Newspaper Page Text
Liquor Claims
Another Victim.
•* , i
Advices from Savannah state
that James Giilisof Alamo died
in a hospital there Tuesday after
suffering for several weeks from
the effects of jvottnds received in a
row at Alamo some weeks ago. llis
remains were returned to Glen
wood yesterday and laid away.
While it is impossible to give j
the details of t he affair, it will he
recalled that three men were ac
cused of the fatal cutting of the
young man—Sunny Gillis, Ik* .
Walker find l) L. Gillis, the two!
former being brothers-in-law and j
cousins of the dead man. Those j
men waived preliminary trial,
gave bond, and since til*' cutting
have been at or near Alamo, all
of them being residents of that
section of the county.
tiillis, the dead man, was about
twenty-six years of age, and well
known in the county.
Telephone communication with
the ind) yesterday morning indi
cated that they were willing to
come to Mr. Vernon and await
indictment, by the grand jury, to
convene here in less than three
weeks, and they were expected on
tic afternoon tram yesterday.
Thus, it may be said again,!
that another life has been sacri
ficed to the cause of liquor, for
such is said to have been the case;
and our county has another black
mark to record, and her taxpayers
required to furnish money to sup
port the mockery of a trial in the 1
At the present rate of opera- ;
tion, our county will have to en- :
large her accommodations for
those accused of crime, particu-l
lary those classes of crime known !
as murder and manslaughter. A
little sprinkling of justice now j
and then would help the cause '
is given in full.
At considerable cost,, 'Pile Moni
tor has secured f r its readers a i
complete account, written Gy Dr-:
Cook, of his travels in the frozen;
regions and his remarkable find- 1
ing of the north pole. This mat-1
ter, which is historical, scientific
and full of interest, is embraced
in thirty columns, including many j
superb illustrations, and will be
given in this paper during the
next six weeks.
Dr. Cook has established him
self in the belief of the American
jieoplo as the real discoverer of
the north pole, as is eleariy borne ,
» out by his vivid account, and Ins
manly bearing in the face of the
bitter accusations on the part of
his opponents; and while we can- 1
not add anything to the settle
ment of the controversy, we feel
sure Dr. Cook’s splendid story
will prove a small education to
tnose who read it. The first of
the series began in the last issue.
Watch for it each week.
JS,S(MK) Reward.
I will pay 150.00 for the arrest
ami detention ot Blanton Howard
unti l I can take him in custody.
Wanted tor the killing of Man
ning Koskov at Troup’s Ferry in
Montgomery county. On., Oct. Is.
1009. Was reared in Laurens
comity; about 24 years old; dark
complexion and gray eves; lame
in one hip from rifle wound; and
weighs about 1510 pounds.
Notify Jas. Mustek,
8 tier ill' Montgomery County.
.Mr. Vernon, Ga.
I will be prepared to accommo
date court visitor- with lodging
(rooms only) during court weeks.
Engage -onms early. Mrs. Janie
Mcßae, Mt. Veruon, Ga.
First entertainment of the sea
son at U. B. Institute tomorrow
vvning (Friday) S o'clock.
Sit? ffUmtiutnuTy iHmtitmL
There will he Epworth League
| services at Glenwood next Sunday I
night at 7 p. in., under the man- 1
ageinent of the 4th Vice-Presi- i
dent. Services will be conducted
at the Methodist church. The
! subject will bo Tithing. The pub
lic is cordially invited.
1 . |
Following is a list of the juries!
drawn for the November Term of j
Montgomery Superior Court:
1 (1 W Mclntyre D O Calhoun
.1 J Calhoun E C McAllister
! D S McArthur W A Conner
W P Calhoun J. 1 .McKay
P. F Conner A K Davis I
J C Flanders K .1 Weils
.1 W WardhGv .1 T Ge g *r
L E Avant Uriah Scars,
1 \\ L Snow H D Let*
J K Mcliae Jno. W. Morrison, Sr.
, D D Gillis . 1) G Anderson
M L O’Brieti J A Riddle
0 D Williams Willie McArthur
D S Williamson C B Warnock
W T Adams A II Johnson
H G Mi mbs G C Keen
E S Gibbs A W Clements
W F McVay U A Dukes
T J Mcßae A MeCrimmon
jj F Danniel J 11 Conner
\V B Green way C B Browning;
David Miller AJ Copeland
,1 L Calhoun Willie Auldmon i
M L Purcell W II Clark
jC L Hamilton J L Mimbs
W C Browning J J Frost
I W C Futroll L H Hyals
I A D McGowan W A Peterson
R T Grafton B H Atchison
! J L Adams L A Hattaway
jjR Martin W N Clark
! J LI Hudson (< L Adams
j G I Radford D E Walker
J W Fhnrpe, Jr. Ben Gillis
; W R Meeks J Ft Aukl
! W C Holder A A Galbreath j
Samps Dixon J E Tharpe i
vV O Harrelson W. E Wright
D E Palmer Geo L Hughes!
;J C Meadows J C Harbin;
| W T Kinchen T N Griffin |
i F Lee Mcßae Ira Thigpen ;
; W A Clark WB Smith I
W I* Lord S L Sharpe j
jF B Mcßride N A Downi*
! J M C Truett W A Braswell
| Jno W Mclntyre S W Hughes j
J C Patterson G VV Wright
|G W McCritnmnn Id W Cauid' i
J J McArthur W J Iligg*
J S Sharpe R K Moseley
J L Morrison F B Keen
Wallace Moses G VV Hamilton
W L Calhoun C O Hightower
LI K Cock field ' J R Fisher I
J 0 Johnson G 1, Peterson
E T Mcßride J J Davis
J 1 Mitchell G W Sharpe
N J Vaughan Duncan Morrison
VV’ B Snow Jno D Johnson
II J P urser L T Thigpen
VV P Stevens C G Hightower
F M Mcßae Aligns Morris;
Swaiusboro, Ga., October 12. j
—The Methodists here last night
closed a meeting of three weeks’
duration. The first week the ser
vices were held in evening only
and these were conducted Gy the
stewards ot the church, Messers.
G. M. Heath, L. S. Proctor, W
(). Sanders, George Rountree,
Lester Ponder and Col. J. A
Smith. The second week’s ser
vices were conducted by the pas
tor. Rew. J. T. Ryder, relieved the
latter part of the week by Presid
ing Elder L. J. Ballard, while the
!a-t week was tilled with many
able sermons from Rev. Mr. Tin
lev of Helena.
■ Just what you need in littl*
boys’ hats and caps will be found
iat Mr-. J. L Adams’.
First Lyceum
I . .
[ On Friday evening, <>• t. 15, at
j 8 o’clock, The Hearons Sisters
Concert Co. will give the first i
number on tin* ly< emirs** in
the Chapel at the l nion Baptist ;
1 list It ill e.
The company comes to the In-!
! statute highly recommended, Gy j
j individuals and by the press. |
Each member of the company is
• an art ist, and dues work of a high I
I order. Very successful work du’r
j ing 11)*> past season has given theinj
i a good reputat ion among the first- 1
j class lyceum attractions.
Doers of good music should
: avail themselves of the opportune !
1 1v of hearing this compuifv. The
; price for students will lie twenty- .
live cents and for others, fifty J
j cents.
City 'Fax Notice.
Ad valorem taxes dm- tie* City
jof Mount Vernon for tie* year
I Dot* are due and payable, and
‘tax payers are requested to make j
! immediate payment to tin* Clerk I
lof the Council, else proceedings j
. will issue as the law directs under
tin* charter. This the sth day of j
October, FJO'J. By order of ihe
City Council .Mt . Vernon, Ga.
.1.-C. McAllisrer,
’ : . :■ ‘ 'f f|./ L f- Y %-b%■ < pf|gpf|
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A good coin’s** of Iveeum attrac
tions is indispensable for any
community that wishes to make
progress educatioiialy. The at-;
tractions for Ibis season at the
I . B. Institute have been selected
with great care, and at a heavy i
cost. Tin* community is urged t<>
i help us keep up these attraction
jby at lending them. It will be a
i feast, to you and u lu-lp to u-
We have hist on each company;
1 before. Won’t you help more Ibis
year? There will In* five attrac
tions this season. Students and;
lather children under 15 years will |
be charged 25 cents for cadi at
tractions, and adults .>0 cents.
The first of the series will be
.given Friday night, the loth, at t*
; o’clock. The celebrated Hearons
Sisters will *giv*» this entertain--
1 incut. This is a concert company,'
singing, reading and stringed in '
struments. A great mind and I
soul feast, is offered you bv tins
! company. Remember the date,
15, at s o’clock p. m.
.1 . 0. Bfewton,
i ,S**rvices w>*r<* bebl for til*- j»ris
j oners in the county jail in Mt.
j Vernon last Sunday afternoon by I
| Rev G F. Austin.
Barrett Says
It's "Bluff.”
Allanta. u *t. 11. Declaring
'tin- threat ing cirrtailmcut of the
! out put by the enllon mills on ae-
J count of the high price of cotton,;
only a “Inimorous iilutV,” Pivsi
! dent Charles S. Barrett of the
j Farmers’ l niou today issued an
aildress to the members of I Ins
association, urging them to ludd
I their crop for higher ju ices,
'which, la* sa\'s. are sure to come.
lie asserts that I In* cotton mills
; have made fabulous profits during
i the era of low cotton, and that it
is now time for tho farmers to get
i fair price fur 1 heir out put. At
15 cents a pound, lie savs, tie*
I cotton mills can g"t a fair return
I on t heir invest nient*.
lb* advises the farmers to con-
I'inne raising a diversified crop
liud t lius e| itn inute the necesisty
jof sel 1 1 ng all lln -1 r cotton a t once
to buy supplies, lie states that
tin* fanners have already sold
sufficient cotton to pav all press
; nig claims, and can now afl'ont
'l i hold for a rise, even it that
! period is as long as two or three
| iriohl hs.
Ladies', misses' and children's
! rsady-t'ij-wear lulls in tin* latest,
shapes and styles. Mrs. .1. L.
! Adums.
Hpi i-iiil f'm i t npfhdll’liim*.
Mr. and Mrs. Walac** Moses are
all -miles over the arrival of a
five * >n Gy boy.
Mr. VVyJly Adams and sister,
Mis.- LoHie, wi re in Ml! Neriion
shopping last S it unlay.
| We arc indeed glad to say that
[Mrs, L. N. Barlow is still improv
1 mg.
W'( arc sorry to sav that John
nie Moseley, tie* sou of Mr. .1. W.
Moseley, is very ill. But we hope
to see him out again soon.
We are glad to sav tlial th<-
■rail is laid within a mil** of this
i place.
• Mr. W A. Conner and wife and
Grover Conner and wife spent one
day last week in Ail«-y.
Mr. .Malcolm Ryu Is spent a f**w
.days in our community recently.
We sympathize very much with
the bereaved family of Mr. and
Mrs. J. W. Gordon in the sad
(death of tle-ir daughter, Miss
Lizzie, who dc-il Sunday morning
•tt two o'clock. She was laid to
rest in tin* family cemetery near
her home Monday evening, She'
is gone but not fnrgotton —in
‘memory still she lives.
, Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 14. Before
Judge Charlton, in Savannah to
day, will begin the legal light of
S. G. Me London, former chair
man of the Georgia railroad com
mission, to regain Ins place l>\
ousting Joseph 11. Gray, of Sa
yan null. named as his successor
Sincii Ih<* legislature wrote its
approval on the action of former
Governor link’** Smith in remov
ing Mr. McLendon from tin* com
mission, tho former In-ad of the
commission hits been rest ing quiet
tv at his home in this city. Fori
sev‘*ral weeks ho Inis suffered!
imirli rheumatism, the trouble 1
that years ago left him a praeti
ca 1 cripple.
Following the appointment of
Mr. Gray by Governor Brown, Mr.
McLendon instituted quo warran
to proceed mgs before J mlge Charl
ton, in Savannah, tin* home of
Coiuinissumer Gray. Mr Gray
is called on to show cause whv in*
is holding oil ice and why In* should
not surrender it. t<* tin- plaintiff
It will be contended t but Mr.
McLendon is sitll legally entitled
io tin place, anil tlial C.onmis
sioner < i r.iy has no right to the
Mr. Mel ,<>ndon will be repre
sented by Candler, Thomson A
flirseli, of Atlanta, and several I
; ex- justices of tin* slat** supreme.
L*oiirl. Commissioner Gray will
! la* represented by Hitch »V Den
mark and Judge Peter M -hlnm
\h it. is a personal suit between
the part i**s at interest., the state !
will take no part in thecas*'.
M. McLendon left for Savannah j
! Tuesday night, and will **•* pres
ent. during the hearing >»l tin* j
' ease.
i . I
Teachers’ Institute.
lie* next annual session of tie*
Montgomery Count y Teachers’ In- 1
j statute will he h»*lil in Mt . Vernon
'October 25 to 20 inolusivo, UNV.t,
All the teachers employed to tench
1 in I lie public schools of t It** county
vill he required to attend this |
I nstit ut.e I lie full t irtie.
Tie* trustees ami patrons '
i urged t* > attend ibis [nsliliite as i
olleii a- llu-y possibly can.
All tie* schools of the county
, will open on the first day »! No
; veuiher. Term s> ven montlis.
Reaped I’u 11y,
A. B. 11 111 dies,lll >
0. S C. M. C. ;
Revival servicim now in progress i
ul Ail**y. Services at II a. in. ami
7p. in. Mr. M. J. Barrett is
leading the chorus.
1 The Panic is Over! |
W fry
cvj ohm, ami money more p;<*nt ifill than ever, we note with Cy
pleaHiire t In* umiiherof new account- that nr** fro
fr* lining op**liP(|. We’ve opened more Kit
j 3 new account)* Mine** Sept. I than 27
j 25 ever before in lie- hiiiim
fr# period <d time 8j
p Let This be Your Invitation
So to open mi account with u- it you have ii**v«*r tie lore done g*
?2 mo. W<- will appreciate it, an*l you will nppr late fc*
frZ it, when you have tried tn* it while *3
S If You Have a Deal in Prospect g
C<# ryi
I and have not enoucli lummy to -wing it, call on m*. We fiS
will help you out. We are now making loan- je|
due in in tin lull of lillO
Mt. Vernon, (ia.
Abundant Law;
No Enforcement.
in v*>!iiin**, (leurgia has nn
i abundance of law—so much that
• Mir state printer can scarce!y ret
Milt, | 111* |>l*. ‘<l il|o>* of Olio SeSSIoH
•of i lie General Assembly hclme
janother is at hnii'i—lull wlioii it,
iconics to tlo* eiiloreenielit of 1 1■ ■ r
si atutes, Georgia is a \\■ -nk. niom
-1 her.
Tins state of a Hairs may exist
in otlior states, Imt thut is tint
our funoi'itl. H’e will do well to
loud a hr* 1 1»i no; limiil toward tin-*
j enforcement of law and ordor in
our midst ; and it should be tin*
duty of i vory citizen, in his state
; and county, to it|dtold t ile law,
(•Veil though it may be ilisutlieient
lor t lie [> 1 1 r||oSo 1 111 ei|(|ei I . 1,1.
its weak points he toned up by m
! creased moral «taminu.
r Ildar tin* nipt ion of “A lamia
l/iw,"lhe Kit zii era Id Daily News
has t he fol lowing pointer :
In the ()rdini ry s ollii a may ha
found bright lirms measures from
gill to gallon In1111 d measure and
from «|ii nrt to half bushel dry
I measure, They set there year at
ter year—silent tokens ol a lam
law on a most important subject.
In this county they have never
j been used null 111 lll'ikl ot I lie
i‘ounties,of tin* slate they hay*
nor been used in may years.
i \\'e dale say there is not anoth
er lull measure, drv or liipiid, in
the city, either in i» s•• or lor sale,
and what is t rue in Kit zgeral in
i lint respect, is true m every otic r
city in tie- stale.
• Not 'hat the merchants are dis
honest — for not one 111 a dozen ev
! er stops tot hiuk or to invest igate.
; They buy the measure they use
i without, a thought of the question
of full or short measure. Indeed,
what would become ol the -erup
| ii lons merchant whose competitors
all use the short measures?
It is not, so much ii huitter of
'dishonesty as it. is a iamo law.
| The present law put is u premium
on dishonesty. I'nder its inforce
! incut, if it should ever lie itiforo
; i-d the holiest niereluiid would la*
•nt irelv at the mercy ol Ins less
j serupulotiH competitor.
l ie' law should provide for the
list, ol measures and scales ot
! every merchant who sells hy the
j gallon, bushel, pound or yard, ill
J least t wice each year nt u time to
mi i t the ollieer and Without not r*e
ini lie dealer. And it should be
clad ■ a enme for any dealer to
! keep or have about bis place ot
business any measure not, up to
1 I lie si a uda I'd.
Such a law is needed to promote
. tlie spirit of honesty more tlniit
! for the protection ol the buyer.
1 The buyer often gets an offset m
; a cut in prices, but a law tlint.
permits tic deception is u bid tor
■ "heats and Ilueves.
Let, the law be repealed or
a ne nih d !
NO. j;