Newspaper Page Text
Valdosta, Ga , July 17. —Sheriff
J. K. Puna more, of thin county,
Jins just received ;i black-hand
letter threatening liin life unless
lie cea*<-« hi* efforts to close up
t lie place* of ill-repute in the city
ami run their in inn ten out. The
letter is written in ft disguised
Jiand, iinaigned nnd was mailed
lit the post office here. It informs
the sheriff' that lie Inis “none fur
enough,” and that his “light will
he put out” unless the crusade
against women of questionable
character here is stopped at once,
A reform wave has been sweep
ing over the city for sometime,
resulting in the arrest and trial
ol a number of women, and the
dosing of disorderly houses, Al
niosl a elean sweep has been made
ol such places, and two women
are now in jail await ing trial. The
sheriff has been very active in en
forcing the laws and in the per
formaline of his dut y. In addi
tion to his war on disorderly'
houses, lie Ims sought to enforce
the Sunday closing law in the
city. A spirit of is j
becoming manifest among a-cer
tain class and m certain quarters,
but the sheriff does not attach a
great <fonl of importance to the
threatening letter which lie Inis
just received. An ill vest ignt ion
nl tlie authorship is being made, |
nnd the sheriff' has one or two
dues that are hong followed up.
Tin- letter will he turned over to
the I’nst,office Inspector Brittain
aml t In* ib-part incut Will t nke a
linild ill t lie case.
The case of (hullillissiolier Me
l.eiuloii has had a paralyzing ef
fect up-in tin- Legislature. The
session 'mahout half over nnd very
little has In-on accomplished.lsn't
t hat because the McLendon case
has turned the attention of the
members too much to politics?
And it looks as il the case would
drag along to the very last days
of the session. Tin* joint legisla
tive committee hasn’t heard all
t lie evidence yd. It will take it
sonic time to make up its report
after the witnesses have all been
i-nll-d. And tin- report is likely to
la- the subject of a long discus
We don’t know what the wil
ncsscHs yet to In- lu-ard know that
will have an important bearing
on tln-ease, tint it doesn’t appear
that tiny. Smith’s charges have
In-i-n sustained, or? in fact, any
other charges. It seems to us
that if the case were free of poli
tics it wouldn’t, lake the Legisla
ture ten minutes to reach a de
cision. Il the record is strictly
ndlnred to the port rates charge
must- full to the ground, since the
record shows that state wide port
rates were not asked for. The
rates were asked for Atlanta job
bers only. It is true that tho de
cision the commission rendered
seemed t -1 lie applicable to the
whole state. As a matter of fact,
however, the port rates asked for
applied only t-> Atlanta.
Hut it isn't expected that the
Legislature will undertake to de
cub- whether or not those rates
should be granted <>r refused. Tin*
simple question is, would the
Legislature have thought of re
moving, or even criticising Mc-
Lendon for his port rale decision
if tlov. Sun'll hadn’t made a po
litical issue of it? If not* then
tin legislature ought not to waste
niiioh more tune on the ease, mi
les- something is developed in the
bond charge that indicates that
Mcis-mb-n violated some law. Thus
lur the testimony doesn’t show
that lie violated any law hy his
connection with either the Athens
street railroad hoods or tie-
W'riglitavilU- and Temulle Rail
road bonds. All that is t<* I>e
known alstur the hood (nature of
tin* inquiry will i»e known prob
ably in a day or two. If nothing
new is disclosed the oas-* should
he disposed ot quickly so that the
Legislature can devote its whole
tinn- to the important hills which
are awaiting its notion.—Savan
nah News.
\ *
Washington, I). 0. July 19. — i
Taking advantage of the present
situation developed by the tariff |
t he Ifemocrat ie congressional com- j
mittec, one year in advance of the
usual time for sueli action, met
to-night, elected officers nnd map
ped out the course it will follow
iin its fight to capture the Mouse
in the next congressional eloc
t ions.
Representative Lloyd of Mis-!
Himri was elected chairman by
the tiniliiilimns vote of the thirty
seven members. i
Other officers' chosen were:
Ib* prose 11 ta t iv* Dixon, Indiana,
secretary; Representative Finley,
1 South Carolina, lirst vice chair
man; Represents!ive Palmer of
Pennsylvania, second vice chair
mini, and J. J.Sinnot of Virginia,
sergeniit-nt.-nruis. Chairman Lloyd
probably will announce to-mor
row the personnel of the finance,
literature campaign and other
Mr. I Joyd asserted that infor
mal ion he has received from all
parts of the country indicated j
'that tin* Democrats are more j
hopeful of electing a Democratic j
House than they have been for I
many years.
Mr. Lloyd said that the coin- *
mil tee had agreed to “get busy”;
immediately and that it was
-•quipped to give the opposition
tin- most stubborn light in its!
Thursday the bill creating the
new county with Soperton us the
county seat will come up before
tlie house committee on county
matters for hearing.
Tin- lull t*» create Cleveland
county was introduced by Repre
sentative N. L. (iillis ot Kmanuel
| county, and, if passed, w ill be
formed from portions of Laurens,
Montgomery, Kmanuel and John
son count ics.
Tint bill will have opposition
from Kmaiuu-I as well as from
Laurens. The following wo clip
from the Swniusboro l'ine Forest,
: which gives a reason for the in
troduction of the bill by Repre
sent at ive <ii 1 1 is
“If we are sure iif one thing it
is that Kmanuel enmity as a whole
does not want any more new
count iescreated that will in anv
way impair her present splendid
l shape. Since Representative Oil
l lis is representing himself m try
ing to create n county at Soperton
to make Ins property there more
! valuable, the rest of the countv
will expect Representative linn
son and Senator Kemp to repre
sent it and oppose cutting Kman
uel county again, fan she expect
them to do it?”
Several citizens from Laurens
will go up Wednesday to appear
before the committee nnd give
Reprcsentat iv*-s Hurch nnd Jones
all the aid possible. They will
make a strong light to kill the bill
before the committee and prevent
it ever being reported to the house
for ennsideration.
Follow iu<g ar-- some statements
com .-ruing tin* new county that
is under ennsiderat ion :
The new county would have a
population <>f 17,otkt, taxable pro
perty of $2 ,500,0(10 and an area of
i*Hi square in.lcs. It would take
ISo -qii.ii-- miles from Kmanuel,
1 It' from Johnson, LIO from Mont
gomery ami Iff from Laurens.
The main reason of the change
is the insolation of Soperton. This
place is 25 miles from Dublin, 21
from Swanishoro.tM frftui Wrights
vdle, lti from Ml. Vernon and 10
from Adrian.
As has been stated in this pa
per, ioiu-> of the statements con
tained in the above are doubted,
es|s**'ially tin* value of taxable
property and the population of
the propos.-d new eotintv. —Dub
lin t'ourn-r-Dispuioh.
House* for Kent.
flood Five-Room House with 2
acres of land attached, in Alley.
See .11 .nice D. M. ('t'HUIK,
It 14 Alley. G*.
j Madison, (lu , July Iff.—Hon.
J. Pope Brown, state treasurer,
i made an address to the Farmers'
I’nion of this county yesterday,
.. . - ,
when lie hud something to say
about the grain decision of the
interstate commerce commission.
Mr. Brown read from an Atlanta
paper which stated that Atlanta
would now be able to lay down
| grain at Forsyth, Jonesboro and
other Georgia points as cheap as
.Nashville and that Atlanta and
other Georgia wholesale centers
could enter the territory formerly
monopolized by Nashville.
“As the decision of the com
mission did not decrease any rate,
but increased the rate from Nash
ville so as to equalize it with that
of Atlanta,’’ said Mr. Brown,
‘you may be wondering what
great good --an come to the people
-if Georgia generally from the
\Uantu victory. It is a well
known principle that the consum
er pays the freight.
“Well, it is tin* man who plows!
j the mule that eats the corn who
| will pay for this increase in the
irate on grain. Your oats and
j corn will cost you more in order
that the Atlanta w holesaler may
hove the privilege of competing
with Nashville grain brokers.”
Mr. Brown went further and
declared that the farmers deserv
ed little sympathy for allowing
this state of affairs to arise. The
real cure was for them to g*-ow
their own corn. He pointed to
the famine conditions that were
t hreatened by I lie Georgia railroad
strike, which, he said, would have
been entirely impossible, if tin*
farmers along t lie line had done
their duty and grown their pro
visions at home, lie hoped that
it would not come to I lie pass that
Georgia farmers were a class of!
consumers, and not ot producers'
of anything hut cot ton.*
I Hpt ('tun
We arc glad to say that Mr. F.
M. Gordon, who has been very ill
with typhoid fever for the past
! weeks is improving.
Mr. Fordhmn and son of Vi
. dalia spent one niglir last week at
tin* home of Mr. J. L. Adams,
Mr. and Mrs. J. \Y. M inter re
j turned Monday after spending
| two weeks with relatives at Grass
ton, Ga.
Mr. F. Gordon imtde a busi
ness trip t i Lyons one day last
Mrs. Ambrose George and ehil
>tr*'-n and Mr. Kd Mmcy and wife
spent one day la-1 week at tln
home of Mr. J. R. Conner.
Messrs.ll. L. Smith and Archie
Hester two popular young men of
'lt. Vernon spent Sunday with
friends in our community.
Mr. Lllis Moseley and sister,
M ss l.ourano spent Monday as- j
ternoon at their uncle's, Mr. R
K. Moseley.
Mrs. George* Thompson and
daughter, Miss Ida, of G-nlbey's
mill spent a few days recently
with lmr sister, Mrs. W. F. Con
Mr. and Mrs. (*. Morris spout
Sat unlay night at the home of
Mr. tl. A. Grav near Cedar Cross
i teg.
Messrs. C. P. Moseley and A.
C. Gordon made a business trip
to Mt. Vernon Monday.
Mr. Grover Conner was in Mt.
Verimn Monday. Farmer’s Girl.
A. Is. Lanier,
Attorney at Law,
Will Bract ice in all the Courts of
the State. I
Ailoy Paragraphs.
; StM-rul Corn
Mr. Luther Outler is visiting
relatives in Wrightaville this
Miss Lodn Daniels ->f Dublin is
■ visiting relatives in Aih*v this
Messrs. < Inis. Peterson ami R.
G. .Strickland made a fiyu.g trip
over to Krick last Sunday. They
report a fine time.
MissOppie Lee Fuqua is \isit
iug Ineuds in Erick this week.
Mr. W. J. Peterson, Jr., spent
last Suiidnv in Clu.xtnn.
Miss Eva Mann is the gue-t .ul
I friends here this week.
Miss Kula M- Kiv of Mcßae is
visiting lu-re this week.
Mr. John Hinson was shaking
i hands with friends lu-re Monday.
Mr, and Mrs. .1. p. Long of
Hnliii'a are visiting relatives at
t Ii is place.
Miss Lillie Mae Calle-uu of
Long Pond was in town one day
last week.
Some of the Ailey folks joined
some of tin- Long Pond folks in a
; picnic at Dead river one day last
: w -ek.
Mrs. 11. L. Strickland nnd Miss
Rita Mae Outler are visit ing in
Savannah this week.
Miss Louise Mann of Perry’s
Mill was visit ing relatives in town
last week.
Mr. D. B. Allcorn of Vidalia
was in town one day last week.
Mr. Alex M'-Lnud of Lumber
City was in town recently.
Mr. Clifford Mcßride lias ac
cepted a position with the firm of
K. T. Mcßride & Co.
Miss Fannie Thurmon is visit
ing in Long Pond this week.
Miss Lola McGahee of Towns is
visiting Mr. and Mrs. Chits. Friz
Mr. Leslie Outler of L--iig Pond
is with home folks this week.
Quite a large crowd of young
men from Long Pond and Buck
Horn came up to s- e Alloy cross
! lints with Gleiiwood Monday but
j to our surprise Gleiiwood did not
| a rrivo.
Atlanta, July Iff —Warrants'
charging violation of the state,
pure food laws were issued here
I today against L. 1). Hoppe, presi
dent of the Southern Flour and
‘ Grain t’oinprtny and A. A. Sam
uels, a soft drink manufacturer.
Tin- former is charged with sell
ing oats with which barh-y was
mixed and with selling flour hear
ing a false label. Samuels, it is
alleged, used saccharine in cer
tain drinks which lie bottled.
The warrants were issued at the
instance of Commissioner ot Ag
riculture Hudson.
Mi 1 ledge vi I h*. Ga., July Iff.—
James AI tired, a citizen of thi
place was fatally shot and Patrol
man Jack Roberts was painfully
wounded in an effort to arrest
William Croley. a farmer -if Bald
win eotintv, who came t-> town
Saturday night.
Aldred is dead.
Policeman Jack Roberts, who
was »!n>t through tin* shoulder, is
resting well and will probably re
cover. From evid-nco, it appears
Aldred received a bullet intended
for Roberts. The coroner’s jury
charged Croh'-v with murder and
he is now in jail.
Croley vva- wanted on a minor
charge and it is said tin* olli-*cr
linked Aldred to help him make
ihe arrest. As they atipmach-d
Cr-d-'V. In* lv-gan tiring. Oik* bul
let struck Aldred in the ahdnuicn.
The officer jumped toward Crohn*
■md a second bullet -t ruck him m ■,
the shoulder, going through.
Crolev was then disarmed nnd ;
locked up.
Croley is 50 years of age and is.
i well 'know n.
Good Times
This speaks of the* Good l imes this Fall.
Ash- A .11 to (i-l |;.•}).lt fur I’rosjv roiis Times by
lirint'i ng Tn-ni nil N <>u r Impair Work, such ns
Coffee Mills, Corn Shellers, Ice* Cream
Free*ze*rs, Stove*s, Chairs, (inns, Pistols,
Rifles, Pistols, Lawn Mowers.
Shoes, Harness, Farm Implements, Carts
IhijgU'ies and Wagons
and Made as Good as New.
Have* Your Mule* or Horse* Shod in do
Minutes l>\ liest Smith in the* Country.
\Y ork 11 iiili-C lass and Not on the* Cheap
Plan. Strietlv Cash on l)elive*rv, and All
« «
Work (jluarntee*d.
Will take country produea* at market price*.
x " '
8 "" ■' ' * . «
I; You. (an Fa si I v Operate* %
I c This Tvpewrit(*r Yourself. §
-**■■ ‘ . Dm.'l v .i-r\ >■ it .*.it i < .(iiMiil.*:it. Don't Wl ili* him Aliy hlfina
V- V w ~~' —J. |,.,||.| i; ~11-,: i s liiIII lini.* hi mill that inu.v U-avti ,\i
5I hiin in .1i,111.1 h'* rim'l "iisily 1 i .i-l. »
if Vml 11..11 Mill mil I* .it |... I■■ 1 t.i >• i t 111.-in * i li 1:1 In* “ill iici'nniitK or hnlil
if 11111111, in \• 1 ■.r .. vii I ■nil, ' I' looks h.,.1 1*1*11..-I- ..11 A atauiliiiK. luakM i.i
if Ihi'i!. \. .11 ■ .11'! *i 11, ini a •*. li.ivi. |>lht, III.*: ~ *,!II. linn -.1 111 I >i r ; U> *IIM. •.!
v* Vml can writr .ill \<,ll r 1 :'.*, .Is
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if HU IIISIII'IIII,',* j,o! 1 *l, l , 1 ,** ■ ,111* * '' I & g H V & i.T
a* in. mo- mu I. >-*,,, :,,. 1, . ■ .1* 111. I\g (“ *,'■?
a hotel menu I If
Wi ll in: \ml lie. .1, .»11 ,1 hii',l. 1/
& m* H~f •!*, :u:,| :my IA/ \A/J* ITC I - f
ill.\ .1.11 , 1 ,11 ~11 Jr £
| The Standard Visible* Write*r |
VI Y„.| ~j,n writ, ,11V 1.l III* - lliii:. ■ !"'ir •n il VI.II ,h, urn I.H|>|ICII In have a. (-teiidK- B
j.; I*lll,hr ! l*'**r • .11 ■in , ■ ! h" i. . .Mill :i tit ll* ji.*.ieiii ■*. in writ.* just an raniillv anil jg
r*. :m 1 *el 1 , *l l*. ** :l II **\ 1 1 1 I ' ■ ■, *II h. - Iti.lMU. I**** I<* - I lie 1 ) 1,1 \I. 1 . is Ihe
if suit |ili uI-It\; *■* I : * l l ,* *. ■ W.II-.I \ * *ll writ-. \l".ni XII jmt eent ;,s
AlOl: 1: t>l' i: \CK !: lh:n. . m *ih* r : I »|*H I. I„*. .111-** il ini., ahonl Ml |W*r eeiit -I.KSS
if \V t*- \ Itl S. IIfMS r, h..:> 111 ■ -rl* 1 »|. Ari **l*s. -I mi -*MI to *nt<*
a with than 111 is.* ~ li:* 1 , OUt'lJi \TK I IN I' 111 Ml ,l/A< 'll I Nh>t that i*.*i|i|ire “bn- >■*
if 1....1 i„ ' t,,*hi,;. *■; l.n .... I, , i'* m*: ,:•• .-ml l*.il to im„i:i" J'lnni
1,1:1,*1, Hies Whieh c.n. I.ot h* j, Isll,l to ;,: *v-1 *, *,* ia I s ji;ie* with whi.'li His 1 1*111’OsHi 1 ile &
1., u I ll.* :,1„I|.1 *1 ~~, I ~*■ ~H i . ~!• ■ 1.l /.* ..,*:,.n.*nis , A,*,*|il V.III Inly , xpmis
•;.« ik* 'l'|, I U .11.1 *l, •or- remit : 1 .: „*i*t s t*i i.j,.*i V m .-nil adjust I lie j*
i*i to inA I. e.i1.1.. S|.:i *• ..■■n ■; n wii .• .11l ANY i,,,* size amt thlek- {J
i'l lie., til' !>.. ]l<r.l ~* 11l ■ *lll io 1 1, *kil ■• ■! .■■, * U il" o' ' lie :ti I I' VNY I\l’l.\Sl \I. A i * i._J
V* TA( it Ml A" P Ol* ,|,| ,1,1: 'll w,,lk w i.i he ll* , 1 !■: •■ -anna, le"ih> Hil l cli.*:il . «S
Y! j*,,, ol.tV i.i; i, ■ ~* w ni. ,! . tin ■!,„ .!*, til- 1.1 A\.*l*. the itiKiiiauia,ajsmil.ihi* S
mil eh;Mil. tin* ho* ,| j,: ..|,l i '*l *.* k I.i.m 1.1,*: •10.-x In* * 1 i*i Im. -. Write ua B
now I'm our h ol.:* I oil III* kJMl'l.ll Hill I, .till sol I lie 01,1 \l . 11.
The* Olive r 'fype'writeT Company,
i:; ( liie*a«e), urn.dim: Illinois. *
j- K
Slo.m.W.. iY,Ym.~..A,;.*..m*:,*. *: *.e..o**..,n':.
\\ V sell the Re liable* icecream Fre*ez
e*r, whieh is the most Popedai* on the* Mar
ked and makes the fni(*st le*eere*ain with
one halt the ice* in e>ne* epiarter the time* and
one* e*4»ht the* labor. A i'ive-ye*ar old e liilei
can make* the* heM ie»(*e-rc*aui in live min
ute's. Quarts, 7*> e-ent-; ban i»allons, Si.oo.
Melt A la PRO.
POKER GAME RESULTS IN ' i - ;,m1 ' ha ""“' of
ti.,* |,i:n, is, :i licavv li is“|* ( sturtfil
Albany, Cut.. July -*•. — ■ ' i'UV T!i,‘ slhtilT h with as*
L. H. eT!• *nll "I \\’in’.'X f 'Uiiiy: < u s |t !■> muril- i*. carry*
Marshall li. 11. M<■ I) t ny, ot I. ■ irv. m,< n met a ■ *il u< :i ji<mf, mill as*
(i.i., ami fitirotii, r nv* ; v. r,* ai - - , ; iult :ui<i l,.*it(i*ry, mi four war*
rested toiluy :i< ;i r* -nil "I ;t I« • ><*«ly r ;1 nl * .
! fight in a r«»om in a •<•:•! T*t . T!. r* mi u winch the allcgctf *
iluring tit, lion re ju- afl’-.r :m,l- *_-:;tu.* w in pr.-gr--- was ‘.patter*
liiiuht. .• I with hlniktl. Out-pisUd Imlltrt
J It i j charged that a p *_ut!t* •a. tit* d.