Newspaper Page Text
Question of
Simple Justice.
In All tli#» controversy over th*
statu* of the state treasury, pa**t
and Isiture. one luminous fact
elands out clear and undisputed—
The common school i**H''h»'r*' of
Georgia are not being fairly dealt
with t>v the state.
While nil other employees of
the state, whether in legislative,
executive or judicial departments,
are receiving tln-ir money n“ ••urn
e.d, the school teachers alone are
forced to wait months and months
for their meager pittance.
To correct tins glaring injustice
Governor Brown has set his hand
to revise tin* state s fiscal system.
Whether extravagance has ex
isted in the past, whether it was
wrong to start the common school
system and wait a year to raise
revenue for its opera t tmi, us was
done: whether there will lie a de
ficit v of $1,000,Out) or only a half
million in the state treasury on
Judtiary I next: whet her this de
ficit is greater or less than on any
similar date in the past —all this
is tieside the iinini point, which is:
The teachers who intruot tin*
youth of Georgia are not paid
promptly nod never have .hewn
paid promptly since the common
school system was established.
This simple fact, with its glar
ing injustice, has never been
controverted, ipiestioned or de
What it means every wage.earn
er can testify.
There is here no mystic maze of
figures to confound and contuse
the uninitatc. Tin* teachers arc
h.ot getting their desserts.
The remedy for thin situation
involves questions that will en
gage the skill of export accoun
tants. financiers, constitutional
lawyers and law-makers.
Th** solution may involve in
creasing tin* consitutiniial limit of
ihe governor's borrowing power
liiii n $200,000 to $600,000. to
meet the delay in the receipt of
state’s taxes; it may mean a bond
issue to imt the state even; or ii I
may call forth some new remedy
not vet suggested.
Whatever it is. no one svillqties-j
t ion l In* honesty or the justice!
of the contention that the teach
ers of Georgia should lie paid as I
all other officers of the state are
p ud—prompt I v.
And toward this happy consnm-j
mat ion Governor brown has an
nounced that he i* working!—|
At Santa t'onatitut ion.
©•© ©©.©o© ©©© © © ©>© ©o© ©© 0 ;©: ©; ©: ©y©::©: ®©. ©.:© .© ©:•:©:• :©. e©: :©; ©;
We rrs|H*ctl’ulh rail tin* attention of onr friends to the <©
statement of this Hank, published herewith:
| The Bank of Soperton |
Soperton, Ga.
© At tin* close* of business ()ctob<*r I, UMHI ©
© ’ ©
0 l. 'Htn* and lb*tt*<tutits - - $ tUV’UI.fil
© ttv»*rdr«fts ... .45.7 H
© lliiim*. Safe and Fixture* * (*>,s<ts >1
0 t'noh and xiu** from Hunks ol,lll(i.(>0
0 Total .te.D.lM.b!!
O 0 (Vt..U.r 1, MHIN $i 1 »;i9 11 0-
q Deposit* Ort<>lw-r 1. I1IOS) 89 ©
0 Increase lIIvOSTAV. ©
co ©;
0 Before in* runic J. K. Hull. Cashier of The Bank of Seperton, Snperton, Ua., who >•♦■ injr 0
r i sworn, savsthe alm\>* statement i* a true condition of said hank a* shown by tin* books of tile.
.1. K. HALL. Cashier.
® Sw 'in to ami subscribed before tut* this the Ith <lav of (WnS*r, UH>O.
© JAMES KOWLER, (\>m. N. f\ M. C. C.a. ©
©; 0:
| We hejr to thank our friends for helping us to make this ®
© magnificent show ins: ®
© 0
© © 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0® © 0 0 © ©OOO © © © 0 © 0:010 0 ® 0.0 © 0:0
t'ol. A. L. Lanier left Tuesday:
fora business trip through Eman
uel count v. The Colonel makes
a specialty of selling farms land*,
and in the past month has mode j
several sales tor parties m this j
county. See him for lands.
Get your j<*t buttons, cabo
chons, beads, trimmings and .
jcw lery at Mrs. .1.1. Adams’.
Ladies’ neckwear, jubhoa ami
embroidered and lace collars, jot ;
hat pins. etc. Her** the Indie-,
cull be pleased with these popular
bits of finery. W, .1. A* T. A. j
Beteraon, Alley, (la.
Mr. C. J’. Moseley and daugh
ter w<*re in Mt. Vernon shopping
lust Saturday.
1 wish to say that while my col
lections have always been splendid j
some few siill owe balances on
their accounts. Such will please
settle with me or pay the amounts j
to t'ol. L. 0. I nderwood.
Mrs. 0. W. Fox.
Back combs, purses and hand- j
bags at W, J. A- T A. BetvrsonV l
Supplies TeUen by Dr. Cook.
Following is ilk* complete list of the
supplies provided from .lolin It. Kra<l
--s yaeiii for Ihe polar dash of Ur.
Frederick A. Cook:
Klevon ca«es of flour, twenty cases
comment, six barrels roriiiiieal, Ibirty
li Ino oases tiiscuils. twelve barrels bis
cubs, four cases rice.
One case smoked corned beef, four
cases pork and beans, eight eases hum.
five eases baron, fifteen eases |iemmi-
CiUj. one esse beef lollgue. Iwo rases
One case peas, sixteen cases beans,
t w o eases poiaoirs.
Tweiil.t -one eases sugar, sit cases
tea. ten cases roffee.
Four oases milk, one case eating but
ler. one tub butler for cooking, one
Inti lard.
one ease soups, one case eiin hn|i. one
ease pepper, spires, horseradish, etr.; }
one ease vinegar, pickles, mustard, etc.
One case assorted jams ami fruits. I
one case strawberr.i June for drink
ing. one case sail, one case raisins and
currants, one ease maple sirup, one
ease dried |s*aches.
.Vine rases pihacro. one rase wash
ing and baking powder.
Seven cases matches, sex epleen eases
ronl oil. i1.% gallons alcohol, one cn«e
randies, iis bags eoal. four stoves.
Ixxo alcohol stoves, lamps.
One canvas boat., one case riftes. :
2.(100 rounds amiminit:on. one Win
chester rifle. 1.000 rounds aniniunhlnn.
one thermos bottle.
Two pairs shoes, complete cooking
i <>utlit. hickory xvood for fifteen sleds
Iron, eoppor. nails and screws. j
Hedding. sleeping lings, one silk leni |
i One box tools for ironwork, one box ;
L-arpeiilers* tools, one pair ‘iekitrlnsses j
txiie lamt rit, xxilh plates.
Two dories with oars, one dozen
panes of glass f«n window*, (if f feet
slovopi|ie. ilirce (‘bail's.
Twelve fox Iraps. one keg libt - k
powder, tme box hooks goo i;h boxes |
j with wood outside.
Wood for building Imuse. rope, tw iue, >
i hurts maps, instruments, compasses,
knives and ueydles for trading with
tatix es.
UAim.irins P
Capital Stock - - - $ 15,000.00 0
Surplus .... 2, 1 50.00 ©
l udivided PrnfitM - - tL.ViIJb
(’a*>hi**r't( Cheek* - - 475 77 0
ItilU Payable - - - 10.000.00 ©
I ».*|i<ll a ... 02.-407 *lO
Total 1124.154.58 ©
Stop Pain
M l>r. Mltet’ Ann
of the Little H “" P|IU fc * v * h " n
M%*cf by me fur rhey
Tablets ~ » rKp...vh«d.xt*
•nd (*4in in U k and
J iL- sides, and in «verv
and the
p • > Mtttlisnoix"
rain IS Henry Courier.
Hoonton. N. Y.
Gone [
«m na paiss or
25 Doses 25 Cents
Y#t»r Drugfiftf sells Dr Mik» Afl«*P»l0 t PilI»
s«»l Im u suthwi/cd so mum the price of tbc fw»i
|N*tifi 1 only I if m fails so benefit you.
Barret tea of »• very d(*.s<*ript ion.
including the great rage, jets, !
ranging in price from I -»• to Toe.
\V. .1. & T. A, Peterson.
Th. Only Way.
“It takes a woman to outwit tt
lawyer." declared a woman to a
lawyer. The lawver looked incredu
lous. and tin* woman went on:
“I know it sounds incredible, still
there are occasions when tt lawyer
j is not the chief benefieian of a -mil.
j “A friend of mine in the west I
I sued a railroad cons|>nhV for dam- \
age- and secured a verdict of i
000, which was paid. Her coim-t
didn't get a ponnv of if.
‘'Site married him.’’ the woman 1
! concluded, with a triumplmiit smi 1<•
Cause For Anxiety.
Anxious Molhi*t I xxct : an or
| der to send my daughter m an in '
sane asvlion for trcalment. Sip* i-,
1 going to marrx a man thirty xcar
| older than herself.
Judge Whx. madam, girl- marry ••
■ old mop every day and are m>l con
sidered insane.
f Anxious Mother- Yes. hut the
i old man rav daughter wants to
j marry t- poor.
A. li. Lanier,
Attorney at Law,
. Will Bract ice in all t hi* (Courts of
the State.
| • 8
| Unchanging Laws. |
|| Such were* tin* statutes of tin* Modes and Persians. ||
|j With us it’s different-—we are always changing
£? goods for money, and the customer getting goods ironi my |g
JW * • css
g place gets tlie hotter of the bargain—all the time.
| I
£2 To get the best values goes on from season to season when te
von make* this store vour regular hiiviug point for
1 ' |
8 Farmers’ Supplies, Dry Goods, Groceries, 1
N Clothing, Notions, Hardware and Stoves. j|
« (iet tile top of the market bv bringing me your cotton. $2
ii . . . ... I
“ P. S. —New Home Sewing Machines are still Leading, p
Have you bought one yet? p
Iw’ R McQuee^l
jlj (Commonly known as tin* “old stand-by”)
i =i ]
U <*• I 7P Th« 0053 Subscription Offer J "7 r
J y)l< / 9 TKe Best OfVor Made for the New Year '+'■** J
! * -AND
Montgomery Monitor
I together with the superb FREE OFFERS of PARIS MODES, a woman’s
magazine; or THE SOUT HERN RURAEIST; a splendid agricultural i
paper; or TALKS FROM FARMERS TO FARMERS, an epitome $ I Jt
of farm wisdom, worth its weight in gold. All for only . . • vL I J
i The Tri-Weekly Constitution I
brightest, and biggest Southern Newspaper. FN ... I | n i* V ex <■» t»
Almost a Daily, yet at the price ol a Weekly. WllC d, ICCII
nr The Weekly Constitution once a week, with each of the above (except that
The Weekly Constitution b substituted for the Tri-Weekly) —all for one year tor only $1.40
! The Tri-Weekly Constitution presents at one sweeping view the whole area cl events. Ihe
new -of the country, -late, nation, and the world is given in each complete issue. Each week
the departments of Barm and Banners, Woman’s Kingdom, Great Agricultural South, harm- *
rrs' Bnion. Rural I ree Delivery. Poultry and others of wide interest, edited by experts,
appeal directly to those addressed.
The Weekly Constitution contains all these special features and the difference between it
and The Tri-Weekly is that the one is issued once a week (on Monday only) and the a
other three times a week—. Monday, W ednesday and Briday. ji}
If you want the Constitution alone, without any clubbing can get the Tri-Weekly
Constitution at $1 per year, or The Weekly at 50c per year, by addressing 1 he Constitution,
Atlanta. Ga. Chic sample copy sent free on request, giving with it six ol your neighbors.
\ club of 40 or 50 or more will keep an R. F. D. route above the minimum average required
fur dailv mail service. It is the great news purveyor of 1 lie whole Southland, as good in
the gulf states as on the Atlantic seaboard.
| Clubbed with The Atlanta Constitution, we have the superb FREE OFFERS shown
from which you may make your choice of one: \
(j) Talks From Farmers to farmers, a symposium of Southern farm knowledge that
I should he in the hands of every practical fanner, young or old. The articles have all ap
peared in Tri-Weeklv Constitution under same title and made one of the greatest features of
this splendid farmers’ paper. It will be mailed to you immediately upon receipt of order.
(_>) The Southern Ruralist, one of the best agricultural papers in the south. Jt is a
semi-monthly edited by a farmer on his own farm, and is intensely practical and helpful.
(D Paris Modes, a woman’s magazine, monthly. There are fashions in it. as the title !
indicates, and thev are right up to date. Do not think they are all of the sylph-like, hipless,
clothe- pin si vies of the extreme devotees of the changeable flirt called .“Fashion.” They
are all prettv and becoming and up to date, <0 that the ladte- may leel well-dressed and in
the st vie wlio follow them. But you get more than mere fa-hions. There are stories, poems,
storvx'ites. incidents of travel, -casonahle articles for entertainments, home keeping, cookery,
! care of the person, sanitation and hygiene, plant culture and ail the re-t that go to make up
a monthlv feast for the busy woman who reads as she works, who relaxes from one task and
; j finds charm in the ever-varying features of woman's work that is said to be never done.
• Remember, our paper one year, ami THE TRI-WEEKLY CONSTITUTION, Mon
day. Wcdnesdav and Friday, three tunes a week, txxr <>ne year, and your selection of one !
front the three alternate free offer-, till for Si. 75: or the whole combination (except that The
Wceklv Constitution is -übstitnted for th. Tri-Weekly) for only SI -40
v Send at once. Get right on. Don t miss a copy. Address all orders for above com-