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• •
llhe Conquest of the Pole!
A ' +
;- ■ :
• By Dr. FREDERICK A. COO*' • Harvesting v 6o* J
• Coo> ri(K< I90«|. b> thr New York * Fl’el for l*»e PoUr Tfin. +
+ «-.H N"i*ler*d I- • |SJ ?rw h a l Hunting &n t
• t ana iiln Actordinc* WithCopv. #
• r>*Ki All. l-pyriphl In M <-*- * Exciting Sp''* , t •
J ICO IJndf' l.«ws of <hr krpuhbc ,
l „f M,All Htghl. » •* i ITHIKD AHTr'.EI ♦ ’
• * •
. - • . . > . j. . & a a «A A a . . a . .A. a « A A .*• * ■*. ft A ft ft C. ■c>
WITH n hasty farewell to Mr
Bradley mitt • loitlrers :mfl
••ii<'oiirnr <*ii Mil It it cliwr
from "II on iHiiinl, we left
the •no'liorlv ••rtrlil fur our no v liotno
mu' "'■‘ovi'itt. 't'hc yt'olti stood oil to
avoid drifting 100 ant) await Hto re
Hint >f Ihe motorboat.
AA lion Ms won* »*ol ashore WO Ml
dm " and' watched with saddened evre
tjn tlo'iari'iro i | out friend* ami lla*
too orllli; of tin* lnifiil wlliolt | ■ ;ii| liolil
at to tin* known morlil of life unit
I In* vllI*• (f<* "f AltUoolok |s pliucd 111 .
It *i tall bay just Inside of t'a|»e lltgle
liolil. lie |.o|iulal I'll changes mil'll your In year, trcordiltg I" lhr
known hill; of iho I'liiiv or tlm 'inilil-l
t• 1111 of tho ini'll to obtain now liear
skin trousers.
■atloroil filH'llt It Moro twelve era I
r'in tents. wlii' li served a* n slimmer
shelter for an equal t'litnlior of vigor
oiii families. In other places iii-'tror i
the sea More tcevon •(tone Il<". I pott •
these tin* work "f iooom.l lin t i"H for
Mlhtor shelter hail alioadv begun.
! : ' 1
■ - . . . . r. .a. .. >. .. ,'
1 »' tll«* llllllicdlll If vlclllitj lllCt'e Will 1
•Olue turf mill moss, lull fvcrj w here
else Wit It'll !| few hulullctl feet of III!'
urn tin* land I'll'l* ,*i Iti'ii |<t I > in m!i>i*.
■lopes Ilf hitrreu rock.
l« tin* westward neroas Smith i
sound 111 n blue haze were seen l'ii|ii*|
l*»ldne. line hi* |ii*ulliHUln mill noun' "I
lli>* Inn«t beyond wlilclf m<* lii'l'i'il l"
i'iukii lii our prospective vontiir**.
The construction of a winter house'
(ltul workshop rulli'il for illlinedhlti* ill j
tout Inn nft or tin* uliitl Mil lot Itloil Min.!
women Mini ililltltfii offered hi roily i
hand* to gather the monos allow n
along tlio shore
When tin* oilrpii I* packed ill this!
iiiniitior tin* things can In* quickly!
Tossed on (look mill transported mi
float lug l>(* or Intul tarter li !.*» |*o*sl
hlo. with piii king t>o\i» of uniform!
sire ii« Pudding material, to erect •-Hi i
clout idielter wherein Ihi* calamities
Os MlVtil* lllMlKtl'l cilU lie K nitted.
Building Winter Quarters.
This proomitloii against uliinuito nils
hap notv aet'ved n vor.v useful purpose
Inclosing a space 1". by lii ftH*t, tin*
cases tvort* quickly piliM In Tin* walls
wet* hold logoi her by kI rips of wood
or tln* Joints »ealeil "lilt pasted pa pci
wliU of a few long hoards
A I‘oally goial roof was made ill
Using llie tan el's of t lip l>o\e, :.s shill
g!e* A blanket of turf over this eon
must tile heal and |H*rjui!l<sl ill tin*
Millie tliue hi'itllhfu! eln Illation of air
We slept under our own root it the
end of, the tirsi day. and our new house
had'the ver.v grout advantage of eon
tattling within its walls all our posses
slous within easi rea* hat a'l times.
As the wilder ad\aneed with its
at omit fengil v and frightful darkness
It was led mscssurv to venture out
at tut dig up supplies from gnat depths
of snowdrift Meal and hluliher wee
stored In large quantities about lie
lamp. ,
Much Work In Sight.
But our expisliilon was In need of ,
• kins and furs I un hot more as men
engaged for the northern venture would
l*e away during tin- spring months, tin*
l*eat hunting season **f the icar. it was
lie.-essriry lo make provision for Imuso
heeds Inter Tliere was therefore niu> h
Work before us, for we had not only to
p’tepuie our equipment loti to provlih
for the families of die workers
In llie polar evde of the soil soils
there anr |*eculiar eotuiiilons w V* h tp
ply to eltviuiistaneoa and movements
As tin* word seasons is ordinarily nn
deratuutl Iher*' are hut two. a winter
Henson and a summer season a winter
Season of nine months and a stiimfiei
of three months
But f*>r more convenient division ot
the yearly i«'ri.s(s it ts-st n. retain
the usual cycle of four seasons. lNki j
lUiitt call llie wilder ookinll. which also ;
ttieetis year, ami (lie summer ottsah
Pk)k Hre "liwj» " l lie lie mils are
moon*, anil the period* .ire named In
aooonl with tin* movement* of various
■ oreiiitires of the chase.
in early Septeml»er at \nnoofrik the
si"i dl|ts considerably tinifor the north
oril horizon. There Is tut night. At
sunset anil at sunrise storm elonds
hide the hurst* of oolof with It are 'tie
glory of t wflight. a nil tile elm-trio after
ifh-w Is general]y lost In flu* ilnil pray
which bespeaks the torment of the
storms of i la* sot I i iip sun.
The gloom of the coming winter
night now thickens. The splendor of
the -'llHiliior (lay lias pone. ilav or
sj« moil Ills ami :t t'iglil of “lx inotiths
fare often ascribed to the nolar regions
i- a m hole, lull this Is only true of a
i very small area ulioitl lb" mile.
As mo fume south the sou slips tin
i tier tin horizon for an eve'- iin-roaslnt
; part of each l wenty-fonr hours |*re
coiliusr anil following tie iihdtl n« mo
i oomo from Iho polo l here Is a neriocl
of ihty ami ith'hl which lengthens with
i tl"* lies, out of hit it mle.
it Is this period which enafiles ns to
retain the names of the usual seasons
summer for the ilotihle days, fall for
the period of the selling situ. Till"
! season begins when the situ first dins
, under llie Ice al midnight for a few
The Arctic Night.
These iiioioeiilK Im* r:ij*i.ll v. yet
i otic hardly appreciates that Hie sun is
| departing until day and night are of
I equal length, for the night remains
I light, though not cheerful Then tli
. day rapidly .shortens Mint darkens, ami
j tin* sun sinks until al least there
j hut a mere glimmer of the glory of
j day.
Wilder is limited to tin* loll" night
and spring applies to the days of t lie
rising sun, a ported corresponding in
■ tli.' autumn days of the setting sun.
At \iiiiontok the midnight sun is tii-si
seen over the sett horizon on April j:\
It (lips 111 llie sea oil Aug. I*l It thus
encircles the horizon, giiing stimmet
: and e. idlmtnu.s day for lis days. |i
sets at midday oil th t. 'J-4 and is ah
sent a period of prolonged night cor
responding to the day and rises on
j I "eh "II
Harvesting Food and Fuel.
Tlicii follow the eye opening days ol
spring in tiie fall, when tin* Itarmon
i .*dug Influence of tin* sun is withdrawn
lllel*' begins a buttle *»f tin* eouteptr 1
which continues Its suno.y agitation
in !. stii;,*• | in tin* hopeless frost ot >
| early eight.
\l this time, though Held work was
pa it-fill, t lie need, of our \ eitturc forced
■is io persistent adiou in the chase id
w 'irus. sen narwhal mill white whale
We harvested food and fuel.
Before winter Ice spread over the
hunting grounds ptarmigan. Imre and
relr'dl'ef wore sought to supply ll|p fit
■ ■■■ during the long night with deli.-a
' fs while hear and fn\ |.|e.iscd tin
palates of the Ksklinos and their pelts
clothed all.
Many long Journeys wore made so Re
con- an important supply of grass, to
pad t»** !s .nil mittens and n|s.. to sc
. cuts* uioss w tin li serves as wick foi
Ihc liskimo lamp l ife mouths of Sep
temlier and Ol tohei Were indeed im
potion! periods of anxious seeking so»
| re sen e supplies.
Aid c rom the Eskimo*.
There was a cittuplcv activity sud
denly stimulated along the < I r.*en la ml
cop't which Uhl not require general su-
P*-ri ision t to* l.skiiuos knew what
was required without a word from it*
and k •*w ts'lter than we did where to
find the things worth while. An out
, line es the polar campaign was sent
from village to village, ivi I: a tew
general Instnn lions.
latch local group of natives was to
fill «n important duty and l.rii g to
get her flic tremendous amount of mn
term 1 required for out house and sled
equipment Knell tv-kino* viiltige lias
j as a rule, certain game advantages.
In some places foxes anil hares were
abundant. T'tieir skins were hi great I
demand for ■ *.ats and sie Lliivtt and j
■ - ■ - -
Ksklnios must not only pat her th
greatest ntimlier nossfl.le, hut must
nrepare the ski"s and make them into
pronerly fitting partnent*.
In other places reindeer were ahnn
dant. This skin was very much in
demand for sleeping https, while the
sinew was required for tbread. In
still other places seal was the luck of
the chase, and it- skin Mas one of our
most Important needs. Os it Imots
were ordered, and an immense a mount
of line and lashings was prepared.
Tints in one way or ano'her every
• mart, woman and most of the children
of this tribe of 2.Vi people were kept
busy til. the service of the erped'tlon.
The work was well done and with
much le-tter knowledge of the fitness
of tlilnps than could he done h" am
l.os!li|e "atherlnp of w.liite rnen.
Hie o* thr Narwhal.
The rntest of the walrus and the nar
whal came in our own immediate plan
of adventure. The unicorn, or nar
whal, does not o'ten conic under t In
eve of the white man. thourh cue <>r
the first animals to leave our shores.
It pave for s brief Spell good results
In sport and useful material. The
blabber is the pride of every house
keeper. for ll gives n long, hot Haute
to the In Min. with no smoke to spot
the Igloo finerv. The skin Is regarded
as quite a delicacy, flit in!" squares.
If loots and tastes like scallops, with
tmlv r slight ttroit'H of train oil.
The meat dries easily and Is thus
prized ns an appetizer or ns a lunch
to be eaten ett route In steal or kayak
In till* shape It was an extremely use
fill thing for us. for It took the place
of petnmlean for our less urgent jour
The narwhal, which, apart from Its
usefulness. Is most Interesting to den
i/.ens of 'be arctic deep, played I"
schools far "ff shore, usually along lh<*
edge of large be. Its long lory tusks
rose under spouts of breath and spray.
When this glad sight Mas noted every
kavak about camp was maimed, and
the Ksklnios' skin canoes went Ilk"
birds over the water. Some of the
Kskmios rose to tbe ice fields and tie
llvered harpoons from a secure foot
lug tubers bid behind floating frag
ments of heavy b e and made a sudden
rush as the animals tia-ssed.
Still others came up It* the rear, for
! the narwhal cannot easily see tiaet:
wflid and does not often turn to wateli
Its enemies, its speed being SO fast
that It curt easily keep ahead of other
troublesome • realities.
Hunting the Narwhal.
The harpoon Is always delivered at
1 dose range. When the dragging float
marked the end of the line in tow of
the frightened creature the line of
skin canoes .followed. The narwhal is
timid by nature. Fearing to rise for
breath, he plunged along until nearly
strangulated. When II did come up
there were several Ksklnios near vvllli
drawn lames, which inflicted deep
Again the narwhal plunged deep
down with hut one breath and hurried
tilong as best It could. Hut its speed
I slackened, ami a line of crimson marl;
ed Its hidden path. Loss of blood and
wind of air tlid not give it a chance
l«> tight. Again it came up with a
spout; again ltie lances were hurled
The battle continued for several
bout's, with ninny exciting adventures,
but in the end the narwhal always suc
cumbed. offering a prize of several
thousand pounds of meat and blubber.
Victory, ns a rule, was not gained until
tlu* hunters were far from home, also
far front the shore line. Hut the Ks
. klino is a courageous hunter and an
intelligent seaman.
Towing the Carcass.
To the huge carcass frail kayaks
were Hitched in a long line. Towing
Is slow, wiutl and sea combining to
make the task difficult and dangerous
.I sy ■HtaaSc JEi v
»3Uw'vSf'Mr' * wßh|H
i>H- lOOk I\ A 1.01 li’ i’OSfl At k
tine sees nothing of the narwha! and
very tittle of the kayak, tor dashing
seas wash over the iittle . raft, hut (he
double leaded paddles seesaw with tin
regularity of a pendulum
Home* outing takes many hours and
engenders a prodigious amount cf hard
work, lint there is energy 1.. s| are. tor
a wealth of meat and fat is the cul
mination of all Eskimo ambition.
Seven of these ponderous animats
were brought ir. during five days,
making a heap of more than pt.OdO
pounds of fix'd ami fuel Then the
iivrwlulls suddenly disappeared, and
«e aaw no Itt<>re of them
Thr*e white w hales were also obtain
ed in a sited*! way at Ktah at ai*mt
T lie OMt u '■ - •
tCoutKilled on opposite pavrei
Sheriff Stile.
.tb-orgia v|"*dgoiitery t.'oimly
Mill lie o'M l".|"te the com i hoico- door in
Mt. V'-rooii "it tin- tiirt Tii< aday in November,
‘ tiSZt. 1 >etvv. *-n the legitl hours "f *h!c. t.t tl"
bigbesl and lies' biilder for lash, certain
iiropr* tv. of it.teh the following ir a complete
i desci iption:
An undivided one-third interes m
and to all that tract of land situated
itiid being in i lie 1221 ,»r disll n t ( i. M .
!of saitl county and hounded accord*
ing to it ;t description in a survey
made by It. K. II ifftfs. county survey
or. April 11. Isi'o. bv lands of Walter
Dukes. Joe Miller. Hardy .Miller and
Thigpen and others. Said tract of
lit in I being the distributive share of
Mrs. Kllit It. Dukes under the will of
Tltoiiuis N. Millet and containing
idifi acres more or less. Said nntli
ved ij interest in said tract of land
i being the interest of l! A Dukes as
In it at law ot Mrs. Kiln It. Duki
and levied on as the property of ft.
A. Dukes to .'satisfy l vvii certain 11 fits.
One issued front the < iry Court of Mi.
Vernon in favor of The Mount Ver-
I non itnnk against It. A. Dukes, prin
cipal, .anil .1. D. Miller. .1. X. Tapley
anil Win. Herndon security ; and one
i-'l|ed liolil the Justice's I ourt of
the 12215 t District IJ. M. in favor of
The Mount Vernon Hank against If.
A. Dukes and .1. D. Miller principals '
and .1. M Itrooksher endorser. Sant
property being in the possession of
i In- ddemliiiii l! A. Dukes anil vvrit
’ ell Itol ice 111 levy given iteco rtl illg t"
law. This ihe tlt day of October, I
I lit lit. .1 it tiles Hester.
Sheriff Montgomery < Oil.
W M l.evvis. Atty. tor Fill's.
Sheriff S;tle.
tiim-giu If"iitgoiiicrv t'onnty.
Will I" mill before die court lionse iloor iti ;
Vlt. \ ernoii "li tit*- first I"lies.lay in N-.v ini" r.
Itillil, bi-tween die legal imurs es sale, to the ,
’ iiigliest lu.filer for easb. certain property, of
| tvltieb tl"* following is a complete iliseriplioit: '
A oil" v ell llt Itntllvided interest ■’
iii all iliat tract or parcel of land sit
uati'd. lying and being in tlie 27.M1t
District <■'. M. of said county and
‘ containing one hundred and seven-j
icea acres more or less and bounded
its follows; On the north bv land*
»f !•'. li. Mcl’ride, on the south by
lands of D. S. Williamson and on
the west by lands nfMrs.Sallie Mor
ris. Lev ied on anti will be sold its j
l In- property of ii. \V. Hmcli hi satis- j
f.v tin execution issued front the City I
| Court of Mi. Vernon in favor of the !
On-Smith itrocery ID. vs (i. \V.
I’meh. Fropeify poiidetl mil hy
plaint ill ami being in tbe possession
of K. I'. Mcßride eV <o. Written no- !
lice of levy give., .as required by law.
This the 27th day of Sept.. UR»U.
James Hester, Sherilf M. C. !
M. li. Calhoun, Aliy, for Fill's.
Slier ill' Sale.
I i
i tieorg it - Motitgoinerv County'.
Will l.e sold befnte die coiu t ItotiMc door in
j \F. Veruoii on the litHt Tiicsdiiy in November, ;'.l. Itetvvi-eti tie legjtl li"tlts of sale, to tile !
| liigliest I idib r for cash, certain property, of j
which tie following is a conipleie dis riptiou: |
One lot of land sit mite, lying and j
being in the IbXilili district O. M . of
said enmity and stati and comaiitiug i
i wenty-t wo ami a-ltalf acres more m i
less and hounded .as follows-: On lilt- j
north and northeast by lands of Mrs. I
Kli/.a Fountain, on 'lie east .and !
! southeast by lands of Mrs. Martha
Wheeler ami oil the west by lands of !
W..1. Fowler. A Iso one l racf or p;t r-■
cel of land shunted in the IHNtith dis- ;
: trier (i. M. of saitl county uoniaining
fifty acres more or less nml botimled i
as follows; Op tiie lion It by lands of
Holmes, east by hinds til Lock j
Mann, soul It and west by latxlsof ;
Kli/.a Harley. All of said properly j
I levied on and will lie sold as the!
properly of Kli/.a Hatley to satisfy,
an exeenl ion issued from the City i
Court of Mi. Vernon in favor of J. <>. j
Sumner vs Kli/.a Dai ley. Ft open y J
pointed out by attorney for plaid ill
and written notice of levy given its ;
required by law. This the oili day
of i >c toiler. I null.
.Itlllies Hester. Sheri if.
1.. ('. I iidt-rwootl. A'ly. for FI If.
Shci'tlV Sale.
(leot'giit lloiitgoinfi'V Comity. - [
Will 1... s' 'lit before live court liottsc door in
lit. Vernon on lit*- first I’ttesdav in Novettiber,
| I pint, between tbe legal hours of stile, to th*
highest hold* r for enslt, eei tttin prop.-rty, of
! which tlo* following is a complete description; \
Onh ceia ain 20-hotse-power sietnii ■
1 engine, the same, having been used
1 as power for a cut-off saw at the saw
mill of Joint W. Adams, at his mill
she in the lodlsi i;. M. district ot
! said county ami state. This proper
ty. being of a bulky and weighty
millin', will not be exposed for stile
at the court house, hut may be in- *
; sped ed by prospective buyers at the ]
mill site a* aforesaid before date of
sale. Levied on and will lie sold a
the property of John W. .Adams to
satisfy an execution issued from th*-
City Court of Mi. Vernon in favor
of the Atlas Oil Company against
the said John \V. Adams. Levy
made ami returned to um by K. K.
Forrestei'. deputy, :iii- the .'till day of
October, lilti't. jAM KS II KSTKII.
Site! iff.
.1 I!. < teiger Ally, for Fltf.
" |
Sheriff Sale.
< i«—Mum jjomerv <\mntv.
Will l**i s*'id In for** tl»«* court house dour in
Ml Vc| IKUI Otl I lie lil -I r>l«H«|:i\ lil ‘xflVelllhe! ,
lit it. hetw* t*ll the le-. ul hOltl * of Mile. t«l thr j
*t ;tn*| l*e-*t hjihlt i foi cash cel lain |*f»*| *-
e|t\. t*f which th« follcWlUK is » complete
seri|»t h*«i :
A om -lt.'ilf interest in one :ifi 11. F.
Forker steam Imdlerand tine 2i* 11. I*,
stejint engine of file laylof make.
Said engine ittui boiler b"ing hteon
v < nietii to transport. will mu be ex-■
p.tsetl for stile before eonll house iloor
but may It** it is (>«-<• ted by prospeetiye
porclia-tj;- at the mill site of John :
\V, Adams in th*- I.Vtlsi (. M. tlis
trict ol said ‘county and state before
Iditte o! sale, ■said property levied
on titil will In sold a- the projte tt \
of John AA . Adams o *a 11 -1 y ami ex -
eeution issued f'Oltt the I'ity t ourt
ot A| Verp.on in favor M Ferst son-
A < 0., a git ills t John AA . Adam-.
Lev y mado anti returned to tin- by K-
K. Forrester, deputy, this the .'all
day ot Oetohef. licit.
Janies He'ier.
Shetiir M C.
L. C. I’ltdet Wood. Atty. fut Fltf
Brown j
Wagons |
I I have* a Full Line of these Standard |
| Vehicles on Hand, and in order to close |
| them out, am giving the Most |
I So me at once it you need or |
will need <‘i (*ood Ihiggy or a 1
(jood Wagon. Terms right |
~ * fu
| Igv A Vim Can easily Operate |
I This TypoAvriter Yourself. %
~c u • - I*o.l r worry yom rorrc*>Tpotidenl. Don t'M in* him .mything !5
,§5 hy hand thaltal es him time to make out Unit ma.\ leave
him indoubt- ihat It** eaifr -•:«-iIy read.
VI And (lOU f lill out legal panns or raid memos or make out acroniitK or hotel ,t.
V m* nils in vour •ovu hsindwriiiug. It looks l»a«L retire*!-; <>n your standing, make* ».y
<V- p«i«»|de think .uni chn’t afford a stenographer, and is sometimes umhi Minus. '•}
iu You can write out your letl'T.s TF
V* make nut an out an abstract till in • * 1 »*J
j*i __
an insurance polio\ rntri yniu card f * a 1% #
memos make out \oui acronnts.or 1 X# lj*
£■»» a hotel menu m do nnv kind nt ▼
V? weiimg you nerd, on an\ kind, size m ■ g
•[* <*» tliirUm «s ut j.apri. and sp;.r< an v X
any way \oii Want on Jf ww “ ■
f:: The* Stnnchml Visible* Writer
f., You ran writr any nf tliesr things ynuvsrlt it yon do not t. a|»| »<■ i» to hav<- a steung- ||2
laphrr F<tr yoll ean ra>i|\ h-aiii. with aii I tie pi acl io .In rilr just as I’a i-nlly and v
as perfectly as all • xnerl npeiiltor nil the OI.lVF.ii. Beeause tin* CIIdNF.K is thr -j
v*« Himplitied t\pewriie. A lid you can se.-every word vou write. Annul SO |*rr cent
M<H»F. DUitABKK than any other typrwTitrc. heeaiuo-it ii:« about .xu jirr cent LLKS #,•
V? WKAlilMi POINTS than most other typewriters. HO l• * - <«Mir I*. to write n\
lv with than tliom. -other COM I'LK-ATKI),INTUI • ATF l/YFIIINL* that require‘'hn
moling” trrhmcal knowledge long prartiee and speeia) skil; to opeiaJe. 1 hall
marhines wliieh cann«»i he adjusted to any special spare -with whi'di it is impossible
i £ij in write aliKtrarts, insurance pi>iiei«-s, or <mlil-miz*- .mcmnenls < xeept you lun run js
\ is) ive SpFd’lAL at taehiuents requiring experts to operate*. V*'i ran iulj _n.« ;§
.V* () I.IV MB to aiiv ih .isxiahle Spare von can write on A N ma hie -iz*- and Hiirk
yj u**ss of paper, right.out to the very edge, without the slid «d lN\ KXI’I.NSI \ I*. Ai- »£
V* TAt'IIMF.NT or speeial skill, and \u»iir work willia nea' appeariiig. legilde an I eleai.
' For rheOl.lVl H i- the typewriter tor the doctor, lie law\er, rite hihui Hire agynl.ihe
ineieliaiit. the hotel propri' !or "i any man who «h*es hi-* <• vn writing. VVrite ua
£u now tor oiir hnoklel on the Si \| I'Tdl'l F.|) features of the 4 >ld \l lh
The* ()livc»r (’omptmy,
/i| THE OMVKH TVI'KWItI IKIt ||i; aw ,E §
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I B. H. LEVY, BRO. & CO., j
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The* M«mtgomcrv Monitor ;md the* Sjtvjmnnh
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