Wade, Jr., v»
j Have Hwinney, i.evied by C. T. Hmddy, con
stable, and witten notice given as required by
law. This the 6th day of July, 1001).
James Hester,
Sheriff M. C.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery Comity.
Will be sold before the court lioiihp door in
ML Vernon on the first Tuesday in August,
1909, between the legal hours of sale, to the
highest bidder for rash, net tain property, of
which the following is a complete disruption:
Olio certain tract, or parcel of bind situate,
lying Slid being in the 12215 t Hist. G. M.
of said county and slate, containing tlfty (50)
acres, known as the T. A. Davis home place,
slid bounded ns follows: On the north bv lands
ofT. 0. Gillis, on the east by lands otßfor
ris anil b. S. llanihill, on the south hy lands
of W. D, Mai tin and on the west hy lands of
K. Miller and W. A. Odom. Levied on ami
will tie sold ss the property of T. A. Davis to
satisfy nn execution issued from the .Superior
Court of said county in favor of J. H. Thomas
vs T. A Dn>is Written notice of levy given
ns reunired bv law. This tlie 6th dav of July,
19011. JAMES HEsTEIt,
.Vheritf M. C. On.
J. 15. Geiger, Atty. for PUT.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will be sold before the court house door in
l Ml. Vernon on the lirst Tuesday in August,
UK*), between the legal lioura of sale, to llie
higheat bidder foi cash, certain property, ol
which the following is a complete inscription:
All of that tract of land situated m the
12215 t district G. .51. of said county and state,
containing ti ;e hundred ana ninety-six (5!I6)
acres more or less, and Islanded on the north
by lands of A. Join s and \V. 11. Fowler and
Henry Horne, on the east hy lands of W. H.
Fowler, G. H Williams, Henry Horne et al.,
mi the south by lands of VV. C. McCiiminon
and .1. C. Williams and on the west hv lauds
of 15. A. J/oslev, Jennie Barnhill and G. H.
Williams. Levied on as the properly of Wil
liam Pritchett to salisfy an execution issued
I loin Hie City Court of Dublin in favor ol the
City National Bank of Dublin vs E- P. Item/.,
William Pritchett, L. Q Stubbs, Adr., and V. ,
E. Stubbs, Adx., estate of J. .Vi. Stubbs Said
property in the possession ol William Pritcb- j
utt. and written notice of levy given as re
quired bv law. Tliia tie- tilli dav of Jnlv, 1903.
Sheriff M. C.
i Williams .V Baldwin, A ttys, for Pills.
Sheriff Sale.
ileoi-flit—Montgomery County.
Will tattokl before the court Louse <lonr in
Mt. Vernon mi the tirst TueMtlav in August, j
j 100‘J, between the legtl hotim of wale, to the |
! hit;bent hithh » for cull, cerium property, of
] which the follow ing is a complete description : 1
One eei irid r«*d horse, about twelve years
I old, and lifted* hands high. Also one open
j htiggy, partly worn, together with one s»*t of
I harms*. .Said property levied on and w ill he
! sold as the property of licorgia M. Courson to
I satisfy an ixeeution issued from the Cit.i
I t 'ourt of Mount Vernon in favor of the Bank j
lof Kvjperton vs Geo. M. Coursou. Lew made
; and returned to me by I’. J Hester, deputy i
j sheriff. i*rnpeity found in the po*»t ssion of
said defendant, a. d written notice given hs
required h\ law. This the C dav of July, 19D!I.
Sheriff City Court.
W. L Wilson. Atty. for
Libel for Divorce.
Hattie Patrick vs Van H. Patrick.
l.ibel for divorce ill .Voiitgimierv Superior
Court, November term, list?. The verdict lor
total divorce was granted tbetlli dn_i or No.
v ember, 1 '.SIT
Notice is hereby given lo all concerned that
on the Ist day of June I'.SRI, 1 lilcd with the
Clerk of the Superior Court of sai I county my
petition addressed to said o.g»rt, returnable to
the next term thereof, to be held ou the Ist
day or November, like.*, for the removal of the
disabilities resting upon me under the verdict I
ui the above stated case by reason of my in-:
ternurriage with Hattie Patrick which ap
plication will be heard at the November Term
ot said court which commences on the Ist dav
of November, llkri. VAN H. PATRICK,
Petit barer, j
Win. U. Kent. Att» lot Van H. Patrick.
g? ""T V WWVVWT ~W W'O r ’V r V W**W'WW 1 WW I VWW M
I Wo are now in position to handle FARM AND CITY LOANS j|j
in Montgomery county very promptly, securing money in ||
I TERMS: 6 to 8 per ct. five years time fl
I** If you need money, come see us at once. H
Vidalia Loan & j
Realty Co. j
J. WADE JOHNSON, Mgr. of beans win ai ga ni ||
W. J. DE LOACH, Attorney ifSfJMLIS} UA. |
Notice To Debtors And Creditors.
GEOIWi lA—Montgomery Coimt v.
Notice is hereby given to all
parties having demands against
the estate of ('lias. S. Hamilton,
j deceased, to present same, pro-
I perly made out, within the time
| prescribed by law, and all parties
| indebted to said estate are hereby
i notified to make immediate pa\-
! ment to the undersigned. This
I the 7th day of June. 1900.
(}. W. Hamilton,
C. \W Hamilton,
| Kxs. Will of C. S. Hamilton, De
Money to loan at 6 and 7 po j
(cent, on improved farms.
A. B. Hutchkson,
Atty at Law,
Mt. Vernon, Georgia.
Eugene Talmadge,
Attorney at Law,
MT. VERNON, (i\.
jOn improved farms on the north
side of Montgomery County, for
: the term of five years at low rate
of interest.
Bring deeds when making appli
cations for loan. Write or see me
iat once if you need money. Can
! get it for you without the usual
Super!oil, Ga. ;
Hamilton Bi rch, •
Attorney and Conn- ■
so lor at Law,
7 »
Criminal Law and Collection*, Icelndiug Rail- ■
ntatl Tort Owes, a Specialty. *
• *
Office over Mt. Vernon Drug Co.
** | j
[Does it Pay?!:
„ u __ _ ;|
The above (piostion is frequently
t asked in regard to judicious advertising, j;
$ The answer is always the same—OF ji
We do not mean by this to say
i all advertising pays, blit we do say that
ij pays handsomely. If you expect your ii
\ “ads" to bring results you must get ii
| them before the people—place them in ii
l publications which are subscribed to and ii
\ paid for by the best class of people in ii
\ the territory where they circulate.
$ Belongs to this class, and besides, it is ii
I an All-Home-Print, and we are in po- j;
| sit ion to guarantee oiy patrons results, ii
s RATES reasonable, and will be ij
5 furnished on application, v *.* ii
s ii
*’S a
J,.ians of any amount from $:J0O to f.')O,(KX) on farms in Mont- «
jS «
g 'im ry and adjoining countu s. No delays for inspection. »
Have lands examined by a man living near you.
fi LOANS ON FIVE YEARS TIME, payable ill easy installments to »
N« ft
§ suit borrower. a
a J
v 3 Merchants Bank Building Mcßae, Ga. |
If you use High-Class Stationery, you can
get it at The Monitor office—The Very Best