Newspaper Page Text
The Montgomery Monitor.
Increase In
Tax Values.
j i
While the several counties in;
Georgia show a splendid increase
in taxable values, Montgomery s ■
increase is not to lie hooted at.
Tax Receiver W. llenrv Clark
is here this week compiling the
returns for the year, and his
hooks show a splendid increase
in taxable values for this county j
over those ot last year. M iule lie j
lias not. finished up his books, i1
may lie safely said t hat Montgom-j
cry’s increase will run in t he neigh
borhood of half a million.
For instance,the increase m the j
following districts is as follows:!
Mt. Vernon, $711,000; Tarry
town, $12,221; Ijoiigpond, $24,-
<KKI; So pc rton, $12,000: Lot lin ir.
$ IS.tKHi; Alamo, $22,000. While
several of the other districts will I
do equally as well, and the grand
total will lie given later. Mr. j
Clark has proven a very efllcient
oflieer, and to Ins good work is
due much of the increase.
The Dublin Courier-Dispatch i
has Ibe following item concern
ing the new county proposition :;
New county propositions con
tinue to multiply.
The Cleveland < nty proposi
tion, as amended, does not. now,
affect Laurens. It is proposed DC
make this county from parts o!
Montgomery and Kmaimel. 11 is
' ° I
possible, however, that il a favor
able report is made by the com
mitte and the bill gets Indore the
house or the senate, it can bej
amended so as to include some of !
Laurens’ territory.
The M l l ledge county proposi
tion is up again. It is understood,;
Imwwwr. that, there seems to be
no chance for this proposition,
and the people of Adrian will,
largely rely upon the idea of thej
passage two years lienee o( a bill
establishing ten new counties.
It is not believed, however,that
file people ot the state will ever
again pass an omnibus new coun
ty proposition, there being no;
necessity for such a mcasuae.
The latest new county proposi-j
t.iou is to create a new county with
Nichols as the county site, and
taking parts of Coffee, Wan and
Tile committee this afternoon'
will hear from the advocates ol
the county of Milledge, and possi
bly one or two other count ms.
It is understood, however, that
<(, report may not be made lor some
jaoc, possibly not during the pre
i-euiL session of the general asset'll- 1
l ily.
Some of the members of the
committee on constitutional
amendments are m>f in lavor ol
passing favorably any proposition
to amend the constitution, bul
rather desire that a const itui annul
convention lie called.
A Sll b-ei iln ill it te> has been nam
ed Da fake that mat ter into ae
s-ount. .fudge .1. K. Lurch of this
r unity is a member of the -ui>-
Sloultric, Cu.. duly 2. i —Tax
Deceiver d . S. Simmons, of Col
<; litt county has ju.-t completed
footing up the returns for the and announces that theto
t.-.j property ret urned is sl.2 , **>-
gVO. This is an increase of imar
: s%!•).< AMI over the returns for
1; ;t. year. This showing is «---
j> tiallv gratifying as it is made
in the face of the fact, that some
of the largest saw mills of the
eo mty have cut out tit r t imber
ii 1 shirt down since the last re
turns were made. j
At the bust meeting of the City
Cntinctal an ordinance was passed
which practically prohibits the
selling of near boor within the
| city limits. The ordinance had
I not been complied with by the,
two near beer stands in the oit-v,
and they were closed Saturday af
ternoon until the terms of the or
dinance are complied with, which
| means t hat they will remain
{closed if the ordinance is sustnin
i ed in t lie higher courts.
! A legal tight is almost, certain
j to result, as the proprietors of the ;
places, Messrs. \\ . F. \Y ay and
!A. d. Thompson, have both ex
; pressed their Intention of carry
ing the matter to the courts. The
ordinance is similar to one that
lias been passed by several South
! Georgia towns, and so far as we
I have been able to learn it, has
I held good. It is understood that.
| the bent possible legal talent will
Ibe secureil by the proprietors of
j ( In* near beer stands, ami the out- j
iconic will be awaited with much
' interest, bv the people of the city.
| —Too mbs County Local.
Ailcv I’nnigruplis.
| s>f)< Cllll ( J«TPI'CS|>t>HtlCM<’C.
lb v. d. D. l’abiin filled his
.regular appointment here last
I Sunday.
Cftiio a crowd of young folks
I were out driving Sunday after-!
! noon.
I Mr. Gainer Burns of Wrights
f villf? was in town Monday.
Mr. Lewis Koberson and .Miss
Kit a Mac (hitler returned Sunday
; night, from visiting friends am]
! relatives at Dudley.
Mr. Lewis Jtureh has again nc-
I copied a position with tlio firm of
| \V. d. A T. A. I’efersoll.
Gol. lOugene 'l’almadge made a
j living trip to Atlanta lust, week.
The entertainment at the home
!of Mr. A.d. Burch Friday night ;
'was very much enjoyed fiy De
young folks who attended.
Miss Velma McArthur visited!
I relatives at Long Bond last week.
Mr. F. M. Smith ol Lyons was
| mingling with his many friends
here Sunday.
Mr. Howard Mays and wife of
Live (> ik !• la., are visiting ndu
; fives 111 Dlls place.
Miss Fannie Thurmond returned
! Sunday from Long Bond where
'she lias been visiting Imr sister,
j M rs. Ai t Ini r M < *K,
Mr. (Mias. Peterson and little
brother, Bill, visited relatives at;
| Long Bond Saturday, returning i
Mi- s|-s. l-forace Me|more and
Charles Durloo, dr., attended
services here Sunday, botii morn
ing and evening.
Mr. D. S. Williamson of Long
Bond was in town Tuesday.
Guile ami interesting game of,
bail was phi veil bet,ween Alley and
i Thompson-, die Friday, duly 29 I'd.
The score being Id to S in favor
Ld’ Ailey. Although our pitcher
was wild at times, he did Home
good work.
kcinoN ;il S.ilc.
Me- c. W. Fox. tile Mt. Vern
on milliner, will begin closing out
her entire -lock of Millinery. Dry
Goods. Notions, etc., at cost, for
cash, on August Ist. Stock in
clude- an excellent line of this
sea-nil’s goods in the several lines.
A -on good Singer sewing ma
chine, show cases and fixtures, all
for- lie cheap. Purchaser wanted,
for entire -took, or will sell dry
goods and notions in one lot and
miiinmry in another lot. My.
store house, which is the best lo
cal -oil in town, is also for rent.
See uie at once. Mrs. G. \V . I*ox,
Mt. Vernon, Ua.
Douglasvi 1 le, (ia., .Inly 21. —On
Friday, duly HO, the Thirtieth
Georgia regiment <>l Oonlodernte
veterans will hold its annual re
union at Doiiglasv l l|e and a large
crowd is expected to lie m at
The -‘Bloody Seventh” Georgia
regiment will also unite with the
Thirtieth in making this a gala
Committees have been appoint
ed to look after the various do
i tails of the day and an excellent
, program has boon prepared.
Welcome address Mayor
Hutcheson, with response hv
members of the regiment, and
a n add ivss by (lolonel A . .1. \\ cst ,
m" Atlanta, will be the main
features of tho program.
Dalton, (ia., duly 20 —The
officers can find no t race of Hogan
Cadi* the negro confined in Wlnl
field county jail for attempted as
sault, who together with two oth
er negroes, saved his way to li
iberty early Sundy morning. The
cell contained three negroes be
sides these, who aroused Slierilf
Gilbert and put liitn on the track
of the escaped prisoners.
The negroes who escaped told
tne prisoners who remained that
they were going to Chatsworth,
and Sherilf Gilbert, after getting
this information, started in pur
How the negroes secured the
saw which made their escape easy
is not known. They only sawed
t hrough the bars of the cell, but
tiiey made a small hole in Dm
outer brieK wall.
Vienna, fin., .July 27. —-I A.
! Smith, a near-beer dealer, was
tried here today in Ihe city court
for violating t he state prohibit ion
law. A number of witnesses tes
tified that the article . sold by
i Smith would produce drunken
ness and he was lound guilty.
Judge Henderson imposed a line
of sl,oot> and a sentence of six
months in jail.
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Mrs. Kudv of Harrolton, <ia., i« i
visit mi/ ' h<» fnmily of Ifr. .1. <
I»r*• wi <»ll of tin; I.R. I. Hijm week
She is remcm he red l»y mini v
friends in Ml. Vcriioii, ns having
resided at Hie Institute during
prof. Eady’s memherslup in tiiei
facility last year.
Mrs. (I. A. l{.aok|ey apd children
of Kathleen are visiting relatives
in Mt. Vernon ami Longpond this
Mrs. \j. C. Underwood ret timed l
Sunday from Savannah, ati<l her
friends will he glad to learn that
she is nni'di improved in health, j
Mr. T .1. Mcßae is visit ing r»d-1
utives and frieru|s in South Earn--
lina tins week, and will irfoLahly .
enjoy the niiteli iiee<|e<| rest lie «•* |
Rev. IK K. Rainier of the Atl
ventiHt elnireh delivered two ser
nions at the court house in tins
place Snndav, morning ami even
ing. l»v Ins earnest and st raighf- ;
forward manner he impressed his
From Mrs. Fox’s reading notice,!
it will he seen tjiat she intends 1
selling out. at cost. Call on her
fur Bargains in millinery, etc.
Registered Berkshire pigs for
sale. Readv for delivery. Write
J e
Lawson E. Brown, Sundersville
» i
,1 c oltimbiis, Da., July 2C> —M.
,j \. Garrett, president of tie*
. Plumbers’ Inion.aiid Dari Don per
. and J. B. Forties, two other
, plumbers, wore arrested to-day
. on warrants sworn out by J. \\
iTumlin. president id’ Die Master
t j Plumbers' I’nion, charging I hem
. | with intimidating a workman,
i The men gave bonds and their
Ipreliminary trial was fixed for
. to- morrow.
I With this exception Dm plum
j hers’ strike, which lias been in
i progress Imre for several davs, him
■ ! been wit bout incident .
I Tifton, (la., duly 2fi. --Night
1 Officer (1. 10. Montgomery, of the
| Tift on police force, was shelf and
, I severely wounded bv a negro bur
.'glarDns morning before dawn. ,
Montgonmrv was making his
'usual rounds, mid was going down !
'the alley between Main 11 11 d Iblil
I road streets. As lie was passing
, j the re,*i rof ( In* dry goods st ore of
11. Nat linn, lie was fired upon
’ 1 from tbe doorwux. the bullet tak-
I ing effect in Ins right shoulder.
! inflicting a liesli wound, which is
not dangerous. Three shots were
j fired, only one tuk ing effect.
Montgomery did not. sen the
; burglars until lie was fired on,and
does not know how many there;
were or whether they were while
or colored. Others, however, saw
men running from tlm rear of tie
store, and afterwards heard
them driw away.
An entrance was ofi'oetod by
prying loose one of the lower win
| dow bars, and raising Ilm sash.
I The storn entered was vacant, but
j then* is a doorway eniiiiiiuiima-;
I ting wit !i tlm mm occupied by Mr.
I Nathan. Parts of 1 1 1 r<• sails of
(dot lies aml seiim hats and shoes
'and probably other goods were
taken from tlk- s• ore.
The tracks of Dm buggy were
followed and two negroes have
been arrested on suspu ion.
1 Mins Daisy MrSwitm i>i i "'I
through - Mi. Vernon rtlay < n
j roiit.u to \|<-Ua-, w1 1 <• hli*• is i*m
! j»t <*>■<*<l Mm. M . I*.
ton, t li<- in 1 11 111 •;r.
j Mr. ami Mix. A. S. 11 nil of
Janksonvil m, I' la.. loft y sti-nlay 1
lor t lif i r homo uft.iT viitiii'i r«*la
tlVOHIII tills IMMIIIt-y, Ml'S. lint)
lining a «|;iii”!il l r of Mr. ami Mr-
T. If. A<lanis.
Mrs. Christ in,i Bright of Alamo
|rauio ovi-r 'l'n<■Inv ovonuig ami
i k|■ 11 1 t Ins iiinit 1 with ia-r Irii-ml,
M i’h. 15. K. II
Mr. ami Mrs. John M. Hugh' -
|s|Mmt, Iho luttor iiiirl of lasi w-ot
with ri-lat i\<*s at (aalar Crossing.
Mokkim. .1. VVinlo ami Tom C
Johnson of \ idalia w -ro Imsim-s.
I visitors to Mt. Vomoii vostorday.
j * *
Miss |«'loro|i(v Hogan ol Clax-
I lon, who Lia- lioon v-ming 1.1 1 • -
family of Mr. K, C. MnAIIDI'T of
l.onpoml, i- aim; uj» Tm-silay to
visit t-lm lamily ol Dr.J. <l. 15roa -
ton. Sho was aooonipanioij hy
Miss (•’carl MoAllistcr, who spoilt
tho day in Mi. \ onion.
Mrs. W. U. Kont is visiting
lutivos amt Irmmlx in iJoxtor, to
remuiii for anot tior >voof,,
Mr. John Ifiiiron of liriok spout
Monday morning horo.
Dr. Charlos Moliaoof Itocholio
was a Visitor ln.-ru Lius woyk.
Memphis, Tenn., .Inly ‘27.—At
tt>r wiM'ks of search, I'nilcd Stales
. secret ser\ iff I>|||>|';|||\VS, connect
. i'll with (hr postoHi I • p:I I't lin'llt ,
:ilTrs|r,| hrrr eai'U today l'Yank
Warren, :il i;is h'rankly ii. alias
‘• 11 and-and 11 a If" Is 'll v, oiii 1 of
t lii l most' notorious postntlim roll
hors in ill' 1 onuiilrv. alnny with
W . T. Noakos, ami a woman
elaiminy to ho Mrs. Noakos, all
Ihr if whom al'o alleye,'l by till
loiloral ollioors to ho wanted for a
sorios ol snooossf ii I post.nllioo I'oli
ho i*ios t hi’o ll oliont Kentucky, llli
: nois, Ohio and Indiana.
I Tim trio was looatoil in a resi
! donoo in an eastern siilinrh o| t |io
oil y, anil was Hiirroiimloil hy t h<•
poslal aillhoritios with Iho aid ol
Iho Memphis pnlioo, A man anil
a woman, who worn also badly
; wanted, escaped. A laryo <|iuuit i-
I v of stamps in shoots wore found
soorotoii in a hod room.
fiil I i 'ol I<M | M >1 1« 1 4 ■ lift*.
Wo are sorry to stale Miss ,\h
hie I'onnor is very siok. Ilopi
she will soon roooyor.
Mr. A ((lord hi and family
spoilt, olid lltylll last, week 111, 1.110 |
homo of Mr. A. K. I iordon.
I >r. aml M rs. U. II Moldoy
J were callers at, the homo of Mr.
('. K. (lordon Monday afternoon.
Mr. I*. M. Moso|oy and family
wore visitors at Mr. W. It. Jones
.•sal unlay.
M rs. Mary Morris spent last
'Thursday with parents Mr. and j
Mrs. (J. I’. Moseley.,lie Mass Annie |,oo (iordon
is very ill at this writing. We]
: hope 1,0 see her out again soon.
Mr. K. M i iordon is st ill very
ill, lull lie is iin provi my a lilt In.
Mr. Milton M oseley oa II all lie
' home of his uncle, Mr. (I. \‘.
Moseley Monday all ornoon.
Tim Itaplist, protracted meetmy,
o|os"d at (ledar (trussing Sunday
<1 ior) 1 1 . They received into I heir I
ohliroh SIX I V-se ye| i liminh-'l's.
riiirly-si.v of tlo'iii were baptized
and l lie remainder went in hy |et
! tor. Karim r’s (Jirl.
From Snniis.
Tpt fj;tl ( <n i ■ ni»i»inlfiif,f»
Wo roe rot, to a n non iioo that
I’rofosHor Smith, who was to have j
tanylit t lie sinyiny school at, t his
place, will not, lie aide to accept
lor this 1 1 rm, luiv my other i nynye
men Is. We Iru -l that, we may
have him in t lie future.
Most o! our larmoft have finisli
ed layinyhy their crops lor this
season, and sonic of them now
liinl l inn- to worry tln lull.
Tile Sardis hoys will meet the
Mal’le hoys in a detail <• at, I lie
lirnce seined In also I hur-May
Sunday school at Sardis last
: ,ildi,it h was well attended and
enjo'. 'd hy all present.
Itev. Kohert soil will (ill Ills I'ey
ular a ppoi nt men I, at, Sardis next
Sat urday and Sumla v.
||oy. T. 15. Winha m has ret lim
ed home Iroiu Macon, where In*
attended a con volition ol I In-
Kariners’ I nion.
Mr. Rea-<• .Jordan has returned
lioni*' from a Inp lo New York
and 'it ln*r point s.
Mi-sos Treva and Vera Winham
are visiting relatives in laiuroiis
county this we*-k.
The crops in this sect ion sir"
still loukiny well, and lie- farmers
are very much cncuitruycd at the
prospect fora rich harvest in the
full. We especially hope that
colton will briny a fair price.
Young America.
(iamb tor's Pistol
Again Fatal.
Houston Melton, a negro well
known i n Ih is sect ii in, was shot to
I deal hata tn* camp iin the t Seie
:ia iV l*'londa 1 iv,, south of this
place, last Sunday mommy, and
aoonrdmy to reports lirouyht Imre,
In* mot his death at tin* hands of
l ot Imr negro yam biers. The most
plausible reports sav that Mol).in
had won the money, and that Ins
dealhat the hands of throe oth
ers of Ins race was in the form of
I revenge, accompanied by a rogu
lar yainhlmy row
lb* was badly shot up, and the
|ot her neyroos made good t heir
escape, ami as yet have not been
hoard from. The ill-fated imyro
w as a son of old “Aunt fat harmo”
j Hamilton, a well known imyro
woman ul this place, and his re
mains wore hmuylit up hero for
intoriii"iit Monday atlcrnonn.
i Thus l In* work goes on,in l lie face
,of I lie fact I hai we have laws
jagainst carrying revolvers and
Atlanta, Ha., July l’7.—With
no mil in the common school tuml
a11d with very moderate necessary
| increase in the state's elonnisy
uarv institutions, and a nominal
increase in sonic of the branches
d t he university system,! lie house
j approprial inns committee expects
In he able lo show a material do
j arcane in the cost, of runniny the
stale's government lor 11)10, as
I eonipa red wil Ii I DO 1 ,).
There w as a meet my of the erun
, milt"o this all ei'ii'ion devilled
mainly to the common schools,
j with ii hot conli'Sl bet ween those
j who advocated a ipiurter of a mil
lion increase in the appropriat inn
next year and those coni end'd
Ihi I 11 mid ition of l Im finaoees
would not stand an incroase.
I'huirmin hums made prelimi
nary si at omniit, i u wiiieh lie ahnw
md that retrenchineiii was imccs
sarv, I Imre not hemy more thin
enough money in sight to provide
for the necessary expenses ni the
i slate, even if llm ways and means
1 coniuiillee dul succoeil in raising
(something additional from spu*
|oin I lax'-s. which was doubtful.
I.aier Im was asked lo take Iho
Hour and make an additional
slati'incnt, at which time Im <|e
: declared t hat if I lie tpicstiou ol a
million increase demanded was
yr.anled, Im did not know where
llm iimni'v would conic from.
I 1 was finally decided that tin*
appropriation for |‘J|(l should re
; main at s2,^* r )<l.00i), the saiim as
Hi is y< ar.n m I t Inti llm hind should
I lie made .f'J.oIHI.IMKI lor I'JII. The
! district agricultural schools were
eiven a coniinyent increase nf
I'll" I'vmimiltc would have finish*
ed ii-, work ibis alli'iiioon and
hay" been ready In report- bad it
not been lor llm insi-teimc ol Mr.
Hall, ol llihli, who uryi'd licit,
there should h" no increaso any
i where and that a reconsideration
I should he had of all th" increases
crantod. Another iiieet-imy will
have to he held to Imal' Ills 111011
II imi for a reconsideration.
I'lm house const it iinonal amend*
meniH commit tee report uufavor
;-j 1 y i In- hill of Mr Davis, of
Dnughtcrv, calling for a const*-
tul iomil convent ion to consider a
i reform of l In* tax system.
The house HI scud judiciary
1 com mit tee aeted favorably upon a
, Pill of Mr. Kilts, of l.ibh, autlior
| izmy the ninvor and couiK'il of
; Macon I i "lose and sell certain
streets and alleys, ami a billot
Mr. McCarthy, of Chatham, b»r
biddlliy the lll.erferelice of city
l employes nt the polls ju cit ies of
j more t huu &JXJO.
NO. ii