Newspaper Page Text
Boston, Oct. 10. — In cotton
producing ami selling centers the I
claim is made that the present
curtailment movement is largely
an attempt to hold down prices nt
the staple. The officials of the
operatives’ unions in several New
England cities profess to see in
the campaign an attempt to avoid
an advance in wages, but *he
officials of the Arkwright Club
deny that the wage question has
anything to do with their exist
ing plans.
The cotton mills of New Fug
land, including yarn mills, em
ploy upwards of hands.
This gigantic movement, horn
of unrest >f long-standing, is in
progress throughout the leading
cotton textile districts of the
world looking towards a general
curtailment of production during
the remaining months of tins year
and in 1910. The principal rea
sons advanced for the movement
are the gradual increase in the
cost, of raw material and the fail
ure of • lie dry goods markets to
respond in away winch would
assure cont inued profit, to manu
facturers during the next twelve
Jn Lancashire the yarn spin
ners have heen running 1 heir mills
on short time for two months,
and recently many other English
mill owners voted to shut down
two days each week until Novem
ber 8.
On September lb, the Ark
wright Club of host,on represent
ing 14,000,000 out of 17,000,000;
spindles in New England sent out
to all the cotton mills in this
district, which is second in the
industry to Lancashire, forms of ;
an agreement for signatures for a
curtailment. The investigations,
of the executive committee of this
■ club convinced it, that no dif
ficulty would be experienced in
securing the signatures represent
ing 7,000,tKK) spindles.
The proposition calls for the
suspension of the work for 224
working hours between tlm date
of the agreement and August. I.
11l JO, to become effective when no
less than 7,'«•*',(Hkt spindles have
been signed up. Reports from
different, sections of New England ?
indicate that, the proposition of j
the Arkwright Club is meeting
with an encouraging response.
Such a curtailment., however, is,
not likely to become effective in
tins state in the immediate fu
ture, as many of the mills that
w ill sign an an agreement, will be
unable to till present orders with
out. steady running until well into,
The Rhode Island and Fall
River manufacturers are, as a
rule, willing to curtail production
providing that they are not railed
upon to withhold goods while out
side centers continue to run in
The curtailment is of great in
terest in New Bedford and other
places, where flu- operatives have
been refused a restorat ion of a I<>
per cent, cut in wages, made in
1908. It is suggested that if the
New Bedford manufacturers are
in sympathy with the ffit-dny clos
ing movement, the elfect ol a
strike in that city would lie par
tially nullified.
The curtailment lias also been
taken up by the southern cotton
mill owners. Yesterday the board
of governors of the American
Cotton Manufacturers' Asso
ciation at a meeting in Charlotte,
N. C., adopted resolutions setting
forth their claim that the present
disparity between the price of
cotton and cotton goods precludes
the possibility of the successful
operation of southern mills. A
committee was appointed to for
mulate a curtailment agreement,
which every mill in the south will
he urged to sign.
There is little doubt but that
the Farmers’ Union and other
farmers’ organizations in the cot
ton states will take up the quest
ion of curtailment, and a vigorous
protest is expected.
An Ordinance.
Be it therefore ordained, by the.
Mayor and town Council, of the
City of Mount Vernon, in Council
Meet ing Assembled, that from ;
and after the adoption of this Or-'
dinaiiee, it shall be unlawful for
any bog, or number of hogs, or:
goats to run at large on the streets!
of the City ol Mount Vernon, any ;
where within the Incorporate;
Limits of said City, sooth of the,
Seaboard Air Line Railway and
that after the loth day of Octo
ber, I'.HBI, lie* marshal of the Cit\
of Mount Vernon shall beau
thorized to take up and impound |
any hog or goat that he may find
running at large in the streets of |
the City of Mount Vernon, within ;
the Incorporate Limits, south of
the Seaboard Air Line Railway, j
as aforesaid, and after impound
ing said hogs or goats, he shall!
advertise the smile for ten davs,i
at three or more public places
within said City, giving a full de
scription thereof, after which the |
said hogs or goats will lie sold at
pulic outcry to the highest bidder;
for cash, before the court house;
I in said city, and the proceeds nr-:
rising from said sale shall lie ap-1
propnnted to pay tin* expense ol
! keeping and feeding said lings or
i goal s.
That the rate lor feeding said
lings or goats per day shall lie as
follows: For each year old hog
or goat, :i(> cents per day, for en *li
six niontii old hog or goat, or less
than six month old, 10 cents per
day, and t,he fee for impounding'
| shall be 2b cents lor each hog or J
goat*. If from the sale of said!
1 hogs or goats, after t hey have been ;
advertised as aforesaid, there
should be a balanee after paying!
all costs, the same shall be paid
to the Treasurer of said City, and
; t.hen applied as the Council may
l direct..
Re it ordained furt her that the
owner of the hogs or goats im
pounded by the Marshal may at
any time before the sale thereof,,
redeem said animals by paying all
the costs, and take possession of,
the same,
, Be it further enacted by the
| Authority aforesa id that tin* a hove I
and foregoing ordinance shall be-;
jeome operative and go into full
force and effect, on and after t h<-
Ibtli day of October, 1909.
Be it, ordained and enacted by
the'rown Council, ol the City of
Mount, Vernon, in Council meet
ing assembled, that on and ulter
the loth day of October, 1909,
that, no citizen within the Incor
porate Limits of the City of
Mount. Vernon, south of the Sea
board Air Line Railroad, shall be
, permitted to keep a hogpen, un
less the same shall lie built, with
I a floor, same to be ten inches
from the surface of the ground,
(except that the owner of hogs,
j within the Incorporate Limits
j aforesaid, who desire to keep t hem
(in a pasture, when the said pas
; l lire shall be of sufficient size to al
low not, less than ten square yds.
; for each hog confined therein.
lie it, enacted by the authority
aforesaid, that any person violat
ing these ordinances shall be;
punished as for Disorderly Con
duct, and shall bo lined for each j
! offense, not more than five, nor
less than one dollar, and the costs
. of said case.
I'assed and adopted, at its reg
ular meeting and regular session,;
this the 20th day of September,!
1909. W. L. Wilson,
Attest : Mayor.
J. C. McAllister,
('Jerk or Recorder.
Cotton WiiiitofT.
We want 1,000 bales of cotton
•by Nov. Ist will pay the highest,
market price for same.
Moßne A* Bro.
tato of- Montgomery ('minty.
(n tlo Snpf i in Court, Xovemlu r Term. RHt7. i
Tin? Mi. Vi nton f/aiik % - I’.. HiniHi.
!• tieiug i » (»i enented I«» lh« Court by the
petition of tin* Mi. Vernon litu.k a* aHsignee
of V I;. (iililm, tliu' I#y <l-» *i of mortgage daterl
tic Hr|» nay of K#-j»f« mber. 1907, R L. Hmitli
conveyed to tin* sjti*l \. I; tiililiM, ;tM*ii'ii*>i of
1 it** Mt Vernon Rank, all Unit certain tract or
parcel of land nitnatc, Iv iitg and being in the
itjoot n f». M • of Montgomery C0.,0m.. mi* I
in the Sixth lailM iHnfriet of Moiitgoim*t v Co..
• <iu-. iiii'l known o ii«I *ii**til»gni>*|ie*l mm oie-half
ofl.ot No. One Ht|ii*ifo<i and Civ#* (lo.j) aurl
containing One Hundred and On* and One-
Half aere*. for the | urnoHi* of n**« utin*'
• the payment of a certain not a math- by
the Mtiid I*. Ij. Smith to th** an id V li. (iihbu
.t>» aaxijpinr of The .Mr. V* rnon Bank, due on
thel*t d*v **f October, KJO7, for the ailtn of
, #2OO. principal. eight per cent, inter* *t and
ten per rtf. atlnrn#-> ’-* ton, which .tmour*
ai* now due and unpHid.
It is or*i*-red that tit* mu id li. f,. Smith do
pav into this Court by the lit*f day of the next
term the principal, int<» tr-t, ami <*»hf < hie or*
j nit id mortgage indebted oeM* «n Hh*»w ohiihc, if
any he ha** In the contrary. or that in default
thereof fnrecloKiirc he .eraoted to tin* *aid 'Hie
.t/t. Vernon Bank *»f said morfgage, and the
♦'« 1 * l l T v of redemption of tin? Maui U. 1,. Smith
therein he forever barred, and that nervier* of
tin*- Mil*- he perfected on xaid J'*. \*. >'mifh ac
j cording to law.
In open court. Mav 12, Ifrtj'l.
I s. C. D. J.C.
A true copy of the minute** of thin court.
J. C. Calbpnu. Clerk.
Filtered on minute* V# p*g.* 197. ll*
corded on fiiiuutei- Sn. 7$ Mil.
I B tiei jni, Attorney for The Ait. Vernon
• Bank ,
In the office of the Board ol
j Commissioners of Roads and Rev
enues of Montgomery (’minty,
Georgia. In meeting assembled
this 7tl> day of September, P.M>9
It is hereby ordered by the
Board ol County Commissioners
(that from and after this date the
; laying and constructing new roads
lor m repairing old ones within
the countv of .Montgomery, we
have this dav adopted what is
known as the “Straight Road
System.” and from and after the
passage of ihis order it is con
jsidered ordered and adjudged !>\
| the said Board l hut, al I roads here-,
! after marked out by tin* Uommis
(sinners or those authorized to lie !
jcut bv them, they shall lay out
i said roads as near as practicable
|to do so straight, and where tic
old roads are repaired said repairs,
I will be made after the said road
I has been made straight . Con
sidered and passed I his i he dav and
j vear above nient ioned.
; Win. Bland, K. Miller.
.1. .1. Moses, .1. T. Jordan,
.1 F. Sikes.
Post, cards, the latest published,;
[ scenic and comic. New lot just
in. Mt. Yemun Ib ug Co.
- ' i
Lsmd For Sale.
1 have 2R2 acres of land in
Montgomery county, four miles
north of So pert on, with 7b or SO
acres open land. Will sell for
s2,b<K) cash. Write mo at once.
J. K. Rockwnrth,
Route 2, Box 18. Baxley, Ca.
Notice to Public.
This is to inform t lie public j
j generally t hat I will not, in any
manner be responsible for any j
debtor obligation contracted by j
my wife, Georgia Adams; and all
parties violating this order will
do so at, their own risk. This the ,
tjlli day of September, 1909.
W. R. Adams,
K l l dice*, * in.
Notice To Public.
This is to forewarq the public
against trading for one certain
mortgage note given by me to E.
T. Mcßride A Co., dated about
July lb, 1909, and payable Jan
uary Ist, 1910, for the sum ,of
i|ll7b.oo, stipulating for payment
ot $7b.00 on above date, with
privilege of renewal. 'The consid
eration for which the said note
was given has failed. This the
18th day of September, 1909.
It. F. D. Williamson,
Not icc.
All parties indebted to J. A
i Riddle will please pay same to the
undersigned at mice.
J. W. Palmer,
Guardian for .1. A. Riddle. j
Farm Land For Sale.
* i
I am offering 007 1-2 acres of I
I improved farm land (three Inis)!
either separate nr as a whole, j
Fight, miles north of (ilenwood on j
| Dublin road. For price and terms I
sec me at once. J\V Stallworth,
Route No. 55. (ilenwood. Ca.
Money to loan at <i and 7 pm j
cent, on improved farms.
\ It. H.r.\JION W, •*. UARNttU I. Si
i; Cotton Factorsiiml \
j; 220 Bay a SA VANNAtt, (JA. J
1 | f Member* Savannah Tot ton I*. x.eiHtu*''*) 5
;! Handlers of Upland, Sc- J
;! Island Flormlora Cotton j’
Special Alt ‘-in ion (iiven to *
t . 0. B. Collon |
I; ILirifllers of Upland and Sea- |
Inland Bagging, 'lies
$ and Twine x
* 5
< i >ri<i ji . M out **omei \ ('minty.
Tn nil Wlimn it nun (oneerii:
j .Mollie lirowniny. o'linrdian of Jon- !
1 ni«- I*.mu nin-, lias in <luo form up-;
! pllo.l to tlio undor-i.pied for loavo to
; enemaoli upon tlio oorpiis oftliees
tiito ill lu-i mid ward anil for lonvo
to soli tlio laml heloii|<int> to lior said
ward, and -aid uppliotit ion will In*
hoard on tho lli-i Monday in Nuvein
' hot , HtllH.
Alo\ MoArthnr, Ordinary.
Tito (fontloman with lliopoliti
' uni nxo to 01-inti will stunt ho look
ins' for sonio ono to do tin* ('tank-!
ins' stunt'.
Kor Vi'iir's Support.
Monttrotnory Court of Ordinary, at
ohnniliers. (tel. I, lilDit.
The appraisers appointed upon (tie
appl ii'tt i ton of Ma t inda (i it I is, widow
of .1 oh 11 (iillis. (leoeasod . for a twelve
j mom hs support lor herself and two]
minor ehildmn, liaviny; llled Iheii
I'eiurn. all persons eoneerneil are
I hereby ejled lo show otiuse if any |
i he\ ha\ fill i In- next regular Nm etu- ,
her term of i his eonri why said ap
plleal ion should not no eranli d.
A lex MeA I I lull ,
(ti ll inn ry.
i ...
i Stuff III' < it «Hgitl I V r.MllllV.
I n tin* Super im i nilri ul said (’mint v:
lit* |M liii hi •»l W I Higgs. v\ illic Huy, M.
S. Imihli ii, I>n\ i«I Miller, ti. \Y. Kamiumi*. j
IV I*. Wit Hep him! (’. Y. Waller, aim I their iim :
[ soeiates, siiece-Htti'H ami assigns, of said j
I { Nullity, ( ienigia, mill of >*»pei lon, list , sai'l j
Stale, ri spedfully allow*:
1 I. I liat they desire h's tliclliselVCH, tlieil ‘
associate* and hucccnkiu*. In lie iucorpm a ted. *
ntd hi.tile a In»dy |r diiit*, under the u one and .
style of the Yietoi I'nioii are House 1 *«nn
(•any, fur the |»• rind of twenty years.
•J. i'll «t the | »i 11 it*i|»aI nfHee of said Com
pany shall he in tin town of Soperton, Slate
and County aforesaid, Init petit loners drain
iu tiiilinnet business eUt where, in said aiai<
| nutlet’ rules uhri reguhi lions, made by the di
i reel• »rs and when ever said pat
; iit-s may lit so in do.
;i rile olijcfi nf said enlpnintinn IH pe
I miliary gain to itsself and Ms aiorkholdnrt.
I The business to he carried nn by said
•opoi ulioii is aiming. weighing, mid band- t
iiug entlnii gem rally, an I the buying and sell
iuif nf J*Yi lilizer, (Inim, tlroeerie-H ami oilier
I cnioiimdlties.
I‘lie eapilal stock nf Hail eo| por.i U« , *li
. hull lie two tliniiHiiud dollar* (S‘2,(NMMMI) with
I the privilege id increasing the sane to the j
aim nf (eu thousand dollars (HIMMMHMt) by a
majority von of tin* stock holders, said stock
|to he divided into shares nf live dollars
j ( ?O.Oll) eueli. All « »t I lie tillinliut of capital
jto he employed hy them has actually been
.paid 111. I etilhiuel r> desire Ihe rigid In
, have the subscription to said capita* slock
| paid in money, m propel ty to he taken at a >
fair valuation.
ti I'et.i t 'oners desire the right to sue and
I he sued, to plead and I# • impleaded, to have
• and use a romumii seal, to make all necessary
j by-laws and regulations. and tn do all and any
1 tfhei things that may he necessary for tin
I • llccessful cal TV’illg Oil nf sain business, ill
* eluding Ihe right tn execute notes mill .bni.d
--i as i v ideuce nf iluleht iliciiri ed or which
, may he incurred' iu the conduct nf the affairs »
I of the r >1 pnifttioll, and tn secure the same by
mortgage s«rurity-deed nr ot.iu i form nf lien,
under existing laws.
7. They desiia fm said corporation tn apply
for md accept, amendments, or the authority I
to apply for and accept amendments to said
• •bill tei of either form or substance by a vote 1
ol *t majority nf Ms stock nut standing at tic
lime, t hey also ask unt hoi it v for said in
corporation tn wind up ifs affairs, Icpiclat'
and discontinue its husuu ss. at any nine it
may determine, to do so by ii vote nf lwo thirds ,
of its dock at t lie time.
M They desire for the said incorporation t
I fie right of renewal, when and as provided by j
I thr- laws nfUeorgia, and lintl it nave all sm*ii
I • *tlc r lights, powers privileges and imrniiui i
ties as life incident to like incorpoiiitions oi ,
pei inissable inch i I lie laws of (ieorgia.
W her* fore petition* d pr.iv Ut Im* incorpo
rated ntidci tin name and style aforesaid with i
the powers, privileges and inimiirutic* herein J
u t forth. and a-> are now or limy beieaflei In
• I low e* I a eoipnrntinn of similar chuiue.oi un
h r Ihe law* nf I ieorgia
W. .1. Higgs, Willie liav,
K. s. himli ii, I>;«vi«i Miller,
I*. I*. Waller, <i W. Sammons,
C. T. Waller.
A. li. liJMiicr,
Attorney til latw,
Wil I I’nwt i<'<* in all I In* <'<oi rl h <>(
t In* Si nl <».
I j
Kitgcuut Tiilimidge,
Allonicy sit liti\>,
MT. VlikNON, (iA.
Hamilton Huitcn,
.Attorney and Cniin
stdor at liavv,
ricl/AI:, (iA
Criminal lAivv and. Collections, Including flail
road Toi l Cases, a Hpccially.
\). M. lUCKLKY
!ofti'*<* over Ml. Vcrimn l*ni!' Co.
M. li. CA 1,110 VN,
Atlv nl Law,
Mt. Vernon, Georgia.
, All kind* IJ<i|mir Work, Iron
‘ kiul Wood. Fun* lino of Jlieyolo
Maiorial on liaml. Higii-Urudo,
Kn|«iir Work on /iicyolos, Sow iiik
Miioliiii.'x, Ciiiib, Uovolv'*rn iind
Clock*. Soo ijif bi-loro |»l;icino
your work; I will khvo you money.!
Work prompt ly and neatly done j
i "
SlieriU Sale.
(• coigia Montgomery County.
Will be no Id before the court bouse door in
; Mt. Vernon on the 111 >t Tuesday in Nnveinhi r. ,
1 I!MW. In twceli the legal fnuils of sale, to the
tuddei fm cash, certain property, of
wliich the following is a nunuh t* diMcriptinu
v certain Irani ui land in the 12tilitf lliMtrici *
(i. M. nf said county and state, and adjoining
lands <if .\ Spixey on tin* south nmtli by the I
lands of .1 \N Smith and I 11. I'laiclers, w»*st
by lauds of I>h\id Smith and on the east h\
lands ol I'ravis 'lhicp« , :i. containing c»U seres
more or h‘ss. and known ti* tin* J. C. Flundeis *
land uuirhuM .I !nun .1 W Smitli and iecorde«l
ill botik 7, Cage did < 'l*l k .-H nlliee. I.eVleiloil
as the proper!\ of .1. p Flandt'is to sutisly an
1 execution issued from the t'jty Court «»t Ihthlin
, m fit\*>r of 'lix, Aria t'ouison vs I l» Wilson
J and .1 t' blunder* ITopcrtx pointed out hy }
attorney so plaiindV and w'dleo notice gi\« n
iaw It iptlled hy law I'liih the *»th da.V of t h*t ,
I'tn‘t .lames Hester, Shcrill.
. 11. Kent. VHv. for IMIV.
1 We have |
1 no schemes I
|) (#>
to promote (*,
(V) ®
;is they e;m consist- 0
® » s LOW (*n< iy ix* 1
| Quality and Service 1
i Considered w
d i
{#) .IAS. F. Cl I!IMF, .Mull §)
® S>
>t ui',','/',/V, / /','/ / /HWl'.'.i'.M'/.MW'.'.Wi'>4
(’apitnl Stock, 51.Y,000.00 1
Surplus mid undivided
profits Sfi,:>oo.oo
Totnl resources o\er S 100,000.00 I
ii< *ll >-iii I Miinkiii" Uiihiiii'hk CiiniliiHi'il, A «•«*«» iii ils Sol iciti*il. v
'$ # |
Interest on Time Deposits
-- . |
N. I, (iillis, M It. (iiiMh, .1. U. W. C. Futrill, 8
W . I). Marl in, VI. II Ni*w*joiii, A. .1. \\ illiiiiiih.iii »
N. |„ CilliM, I * r*'H i * I«• 11 f. .1. I*. O’Cihiim'l', \ id*-1 *r<*m i < l**i 11. sj
.1. K. Hull, Cashier. * ji'
i Choice Millinery, t
| The kind that pleases J
J the ladies
% ’<*■
i r riie s( i nsoii is now on for FALL f
# t hose sit tractive ct . V |-sq #
J I have 1 liein in J
| Millinery, IS oi ions, Novelties. %
* MRS. J. L. ADAMS, Mt. Vernon *
* #
(In improved farms on I lie norlli
Hide of Monfeoini*ry (,'ounly, lor,
I,lie term of five year* at low rad*
of ild el'est .
lii'ini' deeds when makinji nppli
eid iollH for hiali. Write or s<*e me'
at once d you I money Call
oof it for you wil,hold I lo* u-mil
Sojiortou, (lu.
Kxi'cutor’s Shli*.
(I' ni-'in -yiintftuiniiry I'oiiuty.
lix virt ii« nf im urilfi- of rlu? Cuui't'
nf( )i illiiu i v ill -aiil «*< • n 111 > . will In*
! -nitl iii piililu* iiiilci.v un Mu* Hiwf,
Tii*sil;i\ ill Ni* V• * 1111 M•I . I'.Sli*. 11l llm
L*i»uit liiiiisr iu -uiil illy, l»**tw*!i*u
t ilii* usual hours of -nh*. fho following;
th'scrilifil |irop**rl.v:
\ olio -i xlll tin<lix lilihl lidoifsl in
Lots a, I, ', anil (1 in Hlook No.
:;T; Las Nos.tiuuil loin I’.lock N 0..,;
loi- Nos. |;l mill II In lllook No. •!*
ami 10l No. 'lo in llloik No. LI ill din
I'owii of (iloiiwooiL till. Un* sail*
. wilt roiii iii ik* from 1 1 ay lo day uniil
all of said proporlN is sold. Torm*
oa-li. This l In* 2ldi of Soptoiiihor,
lunsi. 1 1. s. MeA i t hur.
| K.xoeiilor ol A. (i. Mo Arl luir, lioe'd.
Trade Marks
'TTiWnth' Designs
'ffTT’ Copyrights Ac.
Anson** san/ltog h sketch and <1 Ascription nissjr
r qoli'Klf HR* ATI. HU iMir H|#in»i*n frs« * fist bar au
11 1 V**lll (nil IS (irntiMltlf I'NlVltt Able. 4 Hllilinillll'M*
flnns strifils'‘Hiifhlciitlnl. HANDBOOK on Patents
sent Okies* Mironcf for securing palani s.
P;tl«miN taken thmuifli Muni; 1 (o. meets*
tprruil not ire, wPtunit charge. In the
Scientific American.
A handsomely llluntrntMl weekts. Lamest ctr*
filiation of nus •< letitlOc Journal. 'lViins. fa a
ynr : four tn«.nt t»», f L Bold by all newsdealers.
MUNN & Co. 36,b,b « < -» New York
fcneucU ottua, cw. f MU Washington, ii. C,